14 June 2022 ~ The Sagittarius Super Full Moon ~ 14 June 2022 ~ Dale Osadchuk

Discussion in 'Astrology, Astronomy and Crop Circles' started by CULCULCAN, Jun 14, 2022.


    CULCULCAN The Final Synthesis - isbn 978-0-9939480-0-8 Staff Member


    2022 Sagittarius Super Full Moon
    14 June 2022
    ~The theme is the healer, to repair that which is broken
    ~Dale Osadchuk

    14 June at 4.52 am PDT- 7.52 am EDT- 12.52 pm BST (summer time GMT)
    7.52 pm AWST Perth- 9.52 pm AEST Sydney, NSW, Australia

    When Sister Moon is in her fullness she lights up the dark and casts silver blue shadows on the land. She illuminates the theme of whatever sign she is visiting. In Sagittarius she is asking what you believe to be true for you. Are you being guided by your spirit and its wisdom or belief systems that have told you what you need to believe? This Full Moon is the time to free your spirit and follow your true path of Enlightenment. In the world it is time to release judgment, prejudice, and dogma, and embrace the Oneness of all with Loving Kindness.

    Sagittarius is the sign of embarking on a Vision Quest.

    What is of true meaning in your life?

    Its astrological symbol is The Archer who draws back the bow
    and lets the arrow fly to the new.

    This Full Moon is at 23 degrees Sagittarius
    and aligned with the Fixed Star Ras Alhague
    in the astronomical constellation of Ophiuchus,
    the Serpent Holder.

    Its theme is the healer, to repair that which is broken.

    We talked about the “world is broken”
    in our Gemini New Moon post of May 30, 2022.

    We now each have the opportunity to share our Loving Light
    to heal the world.

    But first we must heal ourselves.

    The planetary guide for Sagittarius is Jupiter currently
    at 05 degrees Aries.

    Jupiter supports us to grow and expand our spiritual vision
    and in Aries new inspired beginnings.

    I find it interesting at this Full Moon that Mars (assertive action)
    and Chiron (healing the wounded) are conjoined at 15 degrees Aries.

    They are in a square aspect (motivation for change
    and finding new ways of doing things) to the Dwarf Planet Ceres
    at 12 degrees Cancer, the Universal Mother,
    unconditional love and healing original wounds.

    Especially anger.

    The Moon in Sagittarius is the ruler of Ceres in Cancer.

    In Esoteric Astrology (Alice Bailey) the Earth is the Soul Centered ruler
    of Sagittarius and she is travelling with The Moon
    at 23 degrees Sagittarius (healing the Earth as we heal ourselves).

    The Sun at 23 degrees Gemini is asking us heal duality and unite in love.

    The Gemini Sun is trine (removal of obstacles) Saturn Rx
    at 25 degrees Aquarius (strengthening our cosmic consciousness)
    and the Moon and Earth are sextile Saturn (opening new doorways of unity).

    But this Full Moon squares (motivation for change)
    Neptune at 25 degrees Pisces
    (what is true, what is not true, what should never be true).

    Neptune in Pisces is connecting to the mystical and The Oneness.

    Although it rules Pisces it is also guided by Jupiter in Aries
    (inspired new beginnings).

    And Neptune is sextile (new opportunities)
    Pluto Rx at 28 degrees Capricorn (transformation of self and society).

    Pluto always asks us to let go of what no longer serves us.

    And Mercury (our thoughts and perceptions)
    has just re-entered Gemini (choosing to unite in Love).

    Our Animal Totem guides for the Moon and Earth in Sagittarius are Elk,
    strength, stamina, and support of community, and Owl,
    spiritual wisdom and understanding.

    For the Sun in Gemini we are guided by Deer, sensitivity, empathy,
    and loving acceptance.

    They are reversed for the Southern Hemisphere.

    For all of us The Clan Mother who guides Sagittarius is Gives Praise.

    She teaches us to make space for Abundance and to develop inner strength.

    She teaches us to change our consciousness and walk the Pathway to Peace.

    For the Sun in Gemini we are guided by Storyteller.

    She is the Guardian of the Magical Spirit.

    She teaches us how to listen to others point of view
    and when we speak to speak from the heart with kindness and compassion.

    (The 13 Original Clan Mothers by Jamie Sams).

    Just a personal update.

    Our tree that fell was removed on May 25.

    The Moon was in Aries and joined Chiron in Aries,
    new inspired beginnings.

    And Mercury in Taurus was trine Pluto in Capricorn
    (removal of obstacles).

    Thank you Universe.
    Namaste and blessings,
    To contact me email at daleosadchuk@rogers.com

    I am offering astrological telephone sessions again.

    CULCULCAN The Final Synthesis - isbn 978-0-9939480-0-8 Staff Member

    14 June 2022
    Full Moon
    Photographer: Joe Elgo

    CULCULCAN The Final Synthesis - isbn 978-0-9939480-0-8 Staff Member

    Meme by: Joe Elgo

    CULCULCAN The Final Synthesis - isbn 978-0-9939480-0-8 Staff Member

    14 Jun 2022
    Full Moon

    CULCULCAN The Final Synthesis - isbn 978-0-9939480-0-8 Staff Member

    "Grandfather cuts loose the Ponies"
    Photographer: Jack Darling
    14 June 2022
    Full "Strawberry Moon"
    rises over the "Wild Horses Monument "
    by Vantage Washington.

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