05 Mar 2023 - Sunset To The Full Moon ~ 07 Mar 2023 ~ Comes In To Mark The End Of The Winter Season!

Discussion in 'Astrology, Astronomy and Crop Circles' started by CULCULCAN, Feb 27, 2023.


    CULCULCAN The Final Synthesis - isbn 978-0-9939480-0-8 Staff Member

    05 MAR 2023
    Rainbow, Scotland
    Michael Maher · ·
    Never seen such a bright Rainbow as the one tonight.
    This is taken north of Glasgow looking towards The Campsie Hills.

    05 Mar 2023
    Photographer: Jim R. Sutton
    #sunset #georgian_bay #Wasaga_Beach #ontario #canada

    05 MAR 2023
    Raymond Mardyks



    FULL MOON ~ 07 Mar 2023
    ~ Comes in to mark the end of the winter season!

    One of the sharpest images of our 4.5 billion year old Moon
    I have ever seen.
    1f4f8. Photographer: Andrew McCarthy

    Raymond Mardyks
    · #FullMoon #Leo #Aquarius




    Raymond Mardyks
    Last edited: Mar 7, 2023

    CULCULCAN The Final Synthesis - isbn 978-0-9939480-0-8 Staff Member


    CULCULCAN The Final Synthesis - isbn 978-0-9939480-0-8 Staff Member

    Horned larks, seen here near Elmvale, Ontario, Canada
    are the first real sign of spring to the author.

    Photographer: David Hawke/OrilliaMatters

    04 Mar 2023

    Link to article:

    Columnist discovered a pair of horned larks on the side of the road
    as they performed their 'courtship rituals,' which means spring can't be far away.

    We all have our personal signposts to mark the passing of each season, and spring
    usually has a plethora of them ... warm temps, melting snow, first flower, first robin,
    first blue-spotted salamander laying eggs in an ice covered vernal pool ...
    whatever makes you happy.

    For me, the first real sign of spring is the return of the horned larks,
    as they often show up around here in mid-February in the midst of a snow storm.

    What could make one happier than to see a horned lark through an ice-encrusted windshield?

    Like the great horned owl, the ‘horns’ are actually feather tufts
    that are obvious on each side of its head; ravens have them,
    too, but are really hard to see.

    Actually, all parts of the lark are hard to see, as they are very well camouflaged
    to blend in
    with the ploughed fields in which they often inhabit.

    Being ground nesters, it is a real challenge for bird researchers to actually find an active nest,
    for as soon as the eggs hatch open the young are mobile (much like a killdeer).

    There are many observations of this species, but few confirmed breeding records.

    However, in March the birds are at their most visible as they pair up a
    nd do courtship rituals on the shoulders of gravel roads.

    I had a wonderful opportunity to find and photograph a pair this week
    out near Elmvale, Ontario, Canada;
    the road to Tiny Marsh has been a proven stomping grounds for these birds for decades.

    And it’s always fun to learn something new about a familiar bird,
    in this case the field marks of a ‘prairie’ variety of horned lark versus the ‘northern’ variety.

    It’s all in the eyebrow colouration. Northern larks (which nest on the Hudson’s Bay shorelands)
    have a yellow eyebrow, while our local birds have a white eyebrow

    . I had to enlarge and review my photos to confirm that it was the ‘prairie’ version
    in the viewfinder.

    The Ontario Breeding Bird Atlas has a great map of the breeding ranges of this species,
    and the colour coding clearly shows that this bird
    does not like the Canadian Shield country ...

    there is a well-defined edge along the northern border of the agricultural southlands
    (which they prefer) and the start of the pine and rock land portion of central Ontario.

    Indeed, some avian historians question that the horned lark was even present
    in southern Ontario prior to colonization and the clearing of fields for agriculture;
    the main breeding area at that time would have been the shores
    of Hudson’s and James Bays.

    Or so they claim.

    Other ‘historical’ stories paint a different story ...
    apparently the early voyagers and coureur de bois had a song
    they heartily sang while paddling their fur-laden canoes around the Great Lakes.

    And it went like this:

    Alouette, gentille alouette.

    Alouette, je te plumerai.

    Je te plumerai la tete

    Je te plumerai le bek.

    Remember that one from elementary school?

    We learned to sing it in rounds
    with responding phrases back and forth.

    The big burly Frenchmen could be heard coming down the shore,
    their paddles swung to keep time to the music.

    Aww, they were so one with Nature… not!

    Larks were often shot as a game bird and plucked for their meat.
    The song is all about plucking the feathers from a dead lark:

    Lark, pretty little lark.

    Lark, I will pluck you.

    I will pluck your head.

    I will pluck your beak.

    And on it goes, ensuring glorious song is given to the plucking of its legs,
    wings, neck, eyes, beak and head.

    Admittedly, it was an easy way to learn
    the French names for body parts.

    Nowadays, rather than sing glorious
    to ripping birds apart,
    we tend to have other rhythmic songs
    to help us “dip, dip, and swing.”

    But I digress.

    It is March and the horned larks are back!

    Another spring is upon us.

    Alouette, so nice to see you back again.


    CULCULCAN The Final Synthesis - isbn 978-0-9939480-0-8 Staff Member


    04 mar 2023
    Venus and Jupiter from Acatenango Volcano in Guatemala last night… photo from Vanessa Del Mar

    CULCULCAN The Final Synthesis - isbn 978-0-9939480-0-8 Staff Member


    Art by Laron G Smith


    As it is a 7 year and Saturn’s Hermit effect is already having an effect on me,
    I took a few days off for my birthday on the 25th Feb 2023 to our beach retreat.

    The first decanate of Pisces is “ruled” by Neptune, the next by The Moon
    and the last by Pluto.

    So this is why those of us born in the first 7-8 days or so are more sensitive
    to outside influences that the rest of the sign but that is just a general theme.

    We are more “Neptunian” and I know I have always had predictive dreams,
    astral travel from childhood, visits from those who have died,
    and some very strange happenings in everyday life.

    But of course any of the signs can experience this if they have a strong Piscean
    or Neptunian influence in their charts.

    We are into the first days of Autumn here in NZ
    and it’s still very warm while many countries are just coming out of their winters,

    This month of March is not a normal month at all.

    In fact it’s an extraordinary month
    when two major planets change signs.

    First Saturn whom we all know well for his discipline and structure
    and at times stern manner, Saturn the karmic teacher.
    Pluto has had much controversy being very small indeed but packs a punch.

    I always think of something like an Atom when I think of
    Pluto as he is packed with power that is phenomenal for his size.

    With a radius of only 715 miles (1,151 kilometers), Pluto is about 1/6 the

    width of Earth. If Earth was the size of a nickel,

    Pluto would be about as big as a popcorn kernel. And he suits being the ruler of Scorpio
    very well as Scorpios are powerful no matter their size

    Before I get into that today Venus is with Jupiter at 12 degrees Aries and I realise
    I had a very nice “reunion “yesterday with a friend
    from my past who is very special to me .

    (My Neptune is opposite to these two transiting planets).

    Venus and Jupiter are about celebration and reunions and in this case being in Aries
    can generate a lot of excitement and enthusiasm,
    motivate us emotionally in courageous ways.

    I very much like this aspect. And it’s happening in my home sign as well as solar money
    sign so should be lucky.

    Sagittarians of course and Arians, Taureans and Librans should enjoy this energy but I am myself as I have planets in line with that

    I’ve read of the Chiron /Jupiter conjunction but that comes pretty much when Saturn moves into Pisces
    on the 8th March rather than
    now. Chiron and Jupiter are two of our wisest Gods
    and so this brings a whole other dimension to this historic move of Saturn
    and I would think he will be very relieved to give up his previous rather cool hearted position
    depending on his mood of course as every planet
    and sign has its higher and lower octaves.

    We know what he did with science in Aquarius, very forcefully being in charge of Govs,
    shoving bad medicine down our throats and it was very bad medicine as it had not been fully tested.

    Pluto can take over where he left off with the meds and big Pharma and hopefully bring us
    some quantum medicine to shock our socks
    off and extend our lives, bring cures for the incurable diseases
    and while doing so hopefully eradicate junk food, clear up pollution (as
    opposed to CO2 which we need thank you very much !

    As does all of nature.

    Get rid of Carbon monoxide and keep Carbon dioxide,

    Saturn and Pluto together hopefully will open up the way to grow our own food
    and bring back chickens as well which currently appear
    to be a dying breed with a thousand excuses for a shortage of eggs around the world,
    there’s a different excuse in each country.

    A lot of chickens I read froze due to the cold, another lot got accidently burnt or died in explosions,
    some got bird flu, the whole country that was
    and here in NZ it was about cage eggs being banned which is fair enough in fact.

    It’s quite humorous really if it wasn’t so tragic this focus on our chickens!

    In a world gone mad with this U N agenda for sustainable living that is definitely not sustainable
    and won’t be until things are adjusted
    and we break away from the U N programme that’s taking over everything or trying to.

    Jupiter and Saturn strived for equality and freedom for individuals on the higher level
    and in fact they did begin the new age when they
    conjuncted at the end of 2020 and despite Jupiter’s best efforts
    Saturn turned nasty turning the new age into something that brought
    the worst form of dictatorship for most countries.

    Aquarius gone wrong is also the worst form of communism where we are all equal but some more than others.

    Martial law is another
    aspect of Saturn in Aquarius.

    So rather than dwelling on that which makes us crazy
    we will dwell on Saturn’s move into Pisces.

    This will bring chickens home to roost
    for Pisceans and Virgos even more so.

    For we fish he will bring more structure and self-discipline, skills in self-management,
    business for some and order into our chaotic lives
    especially we Pisces born before the end of February
    as Saturn will reach 7 degrees before he retrogrades…

    We get the aspects 3 times
    over the coming year or once if you were born on the 26th or so of February.

    The station dates will be major for all of us as adjustment
    dates for whatever Saturn brings us in that first part of the year until mid-June .

    Saturn will call us to attention and make us focus, bring someone along to help with this new focus,
    so some Pisces may commit in a
    relationship or take on a position with a strict but strong boss.

    There will be a responsibility either to self or others to keep us honest in
    the months ahead…

    Health issues for Pisces and Virgo’s will need attention.

    Teeth, skin, joints and any other health weaknesses you have put off tending to.

    Stay hydrated as Saturn dries out the system.

    Immune systems will need for care so 500 mg of Vit C is a great idea this year and onwards.

    Virgos and Pisces both need to take care of their digestive systems, bladders and other Piscean/Virgo areas.

    I get my Sun conjunction this year and then Venus and Mercury come next year...
    Saturn has brought me positives before but there will
    be people involved for sure.

    A word about law and Governments .Saturn is both or can be. Jupiter is law too
    and when he was in Pisces during the last two years
    before he moved into Aries he began a return to common or natural law.

    I believe this will save the world. Its old, it’s so old it’s kind of
    biblical and it’s a real law called lawful law rather than legal law.

    In courts of law now anyone who knows Common law is tried outside
    in a public area. Judges know this law and have to use it when it arises.

    It's ancient... it's all in the wording, the “s p e l l I n g “...

    Interestingly it involves the “law of the sea" a Pisces concept.

    It is the law that the USA constitution is based on.

    Laws made by Govs are not real law but mandates.

    Common law is based on people being sovereign and having rights.

    I won’t give
    lessons in this as much as I would love to but I am thinking on a higher octave that Saturn in Pisces.

    Pisces being "natural" or God given
    will bring back more of this natural law.

    If people are not committing a real crime then they are free to be themselves.

    Knowing the right
    words is power against oppression and false laws.

    Court cases are being won under this law as more people study it.

    When Jupiter was in Pisces also about law, in the last two years classes began
    and a return to this natural law. Saturn hopefully will take
    over from that.

    Saturn in this natural sign may well bring a huge change to the U N sustainable living agenda
    and encourage world Govs to think of their
    people and not the whole.as that is not going to work until people are more saint like,
    and we are not quite there yet although it will

    Saturn in Pisces should return to natural health and taking care of the sick and the needy
    and results of the last few years, injuries and
    present more “sudden deaths” of unknown causes.

    There will be shipping laws coming in both positive and negative
    as that’s how it works and controversy about the same.

    Fishing laws are going to be a factor with all of this.

    Medical laws will bring a war between more natural healing
    and more big Pharma medications or the use of them as some are quite
    helpful, most are not.

    Pisces has a lot to do with explosions, gases and toxic substances,
    poisons such as we are seeing already so he is already in effect on the
    negative scale …

    But generally I have high hopes for Gov to return to a more spiritual outlook
    and allow the people to be intuitive and creative and the
    wonderful spiritual beings they are.

    And the same goes for children and their schooling. Saturn could do this as
    Pisces is the most childlike sign he will be in for a while...

    This includes education not being so controlled by Gov, but allowing the freedom to grow
    so it will be interesting to see how Saturn influences will perhaps at first force
    new education agendas but then change again.

    Saturn has in his favour that he quite likes the past and how things were
    and Pisces is pretty mellow after all. Pisces is the only sign that
    could really soften his hard heart.

    Another general influence of Saturn is going to affect our personal beliefs
    and worship and again it can go either way depending how
    Saturn decides to express himself in this sign.

    Will he be the loving father /authority or the cruel mean and strict authoritarian type?

    We should have an opening up of the arts, the world of entertainment, oceans, and vehicles
    instead of vehicles now the same boring shape.

    I really want the real car shapes back so if that happens I will be a very happy Pisces.

    Pisces rules vehicles, (Neptune horses) and have you ever noticed how many racing car drivers are Pisces.

    Horses were our first cars and
    Pisces rules large animals …

    Jupiter as ruler of Pisces definitely suggests a speedy vehicle.

    Saturn wants to slow them down however I’m sure...

    So yes cars that look like cars are needed and Pluto will provide the free fuel
    as that technology is already there though stopped by
    powers that be long ago.

    Tesla was the one who suffered with that and removed from the scene.

    So all of that and more but it IS a start.

    Exciting times ahead. I will leave Pluto for a post after Saturn gets safely into my oceans before I go further.

    Maybe he will help me write
    the article!

    Art by Laron G Smith

    CULCULCAN The Final Synthesis - isbn 978-0-9939480-0-8 Staff Member

    The Clan Mother who guides Pisces is Weighs The Truth.
    She is the Keeper of Equality and the Guardian of Justice.
    ARTIST: susan lynne schwenger

    The Crossroads of Magic & Mastery
    Dale Osadchuk · 10m ·
    05 MAR 2023

    2023 Virgo Full Moon- March 07 at 7.40 am EST
    - Saturn enters Pisces at 8.35 am EST

    On a personality level Virgo is described as analytical, critical, and seeking perfection.

    That is the influence of her traditional ruler Mercury (logical thinking).

    In Esoteric Astrology when Sister Moon visits Virgo she is in her Soul Centered home.

    She asks us to remember “we are spiritual beings having a human experience”.

    The theme of this Full Moon is mind, body, spirit healing into wholeness.

    Virgo is the bridge to The Oneness.

    Pisces is The Oneness and Saturn visiting the sign of healing, forgiveness,
    and completion, for the next two and a half years is our guide.

    In her Fullness the Moon at 16 degrees Virgo 40 illuminates the theme
    of the Pisces New Moon cycle that began on Feb 19/20, 2023.

    Healing, forgiveness, completion, and release.

    But Saturn in Pisces will continue to carry that theme.

    We mentioned Mercury is the traditional ruler of Virgo.

    At this Lunation he is at 07 degrees Pisces 58 asking us to be guided
    by our intuitive knowing as we release the old programming that no longer serves us.

    The spiritual guide for Virgo is Chiron, the healer.

    He is at 14 degrees Aries 11 travelling with Jupiter
    at 13 degrees Aries 20 (expansion and growth of our new spiritual vision)
    and Vesta at 12 degrees Aries 11 (at-oneness-within).

    So this Full Moon carries the energy of inspired new beginnings.

    But Full Moons also carry the energy of completion and release.

    Mars is the guide for the Aries planets
    and he plays an important role at this Full Moon.

    The Sun is at 16 degrees Pisces 40 and is travelling
    with Neptune at 24 degrees Pisces 47 (illusion or illumination).

    Neptune is the modern ruler of Pisces.

    Mars at 21 degrees Gemini 48 creates a T Square with the Sun/Neptune
    and the Moon.

    Squares are motivation for change and finding new ways of doing things.

    A T Square can make us feel like we are backed into a corner.

    Mars wants us to take action.

    In Gemini he is guided by Mercury in Pisces.

    Listening to our inner knowing as we act.

    The way forward is to heal and release.

    Mars is opposite (finding balance) the Fixed Star Ras Alhague
    at 22 Sagittarius 46 in the Constellation of Ophiuchus.

    The theme of this Star is to fix what is broken, the Healer.

    I love the support the Universe gives us.

    Pay attention to March 11, 2023.

    The energy for breaking through to the new and releasing the old is very powerful.

    Mars will be sextile Venus in Aries (new opportunities)
    and Mercury will be sextile Uranus (awakening cosmic consciousness).

    The message is remember

    In the Northern Hemisphere our Animal Totem guides
    for Pisces are Cougar (spiritual power)
    and Wolf (who guides us on our path of transformation).

    They will be the guides for Saturn in Pisces in the Northern Hemisphere.

    For Virgo we are guided by Brown Bear (introspection, healing, and the healer).

    In the Southern Hemisphere Bear is the guide for Pisces
    and the Saturn in Pisces journey.

    For all of us the Clan Mother who guides Pisces is Weighs The Truth.

    She is the Keeper of Equality and the Guardian of Justice.

    She teaches us how to use personal integrity to find healing solutions.

    The Moon in Virgo is guided by Setting Sun Woman.

    She is the keeper of tomorrow’s dreams and goals.

    She teaches us to live our truth.

    (The 13 Original Clan Mothers by Jamie Sams).

    The Soul Centered guide for Pisces is Pluto, healing, transformation,
    and releasing the past.

    At this Full Moon he is at 29 degrees Capricorn 39 (transformation of society).

    On March 23. 2023 just after the Aries New Moon of March 21, 2023
    he will enter Aquarius (transformation of human consciousness).

    He will visit Aquarius until June 11, 2023
    then retrograde back into Capricorn until Jan 20, 2024.

    Then he will visit Aquarius until Jan 2044.

    He is an important guide for our Saturn in Pisces journey.

    The last time Pluto visited Aquarius was 1777 to 1798 (approximately).

    Huge shifts.

    In closing the last time Saturn was in Pisces was May/June 1993
    and again Jan 1994 to Apr 1996.

    I know for me it was a time of awakening
    and strengthening my spiritual foundation.

    Let that be Saturn’s gift to you.

    Namaste and blessings,

    Setting Sun Woman.
    She is the keeper of tomorrow’s dreams and goals.
    Artist: susan lynne schwenger

    CULCULCAN The Final Synthesis - isbn 978-0-9939480-0-8 Staff Member


    CULCULCAN The Final Synthesis - isbn 978-0-9939480-0-8 Staff Member

    Venus, Jupiter, and the Galilean Moons
    A lovely photograph of the conjunction of Venus (top) and Jupiter (bottom) over the Dolomites in Italy, seeming to land on Mount Soratiera. Note the four smaller dots next to Jupiter: those are the Galilean moons Ganymede, Callisto, Europa, and Io.
    Credit: Alessandra Masi

    CULCULCAN The Final Synthesis - isbn 978-0-9939480-0-8 Staff Member

    05 Mar 2023
    Photographer: Jim R. Sutton
    #sunset #georgian_bay #Wasaga_Beach #ontario #canada

    CULCULCAN The Final Synthesis - isbn 978-0-9939480-0-8 Staff Member

    06 Mar 2023 - FULL MOON
    #Spring is in the air #MiSS_KiTTY
    checking out the beach
    Photographer: Jim R. Sutton
    #Wasaga_Beach #ontario #canada

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