09 Oct 2022 ~ Full Moon ~ Experiencing Your Essence

Discussion in 'Astrology, Astronomy and Crop Circles' started by CULCULCAN, Oct 9, 2022.


    CULCULCAN The Final Synthesis - isbn 978-0-9939480-0-8 Staff Member



    Ruby Falconer
    October 9, 2022: Full Moon at 4:55 pm EDT,
    Aries 16°32’; Pluto Stationary.

    Every Full Moon brings an encounter with duality,
    the defining characteristic of this dimensional reality.

    This Full Moon expresses through Aries/Libra.

    Aries – the drive to exist as an individual. Libra
    – the need to relate to others.

    Individual expression vs relationship.

    How can we be fully ourselves
    and also be in relationship with others?

    In traditional astrology, Aries is the initiator of new life.

    In the language of Shamanic Egyptian Astrology,
    Aries is allied with Kephera, the Spiral Dancer.

    Kephera is associated with the rising Sun;
    every day is a new beginning. Kephera’s symbol
    is the dung beetle.

    These pathogenetic insects lay and fertilize their own eggs,
    rolling them up in a ball of dung and pushing the ball ahead
    of them as they scurry over the desert floor.

    They are both father and mother, protector and nurturer.

    The opportunity of our times is to experience Sacred Union
    between Self and Other, thereby creating something new.

    Our history is to polarize; to dominate others
    and insist they do what we believe is right.

    We now face an imperative;
    we must learn how to operate as One Planet,
    honoring our diversity while functioning as a whole.

    At this Full Moon, Pluto - Lord of the Underworld
    – is stationary at Capricorn 26°. Uranus
    and Saturn remain within a 1° square.

    Mars in Gemini is square to Neptune
    and in a loose square to Mercury.

    Our next New Moon on October 25, 2022
    will be a Solar Eclipse.

    We are approaching the portal between worlds,
    preparing to enter a new phase of experience.

    These are challenging transits that also bring
    opportunities for healing.

    During this Full Moon window,
    practice experiencing your essence
    while simultaneously staying in connection with others,
    both those you love and those you don’t.

    October 8, 2022, by Ruby Falconer.

    Available for chart readings.

    Art: Kephera by SiriusUgoArt.
    “Shamanic Egyptian Astrology; Your Planetary Relationship to the Gods” by Ruby Falconer & Linda Star Wolf.
    #astrology #ShamanicStarology #ShamanicEgyptianAstrology #AriesFullMoon #Kephera

    CULCULCAN The Final Synthesis - isbn 978-0-9939480-0-8 Staff Member


    CULCULCAN The Final Synthesis - isbn 978-0-9939480-0-8 Staff Member

    Joanne Madeline Moore

    Horoscopes Oct 10-16, 2022 …
    There’s a proactive, productive Sun in Libra/Saturn in Aquarius trine.
    But then there’s a clash between reality and fantasy, when nebulous Neptune squares Mars.
    Enthusiastic intensions could amount to nothing … or someone could lead you astray.
    So stay balanced, keep your plans realistic and set your Bulldust Detector on high!
    Read your free horoscope at

    #Astrology #Horoscope #Horoscopes #Zodiac #WeeklyHoroscopes #WeeklyHoroscope
    #Aries #Taurus #Gemini #Cancer #Leo #Virgo
    #Libra #Scorpio #Sagittarius #Capricorn #Aquarius #Pisces

    CULCULCAN The Final Synthesis - isbn 978-0-9939480-0-8 Staff Member

    The Old Farmers Almanac

    9m ·

    The Full Hunter’s Moon will reach peak illumination
    at 4:54 P.M. ET TONIGHT, Sunday, October 9, 2022
    It will be below the horizon at this time,
    so we’ll have to wait until sunset to watch it rise
    and take its place in the sky.

    Learn more at Almanac.com/content/full-moon-october.


    CULCULCAN The Final Synthesis - isbn 978-0-9939480-0-8 Staff Member

    Alex Myles

    Happy Full Moon!

    The Moon in Aries impacts all zodiac signs,
    but will feel immensely charged for fire signs - Aries, Leo & Sagittarius.

    The Full Moon rising in fiery Aries is conjunct Chiron,
    opposite Venus in Libra,
    brings a huge energetic shift
    as some of our oldest
    and innermost emotional wounds rise to the surface.

    Full Moons illuminate what is hidden and during this period
    we could be noticing how our old wounds
    have been holding us back within our relationships,
    daily life or even our careers.

    We may find the reason we are not progressing in ways we would like,
    or why something isn’t manifesting as easily as we might have hoped,
    is because our old fears and past pain are causing blockages
    that keep us clinging to what is familiar,
    preventing us from moving forward.

    Once a light shines on these shadow aspects,
    we will almost instantly feel these energetic blockages
    begin to clear, and with self-love, nurture and compassion
    , we will be able to heal and transcend past
    any underlying issues that have been triggering us,
    keeping us stuck in a cycle repeating the same patterns.

    This may feel like an emotionally intense lunar phase,
    as it could bring back memories from our childhood,
    particularly where we may have felt unloved,
    uncared for or neglected in any way.

    This doesn’t necessarily have to be connected to our parents or primary caregivers,
    it could be memories of any dynamic we experienced at an early age
    that left some kind of emotional wound,
    that still deeply affects us today.

    As the moon is opposite Venus, it is highly likely our self-worth
    and self-value is in the spotlight,
    and we might be reflecting on times
    when we felt inadequate
    or unworthy of someone’s love, affection or attention.

    When we revisit how we felt at the time, and recognise how much
    it has impacted other relationships in our life,
    it is essential we are compassionate with ourselves,
    to help with healing and transcending the associated trauma and pain.

    If we try to look at our past without feeling shame,
    or blaming ourselves or others, the awareness we gain can help us understand
    why we have replayed events from our past, through choosing partners
    or friendships that also behaved in ways
    that resulted in us feeling unvalued or unloved.

    We may find on a subconscious level we are attracted people who are emotionally avoidant,
    or who don’t communicate how they feel, or show it in meaningful ways.

    We then repeatedly receive the message that we are unlovable, and that there must be something
    fundamentally wrong with us, as the people we connect with continuously display the same behaviors
    we experienced during childhood.

    This pattern may not even be in our close or intimate relationships,
    it could be something we have noticed within our careers,
    or wider society, how there is some aspect of how people interact with us
    that triggers insecurities and deep-rooted fears
    that we aren’t ‘enough’ or are insignificant in the world.

    Fortunately, this aspect between the Moon and Chiron
    helps us overcome these fears by realising that how other people
    react to us and communicate with us is rooted in their own fears,
    conditioning and learned behaviours.

    We will not only find ways of nurturing ourselves so that we fill these inner voids,
    but we are also awakened to similar wounds that other people around us have,
    and we are able to perceive our relationships in an entirely new light.

    We may find we are able to heal our own wounds through forgiving
    other people for how they treated us,
    or even just coming to a place of acceptance that how other people treated us
    was not a reflection of who we are,
    but of who they are.

    It begins to make sense, in a profound way,
    that how certain people treated us was not personal at all,
    and was simply due to wounds they experienced,
    and as those wounds had not healed,
    they project their pain on to others,
    in turn to cause other people to feel
    what they were feeling on an internal level.

    This Full Moon, opposite Venus, is going to help us
    to see how vital it is we nurture ourselves,
    rather than looking for external validation,
    and we will be recognising the importance of self-compassion
    and self-nurture, and finding ways to ensure we take care
    of ourselves in ways that make us feel fulfilled,
    safe, secure and loved.

    Overall, this is a time to release whatever has been holding us back
    and causing us to subconsciously sabotage our happiness
    or avoid deeply authentic relationships, so we can move forward
    with an open heart, ready to experience love
    and life from an entirely new perspective.

    Due to the Full Moon being in Aries we may notice we have been feeling a little more impatient than normal
    and that we are quick to react in anger, however, these little temper tantrums will only last a hot minute,
    and if we’re aware of it we will likely be able to calm ourselves before saying or doing anything we may regret.

    Aries is known for being courageous and having a warrior-like spirit, so if ever there is a time for breakthroughs,
    it is now, particularly regarding themes where we have felt fearful of letting go.

    We may find we are now able to release old attachments, and connections to people that have felt more
    like trauma bonds and addictions than healthy, balanced, mutually reciprocated and rewarding relationships.

    If we are not quite ready to let go of certain dynamics, even just altering our perception on past experiences,
    and offering ourselves more self-love and care will dramatically affect our emotional well-being
    and quell tension within ourselves and prevent and repair conflict with others.

    Aries are brutally honest, assertive, direct and sometimes quite brash,
    so don’t be too surprised if our,
    or other people’s, communication style is suddenly bold,
    brave and straight-forward and over the next couple of days.

    This could even lead to unexpected emotional confessions
    - particularly with Venus, the Goddess of Love, in opposition to Aries

    Collectively, this phase is an immense healing period
    and a major positive energy shift for our entire planet,
    as we awaken to emotional pain we, or those around us,
    have either suffered, or are still going through,
    and we take steps to heal and be much more compassionate within our connections.

    Over the next few days it is highly important to be gentle with ourselves,
    and others, as we recognise we all have wounds
    and we are all in the process of healing from past experiences.

    We are all worthy of love, compassion, kindness and tenderness
    and now is the time to redirect our energy internally,
    and to have those deeply healing honest conversations with ourselves,
    and others, so we can finally release past pain
    and manifest everything we have been hoping and dreaming for
    - particularly connected to love
    and our most important relationships.
    Alex Myles

    Oldtimers posted meme below:



    CULCULCAN The Final Synthesis - isbn 978-0-9939480-0-8 Staff Member


    CULCULCAN The Final Synthesis - isbn 978-0-9939480-0-8 Staff Member

    08 oct 2022
    Sunset at the Stones tonight 1f60d.
    Sunset was just after moon rise
    and i could see it was going off behind me
    so quickly hopped on the bike
    to catch this just in time, i doubt i would have made it on foot 1f60a.
    #stonehenge #october #sunset
    october 8th, 2022

    CULCULCAN The Final Synthesis - isbn 978-0-9939480-0-8 Staff Member

    Dale Osadchuk
    09 oct 2022 ·

    2022 Aries Full Moon

    09 Oct at 1.55 pm PDT- 4.55pm EDT- 9.55 pm BST (summer time GMT)
    10 Oct at 4.55 am AWST Perth- 7.55 am AEDT Sydney NSW Australia

    This Libra Moon cycle of balanced judgment through intuitive awareness
    began with the New Moon of Sept 25, 2022.

    We have already experienced energy shifts.

    Venus (balance and intuitive wisdom) the planetary ruler of this cycle,
    entered Libra on Sept 29, 2022 (relationship harmony).
    Mercury (our thoughts and perceptions) moved direct on Oct 02, 2022
    in Virgo (mind, body, spirit integration) and Pluto in Capricorn (release and transformation)
    moved direct on Oct 08, 2022.

    At this Aries Full Moon Mercury and Pluto are in a harmonious Trine (removal of obstacles).

    Full Moons are always about finding balance and releasing what keeps us stuck in the old.

    But this Aries Full Moon initiates a new inspired vision for our lives.

    It asks us to be in relationship in new ways (Sun and Venus in Libra)
    especially in relationship to self (Aries).

    Even though there is forward movement it does not mean
    we are done with the theme of releasing what is no longer of value and importance.

    That is still the focus of the Scorpio Solar Eclipse of Oct 25, 2022
    and the Taurus Lunar Eclipse of Nov 08, 2022.

    When the North Node (new directions) moved into Taurus (what we value)
    and the South Node entered Scorpio (releasing the past) on 18 Jan 2022
    we have been asked to let go of the old and make space for the new.

    This Aries Full Moon asks “do you know what the new is for you”.

    This is the question to answer in the next two weeks.

    It is not about taking action (although that is what Aries thrives on)
    it is about listening to your heart song and what inspires you.

    The Moon and the Earth are at 16 degrees Aries 33
    travelling with Chiron retrograde at 14 degrees Aries 02
    (healing wounds of rejection and abandonment).

    They are guided by Mars at 22 degrees Gemini 46
    (duality or integration).

    Mars is trine (removal of obstacles)

    Saturn retrograde at 18 degrees Aquarius 44
    (strengthening our spiritual foundation for our new vision).

    But Mars will retrograde on Oct 30 so this theme will be active
    during his backward journey until Jan 2023.

    Venus at 13 degrees Libra 09 guides the Sun
    at 16 degrees Libra 33 (inner balance and harmony).

    She begins her Evening Star journey on Oct 22, 2022
    at 28 degrees Libra (at oneness within guided by inner knowing).

    So this Aries Full Moon is the opportunity to explore what “new” you want to create
    and manifest in your life.

    But it means you need to be willing to let go of the “old” that no longer works.

    The coming Eclipse cycle will support you to do that.

    Our Animal Totem guides for the Moon, Earth, and Chiron in Aries are Falcon,
    clear inspired vision, and Red Tailed Hawk, Spiritual Messenger.

    Pay attention to the messages Universe is sending you. For the Libra planets we are guided
    by Crow, Sacred Law and justice for all, and Raven, magic and the mysteries.

    They are reversed for the Southern Hemisphere.

    The Clan Mothers who continue to guide us for this Moon cycle are for Aries
    we are guided by Looks Far Woman.

    She is the guardian of the crack in the universe and the golden door of illumination.

    The Clan Mother for Libra is Weaves The Web.

    She is the manifester of dreams who helps us bring our visions into reality.

    (The 13 Original Clan Mothers by Jamie Sams)

    At this Full Moon know you are being blessed with new beginnings.

    Follow your heart. And for all my Canadian friends Happy Thanksgiving.
    Namaste and blessings,
    To contact me e-mail at daleosadchuk@rogers.com

    CULCULCAN The Final Synthesis - isbn 978-0-9939480-0-8 Staff Member

    Astrology by Aatif
    Astro Aatif ·
    09 OCT 2022

    Astrology Article On Full Moon & her Influential Significance...

    Astrology nugget On Cosmical Archetypal Aries/Libra Axis
    & Polarity Triggered Via FULL MOON in ARIES

    – The Ram On 9th October 2022

    Full Moon In Aries 2648. On Chiron ⚷ Wounded Healer

    Archetypal Goddesses Such As Pallas & Psyche 16 Influencing This Full Moon This Time

    Energies By Aries Full Moon: The Polarity Of 1/7 Or Aries/Libra Axis
    1. 2° Orb Tight Conjunction To Chiron At 14° Aries
    2. 180° Opposite Energies With Venus At 12° Libra
    3. 180° Opposite Energies With Psyche #16 At 16° Libra
    4. 60° Sextiles Energies With Retro-℞ Kronos/Saturn ♄ In Aquarius
    5. 90° Squares Goddess Of Wisdom Pallas In At 14° Cancer
    Polarity Of Cardinal Axis (ARIES/LIBRA) = Charging Up Each Positive Sign Through Impulsiveness,
    Being Energetic, & Somewhat Provides Decisiveness In The Actions & Initiations But In Libra Case,
    Those Decisions Are Made Through The Reflection Of Partners

    The Polarities Of Luminaries (Sun & MOON):

    1- SUN
    “You never kill the ego. You only find that it lives in a larger house than you thought.” -STANLEY KELEMAN

    2- Moon
    “The only way to hold is to let go.” – MELISSA LEIFER
    Polarity Of Aris/Libra: Full Moon & Luminaries Reflection
    Interestingly, Aries is ruled by Mars & its Detrimental In Libra.
    Libra Is Ruled By The Venus & Shes Detrimental In Aries

    Aries are very competitive, and fierce, and take on leadership roles & also, they want to take control and be in charge
    through assertion & stand by their rules, through pioneering initiatives being taken to inspire the world with their leadership qualities.

    Aries Full Moon will show up Libra SUN how to take a leadership role within the partnerships & if the Partner is unresponsive,
    this Full Moon can take a Lead on her own & show the right path to the otherwise, shaky & indecisive LIBRA SUN.

    Full Moon Opposition Psyche 16 In Libra & Squaring To Pallas In Cancer: The Formation Of Cardinal TSQUARE
    Between FULL MOON & Goddesses Finding Right Partner Through Psychic, Intellectual
    & Creative Using Intuitive Awareness of PSYCHE Goddess

    Themes: Society Healing After Strategic Fighting With Family Members To Get More Motivation
    & Connectedness With Partner..

    Also, the Masculinity Of Aries Drives The High-end/Restless Energies Which Are Based On Actions,
    Recognizing Old & Childhood Wounds,

    Working On Wounds & Resurrecting Life Through Initiations & Being Physically, Emotionally
    & Psychologically Assertive, Oriented Towards Pioneering Goals, & Adventurism… 270d.

    Libra Psyche & SUN Teaches Aries Luna & Chiron About The Internal Desires
    & Longings To Merge with Someone, Whereas, Aries on the other hand try to guide LIBRA Psyche
    & SUN on how to cope with the WOUNDS of Childhood & Authorities Who had compressed the individuality
    of the native by using the confrontational approach because right now,
    we have the power of CHI+Luna to recognize those WOUNDS with full awareness levels
    & of course the Physical powers to handle (As those authorities are no longer Young anymore
    & our consciousness is fully mature enough to find for our rights being true & pioneering Rebels)
    those authorities who were once, busy in oppressing us as we were children
    & had no control over the external/internal influence who gave us “Deep & Eternal WOUNDS”…

    Read the full article on my blog for more insights
    & details i have put up in this lengthy topic to make you all understand
    how these GODDESSES actually work hand in hand triggering Human intuition,
    Emotionalism & reason for Nurturing & unhealed childhood traumas coming through controlling parents
    & pushing a native towards compression & oppressiveness of their own desires/will & independence
    & obey the rules of the UNHEALED MOTHER (Chiron, Psyche & Pallas Athena combination)...

    Regards, and enjoy your Full Moon Assertion

    But try to keep the Balance between intuitive nurturing, Self-emotionalism, self creativity
    & try to leave behind all those insecurities that had hit your Animus System & psychologically drained you previously
    (Throughout your childhood).

    Be strategic who would make plans for how to save the oppressed Societies
    & the Poor class suffering from the remorseless Dictatorial Regime
    (Dictators who are repressing & compressing Human Rights across the world
    in many countries these days through imposed War & Terror agendas

    Full Article here: https://aatifastrology.wordpress.com/2022/10/09/astrology-nugget-on-cosmical-archetypal-aries-libra-axis-polarity-triggered-via-full-moon-in-aries-the-ram-on-9th-october-2022/
    Astrologer Aatif

    Astrology nugget On Cosmical Archetypal Aries/Libra Axis & Polarity Triggered Via FULL MOON in ARIES – The Ram On 9th October 2022

    CULCULCAN The Final Synthesis - isbn 978-0-9939480-0-8 Staff Member


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