08 Nov 2022 ~ Lunar Eclipse

Discussion in 'Astrology, Astronomy and Crop Circles' started by CULCULCAN, Nov 4, 2022.


    CULCULCAN The Final Synthesis - isbn 978-0-9939480-0-8 Staff Member

    Ascension Lightworkers


    Lunar Eclipse Energies , November 8 . 2022

    Awakening is not changing who you are,

    but discarding who you are not.

    Your commitment to Ascension may feel like it is
    being tested during this time .

    You could be feeling , Self-doubt ,
    or dealing with Illusions from the past .

    However this is a reminder that you are on the right track
    and these feelings now coming to the forefront are trying to help you
    clear and release more of what you now need to let go of
    and fully accept with purpose and
    intention to fully heal and move on .

    This Lunar eclipse will activate our shadow sides
    as well as unhealed parts of ourselves

    What you perceive to be your dark side holds a hidden treasure

    Any perception or belief you have about yourself
    or others is actually a deception more than it is a

    As humans, unless we choose to Ascend

    rarely see the full picture in any situation
    because we are forever stuck in the illusion of good and bad.

    The black and white thinking model .

    You judge your positive and negative qualities
    and strive to be more of what you

    perceive to be positive while attempting

    to disown or neglect those aspects which
    you consider to be negative.

    It’s safe for you to fully feel what needs to come on to your awareness

    This is for further inner growth , assessment

    And Awareness of self , this is a crucial stage on the Ascension path .

    It’s always ok to go deeper inside of self
    and into any existing inner aspect of you that still requires your
    loving and full attention .

    When this happens we have a tendency to want to Retreat and go within , straight into hermit mode, this can
    make us feel isolated at the time and especially from the outside


    It can almost feel like your stuck in a Purgatory existence replaying the inner programming , clearing
    cognitive dissonance , clearing the paradigm version of old self is the hardest work you will ever do hands
    down on this planet , this is the reality
    and the reason many can’t sustain
    the inner work required and to do
    what it takes to authentically ascend ,
    hardest work above and beyond all else
    important to your existence here .

    Mean while your trying to process and integrate the shadows of the past

    when you’re going through this always keep in mind
    and heart that you are always loved safe and protected
    during these uncomfortable and often excruciating transitions
    and transformation .

    All of everything you have been through
    and are still going through has and always
    will be incredibly valuable and essential in all ways unique
    to your specific purpose here .

    And important for the next part on your Ascension journey .

    Dont be surprised if during this eclipse and leading up
    to the 1111 portal that uncomfortable and surprising
    issues start to arise , keep in mind you are fully equipped
    in all ways to over come what still needs to leave or
    still needs to be healed before moving forward
    into the next chapter .

    In this next lunar eclipse It is a big opportunity for you
    to say goodbye to the old version of self.

    this will be difficult.

    Because you are letting go of one of the strongest versions of yourself that you knew.

    The version of you that went to hell and back and survived.

    Embrace the new version of you that is guiding you
    home to your true and authentic self .

    With Love and Devotion
    By Ascension LightWorkers


    CULCULCAN The Final Synthesis - isbn 978-0-9939480-0-8 Staff Member

    Ari Rex

    08 nov 2022
    A rare blood Moon will be revealing over Australian skies on Tuesday 8th November
    – and it may be the last time to view the full eclipse for another three years,
    so let's hope for clear skies and enjoy the viewing of this spectacular phenomenon (or if you can, photograph it 1f60d. 1f44c. ).
    This picture is a collage of several pictures that I captured while tracking the 27th of July 2018 eclipse
    from National Arboretum Canberra that also made it to several interviews and articles on radio
    and papers including The Canberra Times The Age and ABC Canberra 1f60a.

    The Moon pictures were taken with the big camera on the left tripod that was placed
    over a tracking machine and the foreground was taken with a third camera obviously 1f642. .

    The trajectory of the moon was exactly as it’s on the picture
    but the size is bigger than the actual size.

    Eclipse times from Canberra.

    -Partial Eclipse starts 8:09pm

    -Total eclipse begins 9:16pm

    -Maximum Eclipse 9:59pm

    -Total eclipse ends 10:41pm

    -Partial Eclipse ends 11:49pm

    (For exact time on other places, enter your location on the link on my bio 1f919. )

    #mooneclipse2022 #mooneclipse #moon #bloodmoon

    CULCULCAN The Final Synthesis - isbn 978-0-9939480-0-8 Staff Member

    Ruby Falconer

    Such a beautiful gift! Thank you, Greg George.

    Greg George
    Taurus Full Moon Blood Lunar Eclipse 16 2649. 00
    08:59 PM Brisbane 08 NOV 2022
    09:59 PM Sydney 08 NOV 2022
    11:59 AM London 08 NOV 2022
    05:59 AM New York 08 NOV 2022 "
    Stay grounded and Connected, yet remain open to the changes from stagnant situations".

    CULCULCAN The Final Synthesis - isbn 978-0-9939480-0-8 Staff Member

    Rare Total Lunar Eclipse/Bloodmoon around the corner!
    Powerful planetary alignments in
    Bharani Star of rebirth.
    #vedicastrology #lunareclipse2022 #lunareclipseforecast
    11/7-8 Total LUNAR ECLIPSE tipping point | Vedic Astrology
    Feeling on edge? If the ground seems to be shaking beneath your feet, or if you’re suddenly faced with an unexpected turn of events, there’s a reason for it.
    It’s eclipse season, the tipping point when destiny unfolds, synchronicities occur, and old standards get uprooted.
    It’s a point of no return, as one door closes behind you and another opens into a whole new realm.
    This electrifying lunar eclipse is a catalyst for spiritual awakening, but also an omen of surprising and chaotic outcomes.
    The lunar eclipse (also a blood moon) will shine a reddish light into the early morning hours of Nov 8, the day of the US political elections (mid-terms)
    that hold the fate of many decisions in its outcome. According to Vedic Astrology the jaws of the karmic snake, Rahu will swallow the moon between 1:06 AM – 4:49 AM Pacific Time.
    The lunar eclipse peaks at 3:00 am pacific time in the Vedic lunar mansion of Bharani, the star of restraint.
    Bharani is the star of Yama, the Hindu god of death, who is responsible for collecting souls and directing them toward rebirth.
    Know your Vedic Nakshatra? Calculate yours and get a free guide.
    is symbolized by a womb or yoni and is symbolic of female reproductive power.
    The last solar eclipse we had in Bharani came with the United States Supreme Court decision to overturn reproductive rights (Roe V Wade).
    This lunar eclipse comes at another fated juncture for reproductive freedom.
    The total lunar eclipse is visible in western US, Canada, Japan and New Zealand.
    Total lunar eclipses are rare (the next one won’t take place until 2025), and this one is exceptional because it occurs less than 1 degree away from revolutionary Uranus.

    A powerful new consciousness is awakening with this lunar eclipse, and something spectacular may be calling you to step forward in a fearless way.

    Depending on where the lunar eclipse is occurring in your birth chart, themes of the Vedic star Bharani,
    like creativity, work, or parenthood may be coming forward to be released or transformed.

    To learn more about how this, and upcoming eclipses will affect you, check out the 2022-2023 Eclipse Vedic Horoscope Class — Strange times & Radical Steps.

    Take heed, with Mercury combust (burning in the sun), flare ups in communication, travel issues, misinformation, and vote-counting are likely to arise.

    With warrior Mars retrograde as well, confusion and frustration can make things tense. It may feel like it’s hard to know what’s really going on.

    Traditionally it’s advised not to look at lunar eclipses, and to avoid risky sports, cooking, and the signing of legal documents, if possible.

    Fasting and meditation are good activities during eclipses.

    The weeks surrounding solar and lunar eclipses often come with strange and wondrous situations,
    and can bring big steps forward in maturity and empowerment.

    Consider where you would like to get free from negative patterns that hold you back in life.

    The energy of this lunar eclipse may require you to act quickly, listen to your gut and shake off complacency or fear.

    Trust in the transformation.
    How these planetary transits affect you personally depends on your birth chart. Book a Vedic Astrology reading to learn more.

    11/7-8 Total LUNAR ECLIPSE tipping point | Vedic Astrology - Anandashree Astrology

    CULCULCAN The Final Synthesis - isbn 978-0-9939480-0-8 Staff Member


    CULCULCAN The Final Synthesis - isbn 978-0-9939480-0-8 Staff Member

    Planetary Landscapes

    Beaver Blood Moon lunar eclipse 2022: Everything you need to know
    A reddish moon will be visible on Nov. 8 for 85 minutes from North America,
    parts of South America, Asia, Australia and New Zealand. Everything you need to know here:

    httpsBeaver Blood Moon lunar eclipse: The ultimate guide | Space


    Beaver Blood Moon lunar eclipse 2022: Everything you need to know

    A Blood Moon total lunar eclipse will occur on November 8, 2022 and will look similar to this view of one from July 2018. Here's everything you need to know about the event. (Image credit: ESA/CESAR–M.Castillo)
    Jump to:
    The second total lunar eclipse of 2022 will turn the moon a reddish-copper color for 85 minutes on Nov. 8, 2022,
    though what you'll see during this safe naked-eye event will depend on your location on the planet.

    Often colloquially called a Blood Moon, a total lunar eclipse, happens as the full moon (in this case November's full Beaver Moon)
    moves into the deep umbral shadow of the Earth and receives only light first filtered by Earth's atmosphere,
    will be visible from North America and parts of South America, Asia, Australia and New Zealand.
    A partial lunar eclipse will be visible from Iceland, parts of South America, south and central Asia and Russia.
    A penumbral lunar eclipse — when the moon is in the lighter penumbral shadow from our planet
    — will be visible from eastern Brazil and Argentina, northern Scandinavia and the Middle East.

    Beaver Blood Moon lunar eclipse 2022: Everything you need to know

    By Jamie Carter
    published 5 days ago
    A reddish moon will be visible on Nov. 8 for 85 minutes from North America, parts of South America, Asia, Australia and New Zealand.

    CULCULCAN The Final Synthesis - isbn 978-0-9939480-0-8 Staff Member


    CULCULCAN The Final Synthesis - isbn 978-0-9939480-0-8 Staff Member


    CULCULCAN The Final Synthesis - isbn 978-0-9939480-0-8 Staff Member

    North of the Moon

    North of the Moon's quick notes for November 7, 2022:
    Stay in your core. Honor your wisdom. Overnight, the Moon entered intoTaurus and set up the vibes
    for tomorrow's Full Lunar Eclipse and Full Moon in Taurus. Today's energies
    are fixed and building up to release tomorrow.

    The Sun, Mercury, and Venus in Scorpio want to hold steady as does Uranus (and the North Node) in Taurus.

    Since they're in opposition that can create a lot of tension.

    Step back and think before speaking today.

    It may be best to work alone, but be aware of what's going on around you.

    You may feel in limbo, uncertain as to what should be your next move.

    The true answer may take a few days to reach you.

    Keep to routines.

    Do not confront anyone, if possible.

    You may want to work out or physically move your body to release pent up energies.

    Turn your space into a spiritual or relaxing sanctuary tonight.

    Call in Archangel Michael and use Labradorite, Bronzite, or Black Tourmaline.

    Cedar will add calm and healing energies.

    This Full Moon/Full Lunar Eclipse is also known as a Blood Moon
    - you may feel the power much more than usual.

    Be in your core.

    Be in agreement with your truths.

    The effects of these energies will ripple through our psyches and lives for several months.

    Take care! 2764. NotM

    ☆ Black Onyx will work on a different level with today's energies.
    It helps release Karma and aids in increasing your physical and emotional stamina.
    You'll need to ride the waves of positive energies where you find them
    and stand apart from the negative ones. Today is the prelude. You've got this! 2764.

    ☆ Moon enters Taurus at 12:15 am today (EST/USA + 8 hrs UK).

    Stay tuned for more info and hints later today.

    ☆ Full Moon/Full Lunar Eclipse in Taurus will occur at 2:44 am (PST/USA + 8 hrs UK) Tuesday.

    CULCULCAN The Final Synthesis - isbn 978-0-9939480-0-8 Staff Member


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