We learn to make boundaries around ourselves, not of brick and stone but of stuff that makes us scared, want to judge, want to unfriend. This keeps the world away for awhile so we can cocoon and get strong. We experience a need for boundaries early in life because just about everybody knows what hurt feels like, what trauma feels like. Sometimes the boundaries have to do with sex, love, relationships, money, religion. You name it. When we're close to one of these boundaries, we feel "uncomfortable" for no reason or for many reasons. Our response, whatever the reason, is automatic, unconscious, unambiguous. When my Mother reached 80, she put this sign on her door. We do this so we can rest and recuperate body and soul. When we become too uncomfortable being comfortable, we can choose to be happy again!! Barbara Dad Mother Sister Brother-in-law Nieces Gydnia
Up Close and Touchable a boundary experience It's the feeling we might experience when we approach the boundaries that define who we are, a mixture of dread and relief, adventure and excitement. View: https://vimeo.com/173205632
Pancake & Griddle - a Boundary Experience We make boundaries for ourselves that define who we are. One of my first was PANCAKE AND GRIDDLE. I wouldn't talk until three, but I loved pancakes. So it was my good fortune my needs were met without having to talk. Both Granny and Mother understood what I wanted. For example, when I wanted pancakes . . . . . . I would drag the pancake griddle out of the pantry and hand it to them. They knew what to do. Later when I was a teenager, my Mother told me in no uncertain terms she was NOT a mind reader! Autumn leaves are falling. And it's time to put the griddle back in the pantry. I love you Mother! I love you Granny!