14-15th, 16th To 29th October 2022 ~ Astrologer Aatif ~ No More Sadness

Discussion in 'Astrology, Astronomy and Crop Circles' started by CULCULCAN, Oct 14, 2022.


    CULCULCAN The Final Synthesis - isbn 978-0-9939480-0-8 Staff Member


    Astro Aatif

    Distinctive Cosmical Archetypal Goddesses
    & Linkage To The Daily Transits & Astrology
    - Predictions For 14th - 15th October 2022
    Perhaps A Day To Leave Toxic Relationships Behind
    "No More Sadness"

    Gemini Transits Such As Waning Gibbous Luna & Assertive MARS
    getting afflicted by the various GODDESSES Sailingly active in the SKY

    Energies On Saturday & Sunday:

    1- Luna Squares Diana #78 In Pisces

    3- Luna Conjunct Mars In Twinned Gemini

    2- Gibbous Luna Gemini Trines Hestia #4 In Aquarius

    4- Luna Conjuncts Retrograde Neptune In Pisces

    Note: I will not go into each & individual influence by all these transits
    I have already discussed in my previous posts/articles
    (you need to read my previous posts & walk through them patiently
    for complete insights & understanding)...

    I will just stick to one point agenda in this post…

    That is about DIANA #78 activation right now

    Here comes the Waning Gibbous Moon Creating Stressful Energies
    With Diana #78 - The Goddess Of Self-Protection, Defence System,
    Child control & Protecting The Virginity Of The Innocent & Young Girls Around Her

    As I have mentioned in my previous article that this GEMINI Lunar Cycle
    is very tricky & deep in terms of Psychological issues, Divorce initiations, Misunderstandings, and Developing new bonds through connectedness
    (Libra points & season),
    but also this GEMINI Transit is very assertively active
    & Bold for taking Separative & Isolative steps just to secure herself
    from getting being exploited (Either psychologically or physically abused
    or assaulted by the controlling authorities & men inside the toxic relationships)...

    There are the reasons, because of different goddesses active in the sky
    afflicting this Gemini & Libra Season.

    Such as Diana #78 & then Vesta #4 sitting Or floating inside Aquarius.

    So yeah, the game is on until the LUNA enters CANCER sign on the 15th,
    this influence of psychological & Independent Goddesses is extremely high
    for the MUTABLE signs such as Pisces/Virgo & then Gemini/Sagittarius
    affecting the deeply developed Consciousness of the Shadows
    of the POLARITIES & AXIS of 6/12 & 3/9 Sectors
    of the ZODIAC (Horoscopic Charts)...

    Time to heal yourself by recognizing your boundaries, and building up walls
    around your heart so no opportunist could enter there to exploit your vulnerabilities
    of Self-sacrificial side of the SWEET Pisces or whatever sign you (Women)
    may have & who act very sacrifical, compassionate & sympathetic towards
    the sufferings or for those come up with SOB STORIES only to take advantage
    of such sweet hearts…

    Themes Of Luna In Gemini & Different Goddesses: Familiarity With Self-Consciousness, Complete Recycling Process Of Changing Up Your Life Suddenly,
    Unexpectedly Through Experimentation Of Gemini, Rigidity Of Aquarius
    & Protecting The Virginity To Avoid Catching Up Abuse, Psychological Traumas
    From Controlling, Manipulating & Abusive

    Men In The Society

    Highlights Of Transiting Moon, Mars, Neptune,
    Diana 78, Hestia 4 & Saturn In Aquarius:

    1- Empowerment & Self Confidence

    2- Isolative Attitude For Withdrawal Of Attachments & Feelings

    3- Knowing One`s own & other`s Fears & Vulnerabilities

    4- Protect Yourself Through ChildControl

    5- Learn About Your Internal Strength

    6- Increased Fitness, Explore the World Of Your Own Imaginative Castles & Hideouts

    7- Focus On Building Up Walls Around Your Heart
    So That No Man Can Harm You
    Through His Dominance, Bad Intentions & Authoritativeness
    As Well As Abuse (Mental &

    Influence Of Moon, Mars, Diana, Neptune & Hestia Influence:
    14th - 15th October 2022
    Sudden Feelings Of Sadness In Moods, Taking Isolative Measures
    TO Recollect Yourself Religiously & Spirituality, Protecting a Belief System
    Of One`s Own For The Sake Of Higher-Self & Transcendence
    To Find The Meaning Of Life Through GOD`s Preachings & Feelings Of Independence, Isolation From The Toxic Men & Society...

    Getting Familiar With Women's rights, Protecting Vulnerable & Innocent Girls
    From Getting Exploited & Losing Their Virginity Without Consent.

    Also, Initiative The Process Of Divorce, Child-Custody Issues
    & Of Course Settlement Of Money issues, Getting Separated Quickly
    & unexpectedly Due To Monotonous, Abuse, Psychological Traumas,
    Taking Separation Just For The Sake Of Getting Experience
    Or Experimentations For The Sake Of Self-Independence, Freedom
    & Enjoying The Life Of “Single - Freesoul”.

    Regards, & its Time To Secure Not only yourself but the innocent girls/women
    in societies & your communities you are living in, from Getting Exploited
    By Abusive & Manipulative Men Roaming Around The Society & Communities
    For Hunting Prey

    (Either through Abductions, Rapes & Men Who Like To Give Women A lifelong Psychological Traumas).

    Astrologer Aatif
    #patroness #patron #diana78 #goddesses #goddessenergy #asteroids #astrology #astrologypost #astrologyreadings #astrologymemes #zodiacsigns #fortuneteller #counselling #psychologist #psychedelic #depressive #Gemini #libraseason #LibraSzn #articles #energies #higherself #healing #spirituality #Aquarius #mooningemini #waninggibbous

    CULCULCAN The Final Synthesis - isbn 978-0-9939480-0-8 Staff Member


    CULCULCAN The Final Synthesis - isbn 978-0-9939480-0-8 Staff Member

    14 oct 2022
    The Milky Way over Snow-Capped Himalayas

    CULCULCAN The Final Synthesis - isbn 978-0-9939480-0-8 Staff Member



    Astro Aatif
    4m ·

    #Astrology Predictions For 14th - 15th October 2022
    #Gemini Gibbous 1f316. At 23°♊︎00’ ☌ Warrior 2642. Gemini
    1- ☽ ☌ 2642. ⚹"Eris ♁ Discordia" Aries
    2- Luna △ Hestia ⚶ Aquarius
    3- Trines △ Sun ☉ In Libra
    4- Squares NEP in PISCES
    Themes & Influence Of Archetypal Goddesses & Planets:
    Sense of isolation asks us to surrender our physical body for a greater cause
    & "Change" through communication & short travels for Adaptability's sake
    (Also major change in energies through restlessness,
    Sibling influence & using short distance travel)...
    But due to 2642. in ♊︎ Sextiling Discordia ♁ In #Aries,
    A Contradictorily pushes toward Provocative Reactions
    & Discontentment Due to warmongering urgencies developing in the moods.

    Rather Utilize these energies into constructively active intuition & CREATIVE/Artistic ventures though
    & don't rely on the ISOLATION part.

    Isolate if you want "#Divorce" the irrelevant PARTNER (Marriage - Libra Sun),
    & then utilize #VESTA energies for INWARD transformation & Healing Process.

    Also, if you want then Lose yourself for the GREATER Cause & Transformative "Inward HEALING",
    through TRANSCENDENCE to reach to the level of "higher self" through Spirituality,
    finding Meanings Of World & Linkage With GOD, Via Prayers, Meditation, Compassional Work For Humanity,
    & Also today 15th Oct 2022 is a good day for Congregational activities & Find the GOD.

    Utilizing the truest energies of the goddesses for achieving higher self,
    INWARD Journey using collective consciousness for the betterment of your growth
    & evolution process as a better human being who is beyond Sex, Marriage, Pleasure & Playful FLIRTING .. 270d.
    Astrologer Aatif
    #Hestia #Goddesses #goddessesenergies #VestaInAquarius #MarsInGemini #MoonInGemini #Astrology #predictions #Fortunetelling #Transformation #HEALING #higherconsciousness #Higherself #eris #discórdia #Discordia #ErispointAries #MarsSextileERIS #MoonConjunctMars #Asteroids


    CULCULCAN The Final Synthesis - isbn 978-0-9939480-0-8 Staff Member


    14 oct 2022
    Photographer: Stonehenge Dronescapes
    Twilight at Stonehenge last night
    This doesn't happen that often, the colours
    showing this late after sunset, this was captured at 19.07
    which was 50 minutes after sunset
    #sunset #stonehenge #twilight #sunsetphotography

    CULCULCAN The Final Synthesis - isbn 978-0-9939480-0-8 Staff Member


    CULCULCAN The Final Synthesis - isbn 978-0-9939480-0-8 Staff Member

    15 Oct 2022
    In Nature you will find
    the Righteousness of Strength to never give up . . .
    ~ Cisco G Ramirez

    CULCULCAN The Final Synthesis - isbn 978-0-9939480-0-8 Staff Member

    Grey-breasted Mountain Toucan By @jainymariak

    CULCULCAN The Final Synthesis - isbn 978-0-9939480-0-8 Staff Member


    Astrology by Aatif
    Astro Aatif

    Hi folks i am back with some interesting lesson for you
    to understand the concept of SHADOW PERIOD of a Planet...

    Mercury Turns Direct - Leaves Post-Shadow Retrograde
    Finally, the wait is over, & the Hermes/MERCURY
    - Planet of Communication, Computers, Mental Perceptions,
    Documentation is fully direct now from 16th October 2022 at 8 LIBRA…

    Mercury Leaves The Lingering Effect
    (Confusion, Disturbance, Mental Fog & Lack Of Clarity
    Because Of Getting Anxious About Making a Decision)
    & Post-Shadow Retrograde Motion
    & Fully Direct Now in LIBRA - The Scales.

    Although Mercury turned DIRECT back on 2nd October 2022
    it was still floating into the POST SHADOWS period
    which is always very tricky to handle in terms of Dealing,
    day-to-day communication
    & stuff related to the MERCURIAL Placements
    or Planetary traits/attributes.

    But finally, from 16th October 2022,
    MERCURY is fully direct until it goes towards the another upcoming
    Station/Phase of its Retrogradation motions ahead…
    (Of Course in the sign of LIBRA).

    Note: Mercury will now (Next) go into Retrograde phase/motion
    or station from 29th December 2022 in the SIGN of Capricorn

    (Keep this date in mind please,
    as I will let you aware of some interesting facts
    about these upcoming transitory periods of planet mercury
    & others or course as we head towards the new year ahead).

    How to judge the POST-Shadow period or Station of a Planet??

    Post Or Pre Shadow Or Lingering Motion Of A Planet

    - An anxious & recovering time the direct planet needs
    to recover the distance that it retreated through while in retrograde

    (Going back & forth to the point where it had started its official Rx motion)

    A Cheat code formula:

    A Planet always leaves the post-retrograde shadow once it reaches
    and passes the degree it is stationed retrograde in or from...

    Mercury leaves the post-retrograde shadow once it reaches and passes
    the degree it stationed retrograde in..

    i always write down those points for reference & memorizing Planetary motion
    to save my time when i am making Readings/Predictions for my clients...

    & this way i dont have to go back to the lengthy "EPHEMERIS" calendars or graphs.

    Let me explain this theory: Actually, the simplest formula to keep in mind is,
    whenever a Planet starts off with its Stationed-Retrograde Motion journey,
    it has to travel back & forth all the way to the same degree it had started
    or stationed-retrograde from, right?

    If you remember this,
    you will never forget this myth
    or secret behind calculating the upcoming events
    (i use these techniques or cheat-codes for my prediction work with clients).

    For example:

    Mercury stations retrograde on September 9, 2022, stations
    and turn retrograde at 8° Libra 55′ Rx (you see 8 Libra 55
    is the point where Mercury had started its official Retrograde journey from),

    Then, Mercury stations direct on October 2, 2022, and turns direct at 24° Virgo 12′
    people started celebrating & finding their life getting easy ahead
    but they forgot that another most anxious & confusing
    or tricky week coming their way ahead to further test their patience…

    because Mercury was about to go into post-shadow motion/phase
    which could get more worst then actual Retrograde phase,
    if not handled correctly or wisely)

    But now, Mercury finally leaves its shadow on October 16, 2022,
    & by leaving the Retrograde Zone (post-retrograde shadow)
    at 8° Libra 55′, Mercury is fully & officially direct

    Now you see the point again? 8 Libra 55 (8 deg & 55 mins)
    was the point MERCURY started its retrograde journey

    & by going back (Movie backward)
    into the VIRGO sign to the 24 VIRGO 12
    to leave Rx motion behind
    & then it has to travel all the way towards 8 deg of LIBRA
    by spending weeks inside Virgo-Libra lol
    to achieve this 8 LIBRA 55 point
    where it was to get fully direct
    by leaving “Post-Shadow” phase behind…

    From 16th October 2022:

    No More Confusion Of Lingering Effects Anymore

    Mercury in LIBRA Sign, now allows you to do anything in your life
    in terms of communication, diplomacy
    and bringing peace through considering every dissent
    & point of view before making any important decision in your life….

    Use this balance to welcome any kind of difference of opinion
    & give respect to the 2nd opinion before making any decision
    & since LIBRA believe in Partnerships,
    it's high time to form more ties
    & connection with intellectual people to bring more harmony
    & avoid any scam through double-check things
    & for LIBRA this Double-check thing is related to the taking valuable
    or different opinions/advice before making any important decision of their life…

    Note: MERCURY will remain in LIBRA SIGN until 29th October 2022
    & from 29th Oct 2022, MERC will continue to float
    its FORWARD/DIRECT journey into the sign of Scorpio…

    Regards, & i will also post all this on my main PROFILE
    so you can share this post if you want.. 1f642.

    Happy learning Astrology
    Astrologer Aatif

    CULCULCAN The Final Synthesis - isbn 978-0-9939480-0-8 Staff Member


    Distinctive Cosmical Shift In Energies...

    #Astrology Update For 18th October 2022: The Lunar Cycle

    Here comes the Lunar 1f317. Cycle In Leo: The Lion king Roars

    The 1f317. Last Quarter Luna 1f317. Ingresses LEO ♌︎ - From 18 - 20th Oct 2022

    Organs: Heart, aorta, blood circulation, blood pressure, heart rate.

    Yes - Surgical operations are recommended during the Waning Moon.


    Energies By This Last Quarter Moon For 2.5 Days Ahead, Until the Luna Leaves LEO Sign:

    Energies By Last Quarter LUNA 1f317. : Action Packed 2.5 Days Ahead

    18 - 20th October 2022

    1- 18th October At 00° 264c. 00’ Enters LEO 264c.

    2- 18th October At 00° 264c. 59’ △ Jup ♃ in ARI 2648.

    3- 19th October At 12° 264c. 12’ ⚹ Mercury ☿ in Lib 264e.

    4- 19th October At 17° 264c. 44’ □ Ura ♅ in Tau 2649.

    5- 19th October At 18° 264c. 35’ 180° ☍ Saturn ♄ in AQUA 2652.

    6- 20th October At 24° 264c. 52’ ⚹ Mars 2642. in Gemini 264a.

    7- 20th October At 26° 264c. 18’ ⚹ Ven 2640. in Lib 264e.

    8- 20th October At 27° 264c. 00’ ⚹ Sun ☉ in Lib 264e.

    Themes: Where Dare Is Stronger Than Fears…

    Generous, Bold, Affectionate, Warm, Leading from the front, Excessively Over-demanding,

    Craving for Acknowledgement & Attention, Showmanship & Extravagance.

    As this Last Quarter Luna ingresses into LEO immediately creates a FIERY 120° TRINE
    with Retrograde JUPITER in ARIES - The Ram sign…

    it will add an adventurous & very bold instinct to this LUNAR CYCLE & adds some excitement

    & outdoor activities to your life ahead for many hours & if there is a night,

    will be very enthusiastically bold & daring night & very adventurous as well.

    Testing Phase For Leo, Taurus & Aquarius On 19th Oct 2022: Luna 90 Deg Squares URA-♅

    in TAURUS ♉︎ & 180 Opposing Energies with SAT-♄ in Aquarius ♒︎

    While this luna is very energetic, generous & easily motivated, a testing time of a few hours will emerge in the sky

    & shake you up in terms of personal relationships, getting possessive, jealous, & somewhat rigid

    when it comes to defending one`s own Belief-system & possessiveness (out of stubbornness)...

    Pressure will be built on the whole family system around 19th October where this Last Quarter Lioness LUNA

    will create stressful energies with URANUS & SATURN & this will form a very intense TSQUARE between Leo, Taurus

    & Aquarius respectively in the sky which will unsettle & test the whole NURTURING

    of the Family & there will require a lot of adjustment to make within close relationships

    & to control anger, & stubbornness,

    you will need a lot of flexibility shown to overcome this short-lived stressful phase of this Lunar Cycle ahead…

    You will definitely want to break free from the cage set up by those in your family
    who want to control you & compromising your freedom

    & high independence of your LEO Lunar Side… & at the same time,

    pressure will be enforcing you towards obeying the authorities

    & taking all responsibilities of family + professional at the same time (simultaneously)

    while forgetting your playful & easygoing ROMANTIC side

    & this way, you will feel immense pressure inside you & make you worrisome

    & melancholic due to fears of Boundaries, Restrictiveness

    & extra FAMILY BURDEN on your shoulders will be so high that you might tend

    to feel exhausted by following up so much pressure

    & responsibilities coming from family, children, spouse, & professional authorities at workplace…

    By 20th October 2022, real fun & ease of pressure will start & you will find it much easier

    to enjoy your life that particular day.

    Sextiling to Air Signs (Gemini & Libra) on the same day will add many colors

    & joyous sparks to your adventurism & playful LEO side...

    60 deg harmonious energies with Mars, & VENUS + SUN in Libra will bring Generosity,

    Bold, Directiveness, Adventurous, & flirtatiousness in your lifestyle

    with a lot of fun in terms of “Socializing” & arranging parties at home being a great host,

    or maybe outdoor fun such as watching movies in cinemas, going out on Dates... Etc

    In the end, after throwing a lot of COLORS to your lifestyle & adventurism,

    this Last Quarter LUNA will ingress into VIRGO - The Maiden ahead…

    Where you will feel different energies altogether ( A major shit)...

    Late on 20th October 2022…

    So make the best & most out of this LIONESS LUNAR CYCLE for 2.5 days.

    Just be careful about the influence of the 19th though…

    Regards & for personal readings, feel free to contact me in the PM ahead…

    Enjoy this Last Quarter dance in LEO...

    Astrologer Aatif

    #Leo #LibraSzn #libraseason #mooninleo #leomoon #LionessRoar #lioness #zodiacsigns #zodiac #prediction
    #fortuneteller #horoscope #Horoscope2022 #horoscopetoday #predictions #astrologyreadings #astrology
    #astrologypost #Astrologer #tarotreading #tarot #lions #Aquarius #Taurus #Saturn #uranus


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