The Globalist Climate Change Agenda Forum

Discussion in 'The Globalist Climate Change Agenda' started by admin, Dec 17, 2017.

  1. admin

    admin Well-Known Member Staff Member

    "The poor in the rich countries supporting the rich in the poor countries.”
    Dr. Fred Singer, Professor of Environmental Sciences, University of Virginia, USA


    The UN's wealth-redistribution schemes are really a massive subsidy to kleptocrats ruling poor countries paid for by the poor and middle classes of wealthier and freer nations. by Alex Newman

    PARIS — The international wealth-redistribution schemes of the United Nations, justified under the guise of battling alleged man-made global warming, are really a massive subsidy to kleptocrats ruling poor countries paid for by the poor and middle classes of wealthier and freer nations, according to internationally renowned physicist Dr. Fred Singer.

    On top of that, the professor emeritus of environmental sciences at the University of Virginia said, the burden of proof in attributing climate changes to human activities is on man-made global-warming theorists seeking to regulate and control carbon dioxide, and not on skeptics. And so far, the alarmists have failed to demonstrate that mankind is responsible for any measurable impact on the climate, he said.

    Speaking at the Heartland Institute's “Day of Examining the Data” conference in Paris, which took place during the UN's COP21 climate summit last month, Singer and other scientists from around the world denounced the global-warming alarmism coming out of the nearby UN confab. Among other concerns, the experts said there was no climate crisis — much less a man-made one — and that the real agenda of the UN involves primarily money and power, not the climate.

    Dr. Singer, an atmospheric and space physicist with unassailable scientific credentials, told The New American in an interview after his speech that climate science was far from settled, and that taxpayer money distributed by governments was buying the cooperation of scientists. He also suggested that human impacts on the climate, if there are any, are likely to be so tiny as to be completely insignificant.

    “The climate has always been changing — warming and cooling, warming and cooling,” Singer said. “So we assume that this is a continuing process. The fact that we are now fairly well advanced in the industrial revolution — it has no influence on natural forcing, we don't affect what the sun does, we don't affect the volcanoes. So the null hypothesis, which means the normal way events go, we would assume that all changes in climate, even today, are due to the same kinds of natural forcing.”

    The burden of proof, then, is on the alarmists demanding trillions of dollars and vast new controls over humanity under the guise of battling alleged anthropogenic (man-made) global warming (AGW) — not the other way around. “The null hypothesis that has to be disproven or amended is that natural forcings are changing the climate, simply because it's always been that way and we would assume that it would continue that way,” Singer emphasized. “So the burden of proof definitely has to be on the people who want to control CO2.” Other speakers at the summit emphasized that CO2 is the gas of life, not pollution.

    And overcoming that burden will be a very tough, assuming it is even possible. “In all honesty, I will tell you that they have a very difficult job, I don't want that job of having to prove that,” said Singer, founder of the Science and Environmental Policy Project (SEPP) and the Nongovernmental International Panel on Climate Change (NIPCC). “We're quite open to the idea that maybe CO2 does have some influence, but it has to be demonstrated,” he continued. “So far, they have not been able to demonstrate uniquely to our satisfaction that CO2 has any measurable influence.”

    In his personal view, Singer continued, he believes CO2 probably has “some kind of a role,” because after all, it is a greenhouse gas, and its concentration in the atmosphere is increasing. However, the atmosphere is very complicated, and the effects may be “extremely small, and virtually undetectable.” “In that case, it has no practical significance,” he said. “Effects too small to measure are too small to have any political influence, but this doesn't seem to bother the IPCC [Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change] or the UN. They continue to propagate the idea that you have to control CO2.”

    As for why the UN would want to control CO2, and what the implications would be, Singer said control was the key word. “Now, control of CO2 means, essentially, control of energy, and that means control of economies,” he told The New American at the summit, which brought in skeptic and realist scientists and experts from around the world. “So it's a matter, really, of trying to control things, I think, more than anything else.” Literally every human activity, including breathing, produces CO2, which is required by plants and has been present in far higher concentrations in the past. Mutliple experts even said life on Earth is "starving" for more CO2.

    As always, money is also central. “Money is involved in various ways,” said Singer, who has a Ph.D. in physics from Princeton University and served as a distinguished research professor at the Institute for Space Science and Technology. “First of all, each government pays large sums of money to its scientific fellows and essentially it buys their cooperation.” Numerous other scientists at the counter-UN summit echoed those remarks, saying that billions in “climate funding” from government was being abused to purchase compliance or at least silence from the scientific community on the increasingly obvious problems with AGW alarmism.

    There are also forces that critics often denounce as “crony capitalists” at play — forces hoping to profit from government subsidies linked to climate alarmism. “There's a large industry trying to produce energy to replace fossil fuels, but they're not doing very well,” Dr. Singer explained. “Both solar and wind are unreliable, intermittent, and expensive. I doubt whether you could replace fossil fuels. The only thing I see on the horizon is nuclear.” Still, vast sums of public wealth are flowing into the coffers of “green energy” cronies such as bankrupt solar company Solyndra, a company controlled by large Obama donors that received about half-a-billion tax dollars from the Obama administration before going bust.

    Finally, there is the international wealth redistribution from richer nations to the governments and dictators ruling over poorer ones. “In addition to the scientists and to the energy sources which some hope will replace fossil fuels, like solar and wind, there's the matter of paying money to less-developed countries,” he said, touching on a theme that was central to the UN COP21 summit. “This is a direct subsidy to, frankly, to kleptocracies. We know what happens to that money. It goes into the pockets or bank accounts of the people who run these countries — it's been happening all the time, and I think it will continue to happen. So, as someone put it, it's a matter of the poor in the rich countries supporting the rich in the poor countries.”

    Obama has pledged billions of U.S. taxpayer dollars to the UN Green Climate (slush) Fund, and despite tough talk from some GOP lawmakers about blocking the funding, the Republican-controlled Congress recently passed a budget that will reportedly allow the global wealth redistribution to proceed. The UN and the largely autocratic regimes hoping to benefit from the transfers are demanding $100 billion per year to start, eventually hoping to secure trillions in handouts from Western taxpayers under the guise of climate reparations.

    In addition to the qualifications already described, Dr. Singer also has a long history of public service, including time serving as the chief scientist at the U.S. Department of Transportation. He also served as the vice chairman of the National Advisory Committee for Oceans and Atmosphere (NACOA) and as deputy assistant administrator for policy at the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA). Before that, he served as deputy assistant secretary for water quality and research at the U.S. Department of the Interior. He was also the first director of the National Weather Satellite Service in the 1960s.

    Singer's academic career is also more than impressive. In addition to his professorship in environmental sciences at the University of Virginia, he served as founding dean of the School of Environmental and Planetary Sciences at University of Miami. He also served as the director of the Center for Atmospheric and Space Physics at University of Maryland for almost a decade. Singer has published hundreds of scientific papers in peer-reviewed journals, including many of the world's most prestigious scientific publications.

    During his speech at the Heartland Institute summit in Paris, Singer emphasized just how wildly inaccurate the “climate models” relied upon by the UN have been when compared to the observable data from the real world. He also highlighted the ongoing “pause” in global warming, now about 18 years and counting, that has so befuddled the climate alarmists. The NIPCC he founded has examined the peer-reviewed literature on climate and reached drastically different conclusions than the UN and its increasingly discredited IPCC.

    Other scientists and experts speaking at the summit echoed Singer's concerns and debunked various elements of the climate hysteria. Another counter-COP21 summit in Paris, this one organized by French realists, also brought together prominent scientists to challenge the UN and its alarmism. For more on the counter-COP21 summits, the UN conference, and climate change generally, check out the related articles below.
    Image: screenshot of TNA interview with Dr. Fred Singer
    Alex Newman, a foreign correspondent for The New American, is normally based in Europe. He can be reached at Follow him on Twitter @ALEXNEWMAN_JOU.

    Top Scientist: UN “Climate Finance” Is Subsidy for Kleptocracy
  2. admin

    admin Well-Known Member Staff Member

    The Real Epidemic

    3 March 2020

    Big Brother
    The Police State
    Environment and Climate
    Guest Content

    climate change religion.

    Never mind the alleged Corona virus epidemic, there is an insanity epidemic spreading throughout the world and the vector is not a bat from a Chinese food market but the mainstream media. They are infecting the population at an unprecedented rate who are now showing symptoms of uncontrolled hysteria and complete loss of perspective.

    Inaccurate Tests and False Positives

    The novel corona virus Covid 19 outbreak, if that’s what it is, has a reported death rate of approximately 2% This is similar to the annual flu-related viruses. However, these figures are far from precise. As usual, the media would have you believe that when the medical profession make a pronouncement concerning some disease or other it is based on exact scientific methods and is therefore not to be challenged. Reading the media reports you would think that efficient and accurate tests are in place to definitively determine if a person has the corona virus or not. This is totally untrue.

    The only way to really know if a particular virus is present is to isolate it and then grow it in a cell culture or, failing that, carry out an antibody test to see if there are antibodies distinctive to that virus. Neither of these things have been done. The test used is the one most widely used for all virus detection the Polymerase Chain Reaction (PCR) test. This test is designed to pick out certain genomes from the suspected virus, duplicate the DNA until there is enough of it to use, and then compare it to a control sample to see if it similar to that virus. As the corona virus is an RNA virus it actually uses a process called Reverse Transcriptase Polymerase Chain Reaction (RT-PCR) to convert the RNA Into DNA first. Unfortunately, there are numerous problems with this test.

    According to Virology-online –

    “PCR has many problems, the chief among which is contamination, since only a minute amount of contamination is needed to give a false positive result. In addition, because PCR is so sensitive compared to other techniques, a positive PCR result is often very difficult to interpret as it does not necessarily indicate the presence of disease.”

    So, before you believe that everyone the media claim has coronavirus actually has it remember that false positives happen all the time and, even when the test is actually positive, it doesn’t mean the host has the disease.

    There really is no definitive test for viral infections no matter what the ‘experts’ say. Dr. Jeanne Marrazzo, director of the infectious diseases division at the University of Alabama at Birmingham has stated in a New York Times article –

    “There is no perfect test for pretty much any infectious disease I can think of,”

    Moreover, the same article says that a lot of the test kits in the USA are faulty and there have been cases of samples being mislabeled. Casting further doubt on the accuracy of the tests is the CDC advice not to bother testing people with no symptoms because even if they are infected, if they are still in the incubation period, there may not be enough virus in their bodies for the test to detect. Yet detecting minute amount of virus material is exactly what the PCR test is designed for.

    Is it Normal Pneumonia?

    In addition to this, China has now started to diagnose people differently. Rather than simply saying a patient has Covid 19 when they test positive, they are now diagnosing people by their symptoms and a CT chest scan. Therefore, if a patient has a cough, a fever and breathing difficulties and the scan suggests pneumonia then they will be diagnosed as Covid 19 positive. However, pneumonia has numerous causes including viruses, bacteria, fungi and pollution. It is obvious therefore, that far more people will be considered to have Covid 19 than actually have it.

    At this point it worth highlighting one of those causes of pneumonia just mentioned – pollution. John Rappaport and others have pointed out that Wuhan, the alleged ground zero for the ‘outbreak’, has extremely high levels of pollution and has large numbers of pneumonia cases every year. There have even been protests in the city concerning the pollution. What if the virus is a good cover story for deaths actually caused by air pollution? Pollution is the government’s fault; a virus is not. In fact, the ‘outbreak’ was initially referred to as ‘Wuhan pneumonia.’

    In an article in PLOS 1 from 2010 it was estimated that 2.5 million people contract pneumonia each year in China and 5% of those die. That is over twice the death rate of the supposed corona virus. So, this new deadly ‘end-of-the-word virus’ is only half as dangerous as normal pneumonia cases in China. Moreover, as most people don’t have any symptoms at all, how can it be determined that the corona virus is the cause of the illness in the first place. It was assumed the symptoms were similar to those caused by corona type virus, they looked for it and found it. What if the initial supposition had been pollution or bacteria or fungal infection. Had they tested for these it is very possible they would have found them in a lot of cases as well. It is therefore impossible to say that the corona virus is the actual cause of the disease.

    Why The Hysteria Over This 'Epidemic' and not Others?

    However, assuming that Covid 19 is real and it is the cause of the illness, why the worldwide hysteria? In early 2018 the CDC declared flu and pneumonia to be an epidemic in the USA. It was estimated at one point that 4000 people would die every week. Does anyone remember that headline? Does anyone remember 24-hour hysterical coverage? Where people locking themselves in their houses and emptying shop shelves of hand sanitizers? No? Why the difference in coverage? Could it be that the media and the press love the USA but consider China to be the one of the most evil empires in the world, second only to Russia? I certainly don’t recall the ‘experts’ saying we should all avoid travel to USA or that anyone coming back from America should be tested and quarantined.

    600,000 people contract pneumonia every year in the UK. According to Respiratory Research by the end of 2014 the mortality rate for pneumonia in the UK was just over 23%, In Denmark it was 18% in Belgium it was over 16% and in the Netherlands it was just under 16%, all far higher than the death rate of Covid 19 infection. As pneumonia is contagious why isn’t their daily hysteria about walking about the streets of the UK or visiting our European neighbours?

    Closing the Barn Door after the Horse has Bolted.

    But let us assume that the Covid 19 virus is real, is highly contagious and has a high mortality rate, which it doesn’t. What could you do to prevent it spreading? The answer is very little.

    By the time the first case would have been diagnosed it would have been probably at least a month since the first person was infected, taking into account the time it takes for symptoms to appear and for the Chinese authorities to link what would have appeared as normal pneumonia deaths in the beginning to a possible novel virus. In that time the initial patients would have been in contact with hundreds of people who in turn would have been in contact with hundreds more and so on and so on. There would be no way on earth to stop the spread of the virus spreading beyond Wuhan and China. It would have crossed into other countries before it was even recognized to exist.

    All the hysteria about putting towns in lock-downs and stopping flights is all for show. It is a pointless case of closing the stable door after the horse has bolted. Then we have the ludicrous idea of banning large scale events. Suppose a large crowd of people were going to go to a football match and it is cancelled because it is assumed some of those attending would be contagious. What happens on the day of the cancelled match? Do these people just sit in the house or mysteriously become Covid 19 negative? No, they probably go out shopping, to the cinema or to the pub? Wherever they go they will come into contact with dozens if not hundreds of other people and potentially infect them. So instead of infecting a number of people at 1 venue they potentially infect a number of people at various venues. The only way cancelling an event will make any difference is if the potential Covid 19 carriers suddenly become uninfected or they all stay at home and come into no contact with any body on the day of the match. And then what happens the following day? Unless they are now seriously ill, they will go out into the community again. This will happen whether the football match takes place or not.

    The Implementation of the Agenda

    You shouldn’t fear the virus but you should fear what comes next. It is obvious by the media-instilled hysteria that the ‘crisis’ is being manufactured to fulfill an agenda. Number one on the list of will be the elite’s long-cherished goal of introducing mandatory vaccination. Because the vast majority of the public has no knowledge of the multitude of health risks associated with vaccination, they will not think to question it if it is made compulsory and, in fact, in their fear and ignorance, will probably welcome it. Number two on the list will be the acceptance of forced quarantine. There are already a number of UK newspapers stating that the public are too selfish for us to win the fight against the virus because we don’t do what the authorities tell us anymore and we can’t be trusted to self-isolate. One has even said that individuals must do what is required to protect the herd. The deliberate use of the word herd is, of course, intentionally done to make the association with the myth of herd immunity and vaccines. To protect the herd everybody must be vaccinated. In other words, you must be prepared to inject you and your family with dangerous substances and allow yourself to be locked up for the benefit of humanity. Sacrifice yourself for the greater good. Number three on the elite’s wish list is compulsory monitoring of your medical status. Basically, you will soon have to carry medical ID around with you to confirm you have all your required vaccinations or you will not be able to travel on public transport, or enter public buildings and then you will be arrested and forcibly vaccinated. This, in turn, will lead to item 4, the compulsory microchipping of the population. Carrying medical records around with you will be viewed as inconvenient for you and the authorities as you could forget them or lose them. Therefore, to make everyone’s life easier you will be forced to have an RFID microchip implanted with all your vaccination details on it that the authorities can easily read.

    The best bit about this for the Orwellian dictatorship that will soon be in place is that the authorities won’t even have to enforce it. The sheeple themselves will do that. So terrified will the masses become that they will police themselves. If you are unfortunate enough for people to believe you have Covid 19 , whether you do or not, and you do not really fancy being locked up, or If they discover that you are someone that actually knows how dangerous vaccines are and refuse to get the jab, your neighbours and friends will soon be at your door, pitchforks, in hand and will lock you up in your own home, hand you over to the authorities, or as the hysteria becomes more contagious and frenzied, simply beat you to death or lynch you. I genuinely don’t think it will be long before the we see the first person who will become victim to the insanity-ravaged mobs who binge on the daily hysteria fed to them by the disgraceful media.

    On a final note, to emphasise, how the media are distorting reality and feeding people’s fear to achieve the elite’s agenda, the Daily Mail’s website on 02.03.20 had a graph the title of which was UK Corona Cases. Below it, the graph rose steadily until, on the 22nd February, it rose dramatically and frighteningly to the number 10483. As the title of the graph was UK Corona Cases you would assume that this is the figure for diagnosed corona cases in the UK but no, it was simply for the number of people tested for the virus! It bore absolutely no relationship whatsoever to the number of actual cases as was suggested by the title. In fact, elsewhere on their website it said the number of people that have tested positive were 40! This disgusting, irresponsible, fear-mongering ‘journalism’ is going to lead to tragedy when a terrified public start taking matters into their own hands. One would hope when this happens, ‘journalists’ like this will be held responsible but I wouldn’t hold my breath.

    One more thing, the Daily Mail graph reminded me of another fake graph that has been the origin of such fear-mongering – the infamous Al Gore hockey stick graph that gave birth to the end of the world climate cultists - another aspect of Project Fear that is being used to fulfill the globalist’s agenda. Maybe they will combine the two and blame the spread of the corona virus on mythical man-made climate change.

    Watch this space!

    Carl Mason
    HOW DARE U.....!

    Rudy Cramer
    I think this virus has put an end to the headlong rush to globalization. It's put it bask a few decades and climate change, (which is total bullshit), will go the same way. I think people want a rest from this overarching UN sanctioned crap. First it was the IPCC and now it's the World Health Organization. I hope after the virus is over, that we can have some time to enjoy life, without the spectre of some fear, constantly being pushed on us. We really have a VALID fear now, because of a contagious disease, and this fear will put a stop to others, I hope.

    Tony Bermanseder
    Instead of 5-10% of unwoke people, this percentage will increase to 10-20%. This will have about 80% of the vox populi to continue trusting government authorities, 'experts of all sorts' and the unelected bueraucrats sponsored by the 'elitist controllers' of the century long technocratic controlleurs.
    Agenda 2021 was implemented in 2020 with projection 2030.

    The next 4 years will either support your optimism or demote the vox populi to an irreversible decline into scientific tyranny.

    1921 We by Yevgeny Zamyatin --- 1927 Metropolis by Fritz Lang (projected as occurring in the year 2030) --- 1931 Brave New World by Aldous Huxley --- 1984 by George Orwell --- 2013 Elysium by Neill Blomkamp --- 2020 by Old World Order --- 2025 by ? --- 2030 by New World Order - Can the Old Technocracy of 2020 transform into a New Technocracy of 2030 by Metamorphosis 2025?

    Last edited: Apr 13, 2020

    CULCULCAN The Final Synthesis - isbn 978-0-9939480-0-8 Staff Member


    "Most of US experienced warming trend over last 30 years.

    This simply means that most days in a year are warmer than they should be": NOAA

    What they DON'T say...historically, most days are COLDER than they should be

    Earth cores and other data sets from archaeology, paleontology, mineralogy,
    climatology and several other sciences state that, since the Earth was formed in the Precambrian Era,
    normal mean temperature of the Earth over the last 4.6 billion years has been roughly 25 degrees Centigrade
    (see Paleomap, below). Today, as I write this, Earth's average mean temperature is approximately 15 degrees C.

    In other words, the Earth is getting back to NORMAL after experiencing the "Little Ice Age",
    a period of regionally cold conditions between roughly AD 1300 and 1850

    If the "climate change" cult believes that there is an ability to stop nature
    from taking its course, they are delusional.

    CULCULCAN The Final Synthesis - isbn 978-0-9939480-0-8 Staff Member


    CULCULCAN The Final Synthesis - isbn 978-0-9939480-0-8 Staff Member

  6. admin

    admin Well-Known Member Staff Member


    Universal Fusion Reaction


    Open letter for general information and discernment

    Dear Mike Adams!

    I am referring to one of your latest video publications, addressing the phenomenon of ‘cold fusion’ at room temperature apparently not accommodated in the standard models of classical physics and their quantum mechanical derivatives.

    Cold Fusion, LENR and Gonzalo Lira - a fascinating dive into the nature of reality

    Considering your scientific background and understanding, I would like to inform you about the natural inclusiveness of cold fusion and related phenomena within the so termed standard model of quantum mechanics. The ‘powers that be’ which administer and publicize the scientific data base might either not be aware or choose to obscure and hide the information I am sharing with you in this letter. In view of the relative simplicity outlined here, the latter premise seems more appropriate.
    I share this technical background data with you without restriction and trust your discretionary judgement and considerations to utilize or apply this information as you might find appropriate.

    Described in more technical detail in the excerpts below; the phenomenon of cold fusion relates to an extension of the classical energy-momentum relation, linking the energy of electromagnetic radiation and its relationship to thermodynamic frequency spectra via the extension of the mass-photon models of quantum mechanics E= mc2 for mass with E=kBT for temperature and E=hf for the massless self-state of the photon in Planck’s Law of Black Body Radiation and where the exponent expression relates energy as hf/ kBT as a dimensionless ratio for absolute thermodynamic temperature T.


    That a massless photon has a mass equivalent by the Planck Law is textbook knowledge m=hf/c2 ; however its corollary of mass expressing an intrinsic frequency equivalence seems to be omitted or denied by the self-proclaimed ‘custodians’ and ‘gate keepers’ of the scientific knowledge base accessible to the general population.
    As the energy-momentum relation clearly links the massless photonic eigenstate to a systems inertial self-state by the differential of momentum dp/dt, the straightforward chain differentiation d(mv)/dt = mdv/dt + v.df/dt becomes self-evident as the classical Newtonian force law extended into the quantum realm by the basic definition of the differential calculus.

    As is detailed below, mass possesses an intrinsic self-frequency eigenstate minimized and maximized in particular frequency permutation counts. The maximum derives from the pixelated nature of spacetime itself. This can be called the quantization of spacetime in a wormhole structure of source-sink or outflow-inflow or Black Hole-White Hole vorticed manifesting in a (Euclidean flat) Minkowski 4-dimensional spacetime from a higher- and multidimensional curved string-membrane spacetime (of 12 dimensions derived from 26 bosonic dimensions).


    In cold fusion, the energy transfer from the massive eigenstate into a thermodynamically interacting system so relates to the multidimensional cosmology, taking the Newtonian quantum force described by the ‘alpha-force’ part F-alpha={hv/ c2}{df/dt) into account.
    In the limit of v=c,, the quantum force becomes {h/c}{df/dt} with the frequency over time differential linearized as f/t as say the squared frequency maximum permutation count or as its inverse as the minimized self-state for the quantization of mass in the eigenfrequency of the mass quantum mass M = Σ mss .
    Then the alpha-force becomes F-alpha=hf/ct=Inertialized Photon Energy/Lightpath ct.

    Perhaps you can here discern where the energy transfer in cold fusion derives from. The mass difference in both nuclear fission and nuclear fusion derives from the massive self-state of the particle interactions of the system and where the nuclear atomic mass changes depend on the number of nuclear constituents and where the combined energy systems have less energy than its partialization in its nuclear binding energy. This is well known by the standard model of nuclear physics but is not described as the interdimensional system of energy self-intersection it represents in the multidimensional cosmological context.

    Briefly then, the phenomenon of cold fusion engages the multidimensional form of inertial mass through identifying the binding energy of a nucleus in the mass difference between atomic nuclei and their constituent parts as effects of the mass quantization as frequency equivalent from the basic foundational models of quantum theory and the premises of quantum mechanics.
    Permutation states of the frequency count and the nature of frequency as inverse time so relate the Lightpath x=ct of information exchange to the quantum form of the classical Newtonian force-law F=ma in adding the angular radius-independent quantum acceleration (defined in the permutation maximum in the formulation for the Compton electron e*/α = 2Rec2/α = 2Rcomptonc2 with 2Rec2= e*{df/dt} = spacetime volumar x angular quantum acceleration) to the system under experimental observation. As the coefficient factor h/c is of the order 10-42, the alpha-force can be neglected in any measurement describing relativistic momentum p=mv, except when the mass quantization M = Σ mss and the nature of the Gravitational parameter GM=e*as a unitary equivalence to the higher dimensional magneto charge e* is taken into account.

    As this magneto charge defines the nature of physicalized consciousness in the frequency over time differential df/dt as a form of ‘spacetime awareness’ from the multidimensional perspective, the phenomenon of cold fusion has an additional parameter association, namely the integrated ‘spacetime awareness’ occupancy of the spacetime in which the phenomenon occurs.

    Sincerely TonyB.

    The Extension of Newton's Law in Relativistic Momentum and Energy and the Magnetopolar Self-Interaction of the Electron

    Newton's law for force is mass times acceleration F = ma can be written in relativistic form as the change of the linear momentum over time and with an associated 'hidden' form of angular momentum change and acceleration in the change of rest mass as photonic energy and mass equivalent over time itself:
    dprel/dt = d(mogv)/dt = mod(gv)/dt + gvd(mo)/dt =
    mod(gv)/dt + {gvh/c2}df/dt = mog3.dv/dt + {gvh/c2}df/dt = Fa + Fα for g = 1/√{1 - [v/c]2} ……………[Eq.1]

    The product me.Re = Compton constant = hα/2πc = α.lplanck.mplanck
    A changing electron size re changes the electron rest mass mo in proportionality re 1/mo and where mo= mec = me as the electromagnetic relativistic quantum mass for re = Re = Rcompton/α.

    The boundary relativistic electron mass so becomes the Compton wormhole mass of the Quantum Big Bang α.mps = α.hfps/c2

    The classical electron's acceleration a = Fa/m from its relativistic force Frel = d(prel)/dt for a constant rest mass mo is then supplemented by a quantum acceleration α from its quantum mechanical Compton mass
    mecompton = mec = hα/2πcre and where the classical rest mass mo changes as mecc2 = (hvre/c2). g.(df/dt).

    The frequency differential over time is maximized in {df/dt}|max = {(fps - fss)/fss} = fps2 - 1 as the maximum entropy frequency permutation eigenstate fps2 = 9x1060 for its minimum state fss2 = 1/fps2 by modular string T-duality fps.fss = 1 of super-membrane EpsEss and wormhole frequency fWeyl = fps.

    In units of angular acceleration, df/dt so relates Planck's constant h and the Planck action in dE/dt = hdf/dt and the Heisenberg Uncertainty principle in dE.dt = h.df.dt in this string T-duality of the frequency self-states fps|max and fss|min and for the mass-eigen frequency quantum fss = mssc2/h by brane coupling constants Eps.Ess = h2 and Eps/Ess = fps2 .

    (1) Energy E = hf = mc2 (The Combined Planck-Einstein Law)
    (2) E = hf iff m = 0 (The Planck Quantum Law E=hf for light speed invariance c=λf)
    (3) E = mc2 iff f = fo = fss (The Einstein Law E = mc2 for the light speed upper limit)

    (1) Whenever there is mass (M = Minertial = Mgravitational) occupying space; this mass can be assigned either as a photonic mass {by the Energy-Momentum relation of Special Relativity:
    E2 = Eo2 + (pc)2} and by the photonic momentum p = h/λ = hf/c} or as a 'rest mass' mo= m.√[1-(v/c)2] for a 'rest energy' Eo = moc2.

    The 'total' energy for the occupied space so contains a 'variable' mass in the 'combined' law; but allows particularisation for electromagnetic radiation (always moving at the Maxwell light speed constant c in Planck's Law and for the 'Newtonian' mass M in the Einstein Law.

    (2) If M=0, then the Einstein Law is suppressed in favour of the Planck Law and the space contained energy E is photonic-electromagnetic, always dynamically described by the constancy of light speed c.

    (3) If M>0, then there exists a mass-eigen frequency fss = fo = Ess/h = mssc2/h, which quantizes all mass agglomerations m = Σmss in the mass quantum mss = Ess/c2.
    Letting rec be the oscillating classical electron radius rec from its maximum value Re = μoe2/4πme = αh/2πcme to its minimum qbb value rpsps/2π from the de Broglie wave matter wavelength
    λe = h/mec = c/fe = hc/Ee = hc/mec2 ; the electron's energy for its quantum mechanical self-interaction part assigns the photon - mass interaction in the Compton constant in its linearized nature of the QR electron and can be stated as:

    h∑f frequency energy states = hfe = mecc2 = (hvrec/c2).γ.(df/dt) = {vγ}{rec.hfps2/c2} = {vγ}{hrecps2} for the maximum frequency summation at rec = rps

    for v/√(1-[v/c]2) = mecc2λps2/hrec = αcλps2/2πrec2 using mecrec = constant = hα/2πc = meRe and v2/{1-[v/c]2} = {αcλps2/2πrec2}2 = Ø2 solving for v2{1+Ø2/c2} = Ø2 with (v/c}2 = Ø2/(c22) = 1/{1+[c/Ø]2}

    The quantum relativistic mechanical electron's velocity distribution for a variable classical electron radius Re in the proportional Compton rest mass mec and rec generalised in the wave matter constancy of de Broglie for the quantum relativistic part of rest mass mo = hf/c2 and a purely self-interacting electromagnetic monopolar part as electromagnetic monopolar radiation (emmr) so is:

    "Juju's Electron Equation 31|31:" applied for the maximum integrated quantum energy state: {melectric + mmagnetic + memmr}c2 = Eweyl = hfweyl = Eqbb = mpsc2 = 1/e*

    {vps/c}2 = 1/{1 + 4π2rec42λps4} = 1/{1 + rec4/4π2α2rps4} …………………………….…[Eq.2]

    δps = ½{1 - {v/c]2} = 1/2g2 for g = 1/√(1 - [v/c]2) = 1/√(1 - ß2)

    This sets the proportionality between monopolar emmr and electromagnetic emr in the constancy of light speed c:
    v2/(1-2δps) = c2 = vps2/{1 + rec4/4π2α2rps4} for the monopolar δps and letting vps = xc as a fractional monopolar velocity colinear with v:

    For δps → ½+ as v → 0 , ½ of the electron's mass will be monopolar in the internal magnetic field in lieu of the absence of an external magnetic field B=0, with the remaining half being the energy of the electro stasis.
    For v=½ c; vps = 2.006753867x10-18 c and rec = 0.866025403 Re for δps =½{1-0.25} = 0.375
    For v= 0.651899075 c; vps = 3.035381866x10-18 c and rec = 0.758305739 Re for δps =½{1-0.315985704} = 0.34200715

    For δps → 0+ as v → c- , ½- of the electron's mass will be magnetic in the external magnetic field B supplementing the remaining half of the electro stasis with a decreasing monopolar component δps as a function of the monopolar velocity of the electron vps.

    δps = ½{1 - [v/vps]2{4π2α2rps4/(4π2α2rps4 + rec4)} = ½{1 - [v/vps]2{1/(1 + [rec/rps]4/4π2α2)}} …………[Eq.3]
    Then the upper limit for rec = rps and the qbb wormhole boundary is: δps = ½{1 - [c-/vps|max]2(4π2α2)/(1+4π2α2)} = ½{1 - 1-} = 0+ for vps|max2 = (4π2α2c2)/(1+4π2α2) showing that as [v/c] → 1- ; δps → 0 for ½ of the electron's mass being from the electric field and the other half being from the external magnetic field for increasing relativistic velocity v increasing the monopolar part in vps to its maximum at the wormhole qbb scale.

    vps|max = xc = 2παc/√(4π2α2+1) = 0.045798805 c as the maximized monopolar magnetic speed for the electron and decreasing to its minimum speed
    vps|min = c/√(1 + 4π2(1010/360)42) c = 1.50506540x10-18 c for the classical electron radius scale given by Re and the internal velocity of the electron in electro stasis.

    The lower limit for rec = Re = 1010λps/360 (from the Planck-Stoney-QR Unification) becomes:
    δps = ½{1 - [v/vps|min]2(4π2α2)/(4π2α2+ [2π.1010/360]4)} = ½{1 - [v/vps|min]2(1/(1+ 4π2.10402.3604)}
    = ½ - ½[v]2(2.265221852x10-36)/(4.5151962x10-10) = ½ - (2.508442326x10-27)v2, showing that as [v] → 0+ ; δps → ½ for ½ of the electron's mass being monopolar.

    The wave nature of the electron changes the Compton radius to its Compton wavelength however and the derivation of [Eq.5] results in a recircularization of parameters to give a statistical root-mean-square velocity for the QR electron.

    (hvλps/c2). g.(df/dt) = hvλps.fps2. g/c2 = hfps = mpsc2

    (v/√(1-[v/c]2) = c and v2/{1-[v/c]2} = c2 solving for v2 = c2 - v2 and v2 =½c2 for an averaged Compton emr-emmr speed of

    vλc = c/√2 …………………………….[Eq.4]

    This formulation sets an upper and lower bound for velectron in the electron radius in the interval: Re|max ....... Rec|min = λps/2π = rps = rWeyl = rwormhole = rqbb

    The speed of the quantum mechanical electron of mass mec= αmps kg*, so is maximized in its minimum radius of the wormhole as 0.045799 c or 13,739,643.01 (m/s)* and limits the classical relativistic electron speed in:

    mec/√{1-(vec/c)2 } = αmps = 1.621502875x10-22 kg* for {ve/c}2 = 1 - {me/αmps}2

    ve|max = √{1 - (5.72957797x10-9)2} c = √{1 - 3.28280637x10-17} c ~ {1 - 1.64140319x10-17} c = c-

    and as the self-energy Eec=mecc2 = αmpsc2 = αEps = α/e* J* for the Weyl electron of the quantum big bang (qbb) or instanton following the inflaton of the string epoch.

    This energy of self-interaction represents the original Zero-Point or VPE energy of the matrix of spacetime in the minimum Planck oscillator |½Eo| = |h/4π| = ½Eplanck which manifests the quantization for the parameters describing dynamical interaction within it.
    As such a VPE-Volumar brane, the conformal transformation of the Planck oscillator into the Weyl oscillator can be used to define the concept of a 'physical consciousness awareness quantum' αω=df/dt in the maximized frequency entropy state in a brane volumar and as per [Eq.XII-3].
    Here a 4-dimensional Riemann sphere with volume V4(r) = ½π2r4 manifests as a 3-dimensional surface: dV4/dr = 2π2r3 and so as the encompassing 'mother black hole' solution for the inner horizon of an open de Sitter holographic cosmology bounded by that inner black hole surface as a one-sided 11-dimensional hyper-surface, whose outside uses the mirror modular duality of string physics to define the outer horizon as a Möbian connected topology of closed Anti de Sitter space-time as a quasi-12th dimension, which can be labelled as a Vafa's 'father white hole', quantum entangling the inner- and outer horizons of the Witten manifold mirror in the membrane modular duality.

    This allows a number of predictions for particular energy levels to be made.
    For the maximized volumar brane at the Weyl energy and for the maximized frequency permutation state.
    Vbrane.(df/dt)|max = 2π2Rrmp3.fps2 = e* =1/Eps = 2Rec2 in a Restmass photonic or 'dark matter' radius
    Rrmp = {e*/2π2fps2} = 1.411884763x10-20 m* for the nuclear electron at

    mfermi = h/2πcRrmp= 2.50500365x10-23 kg* or 14.034015 TeV*. This is near the maximum energy potential of the Large Hadron Collider or LHC in Geneva, Switzerland and a form of the 'dark matter' particle should make an appearance at 14 Tev.

    For the Compton electron e*/α = 2Rec2/α = 2Rcomptonc2 ; Rrmp = {e*/2απ2fps2} = 7.279292496x10-20 m* for the Compton electron at an energy of mcompton = h/2πcRrmp= 4.85868164x10-24 kg* or 2.722024 TeV*

    For the Bohr electron e*/α2 = 2Rec22 = 2Rbohrc2 ; Rrmp = {e*/2α2π2fps2} = 3.75300456x10-19 m* for the atomic Bohr electron at an energy of mcompton = h/2πcRrmp= 9.4238534x10-25 kg* or 527.9613 GeV*

    The classical electromagnetic rest-mass memr=me becomes quantum mechanical in the string-brane sourcesink energy E*-Gauge photon quantum of the Quantum Big Bang Weylian wormhole.

    E* = Eps = hfps = hc/λps = mpsc2 = (me/2e).√[2πGo/αhc] = {me/mPlanck}/{2e√α} = 1/2Rec2 = 1/e*

    Monopolar charge quantum e*/c2 = 2Re supermembrane displacement transformation √α.lplanck = e/c2 as electropolar charge quantum

    me = 2e√α.mplanck/2Rec2 = lplanck√α.√α.mplanck/Re = α.lplanck.mplanck/Re
    = {e/c2}{√(2πke2/hc}{√(hc/2πGo)}/Re ={√(Goh/2πc3)}{2πke2/hc}{√(hc/2πGo)}/Re = {h/2πc}{2πke2/hc}/Re
    = {ke2/c2}/Re = {μoe2}/4πRe

    The product me.Re = Compton constant = hα/2πc = α.lplanck.mplanck
    A changing electron size re changes the electron Restmass mo in proportionality re 1/mo and where mo= me for re= Re = Rcompton/α = Rbohr2

    The boundary relativistic electron mass so becomes the Compton wormhole mass of the Quantum Big Bang α.mps= α.hfps/c2

    For the wormhole limit re = rps = λps/2π = Re |minimum in unified string Planck-Stoney units
    me = αmps = αhfps/c2 = αh/cλps = α/e*c2 = α/2Rec4 = hα/2πcrps = {60πhe2/2πhcrps} = 30e2/crps
    = 1.62150288x10-22 kg* = meγ = me/√{1 - [v/c]2}
    for velectron = c-; [v/c]2 = 1-3.2828...x10-17 for v = {1-½(3.2828x10-17)} c ~ c
    The Compton constant so relates the pre-spacetime formulation in the Planck-Stoney oscillation to the post-qbb cosmic evolution of the light path x=ct as:
    √α.lplanck√α.mplanck = αh/2πc = √α.rplanck √α.Mcurvature = √α.mps√α.rps = α.mps.rps = mec.rec = meRe showing the limiting electron masses me and αmps to be attained precisely at the wormhole mass mps as the modulation with the shrinking classical electron radius Re to the wormhole radius rps as the linearization of the Compton wavelength of the wormhole event horizon λps=2πrps.

    Frequency permutation states in the monopolar velocity distribution

    As the maximum frequency permutation state from the alpha-part of the relativistic force expression [Eq.XII-4] is always applied to the monopolar velocity vps ; df/dt|max = fps2 = 1/fss2 = cfpsps = cfps/2πrps for an angular frequency ωps= 2πfps as Compton frequency; the maximum monopolar velocity ratio {vps/c}2 applied to the mass m = mec will be proportional to that maximized frequency state.
    The de Broglie group velocity vdB = h/mecλdB = h/2πmecrdB linearized so is recircularized in the monopolar velocity vps in the Compton constant mec.rdB = h/2πvps and with vps assuming c in the relativistic limit of the Compton radius.

    For Rec.mec = rps.mec = hα/2πc |min , the minimized classical electron radius rps maximizes the monopolar speed of the electron in:

    {vps/c} = 1/√{1+1/4π2α2} = 0.04579881 as a conformal mapping of the wormhole radius of the electron onto its classical representation in the proportion 1010 = 360Re/2πrps in a correlation between circular measure in linearized radians and angular degrees. This is in correspondence to the wave nature expressed in the Compton and de Broglie wavelengths and of the particle nature from the Compton and de Broglie radii in an encompassing electromagnetic and electromagnetic monopolar emr-emmr interaction.

    This monopolar ß represents a magnetic mass mmm = μoe2(vps/c)2/4πrps = Reme(vps/c)2/rps = mec(vps/c)2 = (2.09753100x10-3)mec = 3.4011525x10-25 kg for the alpha-energy Eαω = mmmc2 = hfαω= 3.051037256x10-8 J* for a total frequency integral of fαω = 4.59160179x1025 = ∑fss = ∑mssc2/h = fαω/fss = 1.377480544x1056 frequency self-states and mass quantum mss eigen inertia states by mss = hfss/c2 by the time instanton fpsfss =1=Eps.e* as universal and natural self-identity for the supermembrane EpsEss , consisting of a high energy vibratory part Eps and a low energy winding part Ess in a mirror duality coupling.

    This is a magnetic mass manifesting at the atomic scale at 3.06100x10-8 J* or 190.5433 GeV* for a wavelength of λmm = h/mmc = 6.53382x10-18 m* for a total electron mass mec/√{1-(vec/c)2 } = αmps = 1.621502875x10-22 kg* as the Weyl mass having replaced the classical relativistic electron Restmass mo by the quantum dynamic Compton Restmass mec as a function of the effective classical electron mass me.
    αmps{vps/c}2 = mmm and so the Compton encompassing mass mec is reduced to the magnetic mass in the factor {vps/c}2 characterizing the mass-radius relationship for all electrons.
    For = hα/2πc |max , the maximized classical electron radius Re minimizes the monopolar speed of the electron in:

    me=hα/2πcRe = ke2/Rec2 = μoe2/4πRe for {vps/c} = 1/√{1+Re4/4π2α2rps4} = 1/√{1+(2π.1010/360)4/4π2α2} = 1.50506548x10-18
    and as the speed of the quantum relativistic mechanical electron at rest in the classical frame vps = 1.50506548x10-18 c = 0.45151964 (nanometres per second)*.
    The inversion speed of light is vps = 1/c =3.3333... nanometres per second* in in modular brane duality to define an impedance 'bubble' characterizing astrophysical 'Hill spheres' for orbital equilibrium conditions for satellites and moons in a Radius of Hill Impedance/Hubble Time as RHI = Ho/c as inversion displacement, which for a Universal Age of 19.12 Gy as Hubble time for a nodal Hubble constant oscillating between fps and Ho=c/RH = 58.04 (km/Mpc.s)* for RH = 1.59767545x1026 m* and becomes RHI = 19.12 Gy/c = 2.011229x109 m* and encompassing a 'planetary bubble radius' to approximately 5% to both the neighbouring planets Venus and Mars.

    This represents a magneto-monopolar mass mmm = μoe2(vps/c)2/4πRe = me(vps/c)2 = (2.265221x10-36)me = 2.1045107x10-66 kg* for the alpha-energy Eαω = mmmc2 = hfαω = 1.8940596x10-49 J* for a total frequency integral of fαω = 2.84108945x10-16 = ∑fss = ∑mssc2/h = fαω/fss = 8.52326834x1014 frequency self-states for the mass-frequency coupling mss = hfss/c2 .
    The classical electron Restmass mo = me so is reduced to the magneto-monopolar mass mmm in the factor {vps/c}2.
    Last edited: Dec 23, 2022

    CULCULCAN The Final Synthesis - isbn 978-0-9939480-0-8 Staff Member


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