HMR 11 - A Wide View of the Soul

Discussion in 'Jorgelitos Corner' started by Jorgelito, Jan 18, 2015.

  1. Jorgelito

    Jorgelito ¡Olé!

    A Wide View of the Soul
    I am everyone past present and future

    light I am
    The love and beauty we associate with God is not out there, but inside. God does not exist out there because . . .
    We’re it.
    More vast, infinite and beautiful that we can imagine limited only by body and soul. Every being of this Earth, this galaxy and others are facets of who we are. In short, there is nothing but me (or you depending on whose shoes we're wearing).
    We’re it.
    It's not a new concept . . .



    If we could see ourselves so, what might we see?

    If it were so, how is it that it be so?

    Does this change anything?


    We think and feel as always, but it affords a rare doorway into self-awareness, connecting dots like mad . . .
    visiting in new ways the indescribable stillness of the soul into which flow the love and beauty of the waters, the trees, the land, the fire.

    Last edited: Jan 18, 2015
  2. Jorgelito

    Jorgelito ¡Olé!


    • Love Is A Parallax
      The paradox is that 'the play's the thing’:
      though prima donna pouts and critic stings,
      there burns throughout the line of words,
      the cultivated act, a fierce brief fusion
      which dreamers call real, and realists, illusion

      Allisiam, thank you for sharing Sylvia Plath. So much of the time what we do seems important and necessary when in fact it's also an excuse for (the) play that dreamers call real and realists, illusion.
      . . . It's like we find, create or invite things so we can experience that -- and it matters not if we are aware of it -- which is most odd. It makes sense though if we are experiencing life in various worlds at the same time so what we see is only a part of the picture. Sometimes our lives might intersect and share the same space -- weaving our ourselves one through the other -- when life awakens us & everything changes. Might be a person. Might be something else.
      I looked up parallax (Love Is A Parallax) -- It's the apparent displacement of the foreground relative to the background when viewed from different positions -- used by astronomers to measure distances to stellar objects.


      The binocular vision of predators gives depth likewise.


      So why is love parallax? Maybe to get a bead -- triangulate -- on that quiet quiet spot in our heart that goes forever -- from which life flows -- our root, our being -- by taking snapshots of ourselves -- outside, inside, makes no difference, it's all good, from different angles.

      Here are some basic snapshots . . .
      Fribble Non Fribble
      fribblepurple. creation_of_adam.

      Is one more important than the other? Probably not. It’s just a play. So likely the question is not authentic. We could drudge up Karma, soul contracts and Divine Purpose, but it’s just a play after all is said and done. It is the forever space in our heart and in every play we might dream up that is our star, our rock and the ground upon which we stand.
      The snapshots we take but don't see must be in a space where words don't count (as in sunrise & sunsets); otherwise, it would've made sense long ago. Thanks for listening :)

  3. Jorgelito

    Jorgelito ¡Olé!

    I find myself in a community of dragons whose light shines upon the land
  4. Jorgelito

    Jorgelito ¡Olé!



    These observations are curious because they may reflect the kind of reality we inhabit.
    • If we want to listen, thinking gets in the way.
    • If we want to love or see beauty, thinking gets in the way.
    • If we want to remember, thinking helps us reach an opening (feels like a threshold) in reality where we can remember.
  5. Jorgelito

    Jorgelito ¡Olé!

    A Familiar Conundrum


    There are many who assert by word or deed who or what we are — sometimes not very pleasant what they say :)
    Love allows us to see clearly in all things. But this is not a love of the one that points — but rather of ourselves. We do it by remembering who we are. It is sufficient to let Spirit (the quiet, source and life overflowing in our heart) to enter and fill us.
    In this case, it’s communing for a moment with the land. (This guy is not thinking anything)
    . . .

  6. Jorgelito

    Jorgelito ¡Olé!

    At the Perimeter
    There's a place in this world -- but not completely in this world -- located at the perimeter where things are defined but seen only by the heart. As we breathe in this space, we build a strong, vibrant flow through our entire being that vivifies the soul and restores the heart.
    This attempts to describe this place of quiet stillness that feels like "falling into" into completeness . . .

    The Between - katikati (Swahili)

    kati roll

    This is between -- between the breaths of life we breathe in—the thinking, feeling, seeing, doing. There's an energy, strongest inside us, feels like life itself bursting out -- being alive anyway it can . . .

    There are memories that cannot be forgotten because they reside within the fabric of our soul. When we breathe in these memories, the soul remembers. In spades.

    It comes to mind all of my life are memories that I am playing out; when my soul is loving and clear ("falling into completeness"), I play them well. It is then my heart cries with love and happiness. And it is then, as if by magic, the world is filled with light and beauty.
    Last edited: Jan 18, 2015
  7. Jorgelito

    Jorgelito ¡Olé!

    Divine Will
    Everything is within us including Divine Will. So how do we do it?


    Is It something we have to work at constantly to make sure our destiny is as it should be?


    How is it we keep our friends close over lifetimes, realize our dreams and ensure the planets and stars move as they should? I figure this guy knows (I look at his picture and I start getting ideas).


    A complex task made simple
    Everything seems to be connected to everything else in this universe, so when everyone works together, it gets easy.


    We've probably discovered when we stop trying after doing all we can, a solution may surface -- as if an invitation (that says "I need your help God") had been sent to all the energies of the universe.

    It is then we find ourselves aligned to a higher purpose and a creative resolution; it is then we allow the beauty and the forever of our memories to know through our heart this beautiful world we live in. Most delightful this is.


    So how does it work?
    We are a body of one. Everything works together (sometimes mysteriously) because there is a love and intelligence in this body in every part, at every level — large and small. A fractal thing.

    Every facet of who we are — including our neighbor downstairs and the cat across the street — is of he same pattern being played out in different ways. Nothing needs to be communicated from one to the other because there’s only one pattern operating. So it is everyone knows (at the soul level) what to do at every moment like pelicans in flight . . .


    This body of ours has access by birthright to all energies of the universe, but the body responds to energies in a way best suited to our intent (what we really want) and level of awareness (a matter of respect to the soul). Which means if things are going too fast, we can always slow things down (to a dead stop if necessary) . . .


    The idea essentially is to go with the flow -- moving with and responding to -- like the flow of water -- the facets of our being.


    Our will is simply to love and be alive. It is a light that forms all we see and do; it is a love that pours from our heart in the stillness and the din. A doorway we are for loving the forever in our heart. This is my memory.
  8. Jorgelito

    Jorgelito ¡Olé!

    Purpose & Who We Are
    resolving questions with gut feelings, reason and hunches


    The thing that drives, that makes everything be -- before anything, before any form, any energy, anything -- from a place that is true, where we are -- looks like a weave -- but only one thread it is. And it’s not driving anything. It’s just being. In fact we hardly do anything at all. We don’t make things, animate things, create things (not the prevailing view). We don’t do that stuff. We unfold, but we don’t change ourselves or anyone else.

    We call it freedom in the midst of love. We call it love in the midst of fire (that consumes the form). We call it light in the midst of beauty.

    It's somehow what we are, before anything. Even before energy. It feels like it's driving, animating things. But it is not. We don't do that stuff. These things are aspects of who we are. Yet there isn't a name for it because we don’t have a name.

    Love, life, freedom, Divine Purpose — whatever we wish to call ourselves — is much like the sun. If we were the sun, it'd be very quiet because we wouldn't be moving or doing very much of anything. Flowers bloom, sunbathers bathe, invention and adventure everywhere — as Earth, moon, and the stars move around us and life explodes. But we are still and do not move. We are the soul of Earth, moon, and the stars -- yet we are none of these things. In like fashion, we are the soul of the force (purpose) that shapes, but we are not that force.

    I'm hearing a sound over and over from various sources. it strikes a chord that makes everything scatter inside. It feels familiar but unknown. Maybe it's one of those sunbeams -- or maybe I'm hearing things :) . . .

    Thank-you BearClan:)

    This "sunbeam sound" may be the Mahatma energy -- a very high frequency -- of a love that has no conditions -- coming from Source directly -- through the IAM Presence of each of us -- introduced to planet Earth during the Harmonic Convergence (Aug 16-17, 1987). This energy fits well the description of an angel passing through!
    Last edited: Jan 18, 2015
  9. Jorgelito

    Jorgelito ¡Olé!

    Sending Sunbeams

    To catch a sunbeam, Lee White

    So how do we send a sunbeam? First thing is to forget the “from” and the “to.” It’s not necessary; the sunbeam will know where to go.

    Sending sunbeams is not one of those thinking-feeling-things even though they may be quite lovely. Sunbeams have a very high frequency. The best way is do this is to be a sunbeam straightaway.

    We can be a sunbeam by remembering who we are. We remember who we are by going to the secret garden inside us, the space where forever is, where the divine breathes. If we wish, we can make sunbeams all the time.
  10. Jorgelito

    Jorgelito ¡Olé!

    Visiting Paradise
    Paradise isn't about a certain place that is beautiful.
    Rather, it's about being part of something beautiful,

    -- Victoria Erikson

    Light is one of those somethings . . .

    Full Moon Cats, AliceinParis

    One way to visit this particular paradise is to bring everything to full ahead stop — shut down all activity — no thinking, no embracing, just quiet — to let the light in.

    Chadburns Ships Engine Order Telegraph, Steven Depolo

    What it feels like . . .


    What it looks like . . .


    And what it might be like . . .


    If we were a cat, we might see this liight as a full moon, This is how I see it . . .

    I call it the Q SOUND although it doesn't really have a sound. It feels like abundance. I call it Q because it's the stillness -- non-activity -- or Quiet that exists behind our being and everything we know. It's not a force or an energy: it's simply what is -- what we are -- who we are -- before anything else.
    Last edited: Jan 18, 2015

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