#todays Hidden #meme Of #truth

Discussion in 'FOR THE ELECTS SAKE ~ Mikael Howerton' started by CULCULCAN, Nov 22, 2021.


    CULCULCAN The Final Synthesis - isbn 978-0-9939480-0-8 Staff Member

    Joe Eigo says:

    Jesus was hated for speaking truth and the narcissists targeted him for it.

    Don't feel bad if the world hates you for speaking truth
    because a true Christian is a spiritual warrior.


    CULCULCAN The Final Synthesis - isbn 978-0-9939480-0-8 Staff Member


    CULCULCAN The Final Synthesis - isbn 978-0-9939480-0-8 Staff Member

    Mikael Howerton
    6m ·

    For all intents and purposes, our goal is to hold up the foundation that the FATHER has given to us to protect.

    We are to become more effective at spreading the truth than our enemies
    are at spreading lies during this present 5G Warfare situation.

    Contrary to what many might think, it is not necessary to be a well-recognized influencer to do this.

    Instead, what’s necessary is the ability to discern the facts of your surroundings and then communicate them to others
    —even if your audience is just one or two people.

    To be a truly effective Digital Soldier doesn’t require you to become a tireless extrovert if that’s not your “thing”
    —it does require that you are well-informed and good at effectively communicating your knowledge
    to receptive people when the opportunity calls for it.

    It's not necessary to win any internet-based popularity contests to be of vital service to the Great Awakening
    —in many cases , it’s better to operate anonymously.

    We each have our own talents to contribute here, and there’s no one-size-fits-all “way” to be a Digital Soldier.

    But there IS one unifying goal around which we must learn to organize in a self-selected capacity.

    That goal is to restore America to Greatness.

    What is America but its character.

    Each of you must manifest integerty of charactor. Each must lead by example. Actions speak louder then words.

    You will know my children by their fruits!

    This means, among other things, a return to the true Rule of Law based on the elemental foundations
    of law made explicit in the Declaration of Independence—put another way, a return to a God-centric view
    of both the law itself and its ultimate purpose. (See my article on God and the Declaration of Independence for more on this).

    A renaissance in situational awareness

    (particularly of civic awareness) needs to take place amongst the people
    —and it is feasible to bring this about when we counter the corrosive forces of the controlled media.

    Though mainstream culture has been socially engineered to automatically dismiss “conspiracy theorists”,
    mainstream media has seen its widespread respect and prestige practically vaporize into nothingness,
    thus paving the way for “conspiracy theorists” to ascend to prominence.

    In many ways, there has never been a better time to be a “citizen journalist” (whether anonymous or not) than today.

    While it’s true that many people blindly follow their “preferred” authorities without question,
    it’s also true that most people rebel against the notion that their destinies and choices are not their own
    —this can be used as a leverage point for helping people wrest themselves from the mental captivity
    of modern consumerist, apathetic society. Even without directly communicating with others face to face,
    Digital Soldiers are in a position to shake many people’s faith in the mainstream, thus freeing them
    from the grips of its many false narratives.

    Many people take it for granted that the world
    runs more or less the way they’ve been told …
    until something changes their mind.

    YOU can be the one to create that “something” that makes the difference
    for someone else.

    (You don’t even need to make a Youtube channel to do this
    —a well-considered comment in the right place can work wonders.)

    The Mentality of an Effective 5G Digital Soldier

    They say that a lie will travel halfway across the world before the truth even has the opportunity
    to put its shoes on. But is that truly so?

    It may only seem that way because America’s enemies have captured many of our institutions,
    notably the media, which are responsible for creating an artificial support and propagation network
    for weaponized narratives and outright lies.

    Nonetheless, all lies eventually perish, just as surely
    as a building without a foundation is doomed to crumble,
    sooner or later.

    The only questions are: when it will happen, and what will be the collateral damage?

    There’s a reason for this: truth is a force of nature.

    Any structure that lacks a solid foundation based upon truth will crumble eventually
    —just like a house without a foundation. From a certain angle, narratives are nothing more
    than linguistic constructs; and the lasting-power of a narrative
    is dependent upon how well it conforms to reality.

    This principle applies even to fictional tales that continue to be told for many generations
    —fictional stories still derive their lasting-power from their relevance to reality.

    If you think about it: no one cares that much about stories
    that don’t offer any illumination regarding things
    that are important to people

    —such as relationships, the nature of God and existence, war and peace,
    the meaning of love, and things of that nature.

    Consider the possibility that Q invited you to co-author one of the greatest stories of history
    —the story of the “anonymous” masses of forgotten men and women
    who learned how to outmaneuver
    the entrenched powers of the world
    in order to rescue their great nation and thwart worldwide evil.

    In the process, we’ve learned more about ourselves, about existence,
    and about God than we ever knew we could.

    Among other things, we’re learning how to be team players
    in the midst of a novel set of circumstances
    never before experienced in human history.

    Though tyranny and oppression have been with us since the dawn of recorded history,

    at no point has the potential for full-spectrum enslavement been so great
    —at the same time, the nature of combat has morphed into something
    never before experienced by anybody.

    5G war is hypnosis-based war—because it's a war over the subconscious disposition
    of mankind just as much as it’s a war on information.

    In other words, the war is not merely for your resources or even your beliefs
    (though those things are being sought too), it’s a war over your entire way of being.

    To be kind and well-informed in a world that wants you to be careless
    and ignorant is to participate in 5G war on the side of good
    —whether people realize it or not.

    To play one’s part humbly and for the right reasons
    is to possess the sort of integrity that no Deep State player
    can claim for themselves.


    CULCULCAN The Final Synthesis - isbn 978-0-9939480-0-8 Staff Member

    Mikael Howerton
    36m ·

    My beloveds, don't stop your praying, for it is your prayers that have rekindled your hope!

    Just think seven years ago, most of you had given up hope!

    The more of you who turn back to the thoughts of the FATHER
    and ask for his guidance and seek his will, he will once again bless what he gave you,
    but if you choose not to seek his thoughts, then what has been given shall be taken!

    You have but 5/120th the time remaining that was given to Noah!

    Then all that are tares shall remain tares and all that are wheat shall remain wheat!

    Remember it is the tares who are removed first!

    The first on the scene, who shows wonders is not what most will think him to be!

    Remember the first will come last, who among you will remember that,
    but he that shall endure unto the end, the same shall be saved!

    Shall love endure hate?

    Shall love seek to flee hate?

    Will hate extinguish love? Will water flee fire?

    Will fire extinguish water?

    Hate can only consume what water allows it to! If water withdraws itself from any portion,
    it will be affected by the fire.

    Likewise the FATHER'S thoughts are the water
    that will protect you from the fire that is Satan's thoughts!

    I love you all, you are not alone!!!!!

    2764. WWG1WGA

    remember in order to receive (A) you must first seek (Q) 1f441.

    CULCULCAN The Final Synthesis - isbn 978-0-9939480-0-8 Staff Member


    My Beloveds, as evil surrounds us on all sides,
    it will be now, that each must decide !
    What will you stand for ?
    Will it be for anger or compassion ?
    Will it be by force or choice ?
    Know what you are up against !!!!!
    To win the war, you must know how you want to be, don't get pulled into being that which you
    don't want to be!
    More then any other time!!!!!
    Be what you would like others to be.
    You are not alone!!
    Those that have already won the war will be stepping center stage
    to show how to get evil and anger to flee, by example.

    Love you all stand strong.
    ~Mikael Howerton

    CULCULCAN The Final Synthesis - isbn 978-0-9939480-0-8 Staff Member


    CULCULCAN The Final Synthesis - isbn 978-0-9939480-0-8 Staff Member


    CULCULCAN The Final Synthesis - isbn 978-0-9939480-0-8 Staff Member


    CULCULCAN The Final Synthesis - isbn 978-0-9939480-0-8 Staff Member


    CULCULCAN The Final Synthesis - isbn 978-0-9939480-0-8 Staff Member


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