Principle 10 - Abundance

Discussion in 'Principles' started by Jorgelito, Sep 7, 2014.

  1. Jorgelito

    Jorgelito ¡Olé!



    The road of abundance is a path that recognizes our unbounded nature through a body that we have but may not be manifest; it is comprised of many souls, many beings, many frequencies where energy flows free depicted by goddess Nuit . . .

    Dreaming It

    By dreaming this body we will have, we create it. And acting so, we acknowledge and respond to That Which We Are -- the root of our being -- with the power and force of a decree.


    So what is this thing going to look like? A most interesting questions indeed. But instead we do the next indicated step . . .

    Doing Things We Like

    We act in ways that point to the body we want. We point because laying it out like a blueprint does not work for the infinite. These are things to which we might "point".


    Having Fun

    The fun part of any kind of unity consciousness is when everyone knows who they are. Everything falls into place after that.

    A Most Extraordinary Experience It Would Be

    Knowing who we are and the forces, frequencies and all manner of beings that share of themselves with us could make for a most extraordinary experience. It would certainly be life in the present tense.
    Last edited: Feb 5, 2015
  2. Jorgelito

    Jorgelito ¡Olé!

    Creating Source in the World
    creating light and creating abundance


    There is only one source of energies -- Source. It's what we do to experience life. You can't see it. You can't taste it. You can't feel it. That part comes later. It's a sound over the land . . .

    So when we create anything -- even just being -- we are bringing Source into the world. What we create, with many others, is a universal body shared by all.

    Walking Through Energies


    When we walk through energies, we really don’t change at all. We just experience different things.


    To experience different things, every life-form (crying babies included) has a body of a specific frequency and matter that resonates to and co-creates with the fabric of the universal body of all living things.
    Since we are beings of God light and of power, we choose our frequencies -- by altering the body we inhabit. Here are some examples of what we do and why . . .

    Getting to know body
 and being master

    Getting to know Spirit
    and those always in our heart

    Getting to know Source
    by being open no matter what


    Some things we do have nothing to do with realizing anything. We are familiar with this: responding to a love that comes from the inside out -- immediate, now, automatic -- from center -- outside any notion of good or bad.

    We are of light and we give light. Every particle of matter and every quantum of energy is light. We are light givers. As is the sun, moon and all the stars. Thus we (and that's everything) create a cosmic body and field of light.

    The view that all things emanate light is not a new one. This is how the impressionists painted . . .

    San Gorgio Maggiore at dusk, Claude Monet

    Vue du canal Saint-Martin, Alfred Sisley

    Forest, Paul Cezanne

    It's a way of seeing where light streams from every part like the stars in goddess Nuit . . .

    Last edited: Feb 5, 2015

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