The Apocalyptic Family

Discussion in 'Discourses in the Council of Thuban' started by shiloh za-rah, Apr 10, 2014.

  1. Allisiam

    Allisiam Well-Known Member



    img2. img3.

    Douglas Ogilvie,
    Magic Garden,
    Urliup Road,
    Australia, 2486.

    "To follow knowledge, like a sinking star,
    Beyond the utmost bound of human thought.
    --- Come my friends,
    'Tis not too late to seek a newer world."
    (Tennyson, in "Ulysses")


    Members of the meek brotherhood, including those of us who are new-age gnostics, are intent on establishing a better type of society, on earth.

    In this good society, which has sometimes been called the realm of Heaven, the law defends every adult citizen's right to be a self-sovereign individual and parents are responsible for their children being taught, by spoken word, living example and actual experience, the virtue of self-sovereign helpfulness. In this way, legislation and education are integrated to ensure a society of helpful individualism, or universal loving. This type of social order makes possible a sustainable state of dynamic peace, for both the mind and body of the individual and the interactions within, and of, the collectivity. Otherwise, we face nothing but more and worse of what we've endured historically; including hypocrisy, injustice, inequality, violence, corruption, disease and involuntary death.

    In any social order of the non-heavenly type, as on earth today, laws are unjust, parents are failures, education is unsuccessful and inhabitants are confined, from birth to death, to the antithetical state of hell,. This means that, although there may be many rewarding times for some, especially in the boss-devil role(s) of illegitimate authority, there must also be a lot of bullying, suffering, inequality, injury, theft, fear, pain, deceit, waste, disease, distress, corruption, violence, warfare, greed, grief and undignified death, that hurts all inmates but especially the poor devils who are being bossed by the bullies. The time has come, at last, for this to end.

    All else that needs to be known as common-sense wisdom, as distinct from special-occupation knowledge, is implicit in this, as principal proposition.


    This unconventional research report summarises the conclusion(s) to a long-term enquiry into the nature of human learning.
    It is proposed that the practice of helpful individualism, among persons who class one another as self-sovereign kinfolk, is the end of successful education, or the getting of Wisdom. The associated end of species evolution is the sustainable society of uniquely imperfect individuals, that this equal-status lifestyle makes possible.

    Today, one species of generic man is at the threshold of this relatively new type of society, wherein the constituents will have ended our millennia of hypocritical, or fallacious, reasoning and so empowered ourselves to interact, enjoyably, as affectionate, interdependent, equals. This evolutionary transformation, which ends the cerebral evolution of the human genus, in association with a bifurcation into its two constituent species, will be both rapid and traumatic, will begin in Australia, and will end with graduation, for the survivors, to a new-earth society of consensual democracy, characterised by an attitude, to Life, of self-sovereign meekness.

    Members of the graduation class will -

    1) use reasons that make sense in terms of the principle of adult self-sovereignty,

    2) recognise that the metaphysical, or spiritual, reality, of subjective story, is more important than the physical reality, of objective science, some understanding of which is nevertheless essential as a practical means to the sustainable end,

    3) focus attention, primarily, on the enjoyably-helpful quality of our interactions rather than on the production, distribution, acquisition and/or consumption of scientific techniques, factual information, artistic fiction and quantifiable things or the learning, enacting and/or enforcing of arbitrary rules, rituals, norms, mores, plans, policies and procedures,

    4) reason holistically, in terms of manifesting a role in the dramatic presentation of a superhuman Story, or Spirit, rather than otherwise, in terms of enacting roles for man-made corporations and/or a supernatural Father God, and

    5) enjoy our resurrection to the delights of eternal life, here on planet earth.

    These consequences follow from the fact that we are organic parts of a living universe that, as us and our scenery, is also the body of the cyclical-and-progressive Mother Spirit, knowable by us as the Universal Story. As participating parts of the evolving phase of her latest life-cycle, we are free to invent and enact roles. The role(s) we each decide to enact, as personally appropriate, reveal(s) our innate nature, including past origin and future destiny. This destiny can either be the unprecedented bliss that follows spiritual resurrection, on earth, as an enlightened child-of-She, or the damnation that ends with physical death, as a lump of dead shit. This personally-appropriate ending must be revealed for each and every one of us, as our earth-based version of the Cosmic Story comes, inevitably, to her major change-of-life crisis, or climactic turning-point, in the foreseeable future.

    The report confirms that a state of war has existed, for millennia, between the meek brotherhood of the Mother God, as knight defenders of her natural-sacred temple, which is the corporeal earth, and the social engineers who, in the role(s) of self-righteous hypocrite, represent some part of the corporate world that has been established by representatives of the usurper; whom we occasionally refer to as Satan, or villainous old Rex Mundi. Unless repentant, members of that unmeek brotherhood, and their camp followers, must continue to oppose this revolutionary change, and we revolutionary change-agents, in one violent way or another, with all the enormous resources at their disposal, to their bitter end; by the end of the coming decade.


    This report, which is being compiled as a trilogy, is composed in the eclectic language of universal Wisdom. Accordingly, the text includes some long words, as well as a few four-letter vulgarities, referring to some bloody big ideas. Some of the word symbols and the relevant ideas are very old while others are relatively new. It is assumed that those readers who don't have access to a good dictionary, or some wise friends, will otherwise be able to make whatever translations are needed to make the text personally meaningful, even though, for many, the contextual message will still be unbelievable, and for some will even be blasphemous, libelous, evil or idiotic. In any case, potential readers are warned that the understanding requires, as the composing did, a sense of deep dissatisfaction (with self and society), an open, enquiring, mind, a creative, disciplined, imagination and a lot of hard mental yakka, as distinct from the speed-reading skills of closed-minded, small-minded dilettantes.

    Book One: The End Of Education

    Book Two: The End Of Capitalism

    Book Three: The Sons Of She

    The author claims no copyright. Not being a Rex Mundi man, he knows that all sacred, or natural, gifts, including the living earth, with her land, sea, sky, embodied genes and embodied ideas, are meant to be appreciated and shared, as common wealth, as distinct from being divided, acquired, bought, owned and sold as private, or corporate, possessions.

    Much of the relevant research took place in association with professional colleagues at The University of Queensland's fine Faculty of Education. A number of the research findings have been published previously, in books and journals, and public access columns, by helpful individuals. Research associate, since 2/3/1996, has been the researcher's best friend, Di Clarke, of Bond University Library. This is the 1/7/1997 draft; revised on 26/10/2000. Feedback, from critical friends, and foes, is welcome.


    by Billy Soo-Lee (The Great Aussie Oracle) of Wobutoft Books, Kingscliff, 2487. 1/7/1997

    I accept the challenge of writing this foreword, because countless people have asked me, "What is this Ogilvie bloke on about? Is he the full quid?"

    Doug Ogilvie is "a gnostic-christian, socio-economic, ego-fantacist character". I will review his work by explaining the phrase.

    Gnosticism is the pursuit of knowing the Spirit (or God) through knowledge, especially of self, as opposed to faith alone. Jesus was a gnostic, as were most early Christians.

    After the Council of Nicea, however, when Catholicism was created, the christian gnostics were almost exterminated in a vicious pogrom that went on for centuries, because, as Jesus had done, they lived a heresy that posed a threat to the Establishment, of church, commerce and state.
    Basically, gnostics believe that you can only find God in your own heart, and not in churches and other institutions. Christian gnostics follow the words of the radical revolutionary, Jesus, as opposed to the fantasy figure of Catholic creation.

    This means that Truth must be paramount and personal. It means that you promote a socio-economic system that is based on the self-sovereignty of helpful individuals, which means that people are entitled to live and die as they choose, according to their own self-responsible beliefs. This means that representatives of the State, or the People, have an obligation to protect this right, and so have clearly delineated lines of demarcation that cannot, legitimately, be crossed.

    An egoist is a person who believes in himself/herself, as opposed to the dogmas and creeds of others. A fantacist is a person who believes that he/she has the intellect to contribute towards the introduction of a better type of human society, by a personal input into collective consciousness. In other words, they accept that they can be, as part of the cutting edge of the evolutionary knife, an instrument for genuine human progress.

    They feel that they belong to a developing spiritual, or superhuman, organism that is trying to know itself, through them. In reality, fantasy becomes truth.

    Everyone knows what a character is but in Doug's case, the "h" should not be silent, because he is a man of charity. He puts his time, effort, honesty and money where his mouth and his pen are. He helps, gives, creates, and distributes against all odds. In striving for a better world, people like this are usually labelled "ratbags" and "eccentrics" for their trouble.

    This is common in Doug's case because when people are invited to his place, they could be delighted, or shocked, by naked nymphs, frolicking shamelessly in Bilambil Creek, and could meet all sorts of other interesting people, such as poets, painters, dancers, pagans, farmers, potheads, political activists, holy men and ex-policemen.

    Finally, if the crucifixion scene was played out for real, in Australia today, the bankers, solicitors, accountants, parsons and priests would be the ones considering with the secular authorities, whether they should have "Jesus Ogilvie of Urliup Valley" nailed upon the cross, but history will be kind to him, and his spiritual kin, in the end... which is what really matters.
    Last edited: Apr 11, 2014
  2. admin

    admin Well-Known Member Staff Member


    [​IMG] [​IMG]


    {The Ogilvie Clan, like say the MacKay Clan is one of the oldest Scottish families in service to the Scottish kings from say the 14th century---}

    Douglas Charles Ogilvie,
    Magic Garden,
    Urliup Road,
    Australia, 2486.

    "To follow knowledge, like a sinking star,
    Beyond the utmost bound of human thought.
    --- Come my friends,
    'Tis not too late to seek a newer world."
    (Tennyson, in "Ulysses")


    Members of the meek brotherhood, including those of us who are new-age gnostics, are intent on establishing a better type of society, on earth.

    In this good society, which has sometimes been called the realm of Heaven, the law defends every adult citizen's right to be a self-sovereign individual and parents are responsible for their children being taught, by spoken word, living example and actual experience, the virtue of self-sovereign helpfulness. In this way, legislation and education are integrated to ensure a society of helpful individualism, or universal loving. This type of social order makes possible a sustainable state of dynamic peace, for both the mind and body of the individual and the interactions within, and of, the collectivity. Otherwise, we face nothing but more and worse of what we've endured historically; including hypocrisy, injustice, inequality, violence, corruption, disease and involuntary death.

    In any social order of the non-heavenly type, as on earth today, laws are unjust, parents are failures, education is unsuccessful and inhabitants are confined, from birth to death, to the antithetical state of hell,. This means that, although there may be many rewarding times for some, especially in the boss-devil role(s) of illegitimate authority, there must also be a lot of bullying, suffering, inequality, injury, theft, fear, pain, deceit, waste, disease, distress, corruption, violence, warfare, greed, grief and undignified death, that hurts all inmates but especially the poor devils who are being bossed by the bullies. The time has come, at last, for this to end.

    All else that needs to be known as common-sense wisdom, as distinct from special-occupation knowledge, is implicit in this, as principal proposition.


    This unconventional research report summarises the conclusion(s) to a long-term enquiry into the nature of human learning.
    It is proposed that the practice of helpful individualism, among persons who class one another as self-sovereign kinfolk, is the end of successful education, or the getting of Wisdom. The associated end of species evolution is the sustainable society of uniquely imperfect individuals, that this equal-status lifestyle makes possible.

    Today, one species of generic man is at the threshold of this relatively new type of society, wherein the constituents will have ended our millennia of hypocritical, or fallacious, reasoning and so empowered ourselves to interact, enjoyably, as affectionate, interdependent, equals. This evolutionary transformation, which ends the cerebral evolution of the human genus, in association with a bifurcation into its two constituent species, will be both rapid and traumatic, will begin in Australia, and will end with graduation, for the survivors, to a new-earth society of consensual democracy, characterised by an attitude, to Life, of self-sovereign meekness.

    Members of the graduation class will -

    1) use reasons that make sense in terms of the principle of adult self-sovereignty,

    2) recognise that the metaphysical, or spiritual, reality, of subjective story, is more important than the physical reality, of objective science, some understanding of which is nevertheless essential as a practical means to the sustainable end,

    3) focus attention, primarily, on the enjoyably-helpful quality of our interactions rather than on the production, distribution, acquisition and/or consumption of scientific techniques, factual information, artistic fiction and quantifiable things or the learning, enacting and/or enforcing of arbitrary rules, rituals, norms, mores, plans, policies and procedures,

    4) reason holistically, in terms of manifesting a role in the dramatic presentation of a superhuman Story, or Spirit, rather than otherwise, in terms of enacting roles for man-made corporations and/or a supernatural Father God, and

    5) enjoy our resurrection to the delights of eternal life, here on planet earth.

    These consequences follow from the fact that we are organic parts of a living universe that, as us and our scenery, is also the body of the cyclical-and-progressive Mother Spirit, knowable by us as the Universal Story. As participating parts of the evolving phase of her latest life-cycle, we are free to invent and enact roles. The role(s) we each decide to enact, as personally appropriate, reveal(s) our innate nature, including past origin and future destiny. This destiny can either be the unprecedented bliss that follows spiritual resurrection, on earth, as an enlightened child-of-She, or the damnation that ends with physical death, as a lump of dead shi20. This personally-appropriate ending must be revealed for each and every one of us, as our earth-based version of the Cosmic Story comes, inevitably, to her major change-of-life crisis, or climactic turning-point, in the foreseeable future.

    The report confirms that a state of war has existed, for millennia, between the meek brotherhood of the Mother God, as knight defenders of her natural-sacred temple, which is the corporeal earth, and the social engineers who, in the role(s) of self-righteous hypocrite, represent some part of the corporate world that has been established by representatives of the usurper; whom we occasionally refer to as Satan, or villainous old Rex Mundi. Unless repentant, members of that unmeek brotherhood, and their camp followers, must continue to oppose this revolutionary change, and we revolutionary change-agents, in one violent way or another, with all the enormous resources at their disposal, to their bitter end; by the end of the coming decade.


    This report, which is being compiled as a trilogy, is composed in the eclectic language of universal Wisdom. Accordingly, the text includes some long words, as well as a few four-letter vulgarities, referring to some bloody big ideas. Some of the word symbols and the relevant ideas are very old while others are relatively new. It is assumed that those readers who don't have access to a good dictionary, or some wise friends, will otherwise be able to make whatever translations are needed to make the text personally meaningful, even though, for many, the contextual message will still be unbelievable, and for some will even be blasphemous, libelous, evil or idiotic. In any case, potential readers are warned that the understanding requires, as the composing did, a sense of deep dissatisfaction (with self and society), an open, enquiring, mind, a creative, disciplined, imagination and a lot of hard mental yakka, as distinct from the speed-reading skills of closed-minded, small-minded dilettantes.

    Book One: The End Of Education

    Book Two: The End Of Capitalism

    Book Three: The Sons Of She

    The author claims no copyright. Not being a Rex Mundi man, he knows that all sacred, or natural, gifts, including the living earth, with her land, sea, sky, embodied genes and embodied ideas, are meant to be appreciated and shared, as common wealth, as distinct from being divided, acquired, bought, owned and sold as private, or corporate, possessions.

    Much of the relevant research took place in association with professional colleagues at The University of Queensland's fine Faculty of Education. A number of the research findings have been published previously, in books and journals, and public access columns, by helpful individuals. Research associate, since 2/3/1996, has been the researcher's best friend, Di Clarke, of Bond University Library. This is the 1/7/1997 draft; revised on 26/10/2000. Feedback, from critical friends, and foes, is welcome.


    by Billy Soo-Lee (The Great Aussie Oracle) of Wobutoft Books, Kingscliff, 2487. 1/7/1997

    I accept the challenge of writing this foreword, because countless people have asked me, "What is this Ogilvie bloke on about? Is he the full quid?"

    Doug Ogilvie is "a gnostic-christian, socio-economic, ego-fantacist character". I will review his work by explaining the phrase.

    Gnosticism is the pursuit of knowing the Spirit (or God) through knowledge, especially of self, as opposed to faith alone. Jesus was a gnostic, as were most early Christians.

    After the Council of Nicea, however, when Catholicism was created, the christian gnostics were almost exterminated in a vicious pogrom that went on for centuries, because, as Jesus had done, they lived a heresy that posed a threat to the Establishment, of church, commerce and state.
    Basically, gnostics believe that you can only find God in your own heart, and not in churches and other institutions. Christian gnostics follow the words of the radical revolutionary, Jesus, as opposed to the fantasy figure of Catholic creation.

    This means that Truth must be paramount and personal. It means that you promote a socio-economic system that is based on the self-sovereignty of helpful individuals, which means that people are entitled to live and die as they choose, according to their own self-responsible beliefs. This means that representatives of the State, or the People, have an obligation to protect this right, and so have clearly delineated lines of demarcation that cannot, legitimately, be crossed.

    An egoist is a person who believes in himself/herself, as opposed to the dogmas and creeds of others. A fantacist is a person who believes that he/she has the intellect to contribute towards the introduction of a better type of human society, by a personal input into collective consciousness. In other words, they accept that they can be, as part of the cutting edge of the evolutionary knife, an instrument for genuine human progress.

    They feel that they belong to a developing spiritual, or superhuman, organism that is trying to know itself, through them. In reality, fantasy becomes truth.

    Everyone knows what a character is but in Doug's case, the "h" should not be silent, because he is a man of charity. He puts his time, effort, honesty and money where his mouth and his pen are. He helps, gives, creates, and distributes against all odds. In striving for a better world, people like this are usually labelled "ratbags" and "eccentrics" for their trouble.

    This is common in Doug's case because when people are invited to his place, they could be delighted, or shocked, by naked nymphs, frolicking shamelessly in Bilambil Creek, and could meet all sorts of other interesting people, such as poets, painters, dancers, pagans, farmers, potheads, political activists, holy men and ex-policemen.

    Finally, if the crucifixion scene was played out for real, in Australia today, the bankers, solicitors, accountants, parsons and priests would be the ones considering with the secular authorities, whether they should have "Jesus Ogilvie of Urliup Valley" nailed upon the cross, but history will be kind to him, and his spiritual kin, in the end... which is what really matters.

    Independence, Catastrophe and the Apocalypse
    The Israeli Declaration of Independence (Hebrew: הכרזת העצמאות‎, Hakhrazat HaAtzma'ut or Hebrew: מגילת העצמאות‎ Megilat HaAtzma'ut), made on 14 May 1948 (5 Iyar 5708), the day before the British Mandate was due to expire, was the official announcement that the new Jewish state named the State of Israel had been formally established in parts of what was known as the British Mandate of Palestine and on land where, in antiquity, the Kingdoms of Israel and Judah had once been.
    The event is celebrated annually in Israel with a national holiday called Yom Ha'atzmaut (Hebrew: יום העצמאות‎, lit. Independence Day) on 5 Iyar of every year according to the Hebrew calendar.

    The State of Israel

    Hebrew: מְדִינַת יִשְׂרָאֵל (help·info), Medīnat Yisrā'el; Arabic: دَوْلَة إِسْرَائِيل‎, Dawlat ʾIsrāʾīl), is a parliamentary republic in Western Asia, located on the eastern shore of the Mediterranean Sea. It borders Lebanon in the north, Syria in the northeast, Jordan and the West Bank in the east, Egypt and the Gaza Strip on the southwest, and contains geographically diverse features within its relatively small area. Israel is the world's only Jewish-majority state, and is defined as a Jewish and democratic state in its Basic Laws.
    Israel declared independence on 14 May 1948 and neighboring Arab states invaded the next day. Since then, Israel has fought a series of wars with neighboring Arab states, and has occupied territories, including the West Bank, Sinai Peninsula, Gaza Strip and the Golan Heights, beyond those delineated in the 1949 Armistice Agreements. The border between Israel and the neighboring West Bank is not formally defined by the Israeli government, as a result of a complex and unresolved political situation. Israel has signed peace treaties with Egypt and Jordan, but efforts by elements on both sides to solve the problem diplomatically have so far met with only limited success.

    Nakba Day

    Arabic: يوم النكبة Yawm an-Nakbah, meaning "day of the catastrophe") is an annual day of commemoration for the Palestinian people of the displacement that accompanied the creation of Israel in 1948.


    re. gnosis by auld doug ogilvie,15/5/11

    We live in unprecedented-changing times, The rate of change, including toxic growth in technological, transportational, commercial, societal, agricultural, mineral, informational, populational, financial, familial, militarial, climactical and eclogical domains, is quickening exponentially, like ol’ 97 when she careered off, without negative feedback, down the track. This year we either run off the rails and crash or turn the page, or round the final bend, to find out the big question’s answer; i.e. the reason why there’s, human, life on earth and/or what’s the intention-purpose of it all. Do good and do not do evil, for god’s, her domain’s and, her, meek-minded, mankind’s sake is not untrue but what do the symbols mean, really-truly, in the Wisdom lexicon? This thesis is presented, like luther’s on the door, for possible consideration or rejection, as an apocalyptic revelation of the Truth, derived from knowledge of the past, that opens up our eyes and sets us free from sin, evil, idolatry and/or blind-minded idiocy. Do with it what you will; even if this means that you, self-righteously, hit the button and delete or call the cops, inquisitors or local caesar’s version of the thought police.

    Most readers will not try to change their, unrighteous, ways until they sense the near-death or imminent-extinction experience of their species, when this occurs next year, when this may be too late for most and they must die unenlightened by the Truth as they all die, like their parents did and their children and grandchildren will, prematurely, cash their chips tomorrow or today. A loss of faith in their non-sustainable civilisation, especially the sub-systems of capitalism, scientism and nationalism, will signify the end of it and them. Good riddance to rotten rubbish is our considered, impolite, response

    a) Gnostics are different, and so most others think we’re strange, including impolite. Admittedly we are. We march to the beat of a different type of drum, and fly a different type of flag from what the normals do, but hope that you can tolerate these differences and be good friends with us as well as with those who, as your spiritual kin, think the same thoughts and walk the same walk that you, and yours, normally-conservatively, do in these latter days.

    Difference and diversity, we gnostics say, are either tolerable or enjoyable, as part of Mother Nature’s, teleological-cyclical, scheme. It is self-righteousness, as evidenced by violence, possessiveness, exclusiveness, untruthfulness, nastiness and ruthlessness, as evidence of bad-quality reasoning, that we class as evil and hence objectionable-reprehensible, in others and ourselves. In this way we can differentiate our meek friends from our self-righteous foes for the final battle of the good versus evil war for dominion over planet earth; which we are set, at last, within a year, to win. Oley! Touche! Like bo derick, bolero, bobbie bare and the athenian acropolis, let’s go for broke and win our team a ten.

    We gnosis-seekers are interested in the post-apocalyptic anarchy, or consensual diversity, including biodiversity, that we imagine, i.e. visualise-conceptualise, and foresee, more than in the established competitive-managerial meritocracies, including bureaucracies, theocracies and plutocracies, as the normals tend to be. We believe our accommodating Context is a cyclical, organic and limitless super-person and/or super-family who is becoming, seasonally, alive-awake and providing humankind with our classical rite-de-passage to our adult, imago, state as head-topped, front-facing, phallic members, of one sex or the other, of a common god-divinity. Our disc-like solar system, with the earth as the former, reproductive, womb that is becoming her, coordinating, knowing organ now, both intellectually and sensually, including sexually, is an elohim; i.e. a limited representation, or cloned copy, of the universal El or All.

    1) Good religion, aka wisdom, although old-fashioned, is important for all of us, in these end days of transformative change, from machismo, yin type, dominance to meek, yang type, consensus, to exchange, contemplate and, by mutual aid, attempt to help each other to enact.
    In the wisdom lexicon, which explains the meanings of generic types such as type of function-task, or role, “apocalypse” means a collective revelation of the truth whereby gnostics such as jesus have predicted that the spiritually meek species of generic man will end our hypocritical reasoning, be spiritually born and/or enlightened-liberated by the truth and then live, happily and healthily, including sexually actively but not reproductively, as taoists and tantrikas do when sharing tantric sex, but for millennia, with paranormal power to do good, safely, sustainably, enjoyably and orgiastically.
    Self-righteous hypocrites are free to disagree but would be wise to understand what this gnostic proposition means, for the end of the earth’s emergent evolution with a change in human consciousness, before, self-righteously, they do and consequently, prematurely, die, as wages for their puerile sin-stupidity-infidelity.

    2) Gnostics believe we each are meant to be, consensually, in love as one of the universal-integrated One. This means thinking-deciding as both an egocentric I and a royal plural we. Jesus was a gnostic, born of mary’s egg and joseph’s sperm and so was, in that way, naturally born like thee and me. He illustrates, as an exemplar, what we can learn, like he, to understand and be and in that way enacted the messianic role for those who follow in the role, and want to further develop it to completion, like we neo-gnostics do and this year will. The gnostic-sibling homeland, we believe, from whence we came and back to whence we’ll go, and where we belong as mates-compatriots, is Heaven wherein the one and only law is the golden rule of pay-back karma (judged by action and inaction in the present life, not inherited from past lives as some eastern mystics, who think that material persons rather than spiritual roles are resurrected-reincarnated, say). This law can be broken but, unrepentant, criminals must pay, by sickness, accident and death, the costly consequences, which means also that, paradoxically it can’t, without fair penalty. Priests cannot, successfully, forgive-absolve anybody for their law-breaking sins, not even at a confessional in a consecrated box; only a god, because of being enlightened-illuminated, by truthful knowledge, i.e. gnosis, can.
    We gnosis-seekers think of ourselves as earthlings, globalists or universalists not parochialists such as tribalists or nationalists, and are often charged with heresy, treachery or other law-breaking crimes by those self-righteous hypocrites who, as nasty-natured know-it-alls, believe they belong to, and so represent, the church, the law and/or the nation-state (vide how the authorities and their macho-minded mobs mistreated, hypocritically-hysterically, de molay and the templars, and turned them into salt-water privateers and cavalry mercenaries, when it was thought their free-thinking independence threatened the tyranny of established church and state). Sinners like obama and osama, and their supporters, like american-seal assassins and al quaeda terrorists, and their auxiliaries, are equally guilty of committing sin, the capital crime committed against the single law of nature and/or god, and must, if unrepentant, pay the price, as capital punishment, of their murderous, death-causing, deeds.
    Anti-gnostics, such as feudalists, theocrats, nationalists and capitalists, think that they belong to reified or defied abstractions; figments of human imagination, such as a nation, some other corporation, a fuhrer-superperson, or a lord god such as yeshu, yahweh, krisna, jah, jehovah or allah, that, like some christian parents do with santa clause, some drunkards do with pink elephants, and my grandma does with the fairies at the bottom of our, personal-use, gunja garden, they pretend-believe are real, supernatural and actually alive. Yet, like the illusions-monsters-demons that king monkey slew for tripitaka, on their trip to paradise, they have no existence outside the, addle-minded, heads of those who believe in them. Our god, on the other hand, is really, corporeally, real and, at least partially, tangible, visible, smellable, audible, breathable, measurable, drinkable and edible, and sexually lovable, e.g. as daffodils, hystericals or nymphomaniacs.
    The rest we need to know, for salvation from our sins, is implication-explication of this fundamental fact of Nature’s elementary differences and similarities, including her great, evil-good, dichotomy, which self-righteous hypocrites, including prudes, balls up badly and get extremely false.

    3) Hypocrisy is mankind’s fatal fault. We are all at fault, during spiritual immaturity, in this bad-minded way, but no-one is to blame, for what has been the bad luck of their, genetic, inheritance or sexual-conception draw. To date the consequences of our deeds and deliberate abstentions have for all been much the same; a big fat zero. The meek agree, while the self-righteous disagree, with this. unprovable and undisprovable, hypothesis-premise-proposition-guess, and live and die accordingly.
    In this immature-evolutionary age we are all, unintentionally-naturally, hypocrites, including those who think, self-righteously, they’re not. That, love-starved, including sex-starved, situation will change with the apocalypse that is unfolding-now, in the minds of curious-inquisitive man, and its associated, good versus evil, i.e. meek versus self-righteous species’, bifurcation because of the meek species’ final, successful, revolution; aided by the angels-nefilim who are representing other elohim in sites in outer space, who in turn represent the universal El. The self-righteous pricks, both cocks and clits, will all die, in their compounds, vehicles and towers, mainly by their own hand, because of fear-terror of the apparently fearful-terrible, because of looking-smelling-being different, nefilim, or from, misguided, friendly fire.

    4) Gnosticism is a personal, not institutionalised, faith in the existence of a, superhuman, but not supernatural, god. Willam blake was a gnostic, i.e. a gnosis seeker. So was carl jung who called his god abraxis. So was simon magus and his dakini, the spunky, i.e. high-spirited, helena.
    So was jesus and his inner circle which included his, younger, twin bother judas-jude the thomas, the one-time zealot-escariot, and his beloved mary of magdala, but not peter, paul or any other of the church founding-fathers or house-proud martha or mother mary who, like clucky hens, were hailed, by other silly chooks, as family matriarchs.
    We gnostics preach rebellion against self-righteous authority-authorities, such as tribal patriarchs, imperial governors and religious priests or deacons, of both sexes, but non-violently by means of passive resistance, in the mahatma gandhi, liberation, mode
    We believe in the law of a superhuman god, whom, being accommodating more than travelling, we generally class as feminine, but not in authoritative-authoritarian masters, governors and/or sacred-holy books, relics, sabbaths, diets, costumes, priests, vicars, compulsory tithes, saints or consecrated sites.
    For more than two thousand years a conspiracy of evil men, including the occasional bossy bitch, has falsified and censored our history, practices and teaching, at secretive and public meetings like their conference at nicenae, and the second in the sixties, but our day, today, has come and theirs, with its false hegemony, at last is done.

    5) We each adopt the ideology, such as capitalism, muhammedism, christianity, gnosticism or communism, that makes most sense to us, as self-sovereign individuals, and can change this if we will. The new-age, post-apocalyptic, ideology will be one of neo-gnosticism, which includes democratic anarchism, helpful individualism and panentheistic paganism. It will be great, and not just tolerable, to be then alive.
    Whether religious or scientific, one’s faith must, as a logical imperative, be based on, or imply, assumptions, i.e. educated guesses, that are plausible for believers but unprovable by them and undisprovable, scientifically-objectively, by anyone.
    We gnostics assume that our universal context is cyclically living as a hologram or organic hierarchy of younger spheres within older spheres, in the agent-principal relationship, and is about to become, self-consciously, alive, pubescently and long-lastingly, on periodic heat.
    Meek people live our own lives according to our own assumption(s), and try to learn wisdom, for living better, from reflecting critically on our misunderstandings and mistakes, and those we see that others make. We go out of our way daily to do and request good deeds for and from earthlings who for us represent our god,
    Self-righteous people are one-yed and don’t do this but enforce their established ways, judgmentally, onto others by violence, i.e. the violation of personal self-sovereignty. such as was the twin towers aerial attack, intimidation, torture, such as waterboarding, sleep deprivation and solitary confinement as in the confines of the gitmo concentration-camp, hurtful-harmful punishment and ruthlessness, hypocritically. They burnt witches, and faggots, didn’t they, and do much the same. with divergent thinkers, if they catch them, like they bushwacked osama, like one of them did jesse james, without his guns, today!
    Their days, as typified by turds like obama, cheney and osama, and as predicted by the gnostic seers like jesus, are now at last dead and done.
    So saith this grey bearded, bare footed, baba of the magic garden, urliup road, bilambil, down under in australia, where he, his friends and this neo-gnostic ideology are under their last attack by, some of, those conspirators, who are enacting their versions of yesterday’s roles and who’ll get their just desserts, as evolution ends today.

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