My Liberation from the Thuban Sex Cult

Discussion in 'Thuban Project MistsOfAvalon' started by admin, Dec 31, 2015.

  1. admin

    admin Well-Known Member Staff Member


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    • Post n°30

    empty. Re: My Liberation from the Thuban Sex Cult

    empty. B.B.Baghor Today at 1:25 pm
    Sanicle wrote:

    I also had to smile wryly when I read that you were told, “‘But Xeia, the real ET’s are the plants and animals…you must love them all cosmically while you can go $%*# yourself because I despise your human mind.’” It reminded me of when I first looked at the Thuban stuff and spoke up in objection to some of what Tony wrote re these ‘dragons’ taking over – possessing - the animals and plants In this reality. I took serious offence to that on their behalf and was told by Tony that he was only speaking “symbolically”. Now I’ve read what was said to you – well – I’m sure you can well imagine what I’m thinking now. icon_silent. 824877. 998440.

    Oh, I also wanted to include this quote from our friend Mudra's Don Juan Matus thread:

    To defend is to act from a point of self-importance which can cause imbalance and create anger and ill-will. Many people, basically fundamentalists of any belief, will defend the fixated position of their assemblage point in order to preserve and maintain the patterns and stories as they perceive them and even attempt to impose those patterns upon others no matter how superfluous their stored data has become. For a warrior, it is a waste of energy to defend the position of an assemblage point when the point is to keep the assemblage point fluid.

    Maybe you'll be able to relate to that as much as I did when I read it. herz.

    Thank you, Sanicle icon_flower. so good to see you here. I say cheers to your point of view,
    regarding what Tony meant "symbolically" by calling the real ET's the beings of the animal/plantworld.

    That teaching of Don Juan is awesome "Keeping the assemblage point fluid" Yes to that, wholeheartedly!
    I love the femalewarrior publications that mudra shares with us here. It keeps me in touch with Don Juan's
    teachings, for the whole set of pinguin pockets is still in my home in Holland. That fluidity is what I meant to convey in the post present in this thread, about Oranda, the meaning of this noun and verb:

    " The nature of the N. American indian-warrior required knowledge of the prevailing rules in diplomacy, of tribes they visited, the art of moving and juggling between arguments of parties and to be in the know of secrets and history, that created relationships of all kinds".
  2. Allisiam

    Allisiam Well-Known Member





    [12:28:56 PM] ShilohaPlace:
    [12:30:19 PM] ShilohaPlace: You agree we are simple messengers for the True Logos right? Say in the footsteps of the Zebedees, James and John?
    [12:30:40 PM] ShilohaPlace: Now ask yourself, HOW can this code be fulfilled?
    [12:31:29 PM] Sirius 17: yes I know what we are hon
    [12:33:24 PM] ShilohaPlace: Now would you call this expose as us being put to shame?
    [12:33:33 PM] ShilohaPlace: This is serious
    [12:34:23 PM] Sirius 17: Yes that is what she is doing, trying to shame us
    [12:34:10 PM] ShilohaPlace: Yes but would you call this an assassination of Thuban AS the simple messengers and family of the JCCJ?
    [12:34:23 PM] Sirius 17: that is what she is trying to do yes
    [12:34:34 PM]ShilohaPlace: Yes so now deeply look at this code
    [5:35:08 PM] ShilohaPlace:

    [5:35:33 PM] ShilohaPlace: This is our 'crucifixion' - mentally by the world
    [5:35:46 PM] ShilohaPlace: How else can Jesus be recrucified see, but by his family and servants??
    [5:36:04 PM] ShilohaPlace: It’s mental!
    [5:36:05 PM] Sirius 17: yes I see it
    [5:36:09 PM] ShilohaPlace: Good
    [5:36:18 PM] ShilohaPlace: So then this timeline is the end
    [5:36:37 PM ] ShilohaPlace: All those codes in rev being fulfilled and you remember the 'iota'
    [5:36:43 PM] Sirius 17: yeah
    [5:37:18 PM] ShilohaPlace: It makes sense see?
    [5:37:24 PM] Sirius 17: I can't believe Xeia is doing this, I figured if anything she would just go away
    [5:37:34 PM] ShilohaPlace: She is on a mission
    [5:37:43 PM] Sirius 17: not try to make us out as some kind of depraved individuals
    [5:37:51 PM] ShilohaPlace: But totally distorting everything
    [5:37:54 PM] Sirius 17: or sexual predators
    [5:38:02 PM] Sirius 17: oh big time
    [5:38:12 PM] ShilohaPlace: yes this is what this smear campaign is
    [5:38:18 PM] Sirius 17: disgusting
    [5:38:32 PM] ShilohaPlace: It is and it seems she has dumped Rok now
    [5:38:41 PM] Sirius 17: oh did he say something again?
    [5:38:45 PM] ShilohaPlace: No
    [5:38:45 PM] Sirius 17: I have not checked that thread
    [5:38:55 PM] ShilohaPlace: But her mentioning the 'meat' is Rok
    [5:39:05 PM] Sirius 17: yes his words
    [5:46:11 PM] ShilohaPlace: You replied on xen?
    [5:46:17 PM] Sirius 17: yep
    [5:46:30 PM] ShilohaPlace: Ok yes I kept it up to date
    [5:46:44 PM] ShilohaPlace: Have not yet caught up with fiddler's
    [5:46:56 PM] Sirius 17: you didn't miss much
    [5:47:28 PM] Sirius 17: as far as I can see no one gets the Logos
    [5:47:33 PM] ShilohaPlace: nope
    [5:47:58 PM] ShilohaPlace: How long this will be so I don’t know, but the last chart is final
    [5:48:03 PM] Sirius 17: demonic possession is about as far away from getting it as you can go lol, fucking idiots
    [5:48:06 PM] ShilohaPlace: It all happened
    [5:48:37 PM] ShilohaPlace: yes and see how xeia does not mention the names except in explanation?
    [5:48:45 PM] Sirius 17: yeah
    [5:48:48 PM] ShilohaPlace: She is full of it now as a new female Judas-Judith
    [5:48:56 PM] Sirius 17: she is protecting her sources but not either of us
    [5:49:25 PM] ShilohaPlace: See how both her and bbb and sanicle belittle the animals saying they have nothing to do with ETs?
    [5:49:42 PM] Sirius 17: yes well they are so wrong
    [5:49:43 PM] ShilohaPlace: This is deep as well
    [5:49:57 PM] ShilohaPlace: yes and detrimental for their soul contacts
    [5:50:23 PM] ShilohaPlace: And of course xeia hates to talk about the dead
    [5:50:36 PM] ShilohaPlace: Our sex with the dead alives has put her off
    [5:50:38 PM] Sirius 17: well I gave them bonobos fucking so if they come to our forum they can get offended all over again
    [5:50:44 PM] ShilohaPlace: And what about MI see?
    [5:50:58 PM] Sirius 17: yes no mention of MI from her
    [5:51:04 PM] ShilohaPlace: Ever see the movie 'ghost'?
    [5:51:07 PM] Sirius 17: yeah
    [5:51:15 PM] ShilohaPlace: Must be all evil
    [5:52:18 PM] ShilohaPlace: Its nabs galore over there now with the posters going from one moron to the next
    [5:52:34 PM] ShilohaPlace: And BBB feels so good with the cleaned house see?
    [5:52:43 PM] Sirius 17: well ghost came out a long time ago so maybe some of them have not seen it
    [5:52:49 PM] ShilohaPlace: It shows off the love and light memeplex perfectly
    [5:52:52 PM] Sirius 17: I should put that on the thread
    [5:53:13 PM] ShilohaPlace: This is what xeia is driven by the adrenalin of feeling good, having escaped the evil mindcontrol
    [5:53:31 PM] Sirius 17: right
    [5:53:43 PM] Sirius 17: the Logos is so oppressive

    [5:54:03 PM ] ShilohaPlace: But it is them who are exposing themselves
    [5:54:05 PM] ShilohaPlace: see that?
    [5:54:10 PM] Sirius 17: yeah

    The Tower of Babel rebuilt in the Zerubabbel of Zebedee Boanerges

    Last edited by a moderator: Jan 6, 2016
  3. admin

    admin Well-Known Member Staff Member


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    • Post n°702

    empty. Re: The United States of the Solar System: 2133 A.D. Book Two.

    empty. orthodoxymoron Yesterday at 10:38 pm
    Regarding the name "Paul Benjamin" -- could this be a clever way of saying The Apostle (Paul) from the Tribe of (Benjamin)?! Those "Ravening-Wolves"!! What Would Sherry Shriner Say?? The following linked-show should be listened-to repeatedly -- but it should NOT be taken at face-value. Read Between the Lines. I'm going to post the rich288 posts from but I'm not going to post the responses. You can go to that site, if you wish. I noticed that when rich288 was banned, he immediately reappeared as Gabriel999. I find this interesting and significant. That's ALL I'm going to say -- and I could say MUCH More -- but I will attempt to maintain a Silent and Responsible Neutrality -- as I continue to read Job through Malachi side-by-side with Acts through Jude (in the KJV). Always Remember "The KGB Read the KJV". Namaste and Godspeed.

    Posts: 12
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    Post n°1

    Draconian (Demonic) Possession??
    Post rich228 on Mon Jan 05, 2015 3:40 am

    I would like to ask Sirebard Beardris and her so called 'Council of Thuban' why they are possessing people and holding them hostage in their own bodies and implanting them with excruciating devices that causes intense suffering for years on end (12 years and counting in my case)?....i.e., implants in feet, entities that control your limbs…hands…feet…at times uncontrollably.

    Oh...and why they lie, deceive, mislead, act in a degenerative manner, disrespect the body of the host, causing them to hurt themselves in agony, pain, and unrelenting suffering caused by the entities possessing the body. Is this part of the dragonization process? Is this the Thuban way? Is this legit?

    Why do you use cybernetic drones that act more like ruthless Zetan greys than Christed beings or light beings? I have been quietly suffering for years now. How much longer do I have to suffer for you to ascend??? I would like to reclaim my life and all that has been taken from me.

    Re: Draconian (Demonic) Possession??
    Post rich228 on Sat Jan 17, 2015 1:07 am

    Dear Sui Generis Xeia Kali Abraxasinas or whoever you are…..

    Ok, I wasn't going to reply this at first, but then on second thought....YOU might need to hear this...

    I’m sure that with you, of all persons, I don’t have to explain how there is an air of denialism regarding extraterrestrial life forms that exists within present day society, especially in the West. The painstakingly slow unraveling of the UFO phenomenon which is now being disclosed by whistleblowers (The Disclosure Project) and the even slower acceptance by certain scientist, researchers, and mental health practitioners have done much to shed light on the so called “phenomenon” in recent years. With the writings of ground breaking researchers like Jacques Vallee, John Keel, Bud Hopkins, Ray Fowler, Linda Moulton Howe, Dr. John Mack etc., and now, due to the Freedom of Information Act , fully disclosed UFO files being aired on programs such as “Ancient Aliens,” “Unsealed Alien Files,” “Hangar 1: The UFO Files” seems to have diminished many of the doubts and uncertainties that people previously held about UFO’s and aliens. I’m not saying that I endorse the conclusions that the producers of these programs presents to the viewing public, which is typically an impending alien takeover by beings from outer space, but the mere fact that people are paying more attention to this 'chatter,' taking it more seriously, and not as apt to make jokes about little green men anymore is a significant leap in our collective consciousness, I would say. Any researcher worth his or her salt knows that “UFOs are real, burgeoning and NOT going away,” to borrow a phrase from author, L.A. Marzulli. Polls suggest that about 93% of the population believe that extraterrestrials exist, while 80% of Americans think the government is hiding knowledge of the existence of extraterrestrial life forms.

    With that being said, if you (Sirebard Beardris) are a founding member of this “Council of Thubans” as you state you are, you should be well aware of what I am saying here. You should also be very well versed in the long human history of possessions by discarnate entities going back to our earliest history.…. So to even suggest that this “COULD” be something that originates in one’s “OWN MIND” or perhaps some sort of “DELUSION” tells me that you are either uninformed with regards to these well established facts or you are well aware and are merely trying to disinform, which, at this point does not fly with those of us who are “in the know.” Perhaps you yourself (Sui Generis, assuming you are the channeler) are possessed, and are not aware of it, since channeling is a form of possession. After all, aren’t you (Sirebard that is) the one that shares the body of John Shadow, a 53 year old handicapped man, in Queensland, Australia. That certainly sounds like a form of possession to me. Albeit, not quite as hostile as mine. I invite you to read this article which explains almost to the letter the process of how I became a “host” to these entities almost 12 years ago

    So, yes these entities do exist. They exist in the real. They exist on the physical plane AND the ethereal plane. But of course, you already know this…or you should. Also, I never said anything about flesh and blood entities on the planet somewhere sending me weird voodoo stuff. That’s your interpretation, however, there may be some truth to that. I’m well aware that these entities are operating from “within.” But in order to get inside, they are obviously entering from “without” first. I see these entities all the time in their shadowy ethereal forms or orbs. Sometimes I can see them entering and exiting my body (in Ethereal form of course). I also see them as they fly around in conventional and unconventional craft all the time. They trail me everywhere that I go. But more importantly, I feel them inside my body as they have slowly reached down into the depths of my soul, within every extremity of my body, like a hand in glove, and with the aid of implants, recklessly jerking, shaking, tugging, kicking, fist balling, toe curling, yuck yucking, jockeying for control and carrying on in some careless, uncontrollable demonic (or reptilian) fashion. As they lie, mislead and deceive on a daily basis… as they play poltergeist games by making personal items disappear…. I can go on and on but I’m sure you get the picture. Yes, this phenomenon is real and Yes, they have claimed to be part of the Thuban Council, The Council of 9, the Sirian High Council, Pleiadians, The Galactic Federation, the Ashtar Command, Cmdr Hatonn, Lady Athene, Djwhal Khul, and other Ascended Masters, Ra, Seth, the Elohim, Greys, Nordics, you name it and they have claimed it. Perhaps if you do a little more digging you (Sui Generis) will find that there is more to these entities then they are presenting to you. Here is another site I would like for you to take a look at with regards to beings from Alpha Draconis, which by the way happens to be the home star system of the Thubans, Pay particular attention to the sections on Reptilians, Possessions and Demons. I would be curious to hear your take on all of this. Thanks for your attempt at answering my post. Goodby for now.

    Re: Draconian (Demonic) Possession??
    Post rich228 on Sat Jan 17, 2015 7:57 pm

    Just as I thought…. another pompous, arrogant, conceited, pig headed, overbearing, bombastic, cocky, (HOW AM I DOING ON BIG WORDS Roky boy?!!!) bloated, self-important, patronizing, loudmouth, pontifical, vain, ego tripping, pretentious, puffed-up, know-it-all, marshmellow (ALL FLUFF, NO SUBSTANCE), who doesn’t know a damn thing!!

    Unfortunately for kids like you Roky boy….these experiences are unrelatable to you because you have had NO DIRECT EXPEIRENCE. And even when credible or multiple credible witnesses relay their stories, there will always be A-Holes like you, who, just because they HAVE NOT had a DIRECT EXPEIRENCE, or “Seen it with My Own Two Eyes,” will forever be naysayers. And, until you have such a genuine experience yourself, which, apparently you’re not worth any entities time to bother with, good or evil (except your little Thuban friends of course) you will only be able to relate to these matters in abstract terms. Which simply doesn’t thrill small minded P-brains like yours which require sooooooooooo much more than that.

    Check yourself before you wreck yourself kid. At least my experiences are real. You seem to be on some other kind of acid trip. But, don’t worry, your day may come sooner than you think before you too become a Blabieber…excuse me….you’re already that….I meant a BELIEVER. Oh by the way…here is a great clip for Blabieber’s, Later Beavis…or are you the other one?…so much for your love and light nonsense.

    Re: Draconian (Demonic) Possession??
    Post rich228 on Sat Jan 17, 2015 10:39 pm

    Sooooo, I’m to provide you with ALL OF THIS “proof” and also ‘WHO DONE IT’ just for you to do what???…stand there with GAPING EYES and DROPPED JAWS saying “WOWZY WOWZY WOO WOO,” you Xxxxx! I don’t think so. Look dick breath….go back to doing what you enjoy doing most and stay out of conversations that puny-minded people like you know nothing about. YOUR IN OVER YOUR HEAD. It’s as simple as that. You don’t even know what to believe. YOUR CONFUSED!!

    Let me get this straight… you believe that your communicating with Thubans, from Alpha Draconis, and their representative Sirebard Beardris who is 19.11 billion years old and resides in the 12th dimension, who, along with her other Council members, will enter this universe through a black hole in the Earth’s center which, afterwards will reglue or reconnect itself in rendering the 'inside-outside' higher-dimensional spacetime matrix from two-sided to one-sided….AND…shares the body is John Shadow, a 53 year old handicapped man, born in Queensland, Australia…AND…comes from very highly respected Royal Dragon Council…AND…are us in the future…AND…are here preparing for the Harvest…AND…YOU WANT ME TO PROVIDE YOU WITH PROOF???!!! GIVE ME A BREAK!!!

    You know, at first I thought, this poor man must be a holdover from Neanderthal man which mostly died out 60,000 years ago, but now I’m thinking maybe you’re more of an offshoot from the 'Old World Monkeys' that Sirebard talks about in her transmissions. I tell you what, when you provide me with proof of your far fetched beliefs, I’ll provide you proof of what I KNOW to be a fact. Until then, stay out of ‘grown folks’ conversations. It was never intended for you, it was intended for Sui Generis, cornball. Go back to your ‘Going post Genital’ nonsense and leave me alone YOOOU NANCY-BOY!!!!

    Re: Draconian (Demonic) Possession??
    Post rich228 on Sun Jan 18, 2015 7:26 am


    Let's check out where Thuban is......

    Thuban, also known by its Bayer designation Alpha Draconis (α Draconis, α Dra), is a star (or star system) in the constellation of Draco.

    The Draconian Empire originated on Thuban (Alpha Draconis), and consists mainly of various groups of reptilian and dinosaur-like species, but humanoid worlds have joined, too, some forcefully, some willingly.

    Sorry Roky boy, but you have been communicating with Alpha Draconis...or at least that's where they are supossed to hail from.

    Stay in your lane son, like I said...your in over your head.

    Oh, and it seems like you're more into the love and light stuff than I.....Roky baby.

    Re: Draconian (Demonic) Possession??
    Post rich228 on Sun Jan 18, 2015 8:20 am

    Dear Xeia SuiGeneris...

    In response to your last reply and questions....

    ....Do you think it is dangerous for you to do so, and that it could get worse for you if they decide to take reprisal?

    I don’t know. You, being from one of the higher energy dimensional groups, ET’s or Councils would have more knowledge of this sort of thing than I would. As yet, it has not happened.

    Could it really be that all of those higher d, extraterrestrial, divine or astral groups that the New Age talks about are all one and the same, have the same origin, the same purpose for being and the same goals?

    Again, you being from one of the higher energy dimensional groups, ET’s or Councils would know more about this than I would. I would like to ask you the same question?

    So why do that then? why would someone who is hurting you claim such a wide range of ownership and responsibility? it is because the aggressor wants you to believe that they are all the same, and that they are all evil and therefore bad for you.

    Or, it could be that they are not ready to reveal ‘who’ or ‘what’ they truly are.

    It could be that in truth they are none of them, of them...hidden among the many, or in plain sight.

    Understood. But in all fairness, the same can be said about you.

    You said "they have claimed..." Have you read that someone said they've claimed, or do they communicate directly to you?


    Either way, just as an example, they have used the word "Thuban" when they have said that they are also a part of the Thuban Council... then you google that term and find out a bit about it, later arriving to this forum... Does that automatically make them us?

    No. But am I wrong to ask?

    Terminology is carefully studied and used in the system of enslavement in many ways, one of which is to divert and to cause confusion as you well know...and so it may be that you are confused...and take us for the enemy...

    I never said you were the enemy, I merely posed a question based on information that was provided to me and you were well within your right to explain and defend your position. I can respect that, as you should me for doing my due diligence and being just as vigilant on my end.

    Listen, I’m sorry if my initial message seemed a little brazen, but your reply was just as much. For a member of a galactic Council of sorts to say things like “originating in one’s own mind”… and “dangerous fanatical ideologies and delusions”…. and questioning the veracity of someone’s testimony is quite striking to me. You of all people should know better. It is known among many of us that this ‘possession’ that I speak of is real. And when you have Barbara Marciniak speaking about the Pleiadians, in the book ‘Bringers of the Dawn’ telling us that “these space beings are part human and part reptillian” and that ”Prime Creator sends out others to create an electromagnetic frequency of consciousness as a FOOD SOURCE for itself”....

    And...“The creator gods who have been ruling this planet have the ability to become physical, though mostly they exist in other dimensions. They keep Earth in a certain vibrational frequency while they create EMOTIONAL TRAUMA to nourish themselves.” And….“When you are controlled to bring about HAVOC and FRENZY, you are creating a vibrational frequency that supports the existence of these others because that is how they are nourished”....

    I can go on and on with this but I think you get my drift. With this kind of information out there, and believe there is a lot more, not to mention the very real experiences that people are having (Demon possession is on the rise according to the Catholic Church) and with information out there that informs us about the Galactic Federation which includes Draco-Orion, Pleiadians, Sirians, and others, it’s not hard to conceive why one would try to connect the dots to the Draconian Empire on THUBAN. This is NOT an accusation. It is simply a question. I have yet to draw a final conclusion.

    Re: Draconian (Demonic) Possession??
    Post rich228 on Sun Jan 18, 2015 6:15 pm

    FIRST OF ALL D-breath…you’re the one posting at 3:30 AM so who’s the TROLL….TROLL??? You’re obviously so obsessed with this stuff that you don’t even sleep like MOST FOLK….TROLL!! I can have fun too Homosexual…..oh, excuse me, I meant NANCY BOY!!!

    Trust me JOKER, you don’t have to assume mental sickness…You ARE Mentally Sick….You just don’t know it yet. You say “i rarely (or not at all) go beyond that, not that i am not itchy to do so.” Believe it or not you already have. You’re so damn transparent I can read you without the aid of the psychotronic mind reading technologies that some of your space friends possess…LITTLE BOY!!

    The problem with this world Roky boy is narrow minded, thin-skinned, pig-headed, self-centered A-Holes like you who are on the verge of collapsing Western Civilization. So pre-occupied with deviant sexual fantasies, GENITALS, and other sexual maladaptations which hinders your adjustment to the temporal, spiritual territory of human continuity, which leads to your ABNORMAL AGRESSION and eventual SELF-DESTRUCTION. In short, people like you are like a bad case of IRRATABLE BOWL SYNDROME that can only be cured with a good strong antispasmodic cleansing program.

    I’m sure that the Thubans don’t need any guidance from your dumb ass as to how they should reply to my posts, NITWIT!! You’re nothing but child’s play to them….AND ME TOO!! Wake up sonny boy, because if not, you’re in for A RUDE AWAKING!! Go back to your cro-magnum phallic worship and stay out of conversations that you contribute absolutely nothing to, GERM!! I told you you’re no match for me KID….but since you’re obviously a gluten for psycho narcissistic sadomasochistic punishment, BRING IT ON!! There’s more where this comes from, MARSHMELLOW MAN!!!!

    Re: Draconian (Demonic) Possession??
    Post rich228 on Sun Jan 18, 2015 8:00 pm

    You're not worth any more time than I have already given you ANT!!! Now go ahead and have the LAST WORD, since that's ALL you REALLY want, LITTLE BOY!!!!

    Re: Draconian (Demonic) Possession??
    Post rich228 on Mon Jan 19, 2015 10:58 pm

    Dear Xia SuiGeneris,

    Unlike yourself, a member of one of the ‘energy groups’ as you mentioned, and someone who, I am sure, has an extensive knowledge of interdimensional contact with humans going back thousands of years, I have no problem whatsoever believing the gentleman’s testimony. I believe it 100% when he says he experiences mind control and torture on some level...AND THEN SOME. I think the ‘grey’ area comes in his conclusions as to what “IT” actually is that is responsible for this. He may well fit the prototype of ‘NEO’ to certain Reptile ET’s who may find him corrosive to their synthetic matrix of control, subversion, tyranny/ sacrifice, who then recommends targeting certain people to the US government for some sort of MILABS PsyOps satanic ritual abuse mind control suppression and torture program…who knows? Or, it could be that his “source” has told him a bit of TRUTH mixed with a LIE, in that, rather than it being the “Government,” as his source relates to him, it may be just a cover story that the Reptile ET’s or his “source” tells him so that they can create EMOTIONAL TRAUMA and bring about HAVOC and FRENZY to suite their own agenda.

    Or, it could be…. and please don’t take this personal, I am only throwing out POSSIBILITIES, and like a good theoretician, I have to consider ALL possibilities before I draw a conclusion….but, it could be that the Council of Thuban and their “Dragonization” process is just another facade or a “variation” of the same program. Other variations may include Ascension, Bio-Regenesis, Transhumanization, Posthumanism, Cyborgization, Hybridization or Keylontic Science as presented by various energy dimensional groups, ET’s or Councils all for the purpose of achieving the EXACT SAME THING. They may all fall under a term known to some ET’s as “epigenetic electrochemical pollution strategies” or simply the “HARVEST” to others.

    Again, I’m not offering any conclusions here, just theories for now. I am seeking the truth just like the gentleman, however, I think the answer is shrouded in mystery, myth, allegory, legends, lies, and misleading channeled information. All of these beings with their meme complexes or memeplexes, meta-empires, hierarchy totems, genetics, cybernetics, AI, Nanotech, and other advanced technologies could merely be “Messengers of Deception” who utilize both the ‘GOOD’ and ‘EVIL’ as you say I should “get to know,” as one big DUALITY GAME engineered to garner the very results that I just outlined. This again is not a conclusion, I’m just considering “ALL POSSIBILITIES” as you say.

    After all, the demon looking back at me in the mirror could very well be YOU. Not YOU personally of course, but the Thuban or Draco memeplex and their associated partners in crime…so to speak.

    Btw: I don’t know why your boy Rok thinks he’s smarter than EVERY other HUMAN. There just may be some of us who are further along than he is willing to concede, for the aforementioned/ stated reasons.

    Re: Draconian (Demonic) Possession??
    Post rich228 on Wed Jan 21, 2015 7:42 pm

    Sorry, but you're already possessing your boy Rok. But, maybe you can tell me who IS possessing me since you're all probably part of the same meta-empire.

    Re: Draconian (Demonic) Possession??
    Post Gabriel999 on Sat Jan 24, 2015 5:40 am

    I have been following these posts since the old projectavalon and i have not read anything nearly as close to the truth than what rich228 has posted. not only do i think he understands the topic, but i feel that he had a genuinely unique perspective of the topic and a pretty good sense of humor, so i don't understand why he was blocked. after all, it was rok who attacked him first. what ever happened to freedom of speech? i would like to hear more from rich228. any seconds?

    Rok wrote: the "other one" was blocked since he failed to present any valid thought of his own for his claims and accusations.

    Re: Draconian (Demonic) Possession??
    Post Gabriel999 on Sun Jan 25, 2015 1:15 am


    A Turing Machine, which is an idealised concept in information technology describing a computer which manipulates symbols on an infinite strip of tape. An idealized computer consisting of an infinite tape and a read-write "head" which moves back and forth on the tape, reading and writing, according to a rule set that refers to 1) what it sees on the tape 2) an internal "memory" state. To test for whether a machine is conscious (or intelligent, or aware): the subject communicates via text with the machine and with a hidden human. If the subject cannot tell which of their partners in the dialog is the human, then the computer is conscious (i.e. is an AI).

    that's right, ARTIFICIAL INTELLIGENCE. ET's use programs (so called memes) to transmit channeled material, and no being needs to be present during the transmission. and with our limited knowledge of technology here on earth, is this so hard to conceive? take a look at the following website, you're better off going there where you can can talk to God directly and bypass the Thubans. This guy rok is just a Thrall used by these ET's to transmit their messages. when they're done with him, they'll probably turn him into a ghoul.

    Carol wrote:Aloha Rich / Paul,

    "The Galactic Federation of Light & Ashtar is an Alien Hoax.."

    I've always thought of it as a joke and the threads on it at Mists are more for entertainment purposes.

    "They possess my body like a classic demonic possession"

    This isn't good. Have you sought help with any of this?

    "I have a constant buzzing sound in my head like I am part of an alien hive."

    Many of us are experiencing this buzzing due to the change of frequency along with some of the solar flares. Dolores Cannon also referred to how time has speeded up where a 24 hour day is now 12 hours. Our bodies are undergoing changes that have to due with an energy shift in frequency as well. I hear the buzzing (similar to a high frequency tone) all the time now.

    You can take control of some of this by sounds you can listen to like the Relaxing 432 Hz DNA Healing - Nature Sounds [Chakra, Aura, Energy Cleanse] ☯ Positive Energy.

    "I know that they use implants which they can implant through invisible means."

    Yes but generally something like this involves some type of actual ET contact.

    "We are merely host to alien beings who use us for their own agendas."

    This has happened to some people and some have consented to it.

    “Our bodies are also the result of sound resonating energy into form and if our minds are powerful enough to change the sound range of the body, it moves into another form or disappears from this dimension, altogether. This is what is called shape-shifting.” This came from the following web page"

    Many of us are aware of this as some ET entities are inter dimensional beings.

    "I believe they are trying to steal me over to another dimension or shape-shift me into something else."

    You do have free will and can refuse to participate. And you do have the ability to send them packing with your intention.

    "These beings are master geneticist who are breeding human hybrids and hubrids which they are slowly integrating into our society. It is the highest form of subterfuge. The alien phenomenon is real. These beings have been the Gods of the bible (ELOHIM, JEHOVAH, JESUS) and all other religious deities. IT HAS ALL BEEN A RUSE!!! "

    Some yes, not all.

    "There is no God."

    Yes, there is a god (source) but it is something much more then the average person is taught.

    "They also spurn cult religions, Satanic churches, wiccan covens, secret societies, secret cabals, you name it. They do this through mind control."

    Unfortunately this too is true.

    "You wouldn’t know they weren’t human if you passed them on the street. They form the secret government’s of the world. Controlled by the illuminati whom are nothing more than puppets for the alien rulers of this planet."

    And this too is true.

    "These beings work with the most sophisticated technologies. It is beyond human comprehension. They operate with hyper nano tech, particle physics, electromagnetic energy, sound, light, worm whole technology, hyper drive vehicles, controlling weather, and so many other advanced methods that it would boggle the mind. They control this planet. They control our security agencies. They perform mass mind control through the media (sublimely). MONTAUK, MK ULTRA, BLACK BUDGET, PSY OPPS, MJ 12, you name it. They’ve had a hand in it. "

    Sad and also true.

    "Now they want to present themselves as Ashtar of the Galactic Federation, Pleiadians, Sirians, the Arcturians, Andromedans, Christed beings, Michael the Archangel, Commander Hatonn, Christed beings, and Metetron, said to be the highest Archangel, and a host of other characters. Not to mention the beings behind all of the contact scenarios in the 50’s."

    I recall reading in one report that there are over 147 different type of off-worlders who visit and/or live on earth. Some use it as a way station traveling to other planets. Others use it for earths resources. Some use it as a vacation center. They tend to have different and conflicting agendas when it comes to earth and it's inhabitants. Just depends on which group one ends up interfacing with. Earth has become a planet of great interest ever since the atomic bomb which impacted other dimensions where other off-world entities live. They have a great interest in our planet and what goes on here as it also impacts them. So of course ET intervention (along with interference depending on which ET species is involved) has been ongoing for years.

    "Many people who channel messages from these beings are finding that their messages are faulty or just plain lies. They are beginning to question the source of these messages."

    Anyone who have been around the block a few times knows that channeling can be deceptive and not worth the time to listen too as it can easily lead to self-deception and self-delusion.

    In addition if one lives close to power lines or are in an area where there is a high level of EMF that too can create problems. For blocking out negative energy from other dimensions orgon devices tend to work.

    Since we live in a rural area in the middle of the ocean we incurred a negative bleed through from another dimension. Subsequently we placed orgon devices at each corner of the bed and next to our electronics. We've had no problems since.

    "More than that, it’s a system of aliens who, believe it or not, have been cloning themselves in human form."

    I actually met and spoke with a contactee who interfaced with the ET clones. It was an interesting conversation and the closes tend to be sociopathic. Not good for humanity. We have an interview from Stephano Braccia in one of the threads of our forum. You may wish to listen to it.

    "The Greys are merely roboids that these infernal beings use as a vehicle to get around in 3-D."

    Some, not all. Depends on which type of Grey. Tall Grey are inter dimensional beings.. the little critters are biological robots produced by the military in England.

    "They also fly around in helicopters and airplanes. They are constantly circling my home in either of these aircraft dropping demons inside to possess me. I know it sounds crazy but it is true."

    Had this happen once when ETs contacted me. The black helicopter showed up the next day. Scary but one can send these creatures packing and end contact. Generally something like black helicopters occurs when someone has been contacted by ETs, so it's not unusual. Do you think you may be an abductee? They're not doing abductions as much as they did in the past when they were building up their alien/human hybrid program.

    "The truth is, they are us and we are them. Most all human souls hail from some star system or dimension controlled by these beings."

    Not everyone as there are souls who heard the call and are here for the first time to help earth in this transition into the 5th dimension and assist in raising the vibrational frequency of the planet.

    "They are merely beings who have control over very powerful technology. Perhaps reptilian or insectoid. Their souls are plasma just like ours. They have merely blended with machines and have become like cold blooded robots. They continually recycle our souls and maintain complete mastery over our lives from cradle to grave and back to cradle. They use artificial intelligence and modified human consciousness (Grey/reptilian) to do most of the dirty work when they possess a human being. They monitor all of the horrible things these monsters do to you. They lie, they deceive, make false promises, lead you down false paths."

    Yes, this can happen yet humans still have free will. It's no secret that some entities feed off the negative emotions humans generate. Basically they're like leeches sucking up the spiritual energy humans give off. If one doesn't wish to feed the beast set fear, anger, hate, lust and envy aside. For example, Buddhist monks create a very different type of energetic field so we know it's possible not to get caught up in negative patterns.

    "I believe our world is under great threat from these beings as David Jacobs points out in his book “THE THREAT.” Particularly hear in the United States."

    I have David Jacobs book and have read it. It's clear the hypnosis work he did on "abductees" focuses on the Greys.. what he didn't know is how the secret government military does follow-up abductions to find out what the abductees know. Some abductees seem to suffer from the Stockholm Syndrome identifying with the abuser. There are a few names of individuals who've written books about their experiences - all quite interesting. Again, I thought Jacobs work had more to do with a future earth timeline, not one any of us will experience as timelines can run side by side so decided not to give this energy. There is a distinct different between contactees who have total recall of their ET experiences and abductees who memories are blocked.

    "We should demand that our government stop dicking us around and tell us the truth."

    Vote for Andrew Bassiago as President as he is for full disclosure and was part of the time-travel program years back.

    "You may find that many of these people, meaning the civil servants and people in appointed positions, are not what they appear to be. The television series “DARK SKIES” dealt with this topic."

    Of course they do have to inform the GP about some of their nefarious activities via Hollywood. This has been going on for years and isn't new info.

    "Please note that I am of sound mind and intelligence. I’m writing this because I don’t think I have much more time."

    It seems you could use some help from someone who is familiar with something like you're undergoing. I doubt any of us are into channeling any of these beings... not part of what and who we are about. Please keep in mind that you have free will and choice. And there are good therapists whose area of expertise is with contactees.

    Paola Harris is in contact with some of these therapists. You may want to check out her website. You can email her and ask her if she knows of someone in your area.

    Good luck.

    Carol wrote:
    Simon Parkes: Humanity must save itself from The Dark VIDEO

    Published on Dec 26, 2015. Global Mission of Peace:

    On The GoldFish Report No.41, The Ambassador welcomes UK Counselor Simon Parkes to discuss major world changes that humanity faces in the near future. Simon provides an update on the events in Paris and at CERN and how they are connected. Both the Ambassador and Simon encourages humanity to wake up and take your destiny in YOUR OWN hands and to not think someone or something will save us. HUMANITY MUST SAVE ITSELF! To learn more about Simon and his work please visit To follow the topics we present for discussion and analysis on The GoldFish Report, please follow us on facebook at and at https://www.thegoldfishreportcom,, and

    B.B.Baghor wrote:
    enemyofNWO wrote:He suggests to stay detached from what is going on , but on the other side he says that its is up us to change ourself . We have to help ourselves because nobody will intervene for us . One way to be pro active is doing what the Chinese government is supposedly doing ..... the government ordered the spies network to wage war on the Khazarian Mafia . Against criminals that use terror to make the population of the world fearful , the Chinese attitude is correct if what is reported is true . If more people engages in the extermination of the Khazarian families , there would be less wars .My wife and I are doing enough to weaken the state , we are monitored an followed 24/7 and it has been going on for decades and this is just for having sent a few letters of complaint to A Federal Minister , a State PM , and a few judicial bodies . If other people did the same we would bankrupt the state . I feel that the Chinese government attitude is correct . Fight fire with fire ..... The Khazarians target even the families of their enemies , in fact , my relatives have been all contacted and they no longer talk to me ...... in conclusion the Chinese spies should also target the entire Khazarian families to terrorize and destroy them . That would be a giant leap forward for mankind . Take what Benjamin say with a grain of salt . It could just be disinfo.

    To this part of your post "He suggests to stay detached from what is going on, but on the other side he says that its is up us to change ourself" I like to share my perspective of it with you, enemyofNWO. This detachment, where Simon refers to, as I perceive it, is related to "not buying into the drama". And to me it looks like you buy into it a great deal, by requesting to "fight fire with fire". By doing so, how do you expect to change yourself? Think for a moment, think about the loop that you've found yourself caught in. You wrap yourself in the veil that disempowers you, thinking you've got the right to decide about the life of others. If you mean what you say with that "giant leap forward for mankind" you choose to ignore that by terrorizing
    and destroying "them" out there, destroying lives, never was a solution to this day. I believe you KNOW this. To live is life evolving, by creating more of it, body and soul. Spirit and matter. To me it's in essence the manifestation of love. Both 4 letter words, one letter difference. I'm aware of the fact that you may perceive what I share with you here very different, enemyofNWO. We're possibly not on the same page here. I don't mean to dismiss the effects of traumatic events in your life and those of others around you. It seems they're playing a part in this fierce attitude of yours. I'm not in the least trying to teach you or convince you. It's sharing my perception of you in this post of yours. This is about my experience now, of seeing your pain and loneliness. I wish you wayshowers and fountains to drink from, on your path in 2016.

    Carol wrote:Well there is the personal perspective and then there is the political perspective.

    B.B., we all have different boats to row. I know for myself becoming more and more detached from drama along with outcomes and allowing what is to unfold is a peaceful path. If we accept that we live within a holographic universe where there is no such thing as linear time.. where all that is experienced is within the present moment, this type of perspective and understanding is powerful. It means we choose for ourself moment-to-moment what we give out attention to.

    I know when I check in with the Drudge Report and some other European news websites the focus in their news blogs is on what is utterly dreadful, tragic and even horrific. It is unimaginable to me that this type of terrible behavior is allowed on this planet. Yet, by remaining emotionally detached one is choosing (I choose) not to feed the enemy - those entities that feed off of terror, anger and violence. However, I do experience a deep sadness when viewing that type of news.

    The realization of how humanity is controlled, manipulate and abused is also an ongoing tragedy unfolding. We can choose to be victims or rise above and beyond that type of thought process. Yes, one does have to learn how to stand up for oneself and others.. and also there is another stage of maturation that occurs when that particular baton is passed onto someone else willing to take that next step. Perhaps one of the goals is not to carry the emotional baggage around and instead choose to focus on "source." Focusing on source is also is a way to help steam that energy down to the planet and help balance out the scale.

    Last edited: Jan 6, 2016
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    empty. dear BBB,

    empty. SuiGeneris Yesterday at 4:46 pm​
    B.B.Baghor wrote:​
    Hello Sui-Generis, I don't think we've met before, really, but I salute you for such clarity of mind and courage of heart.
    Thank you very much! Your recent posts here, this Spirit's stance, reading them offers great relief to me, for I've known always,
    that the Thuban world was a "no go" area to me. I've ignored that world, while registering in Project Camelot and later Avalon,
    end of 2009. Only last year I began to reply to Thubans, present here. Mainly with shilo. I've always made clear that I cannot
    and will not accept the ridiculing and gossip behind member's back, in the chat-room. Why on Earth these needed to be shared
    in Thuban posts I can't grasp fully. Of course, I have my thoughts about it, but let's leave that for now.

    hi BBB,

    I know it looks like ridicule and gossip but the agenda at play here is much deeper than that...i will try to explain the best i can.
    Since Tony always said that it is NOT 'Tony the man', that he merely FOLLOWS directives, then i am sure the decision to include these chats was not made by him but came from the beings he works for. When these private chats first began to emerge on published posts and I asked Tony about it, he said it was “record keeping” and left it at that. He always called himself a “scribe” for the ‘logos’…used words like “record keeper” but NOT for the posterity of humans' sake, but for the benefit of the ET’s. He always said the thuban data was for them and not for humans…that it was information only they could understand and decode and use. being this the case i am sure all chats were saved, even though only some were published.

    Now, as you can see in this image he made, he calls himself "librarian"

    As a dragonisation "facilitator", he is facilitating the flow of information from this plane of significance onto another, as well as from that level into here, so the communication goes both ways and this is very important for people to understand. As a librarian, record keeper and scribe, he is to record absolutely everything the program he follows deems worthy and necessary for its agenda; and since this agenda has to do with the successful hybridization of at least some humanoids, it is necessary for the agenda to gather any and all data concerning their state of mind. "Private" chats then constitute a crucial aspect of this record keeping, as it is in that atmosphere of 'relaxed intimacy' where the deepest parts of the subject's psyche can be observed and analyzed after being properly triggered and handled.

    Sharing them publicly then served a double purpose, not only to reach the person on the other end of the chat but to reach a larger audience; increasing the chances certain things said would fish in new potential dragonized hybrids. Since the "inspiration" of the thuban data does not come from the facilitator himself but from a source outside from him, and the facilitator —in this case at least— is very well depleted of energetic CHARGE himself, it is not guaranteed that he will have the same constancy of emotion in order to be able to 'decode' the messages received with the same precision all the time. That is, what he says and how he says on the chatrooms at the specific time that he says it, is not easy to be replicated again and even if he repeats himself a hundred times, it will not have the very same energetic impulse. Why those chats had unique characteristics that 'the agenda' needed spread about and not remained solely on a single person's computer chat history. This is a pattern i observed emerged gradually and went hand in hand with his own physical exhaustion. i would pay attention to the way he would talk to us while in group chat and i learned to recognize the moment when he was ready to share the chat just by the subtle way he changed his tone in his 'speech'.

    The chatrooms...this is where the magic happens quite literally. The testing grounds upon which the Dracos are to select and further induce those with whom it was able to create a mental almost parasital symbiotic relationship after a certain time of necessary induction; where the "self-selected" humanoids are found to be either accepting or rejecting the program which later assigns well defined "allegiances" and continue accelerating its agenda on a more individual basis until reaching maximum polarization. By this point the humanoid has lost all independence of thought with connection to Spirit severed. By all intent and purposes this "ex human" is now part of the hive mind of the "Logos" (fig.1), another follower whose sole purpose would be sharing itself (not only mentally but sexually as well, by blood memory or biogenetic transfer) in order to perpetuate, replicate itself further expanding the souls' salvation mentality; which is the complete opposite of the other lineage of humanity, the one who fights for individual sovereignty, individuation and independence of the Self.

    Figure 1​

    Good health to you too and big hug 374937.

    Xeia Kali SuiGeneris


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    • Post n°32

    empty. Re: My Liberation from the Thuban Sex Cult

    empty. Carol Yesterday at 7:52 pm
    Having experienced "hive mind" once, I could see how seductive it would be for people who didn't have authentic spiritual experience with "source" and mistake it for something quite extraordinary - a be all, end all in and of itself. One no longer experiences feeling alone due to feeling connected to the hive. Something I chose to reject due to having had a much more enriching spiritual contact experience with Christ Consciousness and "source". I tend to compare "lizard hive mind contact" experience as an emotional addiction one could easily give into and crave. Meaning it's easy to see how someone can crave this particular type of energetic emotional connection.

    For example, an alcoholic with his/her initial drink goes for that initial "false sense of spiritual high" where one can easily fool oneself into feeling connected to something greater then ones own ego self. Only after the experience of intoxication one is often left feeling both spiritually and emotionally drained, empty.

    I often thought that this type of ET "hive mind" contact would be at the root of what has been labeled by Christians as the "great deception". I recall one episode from "V" where the head female character, Diana - Supreme Commander of the Visitors invited others into the joining of "hive mind" experience. This is where weak-minded humans were easily seduced and taken over by mind control.

    "V is a TV series about an alien invasion of Earth by a carnivorous race of reptilians known as "The Visitors" Earth has its first encounter with an extraterrestrial race. Calling themselves the Visitors and promoting peace, they seem to be friendly, but their congeniality may be a cover for a malevolent agenda. Meanwhile, Father Jack (Joel Gretsch), already questioning his faith when the Visitors arrive, seeks answers outside his church and finds other dissidents who believe the Vs are not what they claim to be. "

    Sound familiar?

    JapA013. What is life?
    It is the flash of a firefly in the night, the breath of a buffalo in the wintertime. It is the little shadow which runs across the grass and loses itself in the sunset.

    With deepest respect ~ Aloha & Mahalo, Carol


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    • Post n°33

    empty. Re: My Liberation from the Thuban Sex Cult

    empty. orthodoxymoron Yesterday at 10:08 pm
    Try watching the first-four episodes of the 2009-10 version of "V" -- without a break -- followed immediately by the "Unholy Alliance" episode from the second-season. The effect should be quite chilling. It wouldn't surprise me if Earth turns out to be some sort of a "V" Genetics-Laboratory (going way, way, way back). I liked the best aspects of Anna and the "V's" -- and HATED the worst aspects. I'm honestly a "V" -- and I'm related to "Anna". I often feel somewhat like a "Chad Dekker" character (with my meek-demeanor and incessant-questioning). I wonder why "V" got cancelled after only two seasons?? I also wonder what a third season would've been like?! I liked the general idea behind "V" -- but I thought the plot was weak and disjointed. It was impressive -- but it could've been SO Much Better. A few years ago, I could've attended a $100 Dinner at a "V" Celebrity's Home -- but I was broke -- so I didn't go. I wonder what a combination of Stargate SG-1 -- Babylon 5 -- Jupiter Ascending -- Guardians of the Galaxy -- Ex Machina -- and "V" might be like?!








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    • Post n°34

    empty. Re: My Liberation from the Thuban Sex Cult

    empty. Sanicle Today at 9:34 am
    SuiGeneris wrote:
    B.B.Baghor wrote:Hello Sui-Generis, I don't think we've met before, really, but I salute you for such clarity of mind and courage of heart.
    Thank you very much! Your recent posts here, this Spirit's stance, reading them offers great relief to me, for I've known always,
    that the Thuban world was a "no go" area to me. I've ignored that world, while registering in Project Camelot and later Avalon,
    end of 2009. Only last year I began to reply to Thubans, present here. Mainly with shilo. I've always made clear that I cannot
    and will not accept the ridiculing and gossip behind member's back, in the chat-room. Why on Earth these needed to be shared
    in Thuban posts I can't grasp fully. Of course, I have my thoughts about it, but let's leave that for now.

    hi BBB,

    I know it looks like ridicule and gossip but the agenda at play here is much deeper than that...i will try to explain the best i can.
    Since Tony always said that it is NOT 'Tony the man', that he merely FOLLOWS directives, then i am sure the decision to include these chats was not made by him but came from the beings he works for. When these private chats first began to emerge on published posts and I asked Tony about it, he said it was “record keeping” and left it at that. He always called himself a “scribe” for the ‘logos’…used words like “record keeper” but NOT for the posterity of humans' sake, but for the benefit of the ET’s. He always said the thuban data was for them and not for humans…that it was information only they could understand and decode and use. being this the case i am sure all chats were saved, even though only some were published.

    Now, as you can see in this image he made, he calls himself "librarian"

    As a dragonisation "facilitator", he is facilitating the flow of information from this plane of significance onto another, as well as from that level into here, so the communication goes both ways and this is very important for people to understand. As a librarian, record keeper and scribe, he is to record absolutely everything the program he follows deems worthy and necessary for its agenda; and since this agenda has to do with the successful hybridization of at least some humanoids, it is necessary for the agenda to gather any and all data concerning their state of mind. "Private" chats then constitute a crucial aspect of this record keeping, as it is in that atmosphere of 'relaxed intimacy' where the deepest parts of the subject's psyche can be observed and analyzed after being properly triggered and handled.

    Sharing them publicly then served a double purpose, not only to reach the person on the other end of the chat but to reach a larger audience; increasing the chances certain things said would fish in new potential dragonized hybrids. Since the "inspiration" of the thuban data does not come from the facilitator himself but from a source outside from him, and the facilitator —in this case at least— is very well depleted of energetic CHARGE himself, it is not guaranteed that he will have the same constancy of emotion in order to be able to 'decode' the messages received with the same precision all the time. That is, what he says and how he says on the chatrooms at the specific time that he says it, is not easy to be replicated again and even if he repeats himself a hundred times, it will not have the very same energetic impulse. Why those chats had unique characteristics that 'the agenda' needed spread about and not remained solely on a single person's computer chat history. This is a pattern i observed emerged gradually and went hand in hand with his own physical exhaustion. i would pay attention to the way he would talk to us while in group chat and i learned to recognize the moment when he was ready to share the chat just by the subtle way he changed his tone in his 'speech'.

    The chatrooms...this is where the magic happens quite literally. The testing grounds upon which the Dracos are to select and further induce those with whom it was able to create a mental almost parasital symbiotic relationship after a certain time of necessary induction; where the "self-selected" humanoids are found to be either accepting or rejecting the program which later assigns well defined "allegiances" and continue accelerating its agenda on a more individual basis until reaching maximum polarization. By this point the humanoid has lost all independence of thought with connection to Spirit severed. By all intent and purposes this "ex human" is now part of the hive mind of the "Logos" (fig.1), another follower whose sole purpose would be sharing itself (not only mentally but sexually as well, by blood memory or biogenetic transfer) in order to perpetuate, replicate itself further expanding the souls' salvation mentality; which is the complete opposite of the other lineage of humanity, the one who fights for individual sovereignty, individuation and independence of the Self.

    Figure 1​

    Good health to you too and big hug 374937.

    Xeia Kali SuiGeneris

    Sui, thank you for explaining all of this for BB and the rest of us.

    Suddenly it all adds up (from my perspective) and I found myself having a bit of a chuckle, not at anyone’s expense, but because no-one can ever say these reptilians, regardless of who they say they are or where they come from, as stupid! They really do play us so easily if given the chance. For instance they play on our curiosity, our insecurities as a species, our resentments at being controlled and inhibited by church and state, our naïve willingness to go the extra mile if the ‘reward’ for our trust seems to hold promise of something we’ve long desired but seem unable to achieve on ‘this level’, our desire to be stronger….fearless, the joy of being part of a team, and so on. And, of course, they can tailor it to an individual who is open, such as one who has the mental experience and capacity to understand science/physics/maths and wants to know more, knowing there are others who would find this perspective fascinating as well.

    There’s much been written about the appetites of the reptilian species and how they feed on our (mainly) negative emotional and sexual energies and it’s impossible not to notice that the instructions given to the Thubans, flowing over to their readers, promotes the expression of such, both openly and subtly. Smorgasbord time for them through their links, clearly with the intention of making it a bigger and bigger feast over time. As part of this pattern so often see, our softer emotions, like love and compassion, are used to manipulate us to their cause initially during that process, but once they believe they have you hooked, the instruction begins to come through that you should think more like they do, without such ‘weak sentimentality’ if you truly want to be one with them. Ho-hum. (To be fair though, I can see, on a purely mental level, why they perceive our gentler emotions to be a waste of energetic expression when you have the type of goals they do and when such emotions can so readily be ignored by such as them.)

    But the warning signs should be obvious, as they were to you Sui. The gradual eroding of personal energy being one that stands out above all. NO being that takes your energy and gives none in return from those levels should ever be entertained for long. To my mind, looking at the situation in purely black and white terms, if Tony is the main facilitator between them and the rest of humanity then he should have been strengthened by all the energies presumably flowing through him, both ways, particularly if the source truly is the ‘Logos’ as claimed. You can look at that dynamic so many different ways, none of them flattering to the source of these directives. Parasites………yes.

    I think it’s important for anyone who reads what Sui has passed on here who may find it disturbing is to remember that ALL IS energy and energy exchange occurs between all species and we have the right to, can, and do set boundaries every day automatically. For instance, I was taught long ago that the mere act of closing a door for privacy on this level has the effect of presenting a barrier to those on the subtle levels as well, as our WILL to have that privacy for ourselves makes it so there. This has been proven to me to be truth. (Actually, just this past weekend, I was visited by something nasty. I appear to have developed clairolfactance over past months and the powerful stench of this being was that of rotten meat. I didn't notice it until I went to the bathroom and shut the door and that's when the stench came to me, accompanied by strong rattling of said door. It had to give up in the end as I had no fear of it so no link/hook was able to be made with me.) As is said so often, what you believe, but moreso what you KNOW to be true, is your defense against all from those realms. They can only do to you what you believe they can and/or allow them to.

    Again, thanks for these extra pieces of the puzzle in my own picture Sui. 934918.
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    The Eye of Sauron

    Eye of Sauron.
    Last edited: Jan 10, 2016
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    empty. Re: My Liberation from the Thuban Sex Cult

    empty. Carol Today at 10:33 am

    Awesome post Sanicle and good tip about closing the door. 83084.

    One of the things I've notice after Tony and Raven were banned (closing the door to that active energy on the forum where they would also constantly spam other member's threads) is the increase in internet traffic, posting and membership.

    Sui, I truly appreciate your courage in all of this and sharing your story as this has cleared up quite a few questions I've had regarding Tony's relationship with the dragons. Pretty much anyone can learn how to go into an altered state of consciousness and channel some type of entity from another dimension.. and subsequently become self-delusional 364319. believing everything that is channeled. One just needs to keep in mind the TRICKSTER element in these types of communications.

    "In mythology, and in the study of folklore and religion, a trickster is a character in a story (god, goddess, spirit, man, woman, or anthropomorphisation), which exhibits a great degree of intellect or secret knowledge, and uses it to play tricks or otherwise disobey normal rules and conventional behaviour."

    Lewis Hyde describes the Trickster as a "boundary-crosser".[2] The Trickster crosses both physical and often breaks societal rules. Tricksters "...violate principles of social and natural order, playfully disrupting normal life and then re-establishing it on a new basis."[3]

    Read more about tricksters at this link:

    JapA013. What is life?
    It is the flash of a firefly in the night, the breath of a buffalo in the wintertime. It is the little shadow which runs across the grass and loses itself in the sunset.

    With deepest respect ~ Aloha & Mahalo, Carol


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    • Post n°36

    empty. Re: My Liberation from the Thuban Sex Cult

    empty. Sanicle Today at 10:54 am
    Thanks Carol. 934918.


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    empty. Re: My Liberation from the Thuban Sex Cult

    empty. Carol Today at 11:52 am
    orthodoxymoron wrote:Try watching the first-four episodes of the 2009-10 version of "V" -- without a break -- followed immediately by the "Unholy Alliance" episode from the second-season. The effect should be quite chilling. It wouldn't surprise me if Earth turns out to be some sort of a "V" Genetics-Laboratory (going way, way, way back). I liked the best aspects of Anna and the "V's" -- and HATED the worst aspects. I'm honestly a "V" -- and I'm related to "Anna". I often feel somewhat like a "Chad Dekker" character (with my meek-demeanor and incessant-questioning). I wonder why "V" got cancelled after only two seasons?? I also wonder what a third season would've been like?! I liked the general idea behind "V" -- but I thought the plot was weak and disjointed. It was impressive -- but it could've been SO Much Better. A few years ago, I could've attended a $100 Dinner at a "V" Celebrity's Home -- but I was broke -- so I didn't go. I wonder what a combination of Stargate SG-1 -- Babylon 5 -- Jupiter Ascending -- Guardians of the Galaxy -- Ex Machina -- and "V" might be like?!

    In reading up on "V" it was mentioned that it cost one million per episode so costs were likely a factor. However, I too thought the story plot weak and continued to get worse as time went on. I did watch SG-1, Jupiter Ascending, Guardians of the Galaxy.. loved SG-1 with all of the science and Jupiter Ascending. Thought Guardians of the Galaxy a bit hokey. "V" got more gruesome as the story plot evolved. Haven't viewed Ex Machina yet. SG-! is more on target as this likely exists within the Secret Government. Jupiter Ascending was more along the lines of harvesting the essence of the human body / souls.. from different planets where the so-called elite converted to use as a substance to emerge themselves in for rejuvenation and ever lasting youth. However, one could easily see that they valued "time" having a long life looking beautiful as compared to spiritual evolvement. In fact, they were very attached to materialism and maintaining their elitism. The humanoids from that particular system interfaced with reptilians and both species were without compassion.. except for the winged hybrids and Jupiter Jones. Hers was a story of awakening to what has real meaning in life. Ones personal relationships and protecting humanity.

    Future series.. ahh.. one could go in a multitude of directions when focusing on Sci Fi. Some of what I know to be true is too awful to view. Sean David Morton wrote a book, Sands of Time, which is probably more on target for what is going on with some of the negative types of ET on the planet. I'd probably like to see a cross between SG-! (jump room to different planets/dimensions), Dr. Steven Greer, Sean David Morton and Dolores Cannon. Something along the lines of Ex Machina should be included but where they assist humanity in it's evolution and cleaning up the planet's pollution.

    JapA013. What is life?
    It is the flash of a firefly in the night, the breath of a buffalo in the wintertime. It is the little shadow which runs across the grass and loses itself in the sunset.

    With deepest respect ~ Aloha & Mahalo, Carol
  9. admin

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    empty. Re: My Liberation from the Thuban Sex Cult

    empty. B.B.Baghor Yesterday at 2:26 pm

    SuiGeneris wrote:

    hi BBB,

    I know it looks like ridicule and gossip but the agenda at play here is much deeper than that...i will try to explain the best i can.
    Since Tony always said that it is NOT 'Tony the man', that he merely FOLLOWS directives, then i am sure the decision to include these chats was not made by him but came from the beings he works for. When these private chats first began to emerge on published posts and I asked Tony about it, he said it was “record keeping” and left it at that. He always called himself a “scribe” for the ‘logos’…used words like “record keeper” but NOT for the posterity of humans' sake, but for the benefit of the ET’s. He always said the thuban data was for them and not for humans…that it was information only they could understand and decode and use. being this the case i am sure all chats were saved, even though only some were published.


    The chatrooms...this is where the magic happens quite literally. The testing grounds upon which the Dracos are to select and further induce those with whom it was able to create a mental almost parasital symbiotic relationship after a certain time of necessary induction; where the "self-selected" humanoids are found to be either accepting or rejecting the program which later assigns well defined "allegiances" and continue accelerating its agenda on a more individual basis until reaching maximum polarization. By this point the humanoid has lost all independence of thought with connection to Spirit severed. By all intent and purposes this "ex human" is now part of the hive mind of the "Logos" (fig.1), another follower whose sole purpose would be sharing itself (not only mentally but sexually as well, by blood memory or biogenetic transfer) in order to perpetuate, replicate itself further expanding the souls' salvation mentality; which is the complete opposite of the other lineage of humanity, the one who fights for individual sovereignty, individuation and independence of the Self.

    Figure 1​

    Good health to you too and big hug 374937.

    Xeia Kali SuiGeneris

    Thank you, Sui Generis, for a clear and valuable post. I'm again... as often happens, reminded how my intuition is keen. Sometimes, after communicating with shilo, I felt like there was an energy intruding, a probing almost. I know of shilo's excersizes in telepathically "scan"
    members. He decribed these in the chatroom and although I felt that he was accurate in his "perceptions" I also think he was intruding without respect. It felt as if this practice, this intruding in my energy-system, was a one-way-interest to glean info without any warmth in it. But I didn't feel drained of energy, just vaguely annoyed for brief periods of time. I created a boundary at some point, but I had to believe my intuitive hunches to be real. There's a very interesting aspect in putting boundaries, in that by stating my perception as valid, without the need of an outside confirmation by any person or being, a boundary is created as a circle around a centerpoint. I guess I could call that definition.
    The definition of self in a non-defensive state, in absence of opposition or merging.... compromize in order to belong (the longing for a hive?)

    Your clarification, Sui Generis, is very helpful, for it "fills" in the gaps that were inviting me to fill them by believing my intuition, looking at
    them from this point of view now, enriched by reading this post of yours and those of others in this thread. Isn't that peculiar and humorous?
    Sanicle, thank you for your take on it, in that recent post of yours, very well put, great. icon_sunny.

    Carol's comment here:
    "One of the things I've noticed after Tony and Raven were banned (closing the door to that active energy on the forum where they would also constantly spam other member's threads) is the increase in internet traffic, posting and membership." makes me so happy, for I've felt all along, that the presence of the Thuban world here, was an obstacle to many who felt drawn to register and/or actively post and share with others. I've meant to discuss this often, but the freedom to share as one of MoA's rules, made me decide to leave it. And instead, leave this place for some fresh air, a break, finding new perspectives. As I see it now, I myself had as much freedom to share, sharing my view on it, although I would have done it probably through a pm to Carol and others. That's another learning curve 854501.


    Yesterday, I looked into this tubby, several topics discussed in it involve the subject of relationships, symbiotic, parasitical or within a hive-mindset. Regarding Archons, which seem to work towards the robotization of humanity, I wonder if it's possible that their existence is tied in with ours, as living beings in different expressions of form, karmically. At the same time, the possible reason for their presence in our Solar System in connection with us, part of us even? I wonder if that goes for the reptilians too, who seem to invest in humanity's survival but not
    in its evolution, according to Simon Parkes, in this tubby.

    The survival of a living being without the possibility to evolve, sounds pretty much like a hive-existence. Other (inter-dimensional) beings invest in humanity to encourage survival as well as evolution and to me, freedom of will is inherent to that. Creation with the capacity to transform (change), in a broadening perception and consciousness is equal to freedom, as I perceive it. I also wonder if Archons and other beings that are only familiar with a hive-mind, serving their own agenda, are created by divine source as much as we humans and other flavors of beings.
    A divine source that is indiscernable, in the sense that freedom of experience and creation is allowed fully. Just as itself came into being.

    I wonder if their attempts might be of value, in that they're meant to be potential catalysts, for us human beings, part of a "script" in a human-soul-purpose before incarnating, to offer experiences that lead to consciously and intentionally choose LIFE over MACHINE. Warmth over coldness. And directed by free will, create a life as it's meant to be, according one's soul-purpose, moving towards a future and unending evolution. Possibly causing the Archons to transform or transmute, depleted of their abusive power in hive-existence with human beings.
    By us stepping in ours. An enlivening of matter and a material manifestation of life's spark. I imagine it done with the element of fire, which to me is the enemy of Archons, seemingly lacking any warmth. The Industrial Revolution might be deliberately introduced by Archons, as it's the introduction of the machine (and the computer). Metal can't stand the fire, except the Ring of Sauron. Isn't his world an Archon world?

    And Voldemort's world, with his servants, causing ice-flowers on the windows, sucking the spirit out of the Hogwarth School students in the train? I know of the name Ahriman, the name given to beings that seem to be similar to Archons, by Rudolf Steiner, a visionair and the initiator of antroposophy. The roles of Ahriman and Lucifer are clearly and dramatically expressed in the Mystery Dramas (in German "Mysteriendramen") by euritmy-performances in the Goetheanum in Dornach, each year. Of course it's a matter of taste, if it's appreciated in that way.


    I tend to see this year and the following years as positively crucial, in that "stepping in our power." I refrain from stating that it's a task, as a task in a classroom. That's part of the old world. Each of us should find a path to one's liking and chosen destiny. In Steiner's view "der Mensch" the human being, is the one who stands in the middle between Lucifer and Ahriman. Balancing the forces that, to some, feel like conflicting forces, draining life-force energy and to others, the alchemical elements of creator-abilities. I find truth in that and can relate to the latter.
    And to this:

    Quote“…it should never so much as occur to anyone to attach an iota of guilt to the victim of such a calamity or to withhold compassion in the fullest measure. It must be absolutely clear to an anthroposophist that the karma of these individuals has nothing to do with the guilt to which the catastrophes are due and it should never occur to him to withhold help from anyone because — to put it trivially — he believes in karma and therefore assumes that this destiny was brought on by the man himself. Karma demands of us that we help human beings because we may be sure that our help means something that is written in their karma and will turn that karma in a more favorable direction. Understanding that is based upon the recognition of karma must necessarily lead to compassion; our compassion for the victims of such catastrophes will be all the greater, for our knowledge tells us that there is a collective karma of humanity from which the individual members have to suffer, that just as such happenings are brought about by humanity as one whole, so too must humanity be answerable for them; we must regard such a destiny as our own and help not only out of a spontaneous impulse but because we know that we are involved in the karma of humanity and share the guilt incurred!” End of quote Rudolf Steiner

    Now I can have a proper break in a good way 854501. Thank you all for a great discussion!

    Source of quote Rudolf Steiner:


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    • Post n°39

    empty. Re: My Liberation from the Thuban Sex Cult

    empty. Carol Yesterday at 4:42 pm

    "Hive mind" with respect to ants and bees insure the survival of their species. They work together and share in one consciousness. This is also similar to where suddenly a flock of birds take off and fly in one direction and a similar situation with fish where schools travel in one direction and then all turn together. There is a sense of comfort when working along members who are joined in the same "consciousness" frequency.

    Ironically, after a kundalini experience, I discovered I enjoyed my aloneness where my thoughts could travel outward without interruption (bumping into the thought energy of others) or dwell within at that inner quiet peaceful place undisturbed.

    Having someone's negative emotions or something (inter dimensional entity intrude) felt invasive. The desire for alone time was something that came about after being a parent and in public service for years and years.

    During my 20s, for entertainment relaxation, I would use the colleges' sensory deprivation room to practice meditation in. It was refreshing to block out all external sound and work on expanding consciousness via meditation.

    Enjoy your break B.B. I probably would have banned Tony and Raven for all the spamming on other people's heads that they did a long time ago if Mercurial has been around to help out. As it was, with spinal stenosis, bone spurs and a disc pressing into my spinal cord creating havoc (significant nerve damage) along with a great deal of pain, it was difficult to cope with the basics at home, so I spent less and less time participating in the forum. Surgery was on Oct 1st and all is good again. 83084.

    It appears others are feeling more chatty as well - which is a good sign. 3562770023.

    JapA013. What is life?
    It is the flash of a firefly in the night, the breath of a buffalo in the wintertime. It is the little shadow which runs across the grass and loses itself in the sunset.

    With deepest respect ~ Aloha & Mahalo, Carol


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    • Post n°40

    empty. Re: My Liberation from the Thuban Sex Cult

    empty. mudra Yesterday at 4:57 pm
    Carol wrote:
    I probably would have banned Tony and Raven for all the spamming on other people's heads that they did a long time ago if Mercurial has been around to help out.

    I wish 2016 is the year of Mercuriel's come back.
    I have been missing him here for too long.

    Love from me


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    • Post n°41

    empty. Re: My Liberation from the Thuban Sex Cult

    empty. mudra Yesterday at 5:33 pm
    Sanicle wrote:

    Suddenly it all adds up (from my perspective) and I found myself having a bit of a chuckle

    I was wishing for a place to post this gif when I stumbled across your words.
    Whatever was puzzling you you sorted it all out it seems 854501.


    Love from me
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    • Post n°42

    empty. Spregovori,

    empty. SuiGeneris Yesterday at 7:54 pm
    Spregovori wrote:This thread here can either be an open discussion or daily dose of "yellow press" which people just love, as long as it does not happen to them. Problem is, it can not be an open discussion if a mind is already made up. In this case it can only be a community bashing and cheering one (you) up for making this move.
    I rather it be open discussion. Yellow press is mostly lies yes? and you of all people can't think that because you know it is true, you were there. About my mind being made up, my mind is open to suggestions, comments, new ideas, questions, etc if they are within the topic of the thread i will consider what everyone has to say. About the cheering, i don't need any, this was going to be done even if i didn't get a single response...i was planning on making post after post after post until i finally felt i had nothing more to say about it. I did it here because TR were banned from here last and i felt some members that i always liked deserved to be informed because they had the latest contact with them or maybe had some questions that were never answered, well now is the time. If the cheering offended you, i can also continue with this thread on my own forum or any other forum, i don't mind. It's not about the cheering, it's about saying what needs to be said.

    Spregovori wrote:The databank is there "for all to see". The bad part is that is has "take it or leave it" slogan attached to it and yes, it did not use to be like that at the beginning. I will not speculate on the origins, there is no point in doing that. This is where the "take it or leave it" becomes something of a benefit, you take what you like, you leave the rest and then you simply just move on. If someone else wants to give it energy, let them.
    I do speculate on the origins. I do, i have and i will...speculating on the origins of anything is a great exercise. Consciousness does it all the time. About moving on, this thread here is my way of doing it. I don't think anyone should consider going anywhere near Thuban. if you go there armed only with the primal power of personality or the knowledge of the soul, the Dragon will trap you. Let at least my experience serve others so that they won't have to go through the same. In order to survive the Dragon archetype you need to go beyond it, and to do that you need to situate yourself beyond that role. Symbols are very powerful and people think they can wear or use symbols when in reality they let the symbols themselves consume them. After all the truth is out, ppl will make their own minds but at least they will be informed.

    Spregovori wrote:Someone wants to jump off a bridge? By the holy Ignoramus, go(let them) DO IT. Free willy ftw. Never forget that.
    What i chose to forget is that i should let them. If i could stop a suicide, i would. I have never seen so many people having suicidal thoughts than in Thuban. It was eerie to me. So many people saying things like: "I'm an ET", "i'm not from here", it was mind unduction x100, everybody being affected by this meme that this old world life is not worth living and can't wait for the 'starcruisers' to show up, that the humans are beneath you and could never understand you. Creating this separation...further alienating them from their family and friends. Too much despondency...too much. I am concerned about the minds who are still there. Young minds who have had their own share of mental problems and medications and drug abuse, 20 year olds being indoctrinated by people almost triple their age...

    Spregovori wrote:Humans do not rule the world. The stupid "mind" of man does.
    You mean political power. The ones in power are not humans that is the problem. I meant to say that humans should rule. The stupid mind is a result of a genetic alteration and further manipulation of the grid. It is the result of not having a direct connection to Spirit which is outside of the grid, or having it not working right or not fully developed. Reconnected.

    Spregovori wrote:No, thuban had no need for the sexual element which was later "personalized". Without one, it would more than just took off, it would go to the moon. All doors should ofc always be opened, but you decide what you let through them.
    Perhaps you mean to say that a spiritual group does not have the need for the sexual element, but if you're taking about thuban then yes, it definitely needed sex at its very Core. Because after all sex is at the very core of the issue of exiting the matrix.

    Spregovori wrote:Oh you just had to go into that...
    Yes of course. And if i forget any detail please remind me.

    Spregovori wrote:When you mention sharing here, people might be getting all kinds of ideas.
    To "clarify" the theory for the reader (was probably already posted at one time i guess): a Core is to be 2 people of opposite gender who share everything including the unconditional love and all the romance and good and bad that comes with it and are together as one. Their bodies however "extend" to those of others. The mental loyalty is to be exclusive "old world" 1-1 marriage like. The physical not. One is meant to enjoy others via its Core. Something which was said is being wrongly manifested in homosexuality or changing gender. As your Core is having an intercourse the other Core partner is to feel the sensation via him/her as him/her. The difference from swinging here is the mental presence or the "state of mind" one is to have during the act. One is to "include" others with the mind as to "bring them in". Most notably that other is to be the Core partner. Because then "He will be in the midst of them". That is theory. Weather or not such an "energetic exchange" can be misused, hijacked, taken advantage of...etc that is again (without the proper concept) a speculation.

    It is not theory or speculation. Sexual energy can be misused, hijacked and taken advantage of, that is a fact. The point about the "Cores" here is that Tony used the Twin Flame idea and expanded on it and gave it a twist. i don't think it is appropriate to go into details about the sexual issue on this forum. If anyone is interested about it they can contact me in private. The subject of Cores, love and sex is all related and maybe it is better if i dedicate an entire new thread about it on my own forum...i will think about that.

    Everybody is interested in soul mates and twin flames nowadays and that is for a very good reason. It is very important and has everything to do with your connection to yourself in these end times. Personally, i can say it was this issue alone what attracted me to Thuban in the first place and not so much the math or science or quasi religious talk of its beginnings. It had to do with me, how i am and my own personal mission in life. I thought i had found my Twin Flame on Core, and that is why i gave it my all. After being formally invited to fall in love with each other and experiencing an Eyes Wide Shut virtual environment, i thought i had clicked with someone and this online relationship slowly began to take shape after being fueled by Thuban hexacore incentives. This connection is what kept me sort of blinded for so many years as i wanted to make it work (the Thuban way) so bad...willingly ignoring those HUGE neon warning signs blinking all around me because i had learned not to look at him not as an individual but as a hybrid Bluey Dragon in his process of 'becoming'. Thus, what i thought was my relationship was in fact a relationship that was hijacked by the Dracos and their hybridization agenda via one of its agents. Perhaps it would have worked had it been a different woman, but this was me, and in the end i had to make a decision and i realized no matter how much i think i ought to do something in my mind, i could never go against my feeling and my own heart...i could never go against my Self. So i said enough and i left, and none of you reading this now have the slightest idea how much of an inner struggle i had to overcome in order to get to where i am now.

    I am here in one piece not because i've been lucky, but because i've been thorough.

    Spregovori wrote:You mention demiurge....just to provide the concept on this and then to relate it to thuban, you can "write a book about it".
    If i am ever to write a book it would be about my own Saga and Twin Flame Integration. I have become quite an expert on this subject now and know that everything i know i have taught myself. I gave myself the opportunity to test myself within that group nothing more. When i entered i adapted, but adapting does not mean changing my own inner core. Always be strong enough to remain yourSelf before any situation.

    Spregovori wrote:Yes he sent her the ring, in spite of "there is no marriage in heaven", yet this came later as circumstances changed. Here i can agree with you that some of the "databank" was "personalized" (adjusted) in this manner. It did however hurt him, a lot. The feelings were/are true and this is important to mention since you are putting his character on the spot here.
    You are not being objective just for the sake of being impartial. You can have your beliefs but i don't believe words, in fact i don't believe anything. I see actions and i make my own judgement about what i perceive. I see in many ways, not just with my physical eyes. Do you think he loved her unconditionally? cosmically? If that were true he would not have said she took it personal as if he had nothing to do with it. And his subsequent relationship with DD? What is that but 3d human love? Jealous and conditional. Just as he would call me and my own relationship. Conditional to whether or not she would get on with the Thuban program that is. Whatever happened to teaching by example? All those fights in order to make her change her mind...perhaps those are the true feelings you are referring to. I know that he got more and more emotionally exhausted as time went on because he could see that DD had her own mind and she wasn't going to let herself be assimilated. So what happened then? He literally labeled her the Antichrist. Yes, true love indeed.

    Spregovori wrote:Ok see you mention fallout in regard to spirit and kali yuga. What is which, what are you telling these people here or to whomever is reading this. Where are you taking it from? What makes it different from thuban? Do you see the point?
    Fallout under the context of destruction. Autodestruction would be more appropriate actually. You are at the time of the Kali Yuga, the Iron Age. I only mentioned it under the context of the group and why it is happening now. I am not here to preach my 'cosmology', but i will share some of my own ideas and how i look at things if i consider it necessary to clarify further. If i do not then it would beat the point of this thread.
    Where am i taking it from? I know what i know. i consider everything and i only take what i need. I have been reared in a way to be accepting of the metaphysical world and i've always studied the esoteric on my own. Thuban or Tony did not invent them. The hidden arts and anything extra ordinary out there always existed...eons before Tony was even born or the warship Pacifica was even constructed.
    What makes this thread different? Nothing and everything at the same time.

    Spregovori wrote:Do you want to be rational about your experience and share it with whoever due to whatever, or do you want to counter one super abstract cluster with another?
    It is not my fault if someone does not understand what i say. They can ask me, i don't mind explaining if i have to, but this is not my thing. i sing and dance and i am into the love arts and pretty dresses with sparkly jewelry and reading the occult. i do not spoonfeed. If someone wants to make an effort to understand they can. Nothing should prevent them from knowing what they want to know. but you reach there by your own efforts IF you like it, and you think it's worth your time. Simple. And to answer your question in a more direct manner i will say this...the only way to counter meta is with antimeta.

    Spregovori wrote:You have established that human belief is a juice for manifestation. Good. We are the battery in so many ways, as it was also depicted in so many ways already. Your further point being (at least i think so) that thuban is working in service of a demiurge?

    Spregovori wrote:You know it would really not hurt sometimes to write less and say more. But since you did bring that up
    I can try to say things with less words but then would need to use more quantum language and you would call it one super abstract cluster.

    Spregovori wrote:"To you, therefore, I say what I say, and write what I write. And the writing is this. Of the universal Æons [periods, planes, or cycles of creative and created life in substance and space, celestial creatures] there are two shoots, without beginning or end, springing from one Root, which is the power invisible, inapprehensible silence [Bythos]. Of these shoots one is manifested from above, which is the Great Power, the Universal Mind ordering all things, male, and the other, [is manifested] from below, the Great Thought, female, producing all things. Hence pairing with each other, they unite and manifest the Middle Distance, incomprehensible Air, without beginning or end. In this is the Father Who sustains all things, and nourishes those things which have a beginning and end."Do you spot any correlations to thuban?
    Yes i do see, it is ABBA and BAAB. But i don't understand what your point is. You can find hundreds of correlations like this between Thuban, the sciences and religions. Tony used everything already out there to formulate his own cosmology. He did not invent the wheel, but he did use slight variations in terminology because words carry a specific electrical impulse and these words needed to be able to house a different energy that was directed for a specific outcome.

    Spregovori wrote:And then an "already formed opinion":
    I won't further touch upon what you pasted because it is out of the topic of this thread.

    Spregovori wrote:So, where to begin?
    you could begin considering exactly where you are so you would be able to position yourself according to where you find yourself and what your individual goals are. This is a strategic position. It's like chess. Only once you've seen where the real enemy is only then you can place yourself in a place of strategic opposition...much like in martial arts. If you have studied about the matrix and the grid, and your goal is to exit triumphant, then you could study a little bit about the mechanics of how it is inside this circle. It is a closed circle with a law of eternal return. You do not exit by dying or by suicide, that will only make it harder for you. Your awareness changes after death yes, but you retain the same level of knowledge and spiritual charge even after dying, so dying is not the answer. The work needs to be done while embodied because then it is when you possess the strongest impulse and electrical charge you will need to turn yourself inside out. This circle is at the same time inside a much greater structure. So consider then what that greater structure is and the nature of how it works. Then you will slowly begin to realize the nature of what is being said inside this circle or "Ring", and why WORDS are used the way they are.

    Study everything they tell you to ignore.

    If the Odyssey is mainly taught in schools and they want you to ignore the Iliad, devour the Iliad many times over.
    If they tell you to read only the new testament and ignore the old testament, study the old testament and pay attention to the old stories.
    If they do not teach the Mahabharata at all, you do it on your own.
    If they tell you the old Greek stories are merely fantasy, consider them real and what they would mean to you if they were.
    If they tell you to only consider facts that can be proven, don't. Use your instinct instead.
    If they tell you you can't know or can't do, trust yourself and know that you can do and that you do know.
    If they tell you to focus only on what you are good at then try to better yourself at what you lack.
    If they tell you to hope for things and then wait, don't wait. Live your life in a way to make yourself worthy of all you desire instead.
    If they tell you be at peace and do nothing, battle for the things you know are right instead. You will find the real peace after you've won. The Pax.
    If they tell you do not judge, do it. Use your judgement for all things and at all times.
    If they tell you to have no desires, do not go against yourself. Do your own will so long Love is the law that governs you.
    If they tell you we are all the same, see how we are but then don't be blind and realize how we are all unique also and fight for your own individuality.
    If they tell you love everything and everyone, use discernment and you will realize where the fault is on that.

    Above all begin by questioning yourself about what your priorities are in life and then ask yourself why and then ask yourself why again and so on. Learn to go deep into yourself and do not be superficial or have horizontal thinking only. Learn to use vertical thinking like the letter "L" also; it goes left and then it goes up. Re-train your mind.

    In the Vesica,

    Xeia 3562770023.
    Last edited: Jan 10, 2016

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