Q & A By Abraxasinas And The Council Of Thuban

Discussion in 'Thuban Project Avalon' started by shiloh za-rah, Apr 12, 2014.

  1. Allisiam

    Allisiam Well-Known Member

    post_old. 01-04-2010, 08:20 PM #46


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    icon1. Re: The Occult Reptilian Agenda and the Council of Thuban

    Hello sunny one with the energy of exhuberance.

    The 'decree' was not implemented on earth, but what you may term the edge of the 10D universe. I am only partially aware of the government agendas, but am well informed about the agendas behind the agendas.
    The nonphysical agenda behind the fiscalizers behind the illuminated ones behind the governmental instutions behind the military-polito-religous organisers behind individual exponents to be more precise.
    I am not an agent nor a doubleagent for any clandestine operation on any dimensional level.
    I remain an unknown quantity even to the highest echelons of the fiscalizers and this shall remain so until December 2011 in relative appropriations.
    As I have no dealings whatsoever with any control structure on the planet, except some obscure identifications common to most; I have been given no decrees to face or do anything by such operators and structures.

    May the ferromagnetic basis in its monopolar diamagnetic exclusion allow you to continue to simplify the levitation mechanics of supercooled superconductors.


    I Am One in Many and I Am Many in One!
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  2. Allisiam

    Allisiam Well-Known Member

    01-04-2010, 08:25 PM #47

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    Re: The Occult Reptilian Agenda and the Council of Thuban

    'We stood before it and began to freeze inside from the exertion. We questioned the painting, berated it, made love to it, prayed to it: We called it mother, called it whore and sl#t, called it our beloved, called it Abraxas...'
    (Excerpt from 'DEMIAN' by Hermann Hesse)
    post_old. 01-04-2010, 08:30 PM #48

    Flying Pyramid
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    icon1. Re: The Occult Reptilian Agenda and the Council of Thuban

    I am mindfull of the agendas of those with truths whispering in my ears, as you should be as well.
    As all begins to crystalize into tangible truth i bid you peace, love & light Anubis, and a word to the wise, "be mindful the intentions of those you "follow" for you only follow yourself". - RA/I]

    And may you truth be known and echo a resonance so intense, no ear will refuse it.

    "When The Power Of Love Overcomes The Love Of Power The World Shall Know Peace"

    My Threads:
    Free DC Energy -

    19.5 & 22.5 Degrees -
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  3. Allisiam

    Allisiam Well-Known Member

    post_old. 01-04-2010, 08:46 PM #49

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    icon1. Re: The Occult Reptilian Agenda and the Council of Thuban

    Abraxas, your quoted text in green

    Wow, what an emotion-charged response from a starchild which is the truth that spans the sands of time.

    You have for example the wisdom saying of five such universes in paradise:
    (19) Jesus says: (1)"Blessed is he who was, before he came into being.
    (2) If you become disciples of mine (and) listen to my words, these stones will serve you.
    (3) For you have five trees in Paradise that do not change during summer (and) winter,
    and their leaves do not fall. (4) Whoever comes to know them will not taste death."

    To witch one of the three "Jesus" are you referring to?

    Then there are precisely five regular polyhedrons of Archimedes, knows as the Platonic Solids.
    Which are part of the Metatronic Sciences
    Then there are precisely five superstring classes, which unify the quantum mechanics within 10 dimensions of chiral superstrings and within nonchiral 26 dimensions of gauge bosons.

    So now you are talking of 10 dimensions, of course the falled angelics have only 10 strands of distorted DNA don't they?

    Similarly, you should define the 'God worlds' beyond the 15 dimensions of the 5 harmonic universes to deviate from wordplay.
    I should nothing but graciously I’ll tell you that beyond the 5fh Harmonic Universe, the realm of the Golden Rishi, there are three more realms of sound and beyond that there is the realm of the Yunasai

    2. Where have I stated that I am channeling? I do no such thing, as my tripartite tier of consciousness has attained a certain harmony between the waking-, the sub- and the super. Therefore I am repeating the data I know from my affinity with Thuban communicated by telepathic means in full consciousness.
    Well then, “you are also part of the lowerD” as you point out in 6, you can not have it both ways; therefore you are susceptible to the filters of the NET, so your information has to be filtered too to separate the wheat from the chaff. The MCEO has three speakers and all downloads are compared between them to avoid misrepresentations of the original data
    I AM a multiuniversal being that expands 5 Harmonic Universe, a expression of the Mashaya Hana, as many in this planet are now

    5. Thank you for the information you have given me to ponder. I shall use my discernment to separate the 'chaff from the wheat' as the wisdom saying states.
    So you believe that the humans will fall into Black Holes, where they then become like the 'fallen angels' and lose their souls and spiritual identities, should the 'nasty' dragons get their way?

    Do you understand the physics of Black Holes sufficiently to define the parameters to allow such an occurrence?
    Do you know how the physical interaction between Black Holes and physical bodies manifests?
    Do you know how the metaphysicality and/or the physicality of humans and 'fallen angels' relates to each other and then to the dynamics of Black Holes?
    Do you know what the god-source is under those initial and boundary conditions of Black Holes interacting physically with other energies?
    Do you know what 'fallen angels' are in such terminology?

    Yes I do

    6. I never said that the information from the Guardian Alliance is disinformation. I said that, being part of the lowerD universe, ALL information becomes subject to an incomplete agenda and therefore all things are partially true and partially incorrect in the evaluation processes applied in dichotomised or dualised systems.
    Well as you see you are mistaken regarding the Guardian Alliance

    7. It is pleasing to see that you try to discern the scientific content of your source material. Some of the scientific data from Thuban has been published in this planetary spacetime environment, but much more is accessible by extraterrestrial data collectors.
    The proportion which has been published in the Earth environment will remain in relative obscurity until physical contact with the nearest information collectors has been made. These are sentiences from one of yur nearest starsystems, namely Canis Major, Sirius, the DogStar so 8.4 lightyears away.
    Below are some references you can use to access some of the information from Fafnir, the central library of Thuban in the capitol Dragonia.

    And more if you replace the number # by 1-10.

    Thank you for the links I will study them and comment on them when I am ready

    8. It is untrue that any cosmic- extraterrestrial or interdimensional race is planning to 'blast' the earth and its inhabitants with some 'weapon' to cause a poleshift in 2012. Yes you are not only free to create your own destiny, but you are destined to travel and communicate to and with the lifeforms within the galaxies to share your experiences of your 'great metamorphosis' from human caterpillar to starhuman butterfly with others.
    Eventually, you my dear starchild from Cassiopeia, you will achieve galactic consciousness and your lightbody will facilitate the galaxies and stars you now observe as the cells within your body. You will then no longer be a Queen of the Bull, but you shall be a Universe interacting with other Universes.

    No it isn't, the Elders intent regarding the 2012 aligment with Sagitarius A is to cause pole shift as the gravitron reached 55 metatronic spin, and not I am not from Cassiopea

    10. You truly honour me in terming this 'my dragons'. In a way the Dragons are like pets - Man's Best Friend Loyal and True like the Dogs of Sirius who are your pets in the decouplings of the DNA between the realms.
    Do you know, that when you pet and play with your dogs you are interacting with Sirian intelligence?
    Do you know that when you abuse your cats, you abuse Andromedean sentience?

    I know that when you talk about dragons is metaphorical, it refers to certain fallen races and they are distinguish by colour denomination, mind games will not work here. And yes pets can sometimes have connections with beings of other systems

    Why then should ANY alien race intend to destroy this planet, when their own familiars are residing as the Gaian lifeforms?

    Darling is IAIA HU3, a sun that got attacked by the fallen races and their wormholes, from IAIA was down stepped Tara HU2(now Alcione) and from the fall of TARA was down stepped part of the Milky WayHU1 including the Pleiades and the Solar System, the lowest of God's heavens

    The destruction your people intend is not for the destruction sake, I know that, it is borne of the need for quantum, you should know this, as the black holes are sepparated from source and therefore do not have access to the eternal flow and backflow of energy. Would it not be easier for your races to do space dust return? How much more are you going to suffer? How many more your races will sacrifice?

    11. It is very good, that you have come too the understanding through your endeavours of Being One with the Divine I Am. I congratulate you upon your graduation from the ignorance about this factuality.
    I AM one with the All Oneness,

    12. Thank you for respecting my choices and yes I am the Count of the Vampyresd - Dracula the Horrible graduated onto the galactic level of Thuban from Transylvania.

    Well, I have encountered vampires before but never found one that was willing to accept it was one, well done! I like Integrity
    Are you alike to Allister Crowley, or the BEAST 666 as he called himself?

    13. The Love of the Dragons is with you Princess in Wonderland.

    Be well and attentive on your path towards your self-remembrance and your breaking the shell of your cocoon.

    I rather not "break anything, it has taken quite a bit of effort to get rid of all the fallen angelic contraptions that harness the human body and the distortions that your kin have created in the template of the Milky Way

    In Eternal Love

    choose well, choose love, choose freedom

    Last edited by Stardustaquarion; 01-04-2010 at 08:51 PM.
    Last edited by a moderator: Feb 11, 2015
  4. Allisiam

    Allisiam Well-Known Member

    post_old. 01-04-2010, 09:04 PM #50

    Avalon Senior Member

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    icon1. Re: The Occult Reptilian Agenda and the Council of Thuban

    A video link that explains "NEW "DEATH STAR" BLACK HOLE DISCOVERED" from a regular TV station ITV

    View: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=t4bZx_HKR-Y

    food for thought


    choose well, choose love, choose freedom
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  5. Allisiam

    Allisiam Well-Known Member

    post_old. 01-04-2010, 09:10 PM #51

    THE eXchanger
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    icon1. Re: The Occult Reptilian Agenda and the Council of Thuban

    did the anchoring of 11/11/2009
    - NOT set The Mother Earth into 11D ???
    or, can it take 33 days, to click in ???

    flowers2. Love/Susan ~ The eXchanger flowers2.
    "BRiNGiNG iT BACK to The Round...
    "Will it to be...so, it will be...and, so iT iS ...13" wub2.
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  6. Allisiam

    Allisiam Well-Known Member

    post_old. 01-04-2010, 09:13 PM #52


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    icon1. Re: The Occult Reptilian Agenda and the Council of Thuban


    I am lost...empty.
    We are lost...as people.
    I/we (majority of population)...we do not know what/who we are.
    I am not asking about the origins of species...but who we are "inside"
    There are ideas but they are all very...vague...

    These are questions which deserve meaningful answers Spregovori.
    You are inside the Creator of your experience. The emptiness you experience relates to many things, including your forgetfulness of your origins and the many disapppointments you have suffered in your love expectations from other people around you. A very simple advice is for you to go into the wilderness of nature and observe the birds, the trees and the flora and fauna. Even better if you share those experiences with your dog or some other pet (dogs are Man's Best Friend remember).

    There is thread here called 'The Secret of Humanity', which would help you to remember.

    How can I/we change that?
    How can we get to know ourselves?
    How can we be certain that what we do/think is right?

    You can change your circumstances in giving your energies of thought and perception to the environment around yourself.
    Consider the saying: 'The Love you withold will haunt you!"
    The first step into the inner self is the 'Love of Yourself'. Once you know WHO you are in this world and WHY you have chosen to experience misery; namely to MIRROR yourself in EVERYTHING you encounter; then you shall find purpose and rediscover your inner energies, the potentials you have shut in due to your experienced unhappiness.

    You can be certain about things only relative to your own perceptions; say a mathematical proof will give relative certainty to a mathematician and seeing a ufo land in the back yard will give relative certainty to the witnessing observer.

    Who/What am I?

    You are the creator of the universe you live in AS the collective and sumtotal of all of the intelligence and 'soul-energy' contained in the universe.
    You are a holofractal hologram of this oneness and so should you remember your collective cosmic ID, you would realise the totality you are.
    Npow what happens to a totality? Because it is so total: omnipresent, omniscient, omnipotent and omnitimed - this totality is the epitome of LONELINESS.
    You and anyone experiencing loneliness partakes in the energy state of the collective before the universe existed in space and in time and in matter.
    So here is a reason for experiencing this unhappiness. Only after experiencing unhappiness, will happiness become appreciated when it enters your sphere of perception and experience.


    Project Camelot and all of its interviewees - your thoughts about it?

    Do you "see" any thing or anyone related to Project Camelot dishonest/deceitful?

    The most positive thing about PC are the contributors on forums such as this one.
    I call this positive, because it is a win-win situation fore all involved. The founders have established the platform for the interactions and communications between all and sundry to become possible.
    WE could not communicate the way we do, if this forum would not exist.
    All of the interviewees and contributors here carry part of the solution in say a positive converging mode and a negative diverging mode.

    The convergence synergizes thoughts and perceptions within groupminds and collective agendas, which so assume an enhanced potency in supplementing the collective planetary group-consciousness.

    The divergence does the same in an antimode, meaning that the divergence becomes an individual convergence instead of a collective convergence.
    However, even this becomes beneficial in the 'greater agenda', because this manifests a polarisation between the collective group-consciousness and the individuated minds within a collective of isolated minds, say.


    Galactic federation of Light - your thoughts about it?

    There are many such things. The basic directive for every human on the planet at thius time is: CREATE - CREATE Scenarios with your Imagination - Create the Scenarios in SHARING what you have IMAGED metaphysically in your thought. - Because the time for physicalisation of your imaginations has arrived.
    So YOU can IMAGE such a Federation and your neighbour can do the same, if he chooses to engage in 'such fantasies'.
    Then if you and your neighbour decide to blend the TWO Galactic Federations into ONE; then the Galactifc Federation of the two of you as ateam, will most likely be more 'powerful' to manifest, than the isolated Galactic Federation of your friend down the road, who has chosen to NOT blend his Galactic Federation with another imaginer.


    Much is based around the concept of free will...

    Is there such a thing as free will? If...to what extent can it be applied? Can I for example **hypothetically** use my free will to end the existence of my soul - thus for ever end my existance in all possible meanings? If soul can not be ended...and I **hypothetically** express a choice for this to happen...can than be said that there is no free will?

    Because you do not understand what you are experiencing you have developed a selfdenial or dislike of yourself on the level of the innermost beingness of your soul.
    Your soul IS God, the creator of all that exists and yes in this manner you have NO Free Will, as you cannot deexist God as the collective.

    However apart from this you DO have Free Will and you can choose to experience whatever you choose to experience with the physical, emotional, mental and psychophysical consequences your actions will entail.

    So you can choose to suffer on all levels above, or you can choose to first imagine and so create arelease from the suffering in changing your perceptions in reverse order from the psychosoma of the soul to the mind to the feelings to the physical body.


    Some say there is currently a large number of (what we call ET) ships around or in "near" (very, very close) vicinity of planet Earth.

    True or False?

    If true - what is their intention?

    The ET ships at present cannot enter the realm of the Earth in a physical manner to a distance of 2 million kilometers (encompassing the Moon and so 5% to the planet Venus).
    However interdimensionally, they are like the clouds you see in the sky in a plasmic form.
    Any spaceship represents a 3D cross-section of a 4D spacial reality. This means spaceships are like the shadow you cast against a wall in the sunlight in a 3D-2D analogy.

    So one can invoke the presence of any ET interdimensionally and this 'contact' will be a shadow encounter, physically defined in frequency modulations and the physical higherD equivalence of mass as magnetomonopolic superconductive electric current.


    Dogajale so se (dogajajo se) stvari...določene izven mojega vpliva, določene zaradi mojega vpliva. Na nič od tega nisem ponosen. Menda lahko vidiš več kot pa je napisano... Zdej seveda sprašujem...kakšne posledice bodo te stvari pustile - zame osebno? Kako se rešim tega?

    opomba: spletni prevajalniki niso točni

    I can translate languages like German, Spanish, French, Italian, Portugese, Dutch and Norwegian with my equipment; but Serbian or Macedonian or Croatiian is presently not accomodated.
    I shall answer you after you have translated your question for me to comment upon.

    You are the LoveChild of the Universe Spregovori and a Beloved of the Great Mother - try to give some love to someone and it shall return a hundredfold.
    Remember the old song: Tie a Yellow Ribbon round the old oak tree?
    I'm sure you can listen to it on the web - listen to it.

    Your Inner Knowing is stronger than your outer perception!

    I am your friend!


    I Am One in Many and I Am Many in One!
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  7. Allisiam

    Allisiam Well-Known Member

    post_old. 01-04-2010, 09:14 PM #53

    Avalon Senior Member

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    icon1. Re: The Occult Reptilian Agenda and the Council of Thuban

    Hello...well there sure is a lot of information posted in this thread that i can not verify!

    Just thought I would say welcome to the forum and thanks for sharing at avalon. Everyone!


    Can you summarize yours and the councils agenda at this time. What is it that you hope to accomplish in your brief time here?

    Well have a great day...whatever dimension your in! biggrin. JT

    Peace Love and Eternal Groovieness
    Michael Toldnes - the JesterTerrestrial himself.
    ABLE TO LOVE Canada's First Galactic Market
    Kundalini Awakening
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  8. Allisiam

    Allisiam Well-Known Member

    post_old. 01-04-2010, 09:17 PM #54

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    icon1. Re: The Occult Reptilian Agenda and the Council of Thuban

    hi all, best regards and thanks for the instructive debate to the contenders

    As you are dimension travelers I'd like to ask you about a certain place or group of entities I had met:
    The counsil of AZKHAM

    Well it's ok if it means nothing to you, just wanted to check it out.

    You're all amazing

    View: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=TPIKFeaG53Y
  9. Allisiam

    Allisiam Well-Known Member

    post_old. 01-04-2010, 09:31 PM #55


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    icon1. Re: The Occult Reptilian Agenda and the Council of Thuban

    The 6 is in Slovene language... (less than 2 million native speakers)

    The translation is am :

    Perhaps you can see more than it is written....

    Curtain things happened...in the past...some are still happening now... Some of the things were/are beyond my influence, some of the things were/are because of my influence... I am not proud about this things...

    What I am interested in is about the implications of this things...regarding myself (does this sentence make sense?) I wish to know how it will...affect me..."judge" me... and what can I do to "solve the problem"

    end of translation.

    If you can not answer this...ok .... I do hope you can answer the rest (1,2,3,4,5)

    EDIt: just noticed the answer in quoted text

    EDIT2: I had a dog...he died...november 17. 2009....the injection ("mercy" call...made by me) I am...miss him...a lot

    thx for answers and good night

    Last edited by Spregovori; 01-04-2010 at 09:51 PM.
    Last edited by a moderator: Feb 11, 2015
  10. Allisiam

    Allisiam Well-Known Member

    post_old. 01-04-2010, 09:32 PM #56

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    icon1. Re: The Occult Reptilian Agenda and the Council of Thuban

    I stand with my eyes wide open and listen to the banter between Abraxas and Stardust and wonder... where am I?

    If these things that they speak of have any truth then I fear for the human race. Are we indeed ready to tackle an understanding of such monumental proportions... I wonder.


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