06 Jan 2023 / 07 Jan 2023 ~ Full Moon ~ The Wolf Moon

Discussion in 'Astrology, Astronomy and Crop Circles' started by CULCULCAN, Jan 5, 2023.


    CULCULCAN The Final Synthesis - isbn 978-0-9939480-0-8 Staff Member


    CULCULCAN The Final Synthesis - isbn 978-0-9939480-0-8 Staff Member

    CANADA 1850

    CANADA 1850

    CULCULCAN The Final Synthesis - isbn 978-0-9939480-0-8 Staff Member


    CULCULCAN The Final Synthesis - isbn 978-0-9939480-0-8 Staff Member

    Dale Osadchuk
    3h ·

    2023 Cancer Full Moon A Time of Transition

    06 Jan at 3.08 pm PST- 6.08 pm EST- 11.08 pm GMT

    07 Jan at 7.08 am AWST Perth- 10.08 am AEDT Sydney NSW Australia

    Whenever we have a New or Full Moon in a Water sign the focus is on healing, forgiveness,
    and transition from the old into the new.

    This Full Moon carries the theme of memories that still haunt us
    and healing and forgiving hurt from the past.

    These can be personal wounds but also Ancestral wounding.

    Cancer is the sign of home, family, our roots and origins, and a search for where we belong.

    Its key phrase is “I feel everything deeply”.

    The Moon in Cancer amplifies our emotional responses.

    She is the planetary guide for this Full Moon.

    The Moon is at 16 degrees Cancer 22 and activates The Tarot Constellation The Chariot,
    mastery through change.

    The year 2023 is our Chariot year.

    But the Sun is at 16 degrees Capricorn 22 travelling with Mercury retrograde at 17 degrees Capricorn 43.

    2022 was a 6 year and the Tarot Constellation of The Lovers: relationship and choice.

    Capricorn is found on this Constellation as well as Gemini.

    The theme has been choosing to unite in love or to separate in fear.

    Mercury Rx is asking us to look backward at what we still fear and transform it into LOVE.

    Mars Rx at 08 degrees Gemini 21 is the transitional energy.

    He is found on the Constellation of the Chariot but in Gemini he also activates The Lovers.

    The word “transition” in English is a 13 vibration. 13 is Scorpio and the south node (releasing the past).

    Healing, transformation, and renewal. Mars will enter The Chariot energy on Mar 25.

    He moves in direct motion on Jan 12 but only clears his retrograde shadow on Mar 13.

    We may be in transition until then.

    Our Animal Totem guide for Cancer is Flicker Woodpecker.

    Its drumming connects us with the Heartbeat of Mother Earth and guides us through TRANSITION
    with all healing Love.

    For Capricorn we are guided by Snow Goose who guides us to follow our hopes, dreams, and vision.

    They are reversed for the Southern Hemisphere and Goose is the guide for Cancer.

    For all of us the Clan Mother who guides Cancer is Loves All Things.

    She is the mother of unconditional love. She teaches us to forgive ourselves and others.

    For Capricorn we are guided by Clan Mother Talks With Relations.

    She is the Mother of the planetary family and teaches us to enter the Sacred Space
    of others with honour and respect.

    (The 13 Original Clan Mothers by Jamie Sams)

    The Sacred is a very powerful vibration at this Full Moon.

    About four hours before this Lunation the Moon aligned with the fixed Star Sirius in Canis Major.

    Next to the Sun it is the brightest Star in our Galaxy.

    The Egyptians called Sirius The Shinning One and linked it to the life giving waters
    of the Nile River.

    It represents finding the Sacred in everyday life and renewal.

    We are in this particular Sacred Energy until The Sum enters Aquarius on Jan 20
    and the Aquarius New Moon on the 21st.

    They then activate the Tarot Constellation of Strength: courage and self-esteem.

    The theme is courage of your convictions, discovering your inner strength,
    courage to be yourself, and strengthening your connection to Source whatever that is for you.

    The Ruler of Aquarius is Uranus in Taurus (breaking through to what is of true value and importance).

    On Jan 22/23 Uranus moves direct. Breakthrough to the new. Mercury in Capricorn
    moves direct on Jan 18 focusing on your Soul Purpose vision.

    Namaste and blessings,


    To contact me e-mail daleosadchuk@rogers.com.

    I will be offering telephone sessions to guide you on your 2023 journey starting in mid-January.

    CULCULCAN The Final Synthesis - isbn 978-0-9939480-0-8 Staff Member

    Astro Aatif


    Good Morning folks!!

    Something to talk about FULL MOONS & their influential significance on humans…

    Random thoughts On The Full Moon & Her Illumination in the Sky!!

    ♋︎ - ,

    (This Full Moon In / is very significant & important indeed & is a very wide-ranging stigma attached to
    her that I have to make multiple posts about her variable wavelengths when it comes to creating different energies
    with different celestial bodies at the same time lol & I am still reluctant to post my actual lengthy WordPress
    article on which I will be posting later today because it's still many many
    hours left in the peak of full moon illuminance process & completion)...

    So, Almost 21 Hours are remaining until the peak & exact FULL MOON at 16 Cancer, as Full Moon is supposed to
    occur on the 7th of January early Morning around 4am & it will still be the 6th In the USA though... So hang in
    there 1f642. even though the state of mind Lunar Cycles is floating through the sky, is still considered to be the FULL
    MOON Cycle & shape...

    Astrologically, a FULL MOON state is just a mindset & a flow of energies between the two “Luminary” partners
    a.k.a Sun & Moon & together they create an Opposition in the sky, meaning sending 180 degrees (mathematically)
    energies towards each other & because of the opposition aspect/angle, the LUNA aka our beloved MOON dances
    through the full illuminating light that she is able to glow the entire sky as well our earth in the darkness of the

    So basically, it's just opposition or opposite of energies…

    And you exactly you that Opposite attracts Opposite by the universal laws so the gravitational & magnetic pull by
    the madam MOON is obviously disturbing the TIDES & the peaks in oceans…

    & :

    “The individual may strive after perfection but must suffer from the opposite of his intentions for the sake of his
    completeness..” (i will explain this theory in my main article of FULL MOON In Cancer ahead or later in the day
    but for now just for the sake of building up arguments, I am quoting Jung)...

    If we take this theory into psychological consideration, we get to know the archetypes of the reflection
    flow between Cancer & Capricorn very well, because the FULL MOON composition between Sun & Moon reflects
    through the mirrors of Summers & Winter Solstices points in the sky… Cancer is JULY while Capricorn is
    January… & the reflected signs or opposite signs have their own stigma, challenges & the power of growth as well
    but nevertheless, the theory remains the same & that is: “Opposite attracts opposite”...

    & :

    In the Indian system, gurus or pandits often do their matchmaking by arranging sexual attraction between the
    opposite signs & they claim those relationships (Kundalis) to be the best matches… just in the case of famous
    mainstream movie media marriages such as a notorious marriage couple of Angelina Jollie & Brad Pit... Despite
    getting divorced, they were still very attractive to each other once & this is because of the polarities they had in
    their relationship horoscopes.

    The reflection of Polarities between Cancer & Capricorn (Cancer/Capricorn) is thoroughly visible between
    Angelina & Brad Pit…

    Brad being a Sagittarius has a stellium in Cappy while Angelina being a Gemini has points in Cancer & they both
    cross-exchange with each other through Opposition of strong reflections…

    Angelina is Gemini while Brad is Sagittarius

    Angelina Venus is Cancer While Brad Venus Is Capricorn

    /: The Challenges & Easy Energies

    This is basically the FULL MOON & saga of Moon vs Saturn, Cancer is Moon while Capricorn is Saturn & this is
    why these signs are so domestically manifested Parents or a parental stigma is attached to this polarity between
    Cancer & Capricorn

    Capricorns represent strength, independents, and capability while Cancer represents shared nurturing,
    emotional bonding & security measures to feel at the home of protection, CRAB Hideouts & comfort zones…

    If Moon is off-balance in a complete tilt towards Nurturance & feelings/emotions, then Capricorn on the other
    hand can be off-balance in overdemanding craving, lust & ambitious drive for Authoritativeness & Success... But
    both signs are leadership-driven due to the Cardinality of nature (Modality) between them. But the key is to create
    a balance between the opposition of 180-degree angles/energies…

    & & : The Opposition Of Sun & Moon ☉/☾

    This is why this Full Moon can behave or not behave at all due to strong reflection between the summer & winter
    solstice signs. & it all depends on how to perceive things while RELEASING the pressure & energies, because, Full
    Moons are all about releasing the building pressure inside your heart & mind using the memories & thresholds of
    your grudge-taking tolerance levels lol so the key is to creating a balance between your Emotional EGO system
    inside the family nurturance & (Cancer) & ability to sustain into the ambition (Capricorn Sun) to create the
    establishment of authority… You can forget your emotional & nurturing side completely if you chase those
    authoritative ambitions Or it could go vice-versa, you can lose your professional credibility & opportunities if you
    are too much stitched into the family problems back at home (Ranting, whining & dependence o Cancer sign in
    order to provide security & nurturance to the children & spouse at the same time) & this is why if you go
    overboard in getting off the balance between the POLARITIES of Cancer & Capricorn, CANCER can end things &
    emotional life big time & no wonder why she (Cancer Or Moon) Significates the "" in natives life because its
    the Mother who can set the tone of the relationship between Child custody & dealing with the toxicity of the
    Capricorn Authorities... (Just a symbolic & it can be the opposite as well so don't trigger at this lol)...

    Wait for my full-length article on the WordPress blog about FULL MOON IN CANCER ahead…

    Until then, with much care & lovable wishes for the full moon ahead,

    1f338. 1f496. 1f3f9. 1f3f9. 1f496. 1f338.

    #fullmoon #fullmoonvibes #Opposition #oppositepole #SunMoon #moon #moonlight #lunar #lunarcycle #tides
    #moontide #gravitation #Gravity #relationshipgoals #relationshipchallenge #parents #parenting #children
    #nurture #nurturingmother #motherhood #divorce #carljung #carljungquotes #carljungwisdom



    CULCULCAN The Final Synthesis - isbn 978-0-9939480-0-8 Staff Member

    Tarchandi Tan
    i feel 2023 is a slow moving wheel of fortune or chariot.
    But energies is really good compared to past few years.


    CULCULCAN The Final Synthesis - isbn 978-0-9939480-0-8 Staff Member

    Astro Aatif
    1h ·

    Upcoming Pluto is Aquarius generation will endorse the authoritative supremacy
    of the Pluto in Leo legacy and generation at higher order with all opposition
    by coming before the wiser and elder lions 1f49c.

    CULCULCAN The Final Synthesis - isbn 978-0-9939480-0-8 Staff Member


    CULCULCAN The Final Synthesis - isbn 978-0-9939480-0-8 Staff Member

    Ani Williams
    17m ·

    Happy Epiphany All! Never a dull moment on our beloved Earth.

    Today is celebrated in honor of the Three Kings, the Magi (wise ones)
    and astronomer-priests who were guided by a star that rose in the Eas
    t and appeared to be moving, guiding them westward.

    Their names, according to an Armenian Church gospel lists them as:
    Melkon, King of Persia, Gaspar, King of India, and Baltazar, King of Arabia.

    They carried gifts for the newborn king of Israel of gold, frankincense, and myrrh.

    Not only is it Epiphany, but both the sun and moon are active now,
    with a Full Moon tonight, and Earth was washed early today in a huge pulse of solar particles,
    X-rays, and UV from an X-Class Solar Flare, the largest class.

    Today’s flare was X 1.2, and for comparison, the Solar Flare that precipitated the 9.1 earthquake
    and tsunami that hit Fukushima was X 9, much stronger.

    But the X class doesn’t happen often.

    This eruption today caused a shortwave radio blackout across the South Pacific,
    and the sun is not done, with the eruption area turning toward the earth.

    The Full Moon is in Cancer at 12:07 am CET (in the late afternoon in the US) opposite the Sun
    in grounded Capricorn, sometimes represented as the Unicorn in medieval art,
    is together with Mercury and Pluto, with Venus close by.

    A lot of high-frequency creative energy is in the air,
    and may we use it wisely and be the modern Magi that is our inheritance.





    CULCULCAN The Final Synthesis - isbn 978-0-9939480-0-8 Staff Member


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