08 Dec 2022

Discussion in 'Astrology, Astronomy and Crop Circles' started by CULCULCAN, Dec 8, 2022.


    CULCULCAN The Final Synthesis - isbn 978-0-9939480-0-8 Staff Member

    Sean Caulfield

    FULL MOON, Activation & EXPANSION…
    …catch yourself acting on what you assume,
    otherwise you might be creating unnecessary drama
    to return back to you and thus be holding yourself back
    from being free.

    Being CONSCIOUS of consequence!

    Today 8 December, 2022
    Full Moon, 3-Storm… 3 creates “activation”,
    a day of strong energy and enthusiasm,
    stay internally centred amid the storm,
    allow the rain to wash away the ego,
    be humble so that new fertile growth can emerge,
    the memory of the seed is activated

    and begins to anchor its roots.


    Nothing is separate, all is one multidimensional light
    of universal diversity, in it everything is connected
    like a spiders web, what you do to the web
    you do to yourself and others,
    everything is mirrored as an aspect
    of Creations One Tree of Life,
    to keep a balance its growth returns back on itself,
    hence everything repeats but on a higher more mature level,
    in this process everything is in surrender to everything,
    what happens is for a reason that creates the lessons
    to spiral life to ascend higher and birth anew
    above the last repeat.

    What you are out of sync with is what surfaces for you
    to heal internally, life treats you the way you treat it,
    everything you put out returns back to you,
    both good and bad, this is why it is important to be conscious,
    if we are conscious and understanding the consequences
    we can best master our life,
    if we understand on the highest levels of truth
    we will be aware that if we are consciously good
    and loving it returns to us, thus we receive according
    to what we give out.

    If we want to create a balanced happy life
    we must be conscious of the consequences…



    P.S. middle of the 120th 18 day cycle of Cosmic Light of the 9th Wave,
    since it’s activation on 9 March 2011
    - to transcend the flawed imprints of duality.

    With tomorrow being 4-Ahau/Light,
    and then shifting into the new 20 days
    the following day 5-Imix/Alligator/Dragon,
    the great expanding Light Quetzalcoatl arrives,
    this combining with 18 days of light
    and the 13th DAY of the 8th Wave
    is hatching a very high vibrational frequency to challenge
    what the collective is unconscious too,
    so as to hatch or birth in truth to the Cosmic Source memory.

    CULCULCAN The Final Synthesis - isbn 978-0-9939480-0-8 Staff Member


    08 Dec 2022
    Photographer: Jim R. Sutton
    #WasagaBeach #GeorgianBay #ontario #canada
    Burr...Chilly_CHiLLY...32DegreesF...just think a little over 3 months, and, it is spring again :)

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