Crop Circles & Dates Of Eclipses, Etc.,

Discussion in 'Astrology, Astronomy and Crop Circles' started by CULCULCAN, Apr 14, 2014.


    CULCULCAN The Final Synthesis - isbn 978-0-9939480-0-8 Staff Member

    5/22/2010 CROP CIRCLE & an old drawing of mine (needs work)


    On May 22 a crop Circle appeared near the windmill of Wilton in Wiltshire,
    South of England – a crop circle with an encoded message.
    This crop circle speaks of a profound paradigm shift, a reverse of polarity.

    It alludes to two dates: The Grand Cross, activated on June 26, 2010,
    and December 21, 2012.
    It contains a powerful warning, speaks of a global crisis
    and at the same time it shows the solution.

    On June 26, 2010, there is an extraordinary planetary constellation,
    a Grand Cross. According to the message of the crop circle,
    the sun creates a new room, a healing room,
    a new field of consciousness on that day.

    The sun unites two poles, merging them to a unity on June 26.
    This merging of polarities leads to a short-circuit, or in other words,
    a cosmic orgasm due to which a new room will enfold.
    This new room is a gift, because in this new room what seemed
    devoid of meaning all of sudden makes sense again.
    What enfolds is a new, corrected reality, shifted in phase!

    According to the message of the crop circle this new room can be accessed
    by everyone through the power of consciousness.

    If LOVE succeeds on earth, and be it for only a few hours
    in just one person or in just one loving couple,
    this experience of LOVE will leave a trace in this newly opening room,
    a trace which is eternal and will remain active forever.
    A shining trace, a trace of love,
    which will remain visible far beyond earth atmosphere.
    Each experience of love and every experience of peace
    will stimulate this room, fill and adorn it.
    The power of this room is going to grow exponentially.
    The songs of the Healed Matrix are the
    hymns which will fill this room!

    Each person who dares to leave behind the matrix of power and violence,
    everyone who is not afraid of letting go old belief systems
    but live instead in harmony with Mother Earth and ALL that IS,
    will be able to access this room.
    Each person will receive healing impulses from this room
    through his consciousness and heart
    and will give in return his/her healing experience back to this room.

    What we find in this room will exist within ourselves
    and outside of us. It is a
    Secret of the Universe
    , that what is being formed outside can be accessed from within;
    you find it in your own sacred inner space, your personal centre.

    And once this Healing Matrix in this newly created Healing Room
    will be powerful enough, the matrix of fear will dissolve and the Healing Matrix will expand.
    This is the Plan of the Star Master and the Planetary Beings.

    This Healing Room is less than an atom in distance from us.
    This Healing Room is in our own Sacred Space Centre
    when we are in unison with ourselves,
    in unison with Mother Earth and in unison with ALL that IS.

    Werner Johannes Neuner describes the process of decodification
    of the message of the Crop Circle of Wilton
    in detail and all the information is available in German at this link:

    He is looking forward to entering this Sacred Room together with all of us,
    In the Light of Unity
    Werner Johannes Neuner and Sonja Myriel, who translated this message


    For more information on the crop circle, and the code, have a look at this site:

    For more information on the crop circle, and the code, have a look at this site:

    If you are interested and would like to know more about Werner Neuner's findings
    - please let me know.
    I will only translate the 18 pages of the process of decoding if absolutely necessary ;-)
    Love and Light,

    Sonja Myriel


    When we see more of it we can tell just what the aspects of the planets make. If Neptune is trine to the grand cross, that is a very fortunate aspect as a trine facilitates contact and Neptune represents the energy of other dimensions. Oppositions can be a good thing as they bring two points together, and the number 4 could represent the fourth ray of "harmony through conflict" which at a higher level of consciousness, (one where there is love) will bring everyone into the room. The fourth ray harmonizes all of the opposite points of view.



    As I didn't know the exact TIME of the opposition, the picture shows slight deviations - maybe someone knows better? Here's the link ;-)
    per Myriel Sophie




    5/22/2010 crop circle 31/32/33 and 96/69~ come back / and, enter in my findings/theory related to 96/69 mirror
    and, 31/32/33


    This is also the density / dimension chart

    1 13 25
    2 14 26
    3 15 27
    4 16 28
    5 17 29
    6 18 30
    7 19 31
    8 20 32
    9 21 33
    10 22 34
    11 23 35
    12 24 36
    1 2 3


    wow, there is that old drawing of mine
    Last edited: Aug 22, 2014

    CULCULCAN The Final Synthesis - isbn 978-0-9939480-0-8 Staff Member

    31 MAY 2010 CROP CIRCLE

    You can listen to the recording of this at
    http://www.metatron minutes. net/Crop_Circle_ Images/May% 2031st%20pattern% 20at% 20Silbury%20Hill. mp3 .
    If the link does not work for you, copy it into your browser.
    Carolyn and I took the following as a series of messages as we assessed the request mentioned below.

    Today is Tuesday, 1 June 2010 and I am here to take our first message in relation to this year's crop circles. One of the crop circle makers came forth and spoke to us a few days ago and said that they wanted us to bring forth messages in regard to the crop circles this season and so this is the first opportunity that we’ve really had to do this. And this message relates to the pattern which was reported on the 31st of May, which is yesterday at Silbury hill, and this pattern is an essentially circular pattern with a, I guess you would say a sixfold symmetry to the pattern. In some ways, relative to some of the very complex patterns, it is relatively simple but also nonetheless carries a beauty all its own. So let us see what our friend has to say about this pattern and what was intended by it; and he is here and he is saying;

    This pattern was brought forth to prompt the recollection of the pattern of life. This sixfold symmetry shows up in many ways in life that you don't necessarily observe and yet it is there. And this pattern was not meant for your conscious mind and so in looking at it, whilst it has that simple sixfold symmetry, it has a resonance in the subconscious and that is its purpose. Many will perhaps look at this pattern relative to some of the more complex ones and perhaps wonder why we would bother, but this reflection is arising in the, you could say conscious left brain and that is trying to rationalise what has come forth. But this pattern is resonating in the subconscious, as indeed all of the patterns that we send forth do, but many of the other patterns have other significance.

    And so this simplicity in and of itself helps the resonance with the subconscious. It is easy, you could say to accept. It has a comfort, a joy, a simplicity that resonates and, in of itself it is an element to encourage and assist with the awakening of humanity in this time. So much is changing upon your planet as you approach the end of 2012 and our patterns are very much directed towards awakening humanity and guiding humanity through these remaining few short years. So this pattern that you are referring to plays a role in this and a much more powerful role than you might perhaps expect. And so that is the story to this particular pattern.

    And so we asked what is the relevance of this sixfold symmetry that was spoken of in this message and our crop circle friend is saying;

    The sixfold symmetry plays a key role in how creation unfolds. There is the example of the two-dimensional expression of the merkabah, known in your world as the Star of David. That is an example of this sixfold symmetry and though it may not be immediately obvious, the merkabah carries that sixfold symmetry in the three-dimensional form and so it is a powerful building block, you could say for how creation is expressed; and on a subconscious level, humanity is aware of this symmetry and so this image was connecting with that knowledge. It was reawakening that knowledge because that symmetry has an important role to play in the unfolding of Ascension and so that is why this image with this symmetry was sent forth, albeit in its simplicity and yet in its great power in communicating with the subconscious. And so it is.

    We then asked him to explain the merkabah;

    The merkabah is a tool which allows an expression of consciousness you could say, such as a soul or indeed an entire physical human being to move from one dimension to another. It is also a shape which plays an important role in the bringing forth of the physical. It is not visible, by and large but this intersection of two triangular pyramids which make up the merkabah actually sit, in a sense inside all spherical shapes, and this has been recognised by some of your scientists. They have noticed how the location, for example of sunspots tends to be at a particular latitude on the Sun, and other disturbances on planets tend to occur at these same latitudes; and this is related to the expression of that merkabah within the planet. So it is an important sacred geometric building block for the expression of the physical form.

    Carolyn - Our beautiful space being has mentioned that the merkabah is perhaps required, needed to move from one dimension to another and that it plays a role in Ascension, and that is what I surmised from the information that we were given. And that was what I was asking to elaborate a little bit on; that number one the merkabah seems to be necessary for Ascension, so we would like to have that point of view and anything else that you can discuss about the need for understanding the merkabah and using it to ascend, I would appreciate it.

    When beings have ascended in the past from your planet, they have all utilised in an active sense the merkabah, and it will play an active role for all of humanity that ascend when the time comes for that event in early 2013. However in this case, it is not something that every individual who is ascending will need to be taught how to use, or indeed for every human being to understand that it is in operation because it will be triggered, you could say on their behalf once they have done the preparatory work. And so even though it will be an active aspect of that transition from your current dimension to the dimension of the New Earth you could say, the angelic dimension to which humanity is ascending, it will not require every individual who is this ascending to master the use of the merkabah. It will be as I said, activated on their behalf at the time and they will simply become aware that they have ascended.

    You can listen to the recording of this at http://www.metatron minutes. net/Crop_Circle_ Images/May% 2031st%20pattern% 20at% 20Silbury%20Hill. mp3 . If the link does not work for you, copy it into your browser.

    Blessings, Joy, Love and Peace.
    Richard Presser
    www.metatronminutes .com

    Copyright © 2010 Cosmic Connections (International) Ltd


    Cosmic Connections (International) Ltd
    Room 1006, 10/F., 113-115 Argyle Street, Mongkok, Kowloon, Hong Kong


    This fits perfectly with trying to explain my 13/12, 12/13, 13 aspects
    ~ this crop circle is 'real' important


    add to movie
    Last edited: Aug 22, 2014

    CULCULCAN The Final Synthesis - isbn 978-0-9939480-0-8 Staff Member

    1st Crop Circle of 2011 - 22 APR 2011

    CROP CIRCLE 7 (+6) = 13 -
    ahau date started the final 1300 days
    adds up to 13

    Crop Circle 2010 UK Old Sarum, nr Salisbury, Wiltshire - Reported 5th May


    This was also a very important crop circle - proved my 13/12, 12/13, and, 13 aspects in encoding


    dont forget this one in the movie
    Last edited: Aug 22, 2014

    CULCULCAN The Final Synthesis - isbn 978-0-9939480-0-8 Staff Member

    Magical Crop Circle at East Kennett, near Avebury Wiltshire : 22nd July 2011

    Magical Crop Circle at East Kennett, near Avebury Wiltshire : 22nd July 2011
    9:21:00 PM
    Cosmic ૐ ☯neness


    WOW ! WOW ! WOW ! Some truly magical solar symbolism with prominent Mayan motifs used which we've seen in some recent formations like the pyramid, and the classical crescent at the center also seen in some of the earlier formations pointing towards 2012 and the beginning of the age of the Sixth Sun !


    Wayland's Smithy, near Ashbury, Wiltshire, 9th August 2005​

    The inner web like design adds on to the stunning look of the formation !​

    Feel free to post your interpretations in the comments section below ...

    Reference : Crop Circle Connector

    Related Posts :

    VERY important ones
    Last edited: Aug 23, 2014

    CULCULCAN The Final Synthesis - isbn 978-0-9939480-0-8 Staff Member

    crop circle 12 july 2010 200 feet - Warminster Triangle - THE THING

    A 200ft crop circle has appeared in a field at Clay Hill, near Warminster, Wiltshire. And the crop circle uses an optical illusion to give the impression that it is a three dimensional cube.

    The clever perpetrators of this latest design in the crop circle capital of the world are, like most others, a mystery.

    The area around the town of Warminster is a UFO hotbead. In the 1960s and 1970s so much strange UFO phenomena was reported in the area that it became known as the Warminster Triangle and the phenomena were known as "The Thing."

    Close encounter of the 3-D kind? Crop circle followers spotted dancing around mysterious 200ft 'cube'

    By Daily Mail Reporter
    12th July 2010
    Daily Mail

    Perhaps it was caused by a close encounter of the 3-D kind.

    This sophisticated crop circle uses an optical illusion to give the impression of a three dimensional cube.

    The creators of the 200ft wide design in a field of wheat at Clay Hill near Warminster, Wiltshire remain a mystery.

    The area is known as the UFO capital of Britain after repeated sightings of unearthly objects and numerous crop circle appearances over the last few decades.


    An amazing four-dimensional crop circle has appeared in field of wheat at Clay Hill, Warminster, Wiltshire. The people standing within it indicate its huge size.


    However, those hoping that the mysterious circle is a message from another world or a sign of a spacecraft landing are likely to disappointed.

    In 1991 pranksters Doug Bower and Dave Chorley admitted that they had created 200 crop circles mostly around Warminster.

    Mr Bower explained that after sketching them out in his studio workshop they would take a plank and rope to a cornfield where they would walk around with the rope in ever-increasing circles and make a passageway leading to another identical circle.

    Not that this very down to earth explanation halted wild conjecture about their origins.

    The crop circle phenomenon started in Westbury, just three miles north of Warminster in August 1980 and last month 200 crop circles have appeared in one elaborate formation in the nearby village of Mere.

    Some believe Westbury's proximity to the prehistoric stone circles at Stonehenge and Avebury is the reason for the strange goings-on.

    Others say it is because it lies on the confluence of two so-called leylines, which link spots said to have 'mystical energy'.

    Conspiracy theorists put them down to the proximity of Salisbury Plain, home of secret military work.

    Crop circle expert Steve Alexander said of the latest design: 'It appears to be a cube which involves the circle makers using techniques other than just flattening the crop.'


    This spectacular design has appeared 40 miles away

    The Thing

    Warminster was a hotbed of UFO phemonena in the 1960s and 1970s. At first, the phenomena reported was strange sounds rather than strange sightings. This led to the phenomena to be dubbed the "Thing."

    The strange events began on Christmas morning 1964. A number of witnesses were awoken by strange sounds, variously described as like twigs or leaves were being drawn across a roof, or a chimney being crashed to the ground, or like roof tiles being forcefully rattled around. The sounds were witnessed in one case by as many as thirty individuals. Perhaps the strangest was that witnessed at 6.12am that morning by Mrs Marjorie Bye, who was walking to the Holy Communion service at Christ Church in Warminster. As she approached the church the air about her filled with strange sounds that she found disturbing, and made her feel weak and unable to move. These unidentified noises continued on an ad-hoc basis until at least June 1966.

    The first UFO sighting recorded in The Warminster Mystery was around 19 May, 1965, when three times during that week one witness saw unusual objects in the sky. The UFOs were silent, stationary and cigar-shaped, covered in winking bright lights, and gradually faded as the witness watched.

    On the 3 June, 1965, a brightly glowing, cigar-shaped object was witnessed by a family in Heytesbury, a village near Warminster. The UFO remained motionless over the south of Warminster for almost half an hour. The UFO was also observed by two Warminster residents, who described the UFO as 'twin red-hot pokers', and by seventeen people swimming or fishing at Shearwater, a lake near Warminster.

    Although UFO sightings had now commenced, the strange sounds still continued to be heard, and on the 10 August, 1965 a connection between UFOs and the strange sounds appeared to be confirmed. At 3.45am, a local woman was woken by a terrible droning sound. When she looked out of her bedroom window she saw a bright object like a massive star. It remained visible for some 25 minutes, then the humming began to attenuate, and the UFO began to flicker; the noise finally stopped, and the object vanished from sight. As with the reports from earlier in the year, it was the noise that most disturbed the witness.

    As the reports of strange sounds and unidentified lights in the sky began to flood in to Arthur Shuttlewood and the local papers, ufological groups and personalities became involved. Shuttlewood managed to place stories into the national papers. A public meeting was held in the town in August 1965 at which the topic of UFOs was discussed. The meeting was televised and reported in local and national papers, and led to an invasion of the curious over the bank holiday weekend. Public interest in the Warminster phenomenon was further piqued by the publication, in the Daily Mirror, of a photograph of a UFO, taken in daylight over the town by Gordon Faulkner at the end of August. Interest in the Warminster Thing had become national, and was later to become international. Ufologists and skywatchers flocked to Warminster.

    UFOs continued to be seen throughout the decade subsequent to 1965. The hey-day of the mass skywatch was in the mid-1960s, but continued through to the mid-1970s. Cradle Hill became the centre of skywatching activities, but Starr (Middle) Hill and Cley Hill were also popular with skywatchers. Warminster's reputation as a UFO hotspot diminished towards the end of the 1970s, although UFOs do continue to be reported in the area. In the 1980s, with the growth of the crop circle phenomena in Wiltshire, interest was rekindled in Warminster's UFO connection.


    in the right place
    Last edited: Aug 23, 2014

    CULCULCAN The Final Synthesis - isbn 978-0-9939480-0-8 Staff Member

    july 2010 - very important crop circles

    .. A beautiful flowing Yin Yang / DNA Spiral Crop Circle At Sutton Bank, North Yorkshire ... Reported on the 5th of July 2010 !

    2010 crop circles

    A new Star appears next to St. Martin's Chapel (built in the 13th century) situated on the edge of the earthwork defenses of an earlier Iron Age hill fort known Chisbury Camp in Wiltshire. Reported on the 3rd of July 2010.



    40 ... 20 Solid + 20 Hollow ...

    Some research on the Chapel named after St. Martin a humble monk.

    St. Martin's Day (or Martinstag or Martinmas) is November 11 (11:11), the feast day of Martin of
    Tours, who started out as a Roman soldier. He was baptized as an adult and became a monk. It is understood that he was a kind man who led a quiet and simple life. The most famous legend of his life is that he once cut his cloak in half to share with a beggar during a snowstorm, to save the beggar from dying of the cold. That night he dreamed that Jesus was wearing the half-cloak Martin had given away. Martin heard Jesus say to the angels: "Here is Martin, the Roman soldier who is not baptized; he has clothed me."

    In the United Kingdom however, November 11 is better known for being Remembrance Day !

    From the late 4th century CE to the late middle Ages, much of Western Europe, including Great Britain, engaged in a period of fasting beginning on the day after St. Martin's Day, November 11. This fast period lasted 40 days, and was, therefore, called "Quadragesima Sancti Martini", which means in Latin...

    "The forty days of St. Martin."


    Yin Yang / dna spiral crop circle at Sutton Bank, North Yorkshire - reported on 05 july 2010




    An amazing multi-layered Cube came down as a Crop Circle At Danebury Hill, near Nether Wallop, Hampshire. Reported on the 6th of July 2010!





    Crop Circle at Cley Hill, near Warminster, Wiltshire ... Reported on the 9th of July 2010 ...


    Another beautiful 3 dimensional formation resembling a Rubik's Cube - with a + sign on each of the 6 faces ...


    The SINGLE row layering inside the formation creates a magical effect when viewed from above ... Amazing indeed !!!


    A Beautiful 6 Crescent Star Crop Circle at Guys Cliffe, near Old Milverton, Warwickshire ... Reported on the 10th of July 2010 ...




    The 6 crescents are beautifully interwoven to give the appearance of being in 3 layers or folds ...


    Some crop circle formulations from previous years which bear resemblance to this one ...

    The ‘Dolphins’ / 3 Crescent Crop Circle formation that appeared at Barbury Castle, Wiltshire on 23 July 1999 !


    Crop Circle at West Overton, 21st of May 2003​


    Another Hyperdimensional 3D Cube Crop Circle appeared at Fosbury near Vernham Dean, Wiltshire on the 17th of July 2010 ... The 3rd 3-Dimensional Cube formation this month ...





    Crop Circle at Woolaston Grange, near Clap-Y-Ares. Gloucestershire. Reported on the 18th of July, 2010 !


    A beautiful Anchor Crop Circle formation appeared at Milk Hill, in front of the White Horse near Alton Barnes Wiltshire on the 25th of July 2010 ...



    The formation is truly stunning, however it does look like it has been tampered with after it was discovered ... the portion beyond the 6th circle in the center, i.e. the PSI symbol Ψ/Trishul/3, the irregular rectangle with equally irregular 3 small circles does look out of place ...






    A beautiful 5 Petal flower with a Pentacle at the center and an inner circular ring bearing prominent Mayan symbolism
    (seen in manyformations such as the Native Head Dress Crop Circle Formation of Quetzalcoatl - KulKul of Kan Clan
    appeared as a Crop Circle at Roundway Hill, near Devizes Wiltshire on the 25th of July 2010 ...





    Yet another beauty in what we can call a season in FULL SWING !!! This one appeared at East Field, near Alton Barnes Wiltshire on the 26th of July 2010 ...



    There is definitely some kind of ancient symbols or alien script on the 2 arcs inside which kinda resembles Hebrew ...


    The webbed design at the centre with the small 8 circles looks like some kind of a star map ...


    Another beautiful magnified crop circle with the central circle bearing a magnified image of the transpose of the Infinity Symbol / 8 which appears in the
    first layer of this truly brilliant formation .... This one appeared at Beggar's Knoll near Westbury Wiltshire on the 27th of July 2010 !



    A beautiful 6 petal flower crop circle appeared at Windmill Hill, near Avebury Trusloe, Wiltshire on the 27th of July 2010 ...





    Crop Circle at East Field, Alton Barnes ... Wiltshire, reported on the 29th of July 2010 ...


    Day 1 (29th July 2010)​


    Day 2 (30th July 2010)​


    Day 3 (3rd August 2010)​

    2 new crop circles were reported at Wickham Green to the North & South of M4, near Hungerford, Berkshire on the 30th of July 2010 ...


    North of M4 ...



    South of M4 ...


    The pictures and comments on this thread about these crop circle come from


    moved to right section
    Last edited: Aug 24, 2014

    CULCULCAN The Final Synthesis - isbn 978-0-9939480-0-8 Staff Member

    CROP CIRCLE 4 AUG 2012 - 19:45:33 - 02 june 2012 - Polar clock - squaring the circle



    similiar to polar clock crop circle 02 june 2012
    --> missing image . . .



    similiar to polar clock 02 jun 2012



    The design is somewhat like the symbol of hunab ku, Do they point to the same thing?





    Image Missing
    Manton Drove, nr Marlborough, Wiltshire. Reported 2nd June 2012
    Image Simone Watts Copyright 2012


    Polar Clock
    Image Simone Watts Copyright 2012

    Polar Clock
    We believe the formation reported on 2nd June 2012 resembles a polar clock. It is a kind of clock showing not only the time, but also the date. In order to analyse the message depicted in the formation, we first had to rotate the image (see Fig. 1). After that, we executed the application PolarClock3 (by PixelBreaker). Then we set the date and time so that the polar clock displayed on our monitor screen was the same as the one on the formation.


    Fig. 1: Manton Drove, nr Marlborough, Wiltshire, 2nd June 2012
    (source: accessed 02/06/2012)


    Fig. 2: Obtained Polar Clock
    As the aerial shot was not taken perpendicularly to the formation, we are not sure about the time displayed, but we think that at least the date can be considered correct. When you compare pictures 1 and 2, you can see that the formation tells the following time and date: 19:43:53 on Saturday, 4th August 2012. We have no idea what this particular time might mean. Hope someone will find out why this date should be significant.

    Jitka & Roman Hamar, The Czech Republic, 02/06/2012

    Kristijan Nikl




    The Recurrence of the Sangréal
    supplementarily to the
    Manton Drove/Marlborough 2012 crop circle.


    Chart 1: click (here) to enlarge and download.
    All is going fine...2012 is now! Happy End of the Long Count on June 1st! Any questions so far?
    Please read our three comments first (1) (2) (3) or download them from (PDF)! You can E-Mail ( us and we are going to enhance this comment with more details in text as an adequate response... We do this for YOU!


    Chart 2: click (here).


    Chart 3: click (here) to enlarge and download.
    After the meager feedback on our wish for spiritually interested people to be getting inspired, we'd nonetheless like to share some more dimensions on this heavy design, before the breeze on the tenth of a second escalates into the maximum credible accident. (smile)
    Please also read our comments (1) (2) (3) (4) or download them from (PDF), thank you!
    'Manton Drove' is the Tower of Babel! The Tower is more than just a symbol. She is the Divine Gate. So, where do we stand in time?
    - March, 1697 AD: ultimate defeat of the Itzá kingdom; end of the Spanish conquest of Yucatán;
    - 2350 BC: The Tower of Babel; destruction of Babylon by Sargon of Akkad; 2200-2000 BC: Abraham, Ishmael, Sarai and Isaak – The Bloodline of the Dragon;
    - 18500 BC: Last Glacial Maximum; the dawn of behavioral modernity (symbolism and speech).


    These are the clues, we are allowed to share. Please make use of the keys, sources and weblinks below.


    Chart 4: click (here) to enlarge and download.
    Last but not least I'd like to share the geometric and numerological reconstruction of 'East-/West Kennett 2011' in the context of the 3-4-5 dynamics, that had been channelled through to me on the day of 'Manton Drove 2012' – the centroid of the Pythagorean Belchen Triangle. It's one of the most profound designs, that ever came down from God for human meditation. It'll be thematised this year, too, we believe. So we'll see what happens, MAN.
    Tâmratejas & Dyugosâ
    Keys, sources and URLs:
    - The Belchen Triangle (1) wikipedia (2) on Regio Basiliensis (3) by Rolf d'Aujour d'hui (PDF)
    - The Pythagorean Triangle and Its Esoteric Meaning (article) by Antonietta Francini (Scribd)
    - The Tower of Babel (wikipedia) Abraham (wikipedia) Esau and the Dragon Queen (excerpt) by Laurence Gardner
    - Don Hunbatz Men in the Belchen Triangle (blog)
    - Inception: film by Christopher Nolan (wikipedia)
    - The Fountain: film by Darren Aronofsky (wikipedia)
    - TRON: film by Steven Lisberger (wikipedia)

    • CalSKY (website) Stellarium (website) GoogleEarth (website) The Bible Wheel (website) Mayan Calendar Calculator (URL)

    I think the last crop circle shows a 16 divided throat chakra, with 66 arcs and 6 parts of rings. Perhaps number shown should be 666 which is the number of a man. This years crop circles might show: heart chakra (15/04), solar plexus chakra (05/05), navel chakra (14/05) and root chakra (12/05). The directions are downward and with a change to upward moving prana. This is what happens when a disciple opens up the central meridian and could become an enlightened being. Source:




    I saw this the other day being discussed on a forum with folks speculating what it might mean:- Manton Drove

No one seemed to have any good ideas at that time but I was just watching a video and came across what seems to be the same type of thing.


    Here's the youtube video link:- WATCH

    It's a film called "End of the Road" about how the economic problems of the world came to happen. At 14:07 there is a graphic shown that represents the progression of US trade deficits with other countries. It is not exactly the same as what is shown in Manton Drove circle but the similarity is still obvious. The differences seem to be additional data shown in the circle. So, in short the circle shown in the link above seems to be a financial graph, maybe something of a 'debt clock'. Just skip ahead to that time mark in the video and you'll see exactly what I'm talking about.

    Scott Kelly


    FIND COPY OF - END OF THE ROAD - and, INSERT into this frame ---


    une 2, 2012 was the day of 10 Tijax, week of Toj. Manifestation, spark or polarity interaction which creates electricity. Lightening.


    1. A herd or flock of animals being driven in a body.
    2. A large number of people or things doing or undergoing the same thing:

    It is interesting to note that the formation is in curious proximity to an electric pole. An increasingly archaic, visual symbol. Nikola Tesla was born on July, 10, 1856 which was the day of 10 Tijax, week of Toj.

    Tesla in his lab. Look Ma ! No wires ! One of the glyphs for Tijax.

    David Odell


    I send a little note in crop circle Manton Drove, Nr Marlborough, Wiltshire. 2nd June 2012. Date 4 August is the tenth day of the XXX. Summer Olympic Games in London. During the Olympic Games held atických comply with the sacred universal peace, called ekecheiria ("abstention from hand guns"). During the games were banned all wars and other violent acts. The creators of this circle obviously want to remind it to us strongly.

    I am sending a picture where I mapped out an interesting line. It seems that the formation of crop circles have been taken into account landscape features - power line pillars. Its location is not random.


    Zdenka Pávková


    There is fascinating correlation of the new crop circle at Manton Drove with "squaring the circle" research
    that has been ongoing for several years (but not by a mathematician). For a quick introduction, start with the PDF file attached to this web page (left click to download the file):


Then note the June 4, 9:43 PM comments posted about the seeming correlation between this geometry research and the Manton Drove crop circle. This 1111angels site also contains information about "Midwayer prompting": 

    Also note the Stretched photo on the crop circle connector page showing the Pythagorean triangle!


    If there is correlation with this geometry research, the polar circle date may be August 6, 2012. And this date may refer less to a specific upcoming event than to the numerical values in the geometry. Or this date might mark the verification of this new concept of Pi ... or even the discovery of a geometric solution to "squaring the circle".

    The power line pillars create a 17.403 degree angle which, when increased by 45 degrees, creates the defining 62.403 angle (the same side of the Pythagorean triangle that effectively squares the circle). Not a geometric proof, but a possible clue for its discovery.


    The power lines appear to suggest a method for proving that a circle is squared. Is it possible that a squared circle can be proven with only two pencils of equal length?

    Instead of "The bulldog who ate Pi" (humour expressed on another site about the squared circle research), this added circle in the portion of the geometry representing the Manton Drove power lines now suggests a new title: "The crop circle that ate Pi" (referring to the Pac-Man-like symbolism of the added circle).

    The circlemakers (possibly Midwayers, spirit beings always resident on this planet) seem to be willing to communicate more directly via crop circles (when humans can speak their language of advanced geometry). I've been curious for several years if human duplication of a true crop circle, with significant modification, would cause further significant response from the circlemakers.

    Zdenka Pávková's astute observation about the geometry of the power lines helps move this research of a squared circle fast forward!

    I had reasoned that a geometric solution to "squaring the circle" would have to include a fixed geometric object associated with the circle (possibly, its inscribed square). A second review of how the power lines might interact with the Manton Drove circle places them exactly on the inscribed square! And this suggests that the Manton Drove circle is indeed a comment on the squared circle geometry!

    Also, the humour about only two pencils being required to square a circle is still valid ... but the pencils needed to be longer.

    Considering the unusual history of the squared circle research and that the Manton Drove crop circle appears to be a response to this research, a date- or event-predicting crop circle seemed illogical to me (especially since 19:43:53 appears to have direct relationship to Midwayer prompting (my personal experience - not that of millions of others who experience prompting; visit the 1111angels site to learn about this very real phenomenon).


    So, the polar clock's 8/4 month/day was not likely a month/day indication. In fact, visualizing the numbers 8 and 4 on a clock convinced me that 8/4 was a reference to degrees: "8" = 210, "4" = 300. Applying this concept to the squared circle geometry creates a very symbolic 30/60/90-degree Pythagorean triangle in the lower left, having an hypotenuse of 500 units and a small side of 250 units ... and perfectly positioned near the bottom of the primary circle.

    This Manton Drove crop circle is apparently a comment by the circlemakers on squared circle geometry!
    The final part of the polar circle code (the "Saturday" circle) represents the 7th day of the week. When "7" is included in the 8/4 geometric interpretation (giving 8/4/7), a circle is drawn around the Pythagorean triangle in the lower left of the drawing. If the large circle is considered a clock face, the top lines of the two inner triangles appear to point to "8" and "7" on the clock. The "4" appears as a pointer if the red circle is considered a clock face. None of the pointers are exact representations, but their symbolism and the polar circle codes are sufficient to determine the intended geometry.

    Pi has been a formidable force for centuries, so many mathematicians will not easily accept that a circle can be squared. I surmise that this geometry, as now associated with a crop circle, has multiple purposes:

    • to conceptualize Pi from a different perspective.
    • to visualize techniques for proving geometrically that a circle is squared.
    • to discover a solution (or many) to the Greek challenge of "squaring the circle".
    • to increase awareness of celestial presence (spirit beings, especially our "next of kin" Midwayers).
    • to provide evidence that non-material realities can and do exist without proof.
    • to encourage brotherhood amongst all humans on this planet.
    • to continue the promotion of the power of belief and faith.

    Another perspective on the polar clock date/time: Since August 4, 2007 is a Saturday, 8/4/7 19:45:53 might refer to a past event which occurred on August 4, 2007 at 7:45:53 PM.

    Further analysis today of the polar clock and the squared circle geometry (circle's diameter = 1,000 units) suggests that the polar clock date/time is "8/5/7 17:45:53". This is not a date/time specification but references to two isosceles right triangles (one a sub-triangle of the other; both part of the larger isosceles trapezoid in the centre of the squared circle):

    "17:45:53" relates to the smaller triangle, specifying degrees in whole numbers for one side and the hypotenuse (17, 17 + 45 = 62). "53" is the token for the length of the two sides and relates to 1/4 of the square root of 2 (= .353553..). Regarding the 62-degree angle, research shows that a circle is effectively squared by a 62.403.. angle.

"8/5/7" relates to the larger triangle, a 90-degree angle, and includes a token for the hypotenuse (equal to one side of an inscribed square in the squared circle). The 90-degree angle is the clue provided by the numbers 8 and 5 on a clock. "7" (07) is the token for its hypotenuse and relates to 1/2 of the square root of 2 (= .707106..) 

The polar clock values appear to confirm the squared circle geometry via the specific placement of the smaller triangle, its association with the larger triangle and their combined association with the isosceles trapezoid. Neither the clock nor the geometry specify how to "square the circle" ... but they might provide clues.

    Regarding the clock numbers 8 and 5, since other numbers on the clock could have been used to indicate the larger 90-degree angle, a tandem interpretation of "8/5/7" may exist: Saturday, August 5 occurs in 2006 and next in 2017, one of the 11-year cycles (there are repeating cycles of years between August 5 Saturdays: 6,5,6,11,6,5,6,11...). For this crop circle, "11" may be a type of calling card of the circle makers.

    R. Holland

    I found out a very strange mathematical coincidence in this circle When I convert the angles to radians, and then to parts of the number 1 (so 1 full circle equals 1)
    I get these very strange numbers like 0,7222222222222222.
    It puzzled me and finally I found out that all these numbers can be multiplied by 720 to form a perfect integer value!!! So I get these series of numbers if I put them from inner to outer circle values:

    Upper numbers (clockwise) : 272 - 564 - 720( or 0) - 214 - 158 - 68
    Lower numbers (counter clockwise) : 448 - 156 - 720( or 0) - 506 - 562 - 652


    Erwin Maes


    Polar Clock – Updated Values
    When submitting our commentary on the Manton formation on 2nd June 2012, no aerial shot taken perpendicularly to the formation was available. However, as such a photo has been posted on the CCC website, it is now possible to update our estimated time. The only thing that needed to be done was to rotate the original photo (see Fig. 1).


    Fig. 1: Manton Drove, nr Marlborough, Wiltshire, 2nd June 2012
    (source:, accessed 05/06/2012)

    We executed the application PolarClock3 (by PixelBreaker) again. We set the preferences in the PolarClock3 application to black and white. The application also allowed us to set the dimensions of the polar clock (and to maintain the ratio of course). The adjusted image of the polar clock was then used to overlay the image of the formation. Then we set the time 20:46:54 on the PC. When we overlaid Fig. 1 with the obtained polar clock, we found out that the set time is bigger than what the formation shows (see Fig. 2). Therefore, we set 19:45:53 by subtracting the hours, minutes and seconds by one each. Finally, we verified the time by overlaying the images again. This time we obtained a perfect match (see Fig. 3).


    Fig. 2: Time 20:46:54


    Fig. 3: Time 19:45:53
    Fig. 3 shows that the formation tells the following time and date: 19:45:53 on Saturday, 4th August. And as the formation occurred this year, we assume that this is the year meant by the creators of the formation.
    Jitka & Roman Hamar, The Czech Republic, 05/06/2012


    Hello Gentlemen---we are confused!

    This youtube (below) talks about December 21, 2012 as the true date revealed by the polar clock crop circle, not August 4 and what confuses us is the circle is a fixed physical pattern, so how can there be such a huge discrepancy of several months in date calculation--looks like polar clock "fairly easy" to work out when one knows how--we have yet to figure it out ourselves if we can find CLEAR instructions on the Net but in the meantime all this is very frustrating--thought you should be aware and maybe at your end you can take a second run at the calculations OR get a hold of someone who's an expert on superimposing your crop pattern onto the polar clock and coming up with the TRUE date.

    THIS YOUTUBE (below)

    Very poor narrator, not well presented, you have to listen 4 minutes before FINALLY she gives dates she claims she got from "them" but she does not say who "they" are.

    Her message: fact that circle is polar clock is clear reference to Pole--in this case she says SOUTH pole because lots of quakes there recently so she says there will be a pole shift on date she got which by END of video she FINALLY tells us is


6 months (from now)

    7 days
1 week
10 hours

    30 minutes
15 seconds

    which she says puts us exactly at Dec 21, 2012.

    She says Dec 21, 2012, everything stops. (Gregg Braden zero-point?)

No reference to NIBIRU which is approaching from the SOUTH (and could have influence on pole-shift). Antarctica is where a telescope to observe incoming approach of this giant is being observed. N is about 3 to 4 times size of earth.

    Using intuition, this interpretation makes more sense to me in light of crop circle purpose--they are meant to address planetary situations and events, whereas August 4 perhaps too limited related to a lesser event though something still could well happen on the 4th that will make world news.
Perhaps something will "happen" at the Olympics site on the 4th...

    Also worth mentioning that at initial attempt to open this link, I lost all
power, everything went offline. Had to shut down and start over.



    After sending you my email I had a chance to re-think everything and indeed as per the crop circle pattern (indisputable) the month CANNOT be December as the centre circle in the field which is the "month" circle is not a whole completely-formed circle which it would be IF it were December. The colour graphic polar clock on your site duplicating the crop circle pattern is very clear as to month, date, minutes etc.


It's possible the lady has mixed a telepathic message she might have received re a potential upcoming pole shift with the circle and has attempted to connect her message with the circle, and that's where the error was made and for awhile threw me for a loop. Bottom line, in my books this circle (glyph) is one of the most significant to date to come from the stars re. "messages to mankind".


You have the added benefit of actually being able to visit in person!

    Barbara Tomczyk


    I was fascinated in Erwin Maes’s description of the “C’s” or “Polar Clock” Crop Circle which appeared on June 2, 2012.

    He said:

    I found out a very strange mathematical coincidence in this circle When I convert the angles to radians, and then to parts of the number 1 (so 1 full circle equals 1)

    I get these very strange numbers like 0,7222222222222222.

    It is likely that “GOD”, the great circle maker was showing us those repetitive patterns as an analogy of the fact that the letter “C” shows a repetitive patterns in being the key (only) letter used to form of words as shown in the following ET Corn Gods language/game translation.

    Translation from:

    Note: Translated words like the letter ”C’ indicate unusual relationships between the character positions in the word(s) being translated and result of the translation. God (UFO/ET) talks to us through the ET Corn Gods language translation of words.

    Words and groups of words are like computer programs which explode into a family of predetermined meanings.

    Note: The Crop(Corn) Circle shown above is composed of lots of letter “C’s”. The date the Crop Circle appeared, “6/2” also converts to the letter “C”.

    C+66+66 .. = “Me”,
    M is ac, c is 5050, “LL”.
    Add 0+66+66 … = “or”, backwards is ro, book 45, backwards is 54, “ED”.

    CC = “Called”.

    Add 0+66 = 66, vivi.
    Vi is vix, ix = 6.
    6’s cancel.
    6 is 60, ir, 918, 258, 60.
    C = “Cir”
    C is cddd, “Lev”, book c.
    C is cdd, “Cle”.

    C = “Circle”.

    C is cd, d is 500, 5+33 = “38”, 108, 18, R.
    c = Cr. (add “o”)
    Add 0+66 = 66, vivi.
    Vi is vix, ix = 6.
    6’s cancel.
    Vi is 229, 2+29, 31.
    Ca+66+66 .. = “Po”, “OP”.

    C = “Crop”

    C is Cd, d is 500, 5+33, ch, c08 = 80, 80-66 = “N”.

    C = “Corn”.


    CCC = “Called Corn Circle”
    CCC = “Called Crop Circle”

    C is 100, Hundred.
    hu is 08 u, 80, 80-66 = 14, 2+12, “2012″.
    d’s cancel.
    re+66+66 .. = “Game”

    C = “2012 AD Game”.

    D is four, u is n+d.
    D is 4, book of Numbers.

    CCCC = “Called Crop Circle 2012 AD, Game”
    CCCC = “Called Corn Circle 2012 AD, Game”.
    CCCC = “Called Crop Circle 2012 AD found Re Numbers”
    CCCC = “Called Corn Circle 2012 AD C re C”.

    c is 2+1, 21, U, L+i, 59-66 = “10″, “S”. (40 i2 book Mt, Mt-66-66 .. = “0″).
    C is Three, th. (Ree is rev, book 66)
    Th-66-66 .. = “10″, “J”, “OJ”. (add “o”)
    oj-66-66 = “ET”.
    C is 100, 1+33, 34, “CD”,
    Add 0+66+66 .. = “Or”.
    add o+66+66 = “Ng”

    CCCCCC = “Called Crop Circle 2012 AD, Game, ET Corn Gods”
    CCCC = “Called Corn Circle 2012 AD, Game, ET Corn Gods”.
    CCCCCC = “Called Crop Circle 2012 C re C, ET Corn Gods”
    CCCC = “Called Corn Circle 2012 AD C re C, ET Corn Gods”.
    Polar Calendar:
L ia 50, 5, five, i-f ve = cve, = ee, 505, "Le".
Polar = "Pole ar".
ar is aa h, "Kh".
add 0+66+66 ... = "Tal", "Thin".
H+66 = 74, "Gd" = "God". (add “o”)
add 0+66+66 .. = "of"
The word "Polar = "Pole talk of GOD".
E is 5, 50. (add 0)
Ll is 1250, 62, “June 2”.
Po = P.
Drop “o”.
P is 16, 8+8, 8080
80-66 = “14”, “2 12”, “2012”.
Pole = “2012 AD, June 2
Polar = “2012 AD June 2, Talk of GOD”.

    George R. Simpson

    'm not a researcher by any means. However, I feel the need to make a point about this particular circle. This thing is located in a very large, open field.... WHY did they put it Right Next to a Pole? Particularly given that the field has a large amount of open area Away from this pole, Unless it has some significance, relative to the circle itself.

    None of the people debating this formation is even mentioning this pole, yet, as a novice, it seems to be a glaring omission in any of the discussions, given it's proximity.

    Denise Williams

    Great question, Denise. And when you ask the right question, the answer comes. It's a joke to make sure we don't miss the fact that it is a 'pole-ar' clock. We know from last summer that the beings who make these circles have a sense of humour from the self-portrait with a great Mayan headdress smoking a peace pipe of 22 July. To me, this was Quetzalcoatl showing us his star being and saying that they come in peace. And right across the road in direct alignment with this came the intricate formation at Jubilee Plantation on 16 August which ended the season, with his signature glyph right beside it. I think there are many levels of meaning to a crop formation, and that the obvious ones are usually of immediate importance as well as the more complex (see also the channelled answer to what this is pointing to in my Field Report for this crop circle.)

    Amuna Ra

    This is only a theory ... I pass many hours looking for this crop circle at Manton Drove. And I ask my self why ? Why put it there near an electric post. They could put that crop anywhere on the world but they put it close to an electric post WY So I said there is a reason.

    Now if you check that from the line in the circle to the post I believe there is 30 degrees, and if you check with the other line of electric post also 30 degrees. Now if you divide a 360 circle in 30 degrees you have 12 .... 12 X 30 = 360 so there is you key i believe.

    So since we have 12 months 12 hours day light and 12 night one, now it is a Mather of doing the division with those 6 circles.

    I made some assumptions about the Manton Drove formation, and got some interesting results.


    1. That it is, among other things, a polar clock (as is explained on the MD Comments webpage), which gives a date and time of: August 4, 2012, 19:45:33.

    2. That, being a polar clock, the formation was also a view of the earth looking down from the north pole, since the formation was found in the northern hemisphere.

    3. That the sequence of power poles, with power cables, extending straight towards the formation (as seen in the photograph at the top of the MD Comments page), and then ending with a power pole right up against the formation; contained within a section of ground trimmed in the shape of a pointed triangle that touches the formation at the forward point; and further illustrated by two wheel tracks that clearly form a "shockwave" visual effect at the front of the triangle that actually penetrates the first-row layer of the formation; indicates exactly what it appears to indicate: something coming that will hit the earth, giving a shockwave.

    4. That what will hit the earth will do so in the northern hemisphere, at the specified time and date, and at the longitude indicated by the placement of the power pole inside the triangle that touches the formation with a shockwave.

    5. That to determine this longitude, a polar map needed to be laid over the formation, and that to do that, a prime meridian needed to be chosen to overlap both the formation and the map. So for the formation, the start-line-radius of the polar clock was chosen. For the map, the current, modern Prime Meridian was chosen (zero degrees). When that was done, an offset of 34.2 degrees West of the Prime Meridian was found for the impact point, putting it in the Atlantic Ocean, near or over the Mid-Atlantic Ridge, which is a geo-active fault line.

    6. However, what about the Latitude? Well, when the latitude of the actual MD formation site is used (N 51 degrees, 24' 27"), the "impact target" still ends up in the middle of the Atlantic Ocean. BUT - when the ANCIENT WORLD Prime Meridian at GIZA is used instead (currently noted as ~ 31 degrees East) for the Prime Meridian map-alignment longitude, and then "~34 degrees West" is added to THAT (going west from it), this gives a final MODERN longitude of ~ 3 degrees West (from the ancient Giza Prime Meridian). And when THAT is combined with the LATITUDE of the actual MD formation, the "impact point" ends up being - VERY close to - Cardiff, Wales.

    7. That Cardiff is the ancient home of the REAL King Arthur. (

    8. So: does this formation symbolically herald the time and date of the Return of the King - and indicate the social shockwave that it will create in the world?

    9. Or: does it indicate something coming that will actually, physically or energetically impact the planet, either along the 34th, or the 3rd, longitude, on the date specified? (Or hit, or land at, Cardiff?)

    I was stunned by the crop circle appearing at Manton Drove . . . and by the subsequent analysis and commentary, which I found unusually perceptive, and well reasoned. Very impressive! Of course, I've had a few thoughts of my own, and here they are. Please add them to the comments section if you will . . . and thank you. Does this crop circle call attention to the atomic bombing of Hiroshima on 5 August 1945 (Collie) . . . or to an event that will occur this year on the anniversary of the bombing?! And if the latter, will the August 2012 event occur somewhere over the Atlantic Ocean or Cardiff, Wales (Phigaze)?

    For my part, I find convincing the observation that the Manton Drove crop circle represents a "polar clock;" and as it keys to a utility pole, it's as if the circle-makers are shouting at us: POLE!

    Furthermore, as they seem to delight in puzzles with multiple dimensions and meanings, it behoves us to consider all that can be identified!

    In that regard, I note that the polar clock was invented by Charles Wheatstone, the same 19th Century inventor who developed the Wheatstone Bridge (Charles Wheatstone), and undertook ground-breaking research in telecommunications.

    Imagine that, a crop circle that, in a field, "Wheatstone bridges" a polar clock and utility pole! What an amazing communication . . . and certainly not coincidental!

    John Del Campo
    I thought in looking through the comments made in relation to this pattern, the observation by Denise Williams was right on the mark. Though most focus seemed to be devoted to interpretation of the design, the fact that it was placed as it was seemed to me just as important. So if this is indeed a sort of polar clock given to convey an event of future importance, the whole setting should be looked at in this context. Why would we not consider the difference in the alignment of the pole in the field to the remainder pictured (Simone Watts Image). Maybe the differential angle is telling us what sort of a shift we face on the date/time (apparently) shown.

    Ric Laurence
    We fill in the forms, while the outline is set. We colour our life, our experiences. Like a child, colouring an outlined drawing. We get the ripple effects of others colouring their life, their picture. We use the paint, the colour, the texture that is given to us by Creator. We create within the loving boundaries of Creator. And yet, we are, what boundaries do we set?

    How do we colour our lives?

    Tetsje op den Dries

    Hi Everyone,

    I've received some emails and comments from people I meet about the 4 August Polar Clock channelling from Quetzalcoatl, which is with my Field Report for Manton Drove, for those who couldn't find it. And I would like to share the following responses from Quetzalcoatl. First Francesca asked if he could be more specific, was it UK time and are the proposed attacks in the UK or elsewhere?

    Oh dear one, the time assumed is correct, for the formation is in UK time. We cannot always be as specific as you dear humans would like, but we will say that the assumptions to do with the date of 4 August and the world events going on in the UK have some validity. There is a US connection to the date also.

    We wish to forewarn you to stimulate your awareness of the dark forces, not to stimulate your fear. How you respond to our message will show the ease with which you will come into your own power to work with the forces of light. We wish to be of assistance in your conscious awakening.

    Quetzalcoatl, 8 June 2012
    Then came a plea from Theo in Stuttgart to ask him what we could do to not let an attack manifest, and suggesting a joint visualisation.

    The dear one who asks what you can do, has the right approach to this possible event. If you gather your thoughts and meditations together the power is increased very greatly. Set a time and date to meditate with us, and The Star Councils of Light will activate your prayers for an amelioration of the events we foresaw. Your holding the time we spoke of in the Light of your Love will be of great assistance.

    Quetzalcoatl, 14 June 2012
    There are 7 Saturdays before 4 August, and I would like to invite everyone who wishes, to join in the following beautiful meditation from The Star Councils of Light each Saturday evening at 6.40 – 6.50pm UK time, so we can work together spiritually for the best possible outcome. And those who want could do it every evening in the last week... and most especially on 4 August when it arrives.

    With Love and Blessings, Amuna Ra

    MEDITATION for 4 August 2012 from The Star Councils of Light

    Dearest ones, centre yourselves in your hearts and feel the Love that is there for all humankind… Feel that Love radiating out, shining out… till you are shining like a bright star, far out into the cosmos… We will see your Light, dear ones, and hear the prayers of your hearts…

    Hold the world events in London and everyone connected with them in the Light of your Love… See your Love flowing out and enfolding the whole city… and call on the Star Councils of Light to send their assistance wherever it is needed… in the UK, the US, and everywhere else on your dear planet…

    And rest in the peace of your hearts, dear ones… trusting that all will be done that the Power of Love and Light can bring about in your world…

    We are with you always, and hold you in our Love.
    Message From The Pleiades

    Polar Clock Crop Circle Response from Pleiadians.



    Manton Drove polar clock crop circle


    In Australia there is a new logo on TV.
    @ approx 3 secs into this promo video they use a fireball or explosion as the logo unfolds?


    Big Brother TV logo UK/ Australia comparison


    Australian logo nb* that the time is different in both Australian versions, perhaps someone can work on this?


    Message From The Pleiades

    Polar Clock Crop Circle Response from Pleiadians.


    Very soon the skies will be filled with our ships, universal law will prevail. Tyranny with fall this is what the August date in the Polar Clock crop circle eludes too. This process has been underway for quite some time. The Pleiadians gave the Mayans their calendar as Mayan Elders have revealed. The Pleiadians have more genetic stock here on Earth than any other Star Nation. They will be in charge of the restoration process of Earth along with the other 12 main Star Nations and councils with the help of others who have joined the cause yet this does not mean we can sit on our asses and not be a part of this change. We must rise to the occasion, be frequency-specific to the new Earth and adjust to the new energies if we are going to stay.

    Source: Look Up.

    James Gilliland -- after we analyze this, post back to crop circle connector
    Last edited by a moderator: Aug 26, 2014
  8. Jorgelito

    Jorgelito ¡Olé!

    05 aug 2012 - crop circle - Milk Hill (2), nr Stanton St Bernard, Wiltshire

    Milk Hill (2), nr Stanton St Bernard, Wiltshire. Reported 5th August 2012



    Last edited: Aug 26, 2014
  9. Jorgelito

    Jorgelito ¡Olé!

    1967 + 35 =2012 05 JULY 2009 - Quetzalcoatl Headdress

    A prophetic drawing from 1967 showed a “message on a spiral disc”, similar to what appeared in crops 35 years later at Crabwood in 2002, and several kinds of Mayan imagery to suggest what might happen in 2012

    The contents of the following article will hardly be believable to the average reader, who might not familiar with the near-magical technologies which seem available to our crop artist friends. Yet it should be of considerable interest to other readers, who already follow these strange crop-circle or UFO phenomena in some detail, and wish to learn more.

    Our presentation will begin with a psychic transmission from the crop artists to a respected researcher in Finland in 2002, whom they chose to play a major role in decoding their ASCII message at Crabwood in southern England, which had appeared in crops a few days earlier. Most people on Earth today do not believe in advanced psychic technologies! Yet this author himself received an instructional dream to help solve a crop picture in 2008: namely the “Emerald Formula of Alchemy” which appeared in East Field on August 25. That contact seemed very lucid and real, and its information could be verified by an independent source (see eastfield2008d or kiernanantares).

    So we would argue that psychic transmissions from the crop artists may not be beyond the realm of what is possible for an advanced extra-terrestrial civilization. Indeed, the message dream as described below may provide new and useful clues as to the identity of those crop artists, and what might happen in December 2012 when the Mayan Long Count calendar ends.

    A strange dream after the ASCII crop picture of August 15, 2002 at Crabwood in southern England

    On August 19, 2002, before researcher Martin Keitel in Finland had heard about the amazing ASCII message which appeared in crops at Crabwood in southern England, four days earlier on August 15, he received and recorded on his website an instructional dream that may be summarized as follows (see or

    “The place is a schoolroom. Tapani Koivula (a Finnish UFO researcher) is presenting a huge book. He says this book has been received from space. It is written in an unknown language, but has been partly decoded. It tells about future changes, for example about our new Sun. Then a woman begins to speak. She says she has something to say about the Mayans.

    Next she disappears, and a huge ‘snake’ image appears instead. The ‘snake’ speaks to me with a low male voice. It says that I have an important task to perform, but I don’t have to do it alone. It swirls around me in the form of a spiral, and I feel a strong loving energy radiate from it.

    It gives me a small plastic box filled with red plates. Each plate has some kind of text written on it. The ‘snake’ says they are instructions. I should take out one plate at a time as necessary (author: one plate or eight binary digits in ASCII stand for one written letter in English).

    Then he goes back into the centre of the room, and is replaced by the same woman. She seems unaware of what just happened. Yet she says again that we need to listen to the Mayans. It is very important!

    The dream continues: I am with a group of people, and feel connected to them. We are discussing how Earth children will be prepared for an upcoming spiritual change in the world, although Earth governments won’t support it.”

    After receiving that dream, Martin played a key role in decoding the ASCII crop message, independently from Paul Vigay in England or Linda Howe in the U.S.A. (see or More recent analyses of that Crabwood message have shown that it contains not only a primary ASCII code in English, but also two other hidden codes which help to confirm its authenticity (see time2007n or time2007o).

    A prophetic drawing from 1967 in Russia seems to predict what appeared in crops in southern England, thirty five years later in 2002

    Two months later on October 13, 2002, Martin posted an even more remarkable finding on his website. He noticed that a Russian drawing from 1967 apparently matched in some detail the “message on a spiral disc” which had just appeared in crops at Crabwood in August 2002 (see


    That 1967 drawing showed: (1) a binary message on a spiral disc, (2) an alien landing on Earth from a saucer in the sky, (3) a group of tall mountains on the right, perhaps Machu Piccu in Peru, (4) flames emerging from an alien face on the left, (5) a large alien face on the left, consisting of several overlapping images, and (6) a spacetime wormhole or conduit through which the disc message has been sent. We can also see in the distant background two different “Mayan Suns”: an “old” one which will set or die in 2012, and a “new” one which will figuratively rise or be born.

    Some of those symbolic images from 1967 match what Martin Keitel was told in a lucid dream: four days after the Crabwood crop picture appeared on August 15, 2002, but just before he heard of it.

    Furthermore, the “message on a spiral disc” which was drawn in Russia in 1967 seems to bear a close resemblance to the ASCII-coded spiral disc which appeared in crops at Crabwood in 2002:


    The primary ASCII message from that spiral disc was given in English, and its complete text has been transcribed just above the 1967 drawing on the left. Certain secondary features of that message have been omitted for clarity, but can be found in detailed analyses elsewhere (see time2007o).

    The big question: when does “much pain but still time” begin?

    Now here is the big question: to which year in the modern calendar might their cryptic warning of “much pain but still time” begin? In other words, when will the human race get into trouble on an already overcrowded, over-polluted Earth, and face a sudden die-off due to either environmental or geological concerns? The earliest plausible date might be 2012 AD, when the Mayan Long Count calendar ends, although it could be somewhat later in the twenty-first century as 2050 AD or greater.

    Martin Keitel was told in his dream about a “new Sun” which would appear in 2012 AD, and was asked to “listen to the Mayans”. That 1967 drawing from Russia likewise contains several kinds of Mayan imagery to suggest what might happen in 2012 AD, as will be discussed further below.

    Continuing in this same context, the “snake” who told Martin with a low male voice how to decode the ASCII message would clearly be Quetzalcoatl, the famed “Feathered Serpent” who has always promised to return in December of 2012, when his Long Count calendar ends.

    Is this all fantasy, dreams and legend? I think not! There may be some reality to it. For example last summer on July 5, 2009, a magnificent “Quetzalcoatl headdress” crop picture appeared near Silbury Hill in southern England, leaving no doubt as to a modern reality for that legendary central American figure (see /silburyhill2009 or

    How could all of this possibly have happened? In order to investigate such a deep mystery, let us first go back to 1967, and ask why the original Russian drawing was made.

    The original drawing was made in 1967 for a Russian magazine Sputnik, in order to illustrate a legend of extra-terrestrial “Dropa stones” in Tibet

    The original version of that 1967 drawing was actually made for a Russian magazine called “Sputnik”, in order to illustrate a legend concerning extra-terrestrial “Dropa stones”, that had been found in the rugged mountains which divide China and Tibet:


    "Northeast of Lhasa in the mountains of Baian-Kara-Ula, a Chinese archaeological team in 1937 made an incredible discovery. Half buried in the dirt floor of certain mountain caves they found many unusual disks, originally referred to as 'odd stone disks', and described as 'fashioned by the hand of an intelligent creature.'

    Those disks were approximately nine inches in diameter and three-quarters of an inch thick. In the centre of each was a round hole, and etched into each flat face was a fine groove spiralling outward from the centre to the rim, making the disk look like some kind of primitive phonograph record. A total of 716 such disks were recovered. Their grooves, upon close inspection, showed a continuous line of unknown writing.

    One of the best preserved disks was dated to between 10,000 and 12,000 BC. That was incredible news, but what was to come would be even more remarkable. In Beijing. Professor Tsum Um Nui claimed to have deciphered some of the 'speaking grooves' in those discs. Those stone disks supposedly told the story of a spacecraft from another planet, which came to crash long ago in the Baian-Kara-Ula mountain range. Their strange script told how the peaceful intentions of crashed aliens had been misunderstood, and how many of them had been hunted down and killed by members of a local Ham tribe, who lived in neighbouring caves” (see dropa or,

    Then a second version appeared in which many important details were changed, for example the nature of coding within the disc itself


    Sometime between 1967 and 1972, a second version of that drawing appeared, and was described in popular books (say by Erich von Daniken) as a “cave painting” from thousands of years ago (see fergana or uzbekistan or erich_von_daniken). In truth of course, it was a modern painting from almost the same year, but no one has yet claimed artistry of it.

    Now in that second version, many important details were changed, for example the nature of coding within the disc itself:

    The original 1967 version showed a “Dropa stone” with spiral grooves, which contained some kind of hieroglyphic writing. Yet the second version 1967-1972 showed a “spiral binary code”, such as would be produced by printing modern ASCII characters on a compact disc.

    When Martin Keitel first came across that second version in October of 2002, he carefully aligned and compared the two images as shown below:


    The 2002 disc in crops was much larger than the one drawn in 1967. Only its centre has been shown here. Yet some of the binary digits from its centre seem to “line up” with those from the 1967 second drawing in an approximate fashion.

    A self-portrait of the artist also changed when going from a first version to a second version in 1967-1972

    Another important change in going from a first to second version concerned a self-portrait of the artist, close to some “flames” that were drawn emerging from an “alien face” on the left. The first version from “Sputnik” magazine in 1967 portrayed the artist metaphorically as a “seahorse”:


    Yet a second version from 1967-1972 portrayed the artist as a tall, thin man with a long, pale face, and wearing a brown coat. He hardly looks human!

    The second version of that drawing, instead of Dropa stones, showed a series of “Mayan 2012” symbols

    The second version of that drawing also showed a series of “Mayan 2012” symbols, instead of the original Dropa stones as for Sputnik magazine. For example, in the far background we can see an “old Sun” setting, while a “new Sun” is rising over three tall mountains on the right:


    Yet that is what Martin Keitel was told in his dream! The Mayans called our old Sun the “Fifth” in a series of historical epochs, each lasting for approximately 5000 years. They called our new Sun the “Sixth”, once again intended to last for 5000 years. Their Long Count calendar was designed to count time from one Sun to the next (see Mesoamerican). Archaeologists have determined that their current Long Count calendar began on August 13, 3114 BC, and will end on December 23, 2012 AD.

    Now if we look at that drawing very carefully, we can see that its large “alien face” on the left was patterned after an “old or Fifth Sun” from the Aztec Sunstone, which is a modern cultural icon of Mexico (see nationalgeographic):

    [​IMG] [​IMG]

    Likewise, a group of three tall mountains on the right (and rough-cut stones below) seem to match the three mountains seen near Machu Picchu in Peru:


    Similarly, its many “flames” on the left, which are shown emerging from an “old or Fifth Sun” in 2012, seem to match “flames” shown in the “phoenix” crop picture from 2009 (see


    In that remarkable crop picture, our old Sun has been compared metaphorically to an Egyptian phoenix bird, which lays its eggs in fire and then dies. From the ashes, a new phoenix or new Sun is born.

    Other details from the 1967 drawing also match their crop-based message in 2002

    Elsewhere in that 1967 drawing, we can see behind in the distance (on the left) some kind of wormhole or “conduit” in spacetime, through which the 2002 crop picture has been sent:


    They said at the very end of the ASCII message from that disc: “Conduit closing”, meaning that a conduit in space time had been opened to send us that crop picture, and was now closing again. How could any artist in 1967 have anticipated such a subtle feature of the 2002 ASCII code?

    Also on the left, we can see the two dark, slanted eyes of a “grey alien”, which were shown prominently in the 2002 crop picture:


    Their 2002 ASCII message told us to “beware the bearers of false gifts and their broken promises”. Who else but the greys, who by rumour signed a secret treaty with the U.S. government in 1953, promising to supply advanced weapons to win the Cold War, but then reneging on those promises, while still abducting humans and collecting livestock for biological research (see or esp_exopolitic)?

    Aliens walking around southern England near newly-made crop pictures: true or false?

    Very recently in 2009, a series of photographs were taken which seem to show real extra-terrestrials walking around on Earth in southern England, close to newly-made crop pictures (see or martinsell). One such example has been reproduced below, where a strange “goggle wearing alien” is shown standing with one arm raised in greeting, next to a farmhouse on Martinsell Hill:


    He certainly looks like the cartoon-type alien shown in that 1967 drawing (see above on the right). Studying both images, we can see that both figures are wearing heavy black goggles, and have two large buttons on their chests:


    The average reader might imagine that all of these “alien walking” images could have been constructed using Photoshop, by inserting an alien figure from some other source into the English landscape. However I asked those photographers many times during the summer of 2009 for raw digital camera images, to check whether the anomalous “aliens” were really there? In every case, I was able to confirm that the images were real, and had not been altered. Also I met personally many of the photographers, and none of them would have the funds or sophistication to create such strange images on a computer.

    Three staged incidents during the summer of 2009

    What would be the chance of some unsophisticated photographer, being able to capture a remarkable image on camera such as the alien shown above? Practically zero! Aliens are not generally walking around the diverse English landscape, no more than large fish are jumping into fisherman’s boats in the North Sea.

    Therefore, at least some of those images may have been “staged”, at the intent of the extra-terrestrials themselves, to show themselves to humans on Earth in a safe and non-threatening fashion. Last summer in 2009, there seem to have been at least three staged incidents, as described in the links below:

    (a) June 14 at Barbury Castle (see barburyUFO),

    (b) July 31 on the road to Yatesbury (see,

    (c) October 4 at Martinsell Hill (see /martinsell).

    It will be really interesting to see what the summer of 2010 brings!

    What could all of this mean? Could that 1967 Russian drawing tell us anything about the events of 2012?

    Were it not for the 2002 Crabwood crop picture, and much Mayan 2012 imagery in the 1967 Russian drawing, this strange and improbable story would have little significance. But what if the tall, thin, pale-faced fellow who drew that picture for Sputnik magazine (or its second version) was one of the crop artists themselves, living on Earth incognito? Or a local human who had been contacted by them?

    Did the artist from that 1967 drawing know anything about the upcoming events of 2012: for example “flames” emerging from our “old Sun”, or an extra-terrestrial landing in Peru? Could he have helped to make the "Aztec Sunstone" crop picture at Silbury Hill in 2004?

    Would that be Quetzalcoatl himself posing in a spacesuit, in order to match a prophetic drawing from 42 years earlier? Might all of these events presage the return of Quetzalcoatl and his friends in December 2012, when the Mayan Long Count calendar ends?


    The crop picture shown above appeared on July 5, 2009 near Silbury Hill, and is commonly known as the “Quetzalcoatl headdress”. Its fourteen large “feathers” remind us of the quetzal bird, shown above on the left, while its long, curved “zig zag” reminds us of the coatl snake, shown above on the right. Hence the name “quetzal-coatl” which means “feathered serpent”.

    Did some of those tall, blond extra-terrestrials come down to Earth briefly on July 5, 2009, in order to inspect the "Quetzalcoatl headdress" which they had just made (see

    Is that why they showed a date of December 23, 2012 in crops at Avebury Manor in 2008, to remind us that Quetzalcoatl and his friends would return on that day (see aveburymanor2008)?

    Is that why many traditional symbols for Quetzalcoatl---for example his "feathered serpent", "bright morning star" or "jester's hat" motifs---have been appearing regularly in English crop pictures since 1999 (see time2007k or WHAT DO MODERN CROP PICTURES MEAN)?

    All in all, the stage seems to be set for a very exciting period on Earth over the next three years 2010-2012, especially in southern England, where a new set of crop pictures are soon to appear.

    CMM Research
    1. S. We would like to thank Martin Keitel, Olivier Morel, Jack Roderick, Jack Turner, plus Mike and Sue for some of the figures presented here.

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  10. Jorgelito

    Jorgelito ¡Olé!

    CROP CIRCLES 2009 - a Round Up - Mayan - The Phoenix


    With December 21, 2012 fast approaching, many are wondering if this year’s crop circles are a timely reminder that the 2012 Mayan Prophecy is almost upon us. What say you? Portents of 2012 or simply masterful depictions of landscape art? Check out the stunning photographs below and let us know your verdict…

    Crop Circles 2009: A Round Up…

    By Jon King
    The Mayan Factor

    With the arrival of the Phoenix crop circle in Wiltshire this week, the latest in a series of formations depicting a distinct Mayan theme, researchers have been asking the sixty-four-thousand-dollar question:

    Are this year’s crop circles a reminder that the 2012 Mayan Prophecy is almost upon us? Are they a warning about the end of the world?

    And moreover, are they warning us that the end of the world is in sight?

    Whatever your take on the 2012 Mayan Prophecy, no one can surely deny the sheer beauty of this year’s crop formations. Nor indeed that they do tend to portray a distinct Mayan theme.


    First of the ‘Mayanesque’ formations to arrive was the impressive ‘Dragonfly’, discovered in a barley field in Little London near Yatesbury in Wiltshire, on June 3rd this year.


    Staggeringly, just two weeks later, on 15th June, the ‘Phoenix’ formation arrived in the same field! Someone somewhere is surely trying to say something. The question is: Who?
    Other formations discovered this week are also well worth a mention here.

    The amazing ‘Aztec/Mayan Bird’ formation found at Barbury Castle in Wiltshire on June 14th:


    The ‘Mayan Maze’ formation at Waylands Smithy on June 12th:


    And on June 13th this stunner was found in a wheat field at Alton Priors. Maybe not so obviously Mayanesque in its appearance, but equally worth a gander:


    Crop Circles 2009: A Round Up…

    Other Arrivals This Summer
    Other arrivals this summer:
    These amazing creatures, discovered at the Uffington White Horse and the East Kennet Long

    Barrow, both on June 21st:

    866. 867.

    Then this gorgeous thing, discovered at Rough Hill on June 24th:


    And then this incredible beast, discovered at Martinsell Hill on June 25th:


    Crop Circles 2009: A Round Up…

    More Incredible Masterpieces
    Plus these incredible masterpieces…
    Silbury Hill, Wiltshire, July 5th:


    East Field, Alton Barnes, Wiltshire, July 14th:


    Martinsell Hill, Wiltshire, July 19th:


    Smeathes Plantation, Wiltshire, July 24th:


    Morgans Hill, Nr Bishps Canning, Wiltshire, 2nd August:


    Crop Circles 2009: A Round Up…

    Your Views
    As always we would love to get your take on these stunning crop patterns – on the 2012 Mayan connection and on the crop circle phenomenon in general.

    You can post your comments here (below) or you can click on the link at the foot of the page and post you comments in the forum.

    Alternatively, you can just hang out here and feast your eyes on Steve Alexander’s stunning photographs. Enjoy!

    Our special thanks to Steve and Karen Alexander for supplying the stunning visuals.

    Except Morgans Hill Crop Cirlce photograph, for which we offer our sincere thanks to Crop Circle Connector.

    “Crop Circle Forum”:
    “General Forums”:

    See also: “Crop Circles 2009”:/news/crop-circles-2009/
    Steve’s incredible archive of crop circle photographs and books can be found at:
    “Steve Alexander Crop Circle Photography”:
    Morgans Hill Crop Circle photograph (plus loads more) can be found at:
    “Crop Circle Connector”:


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    Last edited: Aug 26, 2014

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