Creation Ex Nihiloh - Penrose And The Cyclic Multiverse

Discussion in 'A Cosmology of Initial Boundary Conditions' started by admin, Jan 9, 2022.

  1. admin

    admin Well-Known Member Staff Member


    My understanding is that nothing comes from nothing. For something to exist, there must be material or a component available, and for them to be available, there must be something else available. Now my question: Where did the material come from that created the Big Bang, and what happened in the first instance to create that material? Peter, 80, Australia.

    “The last star will slowly cool and fade away. With its passing, the universe will become once more a void, without light or life or meaning.” So warned the physicist Brian Cox in the recent BBC series Universe.
    The fading of that last star will only be the beginning of an infinitely long, dark epoch. All matter will eventually be consumed by monstrous black holes, which in their turn will evaporate away into the dimmest glimmers of light. Space will expand ever outwards until even that dim light becomes too spread out to interact. Activity will cease.

    Or will it? Strangely enough, some cosmologists believe a previous, cold dark empty universe like the one which lies in our far future could have been the source of our very own Big Bang.

    Get news that’s free, independent and based on evidence.This article is part of Life’s Big Questions
    The Conversation’s new series, co-published with BBC Future, seeks to answer our readers’ nagging questions about life, love, death and the universe. We work with professional researchers who have dedicated their lives to uncovering new perspectives on the questions that shape our lives.

    The first matter

    But before we get to that, let’s take a look at how “material” – physical matter – first came about. If we are aiming to explain the origins of stable matter made of atoms or molecules, there was certainly none of that around at the Big Bang – nor for hundreds of thousands of years afterwards.
    We do in fact have a pretty detailed understanding of how the first atoms formed out of simpler particles once conditions cooled down enough for complex matter to be stable, and how these atoms were later fused into heavier elements inside stars. But that understanding doesn’t address the question of whether something came from nothing.

    So let’s think further back. The first long-lived matter particles of any kind were protons and neutrons, which together make up the atomic nucleus. These came into existence around one ten-thousandth of a second after the Big Bang. Before that point, there was really no material in any familiar sense of the word. But physics lets us keep on tracing the timeline backwards – to physical processes which predate any stable matter.

    This takes us to the so-called “grand unified epoch”. By now, we are well into the realm of speculative physics, as we can’t produce enough energy in our experiments to probe the sort of processes that were going on at the time.
    But a plausible hypothesis is that the physical world was made up of a soup of short-lived elementary particles – including quarks, the building blocks of protons and neutrons.
    There was both matter and “antimatter” in roughly equal quantities: each type of matter particle, such as the quark, has an antimatter “mirror image” companion, which is near identical to itself, differing only in one aspect. However, matter and antimatter annihilate in a flash of energy when they meet, meaning these particles were constantly created and destroyed.

    But how did these particles come to exist in the first place? Quantum field theory tells us that even a vacuum, supposedly corresponding to empty spacetime, is full of physical activity in the form of energy fluctuations. These fluctuations can give rise to particles popping out, only to be disappear shortly after. This may sound like a mathematical quirk rather than real physics, but such particles have been spotted in countless experiments.

    The spacetime vacuum state is seething with particles constantly being created and destroyed, apparently “out of nothing”. But perhaps all this really tells us is that the quantum vacuum is (despite its name) a something rather than a nothing. The philosopher David Albert has memorably criticised accounts of the Big Bang which promise to get something from nothing in this way.

    Simulation of quantum vacuum fluctuations in quantum chromodynamics. Wikimedia/Ahmed Neutron

    Suppose we ask: where did spacetime itself arise from? Then we can go on turning the clock yet further back, into the truly ancient “Planck epoch” – a period so early in the universe’s history that our best theories of physics break down.
    This era occurred only one ten-millionth of a trillionth of a trillionth of a trillionth of a second after the Big Bang. At this point, space and time themselves became subject to quantum fluctuations. Physicists ordinarily work separately with quantum mechanics, which rules the microworld of particles, and with general relativity, which applies on large, cosmic scales.

    But to truly understand the Planck epoch, we need a complete theory of quantum gravity, merging the two.

    We still don’t have a perfect theory of quantum gravity, but there are attempts – like string theory and loop quantum gravity. In these attempts, ordinary space and time are typically seen as emergent, like the waves on the surface of a deep ocean. What we experience as space and time are the product of quantum processes operating at a deeper, microscopic level – processes that don’t make much sense to us as creatures rooted in the macroscopic world.

    In the Planck epoch, our ordinary understanding of space and time breaks down, so we can’t any longer rely on our ordinary understanding of cause and effect either. Despite this, all candidate theories of quantum gravity describe something physical that was going on in the Planck epoch – some quantum precursor of ordinary space and time. But where did that come from?

    Even if causality no longer applies in any ordinary fashion, it might still be possible to explain one component of the Planck-epoch universe in terms of another. Unfortunately, by now even our best physics fails completely to provide answers. Until we make further progress towards a “theory of everything”, we won’t be able to give any definitive answer. The most we can say with confidence at this stage is that physics has so far found no confirmed instances of something arising from nothing.

    Cycles from almost nothing

    To truly answer the question of how something could arise from nothing, we would need to explain the quantum state of the entire universe at the beginning of the Planck epoch. All attempts to do this remain highly speculative.
    Some of them appeal to supernatural forces like a designer. But other candidate explanations remain within the realm of physics – such as a multiverse, which contains an infinite number of parallel universes, or cyclical models of the universe, being born and reborn again.

    The 2020 Nobel Prize-winning physicist Roger Penrose has proposed one intriguing but controversial model for a cyclical universe dubbed “conformal cyclic cosmology”. Penrose was inspired by an interesting mathematical connection between a very hot, dense, small state of the universe – as it was at the Big Bang – and an extremely cold, empty, expanded state of the universe – as it will be in the far future.

    His radical theory to explain this correspondence is that those states become mathematically identical when taken to their limits. Paradoxical though it might seem, a total absence of matter might have managed to give rise to all the matter we see around us in our universe.

    In this view, the Big Bang arises from an almost nothing. That’s what’s left over when all the matter in a universe has been consumed into black holes, which have in turn boiled away into photons – lost in a void. The whole universe thus arises from something that – viewed from another physical perspective – is as close as one can get to nothing at all. But that nothing is still a kind of something. It is still a physical universe, however empty.

    How can the very same state be a cold, empty universe from one perspective and a hot dense universe from another? The answer lies in a complex mathematical procedure called “conformal rescaling”, a geometrical transformation which in effect alters the size of an object but leaves its shape unchanged.

    Penrose showed how the cold dense state and the hot dense state could be related by such rescaling so that they match with respect to the shapes of their spacetimes – although not to their sizes. It is, admittedly, difficult to grasp how two objects can be identical in this way when they have different sizes – but Penrose argues size as a concept ceases to make sense in such extreme physical environments.

    In conformal cyclic cosmology, the direction of explanation goes from old and cold to young and hot: the hot dense state exists because of the cold empty state. But this “because” is not the familiar one – of a cause followed in time by its effect. It is not only size that ceases to be relevant in these extreme states: time does too. The cold dense state and the hot dense state are in effect located on different timelines. The cold empty state would continue on forever from the perspective of an observer in its own temporal geometry, but the hot dense state it gives rise to effectively inhabits a new timeline all its own.

    It may help to understand the hot dense state as produced from the cold empty state in some non-causal way. Perhaps we should say that the hot dense state emerges from, or is grounded in, or realised by the cold, empty state. These are distinctively metaphysical ideas which have been explored by philosophers of science extensively, especially in the context of quantum gravity where ordinary cause and effect seem to break down. At the limits of our knowledge, physics and philosophy become hard to disentangle.

    Experimental evidence?

    Conformal cyclic cosmology offers some detailed, albeit speculative, answers to the question of where our Big Bang came from. But even if Penrose’s vision is vindicated by the future progress of cosmology, we might think that we still wouldn’t have answered a deeper philosophical question – a question about where physical reality itself came from. How did the whole system of cycles come about? Then we finally end up with the pure question of why there is something rather than nothing – one of the biggest questions of metaphysics.

    But our focus here is on explanations which remain within the realm of physics. There are three broad options to the deeper question of how the cycles began. It could have no physical explanation at all. Or there could be endlessly repeating cycles, each a universe in its own right, with the initial quantum state of each universe explained by some feature of the universe before.
    Or there could be one single cycle, and one single repeating universe, with the beginning of that cycle explained by some feature of its own end. The latter two approaches avoid the need for any uncaused events – and this gives them a distinctive appeal. Nothing would be left unexplained by physics.

    Ongoing cycles of distinct universes in conformal cyclic cosmology. Roger Penrose
    Penrose envisages a sequence of endless new cycles for reasons partly linked to his own preferred interpretation of quantum theory. In quantum mechanics, a physical system exists in a superposition of many different states at the same time, and only “picks one” randomly, when we measure it.

    For Penrose, each cycle involves random quantum events turning out a different way – meaning each cycle will differ from those before and after it. This is actually good news for experimental physicists, because it might allow us to glimpse the old universe that gave rise to ours through faint traces, or anomalies, in the leftover radiation from the Big Bang seen by the Planck satellite.

    Penrose and his collaborators believe they may have spotted these traces already, attributing patterns in the Planck data to radiation from supermassive black holes in the previous universe. However, their claimed observations have been challenged by other physicists and the jury remains out.

    Map of the cosmic microwave background radiation. ESA and the Planck Collaboration
    Endless new cycles are key to Penrose’s own vision. But there is a natural way to convert conformal cyclic cosmology from a multi-cycle to a one-cycle form. Then physical reality consists in a single cycling around through the Big Bang to a maximally empty state in the far future – and then around again to the very same Big Bang, giving rise to the very same universe all over again.

    This latter possibility is consistent with another interpretation of quantum mechanics, dubbed the many-worlds interpretation. The many-worlds interpretation tells us that each time we measure a system that is in superposition, this measurement doesn’t randomly select a state. Instead, the measurement result we see is just one possibility – the one that plays out in our own universe. The other measurement results all play out in other universes in a multiverse, effectively cut off from our own. So no matter how small the chance of something occurring, if it has a non-zero chance then it occurs in some quantum parallel world. There are people just like you out there in other worlds who have won the lottery, or have been swept up into the clouds by a freak typhoon, or have spontaneously ignited, or have done all three simultaneously.

    Some people believe such parallel universes may also be observable in cosmological data, as imprints caused by another universe colliding with ours.
    Many-worlds quantum theory gives a new twist on conformal cyclic cosmology, though not one that Penrose agrees with. Our Big Bang might be the rebirth of one single quantum multiverse, containing infinitely many different universes all occurring together. Everything possible happens – then it happens again and again and again.
    An ancient myth

    For a philosopher of science, Penrose’s vision is fascinating. It opens up new possibilities for explaining the Big Bang, taking our explanations beyond ordinary cause and effect. It is therefore a great test case for exploring the different ways physics can explain our world.
    It deserves more attention from philosophers.

    For a lover of myth, Penrose’s vision is beautiful. In Penrose’s preferred multi-cycle form, it promises endless new worlds born from the ashes of their ancestors. In its one-cycle form, it is a striking modern re-invocation of the ancient idea of the ouroboros, or world-serpent.

    In Norse mythology, the serpent Jörmungandr is a child of Loki, a clever trickster, and the giant Angrboda. Jörmungandr consumes its own tail, and the circle created sustains the balance of the world. But the ouroboros myth has been documented all over the world – including as far back as ancient Egypt.

    Ouroboros on the tomb of Tutankhamun. Djehouty/Wikimedia

    The ouroboros of the one cyclic universe is majestic indeed. It contains within its belly our own universe, as well as every one of the weird and wonderful alternative possible universes allowed by quantum physics – and at the point where its head meets its tail, it is completely empty yet also coursing with energy at temperatures of a hundred thousand million billion trillion degrees Celsius.

    Even Loki, the shapeshifter, would be impressed.
    Last edited: Jan 9, 2022
  2. admin

    admin Well-Known Member Staff Member

    January 10th, 2022

    Dear Alastair!

    Your published article addresses a synergy between the history of science with its metaphysical precursors. You might find the content of the attached pdf informative and relevant for your efforts in research and general science education.

    Sincerely TonyB.

    PS>: I have also attached a published pdf on the cyclic multiverse proposal of Roger Penrose for your attention and as supplement for the main pdf.

    Dear Tony,

    Thank you for your interest and for sending this document.

    all best,

    Alastair Wilson
    Professor of Philosophy
    University of Birmingham
    ERI Building (159)
    Birmingham B15 2TT
    Tel: +44 7855 407902

    Alastair Wilson
    Last edited: Jan 15, 2022
  3. admin

    admin Well-Known Member Staff Member

    X: Mathimatia E: Multiverses in the Omniverse, Quantum Tunneling and Conformal Cyclic Cosmology


    The expansion of the universe can be revisited in a reformulation of the standard cosmology model Lambda-Cold-Dark-Matter or LCDM in terms of a parametrization of the standard expansion parameters derived from the Friedmann equation, itself a solution for the Einstein Field Equations (EFE) applied to the universe itself. A measured and observed flat universe in de Sitter (dS) 4D-spacetime with curvature k=0, emerges as the result of a topological mirror symmetry between two Calabi Yau manifolds encompassing the de Sitter spacetime in a multitimed connector dimension. The resulting multiverse or braneworld so defines a singular universe with varying but interdependent time cyclicities.

    It is proposed, that the multiverse initiates cyclic periods of hyper acceleration or inflation to correlate and reset particular initial and boundary conditions related to a baryonic mass seedling proportional to a closure or Hubble mass to ensure an overall flatness of zero curvature for every such universe parallel in a membrane timespace but colocal in its lower dimensional Minkowski spacetime.
    On completion of a 'matter evolved' Hubble cycle, defined in characteristic Hubble parameters; the older or first universal configuration quantum tunnels from its asymptotic Hubble Event horizon into its new inflaton defined universal configuration bounded by a new Hubble node. The multidimensional dynamics of this quantum tunneling derives from the mirror symmetry and topological duality of the 11-dimensional membrane space connecting two Calabi Yau manifolds as the respective Hubble nodes for the first and the second universal configurations.

    Parallel universes synchronise in a quantized protoverse as a function of the original lightpath of the Instanton, following not preceding a common boundary condition, defined as the Inflaton. The initial conditions of the Inflaton so change as a function of the imposed cyclicity by the boundary conditions of the paired Calabi Yau mirror duality; where the end of a Instanton cycle assumes the new initial conditions for the next cycle of the Instanton in a sequence of Quantum Big Bangs.
    The outer boundary of the second Calabi Yau manifold forms an open AdS spacetime in 12-dimensional brane space (F-Vafa 'bulk' Omnispace) with negative curvature k=-1 and cancels with its inner boundary as a positively curved k=+1 spheroidal dS spacetime in 11 dimensions to form the observed 4D/10-dimensional zero curvature dS spacetime, encompassed by the first Calabi Yau manifold.

    A bounded (sub) 4D/10D dS spacetime then is embedded in a Anti de Sitter (AdS) 11D-spacetime of curvature k=-1 and where 4D dS spacetime is compactified by a 6D Calabi Yau manifold as a 3-torus and parametrized as a 3-sphere or Riemann hypersphere. The outer boundary of the 6D Calabi Yau manifold then forms a mirror duality with the inner boundary of the 11D Calabi Yau event horizon.

    Every Inflaton defines three Hubble nodes or timespace mirrors; the first being the 'singularity - wormhole' configuration; the second the nodal boundary for the 4D/10D dS spacetime and the third the dynamic lightpath bound for the Hubble Event horizon in 5D/11D AdS timespace. The completion of a 'de Broglie wave matter' evolution cycle triggers the Hubble Event Horizon as the inner boundary of the timespace mirrored Calabi Yau manifold to quantum tunnel onto the outer boundary of the spacetime mirrored Calabi Yau manifold in a second universe; whose inflaton was initiated when the lightpath in the first universe reached its second Hubble node.

    For the first universe, the three nodes are set in timespace as {3.3x10-31 s; 16.88 Gy; 3.96 Ty} and the second universe, timeshifted in t1=to+t with to=1/Ho has a nodal configuration {to+1.4x10-33; to+3,957 Gy; to+972.7 Ty}; the latter emerging from the timespace as the instanton at time marker to. A third universe would initiate at a time coordinate t2=to+t1+t as {1/Ho+234.472/Ho +5.8x10-36 s; to+t1+972.7 Ty; to+t1+250,223 Ty}; but as the second node in the second universe cannot be activated by the lightpath until the first universe has reached its 3.96 trillion year marker (and at a time for a supposed 'heat death' of the first universe due to exhaustion of the nuclear matter sources); the third and following nested universes cannot be activated until the first universe reaches its n=1+234.472=235.472 timespace coordinate at 3,974.8 billion years from the time instanton aka the Quantum Big Bang.

    For a present timespace coordinate of npresent=1.132711 however; all information in the first universe is being mirrored by the timespace of the AdS spacetime into the dS spacetime of the second universe at a time frame of t = t1-to = 19.12 - 16.88 = 2.24 billion years and a multidimensional time interval characterizing the apparent acceleration observed and measured in the first universe of the Calabi Yau manifold compressed or compactified flat dS Minkowski cosmology.

    A higher dimensional AdS spacetime so encompasses a lower dimensional dS spacetime and where the enclosing spacetime defines a multiverse, which is 2x2.24 = 4.48 Gyears older, than the nested spacetime. The electromagnetic c-invariant expansion of the 11-dimensional cosmology so calculates a Hubble 'constant' of 66.92 Hubble units as a change from its nodal constant of 58.04 Hubble units in H(npresent) = Ho/(2-npresent) for an age of 19.12 Gyears in 11D mirrored or projected to 19.12-4.48=14.64 Gyears in 10D.

    The 'compressed' or conifold 10-dimensional dS space time synchronizes with the light path created and c-invariant 11-dimensional AdS spacetime in cycle coordinate n=½ in dS calibrating with n=1 in AdS.
    It is this calibration of multiverse relative cycle time coordinates, which introduce the Dark Energy into the overall cosmology for the omniverse.

    The solution to the Dark Energy and Dark Matter question of a 'missing mass' cosmology then becomes described in the evolution of a multiverse in matter and in energy.

    Conformal Cyclic Cosmology (CCC) and the Weyl Curvature Hypothesis of Roger Penrose
    The pre-Big Bang 'bounce' of many models in cosmology can be found in a direct link to the Planck-Stoney scale of the 'Grand-Unification-Theories'.

    In particular it can be shown, that the Squareroot of Alpha, the electromagnetic fine structure constant, multiplied by the Planck-length results in a Stoney-transformation factor LP√α = e/c2 in a unitary coupling between the quantum gravitational and electromagnetic fine structures {Gok=1 and representing a conformal mapping of the Planck length onto the scale of the 'classical electron' in superposing the lower dimensional inertia coupled electric charge quantum 'e' onto a higher dimensional quantum gravitational-D-brane magnetopole coupled magnetic charge quantum 'e*' = 2Re.c2 = 1/hfps = 1/EWeyl wormhole by the application of the mirror/T duality of the super membrane EpsEss of heterotic string class HE(8x8)}.

    The standard model postulates the Big Bang singularity to become a 'smeared out' minimum space time configuration (also expressible as quantum foam or in vertex adjacency of Smolin's quantum loops). This 'smearing out' of the singularity then triggers the (extended) Guth-Inflation, supposedly ending at a time coordinate of so 10-32 seconds after the Big Bang.

    If the Guth-Inflation ended at a time coordinate of 3.33x10-31 seconds coordinate, the Big Bang became manifest in the emergence of space time metrics in the continuity of classical general relativity and the quantum gravitational manifesto and say from a Higgs 'False Vacuum' at the 'bounce-time' reduced in a factor of so 11.7.

    This means, that whilst the Temperature background remains classically valid, the distance scales for the Big Bang will become distorted in the standard model in postulating a universe the scale of a 'grapefruit' at the end of the inflation.
    The true size (in Quantum Relativity) of the universe at the end of the inflation was the size of a wormhole, namely at a Compton-Wavelength (Lambda) of 10-22 meters and so significantly smaller, than a grapefruit.

    Needless to say, and in view of the CMBR background of the temperatures, the displacement scales of the standard model will become 'magnified' in the Big Bang Cosmology of the very early universe in the scale ratio of say 10 cm/10 -20 cm = 1021 i.e. the galactic scales in meter units.

    A result of this is that the 'wormhole' of the Big Bang must be quantum entangled (or coupled) to the Hubble Horizon.
    And from this emerges the modular duality of the fifth class of the superstrings in the Weyl-String of the 64-group heterosis.
    The Big Bang wormhole becomes a hologram of the Hubble Horizon and is dimensionally separated by the Scale-parameter between a 3-dimensional space and a 4-dimensional space.

    Then the 5-dimensional spacetime of Kaluza-Klein-Maldacena in de Sitter space forms a boundary for the 4D-Minkowski-Riemann-Einstein metrics of the classical geometric cosmology. This can be revisited in the multi-dimensional membrane cosmologies.

    The outer boundary of the second Calabi Yau manifold forms an open AdS space-time in 12-dimensional brane space (F-Vafa 'bulk' Omnispace) with negative curvature k=-1 and cancels with its inner boundary as a positively curved k=+1 spheroidal dS space-time in 11 dimensions to form the observed 4D/10-dimensional zero curvature dS space-time, encompassed by the first Calabi Yau manifold.

    A bounded (sub) 4D/10D dS space-time then is embedded in a Anti de Sitter (AdS) 11D-space-time of curvature k=-1 and where 4D dS space-time is compactified by a 6D Calabi Yau manifold as a 3-torus and parametrized as a 3-sphere or Riemann hypersphere.
    The outer boundary of the 6D Calabi Yau manifold then forms a mirror duality with the inner boundary of the 11D Calabi Yau event horizon.



    The Holographic Universe of Susskind, Hawking, Bekenstein and Maldacena plays a crucial part in this, especially as M-Theory has shown the entropic equivalence of the thermodynamics of Black Holes in the quantum eigenstates of the classical Boltzmann-Shannon entropy mathematically.

    The trouble with the Susskind googolplex solutions is that the 'bulk landscape solutions' fail to take into account the super string self transformations of the duality coupled five classes. The mainstream premise proposes, that that all five classes manifest at the Planck-scale (therefore the zillions of solutions), eschewing the factual possibility for the five classes to transform into each other to manifest the Big Bang in a minimum space time configuration at the Weylian wormhole of class HE(8x8).

    Nevertheless, mainstream membrane physics engages a synthesis for the five superstring classes in a supersymmetry connected in a number of modular dualities.

    Roger Penrose has elegantly described the link of this to classical General Relativity in his "Weyl Curvature Hypothesis".

    Quote from:'The large, the Small and the Human Mind"-Cambridge University Press-1997 from Tanner Lectures 1995"; page 45-46:

    "I want to introduce a hypothesis which I call the 'Weyl Curvature Hypothesis'. This is not an implication of any known theory. As I have said, we do not know what the theory is, because we do not know how to combine the physics of the very large and the very small. When we do discover that theory, it should have as one of its consequences this feature which I have called the Weyl Curvature Hypothesis. Remember that the Weyl curvature is that bit of the Riemann tensor which causes distortions and tidal effects. For some reason we do not yet understand, in the neighbourhood of the Big Bang, the appropriate combination of theories must result in the Weyl tensor being essentially zero, or rather being constrained to be very small indeed.​

    The Weyl Curvature Hypothesis is time-asymmetrical and it applies only to the past type singularities and not to the future singularities. If the same flexibility of allowing the Weyl tensor to be 'general' that I have applied in the future also applied to the past of the universe, in the closed model, you would end up with a dreadful looking universe with as much mess in the past as in the future. This looks nothing like the universe we live in. What is the probability that, purely by chance, the universe had an initial singularity looking even remotely as it does?​

    The probability is less than one part in (1010)123. Where does this estimate come from? It is derived from a formula by Jacob Bekenstein and Stephen Hawking concerning Black Hole entropy and, if you apply it in this particular context, you obtain this enormous answer. It depends how big the universe is and, if you adopt my own favourite universe, the number is, in fact, infinite.​
    What does this say about the precision that must be involved in setting up the Big Bang? It is really very, very extraordinary, I have illustrated the probability in a cartoon of the Creator, finding a very tiny point in that phase space which represents the initial conditions from which our universe must have evolved if it is to resemble remotely the one we live in. To find it, the Creator has to locate that point in phase space to an accuracy of one part in (1010)123. If I were to put one zero on each elementary particle in the universe, I still could not write the number down in full. It is a stupendous number". End of Quote​


    Then the 'phase spaced' de Broglie inflation is in modular quantum entanglement with the Weyl-Wormhole of the Zero Curvature of Roger Penrose's hypothesis.

    The Hubble-Universe consists of 'adjacent' Weyl-wormholes, discretisizing all physical parameters in holofractal selfsimilarity. This demands the discretization of spacetime and is in harmony with Loop-Quantum-Theory or LQT, proposed by Smolin and co.

    Penrose's Weyl-tensor is zero as the quasi-reciprocal of the infinite curvature of the Hubble Event Horizon - quasi because the two scales (of the wormhole and Hubble Universe) are dimensionally separated in the modular coupling of the 11D super membrane boundary to the 10D superstring classical cosmology of the underpinning Einstein-Riemann-Weyl tensor of the Minkowski (flat) metric.

    The CCC Penrose model becomes compatible with the inflation scenarios; should the multiverse cosmology become defined as occurring parallel in time-continuity and not as parallel in space in a manner envisaged by Roger Penrose.

    And so it continued!

    (30) (PDF) A Revelatory Eschatology & Genesis: X. Multiverses in the Omniverse, Quantum Tunneling and Conformal Cyclic Cosmology | Anthony P Bermanseder -

    Quantum Consciousness in the Penrose-Hameroff Model

    Cosmological relevance of microtubules to the size of the electron as conformal wormhole quantization in quantum geometry


    The number of micro tubules in the Hameroff-Penrose model for physicalized consciousness can be related to the actual scale of the classical electron radius and the cosmological spacetime matrix.​

    Using this conformal mapping from the Quantum Big Bang 'singularity' from the electric charge in brane bulk space as a magnetic charge onto the classical spacetime of Minkowski and from the Planck parameters onto the atomic-nuclear diameters in 2Rec2 = e* from the Planck length conformally maps the Planck scale onto the classical electron scale.​

    A conformal scale of 2.5 fm, which is close to the classical electron radius of about 2.8 fermi and as defined in the alpha electromagnetic fine structure and the related mass-charge definition for the eigen energy of the electron in mec2=ke2/Re.​


    Also in a model of quantum relativity (QR), there is a quantization of exactly 1010 wormhole 'singularity-bounce' radii defining the radian-trigonometric Pi ratio as Rwormhole/Relectron = 360/2π.1010 or 1010 = {360/2π}{Re/rwormhole} as a characteristic number of microtubules in a conformal mapping from the classical electron space onto the 'consciousness' space of the neuron-cell intermediate between the Hubble scale of 1026 m and the Planck scale of 10-35 m as geometric mean of 10-4 to 10-5 metres.​


    It is so the geometry of the architecture of the microtubules and the nature of their construction utilizing the pentagonal quasi-crystalline pattern in its application for maximising the compression of information in the Fibonacci geometrical pattern-sequencing. This then results in the conformal mapping of this geometry as a quantum geometry and defining physical consciousness as a conformal mapping of the quantum of spacetime in the form of Weylian 'Quantum Big Bang' wormholes of the cosmogenesis.​

    The pre-Big Bang 'bounce' of many models in cosmology can be found in a direct link to the Planck-Stoney scale of the 'Grand-Unification-Theories'. In particular it can be shown, that the Squareroot of Alpha, the electromagnetic fine structure constant, multiplied by the Planck-length results in a Stoney-transformation factor LP√α = e/c2 in a unitary coupling between the quantum gravitational and electromagnetic fine structures {Gok=1 and representing a conformal mapping of the Planck length onto the scale of the 'classical electron' in superposing the lower dimensional inertia coupled electric charge quantum 'e' onto a higher dimensional quantum gravitational-D-brane magnetopole coupled magnetic charge quantum 'e*' = 2Re.c2 = 1/hfps = 1/EWeyl wormhole by the application of the mirror/T duality of the super membrane EpsEss of heterotic string class HE(8x8)}.​

    This boundary condition on a universal Black Hole evolution can be based on the definition of physical consciousness and the magneto charge as the Eps-gauge photon, acting as prime agency in a Unified-Field-Of-Quantum Relativity or UFOQR.

    As magneto charge e* = 1/hfps in the units of the Star Coulomb could be written as [C*] = [m3/s2]*; the Gravitational parameter GM in the same units [Nm2/kg2].[kg] = [m3/s2] could be used for the purpose to relate the volume occupied by a Black Hole to the ubiquitous nature of physical consciousness as permeating spacetime itself.

    This is mathematically expressed in the Fibonacci sequence and the Euler Identity.
    The FRB or Functional-Riemann-Bound in Quantum Relativity is basic to the pentagonal string/brane symmetries and is defined in the renormalization of a wavefunction B(n) = (2e/hA).exp(-alpha.T(n)), exactly about the roots X and Y, which are specified in the unifying condition of the Euler Identity:

    XY = X+Y = i2 = -1 = cos(π) + isin(π) = ℮

    X = ½(√5-1) = 0.618033..... and Y = -(X+1) = -½(√5+1) = -1.618033...
    -X(X-1) = 0.236067... in analogue to X(X+1) = 1 = T(n) and XY = X+Y = -1 = i2 as the complex origin.

    The Cosmic Wavefunction in the UFOQR is the following Differential Equation:

    dB/dT + αB(n) = 0;

    α being Alpha, the Electromagnetic Fine structure as the probability of light-matter interaction (~1/137).

    This has a solution:

    B(n) = Bo.exp[-α.T(n)]; Bo = 2e/hA from QR boundary conditions defining:

    T(n) = n(n+1) as the Feynman Path-Summation of particular histories under the pentagonal supersymmetry given in the (Euler) identity:

    XY = X+Y = -1 = i2 = exp[iπ] and for the limiting condition: lim [n→X]{T(n)} = 1

    This allows the Normalization of the [Ψ]2 wave function to sum to unity in B(n) = (2e/hA).exp[-α.n(n 1)] with Functional Riemann Bound FRB=-1/2, centered on the interval [Y,...-1,...-X,...-1/2,...(X-1),...0,...X].

    Interval [Y,-1] sets F-Space; interval [-1,0] sets M-Space with uncertainty interval [-X,(X-1)] and interval [0,n) sets the C-Space, encompassing Omni-Space.

    n<0 is imaginary as real reflection of real n>0 of the C-Space, metrically defined at the coordinate n=0 mapping n=nps, which is the Instanton tps=fss=1/fps.

    Cycle time n is defined in GR as dimensionless Tau(τ)-Time in curvature radius RC=c.dt/dτ for the pathlength of x=ct and becomes dn/dt = Ho, n = Hot in QR, with Ho the nodal Hubble Constant defined in c=HoRmaxps.fps.

    The Feynman Path so sums both negative and positive integers as: -n......-3...-2...-1...0...1...2...3......n = T(n) in absolute value to double the infinities as the entropy reversal of light path x=ct=(-c)(-t) in the Möbius Property of the 4 worlds as outlined in the 13 dimensions of the time connectors.

    Cantor Cardinality Aleph-Null is thus Unitized in Aleph-All, counting infinities as if they were integers of the Feynman Path.
    This allows the Feynman interpretation of Quantum Mechanics as alternative to the formulations of Schrödinger (fermionic 1/2 spin) and Klein-Gordon (bosonic integral spin) as time independent and time dependent (free particle form inconsistent with SR in Schrödinger in 1st order t & 2nd order x), formulations respectively.

    The units of B(n) are 1/J, that is Inverse Energy, with A2 an algorithmic constant defining Current-Squared and 2e/h the Josephson Constant in Amperes/Joules.

    B(n) as the universal cosmic wavefunction describes the universe as a potentially infinite collection of 'frozen' wormhole eigenstates at n=0.
    The time Instanton 'unfreezes' one such eigenstate and activates the protoverse as described in an arbitrary local time calibration, say November 4th, 1996; Canberra, Australia, local time, as an example to ‘measure universal time, say in cosmic seconds s*, backwards in time.

    This then allows the 'Mappings' of the C-Space 'real time n>0' from the F-Space of the 'imaginary time n<-1' under utility of the M-Space interval as 'mirror-space'.


    A new physical quantity in 'awareness' is defined as the time differential of frequency and allows the concept of 'consciousness' to be born from the defining qualities of magneto charges.

    Electro magneto-monopolar 'Life' derives as consequence of self-inductions of quantum geometric entities, specified from supermembranes, macro-crystallized in electropolar self-capacitances and magnetopolar self-inductances, subsequently becoming subject to mutual cross-inductances.

    The purpose of the superbranial self-replication on ever increasing scales, and until modular duality is reached in minmax boundary conditions; is to establish the multiversal nesting of the smallest within the largest - a process which constituted the beginnings of it all in the 'naked singularity' becoming defined as the Genesis BOSON in the Mathimatia of the Logos of Abba as the ‘Modus Operandi’ of Creation.

    microtubules1. microtubules 2.
    Microtubules - Fibonacci | Fraction (Mathematics) | Biology (


    What is Consciousness?

    The dynamic occupancy of spacetime by physicalised quantum conglomerations.
    Space is consciousness related via an advanced quantum mechanics. Therefore you can figure out what the metaphysics or spirit concept really relates and points to. Its not dieu ex machina but machina ex dieu.

    7.4 Billion people weigh about 518 Billion kilograms for an average weight of 70 kg. As one proton has a mass of about 1.7x10-27 kg; the total mass of humanity in weight are so 3x1038 protons. One proton has a volume of so 4x(1.4x10-15)3 = 10-44 cubic metres and for all the protons of humanity the volume adds to about 3x10-6 cubic meters or 3 cubic centimeters which is a cubic size for a cube about _______________ that long.

    Question: (by Andrew Bellon)
    So what is all that empty space there direct interaction between nucleons and virtual particles relating to the nature of "spin," or how the universe actually sustains itself from moment to moment?

    This is an appropriate question, which leads directly into the deepest nature of what energy is and it relates on a most fundamental way to the reality of universal consciousness. Firstly, the 'empty space' of an atom manifests as a form of 'force field' in that the interaction 'Goldstone' bosons mediate a 'force', which then manifests as the appearance of solid state physics. So tapping a table actually taps an energy field etc. The problems with this mainstream physical interpretation and model begin right here , because the 'Goldstones' (photons, weakons, gravitons, gluons, higgs) are said to be 'virtual' that is not having a real physical existence.

    This is erroneous, just as the mainstream notion of consciousness and mind being nonphysical is also not supported by a higher dimensional cosmology and physics. As an example consider Einstein's E=mc2 applied to the total mass content of the universe. For a mass of say 1050 tons you will have an energy summation of so 1070 Joules. But if you now use the quantum energy, also well defined in Planck parameters, you calculate the quantum energy per space quantum and you get far higher values for this energy.

    Using the conventions (Planck Length, Holographic bounds etc) and using the Event Hubble extent of the universe, you get something like (Number of space quanta) x 2x109 = 2x109x(10147) ~ 2x10156 Joules. Now the string physics tells you that the energy per string quantum is something like 1064 Joules per cubic meter as a physical manifesto of this quantum energy; whilst the energy of all matter in space is something like 10-10 Joules per cubic meter. So the 'discrepancy' between quantum energy and matter energy is in a factor of so 74 (and 87 in the quantum-Planck limit). This number then becomes associated with the 'Dark Energy' and the 'Dark Matter' to explain the discrepancy.

    The 'empty space' of the atom so is in fact 'spanned' by the 'virtual' energy which is dark and has a dark matter component which is defined in physical consciousness parameters based on the quantum energy parameters and especially the physical size of the electron.

    This naturally allows a refined approach to fundamental physics, such as the difference between the Hydrogen atom and the neutron and how radioactive beta/neutron decay allows the primordial universe to build the table of the chemical elements. This transformation then relates to the interaction probability between matter and light in electromagnetic parameters so showing the basic electron to be a 'point particle/string' of a minimum size; but also a 'smeared out' or extended circular membrane characterised by the Fermi scale of the 'Goldstone Bosons'.


    The spacial extent of the differences then defines physical consciousness as a modular dual or mirror property of the space quantum itself; namely whatever is measured as energy derived from the macro-physics becomes a reciprocated magneto-polar 'supercharge' in the form of the electronic diameter maximized multiplied by the time differential of frequency as inversed time. But this change of string/brane vibration over time is also an angular acceleration without radial extent and so you find the innermost nature of the quantum spin, which is radially independent.

    Those physical definitions for consciousness then carry enormous implications of course. Namely space itself is conscious in a physical sense and any dynamic occupying space adds to a space inherent base consciousness independent of the dynamics and living entities moving about within it.

    Collapsing a hydrogen atom that is forcing the electron to overcome its weakon force field of the beta decay results in a neutron star of 'degenerate electrons' and you then can observe the quantum physics in the astrophysics. So your original question regarding the empty space resolves in the transformation of energy density in space. Then you should adapt the quantum theory to the holographic universe and the multidimensional membrane physics to resolve the wave-particle duality and the quantum entanglement on both the micro-cosmic and the macro-cosmic scales to find the universal unification. The quantum entanglement can easily be seen to be the effect of the modular duality inferred at the beginning to resolve a number of apparent paradoxes, such as the Schrödinger Cat and the Chicken-Egg DNA/RNA etc paradoxes.


    Roger Penrose & Stuart Hameroff (4 July 1992). "Consciousness in the Universe: Neuroscience, Quantum Space-Time Geometry and Orch OR Theory". Journal of Cosmology. Archived from the original on 16 June 2012. Retrieved 13 August 2012.

    S. Hameroff; R. Penrose (2014). "Consciousness in the universe: A review of the 'Orch OR' theory". Physics of Life Reviews. 11 (1): 39–78. Bibcode:2014PhLRv..11...39H. doi:10.1016/j.plrev.2013.08.002. PMID 24070914.

    (30) (PDF) Quantum Consciousness in the Penrose-Hameroff Model | Anthony P Bermanseder -
  4. admin

    admin Well-Known Member Staff Member

    Paradigm Shifts in Science


    One day you will understand that the utility of symbols, hieroglyphs, petroglyphs and the numbers and ciphers of mathematics are indeed a kind of algorithmic parameter space preceding the physicality of spacetime as a timespace and where order say event A must occur before event B predates the concept of frequency as inverse time as a physical parameter of spacetime.

    A super orthodox Kuhn paradigm skeptical intelligent thinker and researcher like yourself might easily follow the argument of the open and closed string eigenstate represented by the ciphers 0 and 1 and which can be used as a binary state to create the say decimal state in the algorithmic ordering of (old state, experience, new state) in the form (0,0,0) to (1,0,1) to (1,1,1*) to (1*=01=10) in algebraic non-commutativity say in a Platonic 'ideal form space' etc. Is this mathematics amenable for a Kuhn skeptic like you or is it a metaphysical forerunner for well established paradigms.

    I am sure you can find the pattern in this as a maximum compression of information used by 'Mother Nature' as the laws of Nature. It relates to the concept of physicalized consciousness as a spacetime awareness as the time differential for frequency and the angular radius independent form of quantum acceleration acting on any spacial volumar-brane, say. But how did the Quantum Big Bang Singularity become self-aware, if only the null dimension exists?

    The primal source next attempts to use this zero-self state to extend its singularity definition in a form of self-evolution. The primal source has no space in which to exist and so can only map itself onto itself.
    The metaphysical point becomes a double point without space to move in and this fact must now be defined mathematically and logistically.
    To escape the infinity-loop; the source-consciousness breaks the metaphysical circle and redefines the statement: "I am Nothing!" or 'I am 0' as 'I am One!" or 'I am 1'.
    Now exist two identities, namely the symbols 0 and 1, but no other metaphysical 'numbers', such as 2,3,4,5,..etc, not as yet being 'invented' or 'thought of'.
    There is however a principle of order in that 0+1=1 relative to 1+0=1 and this fact crystallizes an algorithmic construct which relates the self-awareness (as self-consciousness being super energy) of the primal source to the symbolic archetypes.

    The depiction is by awareness-triplets of a logical-iterative composition: (Old Self; an Experience; New Self due to that Experience)=(OldIdentity; Experience; NewIdentity).

    The initial five awareness-triplets are: (0,0,0);(1,0,1);(1,1,1*);(1*1,1**);(1**,1*,1***);...etc.

    Then the first Self-definition of the primal source was: "I am Nothing, experience myself as Nothing and become Nothing".

    The second Self-definition of the primal source was: "I am One, experience myself as Nothing and become myself again as One".

    The third Self-definition of the primal source was: "I am One, experience myself as One and become myself again as ?One?".

    The ?One? is again myself as One, but this Oneness is different from my previous Oneness. I can therefore redefine myself in using a new archetype and as my previous experience of the Nothing preceded my experience as Oneness, the distinction must be 01 as the before and 10 as the after.

    This then created the binary number set with: 1=01; 2=10; 3=11; 4=100; 5=101; 6=110; 7=111; 8=1000; ..etc.

    The fourth Self-definition of the primal source was: "I am 1*=10=2, experience myself as 01=1 and become myself again as 1**=2+1=3=11".
    The fifth Self-definition of the primal source was: "I am 1**=11=3, experience myself as 1*=2 and become myself again as 1***=3+2=5=101".
    Next occurs a special dilemma for the primal source. "Where is my numeral 4=100? I have skipped this number in my continuing self-development"!
    The primal source now constructs another algorithm in the attempt to recover it's missing numerals in another way.

    This algorithm crystallizes particular 10 ciphers and number triplets in the following order:
    4; 6; 7; 1/(6,10,15); (9,10,16); 11; 1/(15,10,32); (14,15,24); 1/(15,16,18) and (26,65,61) and with a limit counter for the algorithm in the numeral 12.

    These numerical values then allow the primal source to extend its metaphysical domain of self being into a hitherto unexplored physical world.
    The numerical transform themselves into so called 'Constants in the Laws of Physics', such as the proportionality constants for energy like c2 in E=mc2 (Einstein) und h in E=hf (Planck) and k in E=kT (Stefan-Boltzmann).
    But the primal source is as yet unprepared to redefine itself in such a 'physical world of otherness'.

    Spacetime is not as yet created and this requires a transformation of the super energy of infinity into an energy of finiteness.
    However the definitions for the world renown number sequence of the experience factors: {0,1,1,2,3,5,8,13,21,...etc...} as the Fibonacci Numbers (and related to the Lucas Series: ...,-4,3,-1,2,1,3,4,7,11,18,...etc.} enabled the primal source to extend its algebraic definition of "I am =?!" into a geometrical sense of extension.

    The self mapping of the singularity as a potential double point could now become linked to the definition of: "I am One"! and the null dimension of the singular point became the first dimension of a mathematical line. Eventually the Logos of the source energy would redefine the point space of the self-mapping of point-'particles' as the Dirac string centered on a Dirac magnetic monopole.
    This line now allowed to separate the double point as a singularity from itself and defined the metaphysical separation in the logic or logos of the primal source.
    As this line could become arbitrarily extended; the freedom degree of this line became the locus of two endpoints in the creative construction of the primal geometrical circle.
    The degree of linear translation so became supplementary to the degree of curved rotation in the definition of the complex plane in two dimensions.

    The degree of curvature so allowed the primal source so redefine itself as the entire contextual plane for a premetric and from this developed the concept for a curved spacetime in the Theory of General Relativity by Albert Einstein.


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