10 Oct 2022 - Gamma Ray Burst #grb221009a From The Sun

Discussion in 'Astrology, Astronomy and Crop Circles' started by CULCULCAN, Oct 22, 2022.


    CULCULCAN The Final Synthesis - isbn 978-0-9939480-0-8 Staff Member


    YourMother Goose

    10 0ct 2022ยท

    DID YOU FEEL IT? This gamma-ray burst,
    named GRB221009A, is the strongest in recorded history, according to spaceweather.com.
    Gamma rays are the most powerful form of electromagnetic radiation,
    with the smallest wavelength.

    They are only produced by enormously energetic events, including supernovae,
    nuclear explosions and black holes.
    "Based on the massive energy released and long duration of the explosion,
    GRB221009A was likely caused by the collapse of a massive star,
    more than 30 times the mass of our sun,"
    Brendan O'Connor, an astrophysicist at George Washington University, told Newsweek.

    "GRB221009A was between 10-100 times brighter than other gamma-ray bursts,
    making this a once-in-a-century explosion.

    The GRB [gamma-ray burst] afterglow is booming bright at all wavelengths,
    including optical and infrared.

    "This allowed astronomers to measure its nearby distance of 2.4 billion light-years,
    which makes GRB221009A one of the closest very energetic GRBs to date," O'Connor added.

    Ore Gottlieb, a theoretical high energy astrophysicist at Northwestern University, told Newsweek: "GRB221009A was about 30 times more energetic than a typical GRB,
    making it one of the most powerful events ever observed."

    After the gamma-ray burst was detected by satellites, Andrew Klekociuk,
    an atmospheric scientist at the Antarctic Climate Program,
    used an Earth probe antenna to measure its effects.

    His data found that the waveforms of the gamma-ray burst
    and the increase in electrical current in the Earth's surface matched nearly identically.

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