10-12 Jan 2023 & 11 Jan 2023 ~ Today Is 1:11 Gateway Into Multidimensional Consciousness

Discussion in 'Astrology, Astronomy and Crop Circles' started by CULCULCAN, Jan 11, 2023.


    CULCULCAN The Final Synthesis - isbn 978-0-9939480-0-8 Staff Member


    11 Jan 2023

    ~ Today is 1:11 Gateway into Multidimensional Consciousness

    Maryanne Savino

    Wednesday, January 11th, 2023.

    Today is 1:11 Gateway into Multidimensional Consciousness.

    We are in a process of Metamorphosis Transformation.

    Focus on what lights you up and inspires you.

    It’s a most powerful day!!

    Many Bright Blessings to All!! 2728. 1f49c. 1f49b.



    CULCULCAN The Final Synthesis - isbn 978-0-9939480-0-8 Staff Member


    Astro Aatif

    10-12 JAN 2023

    The Distinctive Cosmical Shift In Energies With Waning Gibbous Moon Cycle Ingresses Virgo - The Maiden Earth Deity
    Waning Gibbous Lunar In Virgo - From 10th Jan - 12th Jan 2023

    ♍︎ :

    Pancreas, Intestine, Digestive tract, Rectum, Sense Organs: Eyes and Ears.

    Operations & Surgeries Are Recommended During Wanning Moon, But Though it Is Advised About Avoidance Of Operations When The
    Luna Is Transiting Mutable Sign…

    ♍︎ : Sustaining Into Duties, Spiritually Receptive, Perfection, Realization, Service, Observance,
    Emotionally Reliable & Grounded & Nervousness


    This Moon Cycle Invites Us To Become Observant About The Issues Related To Health Which Are Developing In Our Body Late &
    Desiring The Perfection & Nurturance In Personal Relations Based On Trust & Emotional Security.

    Also, With This Earth & Reliable Goddess Nurturance Is Dependent Upon The Practical Consideration & Putting Practicality Before
    Emotionalism & Getting Nervous About It Is Also Possible With This Transit…

    This Gibbous Virgo ♍︎ Moon Unfolds About inheriting Some Kind Of Dutiful Work, Skills & Legacies Through Your Parents &

    & ♍︎ :

    Jan 10 00°00’ Enters 0° Virgo

    Jan 11 Square Mars At 08°08’

    Jan 11 Trine Mercury At 11°49’

    Jan 11 Trine Uranus At 14°59’

    Jan 12 Trine Sun At 21°57’

    Jan 12 Opposition Neptune At 23°05’

    Jan 12 Trine Pluto At 28°02’

    This whole "Heavily Aspected" lunar cycle for 2.5 days ahead in Virgo ♍︎ can be manifested both positively & negatively… & with the
    opposition of Neptune, Squaring To Mars in Gemini & Training to Pluto in Capricorn ahead can be tricky & psychologically
    domineering, highly nervous & negative energies & natives with this heavy Virgo Lunar Cycle (Transits) can go into deep zones of the
    Shadow sides of the VIRGO which will trigger the whole “Stereotypes” of this Maiden Deity of Service & Observance ahead…

    when negatively used, this Self Control on other people around you can make you repressive authority as well and if while trying to
    press & make people under your control submissively or making them bow to your orders, you can become LUNATIC with "Sadistic
    Sophistication" and that can hurt your whole Psychological system (Which is typical to the FULL MOON born people)... & I have seen
    many Virgos suffering from Depression and their whole psyche gets disturbed and they act weirdly and mentally & emotionally go
    offline to their deep isolation zones…

    Lunar Cycles in Maiden Virgo 264d. are basically an indication of an inability to learn through the mirror and may project your detailed
    oriented subjects & Relationships onto others because of confusion & nervousness.

    Virgo do not express emotionalism and rather or instead, they tend to get nervous & quietly or conversationally analyze the situation
    and find the patterns to normalize their Emotional rhetoric feelings which are withheld and expressed through the analysis, realization,
    analyzation & verbally giving SERVICE to needy people and this is how they Nurture themselves (Through proper self-less and one-
    sided Service but left with empty hands because they usually dont get payback for their service, both emotionally Or acknowledgment)

    That said, despite challenges & heavy energies which would make Virgo's side of your very nervous, dual-minded & confused (Virgo
    Luna, Gemini Mars & Pisces Neptune squares & opposition), there are windows of opportunities to come back as a much stronger Virgo
    ahead... So dont be so pessimistically conclusive about the negative outcome without having your Horoscope READ by the Professional
    ASTROLOGER for better understanding and end results... So dont apply bad things and assumed on your own on you lol

    The Nurturing & Manifestation process for this Waning Gibbous Virgo Moon Cycle should be around things that are related to Vehicles,
    Short distant travel (Because Mercury Rules Transportation & Vehicles) but also Writing, Readings, Conversations, Phone Calls &
    exchanging ideas... very much a Gemini + Virgo matter, right? because Mercury is being ruled by both Signs.....

    Enjoy this Service-Based VIRGO Lunar Cycle & try to manifest these energies into helping the needy people, and family members
    dependent upon your critical nature (being perfectionist) & because you are desiring emotional & material security deep down, more
    than relying on emotionalism & stupid ranting, whining about love & clinginess, you are better to nurture the whole family system while
    restraining on your emotional side, hiding behind observant & critique yet practical MASK...

    With much care & love,

    1f338. 1f496. 1f3f9. 1f3f9. 1f496. 1f338.

    #virgomoon #moon #moonlight #gibbousmoon #waning #waningmoon #lunarcycle #Lunatic #astrologypost #astrologyreadings #astrologymemes #zodiac #zodiac #Virgo #CapricornSeason #lunarmansion #moonmansion #moonmagic #mansion #mansionhouse #fortunetelling #healthcare #intestine #guthealthiskey #maiden

    CULCULCAN The Final Synthesis - isbn 978-0-9939480-0-8 Staff Member


    CULCULCAN The Final Synthesis - isbn 978-0-9939480-0-8 Staff Member

    26a0. Most affected:
    2648. ARIES
    2651. CAPRICORN
    264e. LIBRA
    264b. CANCER
    - especially planets/angles close to 12 degrees (+/-5°)
    Some people might struggle behind the smile & the mask of "I am ok". Some old wounds may show up. We can be easily triggered & get hurt by words. Try to have more distance to opinions of others during this over-sensitive time & practice self-love & compassion.
    "Don't Take Anything Personally. Nothing others do is because of you. What others say and do is a projection of their own reality, their own dream. When you are immune to the opinions and actions of others, you won't be the victim of needless suffering." - Don Miguel Ruiz

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