Principles 6 - Beauty

Discussion in 'Principles' started by Jorgelito, Mar 31, 2014.

  1. Jorgelito

    Jorgelito ¡Olé!

    A Way of Love

    The way of love

    For sure, there are many ways to find love (that is, to create it in ourselves). These ways come to mind. Through . . .

    Presence .....being the love
    Light ............seeing the love
    Joy ..............moved by the love
    Freedom .....being true to the love
    Gratitude .....responding to the love

    Responding to Beauty is something I can understand. It’s how I picked my mate. The Navajos call this method Hózhó.

    It's why I visit the ocean and why I breathe deep and slow when I'm troubled. It's not unlike being with someone we love; we make mind, body and soul open and free to be with that person. As we do this, we radiate something beautiful.

    What we create has many names (love, light and a whole bunch more I'm sure), but we actually only create one thing -- what we are -- that fills the universe . . .


    Note. There’s really only one way in love. That’s why each way incorporates all the others; and why all the different ways are in each way. Sounds very Chinese. But to my Navajo friend at Home Depot, it’s as plain as day.
    Last edited: Apr 8, 2015
  2. Jorgelito

    Jorgelito ¡Olé!

    setting the parameters of inquiry


    What is love anyway? I sense its presence. I feel as if I know what it is, but my mind is in the dark. A mystery. I need a breadcrumb. It's like funnelling something big -- galaxies. universes -- into sometinng small like fingers and toes. Like squishing a star intio a pebble and back again.

    I need to go beyond the metaphor business. I speak of it as if I know, but I don't. I look for a view that is simple and self-evident. Interesting complexities can always be added later. Just another word for it will probably not be sufficient.

    I need to know it like the back my hand. So well as to be able to use words, pictures, metaphors, experience, understanding, music, art, poetry, anything that's available to nail it. This is the plan. This would be excellent!

    I listen to this over and over (it makes me cry :)) When I write something down over and over something clicks. Maybe it will work for this vidoe clip.

    Last edited: Feb 28, 2015
  3. Jorgelito

    Jorgelito ¡Olé!

    Love is being in the moment
    discovering the eternal now inside us


    Loving our mate, our job or who we are is discovering the eternal now inside us. There are energies -- the things and people we love -- that act as keys that unlock the love, the eternal now, inside us. When we breathe them in, we breathe out the love inside us. This is their gift. The eternal now is our real home. When we want to go there, we go to the present.

    As things get cloudy, unclear and blurry -- and we're not sure of anything -- the path back to the present is simply to respond to the present. The form is inconsequential. We remember that this is a play in which we are actors. In this play we remember how to return to the present. In this play we choose is be whole, conscious and alive.

    It might mean reading a love letter over and over, touching things that touch us, looking at the wind move through maple leaves for hours. As we do this, life and color begin to fill the outline, the matrix of our heart -- like coloring a coloring book. Repetition of a thread that feels true or interesting will do this. Like writing something on the blackboard a hundred times!


    As an example, when I listen to this video again and again, something inside me gets stronger, more infused with life and fills the spaces of my heart with a vibrancy . . .

    Last edited: Feb 28, 2015

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