My Liberation from the Thuban Sex Cult

Discussion in 'Thuban Project MistsOfAvalon' started by admin, Dec 31, 2015.

  1. admin

    admin Well-Known Member Staff Member

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    • Post n°22

    empty. Re: My Liberation from the Thuban Sex Cult

    empty. Sanicle Today at 10:38 am

    SuiGeneris wrote:​

    Hi, Sanicle, and thank you for your kind remarks.

    To answer your question about my name, yes that’s me. Some years ago I asked Tony to edit my name because I noticed he was publishing a great deal of our Skype chats and sometimes in conversation TR would call me by my birth name which is Julissa btw, and we agreed it was best to use our handles instead, so he just made a twist and used a mix of my name and the number 666 that is mathematically associated with me I was told. I don't use this number because it is not something i chose myself. I know it has a very bad reputation being associated with evil and the antichrist and all that, but in Thuban it was supposed to be ok and even good in a way. Personally (not that I was ever asked), I think this number is not inherently evil, or any other number, but this one in particular has a certain meaning symbolizing duality, the number of ‘the beast’ found in the 666 of all barcodes for instance. The circle. If I look at this circle as this 3d world that we live in, as a ‘prison’, then the number -666 would be a better fit for me, the reverse, the anti of it or antimatter, the number found outside of that circle…the opposite frequency.

    About your other comments, the last couple of years I mostly came into the group chats just to ask questions among so many monologues or pastes. On a personal note, everything began to downgrade for me quickly when Tony made the statement he only considered Raven his friend…after all that talk about us six being quantum entangled and what not it felt weird to me. I take friendship seriously so things began not to add up since way back.

    Thank you for welcoming me and I look forward to many good exchanges.

    Xeia 934918.

    Thanks for your response Sui, although I must say I love your true name, Julissa. I’ve never heard it before and it elicits some lovely energies.

    I just wanted to say that I’ve been busy wading through the post you made to respond to Oxy and can relate to so much of it and had to laugh when you said you “have learned by experience…by observation of what NOT to do” as this so often seems to be part of the way In my experience also. The questions you ask though are virtually the same as those I’ve been seeking answers to for the past 30 years or so as I, I’m sure, would have been labelled schizophrenic also if I’d turned to the medical establishment as I also ‘hear voices’. Which is exactly why I didn’t. But yes, where exactly do they come from?

    I love that article you posted a link to and can only wish a shaman such as the one that article spoke of was around when all this began for me but no, seems I had to figure it out for myself lol. “Over-sensitivity”? Check. “Stressed to the max”? Check. “Depression”? Check. “Suicidal”? Check. How did I get past all of this? By listening to those voices and learning soooo much………about my strengths and weaknesses, about how to discern what was worth listening to or not, about how many different perspectives there are on life in this and that realm. The list goes on.

    I just wanted to say that I can relate to your questions and many of the answers you seem to have come to also, including about how dangerous it may actually be for many to accept the Thuban way of doing things, or indeed any philosophy that recommends just opening when what’s being opened up to appears to be somewhat on the ‘dark’ side of things. Although it seems you are still using Tony’s framework for a lot of how you view those other levels of being.

    I also had to smile wryly when I read that you were told, “‘But Xeia, the real ET’s are the plants and animals…you must love them all cosmically while you can go $%*# yourself because I despise your human mind.’” It reminded me of when I first looked at the Thuban stuff and spoke up in objection to some of what Tony wrote re these ‘dragons’ taking over – possessing - the animals and plants In this reality. I took serious offence to that on their behalf and was told by Tony that he was only speaking “symbolically”. Now I’ve read what was said to you – well – I’m sure you can well imagine what I’m thinking now. icon_silent. 824877. 998440.

    Oh, I also wanted to include this quote from our friend Mudra's Don Juan Matus thread:

    To defend is to act from a point of self-importance which can cause imbalance and create anger and ill-will. Many people, basically fundamentalists of any belief, will defend the fixated position of their assemblage point in order to preserve and maintain the patterns and stories as they perceive them and even attempt to impose those patterns upon others no matter how superfluous their stored data has become. For a warrior, it is a waste of energy to defend the position of an assemblage point when the point is to keep the assemblage point fluid.

    Maybe you'll be able to relate to that as much as I did when I read it. herz.
  2. Allisiam

    Allisiam Well-Known Member

    [6:31:40 AM] Brook : Wow...the new spokesman for Thubanazation....It made me think of this old commercial I remember seeing...and damn if it doesn't have a mirror in it! I'll share it here
    [6:31:55 AM] Brook :

    [6:32:21 AM] Brook :

    [6:33:14 AM] Brook : Double the fun....and she is on a roller coaster of fun and recognition right now.
    [6:33:43 AM] Brook : A shrink would have a field day with this one.
    [6:34:06 AM] Brook : There there is this
    [6:34:17 AM] Brook :
    [6:34:29 AM] Brook : mixed with
    [6:34:34 AM] Brook :
    [6:34:57 AM] Brook : While no data to refer back was removed
    [6:35:09 AM] Brook : convenient the memory loss
    [6:37:35 AM] Brook : I'm back to work...AGH!!!! So I bite my tongue while the backbiting ensues... "Social media has also provided a much faster way to share gossip. In only a matter of minutes harmful gossip and rumors can spread online".
    [6:38:42 AM ]Brook : reinforce – or punish the lack of – morality and accountability
    reveal passive aggression, isolating and harming others
    serve as a process of social grooming
    [6:45:47 AM] Brook : The term Gossip is sometimes used to specifically refer to the spreading of dirt and misinformation, as (for example) through excited discussion of scandals.
    [6:46:15 AM] Brook : exaggerations of news events, scandal-mongering, or sensationalism!!!!!!!!!!!!
    [6:47:58 AM] Brook : "Evil spirits" spew forth from the Hoe press in this Puck cartoon of November 21, 1888, their number including "Paid Puffery" and "Suggestiveness"
    [6:48:07 AM] Brook :

    [6:48:44 AM] Brook : See ya all on the flip side!

    [7:01:30 AM] Brook:

    [7:04:13 AM] Brook :
    [7:14:57 AM] Brook :
    [7:15:10 AM] Brook :

    [7:16:45 AM] Brook : hasta la vista baby
    [7:18:10 AM] Brook : Tony Svengali you devil you! LOL
    [7:21:22 AM] Brook : Svengali transforms Xeia into a great singer by using hypnosis. Unable to perform without Svengali's help, Xeia becomes a worthless sex slave of the Thuban cult she must confess
    [7:22:29 AM] Brook : One more for the road guys and I'm off to work....

    [7:23:08 AM] Brook :

    [7:59:53 AM] Sirius 17: the experts are at a loss as to why the tiger and goats have become friends lol
    [8:05:06 AM] Sirius 17: “Tony might be a genius, but why was he and a few other Thubans labeled schizophrenic at some point by the medical establishment?”
    [8:05:50 AM] Sirius 17: it all makes so much sense now why she (Xeia) called me in the hospital....not how are you...are you it was "What are they calling this? What have they labeled it as? Do you know?"
    [8:06:44 AM] Brook : Hay you! I was just paying a bill online and heard you...I'm about to leave for work soon....I'm still appalled at what she is doing
    [8:07:59 AM] Sirius 17: yeah it is interesting
    [8:08:16 AM] Sirius 17 hey, i am just waking up here well actually i have been up for hours
    [8:08:20 AM] Sirius 17: lying in bed
    [8:08:31 AM] Sirius 17: seem to be having trouble sleeping
    [8:08:41 AM] Brook: I slept like a baby....rested up for the week to come
    [8:08:49 AM] Sirius 17: but i got up anyhow and saw my daughter off to school
    [8:09:05 AM] Sirius 17: nice, yeah too bad your vacation is over already
    [8:09:11 AM] Sirius 17: back to the grind
    [8:10:51 AM] Brook : yeah....drier just went I have to go....hope you liked my dissertation...LOL IT's crazy...they remove ALL Tony's stuff off the Mists and proceed with yellow journalism and gossip! True to form for social media I suppose. Gotta run now..just wanted to say hi guys have a good day!
    [8:13:35 AM] Sirius 17: yes you have a good day too Brook
    [8:28:19 AM] Sirius 17:
    [8:32:42 AM] Sirius 17: i think i shared or came across this article before, it is a good one
    [10:12:03 AM] Sirius 17: so yeah i would say integration not exclusion is the answer but i really thought Xeia understood this
    [10:12:30 AM] Sirius 17: so she truly is at war with her external world
    [10:15:41 AM] Sirius 17:
    yes and don't leave out the juicy bits
    [10:16:15 AM] Sirius 17: Xeia's Thuban Tabloids
    [10:16:33 AM] Sirius 17: "Days of our Thuban Lives"
    [10:16:37 AM] Sirius 17: lol
    [10:18:14 AM] Sirius 17:

    [10:24:35 AM] Sirius 17: Simon Parkes ET
    [10:24:38 AM] Sirius 17:
    [10:25:16 AM] Sirius 17: the praying mantis has decapitated him


    evil Thubans
    [11:36:05 AM] Sirius 17: great tunes btw Brook
    [11:36:15 AM] Sirius 17: i love guns n roses lol
    [11:36:28 AM] Sirius 17: and that hottie Tony, yeah!!
    Last edited: Jan 4, 2016
  3. admin

    admin Well-Known Member Staff Member


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    • Post n°23

    empty. Re: My Liberation from the Thuban Sex Cult

    empty. orthodoxymoron Today at 10:50 am

    Thank-you Sui. I'll read your post at least a couple of times. My "Moot Holy-War" is a "Tempest in a Teapot" wherein I basically argue with myself by using a lot of controversial and unorthodox material in unusual contexts as a mental and spiritual exercise for Sirius-Researchers. I've mostly attempted to superimpose my religious and political presuppositions upon the new and upsetting Information-War. In some ways, I think I've been too closed-minded -- and in other ways, I think I've been too open-minded. The result has been highly disorienting, traumatic, and confusing -- but the resulting Religious and Political Science-Fiction has been sort of interesting. I certainly wouldn't wish to expose the general-public to this sort of thing -- but hopefully the right people (and other than people) have benefitted from it. I think it will take a couple of years for me to really comprehend what I've created (with the help of many others -- including the Thuban-Crowd). I wasn't going to post in 2016 -- but I wanted to acknowledge your lengthy response -- which I haven't had a chance to really study -- but I will do that sometime today. Thanks again, Sui. I respect innovation -- even when it produces less than ideal results. I'm sort of a "live and learn" kind of guy. Namaste and Godspeed.

  4. admin

    admin Well-Known Member Staff Member


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    • Post n°24

    empty. Hi Eelco,

    empty. SuiGeneris Today at 12:02 pm
    SophiasChoice wrote:
    Years ago I posted about my experiences of being an unwilling member of what had become a cult.
    Not Thuban, but some ascension group that turned into a cult.
    Lo and behold, amongst the support very quickly posts arrived from people I have never met saying how I was taking out the garbage where it shouldn't belong..

    Thank you for taking your steps towards your freedom.
    You don't owe anyone anything unless you want to.
    Keep breathing, don't let yourself be intimidated..
    Keep walking. And when it's time to look back. remember what lessons you learned.
    Don't hold grudges, but don't start making excuses for anyone but yourself either..

    With Love
    Hello Eelco, nice to meet you!

    First of all, is that a girl’s name or a boy’s name? I never heard it before. It is quite nice.
    I cannot say I was an ‘unwilling member’ per se. More like a willing member who got slowly alienated, because since the first day I knew what my goal was. My goal was to realize what was behind the data itself and I couldn’t really do that from a lurker’s perspective, I had to dive all the way in. It didn’t sound like a channeling…it was coming from a man, who didn’t use the word “channeling” but used the word “downloads” instead. I knew there is an internal connection each of us have with our own ‘higher Self’, so I gave it the benefit of the doubt and wasn’t quick to dismiss it as pure quackery. Still I felt I needed to look into it further. The problem was that for me it was never impersonal. I say ‘problem’ because recently I was told too many times not to take these Thuban changes or latest ‘developments’ in agendas personal but to simply “trust the Logos”. After having been indoctrinated for years on the workings of a hexacore at a very personal level, “you take everything personal you sentimental chick” didn’t make sense; not to mention that friendships and communications seem to be preponderant on my astrology map, so I am easy to make friends and I don’t take friendship lightly.

    But putting all personal emotions aside for a moment, the way Thuban was presented at its inceptions, the choice of words on those initial posts triggered a memory in me, in my blood say, and that is what I recognized to be of value for me at that specific time. If my being is reminded of a conflict that happened eons ago, it doesn’t necessarily mean that I am being reminded by the good guys. Possibility exists that resonance is also triggered by the very faction I was fighting against because both sides of that conflict or all sides of that conflict (if more than one) will carry the keys or magnetic imprint of it. Let’s assume this conflict is not in the past but I want to think that past, present and future all exist simultaneously and I am sensing something and my being is reacting to it, I want to give myself some time to figure out exactly why this is and what exactly it is I am reacting to. It is a bit like you meeting a guy and like him or dislike him automatically without any apparent reason at all. If i find myself here and now preoccupied by this matter and i intuit i am being given the opportunity to bring it some sort of resolution at least in my own little ‘heartbrain’, in my own unique little cosmos, then I will…because I can. Just the mere fact of being alive on Gaia now allows this possibility for all; only that when I do, I will do so ‘in my own little way’; why I never liked being told —“If you don’t do this or think this…it means automatic disqualification”. That sounds a lot like school or the military. I don’t think we’re all here to follow some ‘cosmic directive’, maybe some are and want to make that their destiny…but definitively not all.

    Many thanks for your good advice and yeah I don’t hold any grudges, but I do look back to review and to learn each day and won’t wait for some death moment to do what I can do right now when I can still do something about my own life.

    May the Light of the Secret Fire shine bright upon your path.

  5. admin

    admin Well-Known Member Staff Member


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    • Post n°25

    empty. Re: My Liberation from the Thuban Sex Cult

    empty. paulbenji Today at 10:50 pm

    Hi i am Paul Benjamin from LA and the message below seems to correlate with the topic of this thread.

    The Galactic Federation of Light & Ashtar is an Alien Hoax -- Everyone Please Read
    Hello everyone,

    This is an urgent message!!! Please take the time to read all of it. I’m writing you because there aren’t many places I can post this message and I need to tell someone before it’s too late. I am being tormented by demonic beings who claim to be the same as the GALACTIC FEDERATION, COUNCIL OF LIGHT, ASHTAR COMMAND, COMMANDER HATONN, AND THE ASCENDED MASTERS. They possess my body like a classic demonic possession. They have been tormenting me with lies now for several years. They spell in a very crude manner by moving my feet or toes. The spelling isn’t very good....can take hours to decipher. They claim that they have “gift for you.” Want to awaken kundalini. I have a constant buzzing sound in my head like I am part of an alien hive. I know that they use implants which they can implant through invisible means. I have found two of them just under my skin on my elbow. I have come to believe that these beings are infernal creatures that plague all humans. Most are unaware of it. We are merely host to alien beings who use us for their own agendas. Some of us more than others. I believe they are trying to set me up as a full time host or something. They are changing my body and consciousness in some way. It is the most frightening experience imaginable and I live with this daily. Please read the following....“Our bodies are also the result of sound resonating energy into form and if our minds are powerful enough to change the sound range of the body, it moves into another form or disappears from this dimension, altogether. This is what is called shape-shifting.”

    This came from the following web page

    I believe they are trying to steal me over to another dimension or shape-shift me into something else. I don’t know, but dread the thought of waking up somewhere one day surrounded by these monsters. These beings are master geneticist who are breeding human hybrids and hubrids which they are slowly integrating into our society. It is the highest form of subterfuge. The alien phenomenon is real. These beings have been the Gods of the bible (ELOHIM, JEHOVAH, JESUS) and all other religious deities. IT HAS ALL BEEN A RUSE!!! There is no God. There are only these beings who have given primitive humans an illusion of God. They also spurn cult religions, Satanic churches, wiccan covens, secret societies, secret cabals, you name it. They do this through mind control. They use subtle persuasion on weak minds or people that they have been manipulating for a lifetime. They are also supported by beings who are in physical form. You wouldn’t know they weren’t human if you passed them on the street. They form the secret government’s of the world. Controlled by the illuminati whom are nothing more than puppets for the alien rulers of this planet. Satanist who owe their allegiance to the greatest trickster of them all…LUCIFER. Who is actually responsible for ALL OF THE ABOVE.

    These beings work with the most sophisticated technologies. It is beyond human comprehension. They operate with hyper nano tech, particle physics, electromagnetic energy, sound, light, worm whole technology, hyper drive vehicles, controlling weather, and so many other advanced methods that it would boggle the mind. They control this planet. They control our security agencies. They perform mass mind control through the media (sublimely). MONTAUK, MK ULTRA, BLACK BUDGET, PSY OPPS, MJ 12, you name it. They’ve had a hand in it. Now they want to present themselves as Ashtar of the Galactic Federation, Pleiadians, Sirians, the Arcturians, Andromedans, Christed beings, Michael the Archangel, Commander Hatonn, Christed beings, and Metetron, said to be the highest Archangel, and a host of other characters. Not to mention the beings behind all of the contact scenarios in the 50’s. Don’t you get it folks. We are all being played by alien imposters who are posing as our gods (or space brothers). This is right out of Stargate SG-1. These beings are actually demonic in nature. They hail from various densities (galaxies) and dimensions and they live right hear on earth. Seven years ago I would have never believed any of this, but I know it to be true. Many people who channel messages from these beings are finding that their messages are faulty or just plain lies. They are beginning to question the source of these messages. I’m telling you it is none other than Lucifer. The Devil is real. He is an alien who comes in the form of man (or woman) when he chooses. More than that, it’s a system of aliens who, believe it or not, have been cloning themselves in human form since the beginning of human history and playing us like fools. This is the crux of the entire UFO phenomenon and what our government doesn’t want us to know. The Greys are merely roboids that these infernal beings use as a vehicle to get around in 3-D. The Men in Black phenomenon is also associated with these characters. However, they’ve traded in their black suites for ordinary street clothes and business attire. Still working in consort with their Grey and demonic counterparts. They also fly around in helicopters and airplanes. They are constantly circling my home in either of these aircraft dropping demons inside to possess me. I know it sounds crazy but it is true.

    The truth is, they are us and we are them. Most all human souls hail from some star system or dimension controlled by these beings. They are merely beings who have control over very powerful technology. Perhaps reptilian or insectoid. Their souls are plasma just like ours. They have merely blended with machines and have become like cold blooded robots. They continually recycle our souls and maintain complete mastery over our lives from cradle to grave and back to cradle. They use artificial intelligence and modified human consciousness (Grey/reptilian) to do most of the dirty work when they possess a human being. They monitor all of the horrible things these monsters do to you. They lie, they deceive, make false promises, lead you down false paths. They will even remove items from your home or your person and admit it and will not give those things back to you. I believe our world is under great threat from these beings as David Jacobs points out in his book “THE THREAT.” Particularly hear in the United States. We should demand that our government stop dicking us around and tell us the truth. You may find that many of these people, meaning the civil servants and people in appointed positions, are not what they appear to be. The television series “DARK SKIES” dealt with this topic. We should also demand that they tell the truth about the alien controlled bases all over the United States like Area 51, Mt. Shasta, Dulce, and others. Please note that I am of sound mind and intelligence. I’m writing this because I don’t think I have much more time. They are flooding my head with all of this energy and I am all but deaf in my right ear. I was recently told that they will turn me into flames. I don’t know if this is in reference to spontaneous combustion or what. But this is the kind of hellish intelligence that I am dealing with. I fear that if I don’t get this message out, I may not have an opportunity to later. Those of you who channel these beings, please ask them why they are tormenting me and post your comments here. Others, please pass this message along.


    This is from Rich228:
    Last edited: Jan 5, 2016
  6. admin

    admin Well-Known Member Staff Member


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    • Post n°26

    empty. Re: My Liberation from the Thuban Sex Cult

    empty. Carol Today at 12:27 am

    Aloha Rich / Paul,

    "The Galactic Federation of Light & Ashtar is an Alien Hoax.." I've always thought of it as a joke and the threads on it at Mists are more for entertainment purposes.

    "They possess my body like a classic demonic possession" This isn't good. Have you sought help with any of this?

    "I have a constant buzzing sound in my head like I am part of an alien hive."

    Many of us are experiencing this buzzing due to the change of frequency along with some of the solar flares. Dolores Cannon also referred to how time has speeded up where a 24 hour day is now 12 hours. Our bodies are undergoing changes that have to due with an energy shift in frequency as well. I hear the buzzing (similar to a high frequency tone) all the time now.

    You can take control of some of this by sounds you can listen to like the Relaxing 432 Hz DNA Healing - Nature Sounds [Chakra, Aura, Energy Cleanse] ☯ Positive Energy.

    "I know that they use implants which they can implant through invisible means."

    Yes but generally something like this involves some type of actual ET contact.

    "We are merely host to alien beings who use us for their own agendas."

    This has happened to some people and some have consented to it.

    “Our bodies are also the result of sound resonating energy into form and if our minds are powerful enough to change the sound range of the body, it moves into another form or disappears from this dimension, altogether. This is what is called shape-shifting.” This came from the following web page"

    Many of us are aware of this as some ET entities are inter dimensional beings.

    "I believe they are trying to steal me over to another dimension or shape-shift me into something else." You do have free will and can refuse to participate. And you do have the ability to send them packing with your intention.

    "These beings are master geneticist who are breeding human hybrids and hubrids which they are slowly integrating into our society. It is the highest form of subterfuge. The alien phenomenon is real. These beings have been the Gods of the bible (ELOHIM, JEHOVAH, JESUS) and all other religious deities. IT HAS ALL BEEN A RUSE!!! "

    Some yes, not all.

    "There is no God."

    Yes, there is a god (source) but it is something much more then the average person is taught.

    "They also spurn cult religions, Satanic churches, wiccan covens, secret societies, secret cabals, you name it. They do this through mind control."

    Unfortunately this too is true.

    "You wouldn’t know they weren’t human if you passed them on the street. They form the secret government’s of the world. Controlled by the illuminati whom are nothing more than puppets for the alien rulers of this planet."

    And this too is true.

    "These beings work with the most sophisticated technologies. It is beyond human comprehension. They operate with hyper nano tech, particle physics, electromagnetic energy, sound, light, worm whole technology, hyper drive vehicles, controlling weather, and so many other advanced methods that it would boggle the mind. They control this planet. They control our security agencies. They perform mass mind control through the media (sublimely). MONTAUK, MK ULTRA, BLACK BUDGET, PSY OPPS, MJ 12, you name it. They’ve had a hand in it. "

    Sad and also true.

    "Now they want to present themselves as Ashtar of the Galactic Federation, Pleiadians, Sirians, the Arcturians, Andromedans, Christed beings, Michael the Archangel, Commander Hatonn, Christed beings, and Metetron, said to be the highest Archangel, and a host of other characters. Not to mention the beings behind all of the contact scenarios in the 50’s."

    I recall reading in one report that there are over 147 different type of off-worlders who visit and/or live on earth. Some use it as a way station traveling to other planets. Others use it for earths resources. Some use it as a vacation center. They tend to have different and conflicting agendas when it comes to earth and it's inhabitants. Just depends on which group one ends up interfacing with. Earth has become a planet of great interest ever since the atomic bomb which impacted other dimensions where other off-world entities live. They have a great interest in our planet and what goes on here as it also impacts them. So of course ET intervention (along with interference depending on which ET species is involved) has been ongoing for years.

    "Many people who channel messages from these beings are finding that their messages are faulty or just plain lies. They are beginning to question the source of these messages."

    Anyone who have been around the block a few times knows that channeling can be deceptive and not worth the time to listen too as it can easily lead to self-deception and self-delusion.

    In addition if one lives close to power lines or are in an area where there is a high level of EMF that too can create problems. For blocking out negative energy from other dimensions orgon devices tend to work.

    Since we live in a rural area in the middle of the ocean we incurred a negative bleed through from another dimension. Subsequently we placed orgon devices at each corner of the bed and next to our electronics. We've had no problems since.

    "More than that, it’s a system of aliens who, believe it or not, have been cloning themselves in human form."

    I actually met and spoke with a contactee who interfaced with the ET clones. It was an interesting conversation and the closes tend to be sociopathic. Not good for humanity. We have an interview from Stephano Braccia in one of the threads of our forum. You may wish to listen to it.

    "The Greys are merely roboids that these infernal beings use as a vehicle to get around in 3-D."

    Some, not all. Depends on which type of Grey. Tall Grey are inter dimensional beings.. the little critters are biological robots produced by the military in England.

    "They also fly around in helicopters and airplanes. They are constantly circling my home in either of these aircraft dropping demons inside to possess me. I know it sounds crazy but it is true."

    Had this happen once when ETs contacted me. The black helicopter showed up the next day. Scary but one can send these creatures packing and end contact. Generally something like black helicopters occurs when someone has been contacted by ETs, so it's not unusual. Do you think you may be an abductee? They're not doing abductions as much as they did in the past when they were building up their alien/human hybrid program.

    "The truth is, they are us and we are them. Most all human souls hail from some star system or dimension controlled by these beings."

    Not everyone as there are souls who heard the call and are here for the first time to help earth in this transition into the 5th dimension and assist in raising the vibrational frequency of the planet.

    "They are merely beings who have control over very powerful technology. Perhaps reptilian or insectoid. Their souls are plasma just like ours. They have merely blended with machines and have become like cold blooded robots. They continually recycle our souls and maintain complete mastery over our lives from cradle to grave and back to cradle. They use artificial intelligence and modified human consciousness (Grey/reptilian) to do most of the dirty work when they possess a human being. They monitor all of the horrible things these monsters do to you. They lie, they deceive, make false promises, lead you down false paths."

    Yes, this can happen yet humans still have free will. It's no secret that some entities feed off the negative emotions humans generate. Basically they're like leeches sucking up the spiritual energy humans give off. If one doesn't wish to feed the beast set fear, anger, hate, lust and envy aside. For example, Buddhist monks create a very different type of energetic field so we know it's possible not to get caught up in negative patterns.

    "I believe our world is under great threat from these beings as David Jacobs points out in his book “THE THREAT.” Particularly hear in the United States."

    I have David Jacobs book and have read it. It's clear the hypnosis work he did on "abductees" focuses on the Greys.. what he didn't know is how the secret government military does follow-up abductions to find out what the abductees know. Some abductees seem to suffer from the Stockholm Syndrome identifying with the abuser. There are a few names of individuals who've written books about their experiences - all quite interesting. Again, I thought Jacobs work had more to do with a future earth timeline, not one any of us will experience as timelines can run side by side so decided not to give this energy. There is a distinct different between contactees who have total recall of their ET experiences and abductees who memories are blocked.

    "We should demand that our government stop dicking us around and tell us the truth."

    Vote for Andrew Bassiago as President as he is for full disclosure and was part of the time-travel program years back.

    "You may find that many of these people, meaning the civil servants and people in appointed positions, are not what they appear to be. The television series “DARK SKIES” dealt with this topic."

    Of course they do have to inform the GP about some of their nefarious activities via Hollywood. This has been going on for years and isn't new info.

    "Please note that I am of sound mind and intelligence. I’m writing this because I don’t think I have much more time."
    It seems you could use some help from someone who is familiar with something like you're undergoing. I doubt any of us are into channeling any of these beings... not part of what and who we are about. Please keep in mind that you have free will and choice. And there are good therapists whose area of expertise is with contactees.

    Paola Harris is in contact with some of these therapists. You may want to check out her website. You can email her and ask her if she knows of someone in your area.

    Good luck.

    Last edited by Carol on Tue Jan 05, 2016 11:05 am; edited 2 times in total

    JapA013. What is life?
    It is the flash of a firefly in the night, the breath of a buffalo in the wintertime. It is the little shadow which runs across the grass and loses itself in the sunset.

    With deepest respect ~ Aloha & Mahalo, Carol


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    • Post n°702

    empty. Re: The United States of the Solar System: 2133 A.D. Book Two.

    empty. orthodoxymoron Today at 10:38 pm

    Regarding the name "Paul Benjamin" -- could this be a clever way of saying The Apostle (Paul) from the Tribe of (Benjamin)?! Those "Ravening-Wolves"!! What Would Sherry Shriner Say?? That show linked below should be listened-to repeatedly -- but it should NOT be taken at face-value. Read Between the Lines. That's ALL I'm going to say (hopefully for the rest of 2016) but I could say MUCH More.
    Last edited: Jan 6, 2016
  7. admin

    admin Well-Known Member Staff Member


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    • Post n°27

    empty. Re: My Liberation from the Thuban Sex Cult

    empty. Sanicle Today at 2:23 am

    Poor 'Rich' (the author of the comments that Paul posted above) really seems to be suffering. kopfschuettel. Do you know when it was posted at Lightworkers Paul? I'm wondering if it was around the same time that he contacted the Thubans, as Sui Generis mentioned in her posts. And, I have to ask, are you 'Rich' by any chance Paul?
  8. admin

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    empty. Hey Josiah,

    empty. SuiGeneris Today at 3:54 am

    MCJosiah wrote:​
    This cult just proves that any believe system or ideas can be used for control. This man is taking metaphysical science, elements of "true love" ideas(I say it that way cause I can't come up with words), elements of various religions, & mashing them together into a crazy sex polygamy harem cult. That does sound like something a hippy would definitely do(since you said he was one in his prime). Let me start by breaking each of these downs. This man uses Science & elements of religions(specifically metaphysical Science & elements of Eastern Religions & New Age), to channel various entities & control the various energy's of people around him for selfish & terrible reasons. While metaphysical Science & Science in general is obviously not bad & is much needed to understand this multiverse we live in, it is a tool that can be used for good or bad.​

    I also think science itself is not to blame. Tony often said I was ‘anti-scientific’ but he just didn’t understand where I was coming from. It is obvious that science is inside and outside of us and embedded in everything else in the universe, but as much as it may be helpful for understanding, I don’t think accepting the prevailing scientific collective mind of the time is the only way to go about living. That is, if i want to go with the flow and embed in modern life and i see how certain paradigms are not conducive to life, but lead to entropy; then ‘going with the flow’ doesn’t sound like a good idea anymore. I don’t think i need to be a brain necessarily in order to learn of the world around me or the world inside my own body. There are many indigenous people who have a much deeper understanding of what’s going on and they don’t have any sort of degrees except the degree of life.

    Science is great and I myself can get so amazed when I hear of recent discoveries scientists have made and if it is to help the masses better their everyday way of life even better. What I dislike is how the cultural paradigms have misused it in a way that it has become detrimental to people. What I don’t like is how society believes you need to be licensed in order to know, and if you are not licensed, then you cannot know. How there are those who know and everyone is to listen to them and obey them blindly because they said so. I don’t like that because it disempowers the individual and his own connection to his environment and to himself; and this dependency is taught to children and passed on from generation to generation, why it’s so hard to come down from that cross. The little science filtered, what is allowed for us to know is ever-changing depending on the cultural mind and who is in power, so it’s not reliable enough for me. I rather establish an intimate relationship with my mind, body and environment and use my senses, meta included, to determine what I ought to know and how. Have you ever been asked “how do you know?” and you’re like…”I just know”, but that somehow just doesn’t cut it for them? Where’s your proof? Where’s your degree? Where did you hear it from? Is he reliable? Etc etc...

    With the paradigm of religion it is exactly the same thing, you believe or you don’t believe. Those who cling to the cultural paradigms to give some meaning to their lives will oppose you and react to you as if you were some sort of alien organism if you don’t fit into either one of those two options. What if I accept just a little bit of this story but then I don’t want anything to do with that other part, is that not ‘allowed’? Why they say: “You are either with us or you are with the terrorists” “You have to choose, you are either with the Logos or you are the enemy” Then they want to corner you throwing phrases like: “there is no in-between”, no ‘fence sitters’ and so on. So I look at all that and I say to myself but wait a minute…where is the freedom of thought? Do you know what I mean? And this doesn’t happen just in a cult…it is everywhere; you can find this mentality even inside your own family unit. This is another cross to come down from.

    MCJosiah wrote:​
    It can also be used as a tool of control, just like any organized Religion or Religious text, & just like almost any ideology or idea can be. A good example of this is mainstream Orthodox Science with Darwinism. Despite not being fully proven, & even been disproven in many cases it claims, Darwinism has become the major element in mainstream Orthodox Science. Darwinism is pushed like a religion by the state in many public school systems & from late elementary school all the way to collage is forced down the minds of late children, teenagers, & young adults. Many first world governments across the word who are controlled by the PTB(either directly or indirectly) force Darwinism in a similar way, brain washing people all over the world into believing it & locking mainstream Orthodox Science into a cage, forcing scientists in it too trying to describe the origins of man & life in completely terrestrial & a "naturalistic" & "3-D" terms.​

    About Darwinism? Yeah I hear you. But you know, a lot of people I talk to already know that it can’t be that we come from monkeys and that’s it. They know about the missing link and it’s more like common sense Homo sapiens must’ve had external genetic intervention, so I guess it also has a lot to do with the circles you frequent and the sort of people you interact with.

    MCJosiah wrote:​
    Scientists or anybody for the matter who trys to question it or comes with an Theory that's much more reasonable but does not describe human origins in completely "terrestrial", " Natural ", or " 3-D" will get labeled as crazy, conspiracy theorists, or some other nasty terms. Any Theory that someone comes up with that might even seem "Supernatural", even if its much more plausible & has much more backing, will get called crazy & people will automatically reject it without actually thinking about it. You see what's going on here?​

    Yes i do see it, and you're right. People often reject what they don't understand but other people don't. So that is the bright side of things. Even though it may not seem like so for TR & Co. the world is changing and for the better. I always say think about what you want and not about what you don't want. We already know what's up and that's gonna help believe it or not.

    MCJosiah wrote:​
    Now with the whole elements of "true love", what I'm talking about here is erotic sex. What this man does is takes the idea of "erotic sex" & twist it for his own selfish desires. While I do believe sex should be erotic, I believe it is something that should be between 2 individuals who truly love each other, individuals who love each other for the connection they have soul wise, that's what makes it erotic.​

    I love how you put this! And I couldn’t agree more.

    MCJosiah wrote:​
    What this man is doing is taking just straight up sex & labeling it "erotic sex". Using this twisted false form of " erotic sex" & mixing it with his twisted form of "metaphysics", he can bring in & trick various people, manly woman, into his sex cult, building a huge polygamy harem.​

    What you just said here is EXACTLY what some people back then complained about. I guess the more conservative “thubans”. Only there were different labels involved. What you call “straight up sex” was known as “meat” and what you call “erotic sex” was known as “lusty” or “horny” sex. The more lusty or animalistic you were to become the better you were exalted by words of praise. I know of at least one who knew kundalini energy and how it works but never really liked to join, and another who didn’t know the occult meaning of it all but was nevertheless a very sexually charged guy and he never saw the point in it either because unless he already had a real connection with somebody beforehand he said he felt as if the situation was being forced somehow, and he definitely never felt any so called “visitation” at night as he was expected to have if he had ‘engaged’ the energies correctly.
    Your comment also goes hand in hand with what another ex thuban who was present in those sexy chats told me a few days back: “He used several techniques that also dark therapists use to make girls and women handy.”

    About your comment on mainly women being attracted to this, can you imagine the thrill any man would have waking up in the morning knowing that he has a line of women waiting online for him to connect in order receive some more of his teachings? We were being triggered yes, taught to share nude pictures as if that was noting out of the ordinary in order to use them to lust about them later. We were taught that the Logos loves each and every one of us equally so we are to get rid of all of our sexual inhibitions just as if we were the first humans on earth on the garden of Eden, etc, etc, pretty pictures were painted up in our heads so that we could “surrender” (key word again) to our lust and to our body’s desires. Thinking ofc that they were our body’s desires. Every time we were to have sex we were taught to think of each other even when being with a partner, who at such point we were to use simply as a conduit for this ‘flow of energies’. When it got really weird for me was when Tony began to say we were to also think about people who were already dead. I mean…that was not something that I was even willing to try…that came up about 3 years into the group and even by then my heart wasn’t anymore into it and I began to have serious thoughts about leaving. I remember that about that time Raven said she had an entire conversation out loud with a dead person while she was driving. Other thubans thought she was possessed by daemons and preferred to keep their distance but Tony would always tell her that she was possessed indeed but by the JCCJ (Jesus Christ Christ Jesus).

    The ‘punishment’ was never spoken but you could see right away it is being looked down upon and not being treated as part of the “family” or den of Dragons, not being called a ‘Bluey’ for men or a ‘DragonQueen’ for women. The punishment was mental and emotional just as the programming was.

    MCJosiah wrote:​
    This guy is a genius, but very corrupted & is using metaphysics, & lies for his own selfish desires.​

    [12/4/2015 11:08:09 PM] Tony: It is never personal from the higher perspective
    [12/4/2015 11:08:24 PM] Tony: But there is something called misuse of intellect to deceive
    [12/4/2015 11:08:33 PM] Tony: and this is spiritually very serious

    Looks like he already knows what you mean here. He wasn't referring to himself when he said this but to someone he dislikes very much. I do wonder if he is actually aware of how he is using his 'genius' mind. Apparently he likes this because he preached this a lot: "be ye therefore wise as serpents, and harmless as doves." maybe he misunderstood the first part and completely ignored the second part. who knows...i guess that is between him and God now.

    MCJosiah wrote:​
    It's good you left & your exposing him. If you wanna know how I know about you, its cause I've been lurking around your sites(not too sound like a stalker) manly cause I love reading & studying things on the PTB(Powers That Be), the AIF(Alien Invader Force), Aliens & space in general, Science & metaphysics, history & things on the world, & also Supernatural stuff. The people I manly study are Wes Penre, the LPG-C, the Pleadians, & other various sources. But I've been lurking around studying what you have to say.​

    So cool of you to come out and say hi and expressed your thoughts about this. I think it is nice when we all share our experiences and learn from each other. So comforting to know there is always good people who help you get up after you trip and fall, to have friends and know we can lean on each other; that makes the journey so much more bearable and fun and many times worth it just for the people we meet along the way.

    Big Kiss 934918.

    Shine bright Josiah!

    I wanna sing and dance this song when I go see the Taj! I kid you not! lol

    Xeia SuiGeneris
  9. admin

    admin Well-Known Member Staff Member


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    • Post n°29

    empty. Re: My Liberation from the Thuban Sex Cult

    empty. SuiGeneris Today at 10:17 am
    Aquaries1111 wrote:
    Hi J....

    Who Can You Trust? Can You Read Truth From Deceit?
    Hey Debra, Barbara Marciniak is a classic!

    Is it my imagination or was it you the one who asked the question for this segment? If it is, that is so cool!
    I thought i recognized your voice.

    thanXs for the awesome share!

  10. Allisiam

    Allisiam Well-Known Member

    [1/4/2016 6:54:24 PM] raxnae:
    this be what all dem bitches are though! haha

    [1/4/2016 9:00:01 PM] ShilohaPlace:
    [12:47:33 AM] ShilohaPlace:
    [6:32:40 AM] Sirius 17: they were united by Jesus lol
    [7:03:44 AM] Sirius 17: yeah nice old thread, too bad few really got my loveheart message
    [7:03:48 AM] Sirius 17: such scary news
    [7:03:54 AM] Sirius 17: evil Thubans
    [7:04:27 AM] Sirius 17: i am trying to figure out why they fear us
    [7:04:37 AM] Sirius 17: i guess it is the unknown
    [7:05:05 AM] Sirius 17: the fear is seriously irrational
    [7:05:42 AM] Sirius 17: but i guess i have dealt with it my whole life now, been misunderstood
    [7:56:16 AM] Sirius 17: ahh here it comes now, fear of sex
    [7:59:07 AM] Sirius 17:
    [7:59:36 AM] Sirius 17: thanks for the meat term Rok, total misunderstanding there lol
    [7:59:49 AM] Sirius 17: i like how she uses his definitions to explain everything (SARCASM)
    [8:01:31 AM] Sirius 17: she is talking here like we forced her or something? What ever happened to consenting adult?
    [8:01:48 AM] Sirius 17: oh wait, that is called possession now
    [8:01:49 AM] Sirius 17: right
    [8:04:18 AM] Sirius 17: you know it might help Xeia if she actually ever watched any videos on how things were in the 60s and how less hung up people were about sex and their bodies than they are today

    [8:04:42 AM] Sirius 17: now sex is actually demonized
    [8:04:48 AM] Sirius 17: for real
    [8:05:14 AM] Sirius 17: it is the demon that possesses everyone and they make it evil because they don't understand their own desires or body
    [8:06:15 AM] Sirius 17: so when it gets suppressed they do shitty things like fuc11 children, abuse and rape each other, the list goes on
    [8:07:45 AM] Sirius 17: and then she compares raw sexual lust with animals as if this is something dirty???
    [8:08:00 AM] Sirius 17: it is called Mother Nature Xeia, a term maybe you are unfamiliar with
    [8:09:31 AM] Sirius 17: watch a simple video on Bonobo apes and tell me about this animalistic lust definition you have
    [8:09:38 AM] Sirius 17: how evil it is
    [8:09:45 AM] Sirius 17: seems to work fine for the bonobos
    [8:10:02 AM] Sirius 17: who out of all the ape species are completely NON-VIOLENT
    [8:10:06 AM] Sirius 17: yep that’s right
    [8:10:14 AM] Sirius 17: they don't kill each other like other ape species
    [8:10:23 AM] Sirius 17: don't compete over food
    [8:10:31 AM] Sirius 17: just one big happy family
    [8:10:43 AM] Sirius 17: oh but they are horny as hell yes
    [8:10:46 AM] Sirius 17: so evil

    Evil ET Thubans

    [8:58:45 AM] Brook: Whenever I get fed up with my fellow humans I turn to music
    [8:58:56 AM] Brook:

    [8:59:37 AM] Sirius 17: yes good song, i put that one up last time you shared it on our music thread
    [8:59:40 AM] Sirius 17: really good song
    [9:00:00 AM] Brook : The lyrics tell it​
    Last edited: Jan 5, 2016

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