8th Wonder Of The World = Sigiriya, A Temple Reaching For The Stars

Discussion in 'Ancient Archaeology and New Discoveries' started by CULCULCAN, May 19, 2023.


    CULCULCAN The Final Synthesis - isbn 978-0-9939480-0-8 Staff Member

      • Andrew Panken
        Ela Nata The entire fornation is megalithic?
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        • 1d

        • Ela Nata
          Andrew Panken yes. See my photos and think about it. Baked up megalithic structures after asteroid collision 1f4a5. . Just like Petra, Sedona, Utah even Table Mountain. The Asian Tempels are BC and not AD as they presume. They are contemporary to the baked up structures all over the world. There is no mountain straight up as a wall or pyramidal. We assume it is naturally formed relief but it is not.

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          • 21h
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        • Jenna Haas Sparks
          Ela Nata I disagree. Megalithic means human-built structures. The rock formations you’ve shown from Utah, Sedona, and Saudi Arabia are natural.. not man-made, 1f645. and not from asteroids 1f923.

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          • 19h

        • Olof Pettersson
          Andrew Panken Of course not but I'm sure Ela will never give up the fantasy.

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          • 17h

      • Ela Nata

        =AZWZFp0of1dZ9nNZz6Jeuf7osnzPKjYQ9negQOemdttUBJA1KJ7PArwNHbYP-W2pKyBpyeIKTLMCWXp6Jhg6RNSqTKk285MYCkkZmmZVBfHE_sBSgilpd30izB-x8jqvo3vRfPi9p3PdUKkRJ585Fyt2L0nPUFlll5riaLbtvC-HMa-6nBuqb7Qs98za8eMC5Vs&__tn__=R]-R'] g_p480x480&_nc_cat=110&ccb=1-7&_nc_sid=dbeb18&_nc_ohc=JdiavGWfDscAX8pbkGB&_nc_ht=scontent-yyz1-1.

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        • 21h

      • Ela Nata

        =AZWZFp0of1dZ9nNZz6Jeuf7osnzPKjYQ9negQOemdttUBJA1KJ7PArwNHbYP-W2pKyBpyeIKTLMCWXp6Jhg6RNSqTKk285MYCkkZmmZVBfHE_sBSgilpd30izB-x8jqvo3vRfPi9p3PdUKkRJ585Fyt2L0nPUFlll5riaLbtvC-HMa-6nBuqb7Qs98za8eMC5Vs&__tn__=R]-R'] g_p480x480&_nc_cat=109&ccb=1-7&_nc_sid=dbeb18&_nc_ohc=AC3kpkyvIM0AX85mYeq&_nc_ht=scontent-yyz1-1.

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        • 21h

      • Ela Nata

        =AZWZFp0of1dZ9nNZz6Jeuf7osnzPKjYQ9negQOemdttUBJA1KJ7PArwNHbYP-W2pKyBpyeIKTLMCWXp6Jhg6RNSqTKk285MYCkkZmmZVBfHE_sBSgilpd30izB-x8jqvo3vRfPi9p3PdUKkRJ585Fyt2L0nPUFlll5riaLbtvC-HMa-6nBuqb7Qs98za8eMC5Vs&__tn__=R]-R'] g_p480x480&_nc_cat=106&ccb=1-7&_nc_sid=dbeb18&_nc_ohc=RA66XoFsYigAX9MTd9j&_nc_ht=scontent-yyz1-1.

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        • 21h

      • Ela Nata

        =AZWZFp0of1dZ9nNZz6Jeuf7osnzPKjYQ9negQOemdttUBJA1KJ7PArwNHbYP-W2pKyBpyeIKTLMCWXp6Jhg6RNSqTKk285MYCkkZmmZVBfHE_sBSgilpd30izB-x8jqvo3vRfPi9p3PdUKkRJ585Fyt2L0nPUFlll5riaLbtvC-HMa-6nBuqb7Qs98za8eMC5Vs&__tn__=R]-R'] g_p480x480&_nc_cat=105&ccb=1-7&_nc_sid=dbeb18&_nc_ohc=YuHyc_U1IPgAX9wCeHL&_nc_ht=scontent-yyz1-1.

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        • 21h

      • Ela Nata

        =AZWZFp0of1dZ9nNZz6Jeuf7osnzPKjYQ9negQOemdttUBJA1KJ7PArwNHbYP-W2pKyBpyeIKTLMCWXp6Jhg6RNSqTKk285MYCkkZmmZVBfHE_sBSgilpd30izB-x8jqvo3vRfPi9p3PdUKkRJ585Fyt2L0nPUFlll5riaLbtvC-HMa-6nBuqb7Qs98za8eMC5Vs&__tn__=R]-R'] g_p480x480&_nc_cat=102&ccb=1-7&_nc_sid=dbeb18&_nc_ohc=Yck0TvbVP0kAX-za7mN&_nc_ht=scontent-yyz1-1.

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        • 21h

        • Jason Mundy
          Prambanan is in Java, not India. Built brick by brick.
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          • 16h

      • Ela Nata

        =AZWZFp0of1dZ9nNZz6Jeuf7osnzPKjYQ9negQOemdttUBJA1KJ7PArwNHbYP-W2pKyBpyeIKTLMCWXp6Jhg6RNSqTKk285MYCkkZmmZVBfHE_sBSgilpd30izB-x8jqvo3vRfPi9p3PdUKkRJ585Fyt2L0nPUFlll5riaLbtvC-HMa-6nBuqb7Qs98za8eMC5Vs&__tn__=R]-R'] g_p480x480&_nc_cat=104&ccb=1-7&_nc_sid=dbeb18&_nc_ohc=XFFieB0UoO4AX-59rhY&_nc_ht=scontent-yyz1-1.

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        • 21h

      • Ela Nata

        =AZWZFp0of1dZ9nNZz6Jeuf7osnzPKjYQ9negQOemdttUBJA1KJ7PArwNHbYP-W2pKyBpyeIKTLMCWXp6Jhg6RNSqTKk285MYCkkZmmZVBfHE_sBSgilpd30izB-x8jqvo3vRfPi9p3PdUKkRJ585Fyt2L0nPUFlll5riaLbtvC-HMa-6nBuqb7Qs98za8eMC5Vs&__tn__=R]-R'] g_p480x480&_nc_cat=104&ccb=1-7&_nc_sid=dbeb18&_nc_ohc=q9Q_0R0yHTYAX8FtAMS&_nc_ht=scontent-yyz1-1.

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        • 21h

      • Ela Nata

        =AZWZFp0of1dZ9nNZz6Jeuf7osnzPKjYQ9negQOemdttUBJA1KJ7PArwNHbYP-W2pKyBpyeIKTLMCWXp6Jhg6RNSqTKk285MYCkkZmmZVBfHE_sBSgilpd30izB-x8jqvo3vRfPi9p3PdUKkRJ585Fyt2L0nPUFlll5riaLbtvC-HMa-6nBuqb7Qs98za8eMC5Vs&__tn__=R]-R'] g_p480x480&_nc_cat=106&ccb=1-7&_nc_sid=dbeb18&_nc_ohc=3D0uhdfDljMAX8iT1LD&_nc_ht=scontent-yyz1-1.

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        • 21h

      • Ela Nata

        =AZWZFp0of1dZ9nNZz6Jeuf7osnzPKjYQ9negQOemdttUBJA1KJ7PArwNHbYP-W2pKyBpyeIKTLMCWXp6Jhg6RNSqTKk285MYCkkZmmZVBfHE_sBSgilpd30izB-x8jqvo3vRfPi9p3PdUKkRJ585Fyt2L0nPUFlll5riaLbtvC-HMa-6nBuqb7Qs98za8eMC5Vs&__tn__=R]-R'] g_p480x480&_nc_cat=105&ccb=1-7&_nc_sid=dbeb18&_nc_ohc=WBpqMN63nPwAX_A9rl7&_nc_ht=scontent-yyz1-1.

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        • 21h

      • Ela Nata

        =AZWZFp0of1dZ9nNZz6Jeuf7osnzPKjYQ9negQOemdttUBJA1KJ7PArwNHbYP-W2pKyBpyeIKTLMCWXp6Jhg6RNSqTKk285MYCkkZmmZVBfHE_sBSgilpd30izB-x8jqvo3vRfPi9p3PdUKkRJ585Fyt2L0nPUFlll5riaLbtvC-HMa-6nBuqb7Qs98za8eMC5Vs&__tn__=R]-R'] g_p480x480&_nc_cat=109&ccb=1-7&_nc_sid=dbeb18&_nc_ohc=zqyq17ie4HIAX8G7EVo&_nc_ht=scontent-yyz1-1.

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        • 21h

      • Kushalchand Pareek
        Ela Nata ancient time God of Indian times shree Lanka king rawan with bettel if you want full story of this topic please read tha book ramayan writer balmiki
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        • 16h

    • Jeremy Cartrette
      Cool. Built on a tree stump

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      • 15h

    • Tom Harrington
      Thats one big tree stump!

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      • 2d

    • Anne McDonald
      Thank you for this story. Brilliant

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      • 1d

    • Linda Black
      I climbed to the top 20 years ago. It is hard work but well worth it. A fascinating site and stunning views from the palace at the top. I didn't think I needed a guide but was grateful to have one in the end.

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      • 2d

    • David Stanford
      Been there 1980. Wish I had taken pictures.

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    • Karen Macdonald
      Sri Lanka

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      • 1d

    • Fabio Fortuna
      I visited this place climbing to the top... in 1985... I was 27 then

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      • 1d

    • Barbara Mcgowan
      Wowhow neat! Is That a swimming hole??

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      • 14h

    • Jason Sharp
      I had a dream about this place not too long ago.

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      • 1d

    • Simon Holton
      Been there done that

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      • 1d

    • Lockwig Humphrey van Mohoven
      Can’t be conquered. Guy who sat out a siege came down to a duel and got killed.

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      • 2d

    • Mario Dieringer
      I wish I could live at a place like this one!

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      • 2d

    • Elaine Johnson-Remily
      Absolutely amazing! 1f917.

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    • Cheryl Cruse
      Beautiful place well worth the climb to the top

    CULCULCAN The Final Synthesis - isbn 978-0-9939480-0-8 Staff Member


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