Affirmation Of Who We Are I fully affirm my identity as the Christ, the Buddha, the Atma, the Monad -- the IAM Presence on Earth in service of humankind. I am the Truth, the Way, the Light. I see every person, animal and plant as embodiment of the Eternal Self, whether they are aware of the true identity or not. I live within all beings and all beings live within me.
Unconditional Acceptance When you see Yourself You see things in a true way And accepting the world becomes possible
Rainbow Spirit A rainbow spirit is made of every imaginable light. They easily love because every light is within them.
This I AM This is LIFE -- self-talk and personal struggles included -- and This I AM It feels like coming home.
An affirmation a good one for waking up to True Self and seeing what is true May you be in my heart all those I love
The way home in a field of judging, blaming, condescension and control Go past the fog, the mist, the forgetting . . . Rest now in the vast, infinite Heart I AM THAT I AM
Who and what I am . . Every name or description of myself is a metaphor and approximates what really is. This is because I am an infinite being in a tangible, finite, bounded world . . . These are feelings that refer to what I am that are true and real but cannot be seen . . . I am the Earth. It feels like home -- the love, being whole, being complete. It feels like home because this is what I am. I am the light, the love, the body and the source. I am these things for there is no other. There is just me and no other. I am the wind, the waters, the Earth, the sun. They are always in my heart and through them I move. Anchored and grounded is the feeling. I connect. I connect the love of Heaven and Earth, above and below, but I have neither shape nor form, The edgy quivering alive feeling of Presence this is. I Am That I Am. I am the love, a spark of a common fire shared by all -- in the whole and in the part because there is really only one. The Earth feeling this is . . . Namaste.
Dialogue Jorgelito: Good morning! This will probably be the last of the affirmations for awhile. Muffy: Going somewhere? Jorgelito: No, after all this affirmation stuff, I feel I don't have to go anywhere. Muffy: Yep, I can understand that but I'm also sure you will be just taking a breather and then resuming--- Jorgelito: Yes. I'm already open for another adventure that the last one made possible!