Q & A By Abraxasinas And The Council Of Thuban

Discussion in 'Thuban Project Avalon' started by shiloh za-rah, Apr 12, 2014.

  1. Allisiam

    Allisiam Well-Known Member

    post_old. 01-05-2010, 06:06 AM #88

    THE eXchanger
    Avalon Senior Member

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    icon1. Re: The Occult Reptilian Agenda and the Council of Thuban

    We were invited, to a private yahoogroup,
    quite awhile ago, thru "M", who also posts here,
    a new member, of PA/PC, and, a long term online friend,
    for over 6 years, and, we read, a lot of the postings,
    from abraxasinas yahoogroup...although,
    that is NOT the name of the group
    (if iT is one he shares, it is up to him to share it)
    for some strange reasons,
    many of the things, they talked about,
    simply set off brain synapes/or triggers,
    we oft times, would go,
    NOW, there is a piece of a puzzle,
    now, how do we integrate it, into our own thinking,
    and, we must have 50+ stored emails,
    that, we were going to share with that group,
    although, we thought, without a full formula,
    they might think, we were 'crazy' or 'nuts'
    so, what we would do, is read, what they were writing,
    and, then, we would take it to bed,
    and, ask, to dream on it,
    for, 1 hr, a night ~ strange things, started to occur,
    we would know things, we NEVER studied,
    and, this would fit, with that, and, it was really quite interesting
    ~oft times, we would need to read things,
    once, or twice, to get a flavour/and, sense of it,
    and, then, the 3rd time thru iT, something would click,
    we still do NOT understand, all of it, but, we will say this,
    iT iS definitely intriguing !!!
    We adopted a policy, if we do NOT understand something,
    we ask ~ and, if we do NOT really get something,
    we ask, to be held in 100% alignment, with our own purposes/missions/ and,
    tasks ~ and, we ask, to dream on it, for further clarification.
    We are NOT sure, if any of the rest of you, utilise this technique,
    but, iT iS ONE, that has allowed us,
    to utilise dream_tyme, for more than just a beauty rest !!!
    THANK YOU abraxasinas, for your sharings.

    flowers2. Love/Susan ~ The eXchanger flowers2.

    "BRiNGiNG iT BACK to The Round...
    "Will it to be...so, it will be...and, so iT iS ...13" wub2.
    Last edited by a moderator: Feb 11, 2015
  2. Allisiam

    Allisiam Well-Known Member

    post_old. 01-05-2010, 06:57 AM #89


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    icon1. Re: The Occult Reptilian Agenda and the Council of Thuban

    Hi magamud!

    1a) The very simple archetype is this and perhaps known from childhood stories.
    There is a white angel sitting on everyones right shoulder whispering 'good things' into your right ear.
    On the 'sinister' left there sits a dark demon who whispers 'bad' temptations into your left ear.
    The whisperers 'confuse' the recipient of the whisperings and the master of the 'angels' as 'God' battles over the 'soul' of the whispered to with the master of the 'demons' called the 'Devil'.

    The 'war' continues until the soul realises that the 'war' is not necessary.
    The soul simply introduces the white innocence of the angel to the dark lustfulness or desires of the demon and begins a 'wedding ceremony'.
    "With my authority of choosing to listen to any whispers as I please - I herewith define that both of you shall find the other irresistably attractive and your mischieveousness of attempting to influence my thoughts and actions shall herwith and henceforth be substituted by my presence as the 'Lake of Fire and Brimsone'.
    The maleness within both of you I define to be the brimstone and the femaleness in both of you I define to be the Fire with me the encompassing Lake of Fiery Hellish passion of the bodyparticle as well as the Lake of Icy Cold Heavenly passion of the wavemind.

    2. The present classification of 'mental disease' has never been clinically established; rendering psychiatry the greatest misappropriation of medicinal science in the history of modern man.
    The universe is multidimensional and so becomes a kaleidoscope of interwoven fractals and holograms in a tapestry of geometric interconnectedness and quantum entanglement.

    Much of the drama in so called 'mental institutions' is caused by the selfsame drugs and 'treatments' said to 'treat' the 'patient'.

    If someone says: 'The devil made me do it'; then a truly advanced civilization would analyse and explore the notion and identity of this 'individually experienced devil' in the most meticulous detail, before 'judging' the claimant as having a 'mental illness'.

    Is this 'devil' a thoughtform created by the mental conditioning of the claimant through childhood exposure to cultural practices?
    Has this 'devil idea' been 'implanted as a false memory' in the claimant?
    Has the claiment been subjected to some sort of 'abduction experience' where the 'devil' assumed some physicalised concretization?
    etc. etc.

    3. Your intuition is 'spot on'. The 'oldest energy' of all is visiting; is 'Coming Home'.

    The oldest energy is that existing before the physical universe was born. The universe has a biovital structure like found in your body - the galaxies in the universe become holograms of your somatic and neuronal cells.
    You are Leonardo da Vinci's 'Vitruvius' or 'Cosmic Man'.
    You are THE Adam in Genesis differentiated from Vitruvius as AdamEve the androgyne.
    This universal archetype existed BEFORE there was an universe of physicality.
    So YOU as ADAM are 'Coming Home', because YOU are already HERE.

    So the Adam-Cell is YOU as ONE CELL in the Body of God - the GODDESS of the Universe.
    Starsystems become the conduits for the information from Galactic Core to the Planetary Core - Gaia becomes the archetype for the Gathering of the EVES, ambassadoras to help ADAM to become ONE within the spacetime creation and AFTER having existed as archetype BEFORE the spacetime creation.
    So lonely GOD=ADAMEVE uses the archetype to 'split into two' outside of spacetime so creating a purposeful cosmos and then to come back together again within spacetime in a doubling of the whole SheBang.

    The reason for this information having been 'hidden' or 'occultized' hitherto has everything to to with the timelines discussed in this thread.
    The agenda of agendas is BEYOND the nonphysical controllers behind the financiers behind the illuminated ones behind the government special interest groups behind the military sociopolitical and religioon based agendas behind the heads of government behind local administrators behind relatively ignorant individuals.

    As said I can stand in for Thuban before January 18th; but after this date the data will become more potent.

    Thank you magamud I feel I have been of help in your queries.


    I Am One in Many and I Am Many in One!
    Last edited by a moderator: Feb 11, 2015
  3. Allisiam

    Allisiam Well-Known Member

    post_old. 01-05-2010, 07:16 AM #90
    Avalon Senior Member

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    icon10. Re: The Occult Reptilian Agenda and the Council of Thuban

    I believe the best word here to discribe what it is you must do in order to understand this complex dialogue, is a word i fell in love with called "Grok".


    hope this helps bigmo viewpost.

    Oh and hey Abrax, just out of curiosity, what vibes do you feel from me? You've peeked my interest. I am enjoying the depth of the story, but i must admit, you put my Groking skills to its ultimate. Dan Winter did this to me the first time i read him as well smile.
    Wink, Raven
    Last edited by a moderator: Feb 11, 2015
  4. Allisiam

    Allisiam Well-Known Member

    post_old. 01-05-2010, 08:20 AM #91


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    icon1. Re: The Occult Reptilian Agenda and the Council of Thuban

    An excellent contribution Raven. Indeed the GROKING is directly from the handbook of the Dragons.
    The Groking IT is the same as technically becoming quantum entangled as object of observation and the observer - Schroedinger's Cat is Groking IT.
    I shall henceforth use this terminology when describing the Solution of the Schroedinger Cat paradox.
    The solution in Ravenese is the Cat has Groked IT in its Groked selfstate of quantum entanglement and I am rather serious here.
    Groked in specific terms then implies that the 'Cat' is NOT EITHER Alive or Dead, but is in fact BOTH Alive and Dead simultaneously.
    So instead of describing the collapse of the wavefunction as Aliveness in particle/bodyform with the Deadness of the corresponding wave/mindform; One can say the 'Cat' is Groked, because IF Dead as a waveform it MUST be Alive as a a Particleform and vice versa.

    Then in either state of the 'Cat's' Grokedness the 'Cat' is always BOTH Alive and Dead relative to either the wavemind or the particle/body perspective or observer frame.

    So to describe the solution to the Schroedinger quantum paradox one simply states that the 'Cat' is Groked.

    What 'vibes' do I get from you Raven. I receive rather particular vibes and those are rather strong.

    Your incarnation addresses a very potent, yet most often overlooked archetype in the scroll of the Genesis.

    After an archetypical and metaphorical calamity, called 'the flood' and after the archetypical evolution of the Adam|Eve archetype had assumed the characterisation of Noah; this archetype decided to extend its 'sphere of influence' and activity.
    So in the 'Play of the Gods' YOU as Adam have become engaged to fill the character role of Noah.
    So what is the first thing Noah does in the 'script' of the 'play'?

    He extends himself in sending his first messenger the Black Raven to check out the scenario following the 'mental archetypical' calamity of the changing of the guarding symbols describing the encoded storylines.

    So I know what you are up to Raven. You are the messenger of yourself, heralding and preparing the way for your glorious return into full remembrance about your origins, purpose and destinations.

    And the 'frequency transmission' was so strong, because you are mentally ready and prepared to receive this information about yourself.
    The Raven did not return to Noah as you may chechk out for yourself; but the Raven "went forth to and fro, until the waters were dried up from off the earth." {Genesis.8.7}.
    So Raven you are the messenger of Noah, who acts INDEPENDENTLY from his own self.
    You so represent a renegade part of your greater self, which does not require the permission of its 'greater more encompassing' self to do what is appropriate under the circumstances.
    You might also perform the function of the 'Secret Agency' which like the Council of Thuban manouvers in the shadows until the time becomes appropriate to interact with Oneself again after a period of absenteeism or AWOLness.

    There is a strong astrological influence 'in the air' for another two weeks until January 18th. Stationary Saturn in Libra is square Pluto in Capricorn with a quadruple joining of Sun, Venus and reverse Mercury in Capricorn. Added to this are the quadrantids meteor shower January 3rd and the solar eclipse of January 15th at New Moon in Capricorn.
    The astrological significance of Capricorn-Cancer oppositions are always extremely unsettling for 'unbalanced' entities in either physical-, emotional- or mental bodies; because Capricorn archetypes the Father (Saturn) opposing the Mother (Full Moon) archetyped in Cancer.
    So an inversion of the 'home energies' of Father in Capricorn with Mother in Cancer occurs on January 15th; when the Father and Mother exchange places in their celestial 'houses'.

    For the metaphysically attuned however, this 'unsettling' also allows great harmonisation in quasi-unified exponents who are in full remembrance of their inner yin-yang unifications as mirrors or shadows of objectification and subjectification or as positive print and negative image in say photography.

    Dan Winter's platonic solids are excellent, but he seems to get a little sidetracked when attempting to link the isocahs and the dodecahs to mainstrem science. I have had informants who told me they found some of my essays on his site, but going there I could not find it. I also shared some ideas with Dan in times past.


    I Am One in Many and I Am Many in One!
    Last edited by abraxasinas; 01-05-2010 at 10:24 AM.
    Last edited by a moderator: Feb 11, 2015
  5. Allisiam

    Allisiam Well-Known Member

    post_old. 01-05-2010, 10:00 AM #92


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    icon1. Re: The Occult Reptilian Agenda and the Council of Thuban

    While pondering about your answers..another question came to mind...

    I think this question has not been asked: how did everything come to be? How did God/Creator come to be?

    Official explanation is a "big bang"...

    thingA went "buuum"... What made thingA to go bang...and what made the thingB that made thingA to go bang...etc
    01-05-2010, 11:29 AM http://projectavalon.net/forum/showpost.php?p=216513&postcount=93 ---The original post was truncated and edited by the forum administration of Project Avalon, but is reproduced following #93 and before #94-------------------------------------------------------- #93
    Avalon Senior Member

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    Re: The Occult Reptilian Agenda and the Council of Thuban

    This question is the bugbear, not only for all of science, but also for all religion.

    Yes Spregovori, this is a very good question. Here is my answer in less technical terms; followed by the technical terms:
    Science 'stumbles' in material regression at the 'singularity', where the infinite meets and becomes the void and religion postulates supernatural precursors as somehow deriving from this 'natural emptiness or void'. In the beginning there was no space or time, so how then can there be a beginning?

    This beginning is like an uncut circle or loop, whose alpha-omega point remains undefined until the circle is cut (linearisation from circularisation technically).
    But the concept of the possibility of the 'cutting' infers a logistic ordering of before (the cutting) and after the cutting. This is absolutely independent of space or time (which are connected by the lightpath X=cT anyway).
    But even the visualisation and concept of a circle requires space and so the 'Circle of the Void' cannot be geometrically dimensional in the common usage of the terminology.

    Rather the principle of the Order substitutes for Space and the antiprinciple of Disorder/Chaos substitutes for the Nonspace.
    So now you have reduced the cosmogenesis to the precept of how the space emerges from the nonspace. The key is in what (can) exist before the order principle. It is expansion/contraction and so say addition/subtraction.
    The Order evolves from the possibility of the duality of the plus/minus (in core archetypes, later becoming charges, yin/yang wave particle and so on).

    Then is there something more fundamental then the Expansion/Contraction 'Aeon' or Cherubimic Kingdom or Principality?
    Yes there is: Identity/Antiidentity - defining the + to be the antiID of the - and vice versa (again in core archetype).
    So you have a preBigBang prespacertimematter cosmology resting on 1-2-3 as Identity-Expansion-Order.
    [The actual cosmogenesis is a monadic archetype (o+o=8 say) bifurcating into the binary archetype dyad {0,1} in an algorithmic selfprogramming of sorts].

    Next comes the 'Invention' of Time as a Counting-Parameter and physically the inverse time as FREQUENCY.
    The story continues in technical detail, but can also become expressed in 'scriptural-mythological' metaphor.

    Forethought=Event A in Order as Before and Afterthought=Event B in Order as After Event A has occurred.
    Event A is happening in the subplenum of the Void=Infinity and Event B becomes the MATERIALISATION (primarily via a physical cosmology based on the frequency parameter as inverse time) of the Event A.
    Also note the highly significant passage in Genesis.2.5: "And every plant of the field before it was in the earth, and every herb of the field before it grew: for the Lord God had not caused it to rain upon the earth, and there was not a man to till the ground."
    Can you see here the solution to the chicken-egg or DNA-RNA paradox - in the Rooster's Egg preceding the Hen's?
    So what happened to the Adam in Genesis.1.27?

    This Man (presumed to be Adam) is not the same Adam and they are simply the archetypes for Man and Woman BEFORE there was any physical creation. This is also the Pigeradamus in the gnostic literature, the Adam Kadmon of Kabbalah, the Purusha in the Vedas and the Vitruvian Man of western alchemy (Leonardo da Vinci).

    This is the 'Lovechild' of 'The Invisible One' as the Forethought and of Barbelo as the Afterthought.
    This is the Logos known as 'Christos' or the Word in John.1.1. AND it is also YOU as the afterthought expressing the forethought.

    John Shadow
    Last edited by a moderator: Feb 11, 2015
  6. Allisiam

    Allisiam Well-Known Member

    01-05-2010, 10:29 AM #93


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    Re: The Occult Reptilian Agenda and the Council of Thuban

    --MOD EDIT--
    Please keep the copy/pastes to a minimum.

    Thank You

    --END EDIT--

    Last edited by GaiaLove; 01-05-2010 at 08:37 PM. Reason: oversized pasted post

    I Am One in Many and I Am Many in One!

    Last edited by abraxasinas; Today at 11:37 AM.
    "Science without Religion Is Lame, Religion without Science Is Blind"

    This is what Albert Einstein wrote in his letter to philosopher Eric Gutkind, in response to his receiving the book "Choose Life: The Biblical Call to Revolt". The letter was written on January 3, 1954, in German, and explains Einstein's personal beliefs regarding religion and the Jewish people; it was put on sale one year later and remained into a personal collection ever since. Now the letter is again on auction in London and has a starting price of 8,000 sterling pounds.

    The letter states pretty clearly that Einstein was by no means a religious person - in fact, the great physicist saw religion as no more than a "childish superstition". "The word god is for me nothing more than the expression and product of human weaknesses, the Bible a collection of honorable, but still primitive legends which are nevertheless pretty childish. No interpretation no matter how subtle can (for me) change this", Einstein wrote.

    Einstein was Jewish, which is why the people of Israel asked him once to become Israel's second president. Also, Einstein felt uncomfortable with the idea that the Jews are God's favored People.

    "For me the Jewish religion like all others is an incarnation of the most childish superstitions. And the Jewish people to whom I gladly belong and with whose mentality I have a deep affinity have no different quality for me than all other people. As far as my experience goes, they are no better than other human groups, although they are protected from the worst cancers by a lack of power. Otherwise, I cannot see anything 'chosen' about them", said Einstein.

    Although, neither Einstein nor his parents were religious people, he did in fact attend the Catholic primary school. But at the age of 12 he was already questioning the truth of the stories written in the Bible. "The consequence was a positively fanatic orgy of freethinking coupled with the impression that youth is being deceived by the state through lies; it was a crushing impression", Einstein wrote.
    Einstein may have not believed in God, but he felt that faith was a must. This is probably why he never gave a second thought to studying the quantum theory and its random nature. He once said that "God does not throw dice", meaning that quantum theory randomness is out of the question for him. This belief in faith is probably also why his position towards religion was often misinterpreted.

    "Like other great scientists he does not fit the boxes in which popular polemicists like to pigeonhole him. It is clear for example that he had respect for the religious values enshrined within Judaic and Christian traditions... but what he understood by religion was something far more subtle than what is usually meant by the word in popular discussion", said John Brook from the Oxford University, leading expert on Albert Einstein.

    Einstein was often associated with atheism because of his views on conventional religion, but he never liked being called an atheist.


    Einstein used to speak so often of God that I tend to believe that he has been a disguised theologian.
    -Friedrich Dürrenmatt in Albert Einstein (Diogenes Verlag, Zürich, 1979), p. 12, quoted in Jammer, p. 7


    Short Comments on God:
    Knowing God's Thoughts
    I want to know how God created this world. I'm not interested in this or that phenomenon, in the spectrum of this or that element. I want to know His thoughts; the rest are details.
    - From E. Salaman, "A Talk With Einstein," The Listener 54 (1955), pp. 370-371, quoted in Jammer, p. 123.

    Could God Have Done It Differently?
    What I am really interested in, is knowing whether God could have created the world in a different way; in other words, whether the requirement of logical simplicity admits a margin of freedom.
    - C. Seelig, Helle Zeit-Dunkle Zeit (Europa Verlag, Zuürich, 1956), p.72, quoted in Jammer, p. 124.

    The following comments are excerpted from Calaprice. See pp. 145 - 161.

    God's Punishment
    Why do you write to me "God should punish the English"? I have no close connection to either one or the other. I see only with deep regret that God punishes so many of His children for their numerous stupidities, for which only He Himself can be held responsible; in my opinion, only His nonexistence could excuse Him.
    - Letter to Edgar Meyer colleague January 2, 1915 Contributed by Robert Schulmann; also see CPAE Vol. 8 (forthcoming).

    God and Goodness
    Whatever there is of God and goodness in the universe, it must work itself out and express itself through us. We cannot stand aside and let God do it.
    - From conversation recorded by Algernon Black, Fall 1940; Einstein Archive 54-834

    God's worry
    If God has created the world, his primary worry was certainly not to make its understanding easy for us.
    - Letter to David Bohm, February 10, 1954; Einstein Archive 8-041

    An Unperceivable Being
    To assume the existence of an unperceivable being ... does not facilitate understanding the orderliness we find in the perceivable world.
    - Letter to an Iowa student who asked, What is God? July, 1953; Einstein Archive 59-085

    Awe of the Structure of the World
    I don't try to imagine a God; it suffices to stand in awe of the structure of the world, insofar as it allows our inadequate senses to appreciate it.
    - Letter to S. Flesch, April 16, 1954; Einstein Archive 30-1154

    Conversation on Religion and Antisemitism
    See Bucky and Weakland pp. 85 - 87. This book contains the record of various conversations between Bucky and Einstein over a thirty year period.

    It's ironic that your namc has been synonymous with science in the twentieth century, and yet there has always been a lot of controversy surrounding you in relation to religious questions. How do you account for this unusual circumstance, since science and religion are usually thought to be at odds?

    Well, I do not think that it is necessarily the case that science and religion are natural opposites. In fact, I think that there is a very close connection between the two. Further, I think that science without religion is lame and, conversely, that religion without science is blind. Both are important and should work hand-in-hand. It seems to mc that whoever doesn't wonder about the truth in religion and in science might as well be dead.

    So then, you consider yourself to be a religious man?

    I believe in mystery and, frankly, I sometimes face this mystery with great fear. In other words, I think that there are many things in the universe that we cannot perceive or penetrate and that also we experience some of the most beautiful things in life in only a very primitive form. Only in relation to these mysteries do I consider myself to be a religious man. But I sense these things deeply. What I cannot understand is how there could possibly be a God who would reward or punish his subjects or who could induce us to develop our will in our daily life.

    You don't believe in God, then?

    Ah, this is what I mean about religion and science going hand-in-hand! Each has a place, but each must be relegated to its sphere. Let's assume that we are dealing with a theoretical physicist or scientist who is very well-acquainted with the different laws of the universe, such as how the planets orbit the sun and how the satellites in turn orbit around their respective planets. Now, this man who has studied and understands these different laws-how could he possibly believe in one God who would be capable of disturbing the paths of these great orbiting masses?

    No, the natural laws of science have not only been worked out theoretically but have been proven also in practice. I cannot then believe in this concept of an anthropomorphic God who has the powers of interfering with these natural laws. As I said before, the most beautiful and most profound religious emotion that we can experience is the sensation of the mystical. And this mysticality is the power of all true science. If there is any such concept as a God, it is a subtle spirit, not an image of a man that so many have fixed in their minds. In essence, my religion consists of a humble admiration for this illimitable superior spirit that reveals itself in the slight details that we are able to perceive with our frail and feeble minds .

    Do you think perhaps that most people need religion to keep them in check, so to speak?

    No, clearly not. I do not believe that a man should be restrained in his daily actions by being afraid of punishment after death or that he should do things only because in this way he will be rewarded after he dies. This does not make sense. The proper guidance during the life of a man should be the weight that he puts upon ethics and the amount of consideration that he has for others. Education has a great role to play in this respect. Religion should have nothing to do with a fear of living or a fear of death, but should instead be a striving after rational knowledge.

    And yet, with all of these thoughts, you are still identified strongly in the public mind as definitely Jewish and this certainly is a very traditional religion.

    Actually, my first religious training of any kind was in the Catholic catechism. A fluke, of course, only because the primary school that I first went to was a Catholic one. I was, as a matter of fact, the only Jewish child in the school. This actually worked to my advantage, since it made it easier for me to isolate myself from the rest of the class and find that comfort in solitude that I so cherished.

    But don't you find any discrepancy between your previous somewhat anti-religious statements and your willingness to be identified publicly as a Jew?

    Not necessarily. Actually it is a very difficult thing to even define a Jew. The closest that I can come to describing it is to ask you to visualize a snail. A snail that you see at the ocean consists of the body that is snuggled inside of the house which it always carries around with it. But let's picture what would happen if we lifted the shell off of the snail. Would we not still describe the unprotected body as a snail? In just the same way, a Jew who sheds his faith along the way, or who even picks up a different one, is still a Jew.


    The photograph is the last known picture of Einstein, taken in March, 1955. The photograph was scanned from Subtle is the Lord...: The Science and the Life of Albert Einstein by Abraham Pais

    I cannot then believe in this concept of an anthropomorphic God who has the powers of interfering with these natural laws. As I said before, the most beautiful and most profound religious emotion that we can experience is the sensation of the mystical. And this mysticality is the power of all true science. If there is any such concept as a God, it is a subtle spirit, not an image of a man that so many have fixed in their minds. - Albert Einstein, in conversation
    http://einsteinandreligion.com/bucky.html with Gustav Bucky

    To assume the existence of an unperceivable being ... does not facilitate understanding the orderliness we find in the perceivable world. - Albert Einstein, responding http://einsteinandreligion.com/godcomments.html to an Iowa student who asked, "What is God?" July 1953; Einstein Archive 59-085

    A Scientific Definition for the 'Universal Intelligence' aka 'God'

    Stanley McKeown wrote (August 2009) in theoretical_physics yahoo forum:
    Re: [Theoretical_Physics] Re: The Unified Trinity of Atheist-Spiritualist-Supernaturalist

    Dear Alexk23000,
    I agree that science must be open minded (please find me a religion that is open minded).
    But the idea of 'unknowable' gods does not further science. I use the word 'unknowable' because that is the word used by all religions, who‚ are surely the experts in their version of their gods. Yet again we come across the confusion that the unknowable must be labelled god.
    Please, please some evidence that god is singular, at least as a starting point!!!!!!! !!! Then please, some of his/her/its/ their attributes to further our discussion.
    Your eager scholar, Stan

    And again, Stanley addressed Ron:

    Dear n.s.p.o.paranormal,
    Thank you for explaining it so simply. Although I personally am totally unsure what 'it' is.
    It seems to me that the thrust of your argument is, 'The world exists so a super-intelligence created it'.
    I may have got your concept wrong so....
    Now please, describe some of the attributes of your concept of "a super intelligent computer controlling the universe".

    a)=1.What is it's power source?
    b)=2.What operating system or rules does it use to process it's output?
    c)=3.What is it's output?
    d)=4.When did it start?
    e)=5.When will it stop?

    I could go on but it's your concept, you take the initiarive. I am sure that the readers of this web site are eager to learn.
    Your eager pupil, Stan

    And again, Stanley asked Zachary:

    Dear Zachery,
    I appreciate that you admit that you do not know your god's APPEARANCE, MIND nor PLAN.
    I would be grateful if you would elaborate on those aspects of your god that you do know, so that we, the members, might learn and discuss.
    How about starting with:

    f)=(Q1) inside/outside the universe
    g)=(Q2) creator of the laws of physics
    h)=(Q3) subject to these laws
    i)=(Q4) the god hierarchy, does your god have a god or is he/she/it/they the TOP?

    Please note that those who propose their god on this website should enlighten the readers with issues such as these.
    Please request the wider readers as to what they would like to learn about the attributes of deities/supernatural beings..
    Please note that I differentiate between the unknown and the unknowable. The unknown is that with which science grapples.
    The unknowable is the realm of philosophy, superstitionand imagination. There will always be those who invent/create/perpetuate the unknowable. I suggest that the unknowable is a sterile area for science, since it will retreat from science as science decreases the unknown.
    I suggest to you that the members of this website may not appreciate fruitless debate on the unknowable. Your eager correspondent, Stan

    The postings of Alex, Ron, Zachary and Brian are below the following dispensation for individual contextualised discernment.
    I shall answer Stanley's questions in the ordered labelings and the bold highlightings as indicated by his own wordings (sic).

    Dear Stanley,
    It is no longer necessary for anyone to remain in 'the dark' as to the 'nature of God' or of 'being totally unsure of what 'it' is'.
    The human evolutionary pathology has attained a nexus point, where the human sentience has developed sufficiently to use its deductive logic and its scientific reasoning to solve its own questions and insecurities regarding origins, purpose and destiny.
    The necessity for any 'God-concept' to be physically realisable was known by Isaac Newton and most of the so termed 'Natural Philosophers' as the forerunners of what today is labeled 'scientist'.
    Newton knew, that IF a 'scriptural God' like the one(s) found in the Christian bible COULD exist, then it would have to 'be scientific' in the sense of Leibnitz's 'Monad' or Spinoza's 'Essence' or Einstein's 'Old One'.
    So you may see, that your mentally skeptical postion regarding 'unknowable spiritual things' could be labeled as following in the 'footsteps of Newton' and many pioneers of contemporary science since the renaissance of the 17th century.
    However the scientific data base had to await the onset of physical knowledge and models of the 21st century to accumulate enough information to actually enable the PROCESSING of the required data, which had conglomerated since the dawn of time in the thermodynamic cosmology of the universe.

    And so I, in the function of 'God's Advocate', shall present to you in the function of the 'Devil's Advocate', the "God of Science", so passionately searched for by Isaac Newton in the latter's 'Office of the Alchemist of OmniScience' (inclusive of the 'unknowable spiritual things').
    What you shall do with this 'mystery solving' information will be up to you as the 'Skeptical Inquirer'.
    You may take this new dispensation 'to heart' and realise just how you are an intrinsic part of this 'God' or you may dismiss 'it' and in so doing actually 'deny' the innermost part of being of yourself.

    1=a) What is it's power source?
    2=b) What operating system or rules does it use to process it's output?
    3=c) What is it's output?
    4=d) When did it start?
    5=e) When will it stop?
    6=f) (Q1) inside/outside the universe
    7=g) (Q2) creator of the laws of physics
    8=h) (Q3) subject to these laws
    9=i) (Q4) the god hierarchy, does your god have a god or is he/she/it/they the TOP?

    1. God's Power-Source
    God's Power-Source is a form of 'eternal energy', yet 'unitarily particularised' not definable in any spacetime except in its mathematical formalism.
    This mathematical logos so specifies what this concept of 'eternity' relative to its antistate of temporality implies. Those specifications then must also DEFINE the omniness of anything in relation to the God-concept.
    In its most simple terms; the 'eternal energy' becomes a 'physicalisable' energy residing not in spacetimematter, but in a subplenum.
    The subplenum is nontemporal, nonlocal and nonmaterial; but is defined in the mathematical principles and rules attaining to numerical systems, all based upon the binary code both algebraically and geometrically.
    The geometric form of the 'Closed' Zero-Loop becomes physicalised in the 'Open' One-Loop or the Superstring and which then leads definition of a binary numeracy rootextended into the decimal in the archetypical set:
    Binary-Monad BM: {0,1} → Decimal-Monad DM: {0,1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9}.

    The subplenum so becomes a 2-dimensional Complex plane, with origin the Unity of the Binary-Monad BM, i.e. the eigenstate of either open-ended or closed superstring loops.
    It is this UNITY within the subplenum (as itself and as a prior definition for 'God'), which then allows the nonphysicalised nature of God to define itself without the existence of space, time and/or matter.
    This nonphysicality then utilizes the UNITY of ITSELF to extend its own self-definition by application of fundamental principles (see hierarchy of God in 9.).
    In particular, the 6th principle of inversion allows the algebraic concept of the ratio to assume limiting functionalities (say in convergent and divergent asymptotic series and number sequences). This then allows boundary- and initial conditions for a subsequent physical reality to become established in the 'complex manifold' of the subplenum.
    Division of the Unity=1 AS the Open-Geometric-Superstring by the Zero=0 AS the Closed-Geometric-Superstring so applies the Principle of Inversion WITHIN the Decimal-Monad hierarchy and DEFINES the quantum relativity between the subplenum and itself as a plenum comprised of the UNITY eigenstate.

    The Unified Power-Source so is a God-Quantum which has UNLIMITED energy in the subplenum, because the 'Counting' of such subplenum units represents a 'Wholey Trinity' in being simultaneously Unity=FinityAfter=1 and Zero=FinityBefore=0 and Eternity=Infinity=∞

    God's Power-Source represents an Infinite Reservoir of SourceSink Subplenum 'IMAGINATION-Energy'; defined in the UNITY-God-Quantum and in an 'IMAGE-Energy', which becomes manifested in finite partiality in selfcontained closed systems, such as a Planck-Black Body-Radiator defining the entropy-related thermodynamic expansion (and cooling) of a physically finitised universe.

    2. God's Operating System (OS) and Processor
    God's OS is then the plenum of a physically imaged universe.
    The eternity of God becomes 'trapped' in the asymptotic definitions of the 'Laws of Nature', which are all based on the algorithmic nature of the string monadic sets, which, under utility of the hierarchical principalities, allow mathematical relationships and proportionalities to become defined in abstract terms of the complex unity of the subplenum, before becoming IMAGED in the physicality of the finite spacetimematter, termed the universe's cosmogony and cosmology.

    3. God's Output-Input Function
    God's Input is naturally the UNIT of itself as the God-Quantum.
    Iow, the quantization of the physicalised universe becomes a holofractal multiplication or quanta count of God itself. The universe, being a 'count' of God-Units so differentiates itself as the plenum of 'Finity of Measurement' from the subplenum of 'Infinity of Nonmensuration'.
    Alternatively expressed, the metric spacetimes within a selfcontained thermodynamic system, subject to statistical integration of multidimensional and multifaceted energy eigenstates; become nonstochastic in the Unity energy selfstate of the subplenum.
    The plenum so becomes a mirror image in the subplenum; remaining however as a finitized subset of the infinite superset as that image.

    God's primary Input so becomes a finitised and countable quantum energy integral definitive for the total energy content of the so termed Quantum Big Bang. The precise quantum count is a function of the inflaton-instanton, defining the 11-dimensional supermembrane boundary (itself a quantum count as a surface area integration) to encompass the thermodynamically expanding 'Planck-Nugget-Seed', which is one dimension lower to allow a hybrid toroidal overall topology for the multidimensional universe, originating from a protoversal seed.

    God's secondary Input is however a function of the PROCESSING capabilities of the primary Input becoming Output and subsequent Inputs multiply the protoversal seed as phaseshifted multiverses as a function of the Output potentials of the protoversed multiverses.

    The purpose for the creation from the creator is simply the SIMULTANEOUS Self-Experience of God in the distinctions of the subplenum of oneness and the plenum of spacetime separations.
    To EXPERIENCE ITSELF, God must bifurcate (and then holographically multifractalize) its own Unity.
    The function of the Input is to experience 'on God's behalf' in the 'Kingdom of the Separation', namely the physical universe; and then to IMAGE in IMAGINATION and LOGISTICAL MODELS and FORMALISMS and otherwise 'as a processed Output' becoming the 'reflected' Input; reemitted from the plenum of the spacetimematter into the suplenum of the 'singularity'.

    The PROCESSORS from and for God so become the God-Quantums in agglomeration, defining the 'Consciousness' of godlike spacetimematter containers.
    God's Consciousness then becomes a particular energy-resonance eigenstate, defined in frequency and related derivatives (see 10.) and specifically in the concept of a 3-dimensional volumar being acted upon by a form of angular acceleration, the latter being by definition independent on the radial displacement of linear metrics and the separation of idealised coordinate 'points'.
    The minimised 'consciousness-units' in God's cosmology are neutrons, evolving into hydrogen atoms, followed by molecules and macro-inertia conglomerations including chemical compounds, asteroids, moons, planets, stars and galaxies; viruses, bacteria, algae, fungi, mosquitoes, fish, salamanders, lizards, dinosaurs, birds, smilodons, australopithecines, orang-utans, bonobos, dogs and cats, Stanleys and Samanthas; Sirians, interdimensional extraterrestrials like methaned Venusians and groupgalactic Magellaneans to the SUMTOTAL of the universe's consciousness as the EVOLVING Superconsciousness of God itself.

    And so, should you watch an ant crawling in your garden or should you engage in watching some birds of divers variety; you are OBSERVING God-consciousness in self-evolvement.
    The Gonsciousness of God within the universe is not only separated from its subplenum unity as the certainty of the unitary probability count; but is also separated in the plenum as plenar subconsciouness carriers in a kaleidoscope of multiplicity and individuation.
    But ALL is God, attempting WITHIN to remember what IT is and using its 'scattered' Imagination what it could be and could become.

    God's 'Masterplan' so is to multiply 'itself' without end in a 'Family of God'.
    Yet, as long as the 'Family of Man' continues to refuse to 'Remember itself' in its 'Function of the Output' and continues to 'not-reflect' its god-given Input-Life back to its source; as long will the UNITIZED God-Source remain in exile relative to itself.

    For the IMAGE-Function of God between the plenum and the subplenum and the holographic principle of the Decimal-Monad hierarchy demands a 'Mirror of Mirrors' within the plenum of the cosmological spacetimes.
    Just as the One God reflects itself as the One Universe; so must there be A DAM (a sire and a dam) as a 'Universal Archetype' within the plenum to allow 'God's Story' to proceed.

    The Image or mastertemplate for the One Universe so becomes 'Cosmic Man Vitruvius' of the hermetic alchemist Leonardo da Vinci or 'Purusha' of the Baghavad Gita or 'Adam Kadmon' of Kabbalah or the particular individuation Stanley McKeown on the theoretical_physics yahoo discussion forum.
    Then as a miniature universe; anything whatsoever and all godlike conciousness carriers within the plenum who Stanley McKeown encounters in whatever manner of dreams, imaginations, physical observations, experimentations and interactions; will be enabled to USE Stanley McKeown's spacetimed mirror potential to REFLECT themselves in that for the purpose to by and through Stanley McKeown's mirror-portal to contact the Unity-Quantum-God in the subplenum.

    4. God's Beginning
    "In the beginning was the Word, and the Word was with God, and the Word was God."
    The definition for God as Energy so is preceded by something doing the 'defining', namely the Word=Logos=Definition. The undefined, say chaotic or unstructured subplenum energy so emerges in a defined state through the action of the Logos as the 'Logic of God' and being WITH God, becomes God.

    The 'Beginning of God', before there is any physicalised energy (manifested in the quantum big bang through the inflaton-instanton), so engages 'God's Self-Awakening', i.e. it's own 'becoming conscious of itself'.
    Once self-aware however, the physical cosmology can eventuate in God's bifurcation into 'Spiritual' Creator and 'Antispiritual' Creation and as Mirror-Functions of each other.
    The subplenum 'pre-energy' so defines the 'Spirit' in terms of the nonseparated or superheterotic supermembrane prior to the modular duality between the heterosis becomes established.
    The 26-dimensional bosonic superstring of the subplenum so defines a circularly mathematical complex continuum from which the vibratory sourcestring Eps decouples from its winded antistate of the winding sinkstring Ess in the plenum to recombine in the 11-dimensional supermembrane EpsEss. Technically, the heterosis engages the conifoldment of 16-dimensional anticlockwise vibration patterns onto 10-dimensional clockwise frequency eigenstates to define 10-dimensional hybrid superstrings.

    5. God's End
    God's End is God's Beginning as the alphaomega and the recircularisation of the supermembrane loops.
    In terms of the subplenum, this defines the circularity of time in the nonexistence of a temporal flow of time with particular pasts, presents and futures. Only a Now-Moment and as the 'uncut' string-loop exists as the 0-binary eigenstate.
    Yet, the plenum demands the concept of a 'flow of time' in a coupling to the entropy definitions of the algorithmic definitions underpinning the 'Laws of Nature'.
    So the Quantum Big Bang eventuated following a 'string-epoch' and bounded in the inflaton-instanton of timeinstantenuity.
    Technically, timeinstantenuity becomes the sinksource frequency fss=1/fps in modular duality becoming the inverse squareroot of the maximum entropy selfstate counter {as [df/dt]max=fps2 =E*/h=e*h see 10.} and as the 'Consciousness-Resonance' Eigenstate as the upper bound for the godlike consciousness carriers.
    However, as the protoverse is defined in the inflaton preceding the materialising spacetimes in:
    {VdeBroglie=RHubble.fps=c.fps/Ho=cfpsdt/dn}, and since the linearised cosmoevolution of the inertial 10-dimensional protoverse must remain asymptotic as a function of cycletime n=Hot; the End of this cosmology must be defined before its Beginning from parameters defining the eternity of the subplenum.
    The End of God so becomes a Cyclicity embedded into the formalisms for the asymptotic cosmology, defining the cosmogony ontologically.
    Technically (and in Black Hole physics described elsewhere) then; the overall cosmic consciousness evolution is expected to have progressed enough every 4 trillion years or so, to trigger a 'renewed' 'consciousness explosion' of the 'eternal God' to RECHARGE the seedling protoverse in a renewal of the nuclear (read dineutron/ylemic) fuel for steller regeneration.
    Every 4000 billion years or so, a new Quantum Big Bang eventuates, seeded however upon the primordial seed of the initialising inflaton-instanton from the subplenum.

    6. God's Location in Within-Without Bilocality
    The subplenum God is without spacetimematter and so is defined as omnipresent, omnitimed, omniscientific and omnipotent by the Logos.
    The Unitary God-Quantum forms the 'Bridge' for the subplenum God to experience its own separation as an integral of the God-Quantum in the spacetimed plenum.
    God remains eternally unified however; as the microquantum of the sourcesink string eigenstate (which defines the 'Bridge') is in 'eternal' selfcoupling to its sinksource string-antieigenstate, the latter defining the macroquantum.
    Technically, the vibratory stringscale is of the wormhole order of 10-22/2π (cosmic meters m*); whilst its reciprocal gives the modular duality in the halo-galactic scale of 2πx1022 m* or about 7 million lightyears.

    7. God's Laws of Nature
    There are two primary algorithms, which generate the fundamental constants of nature in cosmic units (*). The cosmic unitary system comes into effect by any cosmic civilisation measuring just two fundamental ratios in the proportionality constants between Energy and Mass as E/M=c2 and between Energy and Frequency as E/F=h.
    As the energy unit (Joule*) contains the kg-m-s mensuration, any experimental determination of Planck's Constant 'h' and Einstein's Constant 'c2', will suffice to calibrate the mass-displacement-time measurement standards for the first of the 'Natural Laws'.
    This can be written as:
    Energy E=hf=mc2
    E=hf iff m=0; (requiring c=fλ as universal lightspeed finestructure)
    E=mc2 iff f=fss (as the Eigenfrequency of mass)
    The first algorithm generates the following configurations under utility of the fundamental principles of the hierarchy (see 9.) and in the order:

    {C1=N1=4; C2=N2=6; C3=N3=7; C4=I1=1/[6x1015]; C5=D12 =9x1016; C6=N4=11; C7=I2=1/[15x1032]; C8=D22=14x1524; C9=I3=1/[15x1618]; C10=26x6561}.
    From this set; the numerical parameters to manifest a physically finetuned cosmology derive with an integer-based lightspeed constant c=3x108 (m/s)*=D1 coupled to a similarly integerized action constant h=1/[15x1032] (Js)*=I2.

    The second algorithm is of the syntax form for a linearised subplenum superstring:
    "Add the End to the Beginning and Begin the Head with the Tail!"

    8. God's Subjectivity-Objectivity in regards to the Universal Laws of Nature
    God is both Object and Subject relative to Reality.
    Within the plenum, the God-idea becomes a subjective 'picture' as a 'negative' for the objective physical reality as a 'positive' observable and measurable entity.
    Without the plenum and so within the subplenum, God is the objective 'spiritual' reality; this SPIRIT becoming rigorously definable as the quantum energy eigenstate for the minimised possible measurement within the plenum (and so as the Planck-Singularity of string-looped quantum physics).
    The subjectivity within the plenum so manifests in the multiplicity of the physicalised units 'bridging' the abyss into the subplenum of the 'spiritual reality'.
    This 'spiritual reality' so becomes an inertia independent form of electromagnetic monopolar radiation; activating under the acceleration of the God-quanta, namely the angular awareness function of the timedifferential of frequency (df/dt=Consciousness/UnitVolume and fmax2=e*/V*=2Rec2/(2π2r*3)=8πRec5mcompton3/h3 and so defining the quantum Compton-Mass configuration for the God-Resonance energy eigenstate measurable under the appropriate initial- and boundary conditions in mcompton=2.505...x10-23 kg* or about 2.25 microjoules or about 14.03 TeraElectronvolts (TeV).

    The design-maximum (presently unattainable) energy of the Large Hadron Collider (LHC) at Geneva, Switzerland so would, if fully operational at maximum capacity, 'tap' the 'Envelope of God's Selfstate Energy'.
    This energy level behaves PHYSICALLY like the event horizon of a Kerr-Ringed Black Hole.
    But here it is the quantum eigenstate for the minimum inertia manifestation which surrounds the wormhole of the God-SourceSink energy quantum (see 10.) at 1/e*=0.002 Joules* or about 12,450 TeV as the UNITARY GOD bridging the plenum with the subplenum.

    At 12,450 TeV; the experimental observer would so witness God as the physical reality IT represents.

    To reduce the Beginning of the Universe to an asymptotic recession cannot solve the 'Origin of God' question; because this infinite reduction CANNOT escape the plenum.
    The Nullstate of the plenum so becomes the idea of the physical energy singularity as the limit for this reductionism.
    The other way around is however completely feasible and the actuality for the cosmic expansion scenarios.
    Once you have 'a beginning' in the spacetimematter quanta, then a simple multiplication and summation of such spacetimematter- or God-string-quanta can become asymptotic in an Infinite Approach to UNITY or Oneness.
    This then is the statistical probability count, which must always be 1 in total integration.
    So having the beginning, the cosmological evolution for the universe can be ever better approximated and modelled via improving measurement apparatus and theoretical calculations.
    The trouble is the singularity of infinite physical quantifications.
    But because God must be a Quantum-God to be WITHIN the spacetimematter plenum; it becomes easy to postulate this Quantum-God to be precisely the minimum physical energy configuration eigenstate for the physical universe and as the boundary condition, the initial- and end condition and as the LIMIT for all measurements using spacetimematter- or plenum parameters.

    Then it is also easy to take the next logical step and postulate that the Quantum-God of the plenum is also the Quantum-God of the subplenum with the caveat, that spacetimematter parameters do not exist in the subplenum and so the Quantum-God must remain physically unreal or imaginary.
    They become REALISED however in the understanding that the subplenum is the VOID and the VOID is simultaneously Nothing AND Everything.
    This Nothing and Everything then MANIFESTS in the plenum as the minimum- and maximum energy eigenstates (technically defined in superbrane parameters of the modular duality, which brings the theories together in a grand unification of all things able to exist - including all of the imaginary things).
    The minimum selfstate of the Quantum-God is a LIMIT of time measurement and just like a smallest possible circle unwinding itself to define the lightpath for the circle's perimeter transversion.
    The maximum selfstate is a little different, as it must encompass the antistate of the minimum configuration as well as the potential expansion of the plenum under the auspices of the subplenum providing Information-Energy as Data, which can then become physicalised thermodynamic-entropic energy in the plenum.
    This is the Infinite Approach being allowed and the Infinite recession being disallowed in the 'Laws of Nature' defining the Quantum-God.

    9.God's Hierarchy
    Summararily then, the Origin of God is God itself, becoming multiplexed from its monoplexed monadic singularity selfstate.
    The details engage algorithmic encodings, built on 10 universal principles, 7 of which have antistates, whilst 3 have not. The principles and algorithms generate the fundamental constants, used in proportionalities and ratios for the universe of spacetimematter to be born and to become descriptive in mathematical equations.
    The 10 principalities (which are archetyped as cherubimic and demonic kingdoms in the older languages of the ancient scrolls) are:

    1. Identity-AntiIdentity
    2. Expansion-Contraction
    3. Order-Disorder=Entropy=Chaos
    4. Symmetry-Antisymmetry=Disparity=Distortion
    5. Infinity=Divergence-Limit=Convergence
    6. Inversion=Reciprocity-Constancy=Invariance
    7. Reflection-Absorption (6&7 define Hebrews.6.18)
    8. Relativity (No AntiPrinciple---Revelation17.11)
    9. Quantization=Holofractalisation (No AntiPrinciple)
    10.New Identity, using 1-9 to transform the Old Dual-Identity

    10. God's Definition in omniscientific terms of quantum-relativistic supermembranes

    Quantum Relativity links the metrics of Einsteinian Relativity to their original metaphysical cosmogenesis. Theistic- and Spiritual definitions become a consequence of magnetocharged superbranes as wormhole singularities 'before' spacetime creation as progenitors for inertia.

    LOVE is a VIBRATORY RESONANCE described in a GAUGE SOURCESINK-PHOTON in its supersymmetric selfcoupling under modular duality and which can be defined in its own resonance eigenstate as:

    E*=kT*=hf*=hc/λ*=m*c²=1/e* for Unity E*e*=1 and its coupling parameters.

    Energy*=Heterotic Supermembrane HE(8x8)=EpsEss
    =GODDOG=DOGGOD=Supersymmetry in alphanumeric abstract complexity

    From: crimsontiger18 <crimsontiger18@yahoo.com>
    To: theoretical_physics@yahoogroups.com
    Sent: Friday, August 14, 2009 11:05:59 AM
    Subject: [Theoretical_Physics] Re: The Unified Trinity of Atheist-Spiritualist-Supernaturalist

    okay let me butt in here a moment dear old buddy old pal

    not every religion uses the unknowable phrase, christianity and few others actually do use that terminology. not only that, but you aren't quite using it in context either.

    good example is the greeks, there gods to them were knowable, but limited in the knowing. for instance they knew what was sacred to them and what they are patrons to, what forces they represented.

    back to how they use the term unknowable, doesn't mean in fact the god is unknowable in entirety, just certain aspects such as his MIND, PLAN and his APPEARANCE. (i only consider that one because the bible doesn't actually describe god or that i recall).

    Ron will be able to answer a lot more on the topic than myself, i am not a christian in the same degree as he is.


    From: "n.s.p.o.paranormal@gmail.com" <n.s.p.o.paranormal@gmail.com>
    To: theoretical_physics@yahoogroups.com
    Sent: Friday, August 14, 2009 2:22:27 PM
    Subject: Re: [Theoretical_Physics] Re: The Unified Trinity of Atheist-Spiritualist-Supernaturalist

    I will put this on a simple way. Many of us have a gift. The Gift Transcends time and Space and all known reality. We know through physics that the Universe is a deadly place for all life especially here in the Milky Way. Now add the fact that some of us do have special abilities that defy logic for the most part and add the chances of Earth not being hurt by the same energies as the other planets in our S.S. Alone and you begin to see a spectacular string of occurrences that protect our world somehow for some reason. This shows a major intelligence. We know energy moves erratically on its own but yet in space it has a pattern, explain that with out an intelligence. You Can't and I don't expect it. For just these simple reasons it is logical to deduce that there is a central mind like a Super intelligent computer controlling the energies of the entire Universe from a central dimension. If not, it would be logical to say this world might have flown out of orbit or destroyed by a gamma burst or meteor or some thing like that by now. Look at the rest of this galaxy and then question what's really going on.
    Sent from my Verizon Wireless BlackBerry

    From: "alexk232000@ ..." <alexk232000@ ...>
    Sent: Thursday, August 13, 2009 4:19:57 PM
    Subject: Re: [Theoretical_ Physics] Re: The Unified Trinity of Atheist-Spiritualis t-Supernaturalis t

    I agree with that. Dismissing Science as they did was wrong mainly because it could help prove and disprove things important to truely know as a fact for example miracles. A true miracle is unexplainable through science yet so if it could be explained then less B.S. Artists could have faked it. It also in the same way could've proven a true miracle. The church saw the one view and not the big picture and for that science and religion are progressing slowly.
    Sent from my Verizon Wireless BlackBerry

    From: brian lawson
    Date: Wed, 12 Aug 2009 20:39:41 -0700 (PDT)
    To: <theoretical_ physics@yahoogroups.com>
    Subject: Re: [Theoretical_ Physics] Re: The Unified Trinity of Atheist-Spiritualis t-Supernaturalis t

    ok, enough, to put this as lightly as i can so that you may grasp the "scientific meaning"

    there is a possibility of a "creator" be it an extradimensional entity, an all powerful being, or little green elmers from the planet FUDD, there is a possibility of our being terrafomed, another possibility of a being of extradimentional nature that has the ability to manipulate Chaos theory (My Theory), or simply an omnipotent spirit that says "cause i said so".
    we dont know, but to dismiss these theories out of hand is to be ignorant of the fact that there are more things out there that we dont know than that we know. life is far too complex to be happenstance, and as for the experiments that made amino acids from scratch, they still cant make a single intracellular organ, there is just too much organization of the chaos for human being to be the highest intellectual yield on our planet let alon the "known" universe, all i am saying is that it is healthy for science to be open to the discussion of the possibility a "god" if only to allow for further scrutiny, to dissmiss the possibility out of hand is to be as ignorant as the church was for its dismissal of copernicus, i would suggest you read "The Dialogue" b y copernicus for perspective on this, it is an interesting read, but modern science cannot be allowed to be the modern doppelganger of the Medieval church

    Last edited by a moderator: Feb 11, 2015
  7. Allisiam

    Allisiam Well-Known Member

    post_old. 01-05-2010, 11:29 AM #94


    Avalon Senior Member

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    icon1. Re: The Occult Reptilian Agenda and the Council of Thuban

    Thanks to all of you for your suggestions and replies and especially to you Abraxasinas for your contributions and explanations.

    01-05-2010, 11:35 AM #95

    Avalon Senior Member

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    Re: The Occult Reptilian Agenda and the Council of Thuban

    i guess i am not "most of us" ...i have tried and tried to understand this thread. my mind has never been good with numbers.

    Though i do find some fascinating information ...i feel almost...stupid reading this stuff..

    am i the only one?

    no offense meant to anyone here..i am just trying to learn..

    be well and know you are loved
    Last edited by a moderator: Feb 11, 2015
  8. Allisiam

    Allisiam Well-Known Member

    01-05-2010, 11:45 AM #96


    Join Date: Dec 2009
    Location: Queanbeyan/Canberra; NSW, Australia
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    Re: The Occult Reptilian Agenda and the Council of Thuban

    For Celine!

    The Parable of the Sandpit

    Imagine yourself as father and mother with three-year old twins.
    Both of your children, a boy and a girl are in a sandpit, where you watch them play.
    You observe them experimenting and exploring their local environment - the sandpit.
    The kids see the sand; they smell it, they listen to it and they try to eat the sand.
    They fondle the sand and they feel it; they try to do all sorts of things to the sand, like sticking it in their hair and up their noses and into their ears.

    When something like another child, even a twin, disturbs their endeavours, then they may start to throw the sand at each other; verbal utterances are supplemented by gestures meanings things like "It's mine!" or "I was here first, so just go away!"

    This is the playground of very young children before school age and very well known to every

    Now as father and mother, what would you expect as an answer from the kids to questions like: "Where did the sand come from kid?
    Why do you think or behave like you owned it?"
    If the kid could talk it would say: "It's just there! So I took it!"; and that would be it.

    Would the child understand your knowledge and experience and logic?
    Namely, that the sand came from a beach or a mine and ultimately from exploding stars called supernovae and so the universe?
    And whatever made the supernova, made the universe and made the sand?

    Father and Mother know very well that the sandpit was built for providing a learning experience for the children.
    Then the father and mother might recall their own childhood and remember the times, when
    they themselves had been playing in a sandpit.

    Ah yes, there was Tom and Julie and Henry and Elizabeth.
    And over there is Stephen and Rachel and Harold and Pamela.
    They all had played and had ravelled in the sandpit.
    Tom was now the chief research scientist working for the chemical manufacturer and multinational corporation Drug-U-Better & Co.
    Julie had become a top PR-Executive of a transatlantic oil exporter.
    Henry was employed as a chief banker for the worldwide Unibank.

    Elizabeth was so pretty, she worked seven days a week as a supermodel of the catwalk.
    Stephen had made his name as a world renowned mathematical physicist.
    Rachel worked and part-owned a wholesale department store and thought soon to extend her
    business interstate and overseas.
    Harold owned and operated Trick-A-Cheapcar, a highly profitable used car yard and dealership; he considered it time to move into gold, real estate and the Vatican Bank.

    Pamela made her daily run on the stockmarket; she was so good at it, that she had even given up her lucrative career as a lawyer over it....
    And Dad and Mum are standing on the edge of the sandpit watching the children play in the
    sand; but now the sand was made into different toys to play with.
    There was paper and metals and plastics and other things.

    The kids still chucked the sand around, but now they called it money and computers and rockets and things and cars and satellites and guns and things...
    If all the kids are children of nature, the universe and if all the children are still growing up;
    should they then not be destined to grow into entire universes themselves?

    That is the logical conclusion in a development from baby to child to adult.
    And Mum and Dad are standing on the edge of the sandpit, watching the children play in the
    sand - they are always watching you and they are always loving you - their kid."


    I Am One in Many and I Am Many in One!
    Last edited by abraxasinas; 01-05-2010 at 11:49 AM. [/I]
    Last edited by a moderator: Feb 11, 2015
  9. Allisiam

    Allisiam Well-Known Member

    post_old. 01-05-2010, 12:25 PM #97
    Avalon Senior Member

    Join Date: Dec 2009
    Posts: 897

    icon1. Re: The Occult Reptilian Agenda and the Council of Thuban

    Hi, this is Stardust

    A'sha has been commissioned to publish a book "Life after Earth" this summer, it will explain a lot of what it is going on and what it is the Silver Seed Awakening contracts

    No doubt there will be more public radio interviews

    Whilst I have not read all the comments in this thread since I last log off, I fully understand that the information is difficult to grasp.

    When I started to study Keylontic Sciences, that are the scientific studies of ascension, I felt lost too, but perseverance got me there. Anyway there is enough material in their website to gently peruse

    My best wishes

    choose well, choose love, choose freedom
    Last edited by a moderator: Feb 11, 2015
  10. Allisiam

    Allisiam Well-Known Member

    post_old. 01-05-2010, 01:11 PM #98

    Avalon Senior Member


    Join Date: Dec 2009
    Location: Oak Ridge, Tennessee, USA
    Posts: 120

    icon1. Re: The Occult Reptilian Agenda and the Council of Thuban


    Thanks for your commitment to this thread. i feel somewhat like Celine, i guess, in that sometimes i'm thinking what the f--k are they talking about?!? especially when you & [what's his/her name] were going back & forth earlier .... it was like ya'll were talking in code or a foreign language LOL!! but i've caught enough to have some questions, though it's taken me awhile to formulate them:

    1) is part of what you're talking about the transcending of duality? /the death of the devil? / embracing our shadow (as a species)?

    2) what is this about you being a vampyre ..... only not like the ones who only come out at night??? are there any other ways that you're different from them??? excuse my naivite, but i haven't read any anne rice or other pop-culture vampire novels, and so to me vampires still imply serious evil. what am i missing here?!?

    thanks again, Abraxasinas, and all you other cool spirits on this thread ... ya'll rock!


    Last edited by hippihillbobbi; 01-05-2010 at 01:16 PM.

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