This is about the faces of nothing or NoSpace -- that defies definition but feels like everything . . .
Sun Face The Place Sun lives in a field of stillness. It is a place where stillness cascades like waters from a fountain of eternal life that Ponce de Leon was looking for. Maybe places like . . . Shamballa or Camelot . . . or watching the stars at night . . . This is a place where visions are born and dreams become. Where no road, no channel, no path is needed to go from here to there. It’s a place of seeing / knowing / remembering / making and creating unparalleled -- something like looking for faces in the clouds that we might remember doing as a child . . . Being Sun works behind the scenes. Sun is what comes before everything else. But we can figure some things out. For one thing, it’s pretty quiet here. Being Sun is like being a river -- a very large and big river -- something like the Amazon River in South America that goes forever. The Heart and essence of Sun is this river. It’s so big it can hold everything inside its banks So everything is very quiet -- because nothing is moving -- only the outside is moving. Inside -- zip. So it is natural and true that Sun sees the rock, the shore, the trees all moving. But sun does not move. It remains still. It is self-evident that what the sun does is to give light. This role is a natural and familiar thing we do even when we’re not thinking about it. It would be a snap but for the fact that most of us are not aware we’re doing it and so miss out on all the fun! The reason is that we put obstacles out there to block the light. It seemed a good idea at the time -- to keep the pain out. So now only a dribble of life gets through. It’s like our own personal asteroid belt! Aside from this, it doesn’t take much effort or thought to be Sun. We naturally do it just by being alive. The Look Sun doesn't actually do anything. Sun is the source for those who do do things. It’s a peaceful life being Sun. And Sun is not the flashy type to wear rubies and diamonds to shine. In fact, Sun is quiet and unassuming and may assume any form it wishes . . . Rock . . . Frog with an eye for fly . . . or Bird Lunch.
Wind Face Tower of Winds, Athens, 100 A.D. Caduceus Egyptian Troth had the Ankh; Greek Hermes had the Caduceus. They are living symbols of life and Spirit and the agency to create life. Hermes Isis A way of healing and enlightenment that reawakens our world The divine feminine is the goddess in all traditions, and has been since the beginning of time. These traditions are a mystical, magical, powerful, part of primal Mother Earth. They symbolize balance and healing, renewal and restoration. The symbol of Sophia is the dove, depicted as the bird descending from the heavens, known in Christianity as the Holy Spirit. Isis is the Egyptian goddess of magic, fertility, and motherhood. She has gone by many names, such as the Queen of the Heavens, Star of the Sea, Light-Giver of Heaven, Lady of Green Crops, and She Who Knows How To Make Right Use Of The Heart. She is the Great Mother of fertility, of creation, of life and death. Some see the Mary, the mother of Jesus, as an incarnation of Isis. The Force This is the force of life to be, any way It can. In a way it’s a vehicle of life because the way we experience life is through through the worlds we create (including our body). This is not about going to heaven or avoiding Hell. It’s about creating anything. It’s up to us, as it always has been, what we create. Faust chose to surrender his soul to the Devil just to be very alive for a short while. We know the feeling of being alive; Spirit-Wind is the vehicle to be alive. It has many forms . Our human body is one. One can also look at Spirit as a process -- what we do to be Who We Are fully in the present. For certain there many ways to look at this, but I look at it as a rabbit hole -- the one in Alice in Wonderland. It’s hole you can jump in and experience life in totally new ways. The hole may have to to be unclogged from time to time, however.'s_Adventures_in_Wonderland I wonder what places I will find, wake up to?
Water Face The Waters If The Waters were a goddess, she would be as beautiful as could be. Her body would include all of us together . . . Even my body . . . When I think of her, I think of the ocean . . . Her magic is that she is Life itself. She lives and breathes, as ebb and flow, waxing and waning, breathing in and breathing out. Waters is soul, oversoul, of all life, of all living things. That is why her body includes us all. She is the common room in which we all live. She loves all of us and holds each of us in her heart. Our love of life is her love of us.
Earth Face friend for always Earth is very down-to-Earth. And a very still and quiet place. In feelings we know it as home. The first words of The Sounds of Silence by Simon and Garfunkel are Hello darkness, my old friend I've come to talk with you again . . . People over the ages have called this one by different names -- Stillness, Void, NoSpace, Chaos (Greeks), Darkness, Silence . . . It is love itself. Its presence is everywhere. It can become so tangible, sometimes I can almost touch it (granular), see it (clarity), smell it (acrid). When I get flashes of this place, it feels like it's been with me for eons. It has no form. It occupies a field of the infinite and unchanging. And It is what I am -- that is, before before waking up in the morning . . . And it is this we manifest (i.e. Who we are, but there's a lot of room for our infinite imagination). We change our awareness, our focus, our view constantly, but reality remains the same. We call it manifesting our reality. When we manifest, we “create” a new window or body to experience life. But we remain the same. Mr. Sandman we are. The frequencies of Silence seem to have a particular and familiar feeling. The feeling is that of the ordinary experienced as extraordinary. Some other examples are: Moonlight and creaking boats at the harbor. The clack of tracks in the dark of night. The sound of pitter patter of rain from inside. It is the same energy we experience in the presence of beauty, the making of dreams and doing the things we love. This is our best friend. It’s Who we are and then some.