19 May 2023 - New Moon In Taurus

Discussion in 'Astrology, Astronomy and Crop Circles' started by CULCULCAN, May 9, 2023.


    CULCULCAN The Final Synthesis - isbn 978-0-9939480-0-8 Staff Member


    CULCULCAN The Final Synthesis - isbn 978-0-9939480-0-8 Staff Member


    CULCULCAN The Final Synthesis - isbn 978-0-9939480-0-8 Staff Member


    CULCULCAN The Final Synthesis - isbn 978-0-9939480-0-8 Staff Member

    Dale Osadchuk

    2023 Taurus New Moon
    19 May at 8.53 am PDT- 11.53 am EDT- 4.53 pm BST (summer time GMT)
    19 May 11.53 pm AWST Perth- 20 May at 1.53 am AEST Sydney NSW Australia
    When Jupiter entered Taurus on May 16th he activated the Tarot Constellation of The Hierophant, the principle of learning to become the wise teacher and dancing to the tune of your own drum. He also squared (motivation for change and finding new ways of doing things) Pluto at 00 degrees Aquarius (innovation and thinking outside the “box”). Pluto is The Transformer. This energy is with us for Jupiter’s journey through Taurus until 25 May 2024. But he also activated the 4th Ray of Harmony through Conflict or Harmony through beauty and peace. He supports us to connect with our higher consciousness and expand our spiritual vision. He supports us to find Inner Harmony.
    This theme is present with our New Moon at 28 degrees Taurus 25 minutes. The Throat Chakra is being activated. It is about finding your voice and speaking your truth with compassion, kindness and wisdom. Spiritually this Moon cycle asks us to connect with Mother Earth and her wisdom. Take time to walk in nature and receive messages from all her kingdoms. The Moon is exalted in Taurus. She asks us to listen to our body’s wisdom and pay attention to its messages. In the Northern Hemisphere this is The Growing Time with Beaver, clearing the old and building the new, as your guide. In the Southern Hemisphere this is the New Moon of transformation with Snake, shedding the old and renewal, as your guide. For all of us the Clan Mother who guides Jupiter in Taurus and this Taurus New Moon cycle is Listening Woman. She is the guardian of the Stillness and Inner Knowing. She teaches us how to enter the stillness and listen to our hearts wise voice.
    Our planetary guide for this Moon cycle is Venus at 12 degrees Cancer 59 minutes. She supports us to listen to our intuitive knowing. Venus is “out of bounds” asking us to be courageous as we release the old and create the new. She is working in Harmony with the Goddess Astraea (inner balance) at 11 degrees Taurus (what is of true value) and the Goddess Vesta at 15 degrees Taurus (commitment to our spiritual truth). The Taurus New Moon is sextiled by Neptune at 27 degrees Pisces (guidance from Mystical powers). Neptune also helps us to know what is true and release what is not. At 2.48pm EDT the Moon entered Gemini and was trine Pluto (transforming our thoughts and perceptions and creating our new story). This will continue to be the theme when the Sun enters Gemini on May 21 at 3.09 am EDT and trines Pluto (removal of obstacles and going with the flow).
    For the next 3 weeks Pluto continues to be activated (release, transformation, and creating the new). Here are the dates. All times are EDT.
    May 20- 11.31 am- Mars enters Leo (the need to be in control at all costs or compassionate action). 11.12 pm- Mars opposite Pluto (transformation and regeneration)
    May 21- 3.09 am- Sun enters Gemini (creating our new story). 9.58 am Sun opposite Pluto (releasing the old that no longer serves)
    May 22- 1.57 am- Sun sextile Mars (new creative opportunities)
    May 24- 7.39 pm- Venus square Chiron (healing old wounds and release)
    May 26- 3.37 am- Venus sextile Uranus (breaking through to what is of true value)
    May 28- 6.46 am- Sun in Gemini square Saturn in Pisces (confusion regarding what is right for you)
    June 02- 6.42 pm- Venus trine Neptune (the fog clears)
    June 03- 11.42 pm- Sagittarius Full Moon (focus on your spiritual vision)
    June 05- 9.46 am- Venus enters Leo- 12.05 pm- Venus opposite Pluto (creative power at full force). Pay attention to messages from the Universe. Venus retrogrades July 22 at 28 degrees Leo reactivating the lessons of this Taurus New Moon cycle. She moves direct on Sept 03 at 12 degrees Leo. She enters Her Morning Star journey on Aug 13 at 20 degrees Leo (spiritual warrior guided by the compassionate heart). We will write more about the Venus journey in the near future.
    June 11- 5.47 am- Pluto retrogrades back into Capricorn (transformation of our Soul Purpose Path in the world). 6.27 am- Mercury enters Gemini (living our new story)
    On a personal note this post is a little late. We are having issues with our septic system. Different contractors have been coming to access the situation. It has been driving our two German Shepherds crazy. It is difficult to think. Astrology telephone sessions are still on hold.
    Thanks everyone for understanding,
    Namaste and blessings,
    To contact me e-mail at daleosadchuk@rogers.com

    CULCULCAN The Final Synthesis - isbn 978-0-9939480-0-8 Staff Member

    Longer you let your enemies controlling you, more difficult fighting back…
    The life become difficult when we don’t know the history , are indifferent about present , and afraid of the future …
    We are becoming the things that we give more attention and time…
    How are we contributing on shaping our present and the future , for ourselves , family , upcoming generations …
    You’re inside inner become your thinking..
    Your thinking becomes words…
    Your words become actions..
    Your actions will define, reflecting what you really are and will shape your existence…
    Shaping your existence, will impact your future and upcoming future generations…
    The future,
    Is up to us…

    Marius Malciu

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    CULCULCAN The Final Synthesis - isbn 978-0-9939480-0-8 Staff Member


    CULCULCAN The Final Synthesis - isbn 978-0-9939480-0-8 Staff Member

    Lisa E Zimmerman
    19 may 2023

    May 19 - Happy New Moon in Taurus at 8:53am PDT, the closing of the Eclipse wormhole,
    with the Moon exalted in Taurus, sign of values, fertility and satisfaction.

    A new beginning, with multiple layers of cosmic dynamics crossing paths to generate potential
    for new creations, paths and possibilities.

    There may be labor pains along the way, with significant let-gos if need be,
    but this is a major rebirth! Fertile ground, ripe and ready.

    Set your intentions, write them down and take actions toward what you want to create, increase,
    call in or develop on this New Moon, as the effects will be far-reaching.

    You are planting seeds for your future.

    May 19 - Mercury sextile Saturn helps you bring ideas into form, make decisions and agreements,
    is good for signing contracts, reading the fine print, making plans that last.

    Use this organizing energy well.

    May 20 - Mars in Leo thru July 10.

    The warrior planet is happy in visible, CEO Leo, where it can pursue its desires at full strength
    (following sensitive Cancer when it couldn't). Mars wants to make something happen
    and now it's ready to run the show!

    May 20 - Mars opposite Pluto, both square Jupiter.

    We've been feeling it, but now it's exact, and it's a clash of wills with different approaches
    - Mars is fast, Pluto has a long game and Jupiter inflates the dynamic.

    If you are in a power struggle or feel stuck, there's a lesson to learn
    or maybe you are clinging to something old that needs to go.

    If you feel pressured to change - what are you resisting?

    Don't be afraid of pressure points - this is where potential breakthroughs lie and new discoveries await you!

    Mars and Pluto working together can move mountains, and the goal is to align the energies
    and focus on a goal or what is calling you forward, probably beyond your familiar comfort zone
    onto a new path altogether.

    This can lead to a life-changing direction, decision or awakening.

    That's what we're doing now...
    life as we know it is changing.

    May 21 - The Sun enters friendly, curious, social Gemini and we light up with conversations,
    information, communications, and the desire to connect with others.

    This is mutable, flexible energy - and you never know who you'll meet
    or what you might learn that will inform a future creation, community or path.

    May 21 - Sun trine Pluto can present a solution to a dilemma or feeling of stuckness you encountered
    with Mars-Pluto, opening a clear pathway that you hadn't seen before.

    Or you access your power by utilizing your own gifts, strengths
    and talents in order to facilitate your growth and evolution.

    Stay awake and be open to being surprised!

    May 22 - Sun sextile Mars is enthusiastic, upbeat, full of ideas and ready to go!

    This is prime time for starting things, taking action with high energy - make those calls, reach out, just do it!

    May 23 - Mars square Jupiter can generate overconfidence, overspending, overpromising,
    overextending yourself or literally speeding.

    You can go unconscious with grand plans until you're faced with reality.

    Don't go overboard by being so passionate you lose touch with reality.

    Mars-Jupiter can also provide courage to handle a task or project you wouldn't normally attempt,
    allowing you to discover new strengths within you. Use judiciously and check in to see if you're aligned
    with your Authentic Self for your Highest Good
    - or if you've gone down the rabbit hole to ego gone wild (more, more, more!).

    May 24 - Venus square Chiron invites healing around your value(s), $$ or love,
    something you're aware of because the wound has been re-activated
    or because you've achieved a breakthrough, and therefore, a new level of mastery in your healing,
    maybe to help others.

    Whatever comes up, know that it has a purpose and I invite you to consider the effects on you
    and your life so you can be free.

    Nothing is random - everything is for your benefit and soul growth in Earth School.

    On this New Moon in Taurus, followed by the Sun in Gemini early on May 21,
    consider this a rebirth, and be open to where you are being led.

    Don't expect a familiar path, be open to creating from an inspired,
    innovative space that aligns with your inner values - what you love and what brings you true satisfaction.

    Be willing to see the world from a new perspective as you recreate your life.

    It's GO time, in a most beautiful, grounded way!

    As always, I am grateful for your presence on our journey together.

    "The entire universe loves me, serves me, nurtures me, and wants me to win." ~ Edwene Gaines
    Soul Level Solutions

    Marjorie Lipari
    As always I appreciate your insight and as always
    I send my love and my blessings to you a fellow traveler and a sacred sister. 2764. 1f483. 1f3b6.

    Lisa E Zimmerman
    thank you, dear Mudra. It's almost Gemini time, when the spotlight is on you! Sending love and blessings right back to you, my super-creative soul sister! 1f495. 1f31f. 1f337. 1f33f.

    CULCULCAN The Final Synthesis - isbn 978-0-9939480-0-8 Staff Member

    From Astrologer Mitchell Scott Lewis
    20 MAY 2023

    MARS ENTERS LEO: 2642. 1f981. 1f525. 2764.
    On Saturday May 20th at 11:31 A.M. EDT until July 10th at 7:40 A.M. EDT the planet of ego enters this Sun ruled sign.

    We will feel the urge to express our sense of individuality; the lion will feel the need to roar.

    This is a good placement for Mars as long as you don’t overdo it.

    It rules a fire sign (Aries) and feels at home in all of the fire signs.

    It brings a surge of energy, which if used in proactive ways can create a very positive atmosphere.

    People will be ambitious and forceful in their approach. Don’t take their assertiveness as negative.

    It’s only pushing against the restrictions that seem out of place to this transit.

    Mars doesn’t like restrictions and will tend to be a bit forceful against any situation that is limiting its actions.

    Expect an atmosphere of assertiveness and even some aggression.

    If you approach this consciously with your eyes open you’ll find it easier to avoid any unnecessary confrontations.

    If used properly this can be a period of great accomplishment.

    Be aware of the amount of force behind what we say and do, and this will be a month of expansion and success.

    But if you get too distracted you may overreact to what is only a life-force looking for a place to act.

    It’s not a time for passivity or avoidance.

    It’s a chance to confront your projects, relationships and goals in a proactive and direct way.

    Try to take advantage of it and you will look back on this as a very positive period.

    With Mars about to square Pluto this will begin with a bang, so be prepared.

    CULCULCAN The Final Synthesis - isbn 978-0-9939480-0-8 Staff Member

    Jennifer Hoffman

    This new moon is certainly creating waves. In the past 24 hours I have heard about
    3 relationships ending suddenly, without warning, due to ongoing issues that have been building up for years
    2 people who wanted to move and made the decision in one day and are moving in the next 2 weeks
    someone who decided to make a career change yesterday and quit their job which they have been unhappy in for decades ( I don't recommend that unless you are financially stable)
    And more
    this new moon of May 19 is a catalyst for change and transformation if you're ready (or maybe not). But if you have been putting off making a change or a decision, or it's time for you to get out of a situation that is not good for you, it may just end in spite of your efforts.
    Be prepared for change because this new moon energy lasts for the next 30 days and longer since the Pluto square the nodes is going to last for the next 3 to 4 months.
    How are you experiencing this new moon? It has been a real source of change for me too.


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    Mia Lou

    • Sooo relieved it’s lasting for 30 or more days!! 1f929. 1f389.
      Especially since yesterday was particularly frustrating (today was much better
      but I didn’t have time to focus on manifesting).
      I’ve been in need of a big career/money shift I am somewhat of a fledgling in my chosen field,
      proofreading/editing/content writing.
      For years, I waa mostly a stay-at-home mom, as well as a homeschool teacher
      with little time or energy to devote to working.
      My kids are teens and in school now, my husband is supporting us
      and I’ve been trying to find some gigs these past few weeks
      (yes, during Mercury Retrograde, which may not have been the greatest use of my energy, lol)
      - and I’ve run into a few opportunities that have led nowhere…
      So, all that to say, I’m super happy for this extended opportunity of “ripe” energy!! 1f497. 1f64f_1f3fd.

      • Jennifer Hoffman
        Put yourself on fiverr and on upwork, reach out to authors
        on facebook groups and people who teach author courses.

        • Jennifer Hoffman
          And don't ignore the homeschool space, you can create programs
          and courses for homeschool parents - it's the fastest growing market today.

    • Sandie Milne Pott
      Yes so much change … resigned from my job … new beginnings 1f60d. 2764.

    CULCULCAN The Final Synthesis - isbn 978-0-9939480-0-8 Staff Member

    Ruby Falconer

    May 21, 2023 – Sun in Gemini
    Flexible, fluid, and curious, the air sign Gemini is always on the move.

    Gemini is the ultimate multi-tasker, capable of moving with grace and ease from one project to another.

    In its shadow, this sign can take on too much, resulting in a feeling of overwhelm and even panic.

    In the language of Shamanic Egyptian Astrology, Gemini is allied with The Sphinx.

    The Sphinx is a hybrid, half one creature and half another.

    In traditional astrology, the symbol for Gemini is the twins, which alludes to the dual nature of these natives.

    The Great Sphinx of Giza is an Earth Altar, as are many structures at sacred sites around the world.

    An altar functions as an intermediary between Heaven and Earth,
    pulling down information from the Great Star Nations and disseminating it on Earth.

    In this image we find the higher mission of those with Gemini strong in their charts.

    Gemini individuals are the writers, teachers, and communicators of our world.

    These people receive downloads of information that is meant to be shared.

    They are walking Earth Altars, their antenna stretching up to the stars to receive information
    which they then pass on to others.

    Not only does Gemini receive information from above, they also receive information from the Earth;
    information that is meant to be sent up to The Great Star Nations.

    In this way, these people serve as bridges between Heaven and Earth.

    It is important for Gemini individuals to ground.

    When their energy is deeply planted in the Earth, they find it easier to make a connection
    with the Great Above.

    Without that dual connection, they can feel like what they are receiving is static,
    and the feeling of overwhelm will follow.

    The Sun will transit though Gemini/The Sphinx from May 21 to June 21, 2023

    May 21, 2023,
    by Ruby Falconer.

    Available for chart readings. www.shamanicstarology.com.
    Image: Great Sphinx and Pyramids, Artist Unknown
    “Shamanic Egyptian Astrology; Your Planetary Relationship to the Gods” by Ruby Falconer & Linda Star Wolf.
    #astrology #ShamanicStarology #ShamanicEgyptianAstrology #SuninGemini #TheSphinx

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