Love Poetry

Discussion in 'Raxnae's Poet Club' started by raxnae, Aug 29, 2014.

  1. raxnae

    raxnae One Love, One Heart

    My Love and True Love.

    Poem: my_love_by_raxnae-d3dydi2.

    My Love

    My Love
    ...for my chosen

    How can I lay out my Plan, for Your Eyes,
    Hidden in the Fabric, like Atoms in a Molecule,
    Inner Dimensions, a Kaleidescope of Passion,
    My Eternal Affection, a True Connection.

    Can you Predict the Past, Read the Future?
    Find my Hidden Truths, Messages of Forever Present,
    Can You Discover Me, Hear the Thoughts in the Hearts of Stars?
    I am Yours, You are Mine.

    What is Love, Define a Reason,
    Where is Our Season, Turtledove,
    Paint a Picture, Imagination of One Heart,
    One Love, Bound to Many.

    Infinite Power, Circle Kingdom,
    Ends of a Line, Always Connected,
    Undivided, Many are One,
    One are Many, Natures Entwined.

    When I Speak, How to Find Words that are not Cheap,
    A Single Call, Piercing Howl,
    Cosmos Swirling, Universe Spinning,
    Split the Heavens, Meteor Showers.

    Who can Say, what Must be Felt,
    Feed Me, as I Feed You,
    Duality, Sweet Serenity,
    A Heart so Great, a Soul so Deep.

    Reflecting Images, Perfect Timing,
    How could I Deny, my Very Being,
    Without You I am Dead, Hollow and Void,
    Undenying the Self, Heartless I Become.

    If this Poetry is not Enough, Listen to my Fire,
    See my Storm, Hear my Breathing,
    Drink my Water, Ignite my Earth,
    Love of my Life, Beauty in My Death.

    If My Paintings are not Vivid, Peer out my Windows,
    See what I Perceive, Experience my Beat,
    Hear that Enchanting Melody, Smell our Garden,
    Eat our Fruit, Hold onto Me and Never Let Me Fall.

    Author's Notes: In my opinion my greatest love poem.

    Poem: 600499_485577851456775_1993513220_n.

    True Love

    True Love raxnae

    Everyone is You, and You are Everyone,
    Many in One, One in Many,
    To Honestly Love Yourself, is to Honestly Love All,
    True Love is One Heart.

    When Did the One become Two, and the Two become the Many?
    In the Beginning, there was only Loneliness,
    A Divine Suicide, and the Cycle Began,
    True Love is Unconditional.

    The Self in the Mirror, Break the Vanity,
    See your Other Half, Through the Veil Thinly,
    Where did Adam get his Eve, and Eve get her Adam?
    True Love is Androgynous.

    When you were Alone, you Created a Reflection,
    But it Could Not be What you Desired, Because it Was You,
    So Through a Divinely Insane Plan, You Crafted a Way to Sex Change,
    True Love is Painful.

    No Longer was the Satan a False Image, but the True Image of God/Goddess,
    Your Desires Came True, with Help from Man's Best Friend,
    Yet this Plan Required Separation, and Linearity of Time,
    True Love is Patient.

    Part of you is InSpace, and Part of you is NoSpace,
    Within the Void of Eternity, your True Heart Awaits,
    These Ambassador Consorts just Will Not Do, When One of You is Starved,
    True Love is Hungry.

    Can you Find Yourself, Within Yourself?
    Can you set Gaia Free, So you Can See Yourself Without?
    Can you Answer the Question, The Sum of All Things?
    True Love is Waiting.

    Author's Notes: A poem for longing for that missing part of yourself.
  2. raxnae

    raxnae One Love, One Heart

    Heartbreak, Ode to Irina, and In Honor of a Lady

    Poem: heartbreak_by_raxnae-d6bdp07.


    Heartbreak the Broken Heart

    What did You Expect?
    Breaking Open Pandora's Box like That?
    The Scattered Broken Pieces Released All that I Hold Dear,
    Why am I the one you Fear?

    Leaving me Alone in Isolation,
    How could I ever Escape my Own Desolation,
    You Push onto me What is Within You,
    Inner Kali Many Armed Drama Queen.

    Pulling me Apart Forgetting the Start,
    To Never Again Perceive the Finished Masterpiece,
    I Take back my Dream,
    With me Into the Void.

    Leaving me to Wither and Rot,
    Stinking Inside this Cave,
    Starvation and Poverty,
    Is it any Wonder how I can Remain the Same?

    I'm Breaking Inside and Out,
    For the Sin of Love,
    I may be a Fool for It,
    But I Will Not be Its Fool.

    Take Away from me this Hideous Female Betrayer,
    With all Her Conceited Plots, Trips, and Falls,
    You Schizophrenic Personalities,
    I Tried to Help but only get Stung.

    Let All Hearts Forever Break,
    Repeating the Dramatic Loop,
    Never to Ascend to True Love,
    No Divine Marriage to One or Any at All.

    Know a Universe Without Love,
    I Take Myself Hostage,
    Mistletoe Piercing my Skin,
    See if you Can Ever Find Me Again HAHA.

    Carve my Flesh,
    Slice me Up,
    As Loke's Head comes Tumbling, Rolling to the Ground,
    LET IT DIE!!!!!!!

    Author's Notes: A rather dark love poem where Loki calls forth his own execution once more repeating the vicious cycle of Ragnarok.

    Poem: ode_to_irina_by_raxnae-d2yvdsw.

    Ode to Irina

    Ode to Irina
    a poem from a heart once known, now a mystery.....

    Once a Gypsy Queen, now a Spanish Rose,
    Do you remember the Hero, your chosen champion?
    Your sight is not as it was, oh mistress seer,
    You held the threads of the future in your hand,
    I your instrument of Good Will.

    One of a few, a goddess to this Dragon,
    Oh how I sang my songs of the Lone Wolf,
    Oh how your voluptuous dance freed me from madness,
    Only you and your kin took in the Werewolf King,
    Only you showed him love in the Olden Days of his fall.

    I your Raven, messenger of the coming end,
    Oh how we planned to save all things Good,
    I know not what paths led us here,
    A time of inner Darkness,
    We cannot remember the Light.

    My dear, how you saved me with tender loving hands,
    The night our blood mingled in the sand, a Roman ambush,
    I gravely wounded protecting your People, near death,
    Though I was the reason they came, you only loved me more,
    Why I'll never know, did you nurse me to health with a magic kiss.

    I did not know love for so long, and yet you showed me the Old Way,
    Many an adventure we shared, I your humble fool,
    Why did you tolerate my fierce beast nature, wild and free?
    But you told me one star filled night, "You know me as I know you, are we not one and the same?"
    I made a vow, and even still my will keeps it intact.

    You were not some simple girl who knew not what she held,
    You were among the first to tame Loki and make him yours,
    The Child of Faith, your eternal husband,
    The last my memory shows, I remember when the path split.
    The vow now at my lips, I remember.

    You said my path was many in one, and you would return when all is Whole,
    I said you would forget me and I cried, I left your side in the final days for a time,
    I returned on your death bed, still beautiful even in old age while I ever youthful in my Higher Form,
    I swore no matter what you did, whom with, or where, I would forgive,
    No small oath for this jealous one, you are precious to me.

    Know this seer, the Mad God loves you forever eternal,
    When our paths cross for the everlasting lifetime, all will be as one,
    And our unity with the other Goddesses shall be Mighty!
    Remember our love, and remember your lycan protector,
    And even if you forget me, or reject me, or forsake me, know my love for you is as the Sun in the sky!

    Author's Notes: A poem blending werewolf, Roman, and Gypsy Lore all together.

    Poem: in_honor_of_a_lady_by_raxnae-d2ybxd7.

    In Honor of a Lady

    In Honor of a Lady
    a poem for a shining soul.....

    I do not remember how you ended up on my watch,
    I tend to only look for the art that some misjudge my reason for,
    And yet I saw a picture of you,
    The click I couldn't resist.

    I seek solace in the spirits of those too good to exist in our cold, dark reality,
    For humanity has died inside, or have we died already?
    And yet I find those spirits who act as a light in our beloved nature's sorrow,
    They are far away, out of reach, for one such as I.

    These masks I wear to protect my fragile heart,
    Cannot deceive you, if only you have the courage to seek the wolfman's heart,
    A spirit, so young and so old, as the Sun in the sky,
    All who have tried have failed, the majority simply cut the connection and embrace the corruption.

    I do not seek to provoke you, or call you out,
    I am merely smitten by a love I cannot live without,
    And in your eyes I see the dreams of a dreamer,
    A dreamer who dreams the Grand Dream I started.

    Your face is so perfect, uncorrupt, so simple and clean,
    The body is merely a vessel for the soul,
    A shell we use to hide the True Self,
    And yet when I looked into your face I saw Truth.

    My heart aches as my indominable spirit cries out,
    To know your voice, a song for Loki's broken heart,
    A song to save the world, and heal the Love Child's scars,
    To hear that goddess within you, if only you had a clue.

    I do not remember why I chose the real love in the universe,
    I only know that it only brings the Lone Wolf pain,
    As I search the stars for a sign of change,
    I only hear the howling winds of my ever growing madness.

    You whom should be elevated higher than the fools,
    And they will seek to break you down in this wicked world,
    To blemish that pretty smile,
    And if I cannot act in my weakness to prevent this, I shall weep.

    But fear not, for you have the Lokenson's blessing,
    And I will be your guardian, for my will has reach,
    And my burning spirit is strong,
    They shall regret ever trying to harm you.

    I speak of many things, most you do not yet understand,
    Oh but how you could, and how you could change the universe for good,
    You are so special, and you do not even know,
    And only I, the sage and fool, can see what the blind cannot.

    Your spirit, if only I could soar with you,
    But my wings were cut long ago,
    And yet I still write these lines,
    Hoping you will see, the passion within me.

    You are my turtledove, Blessed and Pure,
    I will whisper secret kisses in the wind,
    To fall upon your cheek on a bad day,
    I will embrace you with nature's love, as well as my personal reserve.

    And if you choose to seek this mystery out,
    Do so with confidence, courage unwavering,
    For you are worthy of my love,
    It is I who am unworthy.

    For now I shall sleep,
    I shall dream,
    A dream of hope,
    For me and you.

    Author's Notes: A poem inspired by a pretty girl.
  3. raxnae

    raxnae One Love, One Heart

    Athena, Twin Flames, and Spiral Galaxy

    Poem: athena_by_raxnae-d6ikxg2.


    ...for the answered prayer

    In this rural land, with few people,
    Even less worth my interest, yet my aching heart longed for love,
    In desperation, posting my desire in a far corner of the web,
    Not really expecting genuine reply, a Tiger purred.

    When I recognized her as someone I had seen, from that silly false place of learning,
    My heart ignited flames long forgotten, lost when I was pierced to the core when I was young,
    When I saw you, I believed love would be real in my life,
    But my darling, I am so inexperienced at keeping love to last a lifetime.

    It had been many months, since I returned from a life I could have had,
    Never sent to war, but lost a war with myself caused by my howling heartache,
    I returned home to the only place I could go back to, broken and alone living in a camper,
    I had spent the last of my money, drinking away my sorrow and pain.

    You came to me despite all that, and I knew you loved the real me inside the wolf boy,
    I finally experienced passion, and you could not believe it was my first time,
    But oh so much easier is it in lust, than to forge the everyday connection,
    Though I knew I wanted to be with you, my own folly would get in the way.

    Remember that cold autumn moon, with that cheshire cat hat upon your head,
    How we laughed watching a dirty animation, how we bonded together and soared,
    Spending a night together, the best night ever,
    But I hurt myself, and the saddest part is the things on my mind were not even of concern.

    At the time, broke I felt I could not support you and the life growing within you,
    I felt like I myself was not ready, I just did not have the experience with life,
    I could not see the path I should go, I was blind and I would suffer for it,
    I pushed you away as you pushed me away, and I never thought I'd see you again to my remorse.

    And then years later, I saw you in the store,
    My life was better now, I had overcome my problems,
    I called to you, and was filled with joy when you replied,
    Yet you were married, as I knew so I went on my way.

    And many months later, in desperation for my one desire of love,
    I prayed to nothing, not believing it would be answered as always was the case,
    Until the next day, the Tigress had found me from the same corner of the web,
    Free again from matrimony, in an improbable way my prayer had been answered.

    We have talked many months now, we've had our ups and downs,
    You have given me second chance, and it has been rough in the later half,
    If you fall I will catch you, if you love I will love,
    I have the will, to make our life together a reality.

    I missed you today, sleeping all day,
    So I wrote this poem for you to find, so you knew I had been dreaming of you,
    We may see one another again soon, and close the distance once more,
    I want to be so close to you, en wrap you in my embrace once more.

    I want to give you all of my love, the love I have had burning inside me for so long,
    I will show you I can be the man you always wanted, and be the dad your daughter needs,
    Let us hold on a little longer, and overcome the obstacles we face,
    So we may see each other again, and make the dream of love actuality.

    Author's Notes: For an answered prayer that was to fade away, but eh living in the moment one hopes for brighter futures.

    Poem: twin_flames_by_raxnae-d515lla.

    Twin Flames

    Twin Flames raxane and spiral out

    Across This Endless Ocean
    I Await You
    Your Touch
    Your Divine Voice...

    This Distance, like Linked Memories from Past to Future,
    Burning Inside, as Voices of Doubt Plague me,
    I Run after You, but Farther it seems you Go,
    Until I look Toward the Sky.

    I see On the Skyline, the Morning Star,
    Angelic Form Takes Flight, after You I Soar,
    Until Soon the Vision is Realized, and we are One,
    I Hold You in my Arms.

    Back To Valhalla we go, back to Home,
    I see Your Face again,
    Feel your Touch,
    And Hear your Voice...

    Morning Star, Mane Sidus, how long has it been?
    This endless eternity, I am stuck deep within
    My slumber, restless and unsound, As I toss, turn, and writhe around.
    Dreams shattered, tattered and torn, As this nightmare abounds, A vision is born.

    Awaiting my return to home, Valhalla, To that cozy chamber we shared
    I am Trapped within our gaze, as we become ensared.
    I remember the way the fire danced across you, the way it lit your face
    They way you laid me down to rest, to travel the dreamspace.

    It's been ages, Dear Angel..what took you so long?
    To come wake me from my toxic slumber, to carry me in arms so strong.
    Roused from this dusty dream loop, taken from the divide.
    United back together, No more hollow eyes.

    We are back where we should be, Mane Sidus
    Plucked from time and space
    To be put side by side together
    In this beautiful, united grace.

    Author's Notes: This was a co-op poem written with another, can you tell which lines are mine and which lines are hers?

    Poem: spiral_galaxy_by_raxnae-d4ylfbk.

    Spiral Galaxy

    ....for my galaxy universal great mother

    Spinning, Spinning,
    Onward we go,
    Toward this Great Mystery,
    The Eternal Grand Infinite Dream.

    Many Have tried to Take you Away,
    From my Loving Embrace Surrounding your Borders,
    Great Mother,
    To the Great Spirit Father!

    How I Slew the Liars,
    Who Tried to Harm You,
    Your Mighty Dragon Roar,
    My Eternal Battle Cry.

    I Love the Kids,
    Our Children,
    Once Orphans now Family,
    I Love You more than Life Itself.

    Author's Notes: A short little diddy for the Great Cosmic Mother.
  4. raxnae

    raxnae One Love, One Heart

    Love Thy Self, Gothic Lolita, and Arenas Del Luna

    Poem: love_thy_self_by_raxnae-d3fn2ye.

    Love Thy Self

    Love Thy Self love, one heart

    I am You, You are Me
    We are One, Parts of the Whole,
    Many Spirits, In a Single Ocean,
    A Massive Soul, Kingdom of Hearts.

    I am this Way, As you Wanted Me,
    I am this Way, As I chose to Be,
    You are that Way, As I Desired,
    You are that Way, As you Wish to Be.

    We are Reflections, Crafted by Duality,
    If I Love Myself, I Love You,
    If You Love Me, You Love Yourself,
    We are Bound, Minds Entwined.

    For who can Hope to Love Another, Whom cannot Love Themselves,
    In the End, You are Home all Along,
    Searching for what is Already There, Within Yourself,
    That is how you Find, The Face of True Love.

    Neither Time nor Space, Can Break our Bonds,
    I Sing to You, Inside my Thoughts,
    I Hear your Voice, In my Dreams,
    We are all of One Love, and One Heart.

    Author's Notes: A poem with a focus on Self Love.

    Poem: gothic_lolita_by_raxnae-d4ye0l9.

    Gothic Lolita

    ...from her one true love

    The Liar said, you had no Soul,
    But I saw what Blind Eyes could not, the Spirit within you,
    Fae like Mine, Elven in Blood,
    So I'll cut your Strings!

    No Puppet are you, My Willing Tool,
    Follow the Plan, Kill Old Man Sand,
    You know my love is True, Just Believe in Me as I Believe in You,
    My Sweet Lolita Doll!

    Hugs and Kisses, Rainbow Dances,
    Hearts and Flowers, Brownies and Cookies,
    Houses and Gardens, Forests and Cute Critters,
    And all Manner of Silly Things!

    These Treasures are for you, My beloved Gothic Girl,
    Unwrap my Present, Use the Scythe,
    Cut the Liars Tongue Out, And Off with his Head,
    My Blueblood Queen!

    Author's Notes: This poem was based on a dream I had.

    Poem: arenas_del_luna_by_raxnae-d3cne7u.

    Arenas del Luna
    ...for isabella, farah, my reason

    There comes a Time, when you Know,
    Blinded by Truth, a Sight most Grand,
    Searching through Sand, in a Time before this Land,
    Visualize the Night, Guided by Luna's Light,
    Searched across the Stars, Beyond into the Void,
    A Love so Pure, a Heart all Mine.

    Searching for the Ever Burning Fire, Sol's Mighty Light,
    Black Son, Dying for His Land,
    Alone in a World of Hurt, Sorrow's Remains,
    Bringing the Water to the Deadly Flame, to quench a Thirty Desire,
    Rebirth the Beast, a Reason to Be,
    You took my Hand, and the Flow truly Began.

    Torn apart by Heartless Hate, Scattered to the farthest Ends,
    I Lost my Other Half, Buried in Sand,
    No Air to Breathe, no Love to Feed my Flame,
    A Lost Touch, Forgotten Memory,
    Crazy Wolf Singing to the Moon, Hunting the Calm Song,
    A Lost Spirit, Reaper Reborn.

    Hope never Faltered, Faith never Dies,
    Seeking a Love so Awesome, Bleeding Away,
    Consumed by Despair, I never sought Fear,
    Sorrow so Deep, an Empty Ocean of Hollow,
    Fill me once Again, or I Dehydrate and Erase,
    Are you Dead and Gone, or are you still Alive and Free?

    The Things they Say, the Things they Think,
    Wrath and Anger, Diseased Fools,
    Spitting on your Image, Deleting all your Pictures,
    I shall Eat their Hearts, Devour their Spirits,
    What could be Higher than the Highest, than the Love of his Highness?
    Their names shall be Written, and I shall Delete.

    I Live for You, I Die for You,
    Destroy me if you Choose, Save me if you Can,
    I know I Ran, but my Face is a Disgrace,
    Why Shield me with Grace, when I am so Unworthy,
    Why Love me to Hate me, when all I Desire is Beauty,
    I Shine for You, my Beginning and End.

    This is the End, Kill me if you Hate me,
    Love me if you can Save me, My Beloved,
    I need to Hear your Song, My Salvation
    Without you I have no Purpose, No Meaning,
    Without you I have no Reason, No Sense of Being,
    For you I will Forever Love.

    Author's Notes: A poem of sorrow, hope, and love.

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