[ATTACH] Plate 14 {tbody} {tr} {td} A Memorable Fancy. The ancient tradition that the world will be consumed in fire at the end of six...
[ATTACH] Plate 13 {tbody} {tr} {td} A Memorable Fancy. -would at last be proved. to originate in ours & to be the tributaries of the Poetic...
[ATTACH] Plate 12 {tbody} {tr} {td} A Memorable Fancy. The Prophets Isaiah and Ezekiel dined with me, and I asked them how they dared so...
[ATTACH] Plate 11 {tbody} {tr} {td} Proverbs of Hell The ancient Poets animated all sensible objects with Gods or Geniuses calling them by...
[ATTACH] Plate 10 {tbody} {tr} {td} Proverbs of Hell The head Sublime, the heart Pathos, the genitals Beauty, the hands & feet Proportion....
[ATTACH] Plate 9 {tbody} {tr} {td} Proverbs of Hell The fox provides for himself. but God provides for the lion. Think in the morning, Act...
[ATTACH] Plate 8 {tbody} {tr} {td} Proverbs of Hell Prisons are built with stones of Law, Brothels with bricks of Religion. The pride of...
[ATTACH] Plate 7 {tbody} {tr} {td} -roding fires he wrote the following sentence now percieved by the minds of men, & read by them on earth....
[ATTACH] Plate 6 {tbody} {tr} {td=left} -ah fell. & formed a heaven of what he stole from the Abyss This is shewn in the Gospel, where he...
[ATTACH] Plate 5 {tbody} {tr} {td} Those who restrain desire, do so because theirs is weak enough to be restrained; and the restrainer or...
[ATTACH] Plate 4 {tbody} {tr} {td=left} The voice of the Devil All Bibles or sacred codes. have been the causes of the following Errors....
[ATTACH] Plate 3 {tbody} {tr} {td} As a new heaven is begun, and it is now thirty-three years t since its advent: the Eternal Hell revives....
[ATTACH] Plate 2 {tbody} {tr} {td} The Argument Rintrah roars & shakes his fires in the burdend air; Hungry clouds swag on the deep...
The Marriage of Heaven and Hell William Blake [ATTACH] Links: Color Plates Text Reference [ATTACH] William Blake On Wikipedia
This 2000-Year-Old Pigment Can Eliminate The Third Dimension Article Link [ATTACH] Esther Inglis-Arkell [ATTACH] Han purple is an...
Excerpts From The Book of Disquiet The Book of Disquiet Fernando António Nogueira Pessôa 32 SYMPHONY OF A RESTLESS NIGHT Everything...
Scientists Have Finally Found The First Real Reason We Need To Sleep [ATTACH] Jennifer Wels Oct. 17, 2013, 2:00 PM We know we need to...
In This Image, Two Photons Interact. Here's Why It's Groundbreaking. Article Link [ATTACH] Normally, photons want nothing to do with one...
The female nose always knows: Do women have more olfactory neurons? Date: November 5, 2014 Source: Publicase Comunicação Científica Article...
Direct brain interface between humans Date: November 5, 2014 Source: University of Washington Article Link Summary: Researchers have...
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