Path of the E Ticket going for the Complete Ride This path is not about feeling, feeling good, feeling not so good, or feeling anything. It’s not about being something — being alive, being in love or even just being. These things come after something else. What it’s about is recognizing our own presence — which speaks through every medium and plays every field. Most of the time we focus on what we feel, think, want and do — rather than who’s actually doing it. This is about the who part. It’s not something theoretical or hypothetical. It’s simply giving recognition to the who. It might feel like a sun burning inside us. This is one view of our presence . . . Here are some views of our presence at different scales . . . Giving recognition to our presence (remember this is who we really are) might be taking care of business, responding to life and allowing energies to move freely — stuff we do anyway. Sometimes we know it by the joy it brings; sometimes we know it by fear and anxiety that shut things down. We don’t need to do anything in any case — except let it be what it is (think Let It Be, Beatles) — even though we may not know at that time what that is or what it is up to. In so far as we can let it be, whatever that is, we have admission on the The E Ticket — where we can laugh and cry and go home afterwards . . . Nutshell In a nutshell, it’s loving our presence no matter what it’s up to. It thus radiates out into the world and to every dominion -- seeing with eyes of enchantment as not seen before -- usually reserved for angels, small children and fits of the imagination . . .
On the wings of Butterflies The knowingness of a sun inside us is how we interpret being alive and coming awake; it operates on us and around us and it includes those sparks that help us remember what we know but can not see. One view of the radiating-out is butterflies in flight -- energetic, very quick, hardly there. It's one of those things, unless you write it down, it's gone in 3 minutes. So I'm writing it down. I will hitch a ride on one of those butterflies (they're wily ones), not letting go, no matter where it goes, no matter what form it takes. Until I see what it has to say . . . Our presence -- who we really are -- is remembering itself into the world because when we remember who we are, that energy is then in the world. And when we are present in the world, we radiate our god presence into it. It is helpful for me to know why I do this or anything (happens it seems when the temperature exceeds 95 & i don’t feel like doing anything). It is then I think of certain people close to my heart . . . When we love someone, we want to appreciate who they are no matter how they are. Remembering our presence into the world is something like that -- it's remembering the love that needs no reason -- the part that drives everything we do -- even when we're so wrapped up we can't see out. b.f.
Love and Drama We can’t fall asleep (or do drama) if we want to see the love in our heart and know what is true and real. It seems we have to be awake for this. Being awake is holding that tentative spot of letting things be at least for now. It’s awake because we see without obstruction. We know the experience as open, clear, tentative in so far as we can. (It’s not a thing of agreeing or not; that’s something else.)
Yes Yes Yes remembering waters that replenish body and soul It’s a way of looking at things we may have forgotten — but exists still in our memory banks. It’s saying we love everything we feel, think and do — and saying “yes! Yes! Yes!” to our heart to make sure it knows. It's knowing we are free because we’re choosing to allow all our experiences and all those we can remember to exist. We create this way of seeing sometimes when the love we have for something takes precedence over lesser things of the world -- creating a space of freedom in which the heart can speak directly -- a place where we can see, listen and know. Here are examples of what comes from this freedom . . . Restoration We are immersed in life energies; they become available to us when we say it’s OK to come on in. That's when we let go of the bank and ride the rapids — the landscape may change — becoming wild, uncharted, unpredictable. It's a Love Infusion Fix; it restores life to body and soul. Healing We are a rainbow of energies. By Integrating — that is, making all energies available to us — we help the body to heal itself . . . Awakening In a fundamental way it awakens because it helps our presence — who we really are — to be born on this Earth (fully present). We can help this along, if we choose to do so, because it needs every energy conceivable to do this. In terms we are more familiar, it’s doing what all we can to keep our 1974 Ford Pinto on the road , , ,
Giving Birth to Ourselves what it means in terms of energy Stepping into ourselves -- who we really are -- which radiates out -- is knowing who we are as we expand out into different energy levels. Knowing who we are is equivalent to knowing the love in our heart -- when things make sense; things add up; there's clarity; there's flow; there's peace and our soul is at rest. This is ground state and can occur at any energy level. Being fully present means knowing who we are at every level. This is and feels like being free because we are allowing every energy within us to be present. When we forget the love in our heart (this is OK)), we may feel lost for awhile, but experiencing these energies is how we weave our presence into these energies -- by weathering the storm and so allowing it to be present within us. Giving birth to our presence in the world is shared with all of Earth at this time . . .