Thuban 101 - General Introduction and History

Discussion in 'Thuban 101' started by admin, Dec 3, 2014.

  1. admin

    admin Well-Known Member Staff Member

    Last edited: Jul 8, 2015
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    empty. Re: Thuban 101 - General Introduction and History

    empty. Raven on Wed Sep 10, 2014 2:00 pm
    Brook wrote:
    "burn baby burn!!!"


    Drone ~ End on ~ Don Re


    Splashes of ashes


    Nice images from Burning Man Brook! Wish I could go one of these days, it must of been incredible when you were there with John. The E.M.B.R.A.C.E effigy reminded me of this image.



    Last edited: Jul 8, 2015
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    empty. Re: Thuban 101 - General Introduction and History

    empty. Aquaries1111 on Wed Sep 10, 2014 9:12 pm

    Owlsden wrote:

    Now we're Flaming...


    Love You Brook, Tony, Julienne, Juliette and Rok... And SiriArc... Hey, now we've come full "flaming circle".. Let's Party! What's a happenin in Japan? LionHawk "Holds The Space"!!! Love those spaceballs!.....​
  4. admin

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    empty. Re: Thuban 101 - General Introduction and History

    empty. Aquaries1111 on Wed Sep 10, 2014 9:39 pm
    Owlsden wrote: ​

    Now we're Flaming...


    ?Not = Why Not?
  5. admin

    admin Well-Known Member Staff Member

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    empty. Draconian (Demon) Possessed???

    empty. rich228 on Sun Jan 04, 2015 7:50 pm

    I would like to ask Abraxas and her so called 'Council of Thuban,' why they are possessing people and holding them hostage in their own bodies and implanting them with excruciating devices that causes intense suffering for years on end (12 years and counting in my case)?

    Oh...and why they lie, and deceive, mislead, act in a degenerative manner, disrespect the body of the host, causing them to hurt themselves in agony, pain, and unrelenting suffering caused by the entities possessing the body. Is this part of the dragonization process? Is this legit?
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    empty. humans and non humans

    empty. SuiGeneris on Mon Jan 05, 2015 1:40 am
    rich228 wrote:​

    I would like to ask Abraxas and her so called 'Council of Thuban,' why they are possessing people and holding them hostage in their own bodies and implanting them with excruciating devices that causes intense suffering for years on end (12 years and counting in my case)?​

    Oh...and why they lie, and deceive, mislead, act in a degenerative manner, disrespect the body of the host, causing them to hurt themselves in agony, pain, and unrelenting suffering caused by the entities possessing the body. Is this part of the dragonization process? Is this legit?​


    Dear Rich228,

    tsk tsk tsk... *sighs*

    Ok i wasn't going to answer this at first, but then on second might need to hear this...

    I don't know who you are or how you've come to this conclusion that what you call the 'Council of Thuban' is doing all that, but let me make it clear to you that it is not Abraxas or our Thuban Coven. If it is in fact a 'Council' who is doing this to you, then it has to be a different Council altogether...but let's try to examine this further...

    The type of "possession" you are describing seems to be the result of a psychic self-attack that originates in the mind of the believer and inevitably expands onto all the rest of the person's bodies (emotional, physical, etc, etc..) causing great havoc in its path and duration. It often arises form a series of half understood religious and pseudo-religious dogmas, conditionings and deeply rooted memeplexes with its often missed but no less dangerous fanatical ideologies and delusions.

    Of course you would believe that this entity or entities who are doing this "possessing" are mean and evil because they have more power than you and are therefore abusing you in order to gain something out of it...right? If this is the case then you are seeing yourself as a helpless victim and you are placing yourself exactly right where these so called "entities" want you to be.

    Perhaps one day you would be able to verify first hand if these entities truly exist in the physical and/or ethereal plane...but until then let's just assume they do exist "somewhere out there", "behind the veil" as the Wizard of Oz ok? a separate entity from yourself. "How could I stop these attacks?", "Why me?" I bet you asked yourself these questions and more for the past 12 years...yes?

    If you are thinking you are struggling against principalities, against "powers, against the rulers of the darkness of this world, against spiritual wickedness in high places" then you might be closer to the truth than thinking you are struggling against someone, of flesh and blood, found here on this planet that is separate from you, who is somehow remotely sending some of his weird voodoo stuff to you because well...he might have nothing better to do.

    To answer your question..."Is this legit?" What i just said to you about the "powers" is legit. Your misconceptions are not.

    "Is this part of the dragonization process?" The struggle is. As it has to be present to some degree in all transformations.

    You see you cannot become a "Dragon" (Starhuman, Superhuman, evolved entity or however you want to term it), by merely sitting there dramatizing about being a victim wishing for an easy way out, for the Et's to land and rescue you or for the rapture to happen. And I am not trying to diminish your pain and suffering either. I am sorry to hear you have suffered so much for so long. I know the pain experienced is real and it is unfortunate that so many millions of people all around the world go through this same type of pain everyday not finding a solution and losing all hope as a result.

    But if you would only just consider that all this evilness is not only found outside of you but also inside, then you would perhaps begin to realize how much you yourself are involved in the creation of all this "unrelenting suffering". Now in these end times it is critical for all who wish to exit this Prison World to first be able to exit the prison of themselves.

    And how do you do that?

    First you need to be able to recognize it. Look in the mirror and really see what reflects back. If you really seek..."it" will choose you and it will try to kill you. Yes...kill you. Just like Neytiri explained to Jake Sully as he was seeking his "Dragon"... Just how the mirror became black and tried to 'eat' Neo alive...and so the real battle begins....

    Will you take the blue pill or the red pill? take the blue pill and you can continue to believe you are being attacked and there's nothing you can do about it, take the red pill and you can begin to do something proactive for your own benefit, but first you must fundamentally change the way you think. Are you willing to do that? Do you see now why it is a struggle for most?
    .....hell and EVEN IF..the Matrix with its huge oceans of energy being guided by this invisible "Council" ARE coming 'into you' taking possession of your soul, raping you, torturing you, sucking every last bit of energy possible from you...and all the rest of it...the second that you become aware of "IT" it's checkmate, it loses control over you. The all seeing eye is not used to being likes no competition. Now try to see IT with the same mindset that's been around for the last two thousand years and you'll see how far that will take you.

    Do not be afraid of yourself...for anything that you are afraid of outside of you is really an inner fear found within.

    Know, that the only thing that can truly hold you hostage in your own body are your thoughts and your thought patterns because everything must become manifested through the Mind first. Therefore, seek to know thyself above all so you would then control yourself...fully, that way no one can touch you.

    I also suggest you try to live a healthy lifestyle, eat right, get enough sunshine, listen to music, do what you like, walk in the sand or barefoot on the grass...FALL IN know...take care of the physical body too to the extent that you can, be gentle with yourself...especially if you ever decide to go down the rabbit'll need a lot of patience, stamina and a good disposition and that's just for starters...

    May the Cosmic Logos guide you on your path.

    In the Vesica,


  8. admin

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    empty. Re: Thuban 101 - General Introduction and History

    empty. orthodoxymoron on Mon Jan 05, 2015 10:42 am

    I think there has been a spiritual-war in this solar-system for thousands of years -- and that it continues to this very day -- but I can't prove it. I've taken a lot of my conceptualizations into the realm of science-fiction (with a heavy emphasis on politics and religion). My pseudo-quest has made a wreck out of me -- and a lot of the distress seems to be more than just mental and physical maladjustment. I feel distinctly spiritually-harassed (but I can't prove it). rich288 seems to be in a deeper dilemma than I can imagine -- and I think this sort of thing is a very real phenomenon -- but I obviously don't know the particulars of this situation. I imagine various factions and realms struggling for power (and who knows what?) in this solar system (with lots of 'innocent-souls' becoming 'collateral-damage'). Those who purposely make 'deals with the devil' are in serious trouble (from what little I know about such things). It seems as if they join some sort of a 'Spiritual-Mafia' which is nearly impossible to walk-away from (and/or start talking-about). I think I was offered a chance to join (several years ago) -- and I declined. If I had accepted -- I think I'd probably be a 'perfectly-possessed insider' by now. The price-tag for some things is simply too high.
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    empty. Re: Thuban 101 - General Introduction and History

    empty. JesterTerrestrial on Sun Jan 11, 2015 9:31 pm

    Meanwhile the star seeds have returned and the message has been delivered to this with ears to hear and many have received the visions of peace based extra terrestrial contact because we have the eyes to see!

    How much is that worth oxy! LOL ALL OF IT!!!

    Obviously there are power structures operating in this world many of whom have been identified during the fall out of war! The systems will be required to change according to the new jurisdiction as was discussed during the times of conversation before everyone was banned or just got board of throwing pearls to the swine. If the world only knew what was lost last life time we walked the earth they may have considered helping the team in this lifetime but oh no same ol money power structure that caused so many wars wants to own everything in a commercial based economic control of the people at the mercy of the banks who have none because they are heartless entities operating under the guidance of human souls acting as agents for corporations that need more money then the competition to survive in a capitalist world now breaking apart as the indigo crystal children arrive on the scene to take action and change this $#!* forever!



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