Astro Aatif 05 August 2022 · Astrology Nugget For 5th August 2022 - Quarter Luna Conjunct Cauda Draconis Aka KETU At At 18° 04’ (Taboos Of The Family Including Past Life & Childhood) Here comes the most stingy & psychological transit of the week… Luna Conjunct South Node - KETU In SCORPIO: Past Life, Childhood Memories & Taboos Of The Family Including Sexual Desires, Relationships, Illegitimate Affairs, Traumas, Power Struggle & Manipulative Partners & abusive & problematically ignorant Parents First Quarter Luna Conjunct KETU - Cauda Draconis ☋ In Scorpio/Vrischika - The Smokescreens Of The Traumatic Childhood & Past Energies Today: Luna, Ketu in SCORP Create 180 Deg angle with Uranus in Taurus & Quincunx Chiron in Aries & Squares SAT-♄ in Aquarius The Number Game - 18 SCORPIO: This number deals with the matters which are related to Health Issues, Death & Sickness bigtime including Hospitals, Health & Daily Services, etc. The uniformly unfavorable 8th matters of unconsciousness (SCORPIO) clashes with the strong will to establish one`s identity in the society Or environment he's living in (1st ARIES CHIRON) & the traumas associated with it including high sexual urges which are uncountable today due to the stuck in the past life & the events that occurred in life which were very much beyond one`s Control, conscience & will... Affliction To Your Health Conditions: Medically, these heavy Transits can cause serious troubles to your Health system in such ways: Taurus/Scorpio axis Note: KETU is slight weakest in terms of affliction as compared to HEAD & RAHU when it comes to the Health conditions & diseases associated with this nodal axis KETU & Luna in Scorpio Opposing URA in Taurus could indicate the problems with your Throat & highlight the troublesome Food addictions, Thyroid issues (Hyperthyroid), Wax in Ears resulting in Poor Hearing & even issues related to the Poor diet & weak vocal cords (Taurus) & Squaring to Saturn indicates the worst Blood conditions & circulation problems including irregular Blood pressure measurement s & flow because Aquarius rules BLOOD CIRCULATION matters... So be careful Financially: you know the TAU/SCO axis is related to Possessions, Income, Cashflow, Monthly budget/Expenses you make & of course the Inheritance & Shared resources but KETU sitting with Luna in 8th just drains you in terms of poverty, loss, loss of confidence Read the full Article on my blog below for more insightful details about Luna, Ketu, Saturn & Chiron in ARIES affecting & afflicting your energies today, especially with this dark, sexy, mysteriously active Moon in SCORPIO crossing KETU today: Astrology Nugget For 5th August 2022 – Quarter Luna Conjunct Cauda Draconis Aka KETU At At 18°♏️04’ (Taboos Of The Family) – Astrology By Aatif ( Regards, Astrologer Aatif #ketu #soutnode #southnodeinscorpio #nodalaxis #nodal #scorpion #scorpiohoroscope #taboo #taboos #familysecrets #family #traumas #traumarecovery #traumahealing #healing #traumainformed #astrology #pastlife #pastlifereading #readingskills #astrologyreadings #tarot #tarotreading #childhoodmemories #childhood #parents #cheating #manipulation #affair #Sexual #Obsessed #obsession #obsessivecompulsivedisorder #mystery #mysterious #mooninscorp #quartermoon #lunar #Lunatic #OCD #OCDrecovery