Planet News by Zoe Full Moon in Leo ~ Expressing your Creativity OPPORTUNITIES Living from the heart Enjoying Fun and Play CHALLENGES Seeking validation from within Balancing give and take Startling and sudden shifts are on the cards with the Full Moon in Leo on February 5th, 2023. With a strong square aspect of La Luna and the Sun to freedom-loving Uranus, we may have an unexpected change of heart, where we may find that the direction, we’ve been moving in is no longer the right one for us. And although this may be initially anxiety-provoking, it’s important to trust in the winds of change and not resist the curveballs that the Universe may be throwing at us. When circumstances unfold this quickly, it’s usually because there’s a stagnant energy than needs to move, and as human beings, we are often reluctant to initiate this change ourselves. Because let’s face it – change is frightening to most of us. Yet, when we open our arms and embrace this cosmic energy, we may find that we relish the feeling of total freedom and liberation that follows on the heels of this Full Moon. It’s that magic feeling of nowhere to go, nothing to do. Within this uncertainty lies the greatest potential of all. We get to recreate ourselves and our world according to who we are now, not who we were in the past. Leo themes include love, romance, children, creativity, individualism and self-expression. Leo also rules the heart, and thus, this is why we may experience these shifts from deep within our centers. Ask yourself if you’ve been able to fully show up as who you are in the world lately, If you’ve had to dim your light or hide your gifts. If this is the case, now’s the time to let the sunshine in, and spread light around to all those you love. Releasing relationships, old ways of being and ancient heart-hurts are the way forward now. Our souls are yearning for emancipation. Dancing, singing or channeling your feelings into a creative activity is the way to let go of any powerful, overwhelming or dramatic feelings. The ruler of this Full Moon – the Sun – is in Leo’s opposite sign of Aquarius. These two signs are worlds apart, yet have much to learn from each other. The balance to strike here is what you need to do just for yourself and your dreams, versus what’s good for the collective or your community. It’s also a matter of balancing the future with what’s happening right now, and not swinging wildly from one polarity to the other - which is often the case during a Full Moon. Look back to around six months ago, and notice what seeds you planted at that time, especially seeds around personal expansion and growth. These seeds have grown to full fruition now, for better or worse, making it the time to release what hasn’t worked and to keep what has. With Mercury and Pluto closely together at this Full Moon, it’s easy to get lost in obsessing over what we could have, should have done. But that mindset is self-defeating, so when we find ourselves in the mire of overthinking, find a way to move the body and release energy from the nervous system. Stand in the sunshine and soak up her rays – allow the light outside to illuminate the light within, and don’t be afraid to seek wise counsel when your soul asks for it. AstroMatrix