15 Feb 2023 -aatif, Astrologer-when Saturn Is Near Sun Within 15 Degrees, It Is Known As: Combustion

Discussion in 'Astrology, Astronomy and Crop Circles' started by CULCULCAN, Feb 15, 2023.


    CULCULCAN The Final Synthesis - isbn 978-0-9939480-0-8 Staff Member

    Astro Aatif

    2m · 15 FEB 2023

    15 Feb 2023 -Aatif, Astrologer
    -When Saturn is near sun within 15 degrees, it is known as: COMBUSTiON

    Astrology Update: A Final week of Aquarius Season

    Let's talk about Traditional Astrology inside Aquarius last days of the season…

    & !!

    Saturn Getting Malefic Via Combusta (Sunlight I
    s Heavily Burning Saturn Influence
    & Overall Longevity & Health)
    Although Saturn in Aquarius is very much at his Domicile Zones
    (Traditional ruler of Aquarius) there is a problem these days with this ancient Malefic Planet "Kronos/Cronos"...

    The problem is that the SUN is getting too close to Saturn
    & this is why SATURN is burning these days & this is what ancient
    & traditional Astrology call this phase or the term is known as; "",
    & this is the type of phase for a PLANET where it loses itself & burns under the heavy sunbeams...

    The closer a planet gets to the Sun after entering a certain minimum distance,
    the more combust it gets.


    Saturn is said to combust if it is close to the Sun within 15 degrees
    & planet loses some of its strength by virtue of being too close to the Sun
    and is called a combust planet.

    Anytime a planet falls within that degree with the sun, the Sun rays will be combust the planet.


    1- Moon: 12 degrees

    2- Mars: 17 degrees

    3- Mercury: 14 deg & 12 deg when retrograde

    4- Jupiter: 11 degrees

    5- Venus: 10 degrees when direct, 8 degrees when retrograde

    & : The Sun Light Burns Saturn
    Whenever Saturn Being Domicile In Aquarius Gets Close To Sun Rays,
    He Loses His Strength As Well As His Malevolence Gets Weakened
    & The House Saturn Rules, Gets Malefic & Weekest At The Same Time...

    The Saturn Is considered a malefic planet because it signifies practicality,
    true realistic approach, logic, discipline, law and order, patience, delay,
    hard work, labor, and determination.

    ♄ ...

    “A combust planet is like a dying person.”

    in astrological terms means that it may become comparatively weaker
    due to being too close to Sun, as the Sun may burn some of its strength out.

    So in short, During Saturn's combustion,
    natives are likely to get negative impacts from Saturn-ruled houses
    & energies this Transiting Saturn is throwing inside their Horoscopes...


    Conjunction with or the aspect of a malefic on the combust planet
    increases the severity of combustion

    Although Combustion is always strongest for Saturn as per laws
    or rules of 15 degrees close range the season also creates differences in this equation or rule…

    : An Aquarius Combustion

    Whilst Saturn has a dignity score in Aquarius due to being “Domicile”,
    the Sun has negative marks being “Detrimental” in Aquarius…

    So this Combustion process between Sun & Saturn in Aquarius sign
    could be tricky & should be considered carefully before being judgmental
    or quick relevance of negativity or fearing it…

    This Aquarius Season could be heavies on Saturn (Solar Sun) via Combusta
    but some positivity here is that it's not happening in the safest

    Or strongest zones of SUN because, SUN is weakest in the sign of AQUARIUS
    while Saturn is strongest so today, Saturn can dominate SUN heavy HEAT
    of Rays/Beams, however, if the same combination of Sun and Saturn is placed
    in the sign of Aries & since SUN exalts in ARIES, and Saturn becomes combust,
    this combustion is likely to be much stronger than the one that is currently happening
    in the sign of Aquarius where SUN is Detrimental in Aquarius…

    Saturn is Combusted in Aquarius & in the 11th Sign Or House In Astrology,
    Saturn is extremely comfortable here and gives excellent and auspicious results
    but not it's getting combusting.

    In Vedic & Indian Astrology, general phenomena about the combustion of Saturn
    we will see old age people, poor and needy people in poor condition.

    In general, people will be lethargic.

    Even if it causes delays, strikes, or any other problem in the judiciary system
    and legal matters of people.

    ' : I will give a few examples

    - - For VIRGOS, there would be a delay in examination
    & submission of papers when they are in a competitive mode of giving exams,
    daily errands, and service & even their health could be compromised these days
    with the operating or cure could also go in doubts by doctors
    or even they are clueless how to improve exercise routines & overall health regime…

    - - For Libras, Saturn is their EXALTED & comfortable GUIDE
    Or Teacher but due to Combustion, there could be concern about the health
    & physical well-being of their CHILDREN & if LIBRA WOMEN are pregnant this month,
    it could be furtherly delayed with complications that might also take place…

    Also, it advised to LIBRAS for bearing & matter spending their investments
    on “Speculative projects”, because they could lose a lot of money
    & their PROFIT could go in vain or further delayed with worries & danger of getting penniless.

    - - For Scorpio folks, this Combustion will cause a delay in communication
    with their Parents & one of their parents might be dealing with ill health
    or trouble with health issues are also likely to take place during this COMBUSTION period
    of Saturn (Sun Light is literally burning the DOMESTIC peace
    & harmony these days for SCORPIO sign)

    . Scorpio should be careful if they are planning to separate from the joint family system
    or trying to go away from their MOTHERLAND, as their sense of loyalty is getting compromised
    & travel could be further delayed & this way, the whole family could suffer from depression,
    separation, or maybe PARENTS & CHILDREN might be living separately due to unclear
    & depressive events & domestic tussle…

    - - For Aquarian Folks, Saturn rules their 12th house (Capricorn)
    as well as their own ASC (Aquarius), so this Combustion is compromising their Self-image,
    receptivity to the surroundings, overall confidence is shaky with a lot of self-doubts
    & they might be acting way too harsh on our themselves.

    & they should be well aware of their open enemies as well, as their enemies
    or internal/external factors may sneak through their health system
    & because of this, they need to properly take care of their health
    because if their confidence is shaking, they won't be able to fully express
    their individuality & hence, Aquarius loses its health whenever it's not showing
    their proper unconventional personality, freedom & lifestyles
    & also, authorities could give a lot of delays while they communicate with them,
    & they might have dealt with Depression
    & Withdrawal tendencies are also likely to happen if they are on HEALING-Journey…

    There are many other theories other than the COMBUSTION process
    or phase of a Planet getting close to the Solar King “SUN”,
    such as; Sunbeams, Cazimi, Combusta, etc
    & I will keep writing about every influence from time to time…

    Until the next time, With much love & care,
    1f338. 1f496. 1f3f9. 1f3f9. 1f496. 1f338.
    #combustion #SaturnCombust #Saturn #Exaltation #sunrays #sunlight #combustivel #traditional #traditionalastrology #ancienthistory #God #father #fatherfigure

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