The Wisdom of Emenv aka Dennis Binns aka Nighthawk

Discussion in 'Ancient and Original Native and Tribal Prophecies' started by CULCULCAN, Oct 13, 2014.


    CULCULCAN The Final Synthesis - isbn 978-0-9939480-0-8 Staff Member

    Dennis Binns
    6m ยท

    A Pondering Moment

    Be autonomous, be sovereign, stop relying on others to tell you things.

    You be you and stop listening to those that tell you what you should eat, drink, live,
    raise your children, believe, etc.

    Government was not set up to do that, but people have become lazy
    and relied too heavily upon those officials you supposedly elected.

    News flash! We went through the motions, but they already had selected who would fill what seat.

    When people stated years ago that elections were rigged, they were right.

    From the very beginning this has been true.

    How many of our "elected" leaders were/are Khazarian mafia
    [those that say they are Jews but are not]?

    How many were embedded in secret societies like Skull and Bones and Freemasons?

    All were hand-
    picked puppets of the one percent.

    You may think all of this is conspiracy theorizing, and ten years ago,
    I would have agreed with you, to a point.

    But the Creator awakened me to reality.

    I'm no longer in the quagmire of enslavement.

    Once I realized that history was not what we were told, and I started looked into it more,
    I began to figure out that much of what we call reality, really isn't.

    It may surprise most that the Creator guides me and shows me certain rabbit holes to go down.

    The horrors I have seen, I can't unsee.

    The suppression of patents are numerous, all underground and being used by
    the elite.

    Food, clothing, cities, etc. all underground, along with some very undesirable characters you don't ever want to cross paths with.

    Then there are the patents on vaccines and viruses,
    like AIDS, that are owned by one man.

    Ask yourself why someone would need a patent on vaccines, by the way.

    But I digress. We all have allowed ourselves to be
    controlled, not by a few years, but for centuries.

    Religion itself was promulgated to instill fear and enslavement.

    When all along we should have been following a more spiritual path.

    It may even surprise people to know that Yeshua was actually brought up as an Essene.

    That one branch of "religion" [for lack of a better word] that was never discussed in the scriptures.

    My challenge to most is
    this: take a week out of your usual traveling vacations, holiday shopping, etc. and look into things like

    1. Why does Disney animation have sexually suggestive art in all of their cartoons?

    2. Why have all of the highly
    efficient transportation vehicles been placed underground for a select few?

    3. Why do so many celebs cover one eye in photoshoots?

    4. Why do so many openly show you upside down crosses these days?

    5. Last but
    not least, how could planes topple high-rise buildings, pentagon, and building 7 in Manhattan that wasn't even touched by a plane?

    Look up government programs [C_A] like Projects Blue Beam, Paperclip, MKUltra, and much more.
    I promise you, once you step out of that proverbial box you were placed in, you're going to be amazed at what
    you see.


    CULCULCAN The Final Synthesis - isbn 978-0-9939480-0-8 Staff Member

    Great Spirit, we gather together to offer up many thanks.
    We thank you for all of our relations and the lessons they bring us each day.
    We thank you for our animal friends that help to guide us and bring us joy.
    We thank you for the soaring of eagles and other fliers that watch over us.
    We thank you for the guidance provided by those in the Spirit World
    that continue to lead us toward the accomplishing of our purpose.
    We ask for enlightenment towards natural cures as opposed to man-made pharmaceuticals.
    May we begin to use that which you have provided, in order to bring about healthier people.
    We ask for guidance and unwavering strength for those that stand against the injustice of governments.
    We ask for an end to hatred, greed, racism and materialistic lust found throughout the four corners.
    We ask instead for them to be replaced with love and peace.
    We ask for guidance each day as we continue along our paths.
    We ask for divine intervention to bring about peace throughout the lands and bring about an end to all wars.
    We thank you for our elders as they continue to bring wisdom to our lessons.
    May we continue to honor them as we should.
    We thank you for our children that bring us lessons long forgotten.
    We thank you for our daily food and ask for its blessing.
    We thank you for the gift of life and the spirit that connects all living things together. So, it is. So shall it be.

    CULCULCAN The Final Synthesis - isbn 978-0-9939480-0-8 Staff Member

    Dennis Binns
    We all have been given a unique path by the Creator.

    Many seek to find their true reason for existence, others simply exist.

    For each path we have been through many trials, a crossroad of sorts if you will,
    at which we make our choices of which to follow.

    Our spirit learns and grows during each trial we face.

    It is difficult at times, to be sure. But we must learn how to overcome; how to forgive; and how to love.

    Once we have done this we move on to the next, until our lessons are complete for this life.

    Many seem to get stuck on certain trials and become bitter
    and have not truly learned to overcome.

    It took some time for me, to be sure.

    I have been through the some of the most difficult trials and have overcome.

    I have been through sexual abuse, psychological abuse, abandonment as a child
    and left in an orphanage until learning the meaning of what a family
    truly is supposed to be like during my adolescent years.

    I learned that not everyone is the same and that there are those
    that have the ability to show love and discipline.

    I've gone through homelessness, hunger,
    being hunted by predators after leaving my foster home.

    But I survived. I went through the military that taught me discipline
    and how not to expect to receive all that I desired.

    I learned to forgive myself and those that have done me harm.

    During all of this, I have learned wisdom that carried me through my remaining years
    and have learned to give back to those that were in need. I survived and I am complete.

    I pray many of you have learned to overcome and have become better for it.

    Some of you, I suspect, are still stuck in bitterness and have not moved forward as you should.

    I pray that if this is you, that you take some time to reflect on your life and come to the realization
    that we all have a purpose, and there is no obstacle too big that we cannot overcome.

    Understand that you are loved, or you would not be here.

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