The Flow Feeling finding pathways to what it is The essence of water -- flow, fluidity, responsiveness -- is the underlying feeling of Doorway, Gateway and Pathway. It's a feeling we know. It enters and fills us with light, love and the creatvity required to find our keys, keep under budget and be healthy. Here are images of that feeling. Illustrations These are illustrations of flow from different perspectives -- Doorway, Gateway, Pathway, Way. Pathway -- a particular kind of love Pathway is fractal, universal, continuous -- with ending and beginning equally good. It is participation in the breathing of soul. We can observe this is in the common and the uncommon. We see it in the land going from fallow to harvest and back. We see it in a shaman who enters a realm not seen and returns with bounty for the village and tribe. Pathway is the tree that draws source waters with its roots and shares this love and beauty with the Earth. We do this too. We draw into our heart the love of the Earth and share this with all the universe . . . Pathway can give us an edgy, alive feeling -- the fluid, responding, moving feeling of water. This is due to the "the sun in us" (Source) emerging, surfacing into the world -- the field of manifestation (Earth). Examples of Gateway the truest space we can imagine Examples at various densities There's an explosion of life and creativity on Earth that's especially visible when we allow the sound, tumult and clamor move through us like a river. Note: This has been a most interesting journey for me. I hope you have enjoyed it as well. Jorgelito. PS This is the feeling. Where only what is true can exist and spirit can enter. National Geographic
To Know Without a Doubt pure love infinite and unbounded \ As you stand in your power you are free from the fear of oppression, you become unshakeable in the faith that you are pure love, that you are Mother/Father God incarnated in this body — Hari Baba This is a way of seeing that resonates as true and serves as a context of what we are -- That we exist from — not in — a sea of energies (see the girl coming from behind & through the circles) That our true identity is the whole — incarnated in our body. That we express this wholeness through Heaven, Earth and Whole (You may have other names). Here are these ways -- all good -- of expressing the universe inside us -- ways we see things, be who we are and love the things we love. Wavelength 1 Being the River Desc: Creating in an awareness of soul Keywords: RIVER, SOUL Essence: Being the river itself This is recognizing the immersed-in-love feeling. This is when we are the river; eveything moves around us, but we remain still and do not move (experiencing as observer). This is root, sourceness and center. There is no sense of division. Images Wavelength 2 — Life & Being Alive Desc: Creating in an awareness of the world Keywords: LIFE, WORLD Essence: Testing the waters This is the tasting, touching, knowing, life, the world — so completely sometimes we forget who we are -- it can be like riding a roller coaster -- with ups and downs -- and living in a Coke bottle -- with reflections and endless echoing. Images Wavelength 3 — A Combination of the Two Desc: Creating in an awareness of both world & soul KeywordS: TWO, WHOLE Essence: Unified being At the appointed time, a trueness and a sourceness, a presence and a freedom and a complete knowing of who we will emerge from a union -- my higher self is saying this. We then share this with the world and larger realms because we’re all connected, all one. There is a "two feeling" because there's an awareness of a presence (higher self) moving through us. Images Wavelength of the Secret Garden reconnecting to center and healing from cataclysmic events big and small A wave of energy will flatten when its energy diminishes. We then can see what we could not before. Time can flatten a wave -- becoming just energy not good or bad -- a gult trip, a death, a divorce now manageable. To do this actively, we flatten the wave directly. This is an illustration of how we do it . . . Note: The wave of the secret garden (above) is the inside us moving through this enchanted garden of ours, we walk softly respecting all. We flatten the wave not by tuning out -- but by tuning in -- listening to our heart -- that quiet spot we can sink into no matter where we are -- and so acknowledge the inside us. The inside us is broadcasting this light (the quiet spot) all the time. We do it by being empty to it (or just being empty period). We can do this because we know and feel the love inside us. It vibrates to an authenticity and trueness no matter where we walk, what we do. Something like this . . . On another note on wavelength 2 . . . Here's one from Exodus -- wavelength 3 . . . It says I AM THAT I AM. It means I am pure love infinite and unbounded, Reply