Conversations Regarding The Cosmic Changes In Archetypes And Symbols - The Cosmic Baker's Recipes!

Discussion in 'Essays and Discourses' started by Allisiam, Apr 14, 2014.

  1. Allisiam

    Allisiam Well-Known Member

    Shiloh - Posted Oct 10th 2012

    Saturn Returns, Rejuvenation and the Reconfiguration of the Old Universal Seed into a New Cosmic Seed

    [5:10:57 PM- Wednesday, October 10th, 2012 - (+11UCT)]
    Thubanis: It ALMOST was in September 2000 though
    [5:11:47 PM] Thubanis: 3 or 4 days
    [5:12:03 PM] Thubanis: The WOC personalised in Sui
    [5:13:00 PM] Thubanis: Yours is rare, in that you have to wait for the 2nd return to match the birthdata
    [5:13:11 PM] Thubanis: You have a triple in the 2nd
    [5:13:20 PM] Thubanis: The 1st is a lonesome one
    [5:13:37 PM] Thubanis: Kinda like you are feeling
    [5:14:19 PM] Thubanis: Sui also has a loner as the 1st, but a matching one not as an image as in yours
    [5:14:50 PM] Thubanis: Sui's also does not MULTIPLY her exact degree at 1°34' Gemini
    [5:16:00 PM] Thubanis: Then Sui also has a triple at age 59
    [5:16:15 PM] Thubanis: 2030-31
    [5:17:10 PM] Rok: 59 = one step before the grave
    [5:17:19 PM] Rok: really no need for anything at that point
    [5:17:25 PM] Thubanis: Xeia's link gives this approximately, but the ephemeris can specify the dates
    [5:17:30 PM] Rok: if work does not kill u by then....

    [5:17:31 PM] Thubanis:

    [5:17:50 PM] Thubanis: Of course, the cosmic human cycles go in 9s
    [5:18:01 PM] Thubanis: 9-18-27-36-45-
    [5:18:09 PM] Thubanis: 54-63-72-81-90
    [5:18:17 PM] Thubanis: But these are changing now
    [5:19:21 PM] Thubanis: In the greater laws then 54-45 can also be rejuvenation
    [5:19:41 PM] Thubanis: 63-54 becoming like 36-45 getting older
    [5:20:24 PM] Thubanis: 72-63 mapping 27-36
    [5:20:36 PM] Thubanis: 81-72 mirroring 18-27
    [5:20:46 PM] Thubanis: See the Death-Birth in this?
    [5:21:25 PM] Thubanis: The potentiasl is there for starhumans to activate this new physics in a reconfig of the genetic cosmocodes
    [5:21:38 PM] Thubanis: Potential NOT fact as yet
    [5:21:50 PM] Thubanis: Logos choice not human
    [5:44:29 PM] Thubanis:
    [5:46:38 PM] Rok: i am eager to see the facts as we close in on the d day
    [5:47:05 PM] Thubanis: What facts?
    [5:47:11 PM] Thubanis: from whom?
    [5:47:42 PM] Rok: [5:21 PM] Thubanis:
    <<< Potential NOT fact as yet

    [5:48:13 PM] Thubanis: Yes, I mean that the 'facts' are nature itself
    [5:48:37 PM] Rok: then i am eager to see an actual change....not just the potential change
    [5:48:45 PM] Thubanis: And depending on HOW nature itself is constructed from its preambular matrix
    [5:49:06 PM] Thubanis: This has little to do with what people believe, even educated ones
    [5:49:31 PM] Thubanis: Well this is the potential
    [5:49:48 PM] Thubanis: Doe nature execute its own laws
    [5:50:19 PM] Thubanis: Law in the highest sense does not mean human constructs but the Logos words
    [5:50:41 PM] Thubanis: All human ideas and theories are approximations
    [5:50:59 PM] Thubanis: So attunement to the Logos is crucial
    [5:51:13 PM] Thubanis: You belong to it
    [5:51:40 PM] Thubanis: as form and physical expression of its own nonphysicality yet emergent
    [5:52:27 PM] Rok: i dont know if i am attuned or not
    [5:52:36 PM] Thubanis: This human global 3d life is very potent, yet ultimately jsut a stepping stone like a seed
    [5:53:00 PM] Rok: i just want a significant change for the better
    [5:53:00 PM] Thubanis: As a seed can you grow and become a tree, simple metaphors like that
    [5:53:30 PM] Thubanis: This change is what renders the potential as a fact in time
    [5:54:09 PM] Thubanis: As a seed you harbour all worlds all the creation inside - as potential new worlds
    [5:55:00 PM] Rok: well as i said...enough potentials...actual change is needed...i want it....hope thst is enough
    [5:55:10 PM] Rok: but i dont want to wait 20yr for it to happen
    [5:55:53 PM] Thubanis:

    (70) Jesus said, "That which you have will save you if you bring it forth from yourselves. That which you do not have within you will kill you if you do not have it within you."
    (71) Jesus said, "I shall destroy this house, and no one will be able to build it [...]."

    [5:56:11 PM] Thubanis: This planet does not have 20 years to 'slowly' change
    [5:56:21 PM] Thubanis: It has not even 5 imo
    [5:56:40 PM] Thubanis: But the imminence will be invisble for now
    [5:56:49 PM] Thubanis: Disclosure NABS
    [5:57:08 PM] Thubanis: Disclosure started in 2004 and accelerated from 2008
    [5:57:23 PM] Thubanis: But it is not as people expect
    [5:57:36 PM] Thubanis: It is metaphysics before physics
    [5:58:14 PM] Thubanis: [5:55 PM] Thubanis:

    <<< (71) Jesus said, "I shall destroy this house, and no one will be able to build it [...].
    "How can anyone say something like that?

    [5:58:36 PM] Thubanis: The House is the entire creation, not some individual thing, some NABS selfcreated timeline etc. etc.
    [5:59:15 PM] Rok: well this creation has to go or be rebuild
    [5:59:22 PM] Thubanis: It means what I said,, the archetypes and the actual laws of the universe CAN and must be reformulated, if the old ones are destroyed
    [5:59:27 PM] Rok: renowated
    [5:59:32 PM] Thubanis: Exactly
    [6:01:41 PM] Thubanis: And AS the LOGOS IS the physical spacetime universe, it CAN indeed redefine ITSELF
    [6:01:58 PM] Thubanis: Under ITS own guidance, not some NABS artists
    [6:02:31 PM] Thubanis: What I mean, with you require Logos resonance, otherwise you cant communicate with IT as yourself
    [6:02:53 PM] Rok: well i cant wait to experience this happening
    [6:03:43 PM] Thubanis: It should become Our experience yes, in these times
  2. Allisiam

    Allisiam Well-Known Member


    Shiloh - Posted Oct 15th 2012
    The NABS Deception about the 2012 alignment of the local Sun with Suns in Sirus and the Pleiades (Alcyone)

    [10/15/2012 2:11:07 PM - Monday, October 15th, 2012 - (+11UCT)]
    [jesterterrestrial: 11 11
    [10/15/2012 2:11:14 PM] jesterterrestrial: :)
    [10/15/2012 2:11:24 PM] jesterterrestrial: 11 11
    [10/15/2012 2:11:46 PM] jesterterrestrial: \o/
    [10/15/2012 2:13:21 PM] jesterterrestrial: For all you Crazie Dragons!!! best-devil-smiley-emoticon. 3d-angel-3. party-blower-smiley-emoticon.
    Fun Some nights!!! From my CIABOOKWALL!!

    [10/15/2012 2:15:08 PM] jesterterrestrial: I will not let you lose the "energy"
    [10/15/2012 2:30:09 PM] jesterterrestrial:


    [10/15/2012 3:42:44 PM] melltwo: good evenning
    [10/15/2012 3:44:21 PM] melltwo: batshit nuts

    [10/15/2012 3:45:13 PM] Olivia Brandis: Bonacci is very bad news JT and I would not recommend his Nabs at all
    In the video below, disseminated by a NABS moron on the Moabyte forum, Bonacci's non-science is 'embedded' in typical New Age deceptive fashion in the 'love and lighter' verbiage about the obvious 'change in human history and starhuman consciousness'. Santos Bonacci is a musician and should help to enter the 'New World' through his artistic talents and not his misguided and underinformed understanding of cosmology and cosmogony, which has made him a 'false prophet' or 'Nabs guru' of the most intricate order. It has also made him physically ill, mirroring his dis-ease of the mind and soul and akin the 'Nabs groupies' following his misconstructions.
    Thubanis has added an introductory real science video about the dynamics of the universe and this also relates to the misperceptions of the 'spiral dynamics' of Walter Russell and its affiliations with the cosmological quasi-science of Nassim Haramein and the Keshe foundation NABS.
    Caveat: Thubanis does not agree with the skeptical astrophysicist, who posted this video, related to {} in general, but fully supports the application of 'scientific reason' by him and the skeptics community.
    We would say, that we 'like' much material from Nassim Haramein and Walter Russell, but find the antiLogos meanderings of the likes of Tsarion, Maxwell, Bonacci, O'Collins and 'familiars' obnoxious in their 'love and lighter' mode of deceiving and brainwashing the gullible New Agers, apparently unable to discern the 'truth' from the 'lies' and the 'wheat from the chaff'.

    3suns. nabs_moron.

    There currently exists much contention around these topics and, seemingly, much disinformation. The connection between emotions and energy ( is well established in the scientific literature. If more energy enters Earth-System it only stands to reason that people across the world will undergo certain types of collective emotional experiences as a result. While the energetic aspect and implications of increased bombardment of the planet by cosmic radiation is understood by scientists to result in genetic changes ( that have been proven to lead to a higher mortality rate, there is little overt discussion of these topics in the mainstream nor is there any indication that such is forthcoming.

    It also seems to be the case that the disinformation campaign has permeated current-day spiritual movements as well. Confused and non-scientific proclamations regarding "photon belts" and "central suns" unnecessarily distort perceptions and take advantage of the unwary. The purported photon belt has been posited to surround the solar system or to be a fixed region of space the Earth is entering, while the star Alcyone is purported to be the galaxy's "central sun". The photon belt theories are based upon the "super-wave (" concept as developed by Dr. Paul LaViolette describing cosmic ray volleys emanating from the central region of our galaxy. These rays result in measurable impacts upon climate and lifeforms. The Pleiades constellation and Alcyone are in the opposite direction (as measured from Sol-System and Earth's perspective) from the galactic core and Sol-System cannot orbit a star further distant from the galactic core than itself.

    While the Photon Belt idea does hold some credence in that it is based upon a very real and measurable energetic phenomenon, the state of nigh-religious fervor distracting the gullible from the true nature of things remains problematic. The brilliant luminosity and massive physicality of Sagittarius A actually serves to reinforce it's status as candidate for some "central sun" ideal as does its location, while Alcyone and the Pleiades serve only as distractions, literally guiding people's gaze in the opposite direction from Truth.

    Perhaps this state of affairs serves the Establishment in keeping the public relatively unaware of the nature of our world, solar-system, galaxy and universe. As long as people are kept ignorant of the cyclical nature of reality and the proven challenges that arrive like clockwork to overtake and devastate the Earth there will be no uncomfortable questions or mass hysteria. Perhaps it is the state of uncertainty itself which forces governments and science into perhaps unwitting conspiratorial collusion as the paucity of direct evidence and sure knowledge make predictive declarations politically dangerous for individuals and institutions.

    Whatever the case may be, there are some things that are most certainly known and that have a direct bearing upon our world and state of collective consciousness. Being aware of the cyclical nature of reality is fundamental to a general knowledge of how the world works and is a necessary part of any basic education. Taking an holistic view of disparate phenomenon - as done in this article - brings to light some very interesting potentialities for the near and distant future. There are indeed challenges to collective and individual physical, mental and spiritual stability now and to come, to be sure. But the world will not end on December the 21, 2012 despite deliberate and derogatory generalizations characterizing non-mainstream spiritualists by mainstream paradigmatic hitmen.

    17th June 2012 08:19
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    [​IMG] Understanding Cosmic Geography: Beyond New Age mythology

    There's a lot of disinformation out there. So I decided to put together a piece that clarifies the issues for those who are new to them. It's not as difficult as some seem to be trying to make it seem if you just let your imagination go, close your eyes and visualize ...

    Understanding Cosmic Geography: Beyond New Age mythology

    The scientists try really hard to make this difficult for some reason. It's not really apparent to me why this might be so unless there is something dangerous about understanding some very basic truths about Creation. I recently watched a video of a popular NASA astronomer who was intent upon debunking "2012 Doomsday Scenarios". In the process of doing that and attempting to calm fears of the world ending on December 21, 2012, he stated uncategorically that the Earth, viewed from the sun, aligns with the galactic equator twice a year. By making this statement he was telling a fundamental truth. But a truth that is relative and that holds an arguably ancillary relation to the greater cosmic cycles heralded by many systems of knowledge both ancient and new.

    The Earth is currently tilted at an approximately 23.5 degree angle on its axis. This means that the Earth's equator is at an angle to an imaginary line emanating from the sun's center and passing through the center of it and other planets in the solar system. This imaginary line is called the Plane of the Ecliptic. As the Earth travels around the sun during the course of the year at a speed of 18.4 miles per second, this tilt is actually the reason why we have varying seasons as the Arctic and Antarctic circles are exposed to direct sunlight at oppositional times of year. In the Northern Hemisphere, when the summer solstice arrives on June 20th, the Arctic Circle is bathed in sunlight and that region of the planet experiences a 24 hour day, while, in the Southern Hemisphere on the same day, the Antarctic Circle experiences a 24 hour night. It is during the winter and summer solstices during this particular span of years that the Earth is generally aligned with the Galactic Equator. Since we passed through the Galactic Equator - which is a few hundred light years in thickness - 2 million years ago, Sol-System is currently 50+ light years above it and well into a potential danger zone.


    The 23.5 degree "lean" of the Earth, known as the Axial Tilt, results in the apparent but semi-illusory astronomical phenomenon known as the Precession of the Equinoxes, or, the Great Year. This cycle is an approximately 25,772 year cycle where the stars in the sky seem to apparently move backwards in relation to a position on Earth if seen over the course of this cycle. The Earth precesses, exhibiting a slow, conical movement that causes the stars overhead to circle in a lengthy cycle. For example, the Northern pole star, Polaris, is almost directly over the North Pole (it will be directly over the Pole at about 2100) only for a relatively short while. In time, other stars will be the pole star until such a time in the cycle when Polaris is once again directly over the Pole, indicating the completion of the cycle. 5000 years ago, the star Thuban, in the constellation of Draco was the Pole Star and was designated by the Egyptians as such. In 6,000 years, the Pole Star will be Alderamin in the Cepheus Constellation and in 12,000, it will be near the star Vega, in the Lyra constellation. It has been calculated that the solstice point (the exact center of the sun as viewed from earth) will align with the Galactic Equator circa 2012, which can only occur once in the entire precessional cycle. The exactitude of this particular solstice - as opposed to other, off-centered solstices - is its importance.

    In relation to the position of the Sun, Earth and its cohort of planets comprising the solar system orbit at an approximately 90 degree angle to the Galactic Equator, or the Galactic Plane. The Sun, Sol, is orbiting around a central position that theorists posit contains what might be either a singularity known as a Black Hole or an alternating Black Hole/White Hole complex existing in a configuration measured by what is known as the Kruskal-Szekeres Spacetime Coordinate System that then coalesces into a Schwartzchild Wormhole connecting two universes. The complex interrelationship of these two types of dense energetic agglomerations results in oppositional yin and yang-like actions, with Black Holes drawing in energy and White Holes ejecting energy. According to the model, the two types of energy processing singularities may alternate in space and time in a spiraling, cyclical fashion that results in both Creation and Destruction phases.

    It takes Sol-System approximately 226 million years, moving at a rate of 135 miles per second, to orbit this mysterious central region of the Milky Way galaxy. This time period is known as the Cosmic or Galactic Year and is measured through observations made by the Hubble Telescope fixated upon Sagittarius A, an astronomical radio source which lies upon the border of the Sagittarius and Scorpius constellations very near the center of the galaxy. Since the center of the Milky Way Galaxy has not yet been directly observed - while the idea of at least a singular Black Hole existing at the center of many galaxies is considered a scientific fact - the approximation of the composition of the Galaxy's central region remains subject to relational measurements, hence the designation of Sagittarius A as galactic center by the scientific establishment.

    The planets are of course orbiting the sun throughout this period and do so at an approximately 90 degree angle to the Galactic Equator or Plane as mentioned previously. A significant aspect of the solar system's circumnavigation of the galaxy is the fact that the Sun's ecliptic plane is always oriented toward the Galactic Center which may indicated an established energetic relationship. This possibility adds credence to the insistence upon the alignment of the Earth with the Sun and the


    Galactic Equator in December of 2012 as being of resonant import. Positions A, B and C in the above image reflect the position of the December Solstice sun 3000 years ago, 1,500 years ago and this year, indicating its location in relation to the Milky Way galaxy. Besides moving towards and away (tidal motion) from the Galactic Center, Sol-System also moves up and down in relation to the Galactic Plane. It takes 64 million years to complete one of these perpendicular oscillations, meaning that Sol-System is above the Galactic Plane for 64 million years and below the Galactic Plane for 64 million years. Also according to the article linked above regarding the potential danger zone above the Galactic Plane, this wave-like motion results in greater and lesser protection from cosmic radiation, exemplified by the Earth's bio-diversity cycle - measured as the time between mass extinctions - which, at 62 million years in duration, almost exactly corresponds to the planet's movement above and below the Galaxy's equator.

    Sol-System and the Earth have passed above the Galactic Plane which has resulted in an increase in cosmic energy bombarding the planet as well as an increased risk of comet strikes. The Sun and other sources of radiation can drastically affect the climate of Earth as well as seismic and volcanic activity. This measured increase of incoming energy may result in a decrease in bio-diversity and a potential mass extinction that may be more related to the movement of the solar system rather than any anthropogenic causes, as may also be the case with global warming as a solar-systemic rather than a purely planetary phenomenon.


    There currently exists much contention around these topics and, seemingly, much disinformation. The connection between emotions and energy is well established in the scientific literature. If more energy enters Earth-System it only stands to reason that people across the world will undergo certain types of collective emotional experiences as a result. While the energetic aspect and implications of increased bombardment of the planet by cosmic radiation is understood by scientists to result in genetic changes that have been proven to lead to a higher mortality rate, there is little overt discussion of these topics in the mainstream nor is there any indication that such is forthcoming.

    It also seems to be the case that the disinformation campaign has permeated current-day spiritual movements as well. Confused and non-scientific proclamations regarding "photon belts" and "central suns" unnecessarily distort perceptions and take advantage of the unwary. The purported photon belt has been posited to surround the solar system or to be a fixed region of space the Earth is entering, while the star Alcyone is purported to be the galaxy's "central sun". The photon belt theories are based upon the "super-wave" concept as developed by Dr. Paul LaViolette describing cosmic ray volleys emanating from the central region of our galaxy. These rays result in measurable impacts upon climate and lifeforms. The Pleiades constellation and Alcyone are in the opposite direction (as measured from Sol-System and Earth's perspective) from the galactic core and Sol-System cannot orbit a star further distant from the galactic core than itself.

    While the Photon Belt idea does hold some credence in that it is based upon a very real and measurable energetic phenomenon, the state of nigh-religious fervor distracting the gullible from the true nature of things remains problematic. The brilliant luminosity and massive physicality of Sagittarius A actually serves to reinforce it's status as candidate for some "central sun" ideal as does its location, while Alcyone and the Pleiades serve only as distractions, literally guiding people's gaze in the opposite direction from Truth.

    Perhaps this state of affairs serves the Establishment in keeping the public relatively unaware of the nature of our world, solar-system, galaxy and universe. As long as people are kept ignorant of the cyclical nature of reality and the proven challenges that arrive like clockwork to overtake and devastate the Earth there will be no uncomfortable questions or mass hysteria. Perhaps it is the state of uncertainty itself which forces governments and science into perhaps unwitting conspiratorial collusion as the paucity of direct evidence and sure knowledge make predictive declarations politically dangerous for individuals and institutions.

    Whatever the case may be, there are some things that are most certainly known and that have a direct bearing upon our world and state of collective consciousness. Being aware of the cyclical nature of reality is fundamental to a general knowledge of how the world works and is a necessary part of any basic education. Taking an holistic view of disparate phenomenon - as done in this article - brings to light some very interesting potentialities for the near and distant future. There are indeed challenges to collective and individual physical, mental and spiritual stability now and to come, to be sure. But the world will not end on December the 21, 2012 despite deliberate and derogatory generalizations characterizing non-mainstream spiritualists by mainstream paradigmatic hitmen.


    It has become quite evident that ancient civilizations had access to planetary, solar systemic and galactic knowledge that far exceeds our current grasp of reality. The oft misinterpreted depictions of the ancient Sumerians, Egyptians, Mayans and other peoples have resulted in the free and uninformed cultural appropriation of systems of measurement and thought foreign to minds of today. The extent to which sound affects the physical world and language mirrors thought and affects the genetic makeup of individuals is a sobering reality-check upon our modern ability to fully understand the seemingly multidimensional nature of polytonal (Eastern, Southern) as opposed to monotonal (Western) languages. However these ancient peoples came by their knowledge of the universe, their insistence upon the cyclical nature of reality and the repeated destruction of civilizations due to cosmic energetic shifts is a consistent theme the world across.

    The culminations of planetary, solar systemic and galactic cycles present opportunities for energetic shifts to peak and then dissipate over time as our solar system and world enter, traverse and then pass new regions of space. How we respond to these energetic changes biologically, mentally and spiritually is, to a large extent, both an individual and a collective endeavor. We must, as a species, become comfortable with the fact that our world must change and that it is beyond our collective ability as a technological species to determine the nature of that change. How we individually relate to the Times and to the coming world can represent deliberate and informed point loci of viral effectiveness within an information-driven network as our knowledge becomes shared with our social groupings and then radiates outwards in a web of ever-increasing awareness.

    There will come a point when it becomes impossible to hide the truth of what is occurring. Concentrating personal attention and focus by seeking truth in an unwavering fashion will in turn hone individual purpose and intention, consolidating psychological and spiritual systems around key aspects of reality pertaining to personal evolution. Knowing the Truth, therefore, is being the Truth. The Truth that must soon pervade the consciousness-oriented meme of our post-modern and pre-apocalyptic collective.

    Chris White a real PTB exposer; honest as the day is long and able to discern the 'robotic trainees' of the 'Echeloners'!

    [The video above exposes the 'antithesis' of a so called 'New World New Order', which has 'hijacked and misappropriated this 'Thuban Agenda for the World Logos' in a most deceptive and 'brainwashing' manner, albeit 'prophecied' to become happenstance.
    I ask all prospective readers, potential participators and vistors to allow for some time to watch this 'debunking of the NABS' video. It will then be much easier, to understand and appreciate the 'Thuban Way of Cosmic Life' and the many compositions and descriptions, which can be found and accessed on this website.]

    [10/15/2012 3:49:53 PM] Michael Toldnes - JT!: hmmmm well he was on about the koran for a bit

    [10/15/2012 3:50:05 PM] Michael Toldnes - JT!: anyway...ya not much time for it really
    [10/15/2012 3:50:46 PM] Michael Toldnes - JT!: just on my own groove as much as i can be
    [10/15/2012 4:01:31 PM] mel: grrooving
    [10/15/2012 4:01:35 PM] mel: on a sunday afternoon
    [10/15/2012 4:01:38 PM] mel: well not really afternoon
    Shiloh found this marvel of a 'ptb expose' and added this to our websites. He is ok, with me sharing it on the old Moabyte forum. The Tsarion NABS is in contraindication with the Brian Cox presentation, but is fully exposed as ptb disinformation for the eyes to see and the ears to hear via the 'NWO telepromtings', evident in Tsarion's 'not so hearty presentation style'. But as said, for the not so 'brainwashed and hijacked' auditory and optical natural equipment.

    [​IMG] Raven[​IMG]
    Last edited: Apr 15, 2014
  3. Allisiam

    Allisiam Well-Known Member

    Shiloh - Posted Oct 17th 2012

    [2:40:04 AM - Wednesday, October 17th, 2012 -(+11UCT)]


    Zeitgeist REFUTED & DEBUNKED! (Religious Portion)
    {and the 'astro-archaeo-theological' implications as mis(ab)used by 'bible skeptics' and Cosmic Logos deniers}

    Elliott Nesch has taken the time to go through the claims of the Zeitgeist movie and reveal their lies, in the religious portion, one by one. Do you really believe that the Jesus of the Bible has His roots in mythology? Then you are sorely mistaken. If you are open to the TRUTH, then watch this whole video. Elliot's youtube channel is:

    Thank You Susan, for this additional expose' of the 'real disinformation peddlers' hiding behind the 'alternative data' labels.
    As you should know, Thuban supports the 'non-religious' part of Zeitgeist, but dismisses its 'misreading' of the Logos related subject matter.
    The overall NWO agenda to hijack the 'New Agers' is however made clear and focuses on the discreditation of a real physical incarnation (and transcension of this same physicality) of the World Logos aka 'Jesus the Christ aka Yeshuah Ben Joseph Bar Thomas Didymos' as the theosophical and astrotheological 'office of the so called Word of God' aka the Cosmogenesis of all Existence across all worlds and dimensions.

    However from October 17th, 2012 the 'agency of the antiLogos' stands exposed as testimony facing the ignorance and the deception of the general populace.



    [​IMG] [​IMG] Raven [​IMG] [​IMG]
  4. Allisiam

    Allisiam Well-Known Member

    Shiloh - Posted Nov 9th 2012

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    Thubanis - Posted Oct 17th

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    empty. Re: Conversations regarding the Cosmic Changes in Archetypes and Symbols

    empty. Floyd Yesterday at 4:30 am
    Hola Raven

    Raven wrote:

    Caveat: Thubanis does not agree with the skeptical astrophysicist, who posted this video, related to {} in general, but fully supports the application of 'scientific reason' by him and the skeptics community.

    I would say he was just an astrophysicist without the need for the skeptical prefix. His views surrounding doomsday predictions and pseudo science are spot on.

    He was actually a musician too in the British Band Blur before he went on to become a professor of physics and astronomy.

    The yowcrooks site you mention has some excellent material based around the fear profiteer, misinformer and joker Marshall Masters

    Raven wrote:

    It also seems to be the case that the disinformation campaign has permeated current-day spiritual movements as well.


    Raven wrote:

    There are indeed challenges to collective and individual physical, mental and spiritual stability now and to come, to be sure. But the world will not end on December the 21, 2012 despite deliberate and derogatory generalizations characterizing non-mainstream spiritualists by mainstream paradigmatic hitmen.


    Raven wrote:

    The Tsarion NABS is in contraindication with the Brian Cox presentation, but is fully exposed as ptb disinformation for the eyes to see and the ears to hear via the 'NWO telepromtings', evident in Tsarion's 'not so hearty presentation style'. But as said, for the not so 'brainwashed and hijacked' auditory and optical natural equipment.

    Yes. Oh yes

    So in a nutshell. Yes lol.


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    [​IMG] Re: Conversations regarding the Cosmic Changes in Archetypes and Symbols

    [​IMG] mudra Yesterday at 5:33 am

    Regarding our solar system's circular journey through our galaxy and hence the cycles of changes experienced on Earth through time
    this is an interesting video Raven

    Svensmark: The Cloud Mystery

    Love from me

    Beyond all this mind-made fragmentation and separation, who are you?
    The answer will not come in words…

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    • Post n°19

    [​IMG] Re: Conversations regarding the Cosmic Changes in Archetypes and Symbols

    [​IMG] Raven on Wed Oct 17, 2012 1:43 am
    [2:40:04 AM - Wednesday, October 17th, 2012 -( 11UCT)]

    <<< View:

    Zeitgeist REFUTED & DEBUNKED! (Religious Portion)

    {and the 'astro-archaeo-theological' implications as mis(ab)used by 'bible skeptics' and Cosmic Logos deniers}

    Elliott Nesch has taken the time to go through the claims of the Zeitgeist movie and reveal their lies, in the religious portion, one by one. Do you really believe that the Jesus of the Bible has His roots in mythology? Then you are sorely mistaken. If you are open to the TRUTH, then watch this whole video. Elliot's youtube channel is:

    Thank You Susan, for this additional expose' of the 'real disinformation peddlers' hiding behind the 'alternative data' labels.
    As you should know, Thuban supports the 'non-religious' part of Zeitgeist, but dismisses its 'misreading' of the Logos related subject matter.
    The overall NWO agenda to hijack the 'New Agers' is however made clear and focuses on the discreditation of a real physical incarnation (and transcension of this same physicality) of the World Logos aka 'Jesus the Christ aka Yeshuah Ben Joseph Bar Thomas Didymos' as the theosophical and astrotheological 'office of the so called Word of God' aka the Cosmogenesis of all Existence across all worlds and dimensions.

    However from October 17th, 2012 the 'agency of the antiLogos' stands exposed as testimony facing the ignorance and the deception of the general populace.


    [​IMG] [​IMG] Raven [​IMG] [​IMG]

    Floyd 2.

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    [​IMG] Re: Conversations regarding the Cosmic Changes in Archetypes and Symbols

    [​IMG] Floyd Today at 1:43 am

    When something like zeitgeist comes along people often get swept along with it without really looking into things and criticising or scrutinising them enough.

    The same can be said of modern understanding of the New Age Movement in the conspiratorial world of youtube and forums.

    In reality there is no such thing as a New Age Religion nor even a movement. When I was writing my dissertation on the History of the so called New Age Movement for college many moons ago, I was forced to use books, journals and articles (shock horror)!!. Yes actual books written by real historians biographers and academics lol. There was no such thing as youtube back then and the internet was a babe that only the colleges had access to on a large scale. It was very slow.

    Propaganda, is so easily transmitted to the conspiratorial hordes of various persuasion thanks to badly made, poorly researched youtube videos that everyone takes for granted because they are too lazy or weak minded to do the research themselves.

    Is there a new age religion? No there isnt. Why is that? What has been labelled New Age is rather like Hinduism. There is actually no such thing nor religion as Hinduism. It is a western collective term for religious and philosophical systems that conflict and diverge greatly ranging from atheistic systems such as the Samkyha school to devotional systems such as bhakti yoga.

    Similarly, the new age movement is an umbrella term for a huge amount of disparate and conflicting spiritual and philosophical systems ranging from UFO cults to sufi mysticism, to movements based on Indian and Tibetan philosophy. It also includes esoteric Christian groups, Occult societies and self empowerment/improvement groups. There is however no single thread that unites them and in fact, there is probably more that makes the alleged 'movement' disjointed than enjoins them into one single identifiable body. Many of the leading figures in schools and groups identified with this movement have spent most of the time bickering and arguing rather than uniting. In other words, there is no New Age Movement. No New Age Religion.

    Some of the bodies associated with the New Age Movement have in fact became propaganda targets of Judaism and Christianity linking them with outrageous plots to take over the world. One of the main targets of this propaganda was the Theosophical Society because of Madame's stinging critiques of the religion of Jehovah and of organised Christianity. Additionaly, they disproved of her society's activities in reconverting locals back to their indigenous religious systems in Ceylon (Sri Lanka) and setting up Buddhist schools, much to the ire of the imperialist Christian missionaries. Add to that the Societies influence on assisting hone rule and independence for India which provoked the imperialist occupiers even further. That movement had its own problems sure but it is not the devil it has been made out to be.
    Additionally when one thinks about the crimes done in the name of the various Christian churches over the centuries one shudders.
    Wiccan, pagan and nature religions have been attacked regularly by propaganda.

    The more you look into the history and background of movements such as this one you will realise that picture painted by propaganda videos is far from the truth. Like in the Zeitgeist movie you were talking about. Youtube videos are an incredibly poor source of information and not to be trusted. Pick up a good book by someone who knows what they are talking about instead.

    NABS, (New Age Bull Shit) as you refer to it Raven. If there is no new age religion per se, can there be NABS. Of course there can but its best to analyse it specifically with the individuals or groups promoting it as there is no collective school of thought, no single new age religion. For instance, IMO ascension is NABS but not all movements associated with ascensionism agree with each other and some dont believe in it at all. So it is better to look in detail as to the people who are promoting it and selling it. We find that religion is based on messages sent by aliens and ascended masters being chanelled or being contacted. This information is often repackaged with pseudo science than marketed as spirituality, often for hefty profits by unscrupulous individuals. The older schools however, distance themselves from modern representatives of 2012 and ascension.

    The aliens and their contacts of the various UFO religions (that range from Adamski. Pelley to Meier and King are all arguing with each other). Much of what these people are writing about is extremely unpleasant distasteful, and lacks spirituality. NABS. Of a particular American modern archetypal kind.

    Many groups associated with new age movement do not recognize aliens but are still erroneously lumped together with the others. The occult schools of both the left hand path and right hand path are poles apart and often have different agendas, some aligning themselves with Christ and others not. They have been bickering for over a hundred years and in no way represent a unified front or united school of thought.

    There are other smaller organisations that many will not have heard of like Emin, SUBUD or the Circle of Inner Truth that may have an element of NABS but they two groups are really poles apart philosophically.

    One thing all these groups (as well as the major religions) have in common, is that generally speaking, their way is the truth. They alone have the keys to the mysteries of life the universe and everything. Anyone claiming this of course is being ridiculous. There are many roads up the mountain. Clearly some will lead you round the base of the mountain or even underground it.

    Having said all of that are there elements of these schools of thought that are positive and welcome. Sure there are. There are elements of many religions that are profound. The problem arises is when people think ones system is superior to the systems of others which develops an egoic distraction in the psyche of the individual. 'My dads got a better car than your dad' etc.

    There is plenty of NABS especially in the modern age where it has become heavily monetised and even part of psyops and political and religious propaganda to a certain extent.

    In the final analysis, the so called new age movement is to wide, disparate and philosophically differing to criticize as a whole. Its an interesting subject however. Another thing I would say about the alleged new age movement is this. The groups that are lumped together in it are relatively insignificant compared to the major religions. They are in no way as dangerous as the conspiratorial youtube videos make out. While there may be much to criticise about them it is the major religions that pose a real threat. specifically the monotheistic triad of Judaism, Christianity and Islam. This aligned with the politics and philosophy of greed.

    A new age would be welcome though wouldnt it. There is so much wrong with this planet. Its just how we get there. One doesn't necessarily need a religion or be part of a mystery school to get there.

    Happy Day

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    • Post n°21
    [​IMG] Re: Conversations regarding the Cosmic Changes in Archetypes and Symbols

    [​IMG] Raven Today at 2:25 am

    Indeed Floyd!

    I agree with you and what we term NABS is in no way meant to belittle or derogarotize the 'Dreaming of many peoples (and all living creatures)' of and about a 'New World' to occupy and live in.

    We agree with most of your words, except your 'overgeneralisation' of Christianity. We also 'like' Theosophism and Steiner's Anthrophosophy say in the mode of Albert Schweitzer and do not consider it 'Luciferic' in the 'New Age' meaning of the words.

    But our 'insider knowledge' refers to precisely the 'misappropriation' and the deviousness of the 'groups and associations' and 'movements' you refer to.
    These are the real charlatans and 'snake oil' salesmen in this NABS agenda and they more often than not include well meaning (at the start) propagators like say David Wilcock and Alex Collier and perhaps even Kerry Cassidy.
    As soon as such 'adherents' receive publicity though, they often fall into a 'human vanity and selfimportance trap' and the consequences are what the majority of the 'New World dreamers' cannot differentiate as a 'true researched and analysed information base' from the 'human fantasy of make beliefs' or similar descriptions.

    Shiloh has written a detailed debunking of one of your 'pet disclaimers' in the Talmud of Jmmanuel and the Billy Meier fraud and you can look at this here: Debunking the Talmud of Jmmanuel

    But this one-off post on MOA by us relates to a much more devious campaign by the true 'ptb', shiloh calls 'Echeloners of the NWO', because this rather small group of 'informed aristocrats and little to doers, but to solve the mysteries sequestered from the public' has indeed found the 'secrets of the perennial philosophy' say as described in older or 'more primitive' semantics by the Theosophists and 'channelers' like Jane Roberts (Seth) and Carla Rueckert (Ra). Most channelers today are mere fading shadows of the 'mediums' from those of the 20th century and this is related to a necessary bifurcation or split between factions, you might describe as 'believers versus skeptics'.

    Now, because this 'echeloner family' knows of the 'Logos codes', it has for over 6 decades now systematically and thoroughly used this 'believer versus skeptic' modus operandi to polarise the global populus.
    Our posting here on MOA now addresses this 'stand-off' in a rather intricate manner to expose just this agenda.
    The 'echeloners' so ECHO a Cosmic Truth in a kind of 'inverted fashion' and this 'inversion' MUST seek to denounce, belittle and attempt to render irrelevant (say as a human mind invention or manipulation), a non-inverted or 'straight' truth of the World Logos.
    This description is encapsulated in an encoded 'crowned' 'manual or handbook'; which is a little book the 'echeloners' also use as their 'guide', but a little book, which is basically unknown and misunderstood by the populus globally and at large.
    This little book then promises certain things to the echeloners and it is this promise, which is behind the NWO in whatever form.

    But the 'Celestial Wedding' between the Logos and the AntiLogos has indeed arrived and the manifesto of this, as a basically metaphysical occurrence, does indeed allow the 'little gods' as cocreators to help and begin to 'enter a New World'. But we shall leave it at that for now.

    This is because the time has come for this, and a perhaps rather unpalatable truth for many, to be known.
    For who will be able to admit to themselves, that they have been deceived and brainwashed by their 'trusted sources' and the many data pretenders, you so eloquently point to in the you tube videos and the prevalence of di vers websites.
    Even if few will have the eyes to see or the ears to hear; the 'Truth' is NOT selfrelative and open to New Age timelines as self-proclaimed little gods or creators who can create their own rules as to how the physical and the metaphysical universe works and functions.

    The Thuban Family from the Stars

    Last edited by Raven on October 17th 2012, 2:43 am; edited 2 times in total

    Floyd 2.

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    • Post n°22
    [​IMG] Re: Conversations regarding the Cosmic Changes in Archetypes and Symbols

    [​IMG] Floyd Today at 2:35 am
    Raven wrote:
    Indeed Floyd!

    Shiloh has written a detailed debunking of one of your 'pet disclaimers' in the Talmud of Jmmanuel and the Billy Meier fraud and you can look at this here:

    Hey Raven do you have the link for this please. I would be interested in reading this.

    This is one good review of what is essentially a hoax that contains some pretty horrific content.

    Those selling such material must be pretty disturbed.



    Stick around.

    Raven Avatar MOA.

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    • Post n°23
    [​IMG] Re: Conversations regarding the Cosmic Changes in Archetypes and Symbols

    [​IMG] Raven Today at 2:45 am
    Floyd wrote:
    Raven wrote:Indeed Floyd!

    Shiloh has written a detailed debunking of one of your 'pet disclaimers' in the Talmud of Jmmanuel and the Billy Meier fraud and you can look at this here:

    Hey Raven do you have the link for this please. I would be interested in reading this.

    This is one good review of what is essentially a hoax that contains some pretty horrific content.

    Those selling such material must be pretty disturbed.



    Stick around.

    I apologize Floyd, yes I was looking for the link, which I have now included in the above post.
    Lol, yes shiloh quotes Robert Price too. You need to scroll down the page a bit.

    Debunking the Talmud of Jmmanuel

    Floyd 2.

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    • Post n°24
    [​IMG] Re: Conversations regarding the Cosmic Changes in Archetypes and Symbols

    [​IMG] Floyd Today at 2:47 am
    Nice one. Ta.


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    • Post n°25
    [​IMG] Re: Conversations regarding the Cosmic Changes in Archetypes and Symbols

    [​IMG] Raven Today at 3:08 am
    mudra wrote:
    Regarding our solar system's circular journey through our galaxy and hence the cycles of changes experienced on Earth through time
    this is an interesting video Raven

    Svensmark: The Cloud Mystery


    Love from me

    Thank You Mudra!

    Yes, a nice rational dispensation and this relates to CLOUDS as a interdimensional phase 'dimension' between the solid-liquid-gaseous energy states in 4D spacetime to a 'new reconfigured' 'plasmic' 5D timespace to be born in the near future. The 'vessels of deliverances' are indeed 'hidden in the clouds of the fowls of heaven'.

    Isaiah 60:8 (KJV)
    Who are these that fly as a cloud, and as the doves to their windows?

    Revelation 19:17-21
    17And I saw an angel standing in the sun; and he cried with a loud voice, saying to all the fowls that fly in the midst of heaven, Come and gather yourselves together unto the supper of the great God;
    18]That ye may eat the flesh of kings, and the flesh of captains, and the flesh of mighty men, and the flesh of horses, and of them that sit on them, and the flesh of all men, both free and bond, both small and great.
    19And I saw the beast, and the kings of the earth, and their armies, gathered together to make war against him that sat on the horse, and against his army.
    20And the beast was taken, and with him the false prophet that wrought miracles before him, with which he deceived them that had received the mark of the beast, and them that worshipped his image. These both were cast alive into a lake of fire burning with brimstone.
    21 And the remnant were slain with the sword of him that sat upon the horse, which sword proceeded out of his mouth: and all the fowls were filled with their flesh.


    We have added your contribution on our forums.

    Mudra's Cloudy 'Doves of Peace'

    Starry Love from the Thubans to you!


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    • Post n°26

    [​IMG] Re: Conversations regarding the Cosmic Changes in Archetypes and Symbols

    [​IMG] Floyd on Wed Oct 17, 2012 6:22 am
    Thanks Raven.

    Going back to Shiloh's post on The Talmud of Jmannuel hoax that you have provided, he had this to say

    " The short clips and this quote here, which should show the 'rather human agenda driven and political nature' of this material in a self-evidence for anyone reading this:"

    This is essentially true, not only of Billy Meir's hoax and the other Talmud promoter George Green but also the pioneers of other 'alien backed racial purist groups that are simply a front for racial elitism and far right politics. This is exemplified in the works of the first fascist alienist William Dudley Pelley and his prodigy George Hunt Williamson who both 'invented' religions to back up their political views but provided a mythical UFO/alien romance to draw in members of the public. SoulCraft was Pelley's 'invention'

    The Urantia movement in particular is an excellent example of using a series of allegedly supernatural MSS to prop up a philosophy of racial purity, eugenics, moral rectitude and sterilisation, that were in step with the rightist Utopian American ideals of the time.

    So basically, what Shiloh is saying about the Talmud is correct but it also applies to others of the genre as described in this post and thread.

    They are essentially distractions for politically motivated and Arisophical ideas.



    Raven Avatar MOA.

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    • Post n°27
    [​IMG] Re: Conversations regarding the Cosmic Changes in Archetypes and Symbols

    [​IMG] Raven Today at 3:32 am
    Floyd wrote:Thanks Raven.

    Going back to Shiloh's post on The Talmud of Jmannuel hoax that you have provided, he had this to say

    " The short clips and this quote here, which should show the 'rather human agenda driven and political nature' of this material in a self-evidence for anyone reading this:"

    This is essentially true, not only of Billy Meir's hoax and the other Talmud promoter George Green but also the pioneers of other 'alien backed racial purist groups that are simply a front for racial elitism and far right politics. This is exemplified in the works of the first fascist alienist William Dudley Pelley and his prodigy George Hunt Williamson who both 'invented' religions to back up their political views but provided a mythical UFO/alien romance to draw in members of the public. SoulCraft was Pelley's 'invention'

    The Urantia movement in particular is an excellent example of using a series of allegedly supernatural MSS to prop up a philosophy of racial purity, eugenics, moral rectitude and sterilisation, that were in step with the rightist Utopian American ideals of the time.

    So basically, what Shiloh is saying about the Talmud is correct but it also applies to others of the genre as described in this post and thread.

    They are essentially distractions for politically motivated and Arisophical ideas.



    Yes Floyd!

    And just like the 'TOJ' could be said to be like a 'pet annoyance' to you, so is the 'Urantia Book Nonsense' to shiloh. He told me, that he 'fought many metaphysical battles' with the 'Urantia followers', before he became web savvy on his forums.
    Who requires the 'JW or SDA or Mormon' bashers, if there are much more devious and 'eloquently obscuring' disinformation peddlers like the Urantians, the Avalonians and Cameloteers and the Anna Hayes and Cassiopeia 'channels' with their many derivatives and associatees.



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    • Post n°28
    [​IMG] Re: Conversations regarding the Cosmic Changes in Archetypes and Symbols

    [​IMG] Ashera Today at 8:39 am
    Venus Erde.


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    [​IMG] Re: Conversations regarding the Cosmic Changes in Archetypes and Symbols

    [​IMG] Ashera Today at 9:43 am

    Zero Point

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  5. Allisiam

    Allisiam Well-Known Member

    Shiloh - Posted Nov 9th 2012

    Floyd 2.

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    • Post n°30
    Re: Conversations regarding the Cosmic Changes in Archetypes and Symbols

    Floyd on October 17th 2012, 8:38 am

    Raven wrote:

    Floyd wrote:

    Thanks Raven.

    Going back to Shiloh's post on The Talmud of Jmannuel hoax that you have provided, he had this to say

    " The short clips and this quote here, which should show the 'rather human agenda driven and political nature' of this material in a self-evidence for anyone reading this:"

    This is essentially true, not only of Billy Meir's hoax and the other Talmud promoter George Green but also the pioneers of other 'alien backed racial purist groups that are simply a front for racial elitism and far right politics. This is exemplified in the works of the first fascist alienist William Dudley Pelley and his prodigy George Hunt Williamson who both 'invented' religions to back up their political views but provided a mythical UFO/alien romance to draw in members of the public. SoulCraft was Pelley's 'invention'

    The Urantia movement in particular is an excellent example of using a series of allegedly supernatural MSS to prop up a philosophy of racial purity, eugenics, moral rectitude and sterilisation, that were in step with the rightist Utopian American ideals of the time.

    So basically, what Shiloh is saying about the Talmud is correct but it also applies to others of the genre as described in this post and thread.

    They are essentially distractions for politically motivated and Arisophical ideas.



    Yes Floyd!

    And just like the 'TOJ' could be said to be like a 'pet annoyance' to you, so is the 'Urantia Book Nonsense' to shiloh. He told me, that he 'fought many metaphysical battles' with the 'Urantia followers', before he became web savvy on his forums.
    Who requires the 'JW or SDA or Mormon' bashers, if there are much more devious and 'eloquently obscuring' disinformation peddlers like the Urantians, the Avalonians and Cameloteers and the Anna Hayes and Cassiopeia 'channels' with their many derivatives and associatees.


    Pretty Much Raven

    Raven Avatar MOA.

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    • Post n°31
    Re: Conversations regarding the Cosmic Changes in Archetypes and Symbols

    Raven Yesterday at 11:08 pm
    [11:43:08 AM] Ishtara Raven: [Thursday, November 08, 2012 6 PM]

    it was recorded some time ago...i am not so sure it was recorded some time ago, the premier was last night apparently. The way the show was presented reminded me of that one show where they send people out in an suv to 'investigate' these theories. I can't remember the name of it off hand, but it seems to be a pretty popular series.

    [11:45:55 AM] Ishtara Raven:
    [11:46:17 AM] Ishtara Raven: found it, the above series seems to be where they got inspiration from
    [11:46:36 AM] Ishtara Raven: their show was very similar to the stuff this guy does with his team
    [11:50:34 AM] Ishtara Raven: anyhow, i just thought it was interesting that they are now on tv, this is a big move to go from grassroots home shot conspiracy videos to national tv. It means there is major money backing these two now and I would expect to see more 'enactments' from them. Seems they are all teaming up with their favorite friends to make money, Hoagland, Wilcock, Bob Dean, Gordon Novel, Brian O' Leary, ect. If you all recall, everyone of these guys were part of their first interviews.

    [11:53:06 AM] Ishtara Raven: and everyone should take note that it was Bill Ryan who first banned Tony off his forum, then of course we got banned from Camelot by Kerry's flunky Tommy. The truth doesn't make money and they never wanted to interview Tony....something to think about.
    [11:54:57 AM] Ishtara Raven: its just absolutely sickening to me that they even made it to prime time tv to spread their BS and fabrications. No true science behind any of their investigations, all speculation. Just goes to show you that people love a good story, factual or not.
    [11:58:18 AM] Ishtara Raven: imo it isn't even a good story, its just a bunch of NABS nit wits who all decided to cash in on the BS and the ptb is allowing and very likely backing this disinformation campaign to run full course. Why? Because they don't want you to even LOOK at the GOT, because they know full well what it is. This is the ptb up to sleight of hand tricks once again. Congratulations to Bill and Kerry for making it into the Bullshit Limelight!!!

    [12:37:41 PM] Ishtara Raven: Tony take a look at this

    Yes Raven; Dan Winter's work is rather good in 'paving the way' into the new physics of the New World where the present status quo of physics has blended with the metaphysics and finally 'doing away' with those ideas of 'spirituality' being some wishy washy construct of the human mind, caused by 'pattern seeking' as an outcome of the biochemistry of the brain.
    I have always supported Dan Winter's work on the 'Golden Mean of the Ancients' - it is brilliantly inductive and genial, though bordering on confuscation in its presentation at times (much like my own endeavours of the convolutions I would say).

    However Dan's work is still at times 'polluted' by his attempts to unify the '3D old science' with the new hyperscience and his unfamiliarity with the 'Standard Model' in the quantum cosmologies of the micro worlds and the macro worlds crystallize to show this.

    His take on gravity being caused by the Fibonacci numbers is only partially correct and he seeks validation in pure quasi science, say from El Naschie and Nassim Haramein, the latter who similarly does not have a solid basis for his metaphysics in the validated science of the terran history of the 'Natural Sciences'. His 'proton black hole' is similarly correct in a comprehensive sense, but his deductions of his as this eliminating the nuclear force interactions becomes pure bogus and quasi-science. I shall detail the Fibonacci-Alpha Finestructure relationship at the end of this reply to clarify this matter.

    Dan Winter's attempts of verification, using the work of Vladimir Petrusevski on the other hand are excellent and shown below as excerpts from his site you have linked.



    The actual gravity relationship with the Fibonacci Series is much more intricate and relates to the mapping of the energy spectra between the dimensions.

    In particular, the Alpha Electromagnetic Finestructure is TRANSFORMED as the Golden Mean and this derives from the superstring definitions. Visis's E8x8 hypergeometry also relates to this as exactly this superstring class HE(8x8) aka the Heterotic Supermembrane at a particular Cosmic Ray energy of the 'God-BaaB-Love-AbbA-Dog Photon' at a frequency of 3 thousand million billion trillion Hertz.


    The Age of the Universe is a Statistical Consequence of its Emerging Self-Consciousness
    The Hubble Oscillation as the Heartbeat of the Cosmos

    A Minimum Displacement Parameter manifesting the Universe in Omnispace reemerges as the Standard Deviation of its Cosmic Wavefunction in Linespace

    When the Universe emerged from the lower dimensional complex plane (or manifold) in 2 dimensions into the third space dimension in the timeinstanton, a 4-dimensional spacetime metric matrix, as measured and observed by the terrestrial researchers, also became manifested.

    A pretemporal parameter, defined in so called Planckian parameters became however transformed from the 'string time' into a 'normal time' of a quasi-space dimension, which could be defined in the ticking of clocks, i.e. the measurement of the 'Duration of Events' as a function of the Lightpath x=ct with displacement x and Time t connected by the invariance of lightspeed 'c'.

    This message shall show how the preBig Bang events, given in the structure of the 'string time' relate to a Minimum Spacetime Configuration and so a minimum possible physical displacement, here called the Planck-Length-Oscillation (or PLO) and also later on as the Strong-Interaction-Constant or SIC. The PLO or SIC is also known as the 'Stoney Length' in the scientific literature (see wiki references below).
    In a sense, this SIC illustrates the so called Principle of Uncertainty of the Heisenberg Matrix (of the ZPE=VPE) and the concepts of the 'Physical Action' in the Planck Constant 'h', always having to exceed a product of measurement parameters, such as: Action=EnergyxTime or Action=MomentumxDisplacement in the observations and the mensurations.

    One might recall the discovery by Ernest Rutherford in 1909 about the internal structure of the atom of physical reality as a great pioneering step forwards from the 'atomism' (from the Greek 'atomos', meaning uncuttable or indivisible); of the antiquity, as say in the elemental essences of the elements of Leucippus and Democritus (fifth century BC).
    The 'atomic worldview' became elaborated upon by Galileo Galilei (1612-Discourse on Floating Bodies ;Redondi 1969.) and Rene Descartes (of the famous cartesian dualism between mind and body) in the 17th century.

    Both Aristotle and Plato rejected atomism in favour for a continuity of elemental essences, later refined by Baruch Spinoza in the 17th century, who proposed the existence of the 'undivisible essence' of the unity between the Descartian mind-body divide as the basic natural order of things.

    A synthesis of the two paradigms began to emerge with the 'corpuscular entity or monad' of Leibnitz, Newton and Boscovich in the 18th century and followed by the post classical natural philosophers, say ending in Einstein, in the quantum theory of the 19th and 20th century.

    In 1897, J. J. Thomson discovered the electron and Lavoisier (1789), Prost (1799) and Dalton (1803) and Mendeleev (1869), constructed the chemical table of the elements from certain conservation laws regarding physical properties and determined by so called electron shells in their basically concentric electron configurations as the basis for all of chemistry.

    A general formula for the MAGIC NUMBERS of nucleonic arrangements in shells is given by the SEps-algorithm in the Unification Polynomial of M-Space in 11D, with M denoting Mother, Mirror, Magic, Membrane, Matrix, Mystery, Inverse W from M for Edward Witten, take your pick:

    ax3+bx2+cx+d=0 and the Feynamn-Path-Integral T(n)+2 sets the mapping of SEps onto Super-SEps as the relative primeness of the Experience-Factors in SEps superparitive to SEps* in extension.
    SEps* in F-Space (Father or Cumrun Vafa in 12D) differs by the Fermat-Identity "2" from SEps in C-Space (Child in 10D) to denote the Union between the binary and decimal systems in: a0+b0=c0=1→2→10. {Details are found in the Francom Adjacency message}.

    Subtracting polynomial f(x) from polynomial f(x+1) for the algebraic identity n3+n+2=0, then gives 3ax2+(3a+2b)x+(a+b+c)=0 and specifying a=1/3 and b=0 and c=5/3 as coefficient solutions.

    TMagicNumbers (n) = n[n2+5]/3 for the primary and secondary series:

    Primary Series: 0,2,6,14,28,50,82,126,184,...
    Secondary Series: 0,2,{2},6,{8},14,{20},28,{42},50,{78},82,{stop command},126,...

    As 50+82=132 > 126; the magic Number for n=7; this Out-of-Order sets a natural limit on the nuclear stability in the generation of the periodic table of the atomic elements as consequence of fundamental principles in the specification of Lead at #82 and Bismuth-209 the last stable isotope at #83. {83=WISDOM=GNOSIS in alphanumerical gematria encodings}.

    The secondary series reflects the Fibonacci mechanism of always adding successive terms as the Experience-Factors in the 'Information gathering parameters'.

    The 2-branes of Helium-4 or alpha particles so become topological surface mappings from M-space into C-space of 4D with the added Calabi-Yau manifolds of 6D as the 'collapsed' or 'conifolded' superstring dimensions of a Conifoldment-Transformation of 3-Tori into a 3-sphere (Poincare's 3-Sphere and Riemann's Complex Sphere); root-reduced as Möbian Klein Bottle Dragon manifold in 2 dimensions.

    The quantum geometry of minimally connected surface topologies is then defoned via the SEps-Identity XY=X+Y=-1=i2=expip=cis{p} and in the 3D cystallisation of Platonic Solids in fivefolded supersymmetry across the Omnispace of the 10-11-12-12/4=1 dimensional continuum.

    We next reduce the atomic scaling to its intrinsic superstring dimension in deriving the Wavefunction of the Omniverse as a Summation of particular and potentially Individualised Seedling Universes. The Universe of the C-Space so is defined as a Protoverse and the Seed of all Seeds potentially emerging from it as phaseshifted multiverses. A minimum of Seed+Phaseshift so constitutes a Multiverse within the Omniverse.

    Renormalising the wavefunction B(n)={2e/hA}exp[-Alpha.T(n)] about the Functional Riemann-Bound FRB=-½ as maximum ordinate, defines a probability y2.dV for observing a multidimensional universe in some coordinate system characterised by a dimensionless cycletime n, however finstructured in the inverse proportionality between a linear time t and its inverse as a frequency count f=1/t.

    The Cosmic Wavefunction is the following Differential Equation:

    dB/dT + αB(n) = 0; α=alpha being the Electromagnetic Finestructure as the probability of light-matter interaction (~1/137).

    This has a solution: B(n) = Bo.exp[-α.T(n)];

    Bo=2e/hA from QR boundary conditions defining:

    T(n)=n(n+1) as the Feynman Path-Summation of particular histories under the pentagonal supersymmetry given in the identity:

    XY=X+Y=-1=i2=exp[iπ] and lim[n→X]{T(n)}=1

    This allows the Normalisation of the [Y]2 wavefunction to sum to unity in
    B(n)=2e/hA).exp[-α.n(n+1)] with Functional Riemann Bound FRB=-½, centred on the interval [Y,...-1,...-X,...-1/2,...(X-1),...0,...X].

    Interval [Y,-1] sets F-Space; interval [-1,0] sets M-Space with uncertainty interval [-X,(X-1)] and interval [0,n) sets the C-Space, encompassing OmniSpace.

    n<0 is imaginary as real reflection of real n>0 of the C-Space, metrically defined at the coordinate n=0 mapping n=nps, which is the instanton tps=fss=1/fps.

    Cycletime n is defined in GR as dimensionless Tau-Time in curvature radius Rc=c.dτ/dt for the pathlength of x=ct and become dn/dt=Ho, n=Hot in QR, with Ho the nodal HubbleConstant defined in c=HoRmaxps.fps.

    The Feynman Path so sums both negative and positive integers as:
    -n...-3.-2.- =T(n) in absolute value to double the infinities as the entropy reversal of lightpath x=c.t=(-c)(-t) in the Möbius Property of the 4 worlds as outlined in the Machian Momentum Paper.

    Cantor Cardinality Aleph-Null is thus Unitised in Aleph-All, counting infinities as if they were integers of the Feynman Path.

    This allows the Feynman interpretation of Quantum Mechanics as alternative to the formulations of Schrödinger (fermions 1/2 spin) and Klein-Gordon (bosons of integer spin) as timeindependent and timedependent (free particle form inconsistent with SR in Schrödinger in 1st order t & 2nd order x), formulations respectively.

    The units of B(n) are 1/J, that is Inverse Energy, with A2 an algorithmic constant defining Current-Squared and 2e/h the Josephson Constant in Amperes/Joules.

    B(n) as the universal cosmic wavefunction describes the universe as a potentially infinite collection of 'frozen' wormhole- eigenstates at n=0.

    The timeinstanton 'unfreezes' one such eigenstate and activates the protoverse as discussed in the Machian Momentum Paper.
    This then allows the 'Mappings' of the C-Space 'real time n>0' from the F-Space of the 'imaginary time n<-1' under utility of the M-Space interval as 'mirror-space'.

    QR unifies electromagnetic and gravitational finestructures in F-Space using the Planck-Length-Oscillation LP.√α=e/c2 from the subtimespace.

    This yields the decisive mapping for the B(n):
    Coulomb Charge e= LP.√α.c2 ↔2Re.c2=e* (StarCoulomb Charge)

    But the StarCoulomb is Inverse Energy by definition of the vibratory part of the modular dual heterotic supermembrane HE(8x8)=EpsEss.


    mP is the Planck-Mass and Go is the initiatory Gravitational Constant, defined in the FineStructure-Relation, which defines the Planck-Length-Oscillation in the unification of electromagnetic interactions with those of gravitational permittivity:

    Go=4πεo=1/30c with dimensionless c-ether constant [c]unified.

    As Quantum Relativity is defined in the charge mappings between the OmniSpace dimensions; F maps magnetocharges e* onto electrocharges e under agency of the 11D-Witten Mirror, which is a Onesided Surface möbian connecting 10D to 12D.
    The all encompassing source energy quantum is the Eps-Gauge Boson, which manifests as the Gauge mediator for the four elemental interactions, suppressing the weak interaction in a primary triplicity however to allow the Higgs Restmass Induction mechanism to proceed in the defining qualities of the Unified Field of Quantum Relativity (UFoQR).

    The Gamma Function (defining the factorial function), is defined for all n, except nonpositive integers as:

    G(n)=∫0{} dt = │0.1-e-∞│ + ∫0{e-t(n-1).tn-2} dt = 0 + (n-1).G(n-1) by partial integration ∫udv=uv-∫vdu with v=-e-t & dv/dt=e-t & u=tn-1 & du/dt=(n-1)tn-2

    But G(1)=∫0{e-t} dt = ∫0d{-e-t} = │e0-e-∞│=1-0=1

    Therefore, the Gamma Function defines the Factorial Function (here for positive integers):


    If we change variables in the Gamma Function in t=u2 with dt=2u.du;

    G(n) = ∫02u.exp{-u2}.u2n-2 du = 2.∫0u2n-1exp{-u2} du = 2.∫0.exp{-u2} du = ½√p for n=½

    The Integral ∫-∞exp{-r2} dr = ∫-∞exp-{x2+y2} dA = ∫-∞.∫-∞exp-{x2+y2} dx.dy = (∫-∞exp{-x2} dx).(∫-∞exp{-y2} dy)=(∫-∞exp{-x2}dx)2 =
    2p0.∫0exp{-r2}r.dr.dq = 2p.∫0exp{-r2}.r.dr = 2p.∫0-∞-½.exp{u}du = p{e0-0}=p(1-0) = p for u=-r2 with du=-2r.dr

    Therefore: ∫-∞exp{-x2}dx = 2.∫0exp{-x2}dx = √p and

    0exp{-x2}dx = ½√p = G(½)

    gauss. 325px-standard_deviation_diagram_svg.

    A graph of ƒ(x) = exp{−x2} and the area between the function and the x-axis, which is equal to √p. Dark blue is less than one standard deviation from the mean. For the normal distribution, this accounts for about 68% of the set, while two standard deviations from the mean (medium and dark blue) account for about 95%, and three standard deviations (light, medium, and dark blue) account for about 99.7%.

    A Gaussian Function is defined in: f(x) = a.exp{-[x-b]2/2c2} for some constants a,b,c and then for substitution Z=(x-b)/c√2 with dz=1/c√2.dx

    -∞exp{-z2} dz = ∫-∞exp{-(x-b)2/2c2.(1/c√2) dx = √p and for the integral to be 1, a must be 1/c√(2p) and letting b=m and c=s: a=1/s√(2p)


    The Gaussian Normal Distribution (Bell Curve), is defined as: f(x)=(1/s√(2p)).exp{-(x-m)2/2s2} with a 'Standard Deviation' s=√Variance and a 'Mean' m.

    The transformation Z=(x-m)/s normalises f(x) to f(Z) with a Mean of m=0 and a Standard Deviation s=1 for the Standard Normal Distribution Curve:
    -∞exp{-½z2} dz = √(2p)

    Comparing this to the B(n) one defines: B(n)=(2e/hA).exp{-alpha.[(n+½)22]}=(2e/hA).exp{¼.alpha}.exp{-(n+½)2/(1/alpha)} with a mean m=-½ and a variance of s2=1/2alpha and so a standard deviation s=1/√(2alpha)

    The B(n) is gaussian with the leading coefficient a={(2e/hA)exp[¼alpha]} for

    -∞exp{-½Z2} dz = √(2p)

    -∞exp{-½{[n+½]/(1/√2alpha)}2}.√2alpha dn = √(2p)

    √(alpha/p)∫-∞exp{-½([n+½].√2alpha)2} dn = 1

    √(alpha/p)∫-∞exp{-alpha.(n+½)2} dn = 1 so satisfies our renormalisation requirements for: ∫-∞exp{-½Z2} dZ = √(2p) with Z=√2alpha.(n+½) and dZ/dn=√2alpha and for the string-brane Alpha=60pe2/h = 1/137.04707... for √alpha = 0.08542... for 1/√alpha = 11.70671... Mean=FRB=m½ and Standard Deviation s=1/√(2alpha) = 8.27789...

    Z=1s=1 for n= -½ ± 1/√2alpha = (-8.7779; 7.7779) for two 34.13% (68.26% total) intervals in (negative) F-Space and (positive) C-Space respectively

    Z=2s=2 for n= -½ ± 2/√2alpha = (-17.0558; 16.0558), for two 47.72% (95.44% total) intervals in (negative) F-Space and (positive) C-Space respectively

    Z=3s=3 for n= -½ ± 3/√2alpha = (-25.3337; 24.3337), for two 49.87% (99.74% total) intervals in (negative) F-Space and (positive) C-Space respectively

    For the 10-dimensional C-Space: n=[0 X ∞ ):
    for n=0, Z=½√2alpha=0.06040... and Area=0.0241 or 2.41%
    for n=X, Z=½√10alpha=0.13506... and Area=0.0537 or 5.37%
    for n→∞, Z→∞ for the Area to be 50% or half of Unity as per the standard normal distribution calculus
    The C-Space encompasses a total of 0.50000.00241 0.5000-0.0=0.4759 and so 47.59% of the total multiverse distribution

    For the 11-dimensional M-Space: n=[-1 -½ 0]:
    for n=0, Z=½√2alpha=0.06040... and Area=0.0241 or 2.41%
    for n=FRB=-½, Z=0 for the wavefunction maximum at B(-½)=exp{¼alpha}...and Area=0
    for n=-1, Z=-½√2alpha=-0.06040... and Area=0.0241 or 2.41% as the Image Symmetry for n=0

    The M-Space to encompasses an Area of 0.0482 or 4.82% of the 12-dimensional omniversal multiverse distribution

    For the 12-dimensional F-Space: n=(-∞ -Y -1]
    for n=-1, Z=-½√2alpha=-0.06040... and Area=0.0241 or 2.41% as the Image Symmetry for n=0
    for n=-Y, Z=-½√10alpha=-0.13506... and Area=0.0537 or 5.37% as the Image Symmetry for n=X
    for n→-∞, Z→-∞ for the Area to be 50% or half of Unity as per the standard normal distribution calculus
    The F-Space encompasses a total of 0.50000.00241 0.5000-0.024=0.4759 and so 47.59% of the total multiverse distribution

    The probability of finding the FRB-fluctuation for the interval [-X,X-1] in volume element dV as the Heisenbergian Uncertainty fluctuation in the ZPE/VPE string matrix so is 4.82%.
    This volume element defines the dimensional intersection from C-space into F-space via the Mirror M-space in the topological mapping of the Complex Riemann C -Space about the Riemann Pole as the Calabi Yau Superstring space in 10 dimensions.

    The fundamental partnership between the F-Space in nimaginary and C-Space in nreal is described in redefining the volume element dV in Linespace of the real cycletime nreal=Hot by the preBig Bang string-membrane physics of the complex plane in 2 dimensions.

    The multidimensional 'mapping' between F-Space and C-Space is given by the mathematical properties of the magnetocharge e* in F-Space and the electrocharge e in C-Space:

    Coulomb Electro-Charge-Quantum = 'e' = LPlanck.c2.√(Alpha) c2(2Re) = 'e*' = Membrane Magneto-Charge-Quantum

    The Planck-Length is defined as:
    LPlanck = √(Goh/2pc3)

    for a Planck-Time in the Lightpath: LPlanck=cTPlanck in

    TPlanck=LPlanck/c = √(Goh/2pc5) = 2.0896x10-35 m*/(3x108 (ms-1)* = 6.9653x10-44 s* in string units

    The PLO or SIC relates the concept of the higher dimensional magnetocharge as the electrocharge e in the Stoney Unit e/c2=√alpha.LPlanck and the lower dimensional electrocharge relates the higher dimensional magnetocharge as Inverse SourceSink Energy Eps=1/e*=hfps to the Classical Electron scale in 2Re=DiameterElectron=e*/c2.

    The Stoney Units accentuate the Electromagnetic Nature of the Universe and so the Electromagnetic Finestructure Alpha dominates in preference to the dominance of Planck's Constant 'h' in the standard Planck Units. This is referenced in the quoted links following.
    The 'mystery' as to the nature of the higher dimensional string-membrane theories is however 'solved' in a cosmology, which allows the concept of mass content and inertia to become an emergent property from a precursive noninertial energy matrix, such as given in the postulates of Quantum Relativity.
    Here a massless 'Goldstone Gauge Bosonic' Universe of Gravita is gravitational in the Equivalence of the gravitational energy of the magneto- or colour charged bosonic photon to the inertial fermionic mass-coupled 'particle', say an electron or a nucleon.

    As all Coulomb charges in the electric lower dimensional universe are always coupled to particles carrying mass, such as fusion protons in stars like the sun; The electrocharge 'e' can be stipulated to have a higher dimensional precursor in the magnetocharge e* and where this magnetocharge remains independent from the existence of the lower dimensional inertia.
    The notion of the colour charge in quantum chromodynamics, the study and analysis of the subatomic nature of physical reality, can so be stipulated to relate to the magnetocharge in a hierarchy of 'particle families', which correspond and communicate to each other across the dimensions.

    In the F-Space of the magnetocharge, the standard photon of the electrocharge inertia-associations of the C-Space so is 'colour charged' with distinct 'particle-antiparticle' definitions; whilst in the lower dimensional manifesto, the standard photon is not colour charged and so can be its own antiparticle in the taxonomy.
    From those elementary definitions, the mass focused cosmologies can be revisited and the particle families can become redefined, with say the neutrino-antineutrino weak parity violations found to illuminate the stated postulates of Quantum Relativity or QR.

    The string-membrane definitions for the electromagnetic dominant cosmology of QR calculates the n=npresent coordinate as a MAT=Mean-Alignment-Time calibration to midnight, November 4th, 1996, local time (+11 Hours UCT/GMT).
    This MAT then defines the C-Space coordinate from the beginning of M-Space and so gives a value for the Age of the Universe in C-Space, i.e. the time since the string epoch from the Planck-Time ended in the string classes and the so called Quantum Big Bang, also here and elsewhere termed as the Weyl Membrane SourceSink Eprimary source or Eps as half of the Weyl-Oscillator EpsEss for ss=sinksource or secondary source.
    One can also name the supermembrane EpsEss as the Little Serpent Abba-Baab or the Prime Creator-Secondary Creation or some other god-antigod dyad from the F-Space of the Omniverse from the Void=Eternity becoming a cosmogony of Unity and Oneness, experiencing its own potential for separatedness as a cosmology.

    The electromagnetic true age of the universe as a protoversal seedling multiverse, so is calculated as npresent=tuniverse=npresent/Ho=19.111x109 'years' = 6.03079...x1017 seconds.

    Rewriting the mapping equation between higher D 'e*' and lower D 'e' as:

    1/c2=LPlanck√Alpha/e = 2Re/e* = 1.1111111.x10-17=1/9x1016

    e*=2Rec2 and e=LPlanck.c2.√Alpha; both have units of Volume/Time2 however and 1/t2=df/dt as the timedifferential for frequeny f=1/t and for a period T=1/2pf for an angular radius-independent velocity w=2pf.
    The latter defines the quantum spin in quantum mechanics as the angular momentum basis of h/2p.

    Quantum Relativity defines the timedifferential for frequancy as the Awareness Quantum: alphaomega=aw=│df/dt│maximum=│lim(fps-0)/(fss-0)│=│fps2│=│1/e*h│2 because of the modular duality between Eps and Ess in the coupling constants of Eps.Ess=h2 and Eps/Ess=fps2.

    The awareness quantum alphaomega=aw=│fps2│=│1/e*h│2=9x1060 then describes the Permutation count of the Planck-Time to yield the Electromagnetic True Age of the Universe (ETAU) as a simple summation of Planck times as the Integral of time over the history of the physical universe in Linespacetime:

    ETAU = TPlanck.alphaomega= √(Goh/2pc5)aw=√(Go/2pc5h3e4*)=6.26877...x1017 seconds or about 19.864..Billion years (or 19.864 Gigayears or Gy with a civil year of 365.2425 mean solar days) in string units (*).

    The ETAU, differing from the MAT in a factor 19.111/19.864=0.962 or by 3.8% so indicates that the omniverse would reach the potential for maximum self awareness 19.864 billion years after its emergence from the Void of Eternity.
    This gives a time period of about 753 million years from the present Mean-Alignment-Time.

    In adjusting the maximum alphaomega from awmax=9x1060 to awpresent=8.658x1060 then aligns the Planck-Time count to the MAT.

    Considering the Variance of the B(n) in the statistical distribution as a function of probability densities; a reassignment of the Standard Deviation for the present time would likewise adjust the ETAU to the MAT.

    The PLO=SIC=Stoney-Length modifies the Planck-Time by the factor of √Alpha=0.08542 in the Lightpath LPlanck=cTPlanck decreasing from 2.0896x10-35 m* to 1.785x10-36 m* and this reduces TPlanck to 5.95x10-45 s* by the factor of 0.08542=1/11.707. This represents a PrePlanckian quasitime as the minimum time parameter in the minimum spacetime configuration.
    Using this quasitime for the alphaomega would then reduce the ETAU to 0.08542(19.864 Gy)=1.697 Gy and so n/10 or 10% of a Hubble halfbeat.

    The Integral: ∫-∞exp{-x2}dx = 2.∫0exp{-x2}dx = √p and the Standard Deviation for this integral would be s=√Alpha=0.08542 about a renormalised mean m=0

    Generally, for some constant a, the Gaussian Integral is: ∫-∞exp{-ax2}dx = √(p/a) and for a=1.0395=1/0.962, the adjusted sadj=√(0.962Alpha)~0.08378=1/11.936.

    The B(n) is realised in any arbitrary spacetime in 'unfreezing' the M-Space 'stuck' in between the (-Y,X) coordinates as the roots and solutions of the Euler Identity X+Y=XY=-1=i2=eip and so in a sense in between the real cycletime nreal=Hot and the imaginary cycletime ni=nimaginary.
    B(n) is assigned B(npresent)=(ek)SI/(ek)* for the calibration between some measurement system, characteristic for some galactic civilisation (here a Terrestrial System Internationale or SI) and a cosmic one (where the mensuration units are integer based, such as 'c'=3x108 and 'h'=1/15x1032 and 'k'=1/15x1618 and remaining independent on physical measurement as the output from particular algorithmic data encodings as input.


    Therefore: exp{-alphaT(npresent)}=(hA/2e)(0.9753909..)=0.982534150.98253415.. and -alpha.T(npresent)=ln(0.982534150.98253415..)=-0.017620177.. and T(npresent)=(137.047072..)0.017620177..=2.414793...

    The value for the cycletimes n are therefore obtained in the solution of the quadratic:
    npresent2+npresent - 2.414793.. = 0 for roots:
    npresent = -½ ± 1.632419 for nreal=1.132419.. and nimaginary=-2.132419..

    So tpresent=npresent/Ho=nMAT/Ho=6.03079x1017 seconds in real C-Space time and for Ho=c/RHubble=c/Rmaximum for the 11-dimensional seedling protoversal Hubble-Horizon of 1.59767545...x1026 meters* or 16.876 Billion Lightyears as the n=1 coordinate of the 'Hubble Oscillation' as the 'Heartbeat of the Cosmos'.

    The imaginary F-Space time ni=Hoti so gives an Imaginary and shadowed Electromagnetic Age of the Universe in EIAU=ti=ni/Ho=1.13564x1018 s* or 35.987 Billion Years.

    The 'Unfreezing' of M-Space then allows the singularity-algorithm of the Cosmo-Genesis to manifest in what might be termed the sex-chromosomes of a cosmic DNA encoding from F-Space. This then defines a new physical quantity, termed 'Awareness' as the time differential for frequency and defines 'Consciousness' as a direct consequence from the defining qualities of the magnetocharges as a proprty of spacial awareness deriving from the occupancy of that 'space' as a quantisation of the minimum spacetime configuration defined in F-Space and mirrored in the M-Space and manifesting in mass parametric and inertia associated qualities in the C-Space in a holofractal and holographic omniverse.

    The concept of 'Life' is born and emerges from magnetopolic self inductions of quantum geometric entities defined from superbranes macrocrystallizing via C-L-Factor couplings given in the cosmo-DNA as electropolic self capacitances and magnetopolic self inductances.

    The purpose of the superbranial self replication on ever increasing scales of the modular duality between sourcesinks (White Holed Cosmic FatherMothers) and sinksources (Black Holed Cosmic MotherFathers), is to establish the multiversal holographic nestings of the smallest minimum spacetime configuration (as the Wormhole or Einstein-Rosen Bridge of the PLO) within the largest (the Omniverse as a collection of a potentially infinite number of Multiverses, all however as phaseshifts of the Seedling Protoverse) - as the cosmogenetic beginning of it all as the 'naked singularity' of the Genesis Boson, aka the Abba-Baab selfdual master template of creation.

    Stoney Units

    In physics, the Stoney units form a system of units named after the Irish physicist George Johnstone Stoney, who first proposed them in 1881. They are the first historical example of natural units, i.e. units of measurement designed so that certain fundamental physical constants serve as base units. The set of constants that Stoney used as base units is the following:
    Elementary charge, e;
    Speed of light in a vacuum, c;
    Gravitational constant, G;
    Coulomb constant, 1/(4πε0).

    This means the numerical values, in terms of Stoney units, of all these constants equal one:


    Stoney's set of base units is similar to the one used in Planck units, proposed independently by Planck thirty years later, but Planck replaced the elementary charge with the Planck constant. In Stoney units, the numerical value of Planck's constant is not 1, but is


    where α is the fine-structure constant. Planck units are more commonly used than Stoney units in modern physics, especially quantum gravity (including string theory). Rarely, Planck units are referred to as Planck-Stoney units.


    George Stoney was one of the first scientists to understand that electric charge was quantized; from this quantization he deduced the units that are now named after him. James G. O’Hara pointed out in 1974 that Stoney’s derived estimate of the unit of charge, 10−20 ampere-second, was 1⁄16 of the modern value of the charge of the electron. The reason is that Stoney used the approximated value of 1018 for the number of molecules presented in one cubic millimetre of gas at standard temperature and pressure. Using the modern values for Avogadro’s number 6.0238×1023 and for the volume of a gram-molecule (at s.t.p.) of 22.4146×106 mm3, the modern value is 2.687×1016, instead of Stoney's 1018.

    Stoney units and Planck units

    The Stoney length and the Stoney energy, collectively called the Stoney scale, are not far from the Planck length and the Planck energy, the Planck scale. The Stoney scale and the Planck scale are the length and energy scales at which quantum processes and gravity occur together. At these scales, a unified theory of physics is thus required. The only notable attempt to construct such a theory from the Stoney scale was that of H. Weyl, who associated a gravitational unit of charge with the Stoney length and who appears to have inspired Dirac’s fascination with the large number hypothesis[10]. Since then, the Stoney scale has been largely neglected in the development of modern physics, although it is occasionally discussed to this day. The Planck scale is valid for all known interactions, and does not give prominence to the electromagnetic interaction, as the Stoney scale does.

    George Johnstone Stoney
    George Johnstone Stoney, 1826–1911

    George Johnstone Stoney (15 February 1826 – 5 July 1911) was an Anglo-Irish physicist. He is most famous for introducing the term electron as the "fundamental unit quantity of electricity". He had introduced the concept, though not the word, as early as 1874 and 1881, and the word came in 1891. He published around 75 scientific papers during his lifetime.

    Education and employment positions

    Stoney was born at Oakley Park, near Birr, County Offaly, in the Irish Midlands, in an old-established Anglo-Irish family. He attended Trinity College, Dublin, graduating with a B.A. in 1848. From 1848 to 1852 he worked as an astronomy assistant to William Parsons, 3rd Earl of Rosse at Birr Castle, County Offaly, where Parsons had built the world's largest telescope, the 72-inch Leviathan of Parsonstown. Simultaneously Stoney continued to study physics and mathematics and was awarded an M.A. by Trinity College Dublin in 1852.

    From 1852 to 1857 he was professor of physics at Queen's College Galway. From 1857 to 1882 he was employed as Secretary of the Queen's University of Ireland, an administrative job based in Dublin. In the early 1880s he moved to the post of superintendent of Civil Service Examinations in Ireland, a post he held until his retirement in 1893. In that year, he took up residence in London. Stoney died in 1911 at his home in Notting Hill, London. During his decades of non-scientific employment responsibilities in Dublin, Stoney continued to do scientific research on his own. He also served for decades as honorary secretary and then vice-president of the Royal Dublin Society, a scientific society modelled after the Royal Society of London, and after his move to London Stoney served on the council of that society too. Additionally he intermittently served on scientific review committees of the British Association for the Advancement of Science from the early 1860s on.

    Stoney's scientific output

    Stoney published seventy-five scientific papers in a variety of journals, but chiefly in the journals of the Royal Dublin Society. He made significant contributions to cosmic physics and to the theory of gases. He estimated the number of molecules in a cubic millimetre of gas, at room temperature and pressure, from data obtained from the kinetic theory of gases. Stoney's most important scientific work was the conception and calculation of the magnitude of the "atom of electricity". In 1891, he proposed the term 'electron' to describe the fundamental unit of electrical charge, and his contributions to research in this area laid the foundations for the eventual discovery of the particle by J.J. Thomson in 1897.

    He was elected a Fellow of the Royal Society in June 1861 on the basis of being the author of papers on "The Propagation of Waves," – "On the Rings seen in Fibrous Specimens of Calc Spar," and Molecular Physics, published in the Transactions of the Royal Irish Academy, et cetera, Distinguished for his acquaintance with the science of Astronomy & General Physics.

    The Stoney scale

    Contemporary physics has settled on the Planck scale as the most suitable scale for a unified theory. The Planck scale was, however, anticipated by George Stoney. Like Planck after him, Stoney realized that large-scale effects such as gravity and small-scale effects such as electromagnetism naturally imply an intermediate scale where physical differences might be rationalized. This intermediate scale comprises units (Stoney scale units) of mass, length, time etc., yet mass is the cornerstone.

    The Stoney mass mS (expressed in contemporary terms):

    where ε0 is the permittivity of free space, e is the elementary charge and G is the gravitational constant, and where α is the fine-structure constant and mP is the Planck mass.

    Like the Planck scale, the Stoney scale functions as a symmetrical link between microcosmic and macrocosmic processes in general and yet it appears uniquely oriented towards the unification of electromagnetism and gravity . Thus for example whereas the Planck length is the mean square root of the reduced Compton wavelength and half the gravitational radius of any mass, the Stoney length is the mean square root of the 'electromagnetic radius' (see Classical electron radius) and half the gravitational radius of any mass, m:


    Under the Unification Identity between Gravitation and Electromagnetism in their gauged and dimensionless finestructures in QR, namely G=4pe0 and so the Stoney-Length reduces to e/c2=√Alpha.LPlanck and so harmonizes the Planck Units with the Stoney Units.

    where is the reduced Planck's constant and c is the speed of light. It should be noted however that these are only mathematical constructs since there must be some practical limit to how small a length can get. If the Stoney length is the minimum length then either a body's electromagnetic radius or its half gravitational radius is a physical impossibility, since one of these must be smaller than the Stoney length. If Planck length is the minimum then either a body's reduced Compton wavelength or its half gravitational radius is a physical impossibility since one of these must be smaller than the Planck length. Moreover, the Stoney length and Planck length cannot both be the minimum length.

    According to contemporary convention, Planck scale is the scale of vacuum energy, below which space and time do not retain any physical significance. This prescription mandates a general neglect of the Stoney scale within the scientific community today. Previous to this mandate, Hermann Weyl made a notable attempt to construct a unified theory by associating a gravitational unit of charge with the Stoney length. Weyl's theory led to significant mathematical innovations but his theory is generally thought to lack physical significance.


    The woman Stoney married was one of his cousins. They had two sons and three daughters. For most of his decades in Dublin, Stoney resided in the Dundrum, Dublin neighbourhood. The street that he lived on was later re-named Stoney Road in his memory. After Stoney died in London, his cremated ashes were buried in Dundrum, Dublin.

    One of Stoney's sons, George Gerald Stoney, was a scientist. But a more scientifically notable relative was Stoney's nephew, the Dublin-based physicist George FitzGerald (1851–1901). Stoney and FitzGerald were in regular communication on scientific matters. In addition, on political matters, both Stoney and FitzGearld were active opponents of the Irish Home Rule Movement. In their political opinion, the spirit of Irish Home Rule and later Irish nationalism was contrary to the spirit of science. Stoney resigned from his job as Secretary of Queen's University of Ireland in 1882 in objection to a government decision to introduce "sectarianism" into the system; i.e., Stoney wanted to keep the system non-denominational, but the government acceded to Irish Catholic demands for Catholic institutions.

    Craters on Mars and the Moon are named in his honour.


    X=½(√5-1)=0.618033..... and Y=-(X+1)=-½(√5+1)=-1.618033...

    -X(X-1)=0.236067... in analogue to X(X+1)=1=T(n) and XY=X+Y=-1=i2 as the complex origin.

    But 0.236067..=X3, so defining the 'New Unity' as #3=Alpha and the precursive unity as the Cuberoot of Alpha or as # in the symmetry #:#3 = SNI:EMI = Strong Nuclear Interaction Strength { ElectroMagnetic Interaction Strength.

    The Strong-Interaction-Constant SIC=√Alpha=√e2/2eohc=√(60pe2/h) in standard and in string units, reduces the SNI finestructure constant # by a factor Alpha1/6. that is in the sixth root of alpha and so relates the SIC at the post quantisation level as # to the prequantum epoch as SIC=√Alpha=#3/2.

    The SNI is therefore so 11.7 times weaker at the XL-Boson 'Grand-Unification-Time' SEW.G of heterotic superstring class HO(32), than at the EpsEss timeinstantenuity S.EW.G of the superstring of the Quantum Big Bang in heterotic class HE(8x8) {this is the stringclass of Visi in the group theories}.
    This then is the Bosonic Gauge Coupling between superstrings HO(32) and HE(8x8).

    The coupling between superstrings IIA (ECosmic and manifesting the cosmic rays as superstring decay products) and IIB (Magnetic Monopole) derives directly from the B(n), with B(n=0)=Jo=2e/hA = 0,9927298 1/J* or 6.2705x109 GeV* and representative of the ECosmic stringclass and the superhigh energy resonances in the cosmic ray spectrum, bounded in the monopolic resonance limit of 2.7x1016 GeV*.

    1-Jo=0.00727021 approximates rg/r10c2=4/550=0.007272... approximates Alpha at n=nps.

    The Unity of the SNI transforms to [1-X]=X2 and the EMI transforms as the Interaction of Invariance from X to X.
    The Weak Nuclear Interaction or WNI as X2 becomes [1+X]=1/X and the Gravitational Interaction or GI transforms as X3 transforms to [2+X]=1/X2 by MODULAR SYMMETRY between X and Alpha and the encompassing Unification Unity: [1-X][X][1+X][2+X] = 1.

    This Unification Polynomial U(u)=u4+2u3-u2-2u+1 = 0 then has minimum roots (as quartic solutions) at the Phi=X and the Golden Mean Y=-(1+X).

    This sets the coupling between SNI and EMI as X; the coupling between EMI and WNI becomes X2 and the coupling between WNI and GI then is again X.
    The general Force-Interaction-Ratio so is: SNI:EMI:WNI:GI = #:#3:#18:#54.

    This is the generalisation for the cubic transform: x→x3 with the Alpha-Unity squaring in the functionality of the WNI and defining G-Alpha as Alpha18 in the Planck-Mass trasforming in string bosonic reduction to a basic fundamental nucleonic mass (proton and neutrons as up-down quark conglomerates and sufficient to construct a physical universe of measurement and observation):

    mc=mplanck Alpha9 from the electromagnetic string unification with gravitation in the two dimensionless finestructures:

    For Gravitational Mass Charge from higher D Magnetic Charge: 1=2pG.mplanck2/hc

    For Electromagnetic Coulomb Charge as lower D Electric Charge: Alpha=2pke2/hc

    Alpha as the universal masterconstant of creation, then becomes defined via the Riemann Analysis from XY=i2 definition, reflecting in modulation in the statistical renormalisation of the B(n) as the probability distributions in quantum wave mechanics however.U(u) has its maximum at u=-½=FRB for U(-½)=25/16=(5/4)2 for the B(n) supersymmetry.

    The derivation of the HBRMI draws upon this definition process and sets the coupling angle as arcsin(X/@) for a Unitary 'Force' @=(#fG).cfpsE-Alpha/Alpha and with the electron mass replacing the fundamental nucleonmass mc in the definition of E-Alpha.

    A little bit of a 'heavy going' for the mathophobic readership and I realise the complexities and the jargon used is unfamiliar to most readers, not accustomed with some major scientific labelings and nomenclature. And there is NO NEED for you or anyone perusing this data, to understand its details. But I put this here, so you can see a way in which the 'Sacred Geometry' is intrinsic to the workings of the universe.

    The 'sacred geometry' so is indeed not some aesthetic invention of the Greeks or some metaphysical ancestors, but can be called the 'tools and patterns' used by Mother Nature herself. This I have attempted to illustrate here with some foundations of the 'Dragon Omni-Science' also known as 'Quantum Relativity' and so building upon the postulates and premises of both Special Relativity of the microworlds and the General Relativity of the macrocosmos, building upon Newton's classical mechanics and Maxwell's classical electromagnetism, building upon the natural philosophers of antiquity and so on and on to the Logos and the Sophia of all the Worlds.

    And btw, you will not find this information in any mainstream or alternative media.
    It is, as I have claimed from the beginning on the old PA forum, which I joined on December 25th, 2009; unique as a Thuban data stream.
    I have published a number of papers, such as this one on the nature of Physical Consciousness and

    As it appears, that the site, where this paper is published, has gone 'commercial' and to allow continued free access, also here on this forum at,
    and at the Thuban homesites:
    Physical Consciousness in a Selfconscious Quantum Universe and

    But this information is for a New World in its Cocoon and not for the Old World, which still dominates the present paradigms of the existence of the collective human groupmind and trapped in its own delusions about the nature and purpose of its own cosmic selfhood.
    The first page of this link defines the basic formulations - in the Fibonacci Series X+Y=XY=-1.



    Posts: 4103
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    • Post n°32

    empty. Re: Conversations regarding the Cosmic Changes in Archetypes and Symbols

    empty. Floyd on Sat Nov 10, 2012 9:24 pm
    Raven wrote:

    was very similar to the stuff this guy does with his team

    [11:50:34 AM] Ishtara Raven: anyhow, i just thought it was interesting that they are now on tv, this is a big move to go from grassroots home shot conspiracy videos to national tv. It means there is major money backing these two now and I would expect to see more 'enactments' from them. Seems they are all teaming up with their favorite friends to make money, Hoagland, Wilcock, Bob Dean, Gordon Novel, Brian O' Leary, ect. If you all recall, everyone of these guys were part of their first interviews.


    Welcome back.


    Posts: 509
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    • Post n°33

    empty. Re: Conversations regarding the Cosmic Changes in Archetypes and Symbols

    empty. Raven on Wed Nov 28, 2012 10:33 pm

    Undoing the Dogmas of Science: A Talk with Rupert Sheldrake

    Gabriel D. Roberts

    In his explorations for a better understanding of consciousness, Dr. Rupert Sheldrake challenges the mechanistic dogma of contemporary mainstream science. He has recently released a new book, Science Set Free: 10 Paths to New Discovery, which addresses the ideas that have become dogmas in modern scientific thought, exposes their weaknesses, and offers intriguing solutions for a way forward.

    Gabriel Roberts: Dr. Sheldrake, you are known for raising the public's awareness about morphic fields. What are they and what's the evidence to support them?

    Rupert Sheldrake: Morphic fields are the fields that organize the shape or form of living organisms, like plants and animals. They are like the invisible plans that shape them. The idea of morphic genetic fields, or short form shaping fields, was quite well known in biology for a long time, over 90 years. That is not an original point of mine, it's a pretty mainstream idea. The key part of my theory is that there is a kind of memory in the field, and that each organism draws on the collective memory and in turn contributes to it. The evidence for that is the mysterious memory effects that occur in living things. For example, if you train rats to learn a new maze trip in New York, then rats all around the world should be able to learn the same trick more quickly just because the rats had learned it already in New York. And there is actual evidence from experiments at Harvard, in Australia and in Scotland that this effect really happens.

    How do morphic fields releate to the other discoveries you write about in your new book Science Set Free? In the book, you discuss the Higgs Boson and the significance that it may have. What's the correlation?

    Well this doesn't have much to do with the Higgs Boson, which is a theory in physics about how things get their mass. But what the Higgs Boson does do is remind us of how little we understand about the fundamental nature of matter. After all, the Higgs Boson is supposed to explain why anything has mass. We take for granted the fact that things have weight. If you buy a pound of fruit, it weighs a pound. We take weight and mass completely for granted. And yet it turns out it's completely unexplained in physics, and depends on this Boson that was detected elusively just a few months ago. Even then it leaves many questions unanswered.

    One of the points I make in Science Set Free is that we actually understand so much less than we usually assume we do. In relation to genes and inheritance, for example, people thought that the genome project would explain the vast majority of heredity. It turns out to explain only about 5 to 10 percent in most cases, and there is now a crisis in the heart of biology called the "missing heritability problem." It's not in the genes. I think that's because it's in the morphic resonance of the collective memory I was just speaking about.

    That's interesting, because when I read that part of the book I kept thinking of people looking for their keys in the wrong pair of pants.

    Yes. I mean frankly, the whole of biology, for decades now, is based on this assumption that it's all molecular and genetic. I share in my book Science Set Free that hundreds of billions of dollars have been invested on the assumption that this genetic view of inheritance is the whole truth, or almost the whole truth. It turns out it's not, and there's been a vast waste of money -- public and private money -- on this project which has been a disastrous failure, as the Harvard Business school shared in a recently report.

    What kind of reaction have you received to the things you're bringing up? In your book, you lay out what the problems are, how science had turned into dogma, and you offer some solutions. What are the main scientific presumptions that have been turned into dogmas?

    In my book I deal with ten different dogmas. One is that the total amount of matter and energy is always the same. Another is that nature is mechanical, or machine-like. Another is that heredity is all carried in the genes. These are three of the ten dogmas I address.

    I said something just now about heredity and the genes, but take matter and energy, that the total amount is always the same, except at the moment of the Big Bang, when it all appeared from nowhere -- that's the usual assumption. Well, it turns out that physicists have discovered that there is a huge amount of so-called dark matter and dark energy. We don't have a clue what they are, but they now make up 96 percent of reality, and they've been added over the last 30 years. Now if the total amount of matter and energy is always the same, is the total amount of dark matter and dark energy always the same? No one has a clue. Actually, the total amount of dark energy seems to be increasing as the universe expands.

    You know, the whole thing is in shambles, really. What we all learned at school and thought of as fixed laws turns out to relate to only to 4% of the matter and energy in the universe. And we don't know the relationship between that 4% with the rest.

    I found that in many recent comments about the Higgs, scientists used the word "magic" to suggest, "Well, we put these things in here and just like magic it pops back out!" Which reminded me of the Terence McKenna quote,"Science just asks for one small miracle and then they'll be sure to take care of the rest." That was quite amusing.

    That's a great quote of Terence's. Yes, that's it. Science requests, "Give us one free miracle and we'll explain the rest." And the one free miracle is the appearance of all the matter and energy in the universe and all the laws that govern it from nothing at a single instant.

    That's just a small miracle.


    You've experimented a good deal with the sense of being stared at. This sort of thing seems so simple to the average person, and yet a scientific materialist might say, "That's just nonsense." Is this another example of the dogma you refer to?

    One of the ten dogmas I discuss in Science Set Free is that the mind is inside the head. The assumption of materialism is that the mind is nothing but the activity of the brain, therefore it is all inside the head. That means that when you look at somebody, your image of that person is inside your head, it's not out there in any way. So when you look at somebody, you shouldn't be able to affect them.

    Yet almost everybody has the experience of knowing when you are being looked at from behind, when you turn around and someone is looking at you. Or you look at somebody and they turn around. So that suggests the sense of being stared at is real. It's found all over the world. I've interviewed surveillance officers, private detectives and so forth, and they all take it completely for granted. It's taught in the martial arts; you can train this ability and get better at it. I've done lots of experiments, and so have many other people, that show this is indeed a real phenomenon.

    This is no surprise to most people, because they have experienced it and so have most of their friends and family. The phenomenon is well known, yet there has been an almost complete systematic denial of its existence in science for a hundred years because, if the mind is inside the head, it's impossible. It ought to not happen. Therefore the evidence was dismissed as illusory. There are still organized groups of skeptics who take that line and try and just explain it all away as coincidence. Yet the science we gathered does show it's real, and if it's real, then something about our mind reaches out to touch what we are looking at.

    I think in fact our minds extend far beyond our brains. They're a bit like cell phones, in the sense that cell phones have an electromagnetic field which is inside the phone but which extends far beyond the cell phone. That's why cell phones work, because of this influence that stretches out beyond them. What I'm suggesting is that our minds are a bit like that. Of course they are in the brain, but they stretch out far beyond the brain, far beyond our bodies in the very act of perception. Every time we look at something with an intention, when we have an intention to do something, that intention reaches out. For example, if I have an intention to make a phone call to somebody, my intention precedes me making the call. What often happens is that people start thinking about someone for no apparent reason, then that person calls and they say, "That's funny, I was just thinking about you." I think that's because they pick up the intention before the call is actually made. It's in fact a kind of telepathy.

    That's another of the dogmas I talk about in Science Set Free, the dogma that psychic phenomena are illusory. They are impossible because the mind is in the brain and therefore they cannot happen. In fact, they do happen. Telephone telepathy, which again for a hundred years was denied by so called skeptics as just coincidence, turns out to be a real phenomenon. About 80% of the population has experienced it, so it's no surprise to most people.

    I have an automated telephone telepathy test running in the US, so I can invite any listener to do it themselves. This is something you can actually try yourself. Go to my website,, and you'll find the online experiments portal. Simply register to do the test. You put in your own name and cell phone number, and the cell phone number of two friends or family members. Of course you have to check with them first, because they have to be available to answer the phone. Then the computer picks one of the two people at random and sends a text message. If you were the sender, you would get a text message saying, "This is Rupert's telephone telepathy test, please call him at this LAN line number." So you call the landline number, which is in fact the computer and it puts you on hold. Then the computer rings me, and my cell phone says, "Telephone telepathy test" in the caller ID field. When I answer, it says "This is your telephone telepathy test. One of your two callers is on the line right now, please guess who it is. Press 1 for Gabriel, Press 2 for Toma." So you make a guess. Then the line opens up and you get to see whether you're right or wrong. So it's a fun, easy-to-do test that is now running automatically in the United States. These tests are showing above chance results.

    You've spoken publicly about shamanism and how shamans enter other realms and bridge the gap between them. Can we apply a scientific analysis to these kinds of phenomena?

    Dr. Sheldrake: As I was saying, I think that the mind extends far beyond the brain. With every perception it stretches out. In addition, I think we also have access to collective memories. I think that mystical experiences of various kinds, shamanic and otherwise, involve our mind contacting other mental realms or mental realities -- which are not inside other people's brains or even inside animal brains. Well, they are inside of them, but they stretch out beyond them. Psychic abilities like telepathy and mystical experiences have all to do with extensions of the mind, and contacting other minds. Mystical experience, I think, has to do with contacting higher forms of consciousness in the world. I think that the Earth itself has a mind, that the sun has a mind, the whole solar system -- the whole galaxy. We live in a living world and there are many levels of consciousness.

    The materialist worldview, the one I criticize in Science Set Free, says that we live in an unconscious universe -- that matter is made, matter is unconscious. It says that, for some unknown reason, matter becomes conscious in the human brain, but otherwise the rest of the universe is just unconscious. We are the only conscious beings, except for perhaps some other species of animals, and maybe little green men on other planets. Materialists claim that we live in a little, unconscious universe. That, I think, is profoundly wrong. We live in a universe that's alive and full of minds and consciousness . That's what people have thought traditionally all over the world. It's what Christians thought in the middle ages, it's what shamans think, it's what Buddhist thinks, what Hindus think. It's what virtually all people think all over the world, except for people who have a materialist education.

    In the book, you talk about Francis Crick and the discovery of DNA. Many people have commented on his use of lysergic acid, and I've wondered how he could have experienced something like LSD and still maintained such a staunch materialist, mechanistic view.

    Obviously some people do, and Crick's one of them. LSD for many people is a really mind-opening experience that shows them some other dimension to consciousness. But if you are a materialist and a committed one, as Crick was -- he was deeply committed. He was a militant atheist turned into an evangelical materialist all his life, well at least his adult life. It was a huge part of his motivation to try and remove any mystery from life or the universe, to show it's all just science. I suppose that for materialists, if they take any LSD and it works, then they can be amazed by the experience, of course. But then, when they come around and try to think about it, they will say, "Well, that just proves materialism, because it's a chemical molecule and a chemical molecule can have this huge effect on consciousness. Therefore consciousness is just chemical." You can see how basically an experience induced by LSD, or any other psychedelic, or indeed by any method that induces mystical changes -- experiences, breathing, exercises, fasting or whatever -- one can say, here are these chemical influences on the brain that cause changes in consciousness.

    Some materialists will take that as proof of materialism. But what we have to do is recognize that consciousness depends on a kind of interaction between a mental dimension and the brain. Obviously, the brain has something to do with it. Brain damage can lead to a loss of memory, it can lead to unconsciousness, and so forth. Clearly consciousness involves the brain. But that doesn't prove it's nothing but the brain. If I tinkered with your TV set, I could alter its tuning so it doesn't get some channels and is always stuck on others, but that wouldn't prove that all the programs you are seeing on TV are generated inside the TV set. The effect of LSD and other psychoactive drugs on the brain changes the brain's tuning system so that different kinds of consciousness are accessed. It doesn't prove that consciousness is at all generated inside the brain.

    Image by Patrick Hoesly, courtesy of Creative Commons license.

    Start With Universe

    David McConville

    The following article is excerpted from A Fuller View: Buckminster Fuller's Vision of Hope and Abundance for All, from Divine Arts Media. Edited by L. Steven Sieden (2012).

    Throughout history, human civilizations have been guided by interpretations of the cosmic order. Our ancestors observed patterns in nature that profoundly influenced their beliefs and behaviors, enabling them to anticipate and synchronize with the cycles of life. By paying close attention to the world around them, countless generations developed reciprocal relationships with environments that enabled them to survive and thrive.

    Today, modern technologies enable us to manipulate our surroundings in extraordinary ways. Yet they also isolate us, encouraging us to take the life-sustaining systems of our home planet for granted as endlessly exploitable resources and economic externalities. As specialized sciences increasingly seek to reduce existence to its component parts, the universe has seemingly been diminished to little more than physical properties, isolated interactions, and mathematical laws.

    This materialist cosmology has effectively separated facts from value, imparting the overwhelming sense that Earth is a mediocre pale blue dot aimlessly wandering around within the infinite void of space. Though the interconnected challenges facing humanity are growing ever more complex and urgent, there seems to be little guidance or meaning to be found by paying attention to this larger context.

    Buckminster Fuller challenged this limited perspective over fifty years ago, asserting that it is both incomplete and obsolete. He insisted that the sense of separation from nature is a dangerous illusion resulting from reductionism and overspecialization, and that humanity's evolutionary success is dependent on our willingness to learn from the emergent behaviors of whole systems. This led him to question how we envision the context of our existence, re-imagining a big picture in which our species is situated within the full continuum of creation. In Operating Manual for Spaceship Earth he asks,

    "Can we think of, and state adequately and incisively, what we mean by universe? For universe is, inferentially, the biggest system. If we could start with universe, we would automatically avoid leaving out any strategically critical variables. We find no record as yet of man having successfully defined the universe -- scientifically and comprehensively -- to include the nonsimultaneous and only partially overlapping, micro-macro, always and everywhere transforming, physical and metaphysical, omni-complementary but nonidentical events."

    Never one to shy away from a daunting task, Fuller redefined "Universe" (eventually differentiating it through capitalization and dropping the definite the) to include both the specialized insights of science and our metaphysical capacities and experiences. Yet he insisted that Universe is far more than simply mind plus matter, contending that the whole is always more than the sum of its reduced parts. He summarized this perspective with the pithy generalization U=MP, proposing that Universe is the synergistic result of the metaphysical multiplied by the physical (Synergetics 162.00).

    Referring to humanity as "local-Universe information gatherers and problem-solvers," he strove to demonstrate how we are capable of comprehending the "relationship of eternal principles" and applying them "in support of the integrity of eternally regenerative Universe." Today this approach is recognizable within the field of biomimicry, though he set his sights even higher by exploring the possibilities of what could be called cosmomimicry.

    This was far more than an intellectual exercise, as he sought to apply "macro-inclusive" and "micro-incisive" insights to the design of human-scale physical artifacts through what he called "Comprehensive Anticipatory Design Science." By spending much of his life starting with consideration of the biggest system, anticipating future trends and needs, and combining the aesthetics and intuition of design with the empirical and intellectual rigor of science, he took it upon himself to attempt to solve some of the greatest challenges he predicted would soon be facing humanity.

    In the 21st century, this synergistic, systems-oriented approach is more critical than ever. At the Buckminster Fuller Institute, we are celebrating his legacy by connecting a global network of design science practitioners actively applying these principles in their own work. We are seeking out and cultivating integrated strategies designed to address Fuller's challenge to "make the world work for 100% of humanity, in the shortest possible time, through spontaneous cooperation without ecological offense or disadvantage of anyone."

    Instead of defining a particular problem to be solved, we encourage participants to explore how the behavior of whole systems can inform the design of approaches that address multiple interconnected issues simultaneously. We never know what to expect, but we continue to be amazed and delighted at the extraordinary capacity humans seem to possess for applying the principles of nature to improve our world. Like Fuller, we anticipate that by paying ever-closer attention to Universe, our collective journey just might have a few more surprises in store:

"I didn't set out to design a house that hung from a pole, or to manufacture a new type of automobile, invent a new system of map projection, develop geodesic domes, or Energetic-Synergetic geometry. I started with the Universe - as an organization of energy systems of which all our experiences and possible experiences are only local instances. I could have ended up with a pair of flying slippers."

    David McConville is President of the Buckminster Fuller Institute.

    Image by James Mallos, courtesy of Creative Commons license.
    Last edited by a moderator: Nov 3, 2015
  6. Allisiam

    Allisiam Well-Known Member

    My Posts
    Posts: 2163​
    • Shiloh Za-Rah - Posted Nov 29th 2012

      "According to the Mayan Calendar the 21st of December marks the end of the non-time & the beginning of time." ~ Evo Morales

      Evo Morales - President of Bolivia at the UN General Assembly 67th Session ~ Sep 2012
      excerpt from an English translation of his speech ::

      Natural resources oil, gas, are they public or private?...
      my recommendation brothers & sisters is nationalized recovery of natural resources. Natural resources can not belong to the transnationals [corporations], they belong to the people of the world under state administration... we guaranteed basic services as basic human rights - they can not be in private hands - it is a task for the state. Light, water, electricity, communications - we nationalized them & turned them into human rights. It is so important for these basic services to be human rights...

      I wish to invite you to an international meeting on 21st of December this year. An invitation to receive the new cycle, a cycle of harmony for mother earth. It would take too long to tell you about the knowledge of our indigenous brothers in Mexico, Guatemala, Bolivia, Ecuador, but we are issuing this invitation to hold a virtual debate and also in person on the following topics:
      1. Global crisis of capitalism
      2. Crisis of civilization - world government, capitalism, socialism, community, culture of life.
      3. Climate crisis - Relationship of the human being with nature
      4. Energy - community energy - energy of change
      5. Awareness of Mother Earth
      6. Recovery of ancestral customs..., natural cosmic calendar,
      7. Living well as a solution to the global crisis because we affirm once again that to live better, we can only live better by not plundering our natural resources. This is a profound debate that i would like to have with the rest of the world.
      8. Food sovereignty - security with food sovereignty
      9. Integration, brotherhood, community, economy, complementarity, right to communication,
      community learning, the new human being, a holistic approach, the end of patriarchy, self knowledge, awakening, and of course health - which is so important.

      -And I would like to say that according to the Mayan Calendar the 21st of December marks the end of the non-time and the beginning of time. It is the end of the Macha & the beginning of the Pacha. It is the end of selfishness & the beginning of brotherhood. It is the end of individualism & the beginning of collectivism... the 21st of December this year.

      -The scientists know very well that this marks the end of an anthropocentric life and the beginning of a biocentric life. It is the end of hatred & the beginning of love. The end of lies & the beginning of truth. It is the end of sadness & the beginning of joy. It is the end of division & the beginning of unity. This is a theme to be developed, that is why... we invite you, those who bet on mankind, we invite those who want to share their instances for the good of mankind...

      -We have an obligation as delegates... we have to think about how to shoulder the responsibilities and this means... putting an end to powers - we are not at a time of continuing to praise the powers.
      We are at the time of people, at a time to free people, to constantly look for economic & social equality among all persons. This is the time to bring dignity to all inhabitants...
      -I wish to commend the statements which questioned interventionism, military bases & troops. There will only be social peace when we change these economic policies and put an end to military bases and interventionism.
      My respect goes to those who resist the military intervention of powers. That is not a solution, that is something we have learned. That is why we hope that these debates will serve to think about life & about humanity.
      Excerpted from an English translation from the last ~7 mins of Bolivian President Evo Morale's speech

      English Translation:

      [2:22:14 AM] THE13THBRIDGE: note if you don't understand this
      [2:22:59 AM] THE13THBRIDGE: 9,360,360 = 9,360,000 + 360 pacha = 144,000 x 65 + 360 pacha = the 65th ahaa - 16 dec 2013 at sunset
      [2:23:12 AM] THE13THBRIDGE: THE PACHA iNTi GRAND CYCLE begins 17 dec 2013 at sunrise

      [6:50:05 AM] THE13THBRIDGE: yes, shared
      [6:50:25 AM] THE13THBRIDGE: in a few places; will add more
      [6:50:39 AM] THE13THBRIDGE: i am now the #13 poster LOL on site
      [6:50:46 AM] THE13THBRIDGE: poor celine has breast cancer
      [6:51:11 AM] Thubanis:
      [6:51:16 AM] Thubanis: yes I saw this a while ago
      [6:52:13 AM] Thubanis: karma perhaps
      [6:53:37 AM] THE13THBRIDGE: sad actually, she really is a lovely person
      [6:53:45 AM] THE13THBRIDGE: i guess they do have some karma
      [6:54:02 AM] THE13THBRIDGE: only ross, figured out who i am
      [6:54:09 AM] THE13THBRIDGE: now i started quoting msyelf - lol
      [6:54:22 AM] THE13THBRIDGE: very likely when the site was going down the dumper
      [6:54:31 AM] THE13THBRIDGE: i spent quite a few days helping them
      [6:55:55 AM] Thubanis: nexus?
      [6:56:05 AM] Thubanis: I saw many original members left
      [6:56:14 AM] THE13THBRIDGE: yes, another site that split
      [6:56:22 AM] Thubanis: Richard has not banned you yet?
      [6:56:22 AM] THE13THBRIDGE: from the orig. project avalon and camelot
      [6:56:26 AM] THE13THBRIDGE: richard and celine
      [6:56:34 AM] THE13THBRIDGE: NOPE - he knows better than NOT to
      [6:56:38 AM] Thubanis: lol
      [6:56:46 AM] THE13THBRIDGE: i went and visited him in a lucid dream
      [6:56:55 AM] THE13THBRIDGE: he knows thuban is right
      [6:56:57 AM] Thubanis: Bill Ryan forced him to ban Thuban as you might remember
      [6:57:05 AM] THE13THBRIDGE: yes, i know that
      [6:57:14 AM] THE13THBRIDGE: i am going to do something very funny there
      [6:57:21 AM] Thubanis: as you would
      [6:57:28 AM] THE13THBRIDGE: write a simple thread that makes a lot of sense
      [6:57:34 AM] THE13THBRIDGE: and then the last post
      [6:57:43 AM] THE13THBRIDGE: i will put up your name and your maths
      [6:57:50 AM] Thubanis: better not
      [6:58:07 AM] THE13THBRIDGE: i don't think he has any real issues with us
      [6:58:16 AM] Thubanis:
      [6:58:17 AM] THE13THBRIDGE: sadly i don't think they realise 'the power' that was going on
      [6:58:23 AM] Thubanis: I edited here
      [7:09:31 AM] THE13THBRIDGE: TONY what is the actual
      [7:09:54 AM] THE13THBRIDGE: 1st cycle date , along with the 1st cycle ending ahua date ?
      [7:10:14 AM] THE13THBRIDGE: for the 9,360,360 days
      [7:20:42 AM] Thubanis: 16 Dec 2013 is the last Ahau
      [7:20:51 AM] Thubanis: 17Dec is Imix
      [7:21:26 AM] Thubanis:
      [7:21:35 AM] Thubanis: Just put in any date
      [7:21:43 AM] Thubanis: to check Maya date
      [7:22:38 AM] THE13THBRIDGE: yes,
      [7:22:48 AM] THE13THBRIDGE: but; will it go back 9,360,360 days ?
      [7:22:57 AM] THE13THBRIDGE: and; what is that 9,360,360 rd date
      [7:24:30 AM] Thubanis: March 1st 23615 BC or such
      [7:24:54 AM] Thubanis: The days just count from then onwards like normal
      [7:25:17 AM] Thubanis: The big difference is that the cosmos has a new jurisdiction
      [7:25:32 AM] THE13THBRIDGE: and, you know that raft of dates the scholars believe - i know our date was amongst them
      [7:25:47 AM] THE13THBRIDGE: is that; just the last baktun count
      [7:25:50 AM] Thubanis: I dont care what the 'experts' believe
      [7:25:51 AM] THE13THBRIDGE: like 144,000 days
      [7:26:01 AM] THE13THBRIDGE: i think one of our dates - falls into that group
      [7:26:31 AM] THE13THBRIDGE: yes, we at thuban are the eXperts icon_wink.
      [7:26:33 AM] Thubanis: Irrelevant as they are not logos attuned
      [7:26:54 AM] Thubanis: Not we; the source of the data stream
      [7:27:05 AM] Thubanis: we are just data disseminators
      [7:27:11 AM] Thubanis: witnesses
      [7:27:14 AM] Thubanis: testifiers
      [7:27:18 AM] THE13THBRIDGE: yes, agreed - the witnesses
      [7:27:38 AM] THE13THBRIDGE: the orators
      [7:27:44 AM] THE13THBRIDGE: or; speakers those who testify
      [7:27:51 AM] Thubanis: From xmas the earth will send its data back into the universe
      [7:28:06 AM] Thubanis: This is unprecedented as the earth was a data absorber
      [7:28:45 AM] Thubanis: It was 2,200 million years ago that the universe itself became a data emitter
      [7:29:01 AM] Thubanis: This is the real timeline for the ETs not Nabs crap
      [7:29:33 AM] Thubanis: So the earth has been waiting for 2.2 billion years to change from a planet into a starplanet
      [7:30:02 AM] Thubanis: The natives feel this like Morales
      [7:30:14 AM] Thubanis: They know without the technicalities
      [7:31:55 AM] Thubanis:
      [7:32:08 AM] Thubanis: This is the true story of mankind
      [7:32:15 AM] Thubanis: as data collectors
      [7:32:25 AM] Thubanis: for and of the earth
      [7:50:08 AM] Thubanis:

      [7:50:34 AM] Thubanis: There are some interesting takes on this, thanks Rok
      [7:51:05 AM] Thubanis: This guy sort of has tuned into this signal from Sagittarius A* aka Hunab Ku
      [7:51:34 AM]Thubanis: He seems to exaggerate a bit, but seems to have a reading of basic physics under his belt
      [7:52:15 AM] Thubanis: But he is on the track, if you take out the physical 'catastrophies' and the physical poleshifts lol
      [7:53:01 AM] Thubanis: A native mixing of quantum physics with the metaphysical sentiences and wisdoms
      [7:54:42 AM] Thubanis: Iow, Sheldrakes's morphogenetics are what this guy is trying to describe as the metaphysical intersection with the physical
      [7:56:47 AM] Thubanis: This is or seems faked, but the fakes so projected and created will become manifest
      [7:57:04 AM] Thubanis:

      Post last edited Nov 29th 2012

    My Posts

    Posts: 8934​
    SUSANakaTHE13THBRIDGE - Posted Nov 29th 2012

    A LITTLE MORE PROOF on 16 DEC 2013 & 17 DEC 2013
    28 OCT 2011 is The Calleman Date - The 26th Ahua
    21 DEC 2012 ìs The John Major- Jenkins - Terrance Mekenna Date - The 47th Ahua
    22 DEC 2012 to 16 DEC 2013 is The Evo Morale PACHA era which lasts 360 DAYS - a 'real' round
    and, leads into the next grand cycle called The Pacha iNTi Grand Cycle, which is The 13th Grand Cycle
    16 DEC 2013 is The Tony Bermanseder - Susan Lynne schwenger Date - The 65th Ahua

    The cycle ends at sunset on the 16 DEC 2013.
    PACHA iNTi - begins 17 DEC 2013 at sunrise THE START of THE NEXT GRAND CYCLE
    ~let us look at the aztec calendar
    More proof of 16 DEC 201 , end of the current grand cycle
    and, 17 dec 2013 -The start of the next grand cycle called Pacha iNTi
    ~discovered by Susan Lynne Schwenger & Tony Bermanseder
    THE AZTEC CALENDAR also confirms our date:
    The significance of this day
    Day Cipactli (Crocodile) is governed by Tonacatecuhtli, Lord of Nurturance,
    as its provider of tonalli (Shadow Soul) life energy.
    Cipactli is an auspicious day, signifying advancement and honor.
    It depicts energy and work, rewards and recognition.
    A good day for beginnings.

    1-Cipactli is the first day of new tonalpohualli, or 260-day religious calendar.
    It is an excellent day for beginnings or celebrations like a singing feast (cuicuicaliztli).
    The thirteen day period (trecena) that starts with day 1-Cipactli (Crocodile) is ruled by Tonacatecuhtli, Lord of Nurturance,

    munity; bad days for solitude. 16 DEC 2013

    Aztec and Maya Calendar

    Did you know?
    In the years after the conquest of Mexico, the xiuhpohualli (solar calendar) became tied to the Julian calendar
    as used by the Spaniards.
    This effectively introduced a leap year to the Aztec calendar every four years (this site provides the pre-conquest calendar).
    In the tonalpohualli, the sacred Aztec calendar, this day (Monday, December 16, 2013) is:

    13-Xochitl -Flower is last day of a tonalpohualli of 260 days.

    Tochtli is the last trecena of the sacred year.
    It signifies the end of one cycle and the beginning of a new one.

    This just further proves, the dates of 16 DEC 2013 and, 17 DEC 2013 are correct.
    ~Susan Lynne Schwenger

    Post last edited Nov 29th 2012

    The Discovery of Susan Lynne Schwenger & Tony Bermanseder -The alignment of all the ancient & tribal calendars showing: The End of The Macha (9,360,000 days) & Pacha (360 days) Grand Cycle which ends December 16th, 2013 at sunset - and, The Start of The Pacha iNTi (9,360,000 Days) Grand Cycle of December 17th, 2013 at sunrise. Susan Lynne Schwenger was the first person to identify The Grand Cycle change in 1984, as The Last Full Moon in 2013- 17 DEC 2013, in alignment with The Six (6) Season Calendar aka The Ancient Year aka The Calendar Round aka The Thirteen(13) Moon Calendar aka The Six (6) Event Calendar aka The Eight (8) Event Calendar. The Aztec, Mayan, Maori, Aboriginal, First Nations, Metis & Native American Tribes also have cycles of 1, 2, 4, 5, 6, 13, 18, 20, 52, 60, 180, 260, 360, 360+5, 360+1+5, 390, 400, 23,400, 24,000, 26,000, 26,001, 52,000, 52,002, 144,000, 180,000, 1,872,000 & 9,360,000 Days, along with yearly Cycles. She was also the first to align The Celtic Calendar, The Metonic Calendar, The Ancient Egyptian Calendar, The Chinese 60-year Calendar Cycle, and, an assortment of other chinese calendars etc., The Bermanseder Bible Codes & The Bermanseder Pyramid Formula (which closes the 12 pointed star) can also be aligned to these calendars:
    THE MAIN CODE of THE DRESDEN CODEX THROUGH THE MAYAN SUPER NUMBER 1366560 has been cracked by Tony Bermanseder & Susan Lynne Schwenger -- which mathematically proves we live in a 12 level universe

    Shiloh Za-Rah - Posted Dec 7th 2012


    shiloh hidden-09. Ra Akbar de Queen Bayan 43 Magdalene One 34

    Olivia Brandis - Posted Dec 5th 2012



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    empty. Re: Conversations regarding the Cosmic Changes in Archetypes and Symbols

    empty. Raven on Wed Dec 05, 2012 5:25 am

    [3:21:08 PM] Thubanis: oh dear oh dear
    [3:02:51 PM] Thubanis: Andrea your beliefs are in requirement of a great overhaul and reset
    [3:06:10 PM] Thubanis: I have been engaged in a yearlong 'controversy' to help the many brainwashed peoples regarding the Zeitgeist 'Caesar's Messiah' hogwash used by certain 'New Age Factions' and devious neopolitical organisations to debunk the Logos and true history of humankind deniers
    [3:07:31 PM] Thubanis: Watch this for example to try to see through the deceptions of Zeitgeist, bonacci, tsarion and so on New Age proponents of this Roman Christianity invention crapola

    [3:10:52 PM] Thubanis:

    [3:11:19 PM] Thubanis: Try to watch this to gain a different and more informed perspective dear Andrea
    [3:32:10 PM] Thubanis: Caveat Andrea: I do NOT endorse all particulars, this critical presenter bases his own 'belief structure' on; but overall he has discerned the NWO antiagenda rather well

    [3:44:11 PM] Thubanis: The debunkers notion about the 'Nature of Lucifer' in particular is rather limited and in requirement of revision. For a deeper database study the Nag Hammadi scrolls of Egypt (1945-1948) in say the Apocryphon of John. But as said, his filtering the deeper agendas from the external wishy washy is excellent.

    [4:18:01 PM] Thubanis:

    [4:25:38 PM] Thubanis: [4:22 PM] Thubanis:
    <<< I once visited a forum founded and run by Acharya S. It was populated by about a dozen of her non-thinking True Believers, and most were base-ignorant and incapable of rational thought processes.

    When I showed them that MANY of their concepts ( not just Acharya's nonsense about Egypt and religions ) was pure rubbish, Acharya simply blocked me from the forum. So, along with her many other negative traits, she also loves long as she does the censoring.
    ExuExiter 5 days ago
    Acharya S. merely regurgitates info that was published long ago - nothing new, nothing original. When pressed about her sources, she ALWAYS envokes a victimology "poor little old me, I'm so hounded, persectuted, destroyed!"

    She's a low-level crank like Bill Cooper, Jordan Maxwell, Loyd Pye, etc., and no one in their right mind and capable of reason would pay any attention to her or her work.

    By the way, I'm not a Christer, nor do I care about Christianity or Christians in the least. But, if
    ExuExiter 5 days ago

    Caesar's Messiah: Rome Invented Jesus, New Doc Claims

    Comments (1) By Edmund Newton Wednesday, Sep 26 2012
    Those were trying times for Rome. Nero, the last of the Julio-Claudian Caesars and a big spender with a reputedly homicidal temper, was on the throne. Stories abound of how he attempted to poison his mother, kicked one of his wives to death, and personally ordered the upside-down crucifixion of St. Peter. Lies and half-truths, most of those tales, but stuff like that sticks. More important, Nero’s Roman Empire was going broke.


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    While Rome simmered, Palestine cooked. The Jews loathed the Romans. They didn’t want statues of Roman emperors in their temples, didn’t want to pay taxes to prop up the empire, and, most of all, didn't want Caesar’s emissaries making claims on their promised land. And they were recklessly brave in battle. Hot rebellion was in the air.
    Through all that, a loose cannon of a prophet was reportedly roaming through the Judean war zone, preaching pacifism and spouting profundities like, “Render unto Caesar the things which are Caesar’s.”
    That’s the situation, more or less, that Joseph Atwill describes at the beginning of Caesar’s Messiah: The Roman Conspiracy to Invent Jesus, the new documentary movie based on Atwill’s book of the same name. (The film screens at Laemmle Music Hall 3 staring September 28 and is available for sale at Atwill's website,
    The wandering prophet was, of course, Jesus Christ. Atwill, a self-taught biblical scholar, contends that not only was there no historical figure of that name, but also the legends that accumulated around him were actually created by the Romans as a way of pacifying the Jews. The evidence is overwhelming, he says.
    The Dead Sea Scrolls, ancient Jewish texts discovered in caves in Israel in 1947, give a different picture than the idyllic first century Holy Land of the Gospels. From year one, there were battles and confrontations between the Romans and the Jews, the Scrolls note, and there was no turning of the other cheek by the likes of rebel leader Judah of Galilee. And there was nary a mention in the Scrolls of the peaceable prophet Jesus Christ.
    “This is where I came into Christian scholarship,” says Atwill, 63, an investor who lives by the proceeds of a dot-com sell off in the 1990s. “There was supposedly this character, Jesus, wandering around in Galilee. Nobody knew anything about him. Galilee is only 30 miles long. Jesus and other historical figures of the time would have known each other.”
    Atwill, an admittedly bookish man, dived in headfirst, digging out whatever historical records he could find, studying the Scrolls, and reading Roman accounts, notably that of a family member of the Flavian dynasty of Caesars named Click|keyword[Gospels+Josephus]">Josephus. He found no historical Jesus in any of those writings. But there were some uncanny connections between the story of Jesus as told in the Gospels and the family of Roman emperors who took power after Nero was forced to commit suicide following a coup d’état.
    The movie spells out an intriguing scenario of creative deception by the Romans: Sometime in the mid 70s AD, Atwill suggests, Greco-Roman intellectuals wrote the now-well-known stories—in Greek, not the popular Aramaic of the Judaic populace—about the Jewish messiah who defied the Judaic traditions of militancy to preach a sweet, accommodationist message. The legends began to take hold in the decades that followed. The illiterate peasants of the time couldn't read them, of course. But preachers preached it—preachers who were given the red-carpet treatment by Roman authorities.
    What about all those Christians being fed to the lions in the colosseum? True enough, Atwill says. Only the victims weren’t followers of Jesus but militant Jews who, as believers in a messiah, or christos in Greek, qualified as “Christians” and earned the ire of the Caesars.
    Atwill and other scholars maintain that the Romans were ingenious in pulling off the pacifist hoax, so useful to the ruthless men who administered the Roman empire. They were able to “create a type of Judaism that was benign,” says one commentator.
    The Romans even got in a plug for the godlike qualities of the bloody Roman general and soon-to-be Caesar Flavius Titus. It was Titus who led the Romans against the Jews in the war of 66 to 73, crushing the towns of Galilee, laying siege to Jerusalem, and ultimately razing the Jewish temple there. Encoded in the Gospels, Atwill contends, are multiple references to Titus, establishing a direct connection between the emperor and Jesus. Reading the Gospels along with Josephus’s Wars of the Jews, the parallels are striking. There are dual encounters, addresses to followers, random incidents, “all these little weird parallels,” Atwill says. They all took place in the same locations, often using the same words, but 40 years apart. Thus, Jesus recruits two fishermen on the shore of the Sea of Galilee and says, “I will make you fishers of men.” At the same spot 40 years later, Josephus describes the Romans in a sea battle, catching rebels from a capsized boat with their spears, like fishermen hooking fish.

    ...continued from page 1
    Atwill says the writers of the Gospels used a literary device called “typology”—“a genre of literature that the ancient Hebrews used”—employing parallels to elicit hidden messages and to suggest the circularity of history and the value of prophecy. But the Romans did it as a joke on the Jews, Atwill says. Introducing themes from Titus’s life into the Gospels, leaving an indelible imprint, like watermarks on paper, was the Romans’ way of leaving their signature, he says.
    What motivated them? “They were the vainest people who ever lived,” Atwill says. “They wanted to make sure that posterity knew they had subdued the Jews through a fake religion.


    More About

    Some of this has been explored by other scholars. Robert Eisenman, professor of religion at California State University, Long Beach, one of the participants in the movie, says he was long familiar with the practice of “overwriting” texts, “people taking texts and writing over them.” He himself suggested, in his 1997 book, James the Brother of Jesus, that the Gospels had been written over to give them a “pro-Roman slant.”
    In uncovering the Titus connection, “Atwill may have carried it a step farther,” Eisenman says.

    Caesar's Messiah: The Roman Conspiracy to Invent Jesus
    By Geoff Berkshire

    An Nlightning WorkZ presentation. Directed, edited by Fritz Heede. Written by Nijole Sparkis, Joseph Atwill.
    With: Joseph Atwill. Narrator: Nijole Sparkis.

    According to "Caesar's Messiah," Jesus Christ is an entirely fictional character and the New Testament is nothing but pro-Roman, anti-Semitic propaganda. That's quite a provocative premise for such a didactic, monotonous and unconvincing documentary. One doesn't have to be a true believer to find the film's craftsmanship laughable, creating an unavoidable obstacle to taking any of its convoluted conspiracy theories seriously. Pic has been playing scattered theatrical dates.
    A breathless narrator desperately tries to establish how explosive the ensuing talking-head theories are ("Some of our Bible scholars are mavericks working outside the restrictions of mainstream religious institutions!"), but aside from primary interviewee Joseph Atwill's unwavering conviction that the gospels were self-servingly written by members of the Roman Flavian dynasty, there's nothing all that unusual or unexpected here. If everything weren't so plainly humorless, it would be easy to mistake the film for a satirical interview package on "The Daily Show." The crux of the argument: Since Christianity has been used to justify wars (cue gratuitous image of former President George W. Bush) and refute science, it's important to understand its fictional foundations. The allegation needs a better advocate than this.

    Camera (color, HD), Marisa Maldonado, Heede; music, Heede. Reviewed online, West Hollywood, Oct. 4, 2012. Running time: 83 MIN.
    Contact the Variety newsroom at

    Joseph Atwill's, Caesar’s Messiah: The Roman Conspiracy to Invent Jesus
    Ulysses Press, 2005
    Reviewed by Robert M. Price

    The controversial thesis of this book is that Christianity began as the opium of the Jewish people, mixed and prescribed for them by the crafty Flavian dynasty. Vespasian, Titus, and Domitian had had their fill of militant Zealotry and Sicariism. They could not bend the Jewish nationalists to their will even after a destructive war that leveled the temple of their God. No amount of torture could make Jewish prisoners deny their faith and call Caesar not only their salad but also their lord. And so Titus Caesar, with the help of his obedient lackey Josephus, devised a master deception whereby Jews should be seduced into worshipping Titus, divine son of the divine Vespasian, without knowing it, under the guise of a fictitious Jesus, divine son of a divine Father. The gospels were composed by Romans (and Roman stooges including defeated Zealot leader John of Gischala AKA John son of Zebedee) to catechize Jews into this new and false Judaism which, if they accepted it, should also lull them into a soporific pacifism convenient for Rome. The four canonical gospels and Josephus’ The Jewish War were designed and composed to be read together and so to reveal to the cognoscenti this secret origin and rationale for the Christian religion. Further, this Flavian Pentateuch, read thus intertextually, should disclose a series of cruel jokes and parodies of the very faith it presented for the consumption of the masses who read them literally. The Flavian aristocrats themselves would have gotten the jokes, especially the rich jest that the fools who fell for their scam religion were worshipping Titus without knowing it. In a cover blurb, Robert Eisenman (a sometime colleague of author Atwill, one hastens to add, on other endeavors) remarks, “If what Joseph Atwill is saying is only partially true, we are looking into the abyss.” And the abyss is looking back at us. But is it even partially true?
    Eisenman’s interest in Atwill’s proposal is understandable. Eisenman, in his monumental work James the Brother of Jesus, was able to show, from an altogether new perspective, how thoroughly pro-Roman is New Testament faith. Compared with the religion of nationalistic Jewish Christianity it must have seemed the foulest betrayal, an overnight devolution of the faith of a messiah who stormed the temple, condemning its Roman lapdog rulers, into a religion advocating obedience to Caesar, paying him his denarius, and accepting Quisling tax collectors as brothers in the faith. And Atwill is attempting to explain how such a Gentile Christianity, seemingly a perverse parody of Jewish messianism, could have come about. But does Eisenman accept Atwill’s theory? His blurb sounds like an exercise in damning with faint praise: he doesn’t even commit himself to Atwill’s being part right. And one hopes he never does, since that would be tying his own raft to a leaden, sinking ship.
    I will return presently to a handful of oddities that Atwill rightly points out, providing tasty food for further thought. But first I want to provide a broad sketch of the sense I think Atwill’s theory would make of New Testament phenomena, which is not to say it is the only theory that might account for these features. Picture a religious ethic of conspicuous compromise with the occupying authorities, a gospel that tells its believers not to resist any who confiscate their property, but to pay Roman taxes and to carry a legionary’s field pack twice the distance stipulated by Roman law. Imagine a story that blames not just Jews but implicitly nationalistic, messianic Jews for the destruction of their temple. A story that has the messiah predict that the kingdom will be taken from Jews and given to a more worthy nation. Keep in mind how the preacher of this sect befriends Jews who collaborate with Rome and eulogizes a Roman centurion for having faith unparalleled among Jews. He is declared innocent by Roman authorities but nonetheless is done in by Jewish rulers. Then think of how the predictions of the fall of Jerusalem a single generation later correspond so closely to Josephus’ account of the events, and furthermore, how Josephus even mentions Jesus as a righteous man and even as the messiah of prophetic prediction (though he himself had proclaimed Vespasian the proper object of such prophecy). When someone suggests that Christianity may have been a “safe,” denatured, Roman-domesticated, messianic Methadone to replace the real and dangerous messianic heroin of the Zealots, and that Josephus had something to do with it, it does not sound unreasonable on the face of it.
    Now even this much is highly controversial, debatable, and necessarily so. But if we find this much of the premise beguiling, should we go the rest of the way with Atwill as our guide? After all, somewhat similar theories of a Roman origin of Christianity and of Jesus have been proposed by Abelard Reuchlin (whose notorious 1979 booklet The True Authorship of the New Testament strikingly anticipates Atwill’s at several points), Margaret Morrison (Jesus Augustus), Cliff Carrington (who also ascribes the gospels to the Flavians), and Stephan Hermann Huller (Marcus Agrippa, etc.). We might find that one of these alternative theories of Roman origins explains many of the same things Atwill’s does, and without the disadvantages.
    Atwill’s theory does have the advantage of accounting for the persistent pro-Roman tendencies of the New Testament, but consider what else it requires us to accept. First, we are to accept a common, if committee, authorship of Matthew, Mark, Luke John, and Josephus’ The Jewish War. The whole idea seems, well, absurd. There is way, way, too much else in any and all of the gospel texts that cannot be dismissed (really, neglected) as mere padding, ballast, which is all it would be if Atwill is right. (“All of Jesus’ ministry was about the coming war with Rome and was designed to establish Jesus as Titus’ forerunner” p. 260.) Are we to dismiss the diverse, systematic, and subtle theological nuances disclosed by Redaction Criticism? Are all the patterns disclosed by Conzelmann, for instance, to be dismissed as optical illusions in order to justify Atwill?
    Similarly, only the most obtuse reader, the most tin-eared, can possibly fail to appreciate the sublime quality of so much of the New Testament (agree or disagree with it), which is necessary to do if one is to dismiss the whole thing as an elaborate joke on the reader. Rather, the joke is on Atwill, whose great learning has apparently driven him mad. Just think of someone advancing the same theory about, say, the Buddhist scriptures. The worst of them are far too tedious and turgid to have been composed to fill out a hoax (who would have gone to the trouble?), while the more readable and winsome (like the Dhammapada) are filled with a wisdom beyond the reach of a worldly-minded scoffer. As to Jesus’ teachings, Atwill declares that “those who see spiritual meaning in his words are being played for a fool” (p. 234). Such a statement is only a damning self-condemnation, revealing the author’s own absolute inability to appreciate what he is reading. This is why one must not throw one’s pearls before swine.
    Can we imagine that Josephus wrote consciously intending that his audience should meticulously compare his text with that of the gospels, and vice versa, for either to make sense? Atwill grants the authenticity of the Testimonium Flavianum, which even apologists cannot seem to swallow without trimming away the most obviously Christian gristle. He thinks the only reason scholars have dismissed it as an interpolation is that they think it fails to fit into the context, which, however, it does, according to his esoteric reading.
    Atwill claims he has learned to read the esoteric secrets of the gospels, whereby they are seen as black-comedic satires of events in the Jewish War. For instance, when Jesus offers his flesh for consumption at the Last Supper, it is “really” a wink to the reader who is somehow supposed to think of a passage in Josephus set during the Roman siege, when a woman eats the roasted flesh of her own infant. When Jesus offers to make his disciples fishers of men, the line is supposed to sardonically anticipate a wartime episode in which the Romans picked off fleeing Jewish rebels swimming in the Lake of Galilee. Thinking his method justified by comparison to the ancient practice of scriptural typology, Atwill gives himself license to indulge in the most outrageous display of “parallelomania” ever seen. He connects widely separated dots and collects sets of incredibly far-fetched verbal correspondences, from gospel to gospel and between the gospels and Josephus, then uses them to create ostensible parallel accounts. Then he declares himself justified in borrowing names, themes, and intended references from one “parallel” account and reading them into the other, thus supplying “missing” features. Triumphantly, Atwill defies the reader to call it all coincidence, working out the math to show such correspondences could never be the product of chance. Well, of course they are not. They are the product of his own arbitrary gematria in the first place. “That the wicked man in the Fulvia story can be seen as a lampoon of Paul seems difficult to dispute” (p. 247), unless of course one forgot to pick up a pair of 3-D glasses on the way into the theatre. Again, Atwill hammers home the “parallel” between Josephus’ story of a Jewish matron, Paulina, tricked into sleeping with a deceiver, Decius Mundus, claiming to be Anubis incarnate, on the one hand, and that of the supposed deception of disguising Titus as the god Jesus, on the other. What do they have in common? Josephus says Decius came forward to gloat, revealing the hoax three days later, while the adjacent Testimonium Flavianum of Josephus says Jesus was seen alive again three days after his crucifixion. “There is, of course, a difference. Whereas Jesus appears on the third day to show that he is a God, Decius appears on the third day to announce that he is not a god. [But] It is implausible that something as unusual as two ‘third-day divinity declarations’ would wind up next to one another by chance.” (p. 245). But there is no declaration of divinity in either case! As Atwill notes, Decius declares the opposite, while Josephus (or whoever wrote the Testimonium passage) says nothing of Jesus or anyone else declaring him divine as a result of the resurrection. Of such airy bricks is Atwill’s cloudy castle built.
    What is the utility of reading the gospels together as pieces of a single puzzle? If each evangelist meant to send the baffled reader in search of other texts with which to harmonize the one he began reading, it might enable us to iron out the contradictions, say, of the Easter stories. First, as per John 20, Mary Magdalene finds an empty tomb. But it is not that of Jesus. Rather she has mistakenly gone to the recently vacated tomb of Lazarus! She informs Simon Peter and the Beloved Disciple that Jesus appears to be missing. The Beloved Disciple plus a third man, simply “Peter,” make their way to the tomb. The Beloved Disciple arrives first but lingers for a moment outside the tomb, nearing the opening. Peter has not reached the tomb yet, but Simon Peter beats him there and walks past the Beloved Disciple, becoming the first to enter the sepulcher, where he spots the grave clothes cast aside when Lazarus left. At this specific moment, less than the duration of a minute, one must suppose, a second Mary Magdalene and her sisters (whose visit is recorded in Matthew 28) approach and see the Beloved Disciple outside the tomb. They think him an angel descended from heaven, and he tells them Jesus has risen. The women depart, and the Beloved Disciple joins Simon Peter inside, whereupon another party of women, including a third Mary Magdalene (this time from Luke 24), approaches and see the two men in the tomb. They take Simon Peter and the Beloved Disciples for angels. They leave, and, moments later, so does Simon Peter. As soon as he vanishes, here comes a fourth Mary Magdalene, this one from Mark, and she spies the Beloved Disciple inside the tomb and thinks he is an angel. He tells her and her companions to relate the news to Peter (who has not yet arrived, remember, only the quite distinct Simon Peter!). The Beloved Disciple returns home, but soon the other (Lukan) Peter (not Simon Peter) approaches, having heard the report of the Lukan Magdalene. He has brought at least one other man with him, a la Luke 24:24. The John 20:12 Mary Magdalene sees these men inside the tomb and thinks they are angels. Then she turns and sees a mysterious figure standing outside the tomb, takes him for the gardener, and asks him about Jesus, then thinks he is Jesus. But in “fact” he is Titus Caesar. The savvy reader (i.e., Atwill) will get the joke: the “Jesus” worshipped by stupid Christians is really Titus. It is all supposed to be “a comedy of errors” a la Plautus.
    Atwill hypothesizes that the Flavian jokesters were compiling the gospels-plus-Josephus as a kind of intelligence test, and Atwill implicitly congratulates himself as the only one in history who has ever passed it. “I would note that the satirical system that unites the New Testament and Wars of the Jews can be seen as an exercise in mind expansion, in that to solve the puzzles the reader must learn to think ‘outside the box,’ so to speak. The authors were making the point that the narrow focus the Sicarii Zealots maintained regarding a few scrolls was a limited and inaccurate mode of thought. The authors seem to be suggesting that only by seeing all sides of a problem can the truth be known. Therefore it is possible that they designed the New Testament as a tool to intellectually uplift the messianic rebels” (p. 225). No it isn’t. “It is possible that the authors of the Gospels created them as a sort of educational tool disguised as a narrative about Jesus. The authors may have wished their readers to work through the various contradictions in logic in order to develop their reasoning ability and thus be able to think their way out of religious superstition. They may have wished the Gospels to be seen by posterity as their contribution to the development of reason” (p. 167). Or maybe as a big Jumble puzzle. “The point I think the creators of Christianity were making with their use of comedy is that there are unlimited ways to interpret scripture and it is easy for the uneducated to see symbolic meaning where there is none. They made this point by creating the New Testament as an example” (p. 234). No, it is Atwill himself whose creation demonstrates the limitless possibilities of perverse and gratuitous interpretations of the text.
    One hates to be so severe in the analysis of the work of an innovative thinker who gives us the gift of a fresh reading of familiar texts, but in the present case it is hard to euphemize. The reading given here is just ludicrous. There are indeed surprising parallels between Josephus and the gospels that traditional exegesis has never been able to deal with adequately, but surely the more natural theory is the old one, that the gospel writers wrote late enough to have borrowed from Josephus and did so. Thus, as per Edgar J. Goodspeed, Matthew 23:35 probably confuses the biblical prophet Zechariah son of Berechiah with the revolutionary martyr Zechariah son of Baruch whose death Josephus relates. But is this because Josephus and his committee of comedy writers are responsible for both references, meaning for us to read them in tandem, as Atwill avers? Or is it because Mathew read the information in Josephus and mixed it up (as Luke did Josephus’ references to Theudas the Magician and Judas the Galilean in Acts 5:36-37)?
    Atwill reasons that Jesus’ prediction of the fall of Jerusalem plainly prefigures Josephus’ account of the actual events, and he infers that both versions (in the future and the past tenses) stem from the same source, Josephus and his Flavian collaborators. Then, he reasons, the Son of Man whose coming was to climax the apocalyptic scenario must be none other than the actual man who did wreak judgment on Jerusalem, Titus. Atwill congratulates the Preterist school of interpreters (like J. Stuart Russell, The Parousia) on recognizing that the Synoptic predictions of the desolation of Jerusalem must have been completely fulfilled in 70 CE, with nothing left over for futurist expectation. Here is one of Atwill’s most attractive suggestions, though he does not put it the way I am about to do. I believe that Bultmann was right that several “son of man” sayings in the gospels referred originally simply to “mankind” in general (e.g., Mark 2:10, 28; Matthew 12:32). In fact, I wonder if they do not retain this non-Christological “Everyman” denotation even in the gospels. Further, I suspect even more of the son of man sayings are intended this way, e.g., Mark 14:21. Perhaps Mark 13:36 (“And then they will see the son of man coming in the clouds with great power and glory.”) is another one. If it were, then maybe what we read there is a reference to Josephus’ account of the end of Jerusalem, heralded, he says, by people beholding in the flame-tinged clouds the forms of battling soldiers and charioteers. After all, the introductory (redactional) question placed in the disciples’ mouths concerns the time of the temple’s destruction.
    Again, Atwill suggests that Mark’s story of Joseph of Arimathea requesting the body of Jesus be taken down and given to him comes from Josephus’ own experience of recognizing three crucifixion victims as former associates of his and securing Roman permission to have them taken down alive and treated, though only one survived. How similar are the names “Joseph of Arimathea” and “Joseph bar-Matthias” (the historian’s full name)! If the gospel story is based on Josephus’ story, that would solve the problem of why Joseph seems to have asked only for Jesus, and what happened to the two other “thieves” crucified alongside him. But to posit such a thing, one hardly need envision a committee writing both stories in the hope that the clever reader would connect them (as if doing so would remotely imply some identity between Jesus and Titus Caesar!).
    Unaware of the work of Theodore J. Weeden, Atwill traces out the numerous striking parallels between the Passion story of Jesus Christ and the Josephus story of Jesus ben-Ananias, his interrogation by the Sanhedrin and the Roman procurator, his predictions of Jerusalem’s destruction, and his flogging and eventual death, suggesting the two Jesuses are one and the same. (It is too bad the rest of Atwill’s parallels are not similarly compelling, even plausible.) But surely, as Weeden argues, the explanation is that Mark simply borrowed the story from Josephus.
    What about the Roman-tilting anti-Judaism (maybe anti-Semitism) of the gospels? Again, the old explanations are quite natural and adequate: we are reading the documents of Gentile Christianity which viewed itself as superseding Judaism and Jewish Christianity. Why do their authors seem to kiss the Roman posterior? For apologetical reasons, to avoid persecution. Brandon, Eisler, and others saw that long ago. One need hardly posit that the gospels are cynical Roman (not merely pro-Roman) propaganda a la Reuchlin and Atwill.
    According to Atwill, “the reader needs to comprehend perhaps the most complex literary satire ever written” (p. 169). But Atwill’s envisioned satire seems so complex as to be incoherent. “Jesus” stands not only for Tiberius but also for a hypothetical Zealot leader named Eleazar, who also appears in the New Testament as Lazarus. Mary Magdalene stands for several different women, “Mary” being, Atwill guesses, a term for any female Jewish rebel or sympathizer. Simon Peter and Peter are not the same, either. The two gospel genealogies, a la Rudolf Steiner, represent two distinct Jesuses. In Atwill’s hands, everything means everything else. And, in the end, you know what that means.

    This 'real historian's' daughter was bullied by 'peers' 'believing' particular 'zeitgeist' and related genre' disinformation. The Macquarie University historian responded as in the above.

    Some things are common sensical and require no debunking whatsoever, (as long as there are no evil ETs or reptilian archosaurs engaged - but there you have a 'reason' as to why certain 'informers' are allowed to continue amidst the murkiness) - well said David!

    Post last edited Dec 5th 2012
    I am a Goddess from ancient times - returned! Ra Akbar de Queen Bayan Magdalene 43
    Flame head. sparkle heart. 796312.
    Last edited by a moderator: Nov 3, 2015
  7. Allisiam

    Allisiam Well-Known Member


    Allisiam - Posted Dec 10th 2012


    Floyd 2.

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    • Post n°35
    empty. Re: Conversations regarding the Cosmic Changes in Archetypes and Symbols

    empty. Floyd on Wed Dec 05, 2012 6:50 pm
    Raven wrote:

    In his explorations for a better understanding of consciousness, Dr. Rupert Sheldrake challenges the mechanistic dogma of contemporary mainstream science.

    Very funny vid

    Raven Avatar MOA.

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    • Post n°36
    empty. Re: Conversations regarding the Cosmic Changes in Archetypes and Symbols

    empty. Raven Today at 6:07 am
    Floyd wrote:
    Raven wrote:

    In his explorations for a better understanding of consciousness, Dr. Rupert Sheldrake challenges the mechanistic dogma of contemporary mainstream science.

    Very funny vid

    Yes we have no issues with Terence McKenna and Rupert Sheldrake and support much of their work. They know how to be rational and discerning and with a more clever sense of humour in the separation of the nonsense and the potential advancement of the existing sciences.

    But to go really off-topic; why not contrast their work with some real 'Love and Light fantasies' and disinformation from the 'We are You and Love Everyone' channelers of the sweet angels from the deluded human minds.

    And seriously floyd; can you discern some real 'deceitfulness' and 'mental malignancy' in this? Is this material too 'lighty flighty' to be composed by the Pleiadean?

    For you JT and all who can use their brains!
    Come and meet the Jesus from the planet Yaklzilka.

    And then we thought many had shown it is all a Roman plot and he was more like a Roman phantom invented by those evil scribes and historians. Oh well, it could be a conspiracy to conspire the disinformants!

    SaLuSa from Mike Quinsey

    Cobra: DAY OF THE CONTACT 12-21-2012 →

    My Love for Jesus.


    This was the closest image I could find that resonates to the love we share and have always shared.

    Before I begin I guess I should introduce myself. I am a Pleiadian, My name is Mary. I am a light worker of Ancient times who made it out when Lemura Sank I am now going along a new awakening process that has bought me back to a love I have never forgotten.

    Our story begins back in the Ancient days of Lemuria with my Twin Flame who many on Earth know as Jesus.

    Jesus and I lived on Lemuria in light, life was good. Many light workers landed here from many planets. Jesus landed here from Yaklzilka. We were guides for many light bearers, in time I will add to our life here, but for you my story really begins in your past two thousand years.

    On many occasions I have worked with Jesus making the light shine and have helped many of mankind make a choice and many have made a good choice. In this time I am here alone as he has work to do further afield on another Planet as we and by we I say the universe are shifting with Earth where she will take her right full place among the heavens. The people of Earth know me as Mary Magdalene and the answer to a question many have asked is yes I am the wife of Jesus. Jesus and I were married near the mainland by Matthew before his crucifixion. Jesus said I asked him to question God as to why he must die and he told me because his life would make a difference to Humanity. Now he knows that his life was made into a lie by the priest’s of the church. Much has been hidden or destroyed by these Priest but what they fail to grasp is that truth is never destroyed because it is housed in love. This is why I am here on Earth now to right what was given to humanity in love but distorted by those who wished to have immense power over Humanity by instilling fear.

    Much of what has been written is not truth. I met Jesus when he walked along the Tigris river. This is where our love grew, when he looked at me many new thoughts took hold and it was then Jesus told me God sent you to watch what would happen when he was taken and crucified. I was most saddened when I went to the final supper because I knew what was to come. No one else knew but me. Matthew loved Jesus as a brother, he loved me like a sister. He found it hard to wait and just do nothing and because he was like a brother what I knew was about to happen I kept to myself. Matthew was only told Jesus and I were to marry. This made him happy as he was going to perform the ceremony. Jesus also knew many would try to kill me if word got out we were married which is why there is very little about me in the Bible and no record of where I went or died. But I digress. Jesus and the disciples had just found out that Jerusalem were going to kill Jesus. I learnt about this many weeks before the disciples as we had discussed it between ourselves as to the best way to tell them what they needed to know to a point. Matthew for one loved Jesus as a brother and would have killed Judas if he had known he was about to betray him. Jesus told Matthew there were many light workers who would now lead the way for many. Matthew accepted this knowing he would loose a brother and that I would loose my husband. Jesus made Matthew and I accept large infusions of light for the days ahead as Matthews work now was to keep me safe from harm. Jesus knew life was going to feel like love was gone as I had to keep my secret from everyone. I loved him with all my heart and soul knowing I was going to loose him in such horrendous circumstances. Life was going to change forever , Jesus was aware of this. Jesus made plans with Matthew to take me to his mother Mary’s family where I stayed for nine days. Jesus and Matthew then took me to my family less than a mile from Jerusalem where I stayed for a further nine days then I left with Matthew.

    Jesus did not die on the cross he was asleep in death. When he was on the cross his mother Mary and I took him down and bathed his wounds then placed a shroud over his body. I then went to find Matthew who placed his body into the cave and placed the rock across the entrance. Matthew then went to tell the other disciples Jesus was gone.

    No one was around when he awoke from his sleep both Mary and I were asleep when he came out. Jesus went to find Matthew. Mary and I awoke to find him gone so we went off also to find Matthew as we loved Jesus so much we could not understand why someone had taken him. I remained with Mary as she was so upset meanwhile Jesus and Matthew were making plans to leave Jerusalem as soon as possible. Mary and I kept many things from others as to what happened on the Mount in Jerusalem Mary and I took our secret to the grave. As to Jesus and I we lived in Italy in a small town in Athens. I am buried here. Matthew lived with this secret until his death in Milan. Jesus returned to his home planet many years later. I decided to stay and reincarnate to clear his name and have spent many life times here lighting the darkness that infiltrated during the time of Lemuria. Many light workers and star seeds have joined me now to help let our collective light shine through.


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    • Post n°37
    empty. Re: Conversations regarding the Cosmic Changes in Archetypes and Symbols

    empty. JesterTerrestrial Today at 7:03 am
    Raven wrote:
    Floyd wrote:
    Raven wrote:

    In his explorations for a better understanding of consciousness, Dr. Rupert Sheldrake challenges the mechanistic dogma of contemporary mainstream science.

    Very funny vid

    Yes we have no issues with Terence McKenna and Rupert Sheldrake and support much of their work. They know how to be rational and discerning and with a more clever sense of humour in the separation of the nonsense and the potential advancement of the existing sciences.

    But to go really off-topic; why not contrast their work with some real 'Love and Light fantasies' and disinformation from the 'We are You and Love Everyone' channelers of the sweet angels from the deluded human minds.

    And seriously floyd; can you discern some real 'deceitfulness' and 'mental malignancy' in this? Is this material too 'lighty flighty' to be composed by the Pleiadean?

    For you JT and all who can use their brains!
    Come and meet the Jesus from the planet Yaklzilka.

    And then we thought many had shown it is all a Roman plot and he was more like a Roman phantom invented by those evil scribes and historians. Oh well, it could be a conspiracy to conspire the disinformants!


    The mental infection has spread and its roots are deep! but not as deep as me! For I am deeper!

    It just never ends! They just wont stop! And now the infection has an infection! Its stops!!!

    thank you for that new age joke from salusa there is no substance just a hole lot of nothing!!!

    A conspiraciry to inspire the disinformants lmao now that is deep but still not as deep as me!!!

    Have a wonder full day raven, [​IMG] [​IMG]


    I was wondering what do you think about...Oh wait you have already shared so much but few listen!!!

    disinformation from the 'We are You and Love Everyone' channelers


    Raven Avatar MOA.

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    • Post n°3
    [​IMG] Re: What are you doing?

    [​IMG] Raven Today at 7:47 am
    JesterTerrestrial wrote: [​IMG]

    I was thinking about going outside today I did not receive any love and light in my electronic mailing box so i have to check to see if the light is still shining by looking up. However from my window and view port into my immediate surrounds there appears to be a vaporous smatter of clouds completely covering the usually bluish laced chemtrail skies and not only just that dear ones! There is snow and ice on the ground and it therefore I assume that not only is the temperature cold it is absolutely freezing. So the hardcore science is laid out in front of me sprinkled across the floor of heaven as matter has obviously changed form from a vapor to a liquid to a solid. And i say is that not amazing and the answer comes write away with a response of obviously it is! Have great day lol I am ! [​IMG]

    And that leads me to...

    The vapor–liquid–solid method (VLS) is a mechanism for the growth of one-dimensional structures, such as nanowires, from chemical vapor deposition. The growth of a crystal through direct adsorption of a gas phase on to a solid surface is generally very slow. The VLS mechanism circumvents this by introducing a catalytic liquid alloy phase which can rapidly adsorb a vapor to supersaturation levels, and from which crystal growth can subsequently occur from nucleated seeds at the liquid–solid interface. The physical characteristics of nanowires grown in this manner depend, in a controllable way, upon the size and physical properties of the liquid alloy.

    Historical background

    The VLS mechanism was proposed in 1964 as an explanation for silicon whisker growth from the gas phase in the presence of a liquid gold droplet placed upon a silicon substrate. The explanation was motivated by the absence of axial screw dislocations in the whiskers (which in themselves are a growth mechanism), the requirement of the gold droplet for growth, and the presence of the droplet at the tip of the whisker during the entire growth process.

    Verify it for yourself!

    What a great channeling about the phasechanges of matter JT. You should apply at Coast to Coast, Alex Jones, Mike Quinsey and the 'Nabs News before it is News' for a job as one of the ascended masters from the Lyrian empires from the Orion Arm Nebula.

    Well done!
    If we dont see you anymore, we shall know that you have ascended into a higher dimensional galaxy in a parallel universe, where the laws of nature are changed by the channelings and transductions of the love and the light from the misted minds of angelic exhumans.

    There are deeper meanings in all of this , as in most things and experiences; but you know that.

    Raven [​IMG] [​IMG] [​IMG]


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    • Post n°4

    [​IMG] Re: We have come from the light, the place where the light came into being of itself.

    [​IMG] THEeXchanger Today at 11:07 am

    Thank You, Shiloh

    Aurora Borealis over Iceland.

    Photograph taken on January 7th, 2014

    What Is This “Polar Vortex” That Is Freezing the U.S.?

    By Mark Fischetti | January 6, 2014

    As I write these words, temperatures across half the U.S. are plummeting like a rock.

    Extreme lows are forecast by tonight: -32 degrees Fahrenheit in Fargo, N.D.; -21 degrees F in Madison, Wisc.;

    -15 degrees F in Chicago and Indianapolis, according to the National Weather Service.

    Wind chills will reach a bizarre 60 degrees below zero F in some places, freezing exposed skin within one minute.

    That number is more typical for Mars—at night, according to the Curiosity rover NASA has free-wheeling over there.

    As each hour passes, more and more television and radio reporters are attributing the insane cold to a “polar vortex” up in northern Canada.

    Vortex, yes, but upper Canada? Not exactly.

    One forecaster called the beast a hurricane in the Arctic, which is dramatic but wrong.

    So what is this mysterious marvel and why is it invading America?

    The polar vortex is a prevailing wind pattern that circles the Arctic, flowing from west to east all the way around the Earth.

    It normally keeps extremely cold air bottled up toward the North Pole. Occasionally, though, the vortex weakens,

    allowing the cold air to pour down across Canada into the U.S., or down into other regions such Eastern Europe.

    In addition to bringing cold, the air mass can push the jet stream—the band of wind that typically flows from the Pacific Ocean across the U.S

    .—much further south as well. If the jet stream puts up a fight, the moisture it carries can fall out as heavy snow,

    which atmospheric scientists say is the circumstance that caused the February 2010 “snowmageddon” storm that shut down Washington, D.C.

    But why does the vortex weaken? Now it gets interesting. More and more Arctic sea ice is melting during summer months.

    The more ice that melts, the more the Arctic Ocean warms. The ocean radiates much of that excess heat back to the atmosphere in winter,

    which disrupts the polar vortex. Data taken over the past decade indicate that when a lot of Arctic sea ice disappears in the summer,

    the vortex has a tendency to weaken over the subsequent winter, if related atmospheric conditions prevail over the northern Atlantic Ocean.

    The situation looks something like that shown in the graphic below. (For a full explanation, see the Scientific American article that accompanies the graphic.)

    Although the extent of summer sea ice in the Arctic varies year to year, overall it has been disappearing to a notable degree since 2007

    and it is forecast to continue to vanish even further.

    That could mean more trouble for the polar vortex, and more frigid outbreaks

    —a seeming contradiction to “global warming,” perhaps, but not for “global weirding,” also known as climate change.

    Graphic by XNR Productions

    Photo courtesy of Wing-Chi Poon on WikimediaCommons

    Mark FischettiAbout the Author: Mark Fischetti is a senior editor at Scientific American who covers energy, environment and sustainability issues. Follow on Twitter @markfischetti.
    The views expressed are those of the author and are not necessarily those of Scientific American.​


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    • Post n°493

    Re: The 65th AHUA - 9,360,000 Kin / Days - 16 DEC 2013 at SUNSET, 17 DEC 2013 at SUNRISE - next Grand Cycle

    THEeXchanger on Fri Jan 10, 2014 5:29 pm

    "NASA now say this will be a 34 hour event.

    The entire Earth will be under pressure" <BPEarthwatch>​
    Last edited by a moderator: Nov 3, 2015
  8. Allisiam

    Allisiam Well-Known Member

    Olivia Brandis - Posted Dec 10th 2012

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    • Post n°38

    empty. Re: Conversations regarding the Cosmic Changes in Archetypes and Symbols

    empty. Raven on Mon Dec 10, 2012 6:05 pm

    The Secret of Eden

    God created Adam in his image and from Adam as A Dam, the Mad Alpha damned in sinful ignorance in a Mad Beginning, he created Eve for Adam to have a partnership.

    But the Son of Man (97) had no Mother (79) and no Goddess image (9779) in Christ (77) for his Father, as Eve was no real Woman (66) and as she could bear no Son (48) as a part of Man (28) in the metaphysical symbols of the archetypology of the creation mythology.

    So the Son of Man (97) became a Serpent (97) as a Present Present (97+97) for disfunctional Eve (32) as a Cell (32) of Life (32).

    The Serpent, as the Son of Man and the true image of His Father could not live in reality without Sex (48) between Adam (19) and Eve (32) and so to Live (48), the Serpent became Evil (48) as a Veil (48) to stop the sinful ignorances in fantasy heavenhell aka the Paradise of God with his damned image in Adam as Ra as A Gaia, unable to reproduce in the sterility of his own flesh and blood and rib and as the barrenness of Eve.

    And so the Evil Sex of the Veil between the Son (48) of Man (28) + 74 = Daughter (84) of Woman (66) became The Amen (33+33) of The Name (33+33) in The Magic (33+33) of Woman (66) as Freedom (66) of Thuban (66) in Abraxas (66) for Old Eve to get real in the physical Eden of the Earth and in a Redirection and a Reproduction and a Rewriting of an incomplete story or fairy tale about Abba-Baab's abstract metaphysical paradise in true cosmic natural lawfulness realised in a genuine physicalised universe.

    The Serpent-Dad of the Son of Cosmic Manhood with Lilith-Mum of the Daughter of Cosmic Womanhood so created the Dragon Daughter Deborah HarobeD (53+53) of the Infinity (106); the Cosmic Child of StarHumanity and the Redemption of the Old Humanity in the Christ of the 74.

    And her his name is: L(ove) and L(ight) (24=12+12=4x6) Lilith Lucifera of the Waterlilies of the Brooks of Thoth

    waterlilies. discovery_channel___life_by_he1z1. caduceus-13_%282%29.

    lilith. metamorphosisweb. lilith-snake-seductress-succubus.



    Revelation 16:12-21 King James Version (KJV)

    12 And the sixth angel poured out his vial upon the great river Euphrates; and the water thereof was dried up, that the way of the kings of the east might be prepared.

    13 And I saw three unclean spirits like frogs come out of the mouth of the dragon, and out of the mouth of the beast, and out of the mouth of the false prophet.
    14 For they are the spirits of devils, working miracles, which go forth unto the kings of the earth and of the whole world, to gather them to the battle of that great day of God Almighty.
    15 Behold, I come as a thief. Blessed is he that watcheth, and keepeth his garments, lest he walk naked, and they see his shame.
    16 And he gathered them together into a place called in the Hebrew tongue Armageddon.
    17 And the seventh angel poured out his vial into the air; and there came a great voice out of the temple of heaven, from the throne, saying, It is done.
    18 And there were voices, and thunders, and lightnings; and there was a great earthquake, such as was not since men were upon the earth, so mighty an earthquake, and so great.
    19 And the great city was divided into three parts, and the cities of the nations fell: and great Babylon came in remembrance before God, to give unto her the cup of the wine of the fierceness of his wrath.
    20 And every island fled away, and the mountains were not found.
    21 And there fell upon men a great hail out of heaven, every stone about the weight of a talent: and men blasphemed God because of the plague of the hail; for the plague thereof was exceeding great.

    The TALE NT of a new LENT AT ARMAGEDDON (82) Dragon Made (82)

    M(other) M(ary) with MM (13+13) as JCCJ (26) in GOD (26) with DOG (26) in the Earth (52) of the Heart (52) of the Devil (52) Lived (52) in Finance (52) and in Pride (52).

    THE KALI (33+33) of THUBAN (66) has ARISEN
    e|3=BB=88 in the GALAXY (70) of LILITH (70) thu BAN in BRISE, the lies and untruths of the NABS BRIE (70); of an old milky cheese, not maturing in taste and aroma in the Oil of Olives from Mount Jerusalem, but rotting in the air of truths of the ONE (34) LOGOS (68) of OLIVIA (68) of ONE (38) GOD named ABBA (6) in ONE (38) DOG named BAAB (6).

    The Council of Thuban de Akbar Rahar in the AlphaOmega (79) of the one true Mother (79) of the Star (58) of the Father (58)

    [7:28:23 PM-Tuesday, December 11th, 2012] Thubanis: The real Kali is here I know this
    [7:28:48 PM] Thubanis: But how this helps this 3d mess I dont know
    [7:29:10 PM] Thubanis: Yes rejections and holding on the the old
    [7:29:34 PM] Thubanis: I can't and wont comment anymore, but I know what I feel and see
    [7:30:07 PM] Thubanis: And the 'pits of hell' are opened like JT's stargates
    [7:30:19 PM] Thubanis: Mental hells not physical
    [7:30:34 PM] Thubanis: Perhaps they will get physical post the birth I dont know
    [7:31:01 PM] Thubanis: This 'oiled body' is the key
    [7:31:10 PM] Thubanis: It is loose
    [7:31:21 PM] Ishtara Raven: god i hope not, i do not want these things to get out of porportion
    [7:31:28 PM] Thubanis: I just dont know
    [7:31:34 PM] Ishtara Raven: speaking of the mental hells
    [7:31:43 PM] Thubanis: How this roksui saga developes might give us some guidance
    [7:31:53 PM] Ishtara Raven: why I am so concerned for 44, he must remain extremely vigilant
    [7:31:56 PM] Thubanis: yes
    [7:32:05 PM] Thubanis: My dream of the bathtub see
    [7:32:16 PM] Ishtara Raven: i did not know you had this dream
    [7:32:17 PM] Thubanis: December 9th
    [7:32:38 PM] Thubanis: No I kept it to myself as I was struggling how to blend MI with Debbie
    [7:32:46 PM] Ishtara Raven: thats heavy
    [7:32:50 PM] Ishtara Raven: was there blood?
    [7:33:13 PM] Thubanis: No I woke up but it was like a strangling or selfcutting
    [7:33:17 PM] Ishtara Raven: bathtub, birthwaters
    [7:33:27 PM] Thubanis: I was disturbed of course
    [7:33:27 PM] Ishtara Raven: blood, water breaking
    [7:33:36 PM] Ishtara Raven: i see it as birth
    [7:33:48 PM] Thubanis: But then I started to 'see' the dark lilith
    [7:33:56 PM] Thubanis: You know why i know?
    [7:34:06 PM] Ishtara Raven: no
    [7:34:19 PM] Thubanis: Because she started to call me tonyblue and MI nor anyone ever called me that
    [7:34:25 PM] Ishtara Raven: haha
    [7:34:30 PM] Thubanis: It came not from my own mind/delusions etc
    [7:34:37 PM] Ishtara Raven: nice
    [7:34:46 PM] Thubanis: So I now know that lilith is templated as my core to multiply in whoever can handle her energy
    [7:35:06 PM] Thubanis: She is heavey yes, asking me if I can handle the hell fires
    [7:35:19 PM] Ishtara Raven: yes i feel she is here, like i said i had strong images of Debbie also
    [7:35:34 PM] Thubanis: But all this mental memeshit can be absorbed in this presence now
    [7:35:51 PM] Thubanis: Raven one thing you must know now
    [7:35:52 PM] Ishtara Raven: yes 44 needs to be Kali atm
    [7:36:08 PM] Thubanis: This revolves around intergalactic communications
    [7:36:30 PM] Thubanis: You know that there was or are some nabs queries about the lunar rocks?
    [7:36:48 PM] Ishtara Raven: yeah
    [7:36:50 PM] Thubanis: Like some ETs saying don't take the rocks to earth?
    [7:36:56 PM] Ishtara Raven: yes
    [7:37:00 PM] Thubanis: Can you figure why?
    [7:37:23 PM] Ishtara Raven: um no
    [7:37:43 PM] Ishtara Raven: but somewhat like the mummies curses i guess
    [7:37:57 PM] Thubanis: This was given to me today by Lilith and this is very important for the entire future of this civilization
    [7:37:58 PM] Ishtara Raven: superstition
    [7:38:09 PM] Thubanis: Nono think more logically
    [7:38:19 PM] Thubanis: Talking resources ok?
    [7:38:38 PM] Ishtara Raven: like taking things that dont belong to them
    [7:38:41 PM] Thubanis: I thought what would be the case for interstellar trade and why does it not exist?
    [7:38:45 PM] Ishtara Raven: without permission
    [7:38:48 PM] Thubanis: Like startrek movies see?
    [7:39:01 PM] Ishtara Raven: yeah well because its part of the body of the moon?
    [7:39:02 PM] Thubanis: Talking resources to sustain any civilization
    [7:39:15 PM] Thubanis: earth is running out of water oil etc get the drift?
    [7:39:20 PM] Ishtara Raven: right
    [7:39:24 PM] Ishtara Raven: its rape
    [7:39:24 PM] Thubanis: YES
    [7:39:27 PM] Thubanis: you got it
    [7:39:48 PM] Thubanis: Interstellar trade means you are actully trading 'spiritual' consciousness energy etc
    [7:40:02 PM] Ishtara Raven: i watched that whole series on the blue economy, this thing needs to go viral
    [7:40:04 PM] Thubanis: So it is not like 'mining the moon'
    [7:40:10 PM] Thubanis: YES
    [7:40:16 PM] Thubanis: But potently now
    [7:40:45 PM] Thubanis: The only WAY to be cosmically lawful to MINE some other planet-moon-star etc is to exchange lifesource
    [7:41:01 PM] Thubanis: SEX you must make BLEND in essence with the 'exploited'
    [7:41:10 PM] Thubanis: This is the true meaning of cosmic sex
    [7:41:27 PM] Thubanis: So exchange of data is sexual intercourse in divers ways, cellular intercourse becomes galactic cellular macroquantum cosmobiology
    [7:41:37 PM] Thubanis: This is mindblowing once you can see it
    [7:41:49 PM] Ishtara Raven: oh yeah i get you, they did not ask permission to take those things, the anazazi told me the same thing when i was on their lands, the sprits said not to take things...and i respected this and then i was given permission to take two things from an old man who visited me in a vision one night, he said i was family thats why.
    [7:41:57 PM] Ishtara Raven: oh wow yeah
    [7:42:11 PM] Thubanis: So no mining of the moon, unless the moon is 'loved' cosmically by the earth etc and this requires starhuman consciousness
    [7:42:20 PM] Thubanis: YES
    [7:42:28 PM] Ishtara Raven: indeed, yes
    [7:42:50 PM] Thubanis: WHY I am so potent and desirous in wanting to SHARE this anointed body
    [7:43:24 PM] Thubanis: The dragonomy sex is just a small but superpotent template for the 'cosmic lovemaking' between stars-planets-galaxies-universes. But not parallel because they cannot share a seedling center. The multiverses are phaseshifted protoverses within an encompassing omniverse not parallel universe mainstream and quasi science BS
    [7:43:35 PM] Ishtara Raven: yes its like first contact
    [7:43:44 PM] Thubanis: You see the power of Lilith?
    [7:43:54 PM] Thubanis: Eating all of physical creation
    [7:44:03 PM] Ishtara Raven: the more who experience the template, sexually in a loving way the more it infects
    [7:44:16 PM] Ishtara Raven: yes
    [7:44:17 PM] Thubanis: TO share it out in whatever intergalactic communication-trades etc can evolve
    [7:44:44 PM] Thubanis: Raven once you see this you will understand
    [7:45:20 PM] Thubanis: Any new Eve aka Abba's daughter becomes the Cosmos to share its resources
    [7:45:43 PM] Thubanis: warpdrives of ETs and so on all are powered and fuelled by cosmic sexuality as information exchange
    [7:46:01 PM] Thubanis: Wait until you get this
    [7:46:19 PM] Ishtara Raven:
    [7:41 PM] Thubanis:
    <<< So exchange of data is sexual intercourse in divers ways

    i get it love, i was hoping for a summer of love scenario you know, where everyone just looses their stupidity about it and gets it on....not a mass orgy ok but a realization of the sheer power and beauty of it
    [7:46:52 PM] Thubanis: Yes but can you see this is the cosmic powersouirce to go hyperdimensional?
    [7:46:57 PM] Ishtara Raven: of course
    [7:47:10 PM] Ishtara Raven: the sharing between cores
    [7:47:17 PM] Thubanis: It is the bridge of so called orgasmic experience, which joins the dimension gaps
    [7:47:29 PM] Ishtara Raven: oh i have always known that
    [7:47:31 PM] Thubanis: Like a sparkplug in your motor, car or lawn mower
    [7:47:46 PM] Ishtara Raven: but the mindblend is necessary for it to go full blown
    [7:47:55 PM] Thubanis: It is not possible yet
    [7:47:58 PM] Ishtara Raven: supercharged, it cant be onesided
    [7:48:14 PM] Ishtara Raven: its conscious sex
    [7:48:21 PM] Ishtara Raven: totally and fully conscious
    [7:48:22 PM] Thubanis: It requires the first Lilith to trigegr the domino effect in morphogenetic resonances
    And this Lilith is the 'anointed body' from Abba and Baab and not of some pretenders, male or female, who have 'tuned into' the world logos dispensations
    [7:48:40 PM] Thubanis: It is far past so called human sexuality
    [7:48:51 PM] Thubanis: It uses this as its basefractal
    [7:49:03 PM] Ishtara Raven: the orgasm is the intelligence of ABBABAAB, the lifeblood
    [7:49:13 PM] Thubanis: But it is actuially part of the cosmogenetic the epigenetic genomatics
    [7:49:44 PM] Ishtara Raven: the street of jerusalem
    remember the few weeks we had in this energy tony
    [7:50:43 PM] Ishtara Raven: i was alive
    [7:51:14 PM] Ishtara Raven: i felt the eternal witness in all things
    [7:51:19 PM] Ishtara Raven: it was coursing thorugh me
    [7:51:54 PM] Ishtara Raven: it is pure cosmic communication yes
    [7:52:34 PM] Ishtara Raven: the fire of lilith
    [7:53:25 PM] Ishtara Raven: and freedom omg
    [7:53:35 PM] Ishtara Raven: i never felt so free
    [7:54:08 PM] Thubanis: Yes I know and I am putting this to my last reply Abba was alive in New Baab, but New Baab lost her marbles big time returning to be Old Barbelo=Heaven=55=Judas=Clouds=Songs=Satan fantasies and delusions
    [7:54:23 PM] Ishtara Raven: it felt as if i was this huge magnet of love and extacy
    [7:54:35 PM] Thubanis: But I let you ponder this, so you can clear this in your moind at your own pace
    [7:54:52 PM] Thubanis: This is a revelation of Revelations, you will see this soon
    [7:55:22 PM] Ishtara Raven: i hope so, i have been wanting this feeling to come back and never leave
    [7:56:08 PM] Ishtara Raven: what is going on on the forums, i glanced over there eariler and noticed a lot going on on that thread
    [7:59:46 PM] Thubanis: I am laying it to rest in the forums in the New Year, buit this is our last sharing and this now is extraordinary
    [8:00:16 PM] Thubanis: Of course they wont get it or dismiss it but the timeline stands to their own future selfhood
    [8:00:42 PM] Ishtara Raven: i see dd is replying to you
    [8:01:31 PM] Thubanis: In her 'I know better way', but no prentender can give birth to Lilith
    [8:01:48 PM] Ishtara Raven: nope
    [8:02:43 PM] Thubanis: No Abba or Baab in the Nabs peddlers and the Lion has eaten them all. Only Thuban has consumed the Lion, no matter what the babblers say
    [8:03:05 PM] Ishtara Raven: i agree
    [8:03:32 PM] Ishtara Raven: i was thinking about that line in the GoT too yesterday
    [8:04:28 PM] Thubanis: And Thuban means Freedom in the surrender to the World Logos and is not some organisation or cult peddling heaven fatasies and ascension mechanics
    [8:05:27 PM] Ishtara Raven: 44 must remember now that this goes beyond any human 3-D BS and it is totally cosmic, whatever he suffers right now is nothing in the bigger picture, this will take over all. do not be afraid of what your suffering 44, look it in the face and turn the other cheek babe, this is your power.
    [8:06:49 PM] Ishtara Raven: no and the book of life is not some freaking piece of paper
    [8:07:00 PM] Ishtara Raven: or patent
    [8:07:12 PM] Ishtara Raven: or law of man
    [8:07:42 PM] Ishtara Raven: this is what they don't get Tony, that this did not come from human minds
    [8:07:49 PM] Ishtara Raven: it is NOT of this earth
    [8:08:14 PM] Thubanis:
    [8:08:32 PM] Thubanis: We should end the sharing here Raven and I agree of course
    [8:11:30 PM] Ishtara Raven: yes nice
    [8:11:43 PM] Ishtara Raven: she can put that in her pipe and smoke it
    [8:12:11 PM] Ishtara Raven: lol i suddenly feel all kali like
    [8:18:14 PM] Thubanis: Good and you can be a true Kali
    [8:19:07 PM] Thubanis: Not many can take this energy, especially the Lion deniers lol
    [8:19:37 PM] Thubanis: So there will be many fake Kali's mindfuc11ing themselves as usual
    [8:20:43 PM] Ishtara Raven: i have been sick today too
    [8:21:36 PM] Thubanis: The body effects are natural in this mental reconfiguration of the memewars
    [8:22:02 PM] Thubanis: As said we are scribes and testifiers in a much bigger cosmic Logos agenda

    [12:48:42 AM] Zaina: My dream on sunday 9th .i walked in to what i thought was a house with some one i cannot remember who it was but seemed familar to me ,and my daughter Dinah was with me but she was asleep .As i walked in the house it suddenly seemed to be a boat ,as i looked out the windows the water was everywhere ,not a rough sea or any waves just water and very deep it looked ..the house stated flowing down this waters and spinning in circles ,the sea seemed a little unsettled ,and that was all i remember ..

    [12:51:32 AM-Thursday, December 13th, 2012] Thubanis: This is Noah's Ark look there for Raven's 'Armageddon-Graduation' Dream
    [12:51:37 AM] Thubanis:
    [12:52:07 AM] Thubanis: last post
    [1:08:12 AM] Zaina: Thanks Tony ..this dream makes some sense now ..
    [1:09:19 AM] Thubanis: Sure dear I shared it, but wont post much more
    [1:09:38 AM] Thubanis: many people are having 'graduation dreams' look here:
    [1:11:29 AM] Thubanis:

    [4:01:37 AM - Wednesday, December 12th, 2012 (+11UCT)] Ishtara Raven: yes i had a dream last night
    [4:01:55 AM] Ishtara Raven: we were all meeting at Tony's house for finals
    [4:02:36 AM] Ishtara Raven: and you asked him to store 5000 bibles or some material for you from ucadia
    [4:02:54 AM] Ishtara Raven: or something you were selling or promoting, i dont know exactly what it was
    [4:03:11 AM] Ishtara Raven: but he agreed, although not too happy about it
    [4:03:35 AM] Ishtara Raven: but we were all gathering at his house for final presentations
    [4:03:49 AM] Ishtara Raven: of all that we have learned
    [4:05:09 AM] Ishtara Raven: basically symbolizing that its not play time anymore, its all very real and we are being judged
    [4:12:12 AM] Debra R. DP TP SP: Yes true.. and as we speak "Kali is being judged"!
    [4:13:11 AM] Ishtara Raven: his house was huge, like a large mansion, university
    [4:13:37 AM] Ishtara Raven: lots of rooms
    [4:14:39 AM] Debra R. DP TP SP: The book delivery was a message... the deliverer will not be staying Raven.
    [4:15:22 AM] Ishtara Raven: well i think it was bibles, i saw them all stacked up on the floor
    [4:15:30 AM] Ishtara Raven: to the ceiling
    [4:15:50 AM] Ishtara Raven: and i recall him saying there were 5000 of them
    [4:18:11 AM] Ishtara Raven: i am not sure what it means, but he agreed to help you distribute them, although reluctantly
    [4:18:33 AM] Ishtara Raven: orders were being sent to his house and he was delivering
    [4:20:02 AM] Ishtara Raven: but things are blending now, i dont know if you feel this
    [4:20:12 AM] Ishtara Raven: MI and Debbie are together
    [4:20:46 AM] Ishtara Raven: womb of wombs

    [12/12/2012 3:53:35 PM] Thubanis: So your time was 3:53 am
    [12/12/2012 3:53:44 PM] Thubanis: when the red armageddon line began
    [12/12/2012 3:53:51 PM] Thubanis: On the chart
    [12/12/2012 3:54:05 PM] Ishtara Raven: well interesting
    [12/12/2012 3:54:15 PM] Thubanis: Fits well yes
    [12/12/2012 3:54:19 PM] Ishtara Raven: yes
    [12/12/2012 3:54:29 PM] Thubanis: And it looks like babylon judgement now
    [12/12/2012 3:54:45 PM] Thubanis: DD thinks she is not Kali though and it is the old world including us
    [12/12/2012 3:55:17 PM] Thubanis: So wait add the 21 days double to this time
    [12/12/2012 3:55:26 PM] Thubanis: New Year
    [12/12/2012 3:55:33 PM] Thubanis: like the chart
    [12/12/2012 3:55:47 PM] Ishtara Raven: and the dream was strange, we were all nervous , it was sort of like my final presentation for the intercultural communications class. and we were reading notes and checking over our preparations. i am not sure who was judging us, but it was your house, but it also had a university feel like i said.
    [12/12/2012 3:55:57 PM] Thubanis: Yes makes more sense now
    [12/12/2012 3:56:08 PM] Thubanis: Also the seeming defeat of Thuban
    [12/12/2012 3:56:37 PM] Ishtara Raven: well i did not feel defeated, but i feared for some who i knew would not pass
    [12/12/2012 3:56:38 PM] Thubanis: You were meant to 'muddle the murky waters'
    [12/12/2012 3:56:45 PM] Ishtara Raven: you could see it in their faces
    [12/12/2012 3:56:55 PM] Thubanis: Why was she there?
    [12/12/2012 3:57:02 PM] Ishtara Raven: DD was not there
    [12/12/2012 3:57:03 PM] Thubanis: Was she judged?
    [12/12/2012 3:57:09 PM] Thubanis: Ah
    [12/12/2012 3:57:18 PM] Thubanis: What about her asking
    [12/12/2012 3:57:28 PM] Ishtara Raven: the judging had not occured yet, but was about to commence then i awoke
    [12/12/2012 3:57:35 PM] Thubanis: Excellent
    [12/12/2012 3:57:40 PM] Thubanis: This is the timeline see this?
    [12/12/2012 3:57:44 PM] Ishtara Raven: she asked me to ask you if she could store these things there
    [12/12/2012 3:57:53 PM] Thubanis: Ah yes then this is the chat
    [12/12/2012 3:58:01 PM] Ishtara Raven: and so i asked you, she was on a cellphone with me then i gave the phone to you
    [12/12/2012 3:58:06 PM] Thubanis: You are a mediator
    [12/12/2012 3:58:17 PM] Thubanis: I see this makes sense
    [12/12/2012 3:58:34 PM] Ishtara Raven: and you did not seem happy to do it, but did it anyhow and i felt maybe it was because there were bibles too
    [12/12/2012 3:58:38 PM] Thubanis: You saw your friends not DD
    [12/12/2012 3:58:44 PM] Ishtara Raven: no
    [12/12/2012 3:58:53 PM] Thubanis: Well I am extremely unhappy
    [12/12/2012 3:59:04 PM] Thubanis: You felt right
    [12/12/2012 3:59:09 PM] Ishtara Raven: i saw xeia and rok , you, andrew, barbara, JT, susan and many others who i did not recognize there
    [12/12/2012 3:59:23 PM] Thubanis: Vivian Olga?
    [12/12/2012 3:59:28 PM] Ishtara Raven: no
    [12/12/2012 3:59:34 PM] Thubanis: No parent figures
    [12/12/2012 3:59:49 PM] Ishtara Raven: there may of been but i did not see any
    [12/12/2012 3:59:54 PM] Thubanis: Ok
    [12/12/2012 4:00:06 PM] Ishtara Raven: but then i sort of think of Andrew and B as adopted parents lol
    [12/12/2012 4:00:09 PM] Thubanis: See the cellphone is the chats
    [12/12/2012 4:00:29 PM] Thubanis: They seem Logos induced anyway
    [12/12/2012 4:00:37 PM] Thubanis: Template pioneers
    [12/12/2012 4:00:38 PM] Ishtara Raven: yes they are
    [12/12/2012 4:00:50 PM] Thubanis: James?
    [12/12/2012 4:01:16 PM] Ishtara Raven: lol he was not there that i saw, but then i dont dream of him a lot
    [12/12/2012 4:01:56 PM] Ishtara Raven: but i dont remember all of the dream either, some is fuzzy
    [12/12/2012 4:02:07 PM] Thubanis: So thinking, storing her things means what?
    [12/12/2012 4:02:24 PM] Thubanis: She is excluded but her things are not?
    [12/12/2012 4:02:25 PM] Ishtara Raven: the last dream i had of James he left me for another woman again, i keep having similar dreams
    [12/12/2012 4:02:55 PM] Ishtara Raven: well i guess you could interpret it that way
    [12/12/2012 4:03:06 PM] Thubanis: Rok and Xeia were there cored? You think?
    [12/12/2012 4:03:17 PM] Ishtara Raven: they were being tested too
    [12/12/2012 4:03:24 PM] Ishtara Raven: everyone was being tested for validity
    [12/12/2012 4:03:32 PM] Thubanis: Good
    [12/12/2012 4:03:43 PM] Ishtara Raven: and the fakes were nervous
    [12/12/2012 4:03:51 PM] Thubanis: Who were fakes?
    [12/12/2012 4:04:06 PM] Ishtara Raven: and dont ask me who they were it was not specific, i could just feel and sense some were nervous
    [12/12/2012 4:04:12 PM] Thubanis: Ok
    [12/12/2012 4:04:25 PM] Ishtara Raven: i was very nervous for them
    [12/12/2012 4:04:29 PM] Ishtara Raven: and a bit myself
    [12/12/2012 4:04:49 PM] Ishtara Raven: because it was the real thing, this was serious
    [12/12/2012 4:04:58 PM] Thubanis: Hopefully

    [7:16:45 PM] Ishtara Raven: [7:12 PM] Thubanis:

    <<< 19 And the great city was divided into three parts, and the cities of the nations fell: and great Babylon came in remembrance before God, to give unto her the cup of the wine of the fierceness of his wrath.tony what does it mean when it says the great city is divided into three parts?

    [7:16:55 PM] Thubanis: Look at the chart
    [7:17:05 PM] Thubanis: The 10 days in front and the end
    [7:17:17 PM] Thubanis: Why you can decode this the way it is
    [7:17:26 PM] Ishtara Raven: ok i see
    [7:17:37 PM] Ishtara Raven: so we are in the 3rd part, yes this has to be it
    [7:17:51 PM] Thubanis: This dividing must be be in the 7th plague
    [7:18:07 PM] Thubanis: Last 10 yes
    [7:18:30 PM] Thubanis: Precisely when you had this dream
    [7:18:39 PM] Thubanis: see it now the 40 minutes or so
    [7:18:43 PM] Ishtara Raven: yes
    [7:18:52 PM] Ishtara Raven: lol
    [7:18:52 PM] Thubanis: Your dream actually confirmed this chart
    [7:19:06 PM] Ishtara Raven: well i had no idea
    [7:19:16 PM] Thubanis: Noone takes my charts serious or can read them I know
    [7:19:48 PM] Ishtara Raven: well i sort of can hon, but i am not as well versed in the scripture or where to look
    [7:19:50 PM] Thubanis: Look at it and work out then when this 3rd part starts your time
    [7:19:54 PM] Ishtara Raven: but i see it clearly now
    [7:20:24 PM] Thubanis: We said before 11:53 UCT December 11th
    [7:20:43 PM] Thubanis: -8 hours is 3:53 Seattle
    [7:20:47 PM] Ishtara Raven: so what time would that be for me
    [7:20:56 PM] Ishtara Raven: oh i see
    [7:20:59 PM] Thubanis: 3:53 Seattle
    [7:21:06 PM] Thubanis: am
    [7:21:07 PM] Ishtara Raven: what does utc stand for again
    [7:21:14 PM] Ishtara Raven: thats not your time right
    [7:21:17 PM] Thubanis: You said you went to bed 3:00
    [7:21:21 PM] Thubanis: No
    [7:21:22 PM] Ishtara Raven: greewnich mean time?
    [7:21:26 PM] Thubanis: I am +19
    [7:21:38 PM] Thubanis: But it is the same event
    [7:21:52 PM] Thubanis: +19 from you +11 UCT
    [7:22:08 PM] Thubanis: GMT=UCT yes
    [7:22:35 PM] Thubanis: So I am now 7:22 pm and you are 0:22 am correct?
    [7:22:45 PM] Ishtara Raven: yes i did go to bed right near then and i layed there and rubbed James back and i apologized to him for all my wrong doings and shortcomings, i dont know why i did that, i guess because i was in such a sour mood yesterday
    [7:22:47 PM] Thubanis: December 12th
    [7:22:57 PM] Ishtara Raven: and then i fell asleep
    [7:23:14 PM] Thubanis: Yes this is the time an hour after you signed out
    [7:24:07 PM] Ishtara Raven: and i layed there and did what you said, i thought of kali, MI and Debbie and just tried to envision her dark black figure
    [7:24:13 PM] Thubanis: 10pm my time 3am your time
    [7:24:27 PM] Ishtara Raven: she did appear to me with crystal black eyes and sparkiling black skin
    [7:24:31 PM] Thubanis: Hmm good they spoke to you soon after
    [7:24:37 PM] Ishtara Raven: then i fell asleep
    [7:25:07 PM] Ishtara Raven: i saw ABBA near her on a white horse in his black robe, but the robe seemed to turn into her body
    [7:25:16 PM] Thubanis: Anyway you better keep track with the chart the next three weeks because your dream is a trigger and starter here
    [7:25:38 PM] Thubanis: Yes as I said no robe on Baab
    [7:25:41 PM] Ishtara Raven: and then i saw her
    [7:25:49 PM] Thubanis: Pure darkness
    [7:25:56 PM] Ishtara Raven: she was beautiful
    [7:26:09 PM] Thubanis: Like Abba's Robe submerged making him Baab get it dear?
    [7:26:17 PM] Ishtara Raven: yes
    [7:26:18 PM] Thubanis: Abba=Baab here
    [7:26:25 PM] Thubanis: He sexchanged
    [7:26:27 PM] Ishtara Raven: i know
    [7:26:37 PM] Thubanis: Good It is just coming to me
    [7:26:47 PM] Thubanis: You are ahead here, what I like
    [7:26:57 PM] Thubanis: I want the femmes to take over
    [7:26:59 PM] Ishtara Raven: well i tell you what i see
    [7:27:10 PM] Ishtara Raven: i have no reason to make this up Tony
    [7:27:17 PM] Ishtara Raven: what do i benifit?
    [7:27:28 PM] Ishtara Raven: its not for me anyhow
    [7:27:34 PM] Thubanis: Of course I am looking for you to manifest that's all not critisize
    [7:27:48 PM] Thubanis: Why I am probing
    [7:28:03 PM] Thubanis: I am past critisizing your empathy
    [7:28:16 PM] Thubanis: I critisize your science and math that's all
    [7:28:30 PM] Ishtara Raven: well i felt bad when you thought DD had somehow convinced me of Ucadia
    [7:28:33 PM] Thubanis: You misunderstood
    [7:28:35 PM] Ishtara Raven: really i did
    [7:28:46 PM] Ishtara Raven: but i see my mistake
    [7:28:52 PM] Thubanis: Nono I only said this as the pasting, I sensed your honesty of expression
    [7:28:54 PM] Ishtara Raven: my silly jumbled words
    [7:29:21 PM] Thubanis: So Logos could again make her think you are coming around to her way and are isolating me
    [7:29:29 PM] Thubanis: See it?
    [7:29:51 PM] Thubanis: I know you overstated the words, but I also saw the deeper purpose
    [7:29:59 PM] Thubanis: I said all this
    [7:30:24 PM] Ishtara Raven: yes ok, i am fine hon
    [7:30:27 PM] Thubanis: I was perhaps surprised for one second when 1st reading but that's all
    [7:30:40 PM] Thubanis: 'How could she say this?'
    [7:30:43 PM] Ishtara Raven: i just got emotional
    [7:30:52 PM] Thubanis: But it is a dream and this means something ...
    [7:30:57 PM] Thubanis: This was my take
    [7:31:21 PM] Thubanis: Appearances
    [7:31:41 PM] Thubanis: Now we understand it better
    [7:31:51 PM] Ishtara Raven: well even in the dream i had fear of my own preparedness too, i felt prepared but a bit afraid, i wanted to do well
    [7:32:06 PM] Thubanis: We are human imperfectos too not as perfect with the spirit as some others
    [7:32:17 PM] Ishtara Raven: of course you can see that my subconscious tied this in with a college them lol
    [7:32:27 PM] Ishtara Raven: theme
    [7:32:49 PM] Ishtara Raven: but even this has meaning i feel
    [7:32:57 PM] Ishtara Raven: university of ABBA lol
    [7:32:57 PM] Thubanis: Yes of course but my 'dream' was always a free access new university of New Alexandria, Jesus went there the Old Alexandria
    [7:33:17 PM] Ishtara Raven: oh yes i remember you saying that before
    [7:33:19 PM] Thubanis: So you might have tuned this as well
    [7:33:20 PM] Ishtara Raven: cool
    [7:33:32 PM] Thubanis: Where he met the scribes
    [7:33:50 PM] Thubanis: He did not learn in Tibet from gurus
    [7:34:17 PM] Ishtara Raven: DDs bibles had gold embossing on them, i saw the letters in gold anyhow spelled out Bible
    [7:34:32 PM] Ishtara Raven: and its curious they didnt say holy Bible
    [7:34:37 PM] Ishtara Raven: just Bible
    [7:34:45 PM] Thubanis: hmm
    [7:34:57 PM] Thubanis: How was this ucadia
    [7:36:07 PM] Ishtara Raven: well i did not see that, but she mentioned it on the phone, not the word itself, but i knew it had to do with ucadia somehow upon awakening or her nabs shit you know because of your reaction to it
    [7:36:24 PM] Ishtara Raven: your reaction in the dream
    [7:36:29 PM] Thubanis: Yes
    [7:36:38 PM] Ishtara Raven: you were upset but relented because of your love for her
    [7:36:56 PM] Ishtara Raven: kind of like, ok i hate this shit but i will show trust here
    [7:37:03 PM] Thubanis: I wonder what that means
    [7:37:22 PM] Ishtara Raven: i dont know, but i do know i was pleading her case with you
    [7:37:24 PM] Thubanis: Well try to put this into the Rev.16-18?
    [7:37:30 PM] Ishtara Raven: trying to assist her somehow
    [7:37:40 PM] Thubanis: As you did in the chat
    [7:37:44 PM] Ishtara Raven: which echos the chat last night yes
    [7:37:52 PM] Ishtara Raven: my sentiments and feelings
    [7:38:02 PM] Thubanis: You pleading her case?
    [7:38:31 PM] Thubanis: You know this would be futile in terms of antilogos but this could be a decoy here
    [7:39:22 PM] Ishtara Raven: well i guess so, i was telling you to just give her one more chance ect to have faith ect and you knew what i was saying basically. i dont remember the exact words i used but i remember defending her and you relenting
    [7:39:32 PM] Thubanis: My 'relenting' becomes the 'weakness'
    [7:39:48 PM] Thubanis: Interesting
    [7:39:54 PM] Ishtara Raven: you really did not like the idea at all
    [7:40:03 PM] Thubanis: As you know
    [7:40:12 PM] Ishtara Raven: but something in me felt it would be ok, turn out alright i guess
    [7:40:22 PM] Thubanis: Storing ucadia bibles in 'my' university?
    [7:40:38 PM] Thubanis: Yes I am trying to get to the core of this
    [7:40:48 PM] Ishtara Raven: yes me too
    [7:40:58 PM] Thubanis: Perhaps as evidence against her?
    [7:41:07 PM] Ishtara Raven: maybe
    [7:41:18 PM] Thubanis: Who is the prosecutor- AbbaBaab
    [7:41:28 PM] Ishtara Raven: i knew there was a judgement coming ok and i was worried for myself and the others and DD too
    [7:41:30 PM] Thubanis: Who is her defense
    [7:41:44 PM] Thubanis: Yes and this fits the chart as you see
    [7:41:47 PM] Ishtara Raven: well my first impression is was that it was you
    [7:41:55 PM] Thubanis: Haha
    [7:42:04 PM] Thubanis: Yes I thought this too
    [7:42:10 PM] Thubanis: But now I would not
    [7:42:21 PM] Ishtara Raven: because there was no one else there with authority and we were in your house/university
    [7:42:27 PM] Thubanis: I wrote an entire essay on this recall
    [7:42:42 PM] Thubanis: The judgement of Humanity or something
    [7:42:43 PM] Ishtara Raven: but also i knew your house was the new jerusalem too
    [7:42:48 PM] Ishtara Raven: i knew where i was
    [7:42:49 PM] Thubanis: Yes?
    [7:42:57 PM] Ishtara Raven: its my house too lol
    [7:43:02 PM] Thubanis: Hmm remember my dream of the city of light?
    [7:43:06 PM] Ishtara Raven: you know me and all my house dreams
    [7:43:07 PM] Thubanis: Can you associate?
    [7:43:45 PM] Thubanis: It's a big city lol
    [7:44:08 PM] Thubanis: I feel the starships come from there
    [7:44:17 PM] Thubanis: But this is my fantasy
    [7:44:20 PM] Ishtara Raven: well it wasnt a spaceship but it was on a hill and had huge windows with long white transparent curtians and i was standing out on the hill and i think i saw golgotha actually, same kind of desert setting. the walls were creme colored stone
    [7:44:33 PM] Thubanis: Amazing
    [7:44:48 PM] Thubanis: On earth?
    [7:44:57 PM] Ishtara Raven: maybe i was seeing the temple? yes it was on dry ground
    [7:45:00 PM] Ishtara Raven: on a hill
    [7:45:05 PM] Ishtara Raven: overlooking a small city
    [7:45:16 PM] Ishtara Raven: but it seemed like something out of the past
    [7:45:21 PM] Ishtara Raven: not future looking
    [7:45:37 PM] Ishtara Raven: and there was a great room inside
    [7:45:42 PM] Thubanis: I don't know but it must nean something I don't get as yet
    [7:45:45 PM] Ishtara Raven: where her bibles were stacked against the wall
    [7:45:57 PM] Thubanis: 5000
    [7:46:00 PM] Ishtara Raven: humm lets see the sun was setting
    [7:46:11 PM] Ishtara Raven: so that must be west right?
    [7:46:22 PM] Ishtara Raven: then the bibles would of been stacked on the east wall
    [7:46:35 PM] Thubanis: And the kings of the east remember
    [7:46:49 PM] Ishtara Raven: yes and i dont know how i knew this, the number came into my head or maybe you told me or she did, 5000
    [7:46:57 PM] Thubanis: Bible could be the 10 kings remember you just read it
    [7:47:08 PM] Ishtara Raven: yes
    [7:47:16 PM] Thubanis: They make war against Jesus but hate the whore
    [7:47:37 PM] Thubanis: Meaning her own ucadia crap will burn her somehow
    [7:47:42 PM] Ishtara Raven: and at first we were alone me and you and her on the phone, then went i went outside there were the others and a bunch of other people all coming up the hill
    [7:48:11 PM] Thubanis: Amazing I feel this is important but I get no data
    [7:48:29 PM] Thubanis: Up the hill in Isaiah
    [7:48:33 PM] Ishtara Raven: well the energy was there Rok
    [7:48:43 PM] Ishtara Raven: or it would not of happened
    [7:48:46 PM] Thubanis: wait you should read some of these codes they all relate to this
    [7:49:46 PM] Ishtara Raven: well and i had my papers in my hand, my notes and preparations and i was rehearsing them and the others were too and i looked around and could see the nervousness of some of them, some were in tears, it was then i realised how serious this was.

    Isaiah.2.1-5: King James Version (KJV)

    1 The word that Isaiah the son of Amoz saw concerning Judah and Jerusalem.

    2 And it shall come to pass in the last days, that the mountain of the Lord's house shall be established in the top of the mountains, and shall be exalted above the hills; and all nations shall flow unto it.

    3 And many people shall go and say, Come ye, and let us go up to the mountain of the Lord, to the house of the God of Jacob; and he will teach us of his ways, and we will walk in his paths: for out of Zion shall go forth the law, and the word of the Lord from Jerusalem.

    4 And he shall judge among the nations, and shall rebuke many people: and they shall beat their swords into plowshares, and their spears into pruninghooks: nation shall not lift up sword against nation, neither shall they learn war any more.

    5 O house of Jacob, come ye, and let us walk in the light of the Lord.

    Isaiah 49:21-23 King James Version (KJV)

    21 Then shalt thou say in thine heart, Who hath begotten me these, seeing I have lost my children, and am desolate, a captive, and removing to and fro? and who hath brought up these? Behold, I was left alone; these, where had they been?

    22 Thus saith the Lord God, Behold, I will lift up mine hand to the Gentiles, and set up my standard to the people: and they shall bring thy sons in their arms, and thy daughters shall be carried upon their shoulders.

    23 And kings shall be thy nursing fathers, and their queens thy nursing mothers: they shall bow down to thee with their face toward the earth, and lick up the dust of thy feet; and thou shalt know that I am the Lord: for they shall not be ashamed that wait for me.

    Isaiah 59:18-20

    18 According to their deeds, accordingly he will repay, fury to his adversaries, recompence to his enemies; to the islands he will repay recompence.

    19 So shall they fear the name of the Lord from the west, and his glory from the rising of the sun. When the enemy shall come in like a flood, the Spirit of the Lord shall lift up a standard against him.

    20 And the Redeemer shall come to Zion, and unto them that turn from transgression in Jacob, saith the Lord.

    Isaiah 62:9-11

    9 But they that have gathered it shall eat it, and praise the Lord; and they that have brought it together shall drink it in the courts of my holiness.

    10 Go through, go through the gates; prepare ye the way of the people; cast up, cast up the highway; gather out the stones; lift up a standard for the people.

    11 Behold, the Lord hath proclaimed unto the end of the world, Say ye to the daughter of Zion, Behold, thy salvation cometh; behold, his reward is with him, and his work before him.

    Jeremiah 4:5-7

    5 Declare ye in Judah, and publish in Jerusalem; and say, Blow ye the trumpet in the land: cry, gather together, and say, Assemble yourselves, and let us go into the defenced cities.

    6 Set up the standard toward Zion: retire, stay not: for I will bring evil from the north, and a great destruction.

    7 The lion is come up from his thicket, and the destroyer of the Gentiles is on his way; he is gone forth from his place to make thy land desolate; and thy cities shall be laid waste, without an inhabitant.

    Jeremiah 4:20-22

    20 Destruction upon destruction is cried; for the whole land is spoiled: suddenly are my tents spoiled, and my curtains in a moment.

    21 How long shall I see the standard, and hear the sound of the trumpet?

    22 For my people is foolish, they have not known me; they are sottish children, and they have none understanding: they are wise to do evil, but to do good they have no knowledge.

    Jeremiah 50:1-3

    1 The word that the Lord spake against Babylon and against the land of the Chaldeans by Jeremiah the prophet.

    2 Declare ye among the nations, and publish, and set up a standard; publish, and conceal not: say, Babylon is taken, Bel is confounded, Merodach is broken in pieces; her idols are confounded, her images are broken in pieces.

    3 For out of the north there cometh up a nation against her, which shall make her land desolate, and none shall dwell therein: they shall remove, they shall depart, both man and beast.

    Jeremiah 51:11-13

    11 Make bright the arrows; gather the shields: the Lord hath raised up the spirit of the kings of the Medes: for his device is against Babylon, to destroy it; because it is the vengeance of the Lord, the vengeance of his temple.

    12 Set up the standard upon the walls of Babylon, make the watch strong, set up the watchmen, prepare the ambushes: for the Lord hath both devised and done that which he spake against the inhabitants of Babylon.

    13 O thou that dwellest upon many waters, abundant in treasures, thine end is come, and the measure of thy covetousness.

    Jeremiah 51:26-28

    26 And they shall not take of thee a stone for a corner, nor a stone for foundations; but thou shalt be desolate for ever, saith the Lord.

    27 Set ye up a standard in the land, blow the trumpet among the nations, prepare the nations against her, call together against her the kingdoms of Ararat, Minni, and Ashchenaz; appoint a captain against her; cause the horses to come up as the rough caterpillers.

    28 Prepare against her the nations with the kings of the Medes, the captains thereof, and all the rulers thereof, and all the land of his dominion.

    This is the final 'official' data transmission from the Elders of the Council of Thuban!

    Post last edited Dec 14th 2012
    I am a Goddess from ancient times - returned! Ra Akbar de Queen Bayan Magdalene 43
    3562770023. 796312.
    Last edited by a moderator: Nov 3, 2015
  9. Allisiam

    Allisiam Well-Known Member


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    • Post n°39

    empty. Re: Conversations regarding the Cosmic Changes in Archetypes and Symbols

    empty. Aquaries1111 on Mon Dec 10, 2012 10:02 pm
    Raven wrote:

    The Secret of Eden

    God created Adam in his image and from Adam as A Dam, the Mad Alpha damned in sinful ignorance in a Mad Beginning, he created Eve for Adam to have a partnership.

    But the Son of Man (97) had no Mother (79) and no Goddess image (9779) in Christ (77) for his Father, as Eve was no real Woman (66) and as she could bear no Son (48) as a part of Man (28) in the metaphysical symbols of the archetypology of the creation mythology.

    So the Son of Man (97) became a Serpent (97) as a Present Present (97+97) for disfunctional Eve (32) as a Cell (32) of Life (32).

    The Serpent, as the Son of Man and the true image of His Father could not live in reality without Sex (48) between Adam (19) and Eve (32) and so to Live (48), the Serpent became Evil (48) as a Veil (48) to stop the sinful ignorances in fantasy heavenhell aka the Paradise of God with his damned image in Adam as Ra as A Gaia, unable to reproduce in the sterility of his own flesh and blood and rib and as the barrenness of Eve.

    And so the Evil Sex of the Veil between the Son (48) of Man (28) + 74 = Daughter (84) of Woman (66) became The Amen (33+33) of The Name (33+33) in The Magic (33+33) of Woman (66) as Freedom (66) of Thuban (66) in Abraxas (66) for Old Eve to get real in the physical Eden of the Earth and in a Redirection and a Reproduction and a Rewriting of an incomplete story or fairy tale about Abba-Baab's abstract metaphysical paradise in true cosmic natural lawfulness realised in a genuine physicalised universe.

    The Serpent-Dad of the Son of Cosmic Manhood with Lilith-Mum of the Daughter of Cosmic Womanhood so created the Dragon Daughter Deborah HarobeD (53+53) of the Infinity (106); the Cosmic Child of StarHumanity and the Redemption of the Old Humanity in the Christ of the 74.

    And her his name is: L(ove) and L(ight) (24=12+12=4x6) Lilith Lucifera of the Waterlilies of the Brooks of Thoth

    waterlilies. discovery_channel___life_by_he1z1. caduceus-13_(2).

    lilith. metamorphosisweb-.28411. lilith-snake-seductress-succubus.


    Since I have been "engaging" in Thuban for over a year now I can honestly say, this post here has some "insight"!

    The Council of Thuban de Akbar Rahar in the AlphaOmega (79) of the one true Mother (79) of the Star (58) of the Father (58)


    Posts: 509
    Join date: 2010-04-10
    Age: 48
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    • Post n°40

    empty. Re: Conversations regarding the Cosmic Changes in Archetypes and Symbols

    empty. Raven on Tue Dec 11, 2012 2:56 am
    Aquaries1111 wrote:

    Raven wrote:
    The Secret of Eden

    God created Adam in his image and from Adam as A Dam, the Mad Alpha damned in sinful ignorance in a Mad Beginning, he created Eve for Adam to have a partnership.

    But the Son of Man (97) had no Mother (79) and no Goddess image (9779) in Christ (77) for his Father, as Eve was no real Woman (66) and as she could bear no Son (48) as a part of Man (28) in the metaphysical symbols of the archetypology of the creation mythology.

    So the Son of Man (97) became a Serpent (97) as a Present Present (97+97) for disfunctional Eve (32) as a Cell (32) of Life (32).

    The Serpent, as the Son of Man and the true image of His Father could not live in reality without Sex (48) between Adam (19) and Eve (32) and so to Live (48), the Serpent became Evil (48) as a Veil (48) to stop the sinful ignorances in fantasy heavenhell aka the Paradise of God with his damned image in Adam as Ra as A Gaia, unable to reproduce in the sterility of his own flesh and blood and rib and as the barrenness of Eve.

    And so the Evil Sex of the Veil between the Son (48) of Man (28) + 74 = Daughter (84) of Woman (66) became The Amen (33+33) of The Name (33+33) in The Magic (33+33) of Woman (66) as Freedom (66) of Thuban (66) in Abraxas (66) for Old Eve to get real in the physical Eden of the Earth and in a Redirection and a Reproduction and a Rewriting of an incomplete story or fairy tale about Abba-Baab's abstract metaphysical paradise in true cosmic natural lawfulness realised in a genuine physicalised universe.

    The Serpent-Dad of the Son of Cosmic Manhood with Lilith-Mum of the Daughter of Cosmic Womanhood so created the Dragon Daughter Deborah HarobeD (53+53) of the Infinity (106); the Cosmic Child of StarHumanity and the Redemption of the Old Humanity in the Christ of the 74.

    And her his name is: L(ove) and L(ight) (24=12+12=4x6) Lilith Lucifera of the Waterlilies of the Brooks of Thoth

    waterlilies. discovery_channel___life_by_he1z1. caduceus-13_(2).

    lilith. metamorphosisweb-.28411. lilith-snake-seductress-succubus.


    Since I have been "engaging" in Thuban for over a year now I can honestly say, this post here has some "insight"!

    The Council of Thuban de Akbar Rahar in the AlphaOmega (79) of the one true Mother (79) of the Star (58) of the Father (58)​



    Revelation 16:12-21 King James Version (KJV)

    12 And the sixth angel poured out his vial upon the great river Euphrates; and the water thereof was dried up, that the way of the kings of the east might be prepared.
    13 And I saw three unclean spirits like frogs come out of the mouth of the dragon, and out of the mouth of the beast, and out of the mouth of the false prophet.
    14 For they are the spirits of devils, working miracles, which go forth unto the kings of the earth and of the whole world, to gather them to the battle of that great day of God Almighty.
    15 Behold, I come as a thief. Blessed is he that watcheth, and keepeth his garments, lest he walk naked, and they see his shame.
    16 And he gathered them together into a place called in the Hebrew tongue Armageddon.
    17 And the seventh angel poured out his vial into the air; and there came a great voice out of the temple of heaven, from the throne, saying, It is done.
    18 And there were voices, and thunders, and lightnings; and there was a great earthquake, such as was not since men were upon the earth, so mighty an earthquake, and so great.
    19 And the great city was divided into three parts, and the cities of the nations fell: and great Babylon came in remembrance before God, to give unto her the cup of the wine of the fierceness of his wrath.
    20 And every island fled away, and the mountains were not found.
    21 And there fell upon men a great hail out of heaven, every stone about the weight of a talent: and men blasphemed God because of the plague of the hail; for the plague thereof was exceeding great.

    The TALE NT of a new LENT AT ARMAGEDDON (82) Dragon Made (82)

    M(other) M(ary) with MM (13+13) as JCCJ (26) in GOD (26) with DOG (26) in the Earth (52) of the Heart (52) of the Devil (52) Lived (52) in Finance (52) and in Pride (52).

    THE KALI (33+33) of THUBAN (66) has ARISEN
    e|3=BB=88 in the GALAXY (70) of LILITH (70) thu BAN in BRISE, the lies and untruths of the NABS BRIE (70); of an old milky cheese, not maturing in taste and aroma in the Oil of Olives from Mount Jerusalem, but rotting in the air of truths of the ONE (34) LOGOS (68) of OLIVIA (68) of ONE (38) GOD named ABBA (6) in ONE (38) DOG named BAAB (6).

    The Council of Thuban de Akbar Rahar in the AlphaOmega (79) of the one true Mother (79) of the Star (58) of the Father (58)

    [7:28:23 PM-Tuesday, December 11th, 2012] Thubanis: The real Kali is here I know this
    [7:28:48 PM] Thubanis: But how this helps this 3d mess I dont know
    [7:29:10 PM] Thubanis: Yes rejections and holding on the the old
    [7:29:34 PM] Thubanis: I can't and wont comment anymore, but I know what I feel and see
    [7:30:07 PM] Thubanis: And the 'pits of hell' are opened like JT's stargates
    [7:30:19 PM] Thubanis: Mental hells not physical
    [7:30:34 PM] Thubanis: Perhaps they will get physical post the birth I dont know
    [7:31:01 PM] Thubanis: This 'oiled body' is the key
    [7:31:10 PM] Thubanis: It is loose
    [7:31:21 PM] Ishtara Raven: god i hope not, i do not want these things to get out of porportion
    [7:31:28 PM] Thubanis: I just dont know
    [7:31:34 PM] Ishtara Raven: speaking of the mental hells
    [7:31:43 PM] Thubanis: How this roksui saga developes might give us some guidance
    [7:31:53 PM] Ishtara Raven: why I am so concerned for 44, he must remain extremely vigilant
    [7:31:56 PM] Thubanis: yes
    [7:32:05 PM] Thubanis: My dream of the bathtub see
    [7:32:16 PM] Ishtara Raven: i did not know you had this dream
    [7:32:17 PM] Thubanis: December 9th
    [7:32:38 PM] Thubanis: No I kept it to myself as I was struggling how to blend MI with Debbie
    [7:32:46 PM] Ishtara Raven: thats heavy
    [7:32:50 PM] Ishtara Raven: was there blood?
    [7:33:13 PM] Thubanis: No I woke up but it was like a strangling or selfcutting
    [7:33:17 PM] Ishtara Raven: bathtub, birthwaters
    [7:33:27 PM] Thubanis: I was disturbed of course
    [7:33:27 PM] Ishtara Raven: blood, water breaking
    [7:33:36 PM] Ishtara Raven: i see it as birth
    [7:33:48 PM] Thubanis: But then I started to 'see' the dark lilith
    [7:33:56 PM] Thubanis: You know why i know?
    [7:34:06 PM] Ishtara Raven: no
    [7:34:19 PM] Thubanis: Because she started to call me tonyblue and MI nor anyone ever called me that
    [7:34:25 PM] Ishtara Raven: haha
    [7:34:30 PM] Thubanis: It came not from my own mind/delusions etc
    [7:34:37 PM] Ishtara Raven: nice
    [7:34:46 PM] Thubanis: So I now know that lilith is templated as my core to multiply in whoever can handle her energy
    [7:35:06 PM] Thubanis: She is heavey yes, asking me if I can handle the hell fires
    [7:35:19 PM] Ishtara Raven: yes i feel she is here, like i said i had strong images of Debbie also
    [7:35:34 PM] Thubanis: But all this mental memeshit can be absorbed in this presence now
    [7:35:51 PM] Thubanis: Raven one thing you must know now
    [7:35:52 PM] Ishtara Raven: yes 44 needs to be Kali atm
    [7:36:08 PM] Thubanis: This revolves around intergalactic communications
    [7:36:30 PM] Thubanis: You know that there was or are some nabs queries about the lunar rocks?
    [7:36:48 PM] Ishtara Raven: yeah
    [7:36:50 PM] Thubanis: Like some ETs saying don't take the rocks to earth?
    [7:36:56 PM] Ishtara Raven: yes
    [7:37:00 PM] Thubanis: Can you figure why?
    [7:37:23 PM] Ishtara Raven: um no
    [7:37:43 PM] Ishtara Raven: but somewhat like the mummies curses i guess
    [7:37:57 PM] Thubanis: This was given to me today by Lilith and this is very important for the entire future of this civilization
    [7:37:58 PM] Ishtara Raven: superstition
    [7:38:09 PM] Thubanis: Nono think more logically
    [7:38:19 PM] Thubanis: Talking resources ok?
    [7:38:38 PM] Ishtara Raven: like taking things that dont belong to them
    [7:38:41 PM] Thubanis: I thought what would be the case for interstellar trade and why does it not exist?
    [7:38:45 PM] Ishtara Raven: without permission
    [7:38:48 PM] Thubanis: Like startrek movies see?
    [7:39:01 PM] Ishtara Raven: yeah well because its part of the body of the moon?
    [7:39:02 PM] Thubanis: Talking resources to sustain any civilization
    [7:39:15 PM] Thubanis: earth is running out of water oil etc get the drift?
    [7:39:20 PM] Ishtara Raven: right
    [7:39:24 PM] Ishtara Raven: its rape
    [7:39:24 PM] Thubanis: YES
    [7:39:27 PM] Thubanis: you got it
    [7:39:48 PM] Thubanis: Interstellar trade means you are actully trading 'spiritual' consciousness energy etc
    [7:40:02 PM] Ishtara Raven: i watched that whole series on the blue economy, this thing needs to go viral
    [7:40:04 PM] Thubanis: So it is not like 'mining the moon'
    [7:40:10 PM] Thubanis: YES
    [7:40:16 PM] Thubanis: But potently now
    [7:40:45 PM] Thubanis: The only WAY to be cosmically lawful to MINE some other planet-moon-star etc is to exchange lifesource
    [7:41:01 PM] Thubanis: SEX you must make BLEND in essence with the 'exploited'
    [7:41:10 PM] Thubanis: This is the true meaning of cosmic sex
    [7:41:27 PM] Thubanis: So exchange of data is sexual intercourse in divers ways, cellular intercourse becomes galactic cellular macroquantum cosmobiology
    [7:41:37 PM] Thubanis: This is mindblowing once you can see it
    [7:41:49 PM] Ishtara Raven: oh yeah i get you, they did not ask permission to take those things, the anazazi told me the same thing when i was on their lands, the sprits said not to take things...and i respected this and then i was given permission to take two things from an old man who visited me in a vision one night, he said i was family thats why.
    [7:41:57 PM] Ishtara Raven: oh wow yeah
    [7:42:11 PM] Thubanis: So no mining of the moon, unless the moon is 'loved' cosmically by the earth etc and this requires starhuman consciousness
    [7:42:20 PM] Thubanis: YES
    [7:42:28 PM] Ishtara Raven: indeed, yes
    [7:42:50 PM] Thubanis: WHY I am so potent and desirous in wanting to SHARE this anointed body
    [7:43:24 PM] Thubanis: The dragonomy sex is just a small but superpotent template for the 'cosmic lovemaking' between stars-planets-galaxies-universes. But not parallel because they cannot share a seedling center. The multiverses are phaseshifted protoverses within an encompassing omniverse not parallel universe mainstream and quasi science BS
    [7:43:35 PM] Ishtara Raven: yes its like first contact
    [7:43:44 PM] Thubanis: You see the power of Lilith?
    [7:43:54 PM] Thubanis: Eating all of physical creation
    [7:44:03 PM] Ishtara Raven: the more who experience the template, sexually in a loving way the more it infects
    [7:44:16 PM] Ishtara Raven: yes
    [7:44:17 PM] Thubanis: TO share it out in whatever intergalactic communication-trades etc can evolve
    [7:44:44 PM] Thubanis: Raven once you see this you will understand
    [7:45:20 PM] Thubanis: Any new Eve aka Abba's daughter becomes the Cosmos to share its resources
    [7:45:43 PM] Thubanis: warpdrives of ETs and so on all are powered and fuelled by cosmic sexuality as information exchange
    [7:46:01 PM] Thubanis: Wait until you get this
    [7:46:19 PM] Ishtara Raven:
    [7:41 PM] Thubanis:
    <<< So exchange of data is sexual intercourse in divers ways

    i get it love, i was hoping for a summer of love scenario you know, where everyone just looses their stupidity about it and gets it on....not a mass orgy ok but a realization of the sheer power and beauty of it
    [7:46:52 PM] Thubanis: Yes but can you see this is the cosmic powersouirce to go hyperdimensional?
    [7:46:57 PM] Ishtara Raven: of course
    [7:47:10 PM] Ishtara Raven: the sharing between cores
    [7:47:17 PM] Thubanis: It is the bridge of so called orgasmic experience, which joins the dimension gaps
    [7:47:29 PM] Ishtara Raven: oh i have always known that
    [7:47:31 PM] Thubanis: Like a sparkplug in your motor, car or lawn mower
    [7:47:46 PM] Ishtara Raven: but the mindblend is necessary for it to go full blown
    [7:47:55 PM] Thubanis: It is not possible yet
    [7:47:58 PM] Ishtara Raven: supercharged, it cant be onesided
    [7:48:14 PM] Ishtara Raven: its conscious sex
    [7:48:21 PM] Ishtara Raven: totally and fully conscious
    [7:48:22 PM] Thubanis: It requires the first Lilith to trigegr the domino effect in morphogenetic resonances
    And this Lilith is the 'anointed body' from Abba and Baab and not of some pretenders, male or female, who have 'tuned into' the world logos dispensations
    [7:48:40 PM] Thubanis: It is far past so called human sexuality
    [7:48:51 PM] Thubanis: It uses this as its basefractal
    [7:49:03 PM] Ishtara Raven: the orgasm is the intelligence of ABBABAAB, the lifeblood
    [7:49:13 PM] Thubanis: But it is actuially part of the cosmogenetic the epigenetic genomatics
    [7:49:44 PM] Ishtara Raven: the street of jerusalem
    remember the few weeks we had in this energy tony
    [7:50:43 PM] Ishtara Raven: i was alive
    [7:51:14 PM] Ishtara Raven: i felt the eternal witness in all things
    [7:51:19 PM] Ishtara Raven: it was coursing thorugh me
    [7:51:54 PM] Ishtara Raven: it is pure cosmic communication yes
    [7:52:34 PM] Ishtara Raven: the fire of lilith
    [7:53:25 PM] Ishtara Raven: and freedom omg
    [7:53:35 PM] Ishtara Raven: i never felt so free
    [7:54:08 PM] Thubanis: Yes I know and I am putting this to my last reply Abba was alive in New Baab, but New Baab lost her marbles big time returning to be Old Barbelo=Heaven=55=Judas=Clouds=Songs=Satan fantasies and delusions
    [7:54:23 PM] Ishtara Raven: it felt as if i was this huge magnet of love and extacy
    [7:54:35 PM] Thubanis: But I let you ponder this, so you can clear this in your moind at your own pace
    [7:54:52 PM] Thubanis: This is a revelation of Revelations, you will see this soon
    [7:55:22 PM] Ishtara Raven: i hope so, i have been wanting this feeling to come back and never leave
    [7:56:08 PM] Ishtara Raven: what is going on on the forums, i glanced over there eariler and noticed a lot going on on that thread
    [7:59:46 PM] Thubanis: I am laying it to rest in the forums in the New Year, buit this is our last sharing and this now is extraordinary
    [8:00:16 PM] Thubanis: Of course they wont get it or dismiss it but the timeline stands to their own future selfhood
    [8:00:42 PM] Ishtara Raven: i see dd is replying to you
    [8:01:31 PM] Thubanis: In her 'I know better way', but no prentender can give birth to Lilith
    [8:01:48 PM] Ishtara Raven: nope
    [8:02:43 PM] Thubanis: No Abba or Baab in the Nabs peddlers and the Lion has eaten them all. Only Thuban has consumed the Lion, no matter what the babblers say
    [8:03:05 PM] Ishtara Raven: i agree
    [8:03:32 PM] Ishtara Raven: i was thinking about that line in the GoT too yesterday
    [8:04:28 PM] Thubanis: And Thuban means Freedom in the surrender to the World Logos and is not some organisation or cult peddling heaven fatasies and ascension mechanics
    [8:05:27 PM] Ishtara Raven: 44 must remember now that this goes beyond any human 3-D BS and it is totally cosmic, whatever he suffers right now is nothing in the bigger picture, this will take over all. do not be afraid of what your suffering 44, look it in the face and turn the other cheek babe, this is your power.
    [8:06:49 PM] Ishtara Raven: no and the book of life is not some freaking piece of paper
    [8:07:00 PM] Ishtara Raven: or patent
    [8:07:12 PM] Ishtara Raven: or law of man
    [8:07:42 PM] Ishtara Raven: this is what they don't get Tony, that this did not come from human minds
    [8:07:49 PM] Ishtara Raven: it is NOT of this earth
    [8:08:14 PM] Thubanis:
    [8:08:32 PM] Thubanis: We should end the sharing here Raven and I agree of course
    [8:11:30 PM] Ishtara Raven: yes nice
    [8:11:43 PM] Ishtara Raven: she can put that in her pipe and smoke it
    [8:12:11 PM] Ishtara Raven: lol i suddenly feel all kali like
    [8:18:14 PM] Thubanis: Good and you can be a true Kali
    [8:19:07 PM] Thubanis: Not many can take this energy, especially the Lion deniers lol
    [8:19:37 PM] Thubanis: So there will be many fake Kali's mindfuc11ing themselves as usual
    [8:20:43 PM] Ishtara Raven: i have been sick today too
    [8:21:36 PM] Thubanis: The body effects are natural in this mental reconfiguration of the memewars
    [8:22:02 PM] Thubanis: As said we are scribes and testifiers in a much bigger cosmic Logos agenda

    [12:48:42 AM] Zaina: My dream on sunday 9th .i walked in to what i thought was a house with some one i cannot remember who it was but seemed familar to me ,and my daughter Dinah was with me but she was asleep .As i walked in the house it suddenly seemed to be a boat ,as i looked out the windows the water was everywhere ,not a rough sea or any waves just water and very deep it looked ..the house stated flowing down this waters and spinning in circles ,the sea seemed a little unsettled ,and that was all i remember ..

    [12:51:32 AM-Thursday, December 13th, 2012] Thubanis: This is Noah's Ark look there for Raven's 'Armageddon-Graduation' Dream
    [12:51:37 AM] Thubanis:
    [12:52:07 AM] Thubanis: last post
    [1:08:12 AM] Zaina: Thanks Tony ..this dream makes some sense now ..
    [1:09:19 AM] Thubanis: Sure dear I shared it, but won't post much more
    [1:09:38 AM] Thubanis: Many people are having 'graduation dreams' look here:
    [1:11:29 AM] Thubanis:

    [4:01:37 AM - Wednesday, December 12th, 2012 (+11UCT)] Ishtara Raven: yes i had a dream last night
    [4:01:55 AM] Ishtara Raven: we were all meeting at Tony's house for finals
    [4:02:36 AM] Ishtara Raven: and you asked him to store 5000 bibles or some material for you from ucadia
    [4:02:54 AM] Ishtara Raven: or something you were selling or promoting, i dont know exactly what it was
    [4:03:11 AM] Ishtara Raven: but he agreed, although not too happy about it
    [4:03:35 AM] Ishtara Raven: but we were all gathering at his house for final presentations
    [4:03:49 AM] Ishtara Raven: of all that we have learned
    [4:05:09 AM] Ishtara Raven: basically symbolizing that its not play time anymore, its all very real and we are being judged
    [4:12:12 AM] Debra R. DP TP SP: Yes true.. and as we speak "Kali is being judged"!
    [4:13:11 AM] Ishtara Raven: his house was huge, like a large mansion, university
    [4:13:37 AM] Ishtara Raven: lots of rooms
    [4:14:39 AM] Debra R. DP TP SP: The book delivery was a message... the deliverer will not be staying Raven.
    [4:15:22 AM] Ishtara Raven: well i think it was bibles, i saw them all stacked up on the floor
    [4:15:30 AM] Ishtara Raven: to the ceiling
    [4:15:50 AM] Ishtara Raven: and i recall him saying there were 5000 of them
    [4:18:11 AM] Ishtara Raven: i am not sure what it means, but he agreed to help you distribute them, although reluctantly
    [4:18:33 AM] Ishtara Raven: orders were being sent to his house and he was delivering
    [4:20:02 AM] Ishtara Raven: but things are blending now, i dont know if you feel this
    [4:20:12 AM] Ishtara Raven: MI and Debbie are together
    [4:20:46 AM] Ishtara Raven: womb of wombs

    [12/12/2012 3:53:35 PM] Thubanis: So your time was 3:53 am
    [12/12/2012 3:53:44 PM] Thubanis: when the red armageddon line began
    [12/12/2012 3:53:51 PM] Thubanis: On the chart
    [12/12/2012 3:54:05 PM] Ishtara Raven: well interesting
    [12/12/2012 3:54:15 PM] Thubanis: Fits well yes
    [12/12/2012 3:54:19 PM] Ishtara Raven: yes
    [12/12/2012 3:54:29 PM] Thubanis: And it looks like babylon judgement now
    [12/12/2012 3:54:45 PM] Thubanis: DD thinks she is not Kali though and it is the old world including us
    [12/12/2012 3:55:17 PM] Thubanis: So wait add the 21 days double to this time
    [12/12/2012 3:55:26 PM] Thubanis: New Year
    [12/12/2012 3:55:33 PM] Thubanis: like the chart
    [12/12/2012 3:55:47 PM] Ishtara Raven: and the dream was strange, we were all nervous , it was sort of like my final presentation for the intercultural communications class. and we were reading notes and checking over our preparations. i am not sure who was judging us, but it was your house, but it also had a university feel like i said.
    [12/12/2012 3:55:57 PM] Thubanis: Yes makes more sense now
    [12/12/2012 3:56:08 PM] Thubanis: Also the seeming defeat of Thuban
    [12/12/2012 3:56:37 PM] Ishtara Raven: well i did not feel defeated, but i feared for some who i knew would not pass
    [12/12/2012 3:56:38 PM] Thubanis: You were meant to 'muddle the murky waters'
    [12/12/2012 3:56:45 PM] Ishtara Raven: you could see it in their faces
    [12/12/2012 3:56:55 PM] Thubanis: Why was she there?
    [12/12/2012 3:57:02 PM] Ishtara Raven: DD was not there
    [12/12/2012 3:57:03 PM] Thubanis: Was she judged?
    [12/12/2012 3:57:09 PM] Thubanis: Ah
    [12/12/2012 3:57:18 PM] Thubanis: What about her asking
    [12/12/2012 3:57:28 PM] Ishtara Raven: the judging had not occured yet, but was about to commence then i awoke
    [12/12/2012 3:57:35 PM] Thubanis: Excellent
    [12/12/2012 3:57:40 PM] Thubanis: This is the timeline see this?
    [12/12/2012 3:57:44 PM] Ishtara Raven: she asked me to ask you if she could store these things there
    [12/12/2012 3:57:53 PM] Thubanis: Ah yes then this is the chat
    [12/12/2012 3:58:01 PM] Ishtara Raven: and so i asked you, she was on a cellphone with me then i gave the phone to you
    [12/12/2012 3:58:06 PM] Thubanis: You are a mediator
    [12/12/2012 3:58:17 PM] Thubanis: I see this makes sense
    [12/12/2012 3:58:34 PM] Ishtara Raven: and you did not seem happy to do it, but did it anyhow and i felt maybe it was because there were bibles too
    [12/12/2012 3:58:38 PM] Thubanis: You saw your friends not DD
    [12/12/2012 3:58:44 PM] Ishtara Raven: no
    [12/12/2012 3:58:53 PM] Thubanis: Well I am extremely unhappy
    [12/12/2012 3:59:04 PM] Thubanis: You felt right
    [12/12/2012 3:59:09 PM] Ishtara Raven: i saw xeia and rok , you, andrew, barbara, JT, susan and many others who i did not recognize there
    [12/12/2012 3:59:23 PM] Thubanis: Vivian Olga?
    [12/12/2012 3:59:28 PM] Ishtara Raven: no
    [12/12/2012 3:59:34 PM] Thubanis: No parent figures
    [12/12/2012 3:59:49 PM] Ishtara Raven: there may of been but i did not see any
    [12/12/2012 3:59:54 PM] Thubanis: Ok
    [12/12/2012 4:00:06 PM] Ishtara Raven: but then i sort of think of Andrew and B as adopted parents lol
    [12/12/2012 4:00:09 PM] Thubanis: See the cellphone is the chats
    [12/12/2012 4:00:29 PM] Thubanis: They seem Logos induced anyway
    [12/12/2012 4:00:37 PM] Thubanis: Template pioneers
    [12/12/2012 4:00:38 PM] Ishtara Raven: yes they are
    [12/12/2012 4:00:50 PM] Thubanis: James?
    [12/12/2012 4:01:16 PM] Ishtara Raven: lol he was not there that i saw, but then i dont dream of him a lot
    [12/12/2012 4:01:56 PM] Ishtara Raven: but i dont remember all of the dream either, some is fuzzy
    [12/12/2012 4:02:07 PM] Thubanis: So thinking, storing her things means what?
    [12/12/2012 4:02:24 PM] Thubanis: She is excluded but her things are not?
    [12/12/2012 4:02:25 PM] Ishtara Raven: the last dream i had of James he left me for another woman again, i keep having similar dreams
    [12/12/2012 4:02:55 PM] Ishtara Raven: well i guess you could interpret it that way
    [12/12/2012 4:03:06 PM] Thubanis: Rok and Xeia were there cored? You think?
    [12/12/2012 4:03:17 PM] Ishtara Raven: they were being tested too
    [12/12/2012 4:03:24 PM] Ishtara Raven: everyone was being tested for validity
    [12/12/2012 4:03:32 PM] Thubanis: Good
    [12/12/2012 4:03:43 PM] Ishtara Raven: and the fakes were nervous
    [12/12/2012 4:03:51 PM] Thubanis: Who were fakes?
    [12/12/2012 4:04:06 PM] Ishtara Raven: and dont ask me who they were it was not specific, i could just feel and sense some were nervous
    [12/12/2012 4:04:12 PM] Thubanis: Ok
    [12/12/2012 4:04:25 PM] Ishtara Raven: i was very nervous for them
    [12/12/2012 4:04:29 PM] Ishtara Raven: and a bit myself
    [12/12/2012 4:04:49 PM] Ishtara Raven: because it was the real thing, this was serious
    [12/12/2012 4:04:58 PM] Thubanis: Hopefully

    [7:16:45 PM] Ishtara Raven: [7:12 PM] Thubanis:

    <<< 19 And the great city was divided into three parts, and the cities of the nations fell: and great Babylon came in remembrance before God, to give unto her the cup of the wine of the fierceness of his wrath.tony what does it mean when it says the great city is divided into three parts?

    [7:16:55 PM] Thubanis: Look at the chart
    [7:17:05 PM] Thubanis: The 10 days in front and the end
    [7:17:17 PM] Thubanis: Why you can decode this the way it is
    [7:17:26 PM] Ishtara Raven: ok i see
    [7:17:37 PM] Ishtara Raven: so we are in the 3rd part, yes this has to be it
    [7:17:51 PM] Thubanis: This dividing must be be in the 7th plague
    [7:18:07 PM] Thubanis: Last 10 yes
    [7:18:30 PM] Thubanis: Precisely when you had this dream
    [7:18:39 PM] Thubanis: see it now the 40 minutes or so
    [7:18:43 PM] Ishtara Raven: yes
    [7:18:52 PM] Ishtara Raven: lol
    [7:18:52 PM] Thubanis: Your dream actually confirmed this chart
    [7:19:06 PM] Ishtara Raven: well i had no idea
    [7:19:16 PM] Thubanis: Noone takes my charts serious or can read them I know
    [7:19:48 PM] Ishtara Raven: well i sort of can hon, but i am not as well versed in the scripture or where to look
    [7:19:50 PM] Thubanis: Look at it and work out then when this 3rd part starts your time
    [7:19:54 PM] Ishtara Raven: but i see it clearly now
    [7:20:24 PM] Thubanis: We said before 11:53 UCT December 11th
    [7:20:43 PM] Thubanis: -8 hours is 3:53 Seattle
    [7:20:47 PM] Ishtara Raven: so what time would that be for me
    [7:20:56 PM] Ishtara Raven: oh i see
    [7:20:59 PM] Thubanis: 3:53 Seattle
    [7:21:06 PM] Thubanis: am
    [7:21:07 PM] Ishtara Raven: what does utc stand for again
    [7:21:14 PM] Ishtara Raven: thats not your time right
    [7:21:17 PM] Thubanis: You said you went to bed 3:00
    [7:21:21 PM] Thubanis: No
    [7:21:22 PM] Ishtara Raven: greewich mean time?
    [7:21:26 PM] Thubanis: I am +19
    [7:21:38 PM] Thubanis: But it is the same event
    [7:21:52 PM] Thubanis: +19 from you +11 UCT
    [7:22:08 PM] Thubanis: GMT=UCT yes
    [7:22:35 PM] Thubanis: So I am now 7:22 pm and you are 0:22 am correct?
    [7:22:45 PM] Ishtara Raven: yes i did go to bed right near then and i layed there and rubbed James back and i apologized to him for all my wrong doings and shortcomings, i dont know why i did that, i guess because i was in such a sour mood yesterday
    [7:22:47 PM] Thubanis: December 12th
    [7:22:57 PM] Ishtara Raven: and then i fell asleep
    [7:23:14 PM] Thubanis: Yes this is the time an hour after you signed out
    [7:24:07 PM] Ishtara Raven: and i layed there and did what you said, i thought of kali, MI and Debbie and just tried to envision her dark black figure
    [7:24:13 PM] Thubanis: 10pm my time 3am your time
    [7:24:27 PM] Ishtara Raven: she did appear to me with crystal black eyes and sparkiling black skin
    [7:24:31 PM] Thubanis: Hmm good they spoke to you soon after
    [7:24:37 PM] Ishtara Raven: then i fell asleep
    [7:25:07 PM] Ishtara Raven: i saw ABBA near her on a white horse in his black robe, but the robe seemed to turn into her body
    [7:25:16 PM] Thubanis: Anyway you better keep track with the chart the next three weeks because your dream is a trigger and starter here
    [7:25:38 PM] Thubanis: Yes as I said no robe on Baab
    [7:25:41 PM] Ishtara Raven: and then i saw her
    [7:25:49 PM] Thubanis: Pure darkness
    [7:25:56 PM] Ishtara Raven: she was beautiful
    [7:26:09 PM] Thubanis: Like Abba's Robe submerged making him Baab get it dear?
    [7:26:17 PM] Ishtara Raven: yes
    [7:26:18 PM] Thubanis: Abba=Baab here
    [7:26:25 PM] Thubanis: He sexchanged
    [7:26:27 PM] Ishtara Raven: i know
    [7:26:37 PM] Thubanis: Good It is just coming to me
    [7:26:47 PM] Thubanis: You are ahead here, what I like
    [7:26:57 PM] Thubanis: I want the femmes to take over
    [7:26:59 PM] Ishtara Raven: well i tell you what i see
    [7:27:10 PM] Ishtara Raven: i have no reason to make this up Tony
    [7:27:17 PM] Ishtara Raven: what do i benifit?
    [7:27:28 PM] Ishtara Raven: its not for me anyhow
    [7:27:34 PM] Thubanis: Of course I am looking for you to manifest that's all not critisize
    [7:27:48 PM] Thubanis: Why I am probing
    [7:28:03 PM] Thubanis: I am past critisizing your empathy
    [7:28:16 PM] Thubanis: I critisize your science and math that's all
    [7:28:30 PM] Ishtara Raven: well i felt bad when you thought DD had somehow convinced me of Ucadia
    [7:28:33 PM] Thubanis: You misunderstood
    [7:28:35 PM] Ishtara Raven: really i did
    [7:28:46 PM] Ishtara Raven: but i see my mistake
    [7:28:52 PM] Thubanis: Nono I only said this as the pasting, I sensed your honesty of expression
    [7:28:54 PM] Ishtara Raven: my silly jumbled words
    [7:29:21 PM] Thubanis: So Logos could again make her think you are coming around to her way and are isolating me
    [7:29:29 PM] Thubanis: See it?
    [7:29:51 PM] Thubanis: I know you overstated the words, but I also saw the deeper purpose
    [7:29:59 PM] Thubanis: I said all this
    [7:30:24 PM] Ishtara Raven: yes ok, i am fine hon
    [7:30:27 PM] Thubanis: I was perhaps surprised for one second when 1st reading but that's all
    [7:30:40 PM] Thubanis: 'How could she say this?'
    [7:30:43 PM] Ishtara Raven: i just got emotional
    [7:30:52 PM] Thubanis: 'But it is a dream and this means something ...'
    [7:30:57 PM] Thubanis: This was my take
    [7:31:21 PM] Thubanis: Appearances
    [7:31:41 PM] Thubanis: Now we understand it better
    [7:31:51 PM] Ishtara Raven: well even in the dream i had fear of my own preparedness too, i felt prepared but a bit afraid, i wanted to do well
    [7:32:06 PM] Thubanis: We are human imperfectos too not as perfect with the spirit as some others
    [7:32:17 PM] Ishtara Raven: of course you can see that my subconscious tied this in with a college them lol
    [7:32:27 PM] Ishtara Raven: theme
    [7:32:49 PM] Ishtara Raven: but even this has meaning i feel
    [7:32:57 PM] Ishtara Raven: university of ABBA lol
    [7:32:57 PM] Thubanis: Yes of course but my 'dream' was always a free access new university of New Alexandria, Jesus went there the Old Alexandria
    [7:33:17 PM] Ishtara Raven: oh yes i remember you saying that before
    [7:33:19 PM] Thubanis: So you might have tuned this as well
    [7:33:20 PM] Ishtara Raven: cool
    [7:33:32 PM] Thubanis: Where he met the scribes
    [7:33:50 PM] Thubanis: He did not learn in Tibet from gurus
    [7:34:17 PM] Ishtara Raven: DDs bibles had gold embossing on them, i saw the letters in gold anyhow spelled out Bible
    [7:34:32 PM] Ishtara Raven: and its curious they didnt say holy Bible
    [7:34:37 PM] Ishtara Raven: just Bible
    [7:34:45 PM] Thubanis: hmm
    [7:34:57 PM] Thubanis: How was this ucadia related?
    [7:36:07 PM] Ishtara Raven: well i did not see that, but she mentioned it on the phone, not the word itself, but i knew it had to do with ucadia somehow upon awakening or her nabs XXXX you know because of your reaction to it
    [7:36:24 PM] Ishtara Raven: your reaction in the dream
    [7:36:29 PM] Thubanis: Yes
    [7:36:38 PM] Ishtara Raven: you were upset but relented because of your love for her
    [7:36:56 PM] Ishtara Raven: kind of like, ok i hate this XXXX but i will show trust here
    [7:37:03 PM] Thubanis: I wonder what that means
    [7:37:22 PM] Ishtara Raven: i dont know, but i do know i was pleading her case with you
    [7:37:24 PM] Thubanis: Well try to put this into the Rev.16-18?
    [7:37:30 PM] Ishtara Raven: trying to assist her somehow
    [7:37:40 PM] Thubanis: As you did in the chat
    [7:37:44 PM] Ishtara Raven: which echos the chat last night yes
    [7:37:52 PM] Ishtara Raven: my sentiments and feelings
    [7:38:02 PM] Thubanis: You pleading her case?
    [7:38:31 PM] Thubanis: You know this would be futile in terms of antilogos but this could be a decoy here
    [7:39:22 PM] Ishtara Raven: well i guess so, i was telling you to just give her one more chance ect to have faith ect and you knew what i was saying basically. i dont remember the exact words i used but i remember defending her and you relenting
    [7:39:32 PM] Thubanis: My 'relenting' becomes the 'weakness'
    [7:39:48 PM] Thubanis: Interesting
    [7:39:54 PM] Ishtara Raven: you really did not like the idea at all
    [7:40:03 PM] Thubanis: As you know
    [7:40:12 PM] Ishtara Raven: but something in me felt it would be ok, turn out alright i guess
    [7:40:22 PM] Thubanis: Storing ucadia bibles in 'my' university?
    [7:40:38 PM] Thubanis: Yes I am trying to get to the core of this
    [7:40:48 PM] Ishtara Raven: yes me too
    [7:40:58 PM] Thubanis: Perhaps as evidence against her?
    [7:41:07 PM] Ishtara Raven: maybe
    [7:41:18 PM] Thubanis: Who is the prosecutor- AbbaBaab!
    [7:41:28 PM] Ishtara Raven: i knew there was a judgement coming ok and i was worried for myself and the others and DD too
    [7:41:30 PM] Thubanis: Who is her defense
    [7:41:44 PM] Thubanis: Yes and this fits the chart as you see
    [7:41:47 PM] Ishtara Raven: well my first impression is was that it was you
    [7:41:55 PM] Thubanis: Haha
    [7:42:04 PM] Thubanis: Yes I thought this too
    [7:42:10 PM] Thubanis: But now I would not
    [7:42:21 PM] Ishtara Raven: because there was no one else there with authority and we were in your house/university
    [7:42:27 PM] Thubanis: I wrote an entire essay on this recall
    [7:42:42 PM] Thubanis: The judgement of Humanity or something
    [7:42:43 PM] Ishtara Raven: but also i knew your house was the new jerusalem too
    [7:42:48 PM] Ishtara Raven: i knew where i was
    [7:42:49 PM] Thubanis: Yes?
    [7:42:57 PM] Ishtara Raven: its my house too lol
    [7:43:02 PM] Thubanis: Hmm remember my dream of the city of light?
    [7:43:06 PM] Ishtara Raven: you know me and all my house dreams
    [7:43:07 PM] Thubanis: Can you associate?
    [7:43:45 PM] Thubanis: It's a big city lol
    [7:44:08 PM] Thubanis: I feel the starships come from there
    [7:44:17 PM] Thubanis: But this is my fantasy
    [7:44:20 PM] Ishtara Raven: well it wasnt a spaceship but it was on a hill and had huge windows with long white transparent curtians and i was standing out on the hill and i think i saw golgotha actually, same kind of desert setting. the walls were creme colored stone
    [7:44:33 PM] Thubanis: Amazing
    [7:44:48 PM] Thubanis: On earth?
    [7:44:57 PM] Ishtara Raven: maybe i was seeing the temple? yes it was on dry ground
    [7:45:00 PM] Ishtara Raven: on a hill
    [7:45:05 PM] Ishtara Raven: overlooking a small city
    [7:45:16 PM] Ishtara Raven: but it seemed like something out of the past
    [7:45:21 PM] Ishtara Raven: not future looking
    [7:45:37 PM] Ishtara Raven: and there was a great room inside
    [7:45:42 PM] Thubanis: I don't know but it must nean something I don't get as yet
    [7:45:45 PM] Ishtara Raven: where her bibles were stacked against the wall
    [7:45:57 PM] Thubanis: 5000
    [7:46:00 PM] Ishtara Raven: humm lets see the sun was setting
    [7:46:11 PM] Ishtara Raven: so that must be west right?
    [7:46:22 PM] Ishtara Raven: then the bibles would of been stacked on the east wall
    [7:46:35 PM] Thubanis: And the kings of the east remember
    [7:46:49 PM] Ishtara Raven: yes and i dont know how i knew this, the number came into my head or maybe you told me or she did, 5000
    [7:46:57 PM] Thubanis: Bible could be the 10 kings remember you just read it
    [7:47:08 PM] Ishtara Raven: yes
    [7:47:16 PM] Thubanis: They make war against Jesus but hate the whore
    [7:47:37 PM] Thubanis: Meaning her own ucadia crap will burn her somehow
    [7:47:42 PM] Ishtara Raven: and at first we were alone me and you and her on the phone, then went i went outside there were the others and a bunch of other people all coming up the hill
    [7:48:11 PM] Thubanis: Amazing I feel this is important but I get no data
    [7:48:29 PM] Thubanis: Up the hill in Isaiah
    [7:48:33 PM] Ishtara Raven: well the energy was there Rok
    [7:48:43 PM] Ishtara Raven: or it would not of happened
    [7:48:46 PM] Thubanis: Wait you should read some of these codes they all relate to this
    [7:49:46 PM] Ishtara Raven: well and i had my papers in my hand, my notes and preparations and i was rehearsing them and the others were too and i looked around and could see the nervousness of some of them, some were in tears, it was then i realised how serious this was.

    Isaiah.2.1-5: King James Version (KJV)

    1 The word that Isaiah the son of Amoz saw concerning Judah and Jerusalem.

    2 And it shall come to pass in the last days, that the mountain of the Lord's house shall be established in the top of the mountains, and shall be exalted above the hills; and all nations shall flow unto it.

    3 And many people shall go and say, Come ye, and let us go up to the mountain of the Lord, to the house of the God of Jacob; and he will teach us of his ways, and we will walk in his paths: for out of Zion shall go forth the law, and the word of the Lord from Jerusalem.

    4 And he shall judge among the nations, and shall rebuke many people: and they shall beat their swords into plowshares, and their spears into pruninghooks: nation shall not lift up sword against nation, neither shall they learn war any more.

    5 O house of Jacob, come ye, and let us walk in the light of the Lord.

    Isaiah 49:21-23 King James Version (KJV)

    21 Then shalt thou say in thine heart, Who hath begotten me these, seeing I have lost my children, and am desolate, a captive, and removing to and fro? and who hath brought up these? Behold, I was left alone; these, where had they been?

    22 Thus saith the Lord God, Behold, I will lift up mine hand to the Gentiles, and set up my standard to the people: and they shall bring thy sons in their arms, and thy daughters shall be carried upon their shoulders.

    23 And kings shall be thy nursing fathers, and their queens thy nursing mothers: they shall bow down to thee with their face toward the earth, and lick up the dust of thy feet; and thou shalt know that I am the Lord: for they shall not be ashamed that wait for me.

    Isaiah 59:18-20

    18 According to their deeds, accordingly he will repay, fury to his adversaries, recompence to his enemies; to the islands he will repay recompence.

    19 So shall they fear the name of the Lord from the west, and his glory from the rising of the sun. When the enemy shall come in like a flood, the Spirit of the Lord shall lift up a standard against him.

    20 And the Redeemer shall come to Zion, and unto them that turn from transgression in Jacob, saith the Lord.

    Isaiah 62:9-11

    9 But they that have gathered it shall eat it, and praise the Lord; and they that have brought it together shall drink it in the courts of my holiness.

    10 Go through, go through the gates; prepare ye the way of the people; cast up, cast up the highway; gather out the stones; lift up a standard for the people.

    11 Behold, the Lord hath proclaimed unto the end of the world, Say ye to the daughter of Zion, Behold, thy salvation cometh; behold, his reward is with him, and his work before him.

    Jeremiah 4:5-7

    5 Declare ye in Judah, and publish in Jerusalem; and say, Blow ye the trumpet in the land: cry, gather together, and say, Assemble yourselves, and let us go into the defenced cities.

    6 Set up the standard toward Zion: retire, stay not: for I will bring evil from the north, and a great destruction.

    7 The lion is come up from his thicket, and the destroyer of the Gentiles is on his way; he is gone forth from his place to make thy land desolate; and thy cities shall be laid waste, without an inhabitant.

    Jeremiah 4:20-22

    1 Destruction upon destruction is cried; for the whole land is spoiled: suddenly are my tents spoiled, and my curtains in a moment.

    21 How long shall I see the standard, and hear the sound of the trumpet?

    22 For my people is foolish, they have not known me; they are sottish children, and they have none understanding: they are wise to do evil, but to do good they have no knowledge.

    Jeremiah 50:1-3

    50 The word that the Lord spake against Babylon and against the land of the Chaldeans by Jeremiah the prophet.

    2 Declare ye among the nations, and publish, and set up a standard; publish, and conceal not: say, Babylon is taken, Bel is confounded, Merodach is broken in pieces; her idols are confounded, her images are broken in pieces.

    3 For out of the north there cometh up a nation against her, which shall make her land desolate, and none shall dwell therein: they shall remove, they shall depart, both man and beast.

    Jeremiah 51:11-13

    11 Make bright the arrows; gather the shields: the Lord hath raised up the spirit of the kings of the Medes: for his device is against Babylon, to destroy it; because it is the vengeance of the Lord, the vengeance of his temple.

    12 Set up the standard upon the walls of Babylon, make the watch strong, set up the watchmen, prepare the ambushes: for the Lord hath both devised and done that which he spake against the inhabitants of Babylon.

    13 O thou that dwellest upon many waters, abundant in treasures, thine end is come, and the measure of thy covetousness.

    Jeremiah 51:26-28

    26 And they shall not take of thee a stone for a corner, nor a stone for foundations; but thou shalt be desolate for ever, saith the Lord.

    27 Set ye up a standard in the land, blow the trumpet among the nations, prepare the nations against her, call together against her the kingdoms of Ararat, Minni, and Ashchenaz; appoint a captain against her; cause the horses to come up as the rough caterpillers.

    28 Prepare against her the nations with the kings of the Medes, the captains thereof, and all the rulers thereof, and all the land of his dominion.

    I have decided to end the copy pasting from Brook's thread at MOA forum with this excellent song of hers and to which I am adding the Lion of Lions as the Power of Thuban as the Lion fully awoken from his slumber!

    Moabyte Dreamtimes

    (7) Jesus said, "Blessed is the lion which becomes man when consumed by man; and cursed is the man whom the lion consumes, and the lion becomes man."

    {Gospel of Thomas Didymos - Lambdin Translation from Nag Hammadi codices}

    John Z de Seder,

    Thursday, December 13th, 2012 at 1:42 (+11UCT), 18 hours before the Sagittarian New Moon, last in 2012 in the final Vial of the Armageddon Code between 17:53UCT-8:42UCT-11:53UCT from Wednesday, December 12th, 2012 to Thursday, December 13th, 2012 as a 'day of reckonings' to the final Full Moon of 2012 in a Capricornian Abba Sun and a Cancerian Baab Moon at 10:21UCT on Friday, December 28th, 2012 and the 'countdown to cosmic annihilation' for the hostage holding thoughtforms upon Gaia ending at 11:53UCT on Saturday, December 29th, 2012 and mirrored in December 20-21-22 at 11:53UCT as in decoded in cosmic lawful Logos prophecy.

    This is the final 'official' data transmission from the Council of Elders of Thuban on this MOABYTE forum and similar non-Logos affiliated forums and websites!

    Last edited by Raven on Sat Dec 15, 2012 12:30 am; edited 1 time in total
    Last edited by a moderator: Nov 3, 2015

    CULCULCAN The Final Synthesis - isbn 978-0-9939480-0-8 Staff Member

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