Help Me Remember the Love i Am I think there's a whole team working on this one . . . Who and what I am . . Grace you find in remembering me Every name or description of myself is a metaphor and approximates what really is. This is because I am an infinite being in a tangible, finite, bounded world . . . These are feelings that point to what I am that are true and real but cannot be seen . . . I am the Earth. It feels like home -- the love, being whole, being complete. It feels like home because I am this. I am the light, the love, the body and the source. I am these things for there is no other. There is just me and no other. I am the wind, the waters, the Earth, the sun. They are always in my heart and through them I am. Anchored and grounded this feeling is. I connect in love Heaven and Earth, above and below, but I have neither shape nor form, The edgy quivering alive feeling of Presence this is. I Am That I Am. I am the love, a spark of a common fire shared by all -- in the whole and in the part because there is really only one. The feeling of Earth this is . . .
The frequency of I AM Presence vibration of love & being fully present Sensation: light exploding from chest Feeling: being sexually alive Intention: letting things fill out without help from me This is a vibration of love — the love in us and in Earth — fully and directly through the physical. It feels like fire exploding inside — an alive quivering feeling — sexual, creative, passionate, instinctual — to taste and touch, being one with. It is what we do — the frequency we embody — to love fully and directly. I AM Presence (who we really are) has aspects. We call them souls. Soul has personalities. We call them gods. Q How on Earth can we remember who we are with so many of us amok? A We gently go to our INTRINSIC FREQUENCY (what feels close to what is genuine, authentic & real right now at this moment) and let things play out — releasing ourselves to the love and wisdom — trying best not to interfere. Mother Earth Cupola (ISS module) Within Mother Earth there exist 4 primordial vibrations — earth, sun, water and fire. It’s just one vibration; they exist within each other. We know them as the elements; they resonate in our heart. Within I AM Presence exist each of the four. EARTH FIRE Keywords: home, center, love Power: to embody Divine Love Sensation: a stillness resonating from my throat What: my heart, my eternity, my stillness Feeling: It’s loving who I am, I AM Presence. I call the feeling the Quiet and the Still. I choose to embody this when a door to something new opens. It’s standing in the rain, not caring, walking in a forest, just being. EARTH WATERS Keywords: allowing, letting, fluidity Power: to embody Divine Unity Sensation: being in the shower What: abundance and energy flowing freely Feeling: It’s enjoying being who I am, opening my heart to life — the magic, the beautiful, the sexy — to the ebb and flow of sun, moon and all those I love. EARTH WIND Keywords: spirit, life, breath Power: To create Sensation: heat in my groin What: my breath, my life, my soul, being alive. Feeling: It’s enjoying being alive. It’s a sexy feeling and feels like heat — creating life now, at this moment -- soul, spirit and breath -- a life, being, and world. My body thrills, resonates with things I know but cannot see. EARTH SUN Keywords: sourceness, beacon, rock Power: To be Sensation: heat in my chest What: my source, my beacon, my being. Feeling: It’s loving what I cannot see or touch (that part comes later). This love is loving ourselves before there is anything. This is loving before-we-are-born-love. This is loving the eternal in us.