01 Feb 2021 ~ 3 Kings ~ 14 Degrees Cancer Full Moon In House Of Carpenter / Cancer

Discussion in 'Astrology, Astronomy and Crop Circles' started by CULCULCAN, Oct 14, 2021.


    CULCULCAN The Final Synthesis - isbn 978-0-9939480-0-8 Staff Member


    Erin Flanigan Manderschied
    Mr. Manderschied
    in Davidson County, Tennessee.
    February 1 , 2021

    My husband took this photo over our house
    on the Full moon

    The Moon was at 14° Cancer in the 'Manger' constellation
    overr the 'stable'

    Also called the House of the Carpenter

    1f603. You can even see the 3 stars of the 3 Kings aka The Magi.


    CULCULCAN The Final Synthesis - isbn 978-0-9939480-0-8 Staff Member

    i see she has also posted this,
    so, checking the dates with her

    Erin Flanigan Manderschied says:
    3h ·

    On October 14th, 2021
    the Sun is FOREVER at the fixed star 'Spica'
    which is called "the Promised Seed" of "the Virgin" in Virgo.

    It is my Wedding Anniversary.

    We were married in 'Rising Sun', IN.

    In, 2013, on Oct 14th, the Comet 'I Son' appeared in Spica!

    I was 3 mons pregnant w Levi!!

    It is a special day for me, for many reasons!!

    Levi was born then, on Passover on 4/14/14
    w the 1st Blood moon of the tetrad at the feet of Virgo, the Virgin, in Libra, or Levi.

    Jim has a YOD or what is called a Finger of God on his birthchart pointing at 12° of Cancer
    in in the "Manger" constellation, or the "Carpenter's house"
    or "the stable" with Jupiter Saturn and Sirius conjunct forming what is called 'The Bethlehem star' 1f31f.
    on February 11th, his Birthday, it appeared again in 2021!!

    In 2012, I was told that I would have a son and that he would QOUTE
    "Usher in the Millennial Kingdom Age."

    There I said it, now you know.

    Since then I have become an astrologer or a magi
    and learned how to read the signs in the heavens
    Jesus said "you know how to read the weather
    but do you know how to read the signs of my coming?!"

    Jesus died on Passover with a blood moon on a Grand Cardinal Cross on 4/14/33 A.D.'

    Levi was born on Passover on a Grand Cardinal Cross at 13° with the Blood moon
    at 3.14 Montclair Avenue. At 29° Pisces/ and 0° Aries w Jupiter "The King".

    On September 8th, The feast of Annunciation & Mary's birthday
    I was told that my name had been changed to 'Mary'
    and that God wanted to give me a new identity.

    No more hiding.

    I'm done.

    15 years ago today, I entered a soul contract to bring forth my little lamb in Aries. 1f411.

  3. admin

    admin Well-Known Member Staff Member

    Erin correctly identifies the 'present generation' with the great universal recalibration. Her son Levi is a representative and ambassador for the 2nd coming so said; but so is every other child in the potential of the christening not in individuality, but in manyness.
    Erin's particular associations and researches bestow upon her and her family the ambassadorship 'from on high' and in the commandments and or invitation by and of Jesus to follow him in all things he did and does.
    Erin's ambassadorship so follows the true Christianity/Essene-Naassene and apostolic tradition now replacing all forms of fake or false politicized Christianity.
    Last edited: Dec 3, 2021

    CULCULCAN The Final Synthesis - isbn 978-0-9939480-0-8 Staff Member


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