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Discussion in 'OFF TOPIC SUBJECTS' started by CULCULCAN, Mar 11, 2021.


    CULCULCAN The Final Synthesis - isbn 978-0-9939480-0-8 Staff Member


    The government watchdog group Judicial Watch has revealed that corrupt National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases (NIAID) director Anthony Fauci colluded with communist China to spread lies about the Wuhan coronavirus (Covid-19).

    Perhaps the biggest misinformation spreader out there, Fauci conspired with the Chinese Communist Party (CCP) to deceive the American public as to the true nature of the plandemic.

    Both Judicial Watch and the Daily Caller News Foundation (DCNF) obtained 301 pages’ worth of emails showing communications between Fauci and H. Clifford Lane of the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services (HHS). In these emails, Fauci agreed to abide by the CCP’s request that he keep one of its epidemiology analyses, released in January 2020, “strictly confidentiality.”

    These emails, according to DCNF editor-in-chief Ethan Barton, “set the tone early on in the coronavirus outbreak.”

    “It’s clear that the WHO (World Health Organization) allowed China to control the information flow from the start,” Barton explains. “True transparency is crucial.”

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    Fauci colluded with communist China to lie about coronavirus “pandemic” (newstarget.com)

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    Fauci colluded with communist China to lie about coronavirus “pandemic”
    03/29/2021 / By Ethan Huff / Comments
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    The government watchdog group Judicial Watch has revealed that corrupt National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases (NIAID) director Anthony Fauci colluded with communist China to spread lies about the Wuhan coronavirus (Covid-19).
    Perhaps the biggest misinformation spreader out there, Fauci conspired with the Chinese Communist Party (CCP) to deceive the American public as to the true nature of the plandemic.
    Both Judicial Watch and the Daily Caller News Foundation (DCNF) obtained 301 pages’ worth of emails showing communications between Fauci and H. Clifford Lane of the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services (HHS). In these emails, Fauci agreed to abide by the CCP’s request that he keep one of its epidemiology analyses, released in January 2020, “strictly confidentiality.”
    These emails, according to DCNF editor-in-chief Ethan Barton, “set the tone early on in the coronavirus outbreak.”
    “It’s clear that the WHO (World Health Organization) allowed China to control the information flow from the start,” Barton explains. “True transparency is crucial.”
    According to Judicial Watch President Tom Fitton, the emails also “show WHO and Fauci’s NIH (National Institutes of Health) special accommodations to Chinese communist efforts to control information about COVID-19.”
    Early on in the plandemic, Fauci approved a WHO-requested press release “especially” affirming communist China’s Covid-19 response, which was draconian in every sense of the word. Since that time China has gone back to “normal” while the measures imposed here in the United States, such as wearing a mask and avoiding other humans, remain intact.
    The latest revelations also show that Fauci was complicit in spreading fake data and numbers about the spread of the Chinese virus that were procured by the CCP. Every step of the way, Fauci committed treason with the CCP and he systematically proceeded to destroy America with his tyrannical impositions.
    Fauci is guilty of committing treason against the United States

    Other emails obtained through a Freedom of Information Act (FOIA) lawsuit that was filed after the HHS failed to directly respond to information requests from The Daily Caller back on April 1, 2020, reveal other conversations among corrupt government officials that colluded with communist China.
    Communiques between Lane and WHO Technical Officer Mansuk Daniel Han, for instance, reveal that certain data forms were “tailored” to accommodate “China’s terms.”
    “… so we cannot use the ones from before,” Han stressed to Lane in his effort to comply with the CCPs requests.
    A briefing package from the WHO that was sent to NIH officials traveling to China on Feb. 13, 2020, also show that American officials were told to not share information with the public until an agreement was made with China.
    “IMPORTANT: Please treat this as sensitive and not for public communications until we have agreed communications with China,” the header read.
    On March 4, 2020, a Chinese journalist by the name of Zeng Jia sent an email to Lane pointing out that the number of Chinese virus “cases” reported in the WHO Joint China Mission’s report were inconsistent with the number reported by the Wuhan Public Health Committee.
    Other emails show that communist China’s National Health Commission had been allowed to call all of the shots concerning foreign officials traveling to the country to investigate what was then a largely unknown situation concerning the nature of the Wuhan coronavirus (Covid-19).
    “It is beyond reprehensible all the positive attention that Fauci gets for a virus that he is responsible for,” wrote one commenter at WND.
    “He broke the rules because he is arrogant and irresponsible. He refused orders not the do the virus. He is responsible for all the deaths and destroyed economies of the world. What does he get? Celebrity status and more arrogance for him.”
    More of the latest news about the Chinese virus and Fauci’s complicity in using it to usher in communism here in America can be found at Pandemic.news.
    Sources for this article include:
    Anthony Fauci, big government, CCP, China, Chinese Communist Party, Collusion, communism, communist China, coronavirus, covid-19, deception, deep state, depopulation, evil, Fauci, left cult, lies, outbreak, pandemic, treason

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    Fauci colluded with communist China to lie about coronavirus “pandemic” (newstarget.com)

    CULCULCAN The Final Synthesis - isbn 978-0-9939480-0-8 Staff Member


    CULCULCAN The Final Synthesis - isbn 978-0-9939480-0-8 Staff Member

    understandingproblems. lootersstealing. tricksters.
  4. admin

    admin Well-Known Member Staff Member

    The politics in Australia and globally!

    Well done Craig Kelly on Sunrise, March 17th, 2021. In your next interview, you might be able to ask your host about who exactly pays for the global- and Australian lock downs. And who is behind the 'financing' of the 'lock downs' Craig?
    Why do you think the world wide 'lock step' response to ban cheap therapeutic 'vaccine remedies' like Ivermectin and HCQ appears to be so coordinated? Most fundamentally, Craig, the medical science became an industry of the Rockefeller-Rothschild oil-banking cartels from 1913, when the US ability to create its own currency became 'federal reserved' by overseas (read UK) global banking aspirants.

    So there is no 'real medical science' apart from particular business models since Woodrow Wilson's treachery of Chrismas 1913.
    Perhaps the WECF and global technocracy is black mailing most governments 'to finance the lock down costs' through and by the federal banking cartels under quasi-government international 'treaty' authorities' like the World Bank, IMF, CFR, Club of Rome, Atlantic Council, WTO, IMF etc etc from the 'State within state' independent jurisdictions like the City of London, New York's Wall Street, Vatican and Washington DC.

    You of all people should not be afraid of the 'conspiracy' label any longer.
    Conspiracy realism represents a great intellectual challenge to compliant conformity theorists, worshipping fake bureaucratic authority at the altar of global technocracy! It is the worship of the triple A credit rating to the bankster cartel of the globalist cabal/cult disguised as federal reserve banking, paying basically the bills of all governments. Ergo Australia is blackmailed by the financiers 'paying' for the lock downs worldwide, holding individual 'governments - lol' to ransom.

    ,The ransom money was given under condition of global vaccination population control. So the 'mysterious' worldwide plandemic response loses its mysterious status. Recall traitor Scomo's (in Australia) willingness to 'contribute' to the UN scamdemic response fund.
    The scientific-medical ignorance is evident globally. Do people generally know that the Astra Zeneca poison=pharmakea uses an adeno Chimpanzee 'virus-generic agency' as an intermediate to genetically modify via the mRNA spike protein interaction? So the Pfizer and Moderna are more direct, but have the same effect of genetic engineering as the AZ and the JJ.

    The most deadly strain has not yet appeared. It is incubating in Canberra and is provisionally known as the Bureaucrat Covid21.
    The Bureaucrat Covid21 has an incredible reach in that, whilst originating in Canberra, ACT, it will in just 1 Day spread globally to encircle every country on the Earth.
    Then towards the end of 2021, the Bureaucrat 21 will be renamed the Technocrat 22.


    The Mark of the Electroporation Tattoo and the Crisis in Science

    Robert F. Kennedy Jr. and Dr. Andrew Kaufmann describe the Vaccination Industry and the messenger RNA vaccine and its implications
    The Crisis of Corruption in Science is exposed by the Corbett Report
    Last edited: Mar 31, 2021

    CULCULCAN The Final Synthesis - isbn 978-0-9939480-0-8 Staff Member


    CULCULCAN The Final Synthesis - isbn 978-0-9939480-0-8 Staff Member

    Canadian Doctors Speak Out Against COVID

    medical DOCTORS in CANADA speak up !!!

    A group of medical doctors in Canada have come together and are cutting through the Covid-Deception with facts and actual science. If you have loved ones who are buying into the fear narrative being presented by governments and the mainstream media I strongly suggest showing them this video.

    Corporate oligarchs are using Covid-19 as a smoke screen to conceal the greatest wealth transfer in human history. Covid-19 is not a health pandemic or even a biological weapon. It's a psychological weapon where a coordinated effort meant to use fear in order to eliminate critical thinking and compel compliance. It is nothing more than a strong delusion and people are enslaving themselves through the power of a now transparent lie.

    see article / video here

    Canadian Doctors Speak Out Against the Covid-Hoax | Kenan (gab.com)

    CULCULCAN The Final Synthesis - isbn 978-0-9939480-0-8 Staff Member

    Covid Is an Orchestration for Serving an Agenda—The Destruction of Freedom

    Covid Is an Orchestration for Serving an Agenda—The Destruction of Freedom - PaulCraigRoberts.org

    Paul Craig Roberts

    Institute for Political Economy

    Covid Is an Orchestration for Serving an Agenda—The Destruction of Freedom

    January 5, 2021 | Categories: Articles & Columns | Tags: | print. Print This Article

    Covid Is an Orchestration for Serving an Agenda—The Destruction of Freedom
    Paul Craig Roberts
    The accumulated evidence is overwhelming that Covid is an orchestration the purpose of which is to eliminate human autonomy and make the concept of freedom a dirty word that will bring you Covid illness and death.
    As physical currency is one necessity for human autonomy, globalists are working on its replacement with digital money. Paper currency, coins, money orders, and checks pass hand to hand and allegedly carry possible infection with Covid. In contrast, digital money is virtual. No one touches it. More importantly for the globalists, It cannot be drawn out of an account in physical form and horded or hidden. You cannot make anonymous payments with digital money. Privacy leaves your life. You become totally transparent.
    Some hope that people will have their own private digital money in the form of crytocurrencies. However, transfers can be prevented between an official digital monetary system and private crytocurrencies. Moreover, private cryptocurrency payment of rents, mortgages, car loans, grocery store bills, and so forth can be banned and enforced. A private cryptocurrency economy would have to operate outside of the official digital money economy. As the purpose of digital money is to eliminate human autonomy, such a parallel economy would be suppressed.
    The same goes for payments with gold and silver coins. You could pay for a private service or for privately grown food from gardens if gardens are permitted in a world of artificial food made in factories, which is what the World Economic Forum’s “Great Reset” encompasses. But you couldn’t purchase a house or car or airline ticket with gold or silver.
    People welcomed the digital revolution without recognizing its totalitarian consequences. They love their smart phones, the Internet, video games, social media, online payments, the ability to work from home. Perhaps many are agreeable to giving up independence and autonomy for these conveniences. Even if they are not, they are likely to find themselves trapped inside such a system before they become aware of its consequences.
    Not that warnings are not all over the place. MIT’s Gideon Lichfield tells us that there is no going back to normal from Covid. Controls over our behavior are the new normal. Freedom, liberty, civil rights are not compatible with a Covid world and the Great Reset that the Covid world is being used to put in place. The World Economic Forum isn’t bashful about describing what is being put in place for us: https://www.paulcraigroberts.org/20...eset-says-it-means-the-end-of-human-autonomy/
    The change that elites are bringing to us is so radical that people dismiss it. But their smart devices have already ensnared them into the change.
    The future that is unfolding is a restoration of ancient times when people were regimented under the control of priests or Druids. Any person showing any sign of independence was a prime candidate for sacrifice to appease the gods. Throughout the Western World this is already happening to truth-tellers. Manning, Assange, Snowden.
    If people want to be free, they are going to have to eliminate the globalists and dispossess the billionaires. Every last one. It is pointless to peacefully protest, because as the stolen US presidential election makes completely clear, the elites have no regard whatsoever for democracy and the people’s voice. They hate the concept of government accountable to the people.
    The preferred government is one accountable to the elites, just as ancient governments were accountable to priests, Druids, and pharaohs. It seems clear enough that this is the direction in which the Western World is headed. World Economic Forum Founder Klaus Schwab explained on May 13, 2019, to the Chicago Council on Global Affairs that the era of freedom was over and done with.
    View: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=CVIy3rjuKGY

    Notice that the new era of freedom’s absence “is upon us.”
    Why is is upon us? How is it that it is independent of “us.” Did God unleash the new era? No. It is upon us because it is what the elites are doing to us. The global elites are making us think that it is ordained and cannot be resisted. If we fall for this and permit it, we will be responsible for destroying our own freedom. Why not instead destroy those who seek to destroy us?
    They can be resisted. All that has to be done is to round up a handful of totalitarian globalists. Nothing like the casualties of the Bolshevik Revolution, the American Revolution, the French Revolution are required. Freedom is not up against an established multitude that needs to be eliminated. Only a few globalists who are seizing power while people sit cowering sucking their thumbs.
    If the globalists are not eliminated, they will eliminate us in the sense of our autonomy, our independence, our ability to express a point of view contrary to the elite’s, our humanity.
    These last few lines will produce demands to know if I am advocating violence. I am advocating nothing. I am describing a situation and asking a question. We are losing our freedom. Are we going to do anything about it?
    Perhaps I am mistaken. But based on available information it is apparent that governments in the Western World are committing violence against the peoples whom they allegedly represent. Violence against people goes far beyond arrests for not wearing a mask and fines for not maintaining social distance. Lockdowns are dispossessing people of their businesses, prohibiting family gatherings and freedom of association. These are massive interferences with rights that took centuries of struggle to achieve. And it is all for nothing as the death rate from Covid is miniscule.
    The Western World frozen in fear by lies and propaganda has abandoned freedom.
    Are the people of the Western World going to accept the violence enacted upon them and the cancellation of their rights?
    If the people of the Western World will not defend their freeom, they will not have it.
    See also: https://www.paulcraigroberts.org/2021/01/05/the-covid-deception-updated/

    Covid Is an Orchestration for Serving an Agenda—The Destruction of Freedom - PaulCraigRoberts.org

    CULCULCAN The Final Synthesis - isbn 978-0-9939480-0-8 Staff Member


    First Court Case Against Mandatory Vaccination

    Attorney Interview
    By Spiro Skouras

    In this interview, Spiro is joined by Attorney Ana Garner of New Mexico.

    Garner represents her client Isaac Legaretta, an officer at the Doña Ana County Detention Center
    and a military veteran, who is suing the county over its new policy for first responders
    to receive the COVID-19 vaccinations or face termination.

    Attorney Garner explains the significance of this case and what is at stake,
    as it is the first of its kind and may set a new standard for legal precedent
    regarding mandatory vaccination.

    Garner says she is prepared to take this case to the Supreme Court if necessary.

    Spiro and Ana Garner also discuss another case of hers that is ongoing currently.

    A case that challenges not only the Governor of New Mexico, but the emergency itself.


    CULCULCAN The Final Synthesis - isbn 978-0-9939480-0-8 Staff Member

    COVID-19 Was a Biological Attack by the Chinese Communist Party - Lawrence Sellin, Ph.D.


    Yes, COVID-19 Was a Biological Attack by the Chinese Communist Party – Lawrence Sellin, Ph.D.

    By Joe Hoft
    Published April 1, 2021 at 10:08am
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    Guest post by Lawrence Sellin, Ph.D.
    In a must-read article in the December 2020 issue of Indian Defense Review, Dr. Sharad S Chauhan defines “Opportunistic Bioterrorism” as:
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    “Concealment of the emergence of a biological agent, pathogen or a disease by acts of commission or omission with the knowledge that such an act will harm or kill humans’ animals or plants with the intent to intimidate or coerce a government or civilian population to further political or social objectives or by using a situation to get power or an advantage.”​
    That “opportunity” was COVID-19, a product of policies and actions undertaken by the Chinese Communist Party (CCP).
    TRENDING: HUGE BREAKING NEWS: Arizona Senate Republicans Courageously Announce Team Who Will Perform Maricopa County Election Audit and It's Good News for America!
    First and foremost, it is critical for everyone to understand that, in the People’s Republic of China, there is no difference between military and civilian research centers.
    Chapter 78 of the CCP’s Thirteenth Five-Year Plan (2016-2020) describes the fusion of military and civilian research including the area of “synthetic biology.”
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    Even prior to the publication of that plan, it had been common practice for the CCP to change the name of military research centers to something more civilian-sounding and for Chinese scientists to disguise their military connections.
    A second component of the CCP’s military-civilian fusion effort is the integration of Chinese scientists working abroad as part of the network, even to the extent that Chinese scientists have become U.S. citizens, but remain active members of the CCP’s program.
    In that way, foreign institutions and foreign funding sources become de facto partners in the CCP’s research program and contributors to China’s military and economic might.
    The most glaring, but far from the only example of such American “useful idiot” participants in the CCP military-civilian research program, is Dr. Anthony Fauci, whose National Institutes of Allergy and Infectious Diseases (NIAID) funded coronavirus research in the Wuhan Institute of Virology via long-time CCP research collaborator Peter Daszak, who is head of the EcoHealth Alliance.
    The CCP integration of military-civilian virus research is led by the Academy of Military Medical Sciences, where Dr. Wei Chen, a Major General in the People’s Liberation Army (PLA) and the virologist, is Director of the Institute of Bioengineering and presumed to be the head of China’s biological warfare program.
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    In January 2020, the CCP dispatched Major General Wei Chen to Wuhan to take charge of the response to the growing pandemic. She was also responsible for China’s COVID-19 vaccine development.
    It is also Major General Wei Chen’s own experience and research connections that provide the background for the origin of COVID-19.
    The following is just a snapshot of a more widespread and deeper internal and international network representing the fusion of China’s military-civilian research program.
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    In 2004 and 2005, Major General Wei Chen was working in the Institute of Microbiology and Epidemiology, Academy of Military Medical Sciences, where she studied the spike protein of the first SARS coronavirus using a genetic technology called RNA interference to silence gene expression of the virus, as well as analyzing immune therapy in SARS patients.
    According to her publication record, between 2008 and 2013, Major General Wei Chen conducted experiments on dengue fever virus in the Department of Microbiology, Third Military Medical University, Chongqing.
    It is important to note that Chinese whistleblower Dr. Li-Meng Yan claims that the backbone of the COVID-19 virus, bat coronaviruses ZC45 and/or ZXC21, was characterized and genetically engineered under the supervision of the Third Military Medical University in Chongqing.
    Around 2014, Major General Wei Chen returned to the Academy of Military Medical Sciences as Director of the Institute of Bioengineering, where she supervised human testing in Africa of a genetically engineered viral vector Ebola vaccine.
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    Dr. Yusen Zhou was one of the Chinese military scientists, who collaborated with Major General Wei Chen in the response to the COVID-19 outbreak.
    He received his training as a military medical doctor and also studied the spike protein of the first SARS coronavirus in 2004, while working in the same research center as Major General Wei, the Institute of Microbiology and Epidemiology, Academy of Military Medical Sciences.
    Yusen Zhou’s co-author on that 2004 scientific article “Identification of Immunodominant Sites on the Spike Protein of Severe Acute Respiratory Syndrome (SARS) Coronavirus: Implication for Developing SARS Diagnostics and Vaccines” was Dr. Shibo Jiang.
    Also a graduate of a military medical university, Shibo Jiang worked at the Lindsley F. Kimball Research Institute of the New York Blood Center for nearly twenty years and received more than $17 million in U.S. research grants, the vast majority coming from Fauci’s NIAID.
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    During that period, Shibo Jiang developed an extensive network of collaborative research with other U.S. virus research laboratories and became the nexus connecting China’s military-civilian research program with those in the United States.
    At the same time, Shibo Jiang maintained research activities with Yusen Zhou and several PLA laboratories, described in detail here, while simultaneously inviting other Chinese scientists into his U.S. laboratory.
    One was Dr. Lanying Du, allegedly Yusen Zhou’s wife, who is still an employee of the Lindsley F. Kimball Research Institute in New York and recently received a 5-year grant totally $4.1 million from Fauci’s NIAID.
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    Shibo Jiang’s U.S. network consisted of laboratories conducting cutting edge coronavirus research, including the controversial “gain of function” experiments:
    Dr. Ralph Baric, University of North Carolina, Chapel Hill NC
    Dr. Fang Li, University of Minnesota Medical School, Minneapolis, MN
    Linfa Wang, director of the Program in Emerging Infectious Diseases at Duke University-NUS Medical School, Singapore
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    Chien-Te K. Tseng, University of Texas Medical Branch Galveston, home of the Department of Defense-funded Center for Biodefense and Emerging Infectious Diseases and the high viral BL-4 containment facility.
    All of the above are linked to the CCP’s military-civilian research program via Yusen Zhou or the “bat woman”, Dr. Zheng-Li Shi of the Wuhan Institute of Virology.
    Another CCP scientist linked to both the Chinese military and the highest levels of U.S. research programs is Dr. Gao Fu, also known as George F. Gao, a virologist and immunologist, who has served as Director of the Chinese Center for Disease Control and Prevention (CCDC).
    In 2019, he was elected a foreign associate of the U.S. National Academy of Science and the U.S. National Academy of Medicine.
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    Gao Fu is a long-time research partner of China’s military with whom he published in 2002, 2005, 2006, 2007, 2008a, 2008b, 2010, 2011, 2013, 2014a, 2014b, 2018, 2019 and 2020.
    Gao Fu’s colleague at the CCDC, Dr. Wenjie Tan, is not only linked to Shibo Jinag and Yusen Zhou, but is a close collaborator of Dr. Zhenhong Hu from the General Hospital of Central Theater Command of the PLA in Wuhan.
    Zhenhong Hu conducted research with the Third Military Medical University from where the bat backbone of the COVID-19 virus is alleged to have originated.
    The Third Military Medical University was also Major General Wei Chen’s place of employment for five years.
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    It is perhaps no coincidence that, according to patient data, the epicenter of the outbreak during its earliest phase was the General Hospital of Central Theater Command of the PLA (map coordinates 30.53148, 114.34356).
    That location is less than one mile from the P-3 level laboratory of the Wuhan Institute of Virology, Hubei Engineering and Technology Research Center for Viral Diseases (map coordinates 30.53941, 114.35085).
    That information also matches data published by the Wuhan Wuchang District Health Bureau stating that the highest concentration of infections in the early phase of the outbreak occurred in the residential areas about one mile from the hospital.
    Those observations fit, in time and location, the social media data obtained from the Sina Weibo platform, which was designed as a channel for suspected COVID-19 patients to seek help.
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    It is interesting to note that during May 2020, the U.S. National Academy of Science initiated a series of conference calls between Chinese and U.S. scientists to exchange information about the ongoing COVID-19 pandemic.
    The three Chinese participants on those calls were Gao Fu, Wenjie Tan and the “bat woman” Zheng-Li Shi of the Wuhan Institute of Virology.
    The calls could also be described as de facto briefings for China’s military.

    There is still much we do not know about the origin of COVID-19, largely due to a cover-up operation led by the CCP and facilitated by members of the Western scientific community, some U.S. government officials and a compliant media.

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    One could argue that they are all co-conspirators in “Opportunistic Bioterrorism.”

    Lawrence Sellin, Ph.D. is retired from an international career in business and medical research with 29 years of service in the US Army Reserve and a veteran of Afghanistan and Iraq. He is a member of the Citizens Commission on National Security. His email address is lawrence.sellin@gmail.com.

    COVID-19 Was a Biological Attack by the Chinese Communist Party - Lawrence Sellin, Ph.D.


    CULCULCAN The Final Synthesis - isbn 978-0-9939480-0-8 Staff Member


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