Principles 14 - Grace

Discussion in 'Principles' started by Jorgelito, Feb 9, 2015.

  1. Jorgelito

    Jorgelito ¡Olé!

    a frame of mind -- being centered in the Heart and connected to the Divine

    We know it well by what it is not -- anything of fear, anything lacking, anything addicting and anything that makes us forget who we are and what we’re up to. On the other hand, when we’re with someone we love and respect, forces come into play that allow us to be with that person. We do it with almost no effort . . .


    This frame of mind is grace. May I know that someone special in any person, shape or form . . .
    Last edited: Feb 9, 2015
  2. Jorgelito

    Jorgelito ¡Olé!

    The entity whose memory brings grace

    Grace you find in remembering me

    Every name or description of myself is a metaphor and approximates what really is. This is because I am an infinite being in a tangible, finite, bounded world.
    These are feelings that point to what I am that are true and real but cannot be seen . . .

    I am the Earth. It feels like home -- the love, being whole, being complete. It feels like home because I am this.
    I am the light, the love, the body and the source. I am these things for there is no other. There is just me and no other.
    I am the wind, the waters, the Earth, the sun. They are always in my heart and through them I am. Anchored and grounded this feeling is.

    I connect in love Heaven and Earth, above and below, but I have neither shape nor form, The edgy quivering alive feeling of Presence this is. I Am That I Am.
    I am the love, a spark of a common fire shared by all -- in the whole and in the part because there is really only one. The feeling of Earth this is.

    Namaste. I feel your love!

    A Time for Knitting
    of being as one

    Last edited: Feb 9, 2015

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