This is the light from your closet From the moutain tops from the Earth a wet street in autumn of a man and a woman of love and roses
Lantern & Light Every breath, every thought I have I have through You. You are my lantern and We are the Light! And YOU is every way there is to love and be alive. There are many ways -- many lanterns. For example . . . Looking at it this way, everything in our lives is a lantern (including personal self) through which We can know love and life. To appreciate the love (that feels like silence) shinning through us and all lanterns, we may want to turn down the volume.
Body of the Heart The body of the Heart is something like . . . The heart is indescribable and so remains empty in the center. The body of the heart is made of the many whose center is the center. The body of the heart seems to be strongly related to four. Examples are . . . We see it in mandalas for creating a sacred space (body). Mother Nature inhabits a space of four elements. We recognize it in the sacred. And we see it in our gods . . . At any level we see it, it is created in the light and the love from All (You, Me, Everyone) . . . It is a living being just like us. Ever notice your talking back to you? I think it may be a primal pattern that exosts in all things and from which all things are created. Like a seed for everything -- hula hoops to galaxies . . . This means every atom, every molecule has the makings for stars and universes. Maybe the quintessential pattern might look something like this . . . A jewel in every particle of matter.
Memories That Awaken There are places of the heart that awaken the souls of men. They come from a world from which the world is made but are not of this world. When we remember these places, the soul awakens . . . This is one such memory . . . Mathematician Kurt Gödel (1931) was able to prove thatevery consistent system will be incomplete and every complete system will be inconsistent . . .ödel's_incompleteness_theorems What it means is the world is a loosely knit thing!! It’s not the way we think it is. We think things are logical and sequential in all ways. And to support this view, we gloss over the things things that don’t fit. But once in awhile something rocks the boat (usually to our chagrin). We don’t live in a linear world. We just think we do. It’s more like this. There’s a thread alright, but it’s jumping all over the place (in this plane) . . . It means being both loving and cruel, wise and stupid, forgiving and condemning. This describes me to a T! It’s a paradox (you'd think we'd be more consistent!) like the one of many of Alice in Wonderland. Alice says, “I’ve seen cats without a smile but never a smile without a cat”. It describes who we are and life itself. It doesn’t finish one thing and go to the next. It’s all over the map. Life meanders. Holes are left (incompleteness) and things that don’t even belong show up (inconsistencies). But the weave becomes beautiful with all its patchy parts . . . I’d rather be alive and whole -- with all the chaos -- a patch quilt of good and bad -- than go to hell in a basket any day of the week! The memory filling me is . . . accepting all that I am, including all the love I am and shining all the beauty I am.
Angel Light realities beyond the obvious they evoke beautiful color and light. This is one of my favorites . . . Some things are made of angel light. A person can tell; it awakens every part of us. and it feels like this . . . in the presence of beauty . . . or a dog or first light Could that sparkly stuff inside me be angel light?
The Inner and Outer of who we are We don’t get to see the Inner Half face to face too often . . . Usually we we only know the day to day view of things . . . Much of the time what we experience in the OUTER is something that the INNER wants to just spend some time with. For example, in school you may have been tasked to prove a theorem of Euclid. It, on the other hand, just wants to experience the beauty of geometry . So you might have failed geometry, but it may have been because Inner liked geometry so much it wanted some extra time to be with it. The play between inner and outer can take us to magical places . . . Meterora - Greece Places like these are magical to me because they wake me up. These energies of awakening / remembering / being alive -- are energies we all know; they activate, energize and raise all our frequencies. It results from the union of Body and Soul, Inner and Outer. My Mother and Dad, Feb 1941 This union creates a healing, unifying light (energy) within our body and in the larger fields we occupy. The light of Machu Picchu is this kind of light . . .
Amazing Masks of the Infinite there must be an infinite variety Here’s one mask from the Chibcha Indians of Colombia. It is a mask placed over the infinite . . . from the Pachacamac of Peru . . . Mexico . . This mask is a rainbow . . . a homeless person . . . and just about any dog . . . We are the mask and what's behind it too!