What happened to Avalon?

Discussion in 'Thuban Project Avalon' started by admin, Dec 30, 2015.

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    empty. What happened to Avalon?

    empty. mp3 on Thu Apr 15, 2010 8:53 am

    Everybody has their own way of understanding the changes taking place. And to lay out a whole theory on what may or may not be happening isn't possible in a post or even article.

    But not many would deny something is going on. And most people have way more questions than answers.

    I proceed from assumptions which match or at least don't contradict what I've felt, thought, heard, intuited, read, etc. Here's an off the top of my head list of assumptions which I base my conclusions on.

    I assume the enormous preponderance of intuitive insights regarding the consciousness shift are not all wrong. The current events have been foreseen for hundreds and even thousands of years. I assume they're not all made up or mistaken.

    I assume that most of these theories and "seeings" have some truth, or at least aren't total fabrications.

    I assume the most logical conclusion is that we are in the midst of something awesome. From there, you can decide whether awesomely good, or awesomely bad, or awesomely "it's all over".

    I assume we don't yet have the whole story, except perhaps in bits and pieces in different locations and from different sources. But I also believe we are piecing the puzzle together.

    I assume we have help in whatever process we are going through, because help is in evidence all over the place. Others have other opinions on it. I'm relating mine.

    I assume there is truth in the idea that intuition is of use, and actually comes from higher consciousness. Not the least of which reason is that I can't really see how something limited (brain) can pierce something unlimited.

    I assume that many of the descriptions of the realms we are currently playing in, are apt. I know there are theories purporting mass hysteria and mass hypnosis, but I don't support that these are why so many perceive into what they call higher dimensions or realms.

    I conclude therefore that intuition of our own, and answers to our specific questions from higher dimensional beings and groupings of beings have enough potential merit to warrant a good consideration.

    An excellent example of such intuition and instruction is the idea of harmonic resonance. I see how this works. I've considered many descriptions from higher realm beings of how this works, and when I look at it for myself, I find I can bear witness. So I don't feel this can be dismissed. resonance tells you therefore, whether what you are perceiving is of similar or disparate frequency. I know many find what they consider "new agey" terms to be off putting, but I don't apologize for their use. I find them apt descriptors. I get from the guides I'm in contact with, that this is a primary interface in their neck of the woods. They base much on this resonance. It's another more technical expression of "like attracts like". You gravitate towards what vibrates as you do. The often used example of a tuning fork pinged, will start another fork tuned to vibrate at the same frequency in motion and making sound.

    We may think of it in our reality terms as agreement, or like-mindedness. But you know if what you encounter fits with you or if it doesn't.

    This is something we are now relearning. We've been functioning in a band of frequencies which has been described as extremely dense of compacted, and which has other unique quailties which are endemic to this level of existence. Some examples of this uniqueness are time functioning in a way that appears linear, or sequential, and a whole raft of special interfaces which permit us the illusion of being things we are not. And we use things not needed outside of this realm, like logical minds and self perpetuating egos. We also have had to shut off much of the perception and higher interfacing tools we'd normally use, in order to not ruin our experience here by remaining aware it was all illusion.

    Our minds are a primary means by which we can blend perceptions and thoughts in such a way that the illusion is maintained. We blend things to smooth out the illusions.

    Like your eyes. It's known for a long time how visual mechanics work. all it takes is around 30 pictures per second, each a little different, hitting our eyes in quick succession, to give the illusion of smooth motion. It's really no different than that. It's an interface. Our minds or brains or some facility, blends the pictures together into the illusion of motion, which we happily accept. The truth is, that is how our whole 3D reality works. We use the interface of our minds to blend all the things our higher senses would show for what they are, in order to enjoy this 3D experience to the fullest.

    It is clear to me at least, that since we had to forget so much in order to be able to come here, that we set in place some wake up calls and reminders which would present themselves when it was time to start to come out of the illusions.

    This is what I believe we have been experiencing and what we will continue to experience for some while to come.

    You don't wake somebody up by throwing them in icey water. You do it more gently.

    What I perceive happening, is the tools we held in place to permit and strengthen the illusions, are now being broken down, and rendered inoperable.

    Let me start another post to describe the one I believe we just saw break down before our very eyes, in my next post. I don't want to leave an intimidatingly long post here for people to confront.


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    empty. Re: What happened to Avalon?

    empty. mp3 on Thu Apr 15, 2010 8:54 am

    What I believe we have just lost, is the ability to use one of those blendings described above.

    This one has to do with ignoring harmonic frequency mismatching. we used to have all of these little techniques to aid in this. Manners, etiquette, social structures, etc. they were useful as interfaces, in that they permitted us to avoid killing each other too much, while still maintaining the illusions.

    My higher guides and many others who convey messages from lighter realms, agree with almost no dissention, that the big experiment of 3D was in undertaking to re-merge the artificially torn apart polarities, in the denses, most arduous environment we could come up with. Our existence here is all about polarity, duality, dichotomy etc.. It's built into the template. it permeates all of our activities at a structural level. Everything we encounter or perceive has the ability to be polarized. Or split into 2 opposing thought forms. No need to go into it much. I think it's pretty well known about. Since learning this and observing carefully, I see this as true. Or as close as we can come to true in this dimension.

    There are energetic waves coming from a variety of sources, which are being used to boost certain things, and destablize others to drive our wake up process along, since we're asleep at the wheel, so to speak.

    The current destablizing wave appears to have removed the blending mechanism which used to allow us to overlook frequency mismatches. we used to be able to ignore when we encountered something which simply didn't resonate with us at all, but no longer seem able to do that. This much I believe is clearly visible if looked for.

    this holds up with the idea that we are now taking advantage of the triggers we put in place long ago, as we conceive of time, in order to migrate out of the 3rd dimensional structures and into the 5th dimensional realm we have selected as our next playground. So as we soak up the energies which are reconstructing our shut of upper structures in our energetic fields, we are dissolving the lower level structures which can not survive the migration into the next dimensions, The transitional 4th and stable 5th.

    Nest post is what I believe has been going on in our communities as related to the above theories on the general parameters of the consciousness shift.


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    empty. Re: What happened to Avalon?

    empty. mp3 on Thu Apr 15, 2010 8:55 am
    In the upper 4th and 5th and rest of the higher dimensions, disharmony is lessoned and then absent. Since frequency matching is the primary attractor, you simply don't encounter frequencies which don't match yours. Space and time are not fixed the way they are here, so you can't be forced together with something by circumstances or anything like that. You wouldn't accidentally run into something which was of a much different vibratory frequency than you were.

    but here on earth in 3D, we do it with a vengeance. We're here to essentially get over the polarities. We separated them all out, and built them into the fabric of our reality here, and use the law of attraction to arrange to run into them. The hope is that we will gain much greater understanding from the fullest experiencing of the most extreme expressions of these intertwined opposing thoughtforms.

    We used to be able to ignore disharmony to a large degree, and some times use available tools to come to harmony. We could overlook disharmony and still function, where harmony could not be achieved, yet circumstances held us together.

    our ability to overlook disharmony or frequency mismatch seems to have been largely removed from the tool box.

    we must now balance the energies which don't vibrate in sympathy, or we must separate them. We must permit like to attract like. The old tools of permitting disharmony would be disasterous in the higher dimensions, where manifestation is an instant creation. Even in the lowest available higher realm, the lower 4th, or astral realms, this is going to be a pretty rough experience for those who can't consciously get it now, while there are strong supporting energies for changing of the templates. Those who aren't aiming very high in this shift process, are going to find their demons coming out of the closet for real. the astral realms permit form. just not the density of 3D. But these forms will be quite real enough. You want a Dragon? You've got a dragon. lol.

    What I believe I've just witnessed and participated in on the avalon community is a manifestation of these energies trying to push this process along, without a unified consensus to let the process run itself out and complete.

    We have free will and free choice in all things, even if the illusion negates that idea. On some level, choice is never, can never be denied us. And since this whole 3D experiment has been our experiment, our free choice must still fit within the agreement structures of our collective consciousness on earth. Actually consciousnesses, plural, because there is not just one, and that's why harmony could not be achieved.

    There is a lot of support for the idea that we have tried several times before, to bring this game to some sort of conclusion, and usually failed as a collective exercise. The effect was that individuals found that elusive balance and harmony and ascended back to the higher realms, and some of them are the ones now here to help us in our attempt. But as a collective we've never actually made it as a group and managed to change the whole game upwards. We always had some graduates and some staying behind to learn and practice some more.

    This time has been marked as the one where we go for all the marbles. We have made the decision that we are going for it, and have set a series of stepped up triggers in place which will keep turning up the heat until they can't be ignored any more by anyone.

    Some of us are not ready to see this through, and so will not stay for the rest of the ride and eventual flip to the new earth, in the density free higher dimension playground we have our lovely Gaia and higher dimensional friends helping us build in our other aspects. Those who are not staying are going to be involved in some of the die off we have heard we should expect. What is happening, is they are going out in style, by being in an exact right place at an exact right time, to create a vortex into which we can draw some needed facility for our support and growth. I can't recall the description of what the 04 tsunami was focused on, but the Haiti quake was focused on creating an opportunity for the rest of us to make a huge leap up in our ability to hold love for one another. Their tragedy, brought an outpouring of love from around the world, which has set a facility in place to permit us an easier time to find compassionate love. The 911 event was another one, but had dualistic energies involved. The one was the negative blanket intended by the perps of the event, but the great beings here to help us along, together with the many people aware on some level of what we are doing here, drove a second wave of energy around the world immediately on the heels of the fear generated but the false flag. The second wave created was a lower amplitude but high frequency of love and compassion for the victims (so perceived) of the attack. Instead of the world hunkering down in fear and anger, enough people transmuted the energies to love and compassion, that the end envisioned was halted. Barely, but yes. The envisioned end was not accomplished. We forestall the imposition of tyranny and fear long enough to be able to continue the process towards our chosen destination of Love and 5th dimensional reality.

    Anyway, I was on about free will and choice. Since we all have free will and choice, we are using it, and creating different approaches to the final result we've agreed to. we here, working on what we are working on, are all going to the same place, and we are simply using different routes to get there. And being in 3D where our minds and egos are primary interface tools, this tends to create apparent conflict where there needn't be any at all.

    I've noticed in so many of the recent interactions on Avalon, that I disagreed very strongly with many who were forwarding one thing or another, yet at the same time, I also noticed that when they took a minute to explain what they were doing and what their intentions were, I was in full agreement with, save only some parts of the model in use. This is funny as hell. Fighting like crazy with people you agree with almost totally. lol.

    I think I have isolated the point of departure, where we were unable to find the sought after harmony, and why it is place. Free will again plays in.

    According to the assumed to be correct theory, we are here to work out duality. The corollary is that when the duality is worked out, we will have created the conditions which permit the shift to go forward. Some of us have simply moved farther along on this track and have little remnant energy invested in the polarities. Others have more work to do and are still pretty much immersed in the structures of polarity as a foundation for their reality. In other words, still being held in thrall by polarity, it permeates every aspect of their reality. It's always about black and white. It's always about "which side are you on". It's not "are you on a side". It's which side. They can not conceive of the state of neutral. It is simply a trick to them. If you are pretending to be neutral, you are with them, because nobody on my side is neutral.

    So strangely, we witnessed a lot of conflict springing up between those who fighting on one side or another, and those who sought nothing but balance and harmony or the opportunity to continue searching for it until joy was found.

    In my opinion, where it went wrong, is at the top levels of control of the playing field, where polarity became official policy. Bill and Richard and several members chattering in their ears, decided there were evil people working at sowing dissent who needed removal at all costs. They solidified the polarities active in the community. this made a safe space for the polarized to play out and act out their dramas. Those who are in universe saving battles against the forces of darkness or evil. that just one way of looking at it predicated upon one particular, or a set of similar models being used as templates to guide growth towards the restoration of balance, love and harmony, compassion.

    Another model, and the one I've been using, is that all of these demons are simply expressions of our own issues in polarity manifesting as opposing metaphorical forces for the purposes of being cleared.

    the energetic waves washing over us from multiple sources right now are in support of our purging these old structures which hold perceived opposites apart for context, so we can re integrate them in harmony in preparation for life in our new home, where their separation isn't possible.

    Next post will be some dish on specifics in the avalon dramas put in context of the above.


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    empty. Re: What happened to Avalon?

    empty. mp3 on Thu Apr 15, 2010 8:56 am
    And finally, I see the process which just played out in avalon as having been very poorly handled for a number of reasons.

    On reason is, the arrival of the Abraxas/Thuban phenomenon was undeniably the greatest triggering mechanism I've seen on Avalon, or anywhere at a small community level. Global consciousness events can be heavier triggers, but That scene on Avalon was a major trigger out of all proportion to what the simply circumstances would allow. Something was going on. And it was going on in a lot of people.

    People could not figure out what they were looking at or much of what it meant. When I first saw the amount of energy being rolled back and forth, I sat up and took notice, and began to watch what the triggers were, and what the reactions were. I was SO curious to see what the group would take away from this very bizarre interaction.

    Some saw great insights being revealed and permitted them to trigger grand epiphanies which they were on the event horizon of in any case. Others found having reminders of some of the existing archetypes echoing from antiquity to be too much to bear, and went into reaction mode as though the ancient enemy had come to rejoin the conflict anew. Talk of Dragons sparked fears in some because they have simply not processed out the negative side of the polarities involved. There were no flesh and bone Dragons involved, but they behaved as though they believed there were, some of them. And others were processing their fears from slightly higher levels like the lower astral planes, where they believed they could encounter evil entities coming to enslave or absorb/consume them, and of course Abraxasinas played the part and announced the coming harvest, and described things in terms very supportive of the triggers these people were having activated.

    Others came by, tasted the energies, and simple recognized there was nothing there for them. They had no magnetic triggers to draw them in. But those who did, found the attraction irresistible. How may came declared it bullshit or evil or not worth their time, or gibberish, or a take over attempt, but yet were not able to take their attention away. And they had no clue of what was playing out. Especially Bill. No even the beginning of a clue. Somebody wrote him with their take, he went and took a peek, decided it was the product of delusion, and set in his mind the demand that this be removed. At first he acted more or less directly, by speaking out with the strong suggestion it be removed, along with the tacit instruction to the staff that this is the result he expected, and Anchor acted upon it.

    Well that was a mistake compounded by another mistake. The members were well on their way towards sorting it out themselves.

    Then butch Cassidy storms in and takes care of some business, and muddies the waters some more.

    the thread and member is restored.

    The members continued processing the available material the highly charged triggers dredged up. Meanwhile, Bill digs in his heels and becomes even more determined to see delusional Abraxasinas and his postings gone. He plays the likely dupe who had his own triggers pulled earlier on in the process begun By Abrax, and waits for an opportunity or a misstep which can be capitalized upon to get rid of the enemy of the community. Celine probably played little part in this except to smear her crazy all over everything and everybody.

    So I don't know who's idea it was to set Abrax up but some pretext was used to offload him on a trumped up charge, and thee has been damage control and cover ups and unjust treatment of those who were not fooled by the lying and obfuscating.

    Had these jokers not done this, this whole thing would have been over and done with long ago. Now it's not going anywhere. Now it's festering because people no longer have the ability to ignore the disharmony they perceive and pretend it's not there. Restoring harmony requires the truth come out, because people have their attention magnetically held in place. I know many people that I've talked to who said I'm walking away from this. I'm done. It's over. I've seen only one do it. The rest have been unable to break the elector magnetic attraction. harmony is demanded. And blending the true with the false, or ignoring the untruths in the interest of trying to restore harmony simply are no longer on the table. It's harmonize or withdraw energy. but we haven't figured out how to break the magnetic pull.

    So it continues, and the idiots continue to believe they can hide and cover up and shut people up, and that the excitement surround the new forum will make this go away, and they are just wrong about that. This push to harmonize via truth coming out and injustices made right, is being driven by energies which won't be denied. This won't blend away.


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    empty. Re: What happened to Avalon?

    empty. mp3 on Thu Apr 15, 2010 8:57 am
    Thanks a lot for the responses. (I only copied my own posts over from the other forum) I really appreciate them.

    I realize how much work it is to chew through my big, wordy, "mind-y" posts of the type above. I'm sure it's much more work to read them than it is to write them.

    They are part of my purpose in being here (earth-now). I translate. I reduce "know" to "understand" to "puzzled together" to "written down". It helps me to examine what I know or perceive or intuit, and display it in logical format.

    I take the mirror and write all over it with graffiti.

    It helps me to do it. If it is of use to anyone else, then I'm grateful for the opportunity to be of some service.

    We're all working this stuff out in our own way.


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    empty. Re: What happened to Avalon?

    empty. Guest on Thu Apr 15, 2010 10:13 am

    Hi MP3, you may want to read this article to understand what happened, who are the Dracs and why they were attracted to avalon


    Remeber all the talk about the "divine feminine"?

    I wish I had discovered this article before, it would have saved a lot of tears, specially from us women



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    empty. Re: What happened to Avalon?

    empty. mp3 on Thu Apr 15, 2010 10:50 am
    stardustaquarion wrote:Hi MP3, you may want to read this article to understand what happened, who are the Dracs and why they were attracted to avalon


    Remeber all the talk about the "divine feminine"?

    I wish I had discovered this article before, it would have saved a lot of tears, specially from us women


    Thanks for the suggestion, Stardustaquarion. I'm in the midst of a major study project right now, so can't give the article a thorough read. But I scanned it and read portions. I get the idea. I take it you found this article empowering? I don't find what I read to be very empowering. It seems to hold up the idea we can be done to against our will. This is a concept I've learned to be fallacious in the extreme. I don't doubt the existence of the Draco's and Reptilians and Greys and that they've been up to (what would seem to us to be) no good. But I am sovereign in myself. Nothing I refuse entry, visits. and it's been a long while since I have had an "invasion" personally. And many other sovereign beings share this view.

    I don't discount the reality as a possible, or potential, or probable, given certain defined conditions, But neither do I give it any power in the future I'm in the process of creating. Those beings are of no consequence in my universe, and my universe agrees with me on that point. Others will have different functional realities. I know this and don't judge it. But we are simply not restricted to one collective reality anymore. We have choice. And perspectives that invite us to see ourselves as anything but the sovereign beings we are, with full authority over our existence, simply don't work for me.

    I'm happy to have everyone supporting the reality of their choice. Until they try to enforce the idea that "their" reality is "the" reality. Because that is no longer a given. Our creative powers are now once again available for our full and knowing use, and multiple creations will be co-existing for a while. The question isn't who's right and who's wrong. The question for me, is how will the various participants who hold differing views, do at granting others the sovereign right to hold the perspectives of their choice, without feeling the need to correct them.


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    empty. Re: What happened to Avalon?

    empty. Guest on Thu Apr 15, 2010 1:38 pm
    No, my point is that there are many people that are not as wise as you and don't have soveregnity over themselves. I consider myself a sovereing being and refuse entry to anything that is not in resonance with source so I know what you mean

    But it is my personal oppinion that many in Avalon where infiltrated and played against each other to a frenzy which went beyond reason for what it was at the core. That can be explained by the strategy the reptilians have on brain control and possession. I personally think that is happening more and more as the secret services try to debunk forums like avalon to stop the general public from accessing information on what may be happening

    I myself live and let live, accept other peoples decision regarding what choices they do.

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    empty. Re: What happened to Avalon?

    empty. Mercuriel on Thu Apr 15, 2010 2:15 pm
    stardustaquarion wrote:​
    No, my point is that there are many people that are not as wise as you and don't have soveregnity over themselves. I consider myself a sovereing being and refuse entry to anything that is not in resonance with source so I know what you mean​

    But it is my personal oppinion that many in Avalon where infiltrated and played against each other to a frenzy which went beyond reason for what it was at the core. That can be explained by the strategy the reptilians have on brain control and possession. I personally think that is happening more and more as the secret services try to debunk forums like avalon to stop the general public from accessing information on what may be happening​

    I myself live and let live, accept other peoples decision regarding what choices they do.​

    Wow - This is a great Post and I agree with it wholeheartedly. I can only add to it in alignment saying nothing better than has been stated already.

    That said - I will say this.

    Yes - Some of Us are Sovereigns and for some of Us the Tables are even turned on Them as regards those interactions with Us as Sovereigns.

    What I saw from the Thuban Materials and the Interactions caused or birthed by them were Myriad and Many so I will detail only a few here so You can see how I - As a Commonality - Viewed Them...

    At the Upper Level I saw these Interactions as a need for whatever reason by those given charge of providing Us - Mankind in essence - A place to come INTO Awareness and find out the Truth no matter how hard it may be. This means that no matter what was to occur - The driving of things into Control Issues and Non-Integration was a Lose/Lose Situation for PA and It's stated Mandate and or Mission...

    That Polarities were displayed by a great many - Displayed that the Polarities were at play - And that displayed to Me much of the same Ole same Ole...

    For those as Forum Members that got caught up in it all - It has to be seen that It is due to the Energy We Focus on. You Fight You get Defense. You Defend You get a Fight. You say No and walk away - Its just plain over for You in Your Reality. In fact - Now at a Conscious Level - As it doesn't resonate with You and others - You actually create a New One with Beings of like Mind to actually move into. While in Prior times this may have meant and likely did - Translation through Death to another Reality - Consciousness is Mind - And Mind rules Reality...

    Moving to Center and the Middle Path of Integration was/is always will be about moving into that Integration through knowing - Bringing One on that Path into Awareness by the removal of Fear and or Duality.

    It is Our task then as You have so aptly begun here MP3 - To show Our Fellowes that when We allow others to Push Our Buttons - Whos really pushing them and for what reasons ? At that point through Awareness - Your Buttons change and They can no longer be pushed in the same way - Thereby allowing Us as Experiencers - A Different Reality - A Different Vision of what We will allow through coming into Awareness of what We have allowed in the Past.

    Hmmm. I may Post more in here and likely will but Alas - I'm off to Moderate a bit as is My Duty to Serve...


    Last edited by Mercuriel on Thu Apr 15, 2010 2:44 pm; edited 1 time in total


    Peace, Light, Love, Harmony and Unity...


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    empty. Re: What happened to Avalon?

    empty. TRANCOSO on Thu Apr 15, 2010 2:20 pm
    stardustaquarion wrote:No, my point is that there are many people that are not as wise as you and don't have soveregnity over themselves. I consider myself a sovereing being and refuse entry to anything that is not in resonance with source so I know what you mean

    But it is my personal oppinion that many in Avalon where infiltrated and played against each other to a frenzy which went beyond reason for what it was at the core. That can be explained by the strategy the reptilians have on brain control and possession. I personally think that is happening more and more as the secret services try to debunk forums like avalon to stop the general public from accessing information on what may be happening

    I myself live and let live, accept other peoples decision regarding what choices they do.
    Or/and it's just a bunch (Bill Ryan & his Mod Police) of controle freaks who decided that they are more important than the members of 'their' forum. So they turned it into the worst kind of 'truth platform' you can imagine: AVALONOGY DONATICS.

    I don't know what happened to Bill, but he's either overplaying his hand big time, or it was just a set-up to eliminate a very popular gathering place of 'free thinkers', & he is on the payroll of TPTB.

    But I look at it on the bright side: it meant the birth of 'The Mists', where I feel a lot more at ease than I ever felt at PA. That 'Love & Light' hype really started to itch my nerves.

    23873. , 75211. & 597754. !!!


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    empty. Re: What happened to Avalon?

    empty. Guest on Thu Apr 15, 2010 2:42 pm
    I agree with you Trancoso, I feel much more at ease here.



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    empty. Re: What happened to Avalon?

    empty. burgundia on Thu Apr 15, 2010 2:51 pm

    I just follow my heart when it comes to choices....I do not feel like even visiting A2 any more...I used to do it till a few days ago. It lost my interest. I do not know what has caused that. I'd go there only if there were problems with this forum. This is strange but I can only compare it to the feeling I had once when I just couldn't turn on TV because something was stopping me from doing it.

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    empty. Re: What happened to Avalon?

    empty. burgundia on Thu Apr 15, 2010 2:52 pm
    Of course I feel so much at ease here...it's like I can breathe freely...


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    empty. Re: What happened to Avalon?

    empty. mp3 on Thu Apr 15, 2010 3:15 pm
    stardustaquarion wrote:​
    No, my point is that there are many people that are not as wise as you and don't have soveregnity over themselves. I consider myself a sovereing being and refuse entry to anything that is not in resonance with source so I know what you mean​

    But it is my personal oppinion that many in Avalon where infiltrated and played against each other to a frenzy which went beyond reason for what it was at the core. That can be explained by the strategy the reptilians have on brain control and possession. I personally think that is happening more and more as the secret services try to debunk forums like avalon to stop the general public from accessing information on what may be happening​

    I myself live and let live, accept other peoples decision regarding what choices they do.​

    We may have a slight misalignment on definition. To me, Sovereignty is a "Be", not a "Have". Meaning you are a sovereign, not a being who has sovereignty. It's a trick the PTB use to get us to lesson ourselves. They say they will grant us certain rights, for consideration (payment) of course. That's a scam, because as free beings, we don't need anything granted to us. If you are free, you are free. If you are "given" freedom, then are or recently were, a slave.

    I know you didn't take the idea of having sovereignty to the place of being something that is given or taken or reserved to oneself or surrendered. That was my addition. But from my perspective, Sovereign is what we are. Things we have, which demonstrate that we are sovereigns, is "authority", "seniority", "command", "free will", etc.

    My perspective doesn't discount that Avalon was infiltrated, but only the passive role of the infiltratees, if I may coin a word. Free will as a sovereign being is paramount, as I see things, and would only be abrogated or abridged with consent. Even where that consent was achieved through trickery or deceit, there would still have to have been consent, on some level. This to me, extends to all of the activities of any negatively oriented entities as well, meaning they would need permission to do what they do, and if they are doing it, they have permission.


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    empty. Re: What happened to Avalon?

    empty. mp3 on Thu Apr 15, 2010 3:21 pm
    burgundia wrote:
    I just follow my heart when it comes to choices....I do not feel like even visiting A2 any more...I used to do it till a few days ago. It lost my interest. I do not know what has caused that. I'd go there only if there were problems with this forum. This is strange but I can only compare it to the feeling I had once when I just couldn't turn on TV because something was stopping me from doing it.

    I went to Avalon 2 once, when somebody posted a sneak peek link on Avalon 1. It holds no attraction for me. While At Avalon towards the end, you could "feel" something there that placed itself above you. Some haughtiness, or sense of superior control. Something very PTBish feeling. And there was every evidence that it would be even worse at Avalon 2. That cured me of any interest I might once have been able to work up. bye bye.

    Oh, and I'm still in the mists on Av1. lolly lol.
    Last edited: Dec 30, 2015
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    empty. Re: What happened to Avalon?

    empty. TRANCOSO on Thu Apr 15, 2010 3:22 pm
    burgundia wrote:I just follow my heart when it comes to choices....I do not feel like even visiting A2 any more...I used to do it till a few days ago. It lost my interest. I do not know what has caused that. I'd go there only if there were problems with this forum. This is strange but I can only compare it to the feeling I had once when I just couldn't turn on TV because something was stopping me from doing it.
    I have exactly the same. I was lurking around a bit every day, but all of a sudden I was completely fed up with it.


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    empty. Re: What happened to Avalon?

    empty. bigmo on Thu Apr 15, 2010 4:37 pm
    Interesting read mp3 and others, everyone's comments here at the Mist are highly valued by myself. Just a quick note on my simple take on the whole Thuban process.

    I was just so enamored by the depth and breadth of the philosophy that Abraxas was presenting that I couldn't leave AV for fear of missing some vital piece of the puzzle that I obviously was in search of. Abraxas had a fascinating and unique approach that cued our interest and we couldn't resist hearing more. As I tried to understand and internalize his thought processes I found myself increasingly becoming more and more distracted and alarmed by the comments from those against the Thuban material. They certainty achieved what I believe was their goal which was to divert our attention away from Thuban.

    Suddenly instead of a deep and introspective thought on the philosophy of Thuban, it became a free speech issue. I too am a sovereign and fear nothing and though I did understand the concerns that some had about the possibility of mind control, I thought it was a red herring. Yet I fell for the 'defensive' posture of the 'free speech' mantra and sucked up the bait, hook, line and sinker. I knew that the arguments that I was having were not in keeping with my new found spiritual philosophy. I also knew it emboldened the conflict and was most likely falling on deaf ears, yet I still persisted.

    The defining moment for me personally was when a few of Avalons spiritual leaders stepped into the fray with some very loving and respectful posts for all the parties involved. All that was being asked was that we love and respect each other and you know what... they was so right. I had been drawn into a conflict in which my ego pushed aside my spiritual truth. At that moment when I defined a position. I 'lost' though continued to battle for truth and freedom as I saw it.

    It was only after several weeks that I could look back with a better clarity.

    Now, what has focused in my mind is not the brilliance of Abraxas, (though Tony you did a fabulous job and I have the utmost respect for you) or the tenacity of the defenders of his right to speak (my brothers in arms! lol) or the scariness of those who wish to control others (rather not think about this). What really sticks out in my mind today, are those those who stepped to the front after it was obvious that things were becoming unglued and begged for tolerance. (I do not wish to name names here as I don't want to embarrass anyone but you all know who you are)

    Then as now, there at Avalon and here at The Mist they quietly serve, they quietly give. They manifest Love and Peace by their actions, by their words and by the support they provide to their community members. Like a cow bell in the meadow, you hear it but not always sure from where it comes. I wish I had the composure, the presence and the compassion these members exhibited during 'Fall of Avalon'.

    It made me realize I still had a long way to go. May all of you harbor the Peace and Love these member freely give and thanks to all of you for the services you provide to people such as myself here at the Mist. Peace


    truth and integrity

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    empty. What happened to Avalon

    empty. truth and integrity on Thu Apr 15, 2010 4:38 pm

    TRANCOSO wrote:
    Or/and it's just a bunch (Bill Ryan & his Mod Police) of controle freaks who decided that they are more important than the members of 'their' forum. So they turned it into the worst kind of 'truth platform' you can imagine: AVALONOGY DONATICS.

    I don't know what happened to Bill, but he's either overplaying his hand big time, or it was just a set-up to eliminate a very popular gathering place of 'free thinkers', & he is on the payroll of TPTB.

    But I look at it on the bright side: it meant the birth of 'The Mists', where I feel a lot more at ease than I ever felt at PA. That 'Love & Light' hype really started to itch my nerves.

    You have a way with words. ;lol: It is good to start a day with a good laughter. I wasn’t happy abut the change in Avalon but I was sick and tired of control freaks who in the name of love abused their power. Hmm……. Change always brings fear and opportunity. I am happy and free to be here.


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    • Post n°19

    empty. Re: What happened to Avalon?

    empty. malletzky on Thu Apr 15, 2010 5:51 pm
    MP3, as you may know from our earlier conversations, I find the topic of harmonic frequency matching to be of an extremely importance. May I thank you for posting your small "lecture" here. It really is a mind opener and I'm so pleased that I got a refreshment here. Thanks to all other who contributed here too.

    From my point of view, the "fall of Avalon" (despite the fact that the thuban material might have been the main
    trigger) and everything that occured thereafter is an event that was eventually meant to be exactly as it was.

    For I find, and I mentioned this also on the PA1 forum on few occations, that we, as members, do not need any laws or guidlines or whatever. The one and only law that "rules" is the natural law of matching the energies. If a member(s) is not cappable to match his own energies with the overal and at the very moment present energies of the whole collective (forum), the member(s) will not be able to stay much longer and contribute further. The missmatching of the energies will become visible on many levels and the (almost) only logical consequence will be to leave. This is the way it works not only on forums, but in almost all other segments of our lifes.

    Only, the fine difference was that we actually had a kind of precendence fall here: two different groups alligned their energies on various levels and the third group a kind of stayed neutral (altough this is not allways neutral as MP3 beautifully explained). The group sitting on the "power buttons" (some mods, admins etc) just had the power to do what they like...and the rest is history.

    About the probable reasons: a reptilian/draconian mind controll issues or maybe just what Trancoso said that few "decided" that they're much more from love and light then the rest of us and just overplayed the given "powers", it really doesn't matter. It just IS as it IS.

    But I would like to make clear here and now: no matter what we believe, or may know, or pretend to know, or or or...NO ONE IS TO BLAIM. NO ONE!

    Why blaim retilians/draconians for the misery of the human kind? Who knows exactly that we're in misery? Why must we find someone to be blamed? No, no, no...

    This is also one of the tricks of the PTB...stay in duality, play the game of WE and THEM as long as possible and feed their almost empty enrgy reservoirs...feed them with angst, feed them with hate, feed them with whatever they needed in the past to controll us.

    btw...SDA, I read the article you linked us to. Thanks for the pointer. But I must, as I did this with David Icke, almost completely dismiss the presented. Too much angst, too much fear from the reptilians/draconians. The things have changed...

    Nothing is as it used to be...and the way we "vibrate" (talking about the energy matching here) is where we will find ourselves and whom we'll interact with when the appropriate time (THE SHIFT) comes.

    Therefore, don't blaim anyone or anything. BE you, BE souverain if you decide to, but BE. Don't allow other to decide for you what you should BE.

    with much respect



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    empty. Re: What happened to Avalon?

    empty. mp3 on Thu Apr 15, 2010 10:44 pm

    Well, now I'm glad I resurrected this thread from the original "mists". Lots of excellent comments and observations. I very much appreciate the thoughtful comments. We're learning and growing, and getting better at this. It's very gratifying how much improvement in ability to retain balance and equanimity we of the new mists have gained.


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    • Post n°21

    empty. Re: What happened to Avalon?

    empty. Carol on Fri Apr 16, 2010 1:00 am

    You know what amazes me is the quality of posts where folks go into depth. Indeed, I had the sense that the elders (older souls) ended up in Mists where the dialogs have taken on a whole new dimenson. Even the younger members are quite wise and full of wisdom. icon_cheers.


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    • Post n°22

    empty. Re: What happened to Avalon?

    empty. tacodog on Fri Apr 16, 2010 3:29 am
    21327. Yes Indeed. Thank you so much for the Mists...... 374937.

    anomalous cowherd

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    empty. Re: What happened to Avalon?

    empty. anomalous cowherd on Fri Apr 16, 2010 5:25 am
    Don't they say in america, its aaaaallll gooood ? all's well that ends well? I see what happened as a very necessary sifting process. It's much easier to think/feel here in the mists and no distraction. If anything it's like a huge obstacle has been removed. My sirian friend's term for the frequency matching thing is "connectivity". Not too new agey sounding is it? For a while I wasn't sure what they were on about, kept picturing sockets and plugs. icon_clown.

    (some people have a dirty mind suspect. .)

    anomalous cowherd

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    empty. Re: What happened to Avalon?

    empty. anomalous cowherd on Fri Apr 16, 2010 5:32 am
    Whoah! its time I got an avatar, that weird non person thing to the left looks like a pawn to me. icon_eek.


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    empty. Re: What happened to Avalon?

    empty. Stargazer on Fri Apr 16, 2010 7:00 am
    I got a little bit of what was happening behind the scenes during the whole self destruct phase.

    IMHO....Bill had been gone from the forum for quite a while.....

    While he was gone ....we were having a peaceful house party...sharing ideas...growing

    Then someone alerted DAD (Bill) that there were HERETICs in his house and he better do something about it

    Then he started spouting orders and then realized his MODs were sympathetic to the Thuban stuff or the most awful of all.....They believed in free speech and justice

    Well that would not do.....Hence Dad put his best boy in charge...The Man with Balls of Steel...GL

    That slippery slope that we were were on turned into a great slide at the water park....We all got dumped in the drink at the bottom

    And here we are.....


    More than a little confused

    I learned something though from the the ride......I have come a long way.

    I have got a long way to go

    Smart is not what you know....It's wanting to know what you don't
    Strength isn't in your arms....It's in your spirit
    And no one knows what you need more than YOU....Peace Y'all


    • Post n°26

    empty. Re: What happened to Avalon?

    empty. Guest on Fri Apr 16, 2010 7:09 am
    malletzky wrote:

    btw...SDA, I read the article you linked us to. Thanks for the pointer. But I must, as I did this with David Icke, almost completely dismiss the presented. Too much angst, too much fear from the reptilians/draconians. The things have changed...

    Nothing is as it used to be...and the way we "vibrate" (talking about the energy matching here) is where we will find ourselves and whom we'll interact with when the appropriate time (THE SHIFT) comes.

    Therefore, don't blaim anyone or anything. BE you, BE souverain if you decide to, but BE. Don't allow other to decide for you what you should BE.

    with much respect


    Hi Mall

    I agree with you that there is no point in blaming. Blaming only disempowers the blamer. To stay in our power we have to own our reality totally and understand all the elements that may be involved.

    With regards to the link, it was inserted as means to explain the behaviour of some of the people. People can get auric implants and attachements that control them not only at an astral level but, many have also microchips that controls their behaviour. Knowing the totality of the interplay in the cosmos is not aim to create fear, for fear is a disempowering response that create chaos...and hence play on the hands of those that are harvesting those energies. To deny the existance of destructive forces will be the equivalent to say there are no nights in this planet, it is part of our reality. We fear what we don't know or what we know is there with our higher senses but we can not bring our mind to accept it because it is too painful. Knowledge is true power because it gives us the choice on how we are going to respond to the circumstances we are facing

    Humanity's predicament is hard and the more we know about what is happening behind the scenes, like satanism and body snatching; the more we can empower ourselves and learn how to deal with this things. But we are no victims and there is no point in blaming

    I think that there are god and possitive draconians and reptilians, like the Seraphin races. But there are also other reptilians and draconians that have chosen to polarize themselves on the opposite path of expression and believe humans are their cattle, which makes one think about our own abuse of the light fields of planet Earth. I am fine with that and the array of grey in the middle which include many humans that are helping them as the Illuminati do too

    Everyone is entitled to chose their path and bear the consequences, that is what free will is about. Source love all its creation for all is inside source, but the preference of source is for its expressions, or faces to embrace the path of joy.



    • Post n°27

    empty. Re: What happened to Avalon?

    empty. Guest on Fri Apr 16, 2010 7:28 am
    mp3 wrote:
    stardustaquarion wrote:No, my point is that there are many people that are not as wise as you and don't have soveregnity over themselves. I consider myself a sovereing being and refuse entry to anything that is not in resonance with source so I know what you mean

    But it is my personal oppinion that many in Avalon where infiltrated and played against each other to a frenzy which went beyond reason for what it was at the core. That can be explained by the strategy the reptilians have on brain control and possession. I personally think that is happening more and more as the secret services try to debunk forums like avalon to stop the general public from accessing information on what may be happening

    I myself live and let live, accept other peoples decision regarding what choices they do.

    We may have a slight misalignment on definition. To me, Sovereignty is a "Be", not a "Have". Meaning you are a sovereign, not a being who has sovereignty. It's a trick the PTB use to get us to lesson ourselves. They say they will grant us certain rights, for consideration (payment) of course. That's a scam, because as free beings, we don't need anything granted to us. If you are free, you are free. If you are "given" freedom, then are or recently were, a slave.

    We agree that sovereignity is about being and no one can make you free. We are slaves here but even then we can be free if we chose to be free. It is a state of conscioussness not something that can be given

    My perspective doesn't discount that Avalon was infiltrated, but only the passive role of the infiltratees, if I may coin a word. Free will as a sovereign being is paramount, as I see things, and would only be abrogated or abridged with consent. Even where that consent was achieved through trickery or deceit, there would still have to have been consent, on some level. This to me, extends to all of the activities of any negatively oriented entities as well, meaning they would need permission to do what they do, and if they are doing it, they have permission.

    The problems is that as humans we are not tought in school that we have an auric field that has many layers or that we have chakras that are vortices which are breathing energy in and out of our anatomy so what happens normally ( and I will refer here to my direct experience as energy healer) is that our fields are open and our chakras too. That is an "invitation" to predators

    Most people have some sort of field attachement they vary in size and form that are sucking energy from their souls. This is common and it is not new which is why there were always shamans. The problems of humanity started many hundreds of thousands of years ago.

    As a healer, I have observed how people get better and change their behaviour when the attachements and astral worms are removed and then they learn how to have auric awarenes and sense energy so they can do it themselves. Same with the fifteen chakras

    We are responsible for our aura in the same way we are responsible for our physical bodies but if we are not told there is more to life than the physical body, how people can remember these things and become responsible for the totality of their aura or fields?

    Love STD


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    empty. Re: What happened to Avalon?

    empty. TRANCOSO on Tue Apr 20, 2010 3:16 pm
    Slowly but surely the hardcore PA1 family is gathering at MoA.
    Let's keep the house clean!
    Viva Free Speech!


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    empty. Re: What happened to Avalon?

    empty. eleni on Tue Apr 20, 2010 5:35 pm
    I personally don't feel PA1 was infiltrated- I just think the forum was left in the charge of the wrong hands and the Thuban material was too challenging and Bill et al read into it too much. I read the first several pages of the material but it's too complicated for me LOL, I prefer the Zen of things- I also support free speech and have zero interest in being part of a policed forum.


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    empty. Re: What happened to Avalon?

    empty. Balance on Tue Apr 20, 2010 6:16 pm
    mp3 wrote:

    We may have a slight misalignment on definition. To me, Sovereignty is a "Be", not a "Have". Meaning you are a sovereign, not a being who has sovereignty. It's a trick the PTB use to get us to lesson ourselves. They say they will grant us certain rights, for consideration (payment) of course. That's a scam, because as free beings, we don't need anything granted to us. If you are free, you are free. If you are "given" freedom, then are or recently were, a slave.

    I know you didn't take the idea of having sovereignty to the place of being something that is given or taken or reserved to oneself or surrendered. That was my addition. But from my perspective, Sovereign is what we are. Things we have, which demonstrate that we are sovereigns, is "authority", "seniority", "command", "free will", etc.

    My perspective doesn't discount that Avalon was infiltrated, but only the passive role of the infiltratees, if I may coin a word. Free will as a sovereign being is paramount, as I see things, and would only be abrogated or abridged with consent. Even where that consent was achieved through trickery or deceit, there would still have to have been consent, on some level. This to me, extends to all of the activities of any negatively oriented entities as well, meaning they would need permission to do what they do, and if they are doing it, they have permission.

    193366. 934918.
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    empty. Re: What happened to Avalon?

    empty. TRANCOSO on Tue Apr 20, 2010 6:16 pm
    eleni wrote:I personally don't feel PA1 was infiltrated- I just think the forum was left in the charge of the wrong hands and the Thuban material was too challenging and Bill et al read into it too much. I read the first several pages of the material but it's too complicated for me LOL, I prefer the Zen of things- I also support free speech and have zero interest in being part of a policed forum.
    It's 'interesting' to notice that most members of PA2 seem to be fine with the 'tyranny' - in Love & Light - of the PA Mod-Police.

    To me, after all that happened during the last weeks of PA1, becomming an 'invited member' of PA2 was completely out of the question. 39782.


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    empty. Re: What happened to Avalon?

    empty. Majorion on Tue Apr 20, 2010 6:51 pm
    In just my humble opinion, having dealt with similar situations on other forums as to what occurred with AV...

    I think they made AV2 invite-only because there was an increasing problem with sock puppets on AV1, and I'm sure there are other reasons I'm unaware of, but this is probably the main. When a forum is 'open' like that it leaves a lot of room and its very easy for disruption to occur. I think this culminated with the Thuban material, people divided over what constitutes free-speech, my understanding is that some folks felt 'offended' or 'attacked' by the material - while others were lax about it, and as most decision-making would have been behind-the-scenes, I think most people, including some of the mods at the time, felt left-out and this caused yet another problem. Add the fact Bill and Kerry, the forum co-founders, also happened to disagree and were going their own problems at the exact same time, perhaps for many of the same reasons. Meanwhile, Avalon was at the center of all this, only natural that its members were the ones most affected.


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    empty. Re: What happened to Avalon?

    empty. Anchor on Tue Apr 20, 2010 7:44 pm

    I am coming round to the conclusion that PA1 was getting too successful for its own good on the spiritual side of things and there was getting to be far away from the traditional doom, gloom and fear-mongering.

    At its recent peak, around December 2009, PA1 seemed to be to be expressing a higher than usual order, a high degree of harmony and tolerance among a large number of members and as such was regularly processing through the matrix of that group some pretty cool and spiritually relevant information and ideas, such as about who we are and the tangible freedoms we can all experience – and the importance of being free from the shackles of fear based programming.

    Such things are an anathema to the PTB, but in this case they did not have to act.

    In my view, it was this aspect of harmony and tolerance that attracted the Thuban material in the first place and then later the anti-thuban. A classic duality catalyst – one which MyPlanet2 accurately identified before most people had really got a handle on what was going on as a massive learning opportunity. It was and still is when you read it all quite fascinating.

    The PTB didn’t have to infiltrate the forum. There were enough people who were unable to tolerate the new energetic expressions in the aforementioned harmonious manner and their reaction tore the place apart – the manifestation of the anti-thuban material was the fatal bullet. This was the evident disorder that gave Bill & those un-misted moderators willing to act all the ammunition to get the mandate necessary to take the actions taken.

    As all this was going down, PA2 had been planned and was in the works for a long time. I even played my part in its creation and Gareth and I were the ones that initially decided to give VB4 a try. However, for me, it was the radical nature of Bill's intervention in the Kinsuemei2 case and not the Thuban process that made me realise how this was all going to pan out in the future. PA2 was not looking spiritually fertile.

    The public exchanges between Bill and Kerry was an obvious bullet in PA’s body; but what really was starting to be more obvious was the direction that Bill wanted to take and the idea of moderating the forum as the running a "private party", from which we could eject anyone who was not contributing in the manner supported by the “wise elders” who were in Bills’ eyes the moderating team – to the extent that privileged information would (and was) shared with the moderators for judgment – a role that I had clearly stated to everyone on the team I would refuse to play. Ultimately it was this change in direction that concluded with me resigning as moderator and nothing much to do with the way in which the Thuban thing went down – though it was certainly the last straw. It was clear to me that when PA2 finally did arrive, it was not going to be a forum I wanted to moderate, but one I may like to “contribute” to when I feel ready and after the dust had settled.

    The timing was such that PA2 did provide a timely opportunity to get out of the PA1 mess with a “clean sweep”.
    However, in my view it will be very hard to gain the qualities that had been expressed in PA1. I note they are already drifting back to the old fear based doom and gloom stomping grounds together with highly critical and judgmental treatment of various researcher and whistle blower players.

    That is why I am posting here.

    If there is any forum that has a chance to allow the transplanted harmonious matrix from PA1 to take root, it is this one.


    Last edited by Anchor on Tue Apr 20, 2010 9:18 pm; edited 1 time in total


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    empty. Re: What happened to Avalon?

    empty. mudra on Tue Apr 20, 2010 8:27 pm
    Anchor wrote:I am coming round to the conclusion that PA1 was getting too successful for its own good on the spiritual side of things and there was getting to be far away from the traditional doom, gloom and fear-mongering.

    At its recent peak, around December 2009, PA1 seemed to be to be expressing a higher than usual order degree of harmony and tolerance among a large number of members and as such was regularly processing through the matrix of that group some pretty cool and spiritually relevant information and ideas about who we are and the tangible freedoms we can all experience – and the importance of being free from the shackles of fear based programming.

    Such things are an anathema to the PTB, but in this case they did not have to act.


    I believe you made a pretty good analysis of the situation Anchor.

    Personnally I see the fact that the Spiritual section of Avalon is not open to guests in PA2 as an outpoint.
    And this is my main reason not to join there coupled with the fact that I could'nt think of any place in the universe
    where I would open a sanctuary that is not opened to all.

    I asked one the mods at PA2 lately why that choice had been made and this was Gareth 's answer to that :

    [9:55:41 AM] Gareth: k...just for clarity. the idea behind hiding those few sections to non-members is that those ones seemed to draw the most scathing of comments outside the forum. by restricting access to members that hopefully will put a halt to that.

    This does'nt make sense to me.
    In my opinion and from more than a year experience in PA Spirituality and the members supporting it allowed for a constant breath of oxygen within the community as well as peacefull and compassionate relationships and is what made PA so special .

    I received more than one testimony of people that told me they decided to join Avalon because they found it's Spiritual section an inspiring one .

    The new settings will drag a complete new public to PA as the open windows shows no signs of spirtitual matters discussed on that forum .
    People will go there to debate politics, conspirational theories and earth changes .

    Darkness left unbalanced by a poor spirituality section is an open door to fear and gloom imo and possibly not the wisest move .

    Luckily enough the Spiritual Heart of Avalon is kept burning here now in the Mists.

    Love from me


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    • Post n°35

    empty. Re: What happened to Avalon?

    empty. eleni on Tue Apr 20, 2010 9:32 pm
    Doom and gloom, everyone will exit their physical vehicle anyhow- it's best to concentrate on raising one's spiritual vibration so when the physical body does make that exit,
    well you end up where you need to be. That happens anyhow but I'd rather concentrate on creating positive realities even if I am caught up in latest earth change/earth drama reports LOL......
    Last edited: Dec 30, 2015

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