10 Sep 2022 - Full Moon - Operation Unicorn Vs. Operation London Bridge Has Fallen Down

Discussion in 'Astrology, Astronomy and Crop Circles' started by CULCULCAN, Sep 7, 2022.


    CULCULCAN The Final Synthesis - isbn 978-0-9939480-0-8 Staff Member


    CULCULCAN The Final Synthesis - isbn 978-0-9939480-0-8 Staff Member

    Greg George
    6m ·

    Pisces Full Moon 17 2653. 41
    08:00 pm AEST 10th Sept 2022
    10:00 am UTC. 10th Sept 2022
    Having union with the Divine & Universal Consciousness will nurture your Soul.


    CULCULCAN The Final Synthesis - isbn 978-0-9939480-0-8 Staff Member


    Image: Full Moon by Vajra.

    Article by:

    Ruby Falconer

    September 10, 2022 – Full Moon at Pisces 17°41’, 5:59 am EDT. Mercury Stationary.

    The vise continues to tighten.

    Can you feel it?

    The simultaneous awareness of danger
    and new opportunities hovering just around the corner.

    Something is coming but we don’t know what it is.

    It may be wonderful,
    it may be awful, it may be both at once.

    The fourth Saturn/Uranus square is fully in effect, reinforced by Ceres
    – associated with nurturing
    – in an opposition to Saturn and a square to Uranus.

    The birth contractions are intense; new life is struggling to escape the protection
    of its cocoon yet the container is not quite willing to let go.

    The energy feels stuck but also strong.

    We cannot know if this birth will be successful or what this new life will be,
    but its time is almost here.

    Mars in Gemini
    – the Dancing Warrior
    – forms a t-square with the Full Moon opposition.

    Mercury, the principle of communication, is stationary in Libra
    and opposed to Jupiter in Aries.

    This is not a time for negotiation.

    It is easy to misunderstand and take offense at what is said by others.

    The Pisces Moon is in an approaching conjunction with Neptune.

    The veils are very thin.

    While communication with the outer world is frustrating,
    this Full Moon provides a time to connect with the watery depths within.

    In the language of Shamanic Egyptian Astrology, Pisces is allied with Sothis, the blue star Sirius.

    This is a time of introspection and internal healing.

    During this Full Moon window, go within and commune
    with other dimensional realities and connect with your Star Allies.

    Not much can be accomplished in communication with the outer world
    but a great deal can be understood from within.

    Mercury turns retrograde in Libra on September 9th, 2022 at 11:38 pm EDT
    and will turn direct in Virgo on October 2nd, 2022 at 5:07 am EDT.

    September 8, 2022, by Ruby Falconer.

    Image: Full Moon by Vajra.

    “Shamanic Egyptian Astrology; Your Planetary Relationship to the Gods” by Ruby Falconer & Linda Star Wolf.
    #astrology #ShamanicStarology #ShamanicEgyptianAstrology #PiscesFullMoon #Sothis #MercuryStationary

    Available for chart readings. www.shamanicstarology.com.

    CULCULCAN The Final Synthesis - isbn 978-0-9939480-0-8 Staff Member


    Christopher Buckley
    08 Sep 2022·

    More people are awakening now.
    The parasites are revealing themselves more and more by rushing in their evil agenda.
    Everything they do will backfire badly.
    We must not give up or lose hope.
    They can't stop the awakening, their actions will only accelerate it.
    Truth will prevail eventually 2764.

    CULCULCAN The Final Synthesis - isbn 978-0-9939480-0-8 Staff Member

    Susan Lynne Schwenger

    27 August 2022 - NEW MOON

    in the new moon i had a dream visit from a kachina,
    that remind me of this ~ AND, THEN my friend Joe Elgo, he posted this meme !!!


    CULCULCAN The Final Synthesis - isbn 978-0-9939480-0-8 Staff Member

    Pars Kutay
    08 Sep 2022 ·

    As the 9/9 PORTAL Approaching. . .
    The VEIL is Continue to BE LIFTING. .
    . as the Rainbow Clouds are increasing in the Skies around our Planet.
    The DIVINE DESIGN is at Work for us to BE Relaxed. . .
    and to BE at Ease while WE Are Experiencing the Great CHANGEOVER!
    This is a Beautiful TIME to BE ALIVE. . . Dear Ones!
    Let’s Continue to SOAK UP the Incoming DIVINE SOURCE ENERGIES of ONENESS
    and Feeling the DIVINE Presence Within us in this NOW Moment and at All Times!
    There is NO Greater POWER than the DIVINE Presence Within us!!!
    Within DIVINE LOVE of ONE
    Pars Kutay
    ~ 1f49c. ~

    • Lucienne Morin
      Thanks so much for this wonderful information Pars!!! 1f64f. 1f49c. ⚘️ 2764. 1f970. 1f64f.


    CULCULCAN The Final Synthesis - isbn 978-0-9939480-0-8 Staff Member


    CULCULCAN The Final Synthesis - isbn 978-0-9939480-0-8 Staff Member



    According to Eastern philosophies, whether it is Indian, Chinese, Tibetan or Thai,
    the left side of the body is totally different from the right side.

    Even some Buddhist monastic traditions include within their precepts for monks
    to sleep on their left side.

    Although it sounds weird resting and sleeping on your left side has many health benefits.

    Lymph drains to the left.

    The left side of the body is the dominant side in the lymphatic system.

    Most of the lymph drains into the chest duct located on the left side.

    In its path the lymph transports proteins, glucose metabolites and waste products
    that are purified by the lymph nodes to be drained left side.

    Derived from the above, it is common to infer in Eastern medicine
    that conditions on the left side of the body may be due to chronic congestion
    of the lymphatic system.

    The priorities of the body.

    According to ayurveda congestion happens in the body by following certain priorities.

    If the lymphatic system is co-managed, subsequently the liver
    and blood saturate with toxic substances.

    Primary symptoms of congestion appear on the left side of the body
    before moving to the right side where they appear later.

    Tired after a meal?

    Indian suggestion is that if you take a break after eating do it by lying on your left side.

    Break time should not exceed 10 minutes and is different
    from the afternoon nap which is usually 20 minutes or more.

    Stomach and pancreas hang on to the left side.

    When you lie down on your left side both hang naturally allowing for optimal and efficient digestion.

    Food is driven to move naturally through the stomach and pancreatic enzymes
    are secreted gradually and not in a single stroke,
    which happens if you lie down on the right side.

    When you lie on your left side your liver and gallbladder hang from your right side.

    Resting on the left side allows them to hang and secret their precious enzymes
    into the digestive tract, emulsifying fats and neutralizing stomach acids.

    When the digestive system is stimulated this way your digestive cycle is shorter
    and doesn't leave you sluggish for the rest of the afternoon.

    Try resting 10 minutes on your left side after eating.

    Feel energized and not tired after eating.

    Try to eat in a relaxed way at midday and don't forget to rest on your left side
    and check that you will feel more energetic and with better digestion.

    The magic of sleeping on the left.

    Best elimination.

    The small intestine flushes toxins through the ileocecal valve (VIC) on the right side of the body
    at the onset of the large intestine.

    The large intestine travels down the right side of your body,
    crosses your abdomen and descends down the left side.

    Through VIC, sleeping on the left side allows gravity to stimulate bodily waste
    into the large intestine from the small intestine more easily.

    By going through the night and continuing to sleep on your left side the debris
    moves more easily toward the descending colon and morning removal will be easier.

    Best heart function.

    More than 80% of the heart is located on the left side of the body.

    If you sleep on the left side the lymph drained toward the heart
    will be driven by gravity by removing work from your heart while you sleep.

    The aorta, which is the body’s largest artery, exits from the upper part of the heart
    and arches left before going down to the abdomen.

    When sleeping on the left side, the heart more easily pumps blood into the descending aorta.

    Sleeping on the left side allows the intestines to move away from the cava vein
    that carries blood back to the heart.

    Remarkably the cava vein rests on the right side of the spine,
    so when you lie on the left side the viscera move away from the cava veen.

    Again gravity makes heart work easier.

    The splinter is on the left.

    The spleen is part of the lymphatic system and is also on the left side of the body.

    Its function is that of a large lymph node
    that filters the lymph and additionally filters the blood.

    When you lie down on the left side the fluid return to the spleen
    is easier and occurs more easily by gravity.

    The lymphatic system drains all cells in the body through contractions and muscle movement
    and not through the heart pumping.

    Helping the lymph drain into the spleen and heart with gravity is a simple way to purify your body

    Give it a shot!

    And while there are no scientific protocols to it, sleeping on the left side makes sense.

    Understanding ancestral wisdom based on knowledge of modern anatomy clears up many doubts
    about the reasons one has in the east to sleep a certain way.



    Breathe Life and Healthy

    CULCULCAN The Final Synthesis - isbn 978-0-9939480-0-8 Staff Member


    CULCULCAN The Final Synthesis - isbn 978-0-9939480-0-8 Staff Member


    Location : Giant Forest of Sequoia National Park in Tulare County, California, USA.
    The General Sherman Tree is the world's largest tree, measured by volume.
    It stands 275 feet (83 m) tall, and is over 36 feet (11 m) in diameter at the base.
    Sequoia trunks remain wide high up. Sixty feet above the base, the Sherman Tree is 17.5 feet (5.3 m) in diameter.
    It is estimated to be around 2,300 to 2,700 years old.

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