13 July 2022 ~ Full Moon ~ Usa Pluto Return ~collective Dark Night Of The Soul

Discussion in 'Astrology, Astronomy and Crop Circles' started by CULCULCAN, Jul 12, 2022.


    CULCULCAN The Final Synthesis - isbn 978-0-9939480-0-8 Staff Member


    Ruby Falconer

    4h ·

    Full Moon on July 13, 2022, at Capricorn 21°21’, 2:38 pm EDT.

    This Full Moon brings another echo of the Jupiter/Pluto/Saturn conjunction
    of 2020 though a T-square involving Eris in Aries, Sun/Ceres/Mercury in Cancer, and Moon conjunct Pluto in Capricorn.

    The US Pluto return continues.

    Pluto takes 240 years to orbit around the Sun;
    not all governmental systems last long enough to experience a Pluto return.

    For those that do, this transit is a plunge into Pluto’s underworld realm,
    a collective Dark Night of the Soul.

    Another powerful player is Eris, Goddess of Strife and Discord.

    Eris is a dwarf planet, discovered in 2005; her influence is thereby new
    to our consciousness.

    In Greek myth, Eris is a shit-stirrer.

    Excluded from a party celebrating the birth of the king’s child,
    Eris showed up anyway.

    She threw an apple into a circle of beautiful goddesses,
    intended for “the fairest of them all.”

    An argument started, leading to the kidnapping of Helen, the Queen of Troy.

    This affront began the war which ended with the destruction of Troy.

    Eris has long been considered the disgruntled female, bent on revenge.

    But her behavior can also be understood as an expression of the anger
    of the feminine, confined and diminished by the hierarchical oppression
    of the patriarchy.

    There is no room for someone like Eris in a male-dominated society,
    disinclined as she is to play the game.

    What she can do, however, is mess with their game,
    thereby gaining some measure of power.

    In the last few years, Eris has been stirring a lot of shit.

    Uranus moved through a conjunction to Eris from 2015 - 2017,
    corresponding with the Me-Too movement.

    Since 2020, Eris has played a role in the societal dismantling
    paralleling the Great Shift Alignment.

    And now she dominates this Full Moon phase. Do not underestimate her.

    July 12, 2022, by Ruby Falconer.

    Available for chart readings. www.shamanicstarology.com.

    Art: Eris Discordia Goddess of Chaos by Emily Balivet
    “Shamanic Egyptian Astrology; Your Planetary Relationship to the Gods” by Ruby Falconer & Linda Star Wolf.
    #astrology #shamanism #shamanicstarology #ShamanicEgyptianAstrology #CapricornFullMoon #Eris

    CULCULCAN The Final Synthesis - isbn 978-0-9939480-0-8 Staff Member


    CULCULCAN The Final Synthesis - isbn 978-0-9939480-0-8 Staff Member

    14 JULY 2022 ·

    Capricorn Full Moon 21 2651. 21 04:39 AM AEST 14/07/2022 06:39 PM UTC
    13/07/2022 I take responsibility for my emotions and I choose to feel the way I feel.
    I am successful in everything I do.

    CULCULCAN The Final Synthesis - isbn 978-0-9939480-0-8 Staff Member

    Dale Osadchuk
    9h ·

    2022 Capricorn Super Full Moon

    13 July at 11.38am PDT-2.38 pm EDT-7.38 pm BST (summer time GMT)
    14 July at 2.38 am AWST Perth- 4.38 am AEST Sydney NSW Australia

    The theme of this Cancer Moon cycle that began 28 June has been Mastery
    Through Change and finding our intuitive power and its wisdom.

    (The Tarot Constellation of The Chariot).

    Now at this Capricorn Super Full Moon we add the theme of Relationship and Choice,
    The Tarot Constellation of The Lovers.

    The choice to separate in fear (Capricorn) or to unite in love (Gemini).

    Cancer is a First Quarter sign, making a decision, taking action, and breaking free,
    Capricorn is a Fourth Quarter sign, revise, adjust, realign.

    And most importantly re-vison.

    I have always felt Cancer is our Spiritual Destiny Path and Capricorn is our Soul Purpose Path.

    This Full Moon illuminates that theme.

    In the English language the word Soul vibrates to the number 13, healing, release, transformation, and rebirth.

    The Moon is at 21 degrees 21 Capricorn and is travelling with the astrological Earth at the same degrees.

    It is the guide for Mercury at 17 degrees Cancer 42 (our intuitive wisdom) the Sun
    at 21 Cancer 21 (our sense of self) and Ceres at 25 degrees Cancer 34 (honouring our Earth Mother).

    The Moon, Mercury, and Ceres are all *out of bounds* (thinking outside the traditional boxes).

    As always Full Moons ask us to identify where we are out of balance and find the path to inner peace.

    The Moon is guided by Saturn (responsibility and breaking through obstacles) Rx

    at 24 degrees Aquarius 05 (being guided by Cosmic Consciousness).

    Aquarius is found on the Tarot Constellation of Strength, courage of your convictions,

    connecting with your inner strength, courage to be your true self, strengthening your connection to Source.

    Saturn is trine (removal of obstacles) Venus at 24 degrees Gemini 50 (relationship and choice).

    She is Square (motivation for change) Neptune Rx at 25 degrees Pisces 22 (illusion or illumination).

    Pisces is found on the Tarot Constellation of The Hermit, journeying within. Neptune is sextile
    (new spiritual opportunities) the Moon and Earth in Capricorn and is Trine (removal of obstacles) the Cancer cluster.

    It is also the Soul Centered ruler of Cancer. The Moon will meet with Pluto Rx at 27 degrees Capricorn
    on June 14 at 12.17 am EDT. Release and transformation.

    Pluto is the Soul Centered guide for Pisces.

    There are two more important activations to include. Chiron at 16 degrees Aries 25 is square
    (finding new ways of doing things) this Full Moon.

    Chiron is the healer and supports us to find solutions to whatever is blocking us from feeling empowered in our lives.

    The other activation is the planet Uranus at 18 degrees Taurus 12 travelling with the North Node
    at 20 degrees Taurus 41 (new directions and breaking through to what is of true value and importance).

    They are trine (removal of obstacles and going with the flow) the Moon/Earth in Capricorn (Soul Purpose)
    and sextile (new doorways opening) the Cancer planets.

    They are squared by Saturn (limitation and restriction) but sextile Neptune (the path of illumination).

    It will be important to work with this positive energy.

    July 31/Aug 01 The North Node and Uranus will be at 18 degrees Taurus joined by Mars at 18 degrees Taurus. Breakthrough or explosive?

    Taurus is found on the Tarot Constellation of The Hierophant, the path of the wise teacher.

    Whatever you experience be guided by your Soul Wisdom.

    Our Animal Totem guide for the Capricorn Moon/Earth is Snow Goose, follow your dreams and vision.

    For the Sun and other planets in Cancer we are guided by Flicker Woodpecker who guides us through transitions with All Healing Love.

    They are reversed for the Southern Hemisphere. The Clan Mother for Capricorn is Talks With Relations.

    She is the guardian of the Earths Needs and the Mother of the planetary family.

    She teaches us to enter the sacred space of others with honour and respect.

    The Clan Mother for Cancer is Loves All Things.

    She is the Mother of unconditional love and teaches us acceptance and how to forgive ourselves and others creating harmony.

    (The 13 Original Clan Mothers by Jamie Sams).

    Full Moon blessings to all,

    To contact me email at daleosadchuk@rogers.com I am offering astrological telephone sessions again.

    CULCULCAN The Final Synthesis - isbn 978-0-9939480-0-8 Staff Member


    CULCULCAN The Final Synthesis - isbn 978-0-9939480-0-8 Staff Member

    In the month of July...
    The Full Moon is called The Buck Moon
    to signify the new antlers that emerge on a deer buck’s forehead
    around this time.

    Male deer, or bucks, shed their antlers and grow new ones every year.

    Deer belong to the Cervidae family along with elk, moose, reindeer, and other species.
    Native American tribes

    call the moon in July:

    A Hay Harvest Moon,
    A Raspberry Moon,
    A Salmon Moon, or
    A Thunder Moon
    this is because of all the thunderstorms in the summer,
    that occur frequently.

    In Celtic, The July Moon was known as:
    The Claiming Moon, The Herb Moon, The Mead Moon, or
    The Wyrt Moon which indicates the time of the year to:
    gather herbs aka wyrts to dry, to harvest, or to press to create
    special oils, remedies and spices.

    The Anglo-Saxons called it The Hay Moon after the hay harvest in July.

    CULCULCAN The Final Synthesis - isbn 978-0-9939480-0-8 Staff Member


    Full Buck Moon In Goat Horned Inside July: Some Facts
    by Astrologer Aatif

    13th July 2022 (After 3 hours), it will be the year's biggest
    & brightest Super Buck Moon that will be visible here in ASIA (Pakistan).

    The Moon Landing was the main event: On July 20, 1969, NASA's Apollo 11 crew
    touched their Eagle lander down on the lunar surface.

    According to the Old Farmer’s Almanac, it was at this time on July 20, 1969,
    that Neil Armstrong became the first person to step foot on the Moon
    and planted the U.S. flag in its rocky soil.

    The Apollo 11 crew successfully landed on the moon on July 20, 1969.

    On July 20, 1969, astronaut Neil Armstrong stepped down from Apollo 11's lunar module
    onto the surface of the moon, the first human in history to do so.

    "During every 27-day orbit around Earth, the Moon reaches both its perigee,
    about 226,000 miles (363,300 km) from Earth, and its farthest point, or apogee,
    about 251,000 miles (405,500 km) from Earth."

    July`s Full Moon (The Buck Moon) is also known by other nicknames according
    to different cultures including Hay Moon, Mead Moon, Rose Moon, Elk Moon, and Summer Moon.

    Photo Details: The full "Buck" moon rises behind the Russian Orthodox Church of the Apostle Andrew
    and all Russian saints, in the village of Episkopeio southwest of Cyprus.
    Photo by Amir Makar. 1f913. 1f60d. 1f60d. 1f60d.
    #Capricorn #fullmoon #fullmoonnight #buckmoon #supermoon

    • Susan Lynne Schwenger says:
      it is also known by medicine people,
      as the supermoon - thunder moon 1f609.
      it is also a raspberry moon - and; it is also wyrt (herb) moon
      - a time for gathering - drying and pressing of herbs to make spices & oils

    CULCULCAN The Final Synthesis - isbn 978-0-9939480-0-8 Staff Member


    Astro Aatif

    Here comes the toughest transit of July 2022 so far!!

    Venus Squares Neptune - The Tell-Tale Broken Heart

    Reality check for Mutable Axis & Signs; Pisces/Virgo & Gemini/Sagittarius

    The Saga About The Betrayals, Deceptions & Lies Coming Through The Cheaters

    Who Once Supposed To Be Your Saviors & Soulmates

    ”I guess I thought you'd be here forever

    Another illusion I chose to create

    You don't know what you got until it's gone

    And I found out just a little too late

    I was acting as if you were lucky to have me

    Doin' you a favor I hardly knew you were there

    But then you were gone and it all was wrong

    Had no idea how much I cared…”

    Themes & Major Problems: Despite knowing the fate of the relationship,

    you still continue to be in & hoping against the hope that they`d stay

    forever & they are sure your soulmate (Which was manifested only in your head full of imaginations)

    & you continue to remain into self-denial &

    for years & years, you just keep ditching yourself more than they can actually bring damage to you

    & your heart. Its actually you who keep on denying the reality because of the FOG on your MIND & Heart

    about the Deceptive Person who was actually very mean & selfish towards you &

    was only passing/killing his time but you were never gonna believe that just because

    you have a habit to not recognizing the reality check with the

    realization of the outcome of the relationship ahead (Which always be that way),

    but since you have made up your imaginative world with the person

    that you keep on denying the facts & even if external people keep telling

    or informing you about that Cheater/Liar, you don't believe them

    & only listen to your “Fragile Heart” & not gonna listen up the advice of your Brain/Head…

    Another famous possibility with this nasty & deceptive energy between NEP & VEN is,

    falling for your crush who happens to be related to the

    Media/Artistic field (Typical Neptune), & then you develop the addiction

    Or the syndrome of “One day my ideal will come & marry me & take me

    to the castle far away from my family & I will prove everybody wrong.”

    In the end, the results are horrible when you meet up with reality & then all dreams

    you have been building like castles in your heart & head will

    be shattered which results in heavy & escapism into melancholic addictions such as Drugs,

    Intoxicants, Anti-depressants, Insomniac, Migraines & all that Heart-related diseases...

    Be careful folks, dont give your heart to anybody during these days until these energies are intact in the sky…

    Because these Mutable VEN is very

    very flighty & especially when Nep is already Retrograde, there is a danger of falling for your toxic & cheater EX again…

    So yeah, please 1f498. 270d. 1f64f. 1f494.

    Astrologer Aatif

    #neptune #venus #venusingemini #neptuneretrograde #retrogradeneptune #Gemini #Pisces #neptuneinpisces

    CULCULCAN The Final Synthesis - isbn 978-0-9939480-0-8 Staff Member


    Astro Aatif

    13 / 14 july 2022 - full moon ·

    Full Moon In Capricorn 2651. On The GOD Icarus #1566
    - The Influence Continues For 13/14 July 2022

    Disclaimer: A continual facts & stats..
    (Please read my previous post/blog
    on full Moon in Capricorn influence
    for better understanding before you
    read this post, because its going to be very advance
    & complicated because i am going to discus a GOD
    & Asteroid influence).

    Some very intense & dangerous stats associated with this Full Moon in Goat-Horned This time Year..

    Energies By Icarus #1566, Eris #136199 , Pluto & Luna:

    Within one or two hours of Full Moon Occurrence, the Luna will start to conjoin
    the two gods such as; “Pluto & Icarus” in Capricorn & Squaring to ERIS
    is already in SKY upon Full Moon point Or hour.

    Eris 136199 Influence In Horoscopes & Daily Life: Eris Named after the Greek goddess of strife and discord,
    Eris' position in your birth chart indicates & describes the “Archetypes” like, how and where in life
    you express your rebellious side & taking up the revenge from some of the family members
    because you were badly neglected Or ignored by them for jealousy based avoidance towards you or reasons...

    How does it work with Red Alert for Cardinal Sings…

    Asteroid “Icarus” Mythology & Background: The Myth Of Icarus Fall

    The discoverer has assigned to this unusual planet the name of the mythological boy
    who escaped imprisonment on wings of wax, but he flew too near the Sun and they melted so that he fell into the sea.

    Icarus 1566 was the son of a prominent architect in ancient Greece.3 Daedelos was a legendary craftsman..

    After Daedalus had completed the construction of the Labyrinth, he was detained by Minos,
    who imprisoned him on Crete.

    Daedalus conspired to escape and made wings of wax and feathers for himself and his teenage son, Icarus.

    They flew off the coast of Crete and soared high into the sky.

    The surge of novelty, of adventure, that suffused Icarus clearly was not mediated by his prefrontal cortex,
    and his limbic was in full throttle, and up, up he rose.

    Daedalus cried after him, “Stop, stop, my son, you are flying too close to the sun!

    Your wings will melt, and you will fall and drown!”

    The rest is a myth; Icarus flew too close to the sun, flaunting hubris at Helios,
    and his wings melted, and he plummeted into the sea.

    Icarus #1566 In Horoscopes:

    The asteroid Icarus represents flying too close to the sun.

    The position (house, sign, numerical) and exact aspects of Icarus will show where a person will take risks.

    The Icarus is often seen in Horoscopes where fire over-reach was a problem or actual downfall
    occurred due to avoidance of the consequential Karmic events.

    About Astrologers: As Above - So Below concept is very much Icarus Archetypal Where
    “The astrologer as a falling Icarus, who, attempting to reach the stars…”

    Icarus relates to our impulses & an indication about dangers, risks, or areas of life
    where a native tends to run away from his or her problems to remain careless
    & shows a high amount of avoidance which disturbs the Father & Guardian figures
    at home or it could be in any professional or sector of life

    (Any relationship could suffer from this avoidance).

    Basically, a carelessness & areas of life Or even the specific phase of your life,
    where you tend to run away rather than confront difficult issues or obstacles,
    instead of taking responsibilities & in charge of handling the obstacles & hardships of lif
    e which you Or your family could go through but you will never be ready to take the responsibility
    & continue to remain in self-denial or avoiding them because you are not mentally prepared for working,
    struggling & even not ready to take out your family from Financial or any other crisis
    which is destroying the Joint family systems or especially your Mother
    Or even Partners Or Spouse has been suffering from (Capricorn/Cancer axis).

    The Libra/Aries & Cancer/Capricorn be careful

    Some great significance & dangers attach to this FULL MOON in Capricorn is,
    She is not only conjoining the God Of Underworld aka Hades/Pluto in Capricorn
    but also to the GOD of disobedience & carelessness aka “Icarus”
    & also squaring to the Golden Apple goddess of discord “Discordia Eris”...

    Major Themes & Dangers: Teens Or some of the Family members today
    Or until this influence is intact, will develop some dangerous Obsessions
    with “Death & Rebirth” subjects like Reincarnation, Romance with demons,
    Taboos of the family & investigating them through dangerous sneaking
    through instincts which could bring high consequences
    & results which could be very much “Violence Prone” & physical Or Mental abuse.

    A Time When indulgence in the existence of the individual person as a free and responsible agent
    determining their own development through acts of the will & is at its most intense/complex ways
    because of the presence of Pluto Conjunction Luna (Intensively active Manipulation & high

    Jealousy in personal relationships) Opposing Sun Opposing in Cancer Sign
    (Free Will & High determination & may practice your endurance powers
    (Dictatorial tendencies & strength) through violence & persuasion towards public
    because of strength & high endurance powers),
    & The consequences of Manipulating the Authorities For Your Personal Gains In Order To Fly High,
    To Reach The Heights Of Status-Quo & Authority,

    You Start Power Struggles With Father & The People In Charge Or Influential In Your Life
    & Neglecting The Family & Nurturing Mother Or Wife Crying Behind.

    Watch out for Depression due to the consequences that result in Pessimism & Domestic Violence,
    High Jealousy In Romance, Or Abusive

    Partners Trying To Oppress You Today.

    Also, this whole influence & heavy energies of Gods & Goddesses in Capricorn & Aries will make your love life
    very very intense with an element of “Complexity” & you will tend to feel everything deeply
    & I can sense an irritation coming through a very carefree, controlling,
    Or abusive partner which would definitely try to oppress you, out of his jealousy
    because he won't be ready to feed you with proper money & other basic necessities of life
    because he's very jealous of you & also avoiding the responsibilities which he supposed to deal
    with through hard work & ambitiousness (Otherwise), so this way you & those kinds of taboo issues
    will eventually result in a Physical Or Emotional abuse & misuse of the powers by pressing one of the weakest partners
    in the toxic relationship.

    It could be a power struggle at home with your controlling MOTHER
    where you would definitely try to avoid the responsibilities coming from her suddenly.

    Be careful of developing some kind of dangerous Scorpio like stingy obsessions, stalking
    Or mysteriously emerging vengeful thoughts,
    Or suicidal instincts in your thought process through depressive “Smokescreens”
    about the people who have previously or recently harmed you
    & you have developed enough grudges
    (Cancer Sun & Axis Of Full Moon through 180 degrees Angle with Mercury
    & Sun in Cancer opposing Goat Luna Conjoining Pluto + Icarus influence in Capricorn)... 1f914. 1f975. 1f608. 2620.

    Astrologer Aatif 1f9d0. 270d. 1f64f.
    #icarusfalls #Icarus #Capricornio #Capricorn #asteroid #asteroidgod #mythology #mythoughts
    #mythsandfacts #fullmoon #fullmoon #fullmoonvibes #cancerseason #cancerzodiac #ERIS
    #discordia #goddesses #goddess

    CULCULCAN The Final Synthesis - isbn 978-0-9939480-0-8 Staff Member

    Astro Aatif
    14 July 2022 ·

    Astrology is Real!!!
    Full Moon On Icarus + Pluto in Goat-Horned creating TSquare with Cardinals like ERIS, Sun in Cancer...
    Brutality with remorselessness & dangerous manipulation without thinking of consequences.. 1f979. 1f979. 1f9d0.

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