Hmr 10 - The Narrow Path

Discussion in 'Jorgelitos Corner' started by Jorgelito, May 30, 2014.

  1. Jorgelito

    Jorgelito ¡Olé!

    The Narrow Path
    the path of freedom

    Being free is co-existing — allowing to be present --- with love and kindness — multiple life energies of different realms, different worlds — some we like, some we don’t; some are real, some are not. John Donne speaks of these realms . . .


    This becomes obvious at low tide . . .


    Co-existence means allowing to be -- but not always agreeing with. It’s a skill we use when dealing with the unknown as in death and high adventure like Treasure Island . . .


    It makes possible travel to places where we don’t speak the language . . . .


    It allows everything to be present — even the stuff we might want to forget -- even our most hateful behavior -- it has a good feeling — things everyday and ordinary. Here are some examples . .

    I won!!


    What's it like to be grownup?


    I am strong!


    I love him.


    A view of where we stand

    Freedom is wonder, being afraid, being in love, not knowing, curious, laughing — all mixed in together — and still everything seems to turn out OK. When we fill ourselves thus with life of every frequency and kind, we weave a multidimensional body for seeing clear, loving direct and being present.

    Last edited: Jun 15, 2014
    Allisiam likes this.
  2. Jorgelito

    Jorgelito ¡Olé!

    Freedom -- Getting up Close & Touchable

    Freedom is removing limits -- anything that blocks or separates (e.g. feeling less than, fearful, anxious). It heals when we visit our memories, our self-talk, any being, any life including ours -- by letting these energies be and to co-exist. It feels good.

    Here’s an example . . .

    T-Rex is showing itself up close and touchable. The encounter is immediate and captures all our senses. We instinctively clear away the extraneous and press the pedal to the metal!
    Last edited by a moderator: Jun 5, 2014
  3. Jorgelito

    Jorgelito ¡Olé!

    We Breathe the Silence


    The breath and life that we feel and know as the most essential part of us is a space of silence in our heart, true and beautiful.

    As we allow, recognize and give free passage to all the energies within us -- in so far as we are able-- we breathe into our soul the quiet, the stillness and the love from which all creation comes. Silence is not the absence of something but the presene of everything -- Gordon Hempton . . .

    Play Slideshow
  4. Jorgelito

    Jorgelito ¡Olé!

    The Secret Garden Inside us
    a place of beauty and quiet


    When we can’t get away, be with our grandchildren or walk in the garden, this is a way to carry that silence — the-everything — wherever we go . . .


    It’s needs to be portable wherever we are and whatever we do . . .


    The limitation of elixirs is that they exist outside ourselves and as such are only metaphors (of that which we are). Words, pictures, sounds and energies, in general, can activate the secret garden space in us, but the signal is strongest, clearest and most effective when it comes directly from us.


    This is one way. We remember who we are (the-everything) because that’s what the garden really is. We do this without word or thought -- by bypassing the mental apparatus altogether — because once we start thinking about it, it vanishes :( The portal isn't something we think about; it's something we do -- a sinking into, falling into, getting caught . . .




    Remembering who we are brings (anchors) the divine (the secret garden in us) into the world through body and soul.


    Last edited by a moderator: Sep 4, 2014
    Allisiam likes this.
  5. admin

    admin Well-Known Member Staff Member

  6. Jorgelito

    Jorgelito ¡Olé!

    4 days later

    This experiencing/remembering without thinking or feeling seems to work though I'm still gettiing the knack of it. It feels like learning how to walk again. It quiets my soul immediately with a feeling of life pouring in. Thank-you whoever you are.
  7. Jorgelito

    Jorgelito ¡Olé!


    National Geographic
    So what do we do when we step out of energies that limit and confine? Usually we’re visiting. Grandma. Nature. Just being alive. We’re visiting. It’s a frame of mind. We do it all the time (though sometimes we forget when “life” closes in). It’s keeping the channels open so we can share the love.
    Babies and small children are good at it. They bring happiness wherever they are (like dogs).


    CULCULCAN The Final Synthesis - isbn 978-0-9939480-0-8 Staff Member

    Willing you a 2015
    stuffed full of good health, prosperity, wellness
    and, good eXchanges with family, extended family and friends
    all the best to you

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