· 22 Sep 2022 Fall Equinox, Set For Washington Dc In America / Usa

Discussion in 'Astrology, Astronomy and Crop Circles' started by CULCULCAN, Sep 22, 2022.


    CULCULCAN The Final Synthesis - isbn 978-0-9939480-0-8 Staff Member

    Sheilajean Whitefield
    22 SEP 2022

    Fall Equinox, set for Washington DC:
    17.35 Taurus rises, in the terms of Jupiter and decanate of Mercury
    , tightly conjoined to the North Node (14.18 Ta) and Rx Uranus (18.34 Ta).

    The American people desire freedom to evolve
    but are traumatized by awakening (Ur)
    to perspectives (Ju) that are being communited (Me),
    often through the law of Executive Orders.

    The Annual Profection Lord and Lord of the Asc (LoA), Venus (22.10 Virgo)
    and Rx Mercury (0.30 Libra) are fallen, combust,
    and in mutual reception to each other;
    they enclose the Principle Point (PP) of this event chart,
    the Ingress of the Sun into Libra.

    The Sun sits in the terms of Mars and the decan ate of Libra.

    The President dictates the rules of war and competition,
    utilizing the resources of the USD.

    This chart forecasts significant events and conditions
    for the next 6 months in the USA.

    Venus and Mercury are not free to pursue their own agendas.

    The Sun dictates.

    The Solar triple conjunction (Ve, Su, Rx Me) opposes Rx Jupiter and Rx Neptune,
    and trines Rx Pluto, tightly conjoined to the MC (28.48 Cap).

    The Sun and Rx Mercury are semi-square the South Node
    and sesuiquadrate the NN and Asc..

    Following JB Morin, the angle following the PP must be examined!

    The angle following the PP is the Descendant (Ds).

    The DS makes the following aspects: to be continued momentarily...


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