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Discussion in 'Technical Problems' started by Jorgelito, Jul 22, 2014.

  1. Jorgelito

    Jorgelito ¡Olé!

    Tony I'm thinking of archiving my posts in Thuban from Jan 2013 in the form of PDFs. It would go relatively quick. But where would I put them that others would have access? Is there a cranny in Cosmosdawn for such things?
  2. Jorgelito

    Jorgelito ¡Olé!

    To those who are interested - Expunging Backup

    I plan to delete BACKUP & BACKUP INDEX of Jorgelito's Corner on Sep 12 unless there's a reason not to do so. Having a second copy of every post is not warranted. It makes things unecessarily complicated. Sept 5, 2014. - Jorgelito
    Last edited: Sep 7, 2014

    CULCULCAN The Final Synthesis - isbn 978-0-9939480-0-8 Staff Member

    i tried pdf;s and have lost all the photographs
    ~ might be a good idea to just keep a backup copy
  4. shiloh za-rah

    shiloh za-rah Planetary Rebirth

    I have not addressed pdf's yet jorgelito. The ones I am uploading I made screenshots of from their pdf format. For example thuban 101 the first 12 pages or so are all from a pdf.
    I will keep you informed if I get more detail of how to store pdf's. I guess if you upload the pdf's to someplace I can copy them from, I can then upload them to the server here for safe keeping.
    Iow having your pdf's on my harddrive allows me to upload them to the server.
    Then when I know what to do I can put them here on the forum.

  5. admin

    admin Well-Known Member Staff Member

    Should any problems occur, please leave a message regarding this here.
    Update finally succeeeded to iron out bugs caused by ftp connection.

  6. admin

    admin Well-Known Member Staff Member

    This should be good news, Jorgelito and Raven and rax and anone posting atm.

    Andy has succeeded to render the Image Converter operational.

    This means, that from now on you can simply copy paste from other sites, say the old spruz forum and the images should convert directly from 'hot links' to xenforo links.

    This then saves downloading the pics onto your computer and then uploading them again via the upload images button.

    If issues appear, please message here on this thread.
    Other issues are still being addressed.


    CULCULCAN The Final Synthesis - isbn 978-0-9939480-0-8 Staff Member

    it might be an idea ;
    when transferring threads

    to park a link to the new forum; in the last entry of the transferred thread

    as, that would make them easier and faster to find

    CULCULCAN The Final Synthesis - isbn 978-0-9939480-0-8 Staff Member

    The first set of threads - is NOW Completed and, marked as
    TRANSFER DONE -- Blood Types, RH Neg 0, etc., DNA
    (23 threads)
    i did have some problems, as i opened up Doug's postings
    where i got a 'white screen'
    -so, what i did was actually recreated all "23" threads from this section
    and, i deleted the problem entries from that posting, as, new ones were created
    -i hope that solves the problems

    Might be an idea to get 'ME' to do the transferring of the bulk of them
    and, perhaps have Doug, work on just ONE thread, at a time

    I hope to start at the '47' sub sections - and, do 1, 2, or 3 per day

    yesterday, i go 1 sub-section done of 23 entries;
    and, created approx 50 'new' topics

    best regards; susan

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