11 July 2022 ~ Astrologer Aatif

Discussion in 'Astrology, Astronomy and Crop Circles' started by CULCULCAN, Jul 11, 2022.


    CULCULCAN The Final Synthesis - isbn 978-0-9939480-0-8 Staff Member


    Astro Aatif
    3h ·
    11 Jul 2022

    Astrology Nugget For Asteroid God & Goddess For 11th July 2022
    The Distinctive Archetypal Goddess Demeter/Ceres Meets Cronus God Of Time & Restrictions (Saturn)
    Here Comes Ceres (The Goddess Of Grains, Harvest, Agriculture & A Second Nurturing Mother & A Protectess Of Her Daughter) creating stressful energies with the Cronus - Saturn (The God of Agriculture, liberation, agriculture, abundance, prosperity, and peace)
    Themes Of Energies Between Demeter/Ceres & Saturn/Kronos: Building Relationships Through Seriousness & Business-minded Instincts, Capacity To Nurture (if Luna is not working & providing enough Nurturing) & Urges To Protect The Daughters Through Restriction & Boundaries Through Self-Discipline & Developing & Recognizing the Boundaries
    The Archetypes Of Demeter/Ceres Through The Restriction Of Saturn: This influence will give some kind of restrictions & orderly structure to your Mother & her Moods until this energy is intact in SKY, she will be behaving overly protective, and she will keep an eye on your Routines, your friends & your circles just to ensure that her Daughter/Children are building ties under some good company (Away from drugs, fuckboys & other negative people who in Mother`s eyes, could harm to her children, especially to her daughter).
    Must be felt heavily for those under “Saturn Return” these days… Keep an eye on Parents & their mindset/moods & sense of raising children towards you these days (in extreme cases).
    Mundane Influence between Ceres & Saturn:
    Recognizing the issues regarding Grains, Agriculture & protecting the Agriculture environment & natural resources by protecting the Green Agriculture Fields from Floods & Harmful creatures which are harmful to Cropping for the “Harvest Season”, like these days, so many Countries are under heavy Floods which are dangerous for Agriculture Lands & the cropping cycles or process.
    Read the full Article on my Blog/Website here:

    Regards, 1f64f. 270d. 1fa90. 1f47c.
    Astrologer Aatif
    #ceres #demeter #asteroids #goddess #goddessenergy #greekmythology #mythology #saturn #saturninaquarius #Aquarius #cancerseason #cancerzodiac #zodiacsigns #astrology #astrologypost #astrologyreadings #astrologymemes #demetergoddess #persephoneandhades #persephone #Hades #roleplay #motherhood #daughtersarethebest #daughters

    CULCULCAN The Final Synthesis - isbn 978-0-9939480-0-8 Staff Member

    [​IMG] %2F07%2Fceres-saturn-wordpress-feature-astro-aatif.&fb_obo=1&utld=wordpress.com&stp=c0.5000x0.
    Astrology by Aatif
    Astro Aatif · 20h ·

    Astrology Nugget For Asteroid God & Goddess For 11th July 2022
    The Distinctive Archetypal Goddess Demeter/Ceres Meets Cronus God Of Time & Restrictions (Saturn): Relationship between Overly Protective Mother & Daughters
    Here Comes Ceres (The Goddess Of Grains, Harvest, Agriculture & A Second Nurturing Mother & A Protectress Of Her Daughter) creating stressful energies with the Cronus - Saturn (The God of Agriculture, liberation, agriculture, abundance, prosperity, and peace)
    Themes Of Energies Between Demeter/Ceres & Saturn/Kronos: Building Relationships Through Seriousness & Business-minded Instincts, Capacity To Nurture (if Luna is not working & providing enough Nurturing) & Urges To Protect The Daughters Through Restriction & Boundaries Through Self-Discipline & Developing & Recognizing the Boundaries...
    Archetypes Of Demeter/Ceres Through The Restriction Of Saturn: This influence will give some kind of restrictions & orderly structure to your Mother & her Moods until this energy is intact in SKY, she will be behaving overly protective, and she will keep an eye on your Routines, your friends & your circles just to ensure that her Daughter/Children are building ties under some good company (Away from drugs, fuckboys & other negative people who in Mother`s eyes, could harm to her children, especially to her daughter).
    Must be felt heavily for those under “Saturn Return” these days… Keep an eye on Parents & their mindset/moods & sense of raising children towards you these days (in extreme cases).
    Mundane Influence between Ceres & Saturn:
    Recognizing the issues regarding Grains, Agriculture & protecting the Agriculture environment & natural resources by protecting the Green Agriculture Fields from Floods & Harmful creatures which are harmful to Cropping for the “Harvest Season”, like these days, so many Countries are under heavy Floods which are dangerous for Agriculture Lands & the cropping cycles or process.
    Read the full Article on my Blog/Website here:


    CULCULCAN The Final Synthesis - isbn 978-0-9939480-0-8 Staff Member

    11 July 2022
    Georgian Bay Sunsets and Natures Beauty
    Photographer: Marilyn Mercer Chénier ·
    #Woodland Beach
    #Ontario #canada #america

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