Photographer: Visions Of Somerset This was taken about 10 minutes before sunrise today on Glastonbury Tor. It was still sooo dark. ******************************************************************************************* "The Magic of Avalon, in the mode of Camelot" ~susan lynne schwenger @13linesofspirit @in12d #thefinalfire #theoriginalspark THE JOURNEY to: #the13thbridge Photographer: Visions Of Somerset 07 NOV 2022 ·This was taken about 10 minutes before sunrise today on Glastonbury Tor, UK It was still sooo dark.
Jason The Astrologer · Today is November 7th, 2022 and the Moon is in Taurus. This Taurus Moon is starting to oppose the Sun and getting ready for the eclipse that transforms all of us. We are definitely all feeling the eclipse energy now and the Sun will semisquare Neptune today. This energy will produce an anxious feeling as if something is about to happen, and it is. Things are changing in your reality in major ways this week and you are feeling the pressure of change. Life wants you to see your gifts more clearly and it also wants you to take on a larger load. This load of work for the greater good is here to remind you that you have a purpose. It is important to find your purpose and follow through with what you naturally desire in your life. This Eclipse is coming tomorrow and will remind us all about intimacy and secrecy. You will not feel prepared for what comes your way but you will know when it is time and what to do when it happens to you so just go with the flow and believe in yourself. This energy really all depends on how much you have been focussing on new things to manifest in your life. If you have been seriously yearning for change then this week will be your answer, this week we all feel the transformation. Mercury and the Sun are conjunct today and this is showing us all the parts of our lives we have ignored. This is also showing us what we need to attract more of and we are already doing so today. Follow the warmth of good feelings and look towards a change for the future. Whatever is naturally flowing out of you now is good enough so notice how well you are facing your fears and see your ability to grow. This is a time with the cycle of life to notice that you need to learn from mistakes and experiences. If you do not make mistakes you will never grow. If you avoid going forward in your life you just create more pain. Allow the focus of the zodiac to transform your life by getting in the center of your feelings and letting go of the outside tension. This will help you to just flow and allow you to flow and operate clearly. Gemini, the Sun, and Venus have all been purified in many ways from old relationships and now it’s time to see what you are transforming into. You and your strongest allies will get closer together as the month progresses. I bid you the best today, this is JTA PEACE! ·
07 Nov 2022 Photographer: Stonehenge Stone Circle Sunrise at Stonehenge today (7th November) was at 7.10am, sunset is at 4.31pm 07 Nov 2022 Photographer: Stonehenge Stone Circle Sunrise at Stonehenge today (7th November) was at 7.10am, sunset is at 4.31pm
Canadian Landscapes Margaret Ta · · THE MOON Tomorrow morning, a total lunar eclipse will be seen all over the country, so I went for a walk tonight to practice. London Ontario November 7, 2022 Terry Dyck Absolutely stunning!