The Apocalyptic Family

Discussion in 'Discourses in the Council of Thuban' started by shiloh za-rah, Apr 10, 2014.

  1. shiloh za-rah

    shiloh za-rah Planetary Rebirth

    My Posts
    Posts: 2219​
    Shiloh - Posted Sep 16th 2010

    Dear Doug!

    Your FP article: "The Apocalyptic Family" is reproduced and linked on

    Gins Up!
    Stanley Kubrick's Black Monolith aka the Warptimegate is being reconfigured from within. The 2001 Space Odyssey had left the Lunar Basin in December 2004 and will reach Jupiter in April 2012. All the Hells of Pandora's Box will then be able to release their Klein-Bottled Genies from the Opaque Prism of HAL's Selfprogramming!

    [ ]

    Externalised Forward Timepath to December 8th, 2004→ [Opaqueness-Transparency]→Internalised Forward Timepath→[Warptime Mirror of August 4th, 2008]←Internalised Backwards Timepath←[Transparency-Opaqueness] →Reemerging Externalised Forward Timepath from April 1st, 2012.

    (This is symbolised by the Monolith in Stanley Kubrick's '2001: A Space Odyssey'. The black rectangular prism is the 'warpzone' opaque from outside and impenetrable; yet translucent as say two inside mirrors dividing the lightpath from the reflective inner surfaces. The 'warpzone-prism'' or Stanley Kubrick's 'Black Monolith' aka the Warptimegate is being reconfigured from within. The 2001 Space Odyssey had left the Lunar Basin on the Moon in December 2004 and will reach Jupiter in April 2012 as two boundary nexus dates. All the Hells of Pandora's Box will then be able to release their Klein-Bottled Genies from the Opaque Prism of HAL's Selfprogramming! All enabled to 'enter' the warpzone, will then become resonant for multidimensional timetravel !

    And of course a non Kubrick sequel '2010 - The Year We Make Contact' hints at the esoterica of the creative inspirations with regards to the timeline of the Cosmic Logos.)




    by (Dr) Doug Ogilvie (9/7/10) DOUG OGILVIE Died Peacefully at Raffles Aged Care Facility on 21st November 2011. Aged 81 years {February 9th, 1930 - November 21st, 2011 at 11:30 (+11UCT)}. Formerly of Bilambil. Doug was dearly loved and will be...

    han, doug, neil flanagan and tie dao at bilambil, september, 2010, as they meet to change the world. cheers, doug0 xxx
    homepage- dougogilvie.netfirms,com
    snailmail- magic garden, bilambil, 2486
    homephone- 0755909825
    mobile- 0427059810

    1. OVERVIEW. Actung!What's happening to the world? Although most of its citizens don't have a clue, give a damn or know it yet, we have begun the violent end of an era and the beginning of the, much better, one that's next; wherein nationalism, ecclesiasticism and capitalism will all be dead and gone and gnostic anarchism will be the order of the day. This envisaged metamorphosis entails an act of natural selection and global quality control that is unprecedented, as a type, in the history of the earth's, emergent, evolution which includes the evolution of generic man as the current phylum, on earth, of the deciduous tree of everlasting Life. Human beings who are unfit for survival, because of their unadaptive nature, and obsession with possessions, are already being axed along with their dependents, including those who are children and so in need of special care, as the earth is purified; which makes pregnancy and child-breeding more problematical than they have ever been. It's mainly a revolution of good, anarchic, versus bad, fascist, relationships and interactions that will rip the civilised world apart, and kill off the half of us who cannot change, appropriately; within a year or two.
    During the bad-old, winter-like and child-like, era we have normally known the living God, Nature and/or Heaven, even if by other names, as our accommodating Context and/or Whole, of which/whom we are a consubstantial-knowing part. However this knowing has been imperfect, because of our hypocrisy, or mental immaturity, which includes making false assumptions and believing in non-sequiteurs,and so we've not known her, convivially, as the Person or the Family who is our most important, and potentially helpful, relative.Hypocrisy is mankind's deadly sin or childish foolishness while our other faults, such as violence (the violation of adult self-sovereignty), theft, half-truths, bad-laws, lies and the loveless attitude that causes a billion people to go hungry-thirsty every day, because others consume more than their fair share of consumables, such as energy, are its signs, symptoms and/or logical sequiteurs.
    Soon, as She becomes seasonally alive-awake, on periodic heat, the Apocalyptic Revelation will enlighten us and enable us, if we are spiritually attractive because of being spiritually meek, and not self-righteous, in terms of the life stories we compose and live, to know, and be known by, her convivially, in/as the status-quo post of dynamic peace, perfect paradise and consensual diversity. In this, radically, new regime, i.e. the universal-love economy, we'll be self-governed by the golden rule of true, agape, love and everlasting life as these ideas are defined, truthfully, in the, eclectic and holistic, Wisdom lexicon. At the same time self-righteous pricks, of both sexes, who cannot mend their, wicked, ways by ending their hypocrisy, and fear, which requires understanding, adopting, obeying and enacting, as one's everyday way of life, the golden rule of universal love, are damned to violate our basic rights and die, not worth a brass razoo or tinker's curse, during the transformative change to mankind's adult, imago, state; which already has been begun, precociously, by some.
    The best preparation for living in this brave new world of selfless love is to improve one's friendship network in terms of numbers and diversity, and other qualities such as variety of interests and talents, including living a life of mutual aid and voluntary simplicity like Gandhi, Diogenes and other anti-capitalists.
    The old days and ways of romantic-reproductive-sexual love (like casanova's lust) and parental-childish, including lord (like dalai-lama, krisna, yahweh, allah and lord jesus-christ) and devotee-disciple love, and love of locations, possessions and abstractions, are now dead and gone or going fast, and a new, agape, type of love for a new, anarcho-communistic, type of world has been begun, by those who are not doomed to die and become, with the rest of their self-righteously hypocritical species of corporeal life, extinct. This true, sacred and platonic sort of, love need not entail the emotions of either mundane sex, marriage or parentage, although occasionally, sometimes incestually, it can. In the new regime that follows the apocalypse for some and their doomsday for the rest, the sense of, good-quality, logic, or knowledge of the Logos, precedes the relevant action and emotion, altruism is recognised as being, paradoxically in terms of the old, dualistic, lexicons, the best means of expressing egoism and the logic of her Law (of pay-back poetic justice) is recognised to make the living System, of living systems, that we call the World and/or the Word, everlastingly sustainable, albeit seasonally changeable.
    So let us now, as one global family of beloved-loving peers, deny the reality and legality of reified and deified abstractions, such as lord gods and corporate nations and their institutionalised roles, such as king, parson, treasurer and president, whereby the sinful serve the needs of hell and the devils who, in roles of managerial authority, rule that wretched regime, dictatorially as distinct from consensually, win the final battle of the good versus evil war and, by this last quantum leap, bring our, exponential, evolution, including its cerebral development, to its intended, climactic, end of neo-gnostic peace and democratic anarchy. Let's drink to this last revolution, comrades, turn our drinking glasses down and then go for broke to score a world-wide victory; while the others stew, fart and fry in their own, self-righteous, juice, because of the bad, tough-tittied, luck of their, unpredictable, genetic inheritance or parental sex-act draw.
    2. THE PROPOSITION . Hi. What follows is an explanation-exposition of a revolutionary new idea combining three constituent ideas; anarchism, holism and neo-gnosticism. If the text is too hard for you to understand then you might pass it on, leave it on a bus seat or ask a friend to explain the guist of it, in four-letter words, to you.
    The proposition proposes a philosophy, religion and/or ideology which resembles, more than most, that of l'internationale, composedby eugene pottier in 1871. The similarity isbecause we both say; ignore the trivia, comrades-citizens, do what matters most, man the barricades, fly the, black, anarcho-communistic flag and the last fight let us, with courage, foresight and panache, fight. The main problem that we, les modern miserables, face, I say, is mankind's biggest; which is bigger even than the oil spill in the gulf and petraeus's in the mountains of afghanistan, which makes us highly ambitious and ultra optimistic; more so than the dominants and their submissives of the normal, wicked, world of mammon and/or babylon. Like those of theirs and other, lesser ones, our problem can only be solved by being truly understood as one coherent whole. This requires logical analysis and synthesis, of both anecdotal and scientific evidence, integrated in a, new, holistic-global way; i.e. a change in human consciousness that, viaan apocalypse, or mental metamorphosis, enables a better type of relationship (aka "true love") to link together all who successfully make the envisaged, higher-heavenly, grade, of gnosis and/or enlightenment, and so "can live in love, in our imago state, like anarchistic gods and angels can co-exist convivially in the state of perfect paradise; which means both in a rule-bound regime and with a meaningful-emotional feeling, both of which are good".
    This may sound over-optimistic to pessimists, such as those in the spy agencies of the nation states, who expect more-worse of the past until they die. However as a quantum leap in evolution, both cerebral and societal, to "a sustainably new manner of thinking" (videalbert einstein), as god-men or nefilim, it is the only way to go and not become extinct, as their species soon will be; as dead as neanderthals and dinosaurs that, being unadaptive, inflexible and over-rigid in their ways, couldn't change those ways to cope with a seasonal change of their contextual whole, Nature, when this, as a challenging-testing opportunity, occurred. A problem for them is that the presence of we ambitious mystics hinders their mundane aspirations and operations because of the example we set as we serve-worship a natural Heaven, including galaxy and solar system, as our homeland-home, where we as spirits-roles began our lives, more than a manufactured nation such as those they idolise, and as a consequence of this, radical, difference of opinion-attitude-identity they feel compelled to make life, and death, tougher than it has, otherwise, to be for us. They persecuted and killed socrates, jesus and other good guys, including gals, for being different, albeit meekly non-violent, didn't they, and still feel justified in doing the same, self-righteously, today!
    In them, aggressive-possessive, animal genes are dominant, whereas angelic genes, which make further evolution possible-natural, are predominant for us. This is a difference in type of person caused by chance, at sexual conception, not personal merit earned by hard work-effort later on in life. The talents needed for success in the ancient and modern worlds will not be valued much tomorrow when, following a judgment-assessment, change of season, day, nothing, on the planet, will have stayed the same and we'll live in a brave new world of universal love, eternal life and/or consensual diversity.
    Our common predicament can't be ended by more violence, ruthlessness, laws, prisons, cannons or cossacks in the streets; with people knowing what, and how, we know what we know today. The animal-type of consciousness that causes the Problem, including its voluntary servitude, pandemic violence and hierarchical dominance, can't solve it, but, possibly with cosmetic changes, may help to continue, disguise or repeat it for another year or two until it is solved by other means. Although a few get close, nobody I know yet, or know about, thinks like this, and believes, like me, in the inevitability of a fundamentally new, anarcho-gnostic, ideology for a better-new society and a better-new, angelic-type, humanity, and are working hard to bring it all about. However such seers must be out there somewhere if what I believe is true and real and not just an idle fantasy. Few, I know, even contemplate the possibility of a paranormal social-intellectual order; of Heaven here on earth and round about. Those who do, claim no credit for constructing, building or maintaining the present shit-house world, or global status-quo, called corporate civilisation, imperialism, mammon, babylon, hell, the underworld, nationalism and/or capitalism, wherein money and/or money lenders, or credit creators, including money changers, and their agents, not only talk(s) but rule(s) and regulate(s) the pecking order roosts. However while we live we do hope, before we die, to help God bring the established neo-fascist system (videthe Sex Pistols' banned anthem-song in 77) down, like jack the giant-killer,with his little axe, in the metaphorical teaching-myth, brought down his beanstalk-tree, mainly for his poor-widowed mother's benefit, and consequently his.
    Any system with a beginning has an ending and, as a political economy, capitalism began, with nationalism, scientism and protestantism, around the north atlantic, with the end of feudalism, three centuries ago, morphed from the laissez-fairetype into fascism, 80 years or so ago and is due for ending, violently, now.
    Capitalism has become a whore-harlot house in which normal people work in worker roles for, or as, pimps, madams and ponces, in managerial roles, and, by doing so, prostitute their god-given talents, including, but not only, those of sex and management, for a material, money-measurable, reward. "Babylon the scarlet harlot" may be an insulting name for some, self-righteous, babylonians but it is a meaningful metaphor, depicting the, corrupt-corrupting, nature of normal, capitalist, society, for anybody who is, even a little, cluey, wise or, as an insider, in the know. Apart from charity, the users-beneficiaries should pay the cost of what they get or the transaction is uneconomical, and the supply-demand forces of the market are not free; which in international capitalism is commonly the case and a cause of that system's imminent collapse. Sex, money and power-over-others, in contrast to agape friendship-helpfulness, which is limited only by the golden rule and benefits the, heavenly, gods as well as the direct, earthly, participants, are bad motivations in all situations for everyone.
    Human history, which is designed to repeat its lessons, including this one and those of folk songs, nursery rhymes, fairy tales, the 1923 hyperinflation in the weimer-german republic, picaso's guernica and hawke stabbing hayden in the back, until mankind's, final, judgment day, is at its critical turning-point (videFritz Capra). The die is cast. The end has now begun. Complete revolution, not just partial-parochial reformation, will now change our customary, neo-fascist, way(s) and begin a radically new regime; of neo-gnostic anarchy, somewhat like the paris communards and others such as some basques in spain have tried, for those who can prove our fitness to survive the, violent, end of corporate managerialism and reach our adult, imago, state of universal love as high-class communalists and/or one-earth anarchists. Without this change in attitude, world peace is impossible because, in corporate civilisation, there is no, universal, justice, equal freedom or common wealth but much, increasing, decadence, injustice and discontent that causes violence. But, only, with this change it is. Without it, catastrophes already underway, both natural and artificial, will render mankind extinct, in what is already the sixth mass extinction of earth-based species, by 2013 a.d.. To judge by the exponential nature of our, two-way, progression, especially, in one way, in terms of internationalisation, or world-wide diaspora from our origins in the rift in africa, scientific-technological invention, holistic thinking-reasoning (of which James Lovelock's deep ecology, with its Gaia hypothesis, typifies the type) and narrative-language development, and, in another way, pollution, including population, erosion, industrial-garbage and carbon-gas emission growth, since the tribal days of 40,000 b.c. which, as nomadic hunters, fishermen and gatherers, we homo sapiens sapiensshared with neolithic-neanderthal man, the, predictable, split-end of evolution, as fruition for some and destruction for some others, is very nearly nigh. Those people obsessed with the good-beautiful side of life, and their good luck in being privileged to enjoy it more than most, are just as wacko, badly biased and one-eyed as those who can only see the ugly-bad-unlucky side. The past, both good and evil, has been essential for the future's imminent-immanent fruition and extinction, and we can learn from both. This two-part type of end is, and has always been, logically inevitable and explicable and hence predicable in terms of abstract types of event, season and character, by those, clear-free thinkers, who could learn to know the logic (i.e. Logos) of universal Life, albeit not in detail such as anno domino. A good theory of human nature is essential knowledge to be known for human salvation. Primitive human-nature, including its mistake-making tendency, will cause the final war of armageddon which causes bifurcation which precedes human unification-adulthood and this has already been begun.
    Because of a deep desire to both witness and, actively, participate in this great, life-changing, happening, as a participant observer, I would not be dead just yet, as distinct from physically and intellectually slow and handicapped, for quids. The cleaning-up and collapsing of, man-made, society have already been begun; albeit not yet conceived in this life-changing, menopausal, way, like a natural change-of-life or mid-life crisis, or coming-out debut, by anybody I sup with and know. This great idea is being especially rejected by those political animals who still believe, and help enact, dim-wittedly, the illuminate's social-engineering, civilisation-building-and-maintaining, job and dislike being criticised, e.g. full-mooned, for this by those of us who don't and know we never will.
    The problem? We don't know how to be good friends, let alone good lovers, on a big-universal, as distinct from minor-parochial, scale, which we do in our ticky-tacky boxes, both urban and suburban, including those in high rises, on small acreages and in trendy eco-villages, with locked gates, guard dogs and no-trespass signs. Moreover, most don't know that this is the main problem-predicament we all face. Our other problems are, consequential, symptoms of this, self-obsessive and atomistic, cause. Token charity, given occasionally, self-righteously and selectively, as it is by means of philanthropic hand-outs and granny-welfare states, does not disprove the point, and normal love affairs, including adolescent blow-jobs, and casual affairs, in couples, harems, cliques and corporations are a different can of worms from what we mean by saying this. Goodness in other specialities, such as motherhood, mathematics, academic scholarship and computer-rocket science, has no, significant, relationship with this unfriendliness, or love starvation, from which we all suffer, fatally; but which some of us can cure, are curing and will cure within a year or two; by adopting the golden rule as our, new-age, angelic, way-and-code of sacred sex, universal love, everlasting life and zero population change. "Golden", in Wisdom, including that of speculative alchemy, is a simile-synonym for "good", "holy" and/or "the very best" in lesser lexicons.
    Goodness means living a life of consensual agreement, cooperative anarchy and/or multi-partner partnership whereby particular laws and implementations are only legitimate if they are unobjectionable for everyone who feels effected by their, implied, if-then consequences, which requires the exclusion, by excommunication or extermination of those who can't understand and live, "pure of heart", by this holy code of good relationships and so, if they live, screw things up for everybody else, as well as for themselves. In opposing us, our foes criticise our key ideas after taking them out of context and using their, different, definitions instead of using ours, for misunderstanding what we mean by what we say, and so telling part-truths, half-truths and damned-outright lies about us and our, high, ideals. They commonly misreport-misinterpret what we mean by "building straw houses" that they then, self-righteously, blow down; as if that false fantasy of theirs disproves the reality of what we have proposed. They use phrases, slack-mindedly, such as advocating "traditional values" (female circumcision?) and the virtue of "hard labour" (by galley slaves?), that can mean almost anything that suits them; to win arguments rather than solve practical problems and predicaments; all of which are, also, theoretical.
    What precedes and follows in this epic-epistle is counter-conventional, not counter-intuitive; in the wise meaning of the, symbolic, words. The basic proposition is iconoclastic, messianic and eccentric; which makes the view expressed different from normal world-views, both progressive and conservative, including those of tribalism, imperialism, feudalism, capitalism, socialism, nihilism, feminism and ecclesiasticism. The postulation denies the inevitability of natural entropy (videNewton's second, thermodynamic, law) and, involuntary, human-death for every human being; although it does entail an apocalypse, i.e. an, unprecedented change of mind, or mental transformation, for some, who can help one another to do this as a global group in anarchistic solidarity. We must "transform or die!" as teilhardians say; to papists, proddies, politicians, pundits and the rest, who normally ignore, self-righteously, the good advice they, gratuitously, get. We've reached the optimum, population, size, of 6.6 billion, and the galactic, change of season, time, when, following a global war of armageddon, the age of aquarius dawns, for the end of evolution, the bifurcation of the human genus, into its good and evil halves, the disintegration of corporate civilisation and the dawning of the new, anarchic and post-modern, golden age; the status-quo post period for the good half of the human race. These are we who, by doing the will of God, by sheer will power, will prove our fitness for the privilege of not being slaughtered, wiped out, barbecued and/or holocausted with the, closed-minded, other lot; who cannot change their puerile, technologically-clever but spiritually-foolish, ways and so are damned-doomed to die, unenlightened, within a year or few. They are not only the six percent who own-control 60% of their world's material wealth, persuasive influence and political power today but also the rest who think, pessimistically, that this, gross, inequality is a, tolerable, reflection of a human nature that is evil and will never-ever change.
    The, archetypal, window of opportunity has opened, briefly, for a year or few. Our, bipolar, options are to see, and end up in, either mud or stars. Those who are, metaphorically, ascending, enraptured emotionally, up the stairway to Heaven and/or the cyclically-living God(s) are the spiritually meek and mystical, no matter what religious or irreligious movements we are members of or not. Our rivals' propositions, both theistic and atheistic, are part of a divine conspiracy, masterminded by the gods and enacted, dim-wittedly, by the worldly-wise illuminate, who may belong to freemasonry, rosicrucianism, the bilderbergers or some other, self-righteously elitist, brotherhood-fraternity of hierarchical-exclusive master-men, including butch-type women such as sarah palin and julia gillard are for the puppeteers who pull their, puppet-dancing, strings. The classic con-job is designed for fooling, with a sense of self-importance, the, spiritually, unfit runts of the human litter and ending any possibilities they may have of attaining, and so ruining, for both themselves and others, the high-heavenly estate of good health, real wealth, true love and free, informed-adult, choice. This is a bit like spiders do when they use a sticky web for catching-killing bugs, while not prohibiting the breeding-multiplying of them and other pests before they have served their, reproductive-multiplication, food-chain, purpose and their elimination, as a species, has become a, logical, necessity by means of an act of natural-selection by Nature and/or God; such as can be a sea and/or global-climate change.
    All, subjective, ideas and all, objective, things can be used in either of two ways, spiritually speaking, depending on the motivating reason; which can be either good, from a divine-sacred point of view, or not.

    By being human we live, as role-playing characters, in a meaningful context that is both a universal narrative and a structured universe; self-composed, metaphysically and physically, in terms of universal Wisdom; which is the language of God and her, constituent, gods, including galaxies and solar systems. Each of us is entitled, and obligated, to make an informed guess (or accept another's guess) concerning the best set, dictionary or lexicon of definitions for the abstractions that we use for understanding what this, ground-figure, context-text and object-subject, situation is and for deciding what to do, and not do, while we are conscious of being constituents with and inside it. These, theoretical, assumptions can't be proven or disproven except by judging, the quality of, their practical results and nobody has yet got their gambling-gaming skills 100% correct, in an archery-roulette type of contest wherein near misses by inches are no better than are big ones by a mile. However that, colossal, mistake-ignorance of ours is due to change, in a great uprising by the world's fittest species that's, unexpectedly, surprising for the other, unfit but less miserable, species of, generic, Man, on the planet now. Are you, as your top priority, with us, helpfully as fellow-sufferers and good-helpful friends, of a transnational and/or universal family-group, committed to mass enlightenment by means of an apocalypse, or not, which would mean you are against us in the role of careless indifferent or foe, as we make our final move to get back home where we belong, and where our roles, as children of one God, began. This is to pristine Paradise, in anarchistic Love, not under the devils' spell of dominance, dominion or control as everybody is on earth today, and has been, since the pre-urban, stone-age, days of long-millennia ago when we began living in abstractions that we imagined and reified as real.
    From then we've evolved, exponentially, through tribalism, imperialism, feudalism and capitalism, by ever shorter-faster cycles or statuses; until half of us are nearly ready now for a massive morph to a, climactic, time of anarcho-communism enthused by neo-gnosticism; a liberation from witch doctors and their invented abstractions, such as tribe, chief and nation.

    From our neo-gnostic perspective and/or neo-pagan point of view, an unprecedented, transformational and global, change has been, unstoppably but explicably, begun, although many people, like dead mullet on the beach, don't understand what's really happening to them and why. The facts? The old-cold world, characterised by reified and deified abstractions, violence, hypocrisy and a neurotic fear of stranger-danger, i.e. xenophobia, is ending in the final solution, which includes a mental-social-ideological revolution. At the same time the new world is beginning to take shape as one characterised, instead, by the agape-universal love of God (i.e. the All, who, being omnipotent, can be whatever She may wish herself to be, including anybody's perfect-silent Partner in a two-part, man-god, subject-object, enterprise) and all one's, meek-minded, fellow men whom we are conscious of being related to as spiritual kith and kin. God is knowable by mankind as the Logos and/or Word, i.e. a static mind, logical statement or set of, meaningful-emotional, ideas, and/or as a contextual tale of, changing, materials which, as repose and movement, need to be harmonised as two complementary aspects of the omnipresent, mind and matter, One. Because of being accommodating more than travelling She is, mainly, feminine in, spiritual, gender, in her relationship with constituent, bisexual, in biological gender, Man, which makes a life of sacred-chaste sex, or holy-erotic marriage, including what normals, being wowsers, will criticise, before they die, as wantonness and kinkiness, possible, with enlightenment, for both She and we.
    The human problem is being solved, immediately and logically, using state-of-the-art, holistic and high-tech., reasoning; although the solution will only benefit the, spiritually, meek and gentle souls among us, i.e. those who can learn to live and play together, self-governing, by God-and-Nature's golden rule, or natural order, of universal-platonic love and/or consensual diversity. Whether they are regimenting-regimented governmentalists, like most journal-blog-news editors, who are obsessed, when culling submissions, with marketable style, popularity and personality more than substance, truth or consistent logical principle, or lawless libertarians, or a confused-confusing mix of both, the residual-rest belong, while they still live, here in hell-purgatory, on earth; wherein we are governed by devils (aka "managerial authorities" and "control freaks") using lots of laws, norms, rules, codes, conventions, mores, protocols and precedents that are not only different from but often contradictory to, Heaven's single-simple one. The point(s) at issue is the quality, such as hindering-fearful or affectionate-helpful, of our personal relationships and the best meanings, in terms of logical quality, for the abstract ideas, which are generally adjectives, adverbs and abstract, including common-collective, nouns, telling of qualities, like "goodness", "love" and "godliness", that we use in composing-interpreting our life-stories, i.e. Spirits. The best type-set of these ideas is holy-whole, not incomplete, truncated or fractured, in terms of characters, roles and relationships, such as are corporate hierarchies, competitive anarchies, and self-deceptive hypocrites.
    The human problem is less one of numbers-arithmetic and more a narrative-language one, of not understanding the, true, meaning of the, originating-autonomous "I am" Word and the endless tale it tells, authoritatively and autobiographically; as "I am God, and/or Heaven, the, cyclically-living, One and only everliving All of everyone". The other, apparent, problems, such as mankind's economic, political, criminal, financial, medical, marital, pollution, addiction, over-population, unwanted-pregnancy, fossil-fuel, injustice and religious ones, are really symptoms of one basic problem; which is our misunderstanding of the nature of the, everlasting, Truth. The truth seeking, or raja yoga, job, for those who assume this, best, occupation-role, is to compose-interpret the best, aesthetical, including ethical and logical, story as our ever-living Context, and to live, righteously, rapturously, healthily and happily, with cyclical longevity, the best role we can enact with-in, and on behalf of, this archetypal, living, tale.
    In order to do this successfully we all need to change, radically, by ending our addiction to hypocrisy, which is the fatal human sin, and so beginning to be self-governing, instead, by the golden rule of universal love, which hypocrites don't do because, while they're hypocrites, or faulty reasoners, they, being ill-equipped for this all-important problem-solving job, can't even understand the true meaning of the words, let alone enact them as a way of being alive. This, mental purification-clarification, will enable us to join in, fully fledged, the perfect-playful Partnership of the one true God and Man. What a wonderful way this will be to live, including love and otherwise play, self-responsibly, one day, between times for resting, at a time! The more helpful we can be, including the more-and-better can be the meaningful coincidences we perceive and acts of random kindness we enact, and get, the better off, as a species or family, we increasingly kind and generous individuals will be. Paradoxically, if we ignore our interconnectedness, the more we help the Other the more we help ourselves. Morality derives from logicality. Mammon is an analogy, metaphor or parody of Heaven, and so the better we understand it as the first, womb-like, world, of regimented chaos, wherein we are passing by and through, without being attached to it, as permanent home and garden, the better we can prepare for graduating to the next and better, higher-status, one, of consensual-democracy, diversity-anarchy and/or mutually-helpful individualism; Nirvana in the hindu-wisdom lexicon.
    A man is part of a contextual whole, who is his god, which is a hard, holistic, idea, needing broad experience and much critical-reflection, to grasp. From being attachments whereby God can know herself, we're designed, with enlightenment, to become conscious of being superhuman gods, or man-gods, ourselves. When we develop this best, possible, relationship with one another and with God, who is the whole of whom mankind is meant to be a consubstantial, coordinating-knowing, including thinking and copulating, part, we'll be like gods who are entitled to receive aid, including guidance, from and obligated to give aid, freely and unconditionally, but not parentalistically-patronisingly, like compassionate conservatives sometimes do, to other family members, but who interact differently, contractually, with outsiders-deniers who don't know of their divinity, talk a different lexicon, walk a different way and can't be trusted to be truthful, honest, helpful, accepting, forgiving and kind; living in multi-partner partnership, self-governing by the golden rule. We treat outsiders, as a general rule, carefully and non-violently but otherwise as they treat us; which is what God, being fair, square and on the level, does with everyone, including us.
    There is, to be, zero tolerance of negative emotions, such as fear, anger, angst, anxiety, despondency, sadness and ruthlessness, which exude-absorb negative-bad vibes from, like positive-good vibes are also expressed-felt by, the hearts-or-nuclei of living cells, discs, orbs, beings, happenings and spheres, in this, heavenly type of, multi-partner Partnership, which is the telosof the earth's, and her solar-system's, evolution to her season of flowering-fruition, or cyclical completion. This developmental process is both natural and divine; a teleological-intentional process, in case you didn't know and think Life's meaningless; a miraculous-purposeless accident, beginning with a big bang by dead matter forming into cells that, magically, as if in a mandrake comic or a fakir's fake-illusion tent, become energetically alive, until ended by the decadence of newtonian, closed-system, entropy. This strict naturalisation requirement, or immigration policy, excludes, at the border-line, most families of potential immigrants, including the ruthless-atheistic "communists", whose falsely-named and permanently-failed regimes, in the past century, left 150 million, commies and anti-commies, dead, and all other sorts of, self-righteous, social engineer or rip-off merchant, including those who, because of their cunning use of clever cons like vote buying, judicial appointments, cheap labour, free donations, to salve guilty consciences, intimidations, subsidies and bail-outs for the influential-powerful, including those who manage scams like hedge funds, priestly sin-forgiveness, in return for donations and hail marys, and saudi oil and so become, damned-rich, palatial-living, millionaires. Those smart operators, con merchants and wheeler dealers include those who lie about there being a, voluntary, social contract agreed to by the people, and who persuade others, self-righteously, by promising rewards as bribes, such as rhodes and nobel prizes, and threatening pain, eg. in hell, lockout or jail, as penalty rather than influence, and be influenced, meekly, by the logic of good reasoning and personal example. The fault to be addressed is in the, hypocritical, art of politics, i.e. social, including moral, mechanical, theological and financial, planning-persuading-engineering, rather than in any particular politicians, such as suffragettes, feminists, greenies, parties, programmes, plans, procedures, products or policies, all of which/whom are evil because of being unprincipled-hypocritical; unlike, true, anarchists who rule ourselves by the golden rule of Nature, Heaven and/or God. The human problem can't be understood and solved by political animals, even when aided by others who are badly-biased specialists, including lobbyists, like millionaires michael moor and henry kissinger, in think-tanks, austar-documentaries, judicial-enquiries or, expensive, summit-meetings. Peaceful remedial action, to solve this mega-problem, has always been unsuccessful-impossible; because peace activists, such as mother teresa in the calcutta landlords' slums, have lacked the, mental, tools to do the job. Given the nature of Nature, including primitive human-nature and normal human-nurture, warfare, armed conflict and suffering have been inescapable-inevitable; even by buddhist monks and nuns in sanctuaries and bored housewives on pilates in the gym. A final, big-bloody, war of armageddon, with massive collateral damage, waged between evil empires, probably the republics of china and the u.s.a., in the tit-for-tat roles of tom and gerry, and their economic colonies and subsidiaries, such as israel and iran, is, and has always been, inevitable. It is all logical and hence predictable but not preventable; in major pattern as distinct from minor details, such as date and place. We don't need a crystal ball, or high i.q. like top psychologists clam they have, but rather a reasonably reliable set of brains and memories, to foresee mankind's, divided, destiny. Meanwhile the good versus evil war, which we meek people are, at last, able and about to understand and win, is a religious, class and civil one; with all the violence and ruthlessness, such as those of gaza rockets, killings in custody and piracy-enforced blockades, all enacted by one, the wicked, many-sided, side. Given their, unchangeable, nature-attitude, the dominants, including war lords and battle chiefs, who dominate everything from big pools to little puddles, will never give up and share their lurks, perks, possessions and privileges, such as homelands, spouses, palaces and occupied territories, voluntarily; and only the, politically, naive believe, as, gullible, suckers, in the possibility of that particular, mind-changing, miracle. The beginning of the winning of the final battle of this war will be in a court of natural justice, common law and if-then logic, that some self-righteous grunt initiates against a few of us, while his boss, who prefers a quiet life, is sound, even if snoringly, asleep. During the grand-final contest that eventuates, globally and unstoppably, because of this free publicity (of we good old-little guys being bullied-brutalised, as underdogs, by big-bossy brutes with bad laws, big wigs, big bucks, body armour and big guns on their side) everybody will be compelled to decide publicly, by default if necessary, if we are fighting for the good side of mankind or not; and cop the logical consequence, either spiritual rebirth or everlasting death, of the option we each select as being appropriate for us as self-responsible individuals.
    The details of this, global, contest, that ends the millennia-long status-quo and begins the long-time status-quo post, are debatable but what we need to know beforehand is that the winning team will win because of preparing for and sharing in the, good, relationship of mutual aid and/or equal-status love; "all for one and one for all", but on a grander, less parochial, scale than even Alexander Dumas visualised, conceptualised and said, viahis queen's musketeers. This species' liberation includes using, paranormal, understandings and talents that only, enlightening, Wisdom can provide, in a corporeal reality that has become real rather than virtual, as it is with-in corporate bodies such as man-made nations, theological churches and commercial companies; all of which, like the indian rope trick and the shaman's astral travelling, are optical illusions, legalised fictions or reified abstractions-and-conspiracies.
    The best gift to give, get, pass on or share is Wisdom, or the Word; knowledge of which enables us to know and be known by God-Heaven intimately, including sexually and affectionately, in person-to-person partnership, as the angels, who act as surrogates for, representing, God, and her, representative, gods, in heaven, at a higher, spiritual, level, do.
    3. THE WORD. We change artists and/or change advocates of the new-next, heavenly, regime, on earth, believe more than most in "family values" but value most a special type of family, with relationships of a very special, beloved-loving and consensually-diverse, sort that is self-governing, anarchistically, by God's golden rule of true, agape, love. "My roof, my rule, although the outhouse is under rafferty's" our patroness says, maternalistically and with a wicked-wiley grin. This, extended-extensive, family of ours is due to inherit, freely, as the common property of a family of tenants-in-common, the earth and all that dwells-grows thereon-therein, as our family home and our, contextual, god's co-ordinated knowing organ, by 2013 a.d.; so we're wise to get up, erect, off our knees and butts, open up our hearts and minds to as many friends, of different sub-types, as possible and prepare ourselves, cooperatively and self-responsibly, for the innovative changeover, transformation or metamorphosis to this new-high-real, and democratically shared, estate. Other families who exclude us, self-righteously, from their possessions, publications, properties, assistance and acts of privileged affection, can now get well and truly stuffed; if you'll excuse the vulgar nature of the descriptor-metaphor. But you can get stuffed yourself if, self-righteously, you feel you can't "forgive us our sins like we forgive you yours, which we know are just as bad as, even if somewhat different from, ours".
    G'day. Bon jour. As predicted in someone's gnostic gospel, this author is like "a thief in the night"; an, uncelebrated, plagiarist (which will turn off those readers who need charismatic celebrities in bossy roles and bossy boots, preferably with authoritative and/or holy books, to charm, decide for, dictate to and govern, them) who is also "an open-minded codger of, broad, experience and, uncommon, understanding" (as predicted, as a collective noun, inthe gospel of judas-didymous thomas from the nag hammadi library, and called the comforter elsewhere). He, on behalf of his, anarchic, crew of cobbers, has a neo-gnostic revelation to share with those equally-common folk who know they're sinners, like he is, as distinct from righteous, as God is and vain hypocrites believe they are, but who are also, spiritually, meek; i.e. actual or potential believers in the golden, good-behaviour, rule of true, agape, love (videLuke, 6,31, and elsewhere in, eclectic, Wisdom literature). Belief in the imminence of this, apocalyptic, revelation will enable we, spiritually-meek, believers to talk, walk, sing, wine. dine, dance, fornicate, prick-tease and play, convivially and anarchistically, with one another and the God(s), which admittedly is nearly, but not necessarily, a psychotic proposition; beginning on what can only be their doomsday for the self-righteous sinners who will not (mainly because they cannot imagine, believably, the changes that this proposition means for them) change their ways which tend to be hypocritical, violent, selfish, secretive, exclusive, acquisitive, possessive, pyramidal and/or hierarchical, like baboons that, also, live and squabble in packs as hierarchical families. This, irreconcilable, difference of personal opinion about values and valuables will cause a sudden division-bifurcation of the human race, or rent the social fabric, into its good and evil halves; god-law abiding us on one side and god-law violating them, against us, on the other. Heaven is designed to then emerge, on earth, as the, resurrected-renaissanced, family home for the survivors of this evolutionary act of natural selection and global quality-control, and will then last for at least a thousand years of sacred, non-reproductive and erotic, sex and zero population change; until, instead of suffering post-coital malaise, we beloved lovers, including God, take time out and kip for liberty or rest-and-recreation leave; before we start again.

    Although this gospel, or good news, is rarely being reported in the daily, community, blog-site, social-network or church-pulpit news, the final quantum-leap in the earth's, emergent, evolution to Nirvana has begun. Many potential pilgrims, including the territorially and sexually aggressive and possessive, are gunna miss the prime-time ferry-boat; but the rest of us can-will combine, consensually, to complete the composition of a version of the best story for anybody to be authoring and enacting, 16/7, in. We will call this final chapter, which resembles, metaphorically, the ark that noah's family built for their salvation from the flood, heaven or nirvana when we do, in less than a year or two. This new, happy ending, chapter must emerge from within the present shit, as if it has evolved, naturally-ideologically, from there, as the end-aim of evolution, if it is to be believable and liveable. In doing this creative composition-interpretation, we new-age family members know that a surprisingly unexpected ending, or sudden conclusion, with a twist of, pay-back, poetic-justice wherein everybody, surprisingly, gets their just desserts, as when a ponce slips over on a tramp's banana skin, is impossible to beat; ethically and aesthetically, including comically; as a good tale-telling incident, and so we are factoring a big event of that, best, type into our, new-age, composition. Then it's, "hats off!" as albert camus the algerian novelist might say, as he said at the beginning of his masterpiece, "the plague". We change-artists of the God, i.e. the limitless One and her limited-bounded, clone-like, brood of members-parts, i.e. the gods whom She has created of herself, as limited representatives-representations, can be identified, beforehand, by our objecting, implacably, to violence (the violation of personal autonomy and/or self-sovereignty) and ruthlessness (the refusal to be friendly-helpful), both legalised and illegalised by man-made laws (videthe texas governor-murderer rick perry and most of his death-row guardians and criminals), caused by self-righteousness, caused by hypocrisy, caused by false assumptions, which is the root reason for all evil-error-terror, and by valuing the relationship of true agape-love as the basic cause of being, spiritually, healthy, powerful and/or good; like Jesus, when almost enlightened, as an adult son of Light (videthe essene scrolls), on his two-year mission was. Good laws, protecting victims from violence and ruthlessness, we appreciate and, wholeheartedly, endorse; although punishment as distinct from compulsory reeducation is not part of the divine franchise we've inherited from God and/or our preferred cup of tea.
    But it is not enough to think and talk about new, untried, ways, using deductive-inferential reasoning for the if-then logic of the conditional tense we use for imagining and understanding, and deciding. We must, also, actually enact our part in the Story we're updating-upgrading, i.e. enact our version of the messianic role; like Socrates, Jesus and the other, truth-seeking, martyrs did. If our ideology doesn't, and our criticisms don't, include an active role for us to enact as individuals then we are whingers-blamers who can safely, with our whinges, be ignored. This means we need to treat, and communicate wih, our context, the Other, with whom one is omnipresently-transpersonally in contact, as one's living, superhuman, god, which self-righteous sinners, like man-eating sharks and tigers, make difficult, but not impossible, for us, as it is for them, to, mentally, believe and, actually, do.
    Membership of a formal group-family-or-organisation, such as profession, faculty, discipline, church, empire or nation-state (each of which is, partly, "a conspiracy against a laity"), is optional for, but irrelevant to, all versions of the, self-righteous, role; wherein the devils, i.e. the evil ones, such as the governor and the high priest in that man's autobiography were, don't give a damn about the well-being of anybody else, whom they class as being different from, less knowledgeable than and inferior, status-wise, to them and those they class as being like them; of their, allegedly, more righteous tribe, cult, ilk, party, class, family, role and/or pack. In fact, membership of either the meek Family or our unmeek-unhelpful opposition, on the dark side of Life, cannot be determined by anybody's other memberships; whatever those may be. Even quakers begat nixon, henry 8 was an anglican, the hillsong millionaires are christians, the teutonic knights were christians and millionaire obama claims he is a, chicago, democrat. There's not much meaning in a, normal, name, even "rose" as the bard said, as distinct from in the idea the symbol is used, by the believer-user, to signify-identify.
    The gestation and/or education of humankind and the pregnancy of our parental Spirit and/or maternal elohim, i.e. the local, cyclically-living and currently-evolving, organic, solar-system, who, clone-like, represents the God, the El and/or the whole-holy Hologram, to us, are due to end together, in a new beginning, within one year or two from now. The truth about the mystery hidden behind the veil of death is due to be revealed, to open-minded seekers, as a logical imperative, by the mind-changing, change-of-consciousness, apocalypse; of which this epistle is a minor, torch-lamp, contributing, part. Knowing the Truth, or Wisdom, which is not significantly related to intelligence as intelligent psychologists and intelligence agents define and measure the abstract term, entails ending one's addiction to hypocrisy, with its false assumptions, stereotypes, neuroses, false dichotomies, non-sequiturs, misinterpretations, lovelessness, self-righteousness and violence; like cleaning the trash out from between the teeth or from inside the cup or garbage can or the ash out of the tray or whatever blocks the blood from flowing freely through unhealthy arteries, veins and lungs. Addiction to false assumptions-theories, like christianity and nationalism, is worse than is addiction to any substance, like tobacco, or entertainment, like world-cup soccer, poker playing, marlin fishing or the ponies that are flogged at flemington. Past failure means future failure is one of their, the hypocrites', popular non-sequiturs.
    Unrelated, other, knowledge, whether disciplined, scholarly, specialist, artistic or professional, even most mayan calendar-clock stuff these days, is not related, positively-significantly, to Wisdom and so is now ignorable, by any fool who's, even a little, wise. Both, natural, processes, infantile gestation and parental pregnancy, will end with the dawning of aquarius, in a massive gestalt-change that's real, including corporeal, in less than a year or two from now. Anybody who thinks his species has decades-centuries left to get its way of living right is like a cabbage or potato plant in that he just doesn't have a clue concerning what he thinks and talks about. In this thesis, and elsewhere, we gnostic-anarchists hypothesise the imminent inevitability of this unprecedented, sea-change, sort of happening. As the classical birth event, with its child-birth pains, birthing screams (videedvard munch) and infant deaths, the event we are imagining does not conform to any established mind-set of beliefs and disbeliefs, either secular-scientific-technical, spiritual-religious-metaphysical or transdisciplinary-catholic-eclectic (although it does include bits and pieces to be found in each and every one of them); as distinct from the new-age Wisdom lexicon, which is paranormally powerful as a means of understanding, acting, protecting and persuading. Yet some dirty-minded drongoes accuse us of being brainwashed-indoctrinated because, of our own volition, we have learnt to believe in, and serve, an unconventional type of God, the ever-cyclically-living All; which is typical of their, unwitting, use of false assumptions and, hypocritical, non-sequiturswhereby they get their conclusions and decisions arse-over-teat; completely wrong, and so end up dead as butchers' bacon.
    The event that we are forecasting, as inevitable, will be a day of, automatic, assessment, judgment and division, with a declaration of species' independence by the meek, that will affect us all, for better, by being redeemed-liberated, by enlightenment, or for worse, because of dropping dead. Other interests, such as commerce, certification, politics, car prices, cricket scores, hit lists, reality t.v. and government elections can now safely be ignored, as the old world breaks up and crashes down, but will still be taken seriously, albeit stupidly-expensively, by hypocrites of the self-righteous sort who are damned to not survive; which will be done by understanding and adapting to the, change(s), both natural and artificial, taking place. Instead of rebirthing they will die, redundant, as they are living now, within a year or two from now. "Come sweet death, come gentle rest," said Bach as some of them, as they quit the Game by going up the spout or down around the gurgler to oblivion, will also say. Good riddance to rotten rubbish, God's transformation agents say; as we take off and go the other way; from hell into the hallowed halls of Peace and Paradise, on earth.
    Mayday! In the Wisdom language, the archetypal-classical maydaysign-signal-symbol is used to signify news that's both good and bad, of new life, viaan apocalyptic revelation for the meek, and desired or undesired death, viatheir doomsday (videmichelangelo) for the rest! We face humankind's initiation, graduation, accreditation, induction and/or rite of, adult, passage test. This is a pass-fail, examination; which the self-righteous half of us, being unprepared, unlike the meek who'll pass, will fail; and by failing will, by commission or omission-negligence, kill themselves and one another of their, sub-human, species off; kaput! By the power of our, truthful-logical, imagination-understanding of our, contextual-constituent situation, because of the meaningful ideas of Wisdom that we have learnt to understand and use for this, we, the meek hypocrites, will help to bring about the, good-versus-evil, bifurcation; and make the dirty-rotten whore-house of the dirty-rotten scoundrels come tumbling down, like london bridge, tower 7 and the homes of the first and second little piggies in the teaching legend did. We need ten percent of the people to stop borrowing and so drop out of the money-debt economy, which is already on the brink of ungovernable-terminal bankruptcy and is being governed till it collapses by the, unelected, boffins-buffoons, in suits, polished shoes and ties, of the world bank, the federal reserve and the i.m.f., who have a monopoly-license from national governments to make-print money, for lending for profit, out of thin air, into the love economy, which is governed by the golden rule of true, agape, love, between corporeal individuals. When they do, capitalism, which preserves-conserves the worst of earlier isms, and not just some corporate bodies that also do, like b.p. oil, the w.h.o., union carbide and exxon, will collapse, completely, like a house of playing cards hit by a sudden gust of wind or humpty dumpty, who never became a chicken or a feather duster, falling into pieces after sitting, meditating-masturbating, up on the garden wall.

    4. CATASTROPHE. Although not a loser, like that bad egg was, I am a loner; one of the first of my, apocalyptic, tribe on earth. Apart from a lot of, relatively, minor matters, such as feeling a fondness for oysters, lobsters and king-garlic prawns, nobody I yet know, or know about, thinks like this like me, which is a sad and solitary way to be; a bit like being a bohemian-vegetarian, passing through from out of town, at a butchers' picnic-barbecue in a waspish suburb in mid-western idaho. However, at eighty years of age, I can sense (including feel and fore-see) that this aloneness is about to change; as the old world is made to end and the new world-order age of anarcho-gnosticism, and/or universal love, begins. Like a post-modern version of the mercutio character, in "romeo and juliet", I predict a fatal, prickly, pubic-pox on everyone who cannot change their, self-righteously ruthless, ways, immediately and fundamentally; especially those, of the ayn rand, president chavez and richard dawkins type, who, self-deludedly, think that they're already right in a way that entitles them to overrule, ignore, abuse and otherwise screw we others whom they think, self-righteously, are not. In attacking-criticising us, such as by censoring-arresting us, e.g. for slanderous defamation or any of the other many bad reasons they employ for getting their own way, and insulting our, holistic-anarchistic, ideology, they are also declaring war on the parental God whom we worship, trust, love, serve and represent which will raise this sleeping mother-Dragon, huffing, puffing and flaming, to resist them and protect us, from her skull and cross-bones, winter-hibernation, cave. She will do what clucky matriarchs, like boadicea, have always done in this, life-threatening, sort of situation, but better-worse than most; even post-pregnant cows, hens, queens and multi-teated sows.
    In fact, in the marrow of my old and weary bones I feel that the times, the aeon and the world are changing, radically and unstoppably; with exponentially increasing violence and rapidity. By this quickening of her unfolding She is finally becoming what She wants herself, including us, this current Time around, to be.Everything feels different, as the world comes counting down to another primordial bang and ground-zero year.Without a miracle we'll all be, as a species, extinct by 2013 a.d..This simple truth is misunderstood and/or disbelieved by those who, in the role of self-righteous sinner, think "she'll be right because she's always been right in the, recorded, past" which is both bad logic and bad history. That mistake means that they are doomed to not survive the, transformative, change that, as human adaptation-salvation-redemption, by means of gnosis or illumination (aka "the learning of, spiritual, Wisdom which equates with our final quantum-leap in cerebral evolution, and enables miraculous-paranormal talents like clairvoyance, influence-at-a-distance and prediction, of types, of event and character, to be effortlessly normal") is already underway. Most ning-nongs either ignore-deny the magnitude and humanity of God, the universal One of whom her creatures all are knowing, and some are self-knowing, parts, and of what is happening today or just "don't know what the world is coming to". So they will die as they have lived; which is slack-minded, pig-headed and pig-ignorant, but self-righteously blaming, and penalising, others, past or present, for what's bad and happening to them. Although many think they're smart, especially if they've been doctored by some dons, published by a publisher, adored by devotees, elected by a majority, appointed by other, red-tape, bureaucrats or worth a million pounds, they've all got their context(s) and hence their meaning(s) and hence their way(s) of understanding, and behaving, wrong; buttocks over breakfast time. That mental-based disorder puts them, consequently, clutching at straws but drowning in deep, spiritual, quicksand-shit, where they'll disbelieve and disregard this, good-news, gospel as the verbiage of an old, demented, fool; not to be taken, seriously, like stock exchange, bank interest, parliamentary election, school test, car mileage, commercial kick-back, real estate, national income, agistment costs and home mortgage figures are.
    Being spiritually blind, and/or wet behind the ears, the self-righteous, all of whom are hypocrites, i.e. sinners, cannot imagine-perceive that in our imago state, following the apocalyptic revelation that ends our emergent evolution, including language-lexicon development, in a year or two from now, the human race is meant to end our millennia-long dark-age and see, no longer "through a glass, or chrism, darkly" but, with crystal-clear clarity, the reason why enlightened anarcho-gnosticism, i.e. "the social order with gods but without men in ruling roles" (videthe greek "anarchos" and "gnosis" and the russian, Peter Kropotkin, who was the bête noireof karl marx and his, socialistic, crew of governmentalists), as distinct from the corporate-competitive managerialism of present and past millennia, is the only way to go. The rest we need to know for doing this; i.e. thinking beyond the square, being born again, cutting the governmentalists' achiles heel, leaving the shallows, crossing the jordan, finding the philosophers' stone, discovering the holy grail, stealing the golden goose, shedding the seventh veil, becoming liberated from the consequences of normality-immaturity-stupidity (aka "sin"), experiencing the classical change of life (which may be a near-death, including the death of a close relative) experience and so living lovingly, paranormally, "like God(s) in heaven instead of ruthlessly, normally, like greedy-dirty hogs in family sties with family ties that stink", is commentary; if we've got our language for if-then reasoning and as-is understanding right instead of garbled, as continues to be commonly the case. We gnosis-seekers, and our exegesis-explanation of Reality, will then be understood, and agreed with, by the reawakening God(s) albeit not by the self-righteous pricks, both dicks and clits, who, till they're killed off, selectively, by one another or by acts of God, will continue to be our, and their/her, mortal enemies; talking and enacting versions of, unprincipled, gobbledegook like silly geese.
    The present world is only important, like a straining-sieve, climbing-ladder or stepping-stone, for the teaching-testing-selecting entry of an elite-elect into the next one which will be a, quantum, reunion of the past, as distinct from simply a, linear, continuation of the present, which is ending, by climaxing, a set of wave-like cycles in a, conical, sequence that proceeds, with intermission stops, ad infinitum. The womb-role of the earth has been to create the man-god characters for starring, as starhumanity, in the prime-time period of, a version of, her sacred, autobiographical, narrative. Life is not meant to be easy now, in these learning-training-preparation days, but will be free and easy, for the graduating class, when we become governed by the, good, cooperative-play ethic, soon. Capitalism, the final version of corporate managerialism-cum-competition, which has extended from chief-led tribalism to taxpayer-and-banker-funded production, with its, calvinist-protestant, work ethic, acquisition-possession-greed-consumption as inspiration-motivation, and inbuilt-obsolescence, over-urbanisation, over-population, over-consumption, information-overload, deforestation, over-fishing and violence that's endemic, has lasted for more than 300 years, since the, violent, overthrow of european feudalism, around the north atlantic, the invention of the printing press and the breaking of the latin-lingo monopoly of the roman catholic priests, but is quickening-ending now; after building up, like a balloon full of hot-air, carbon-gas, piss and wind, from an expanding boom to a big and bloody bust. We gnostic millenarians perceive and believe that this termination is to be in preparation for at least a millennium of anarcho-communism enthused by neo-gnosticism; for the, meek-minded, survivors of the, catastrophic and truth-revealing, purge; which, as it happens, will affect, and is already affecting, adversely and testingly, each and every one of us; although the likes of low-taxed billionaires like bill gates, the big-dirt mining moguls and their high-priced machine-minding men (who, because of their bad attitude to the Other(s), including the natural ecology, have less hope of entering heaven than a camel has of passing through a sewing needle's eye) may do so less than most until tomorrow when, because they can't change, they die.
    The Apocalyptic Family, who think-talk like I am thinking-talking here, like the first swallow of a summer, is not one of the old-normal ones, as are the ogilvie clan, the k-k klan, the capulets and montagues, rev. joe coe's family of religious fundamentalists, the mad monk's opus dei, the tea-party people, the marist brothers, the bloody romanovs, the sicilian mafia, the chinese triads and the japanese yakusi or the other hollow-headed men of political government, but instead consists of everybody who is trying, wholeheartedly, to interact with one another, self-consciously, affectionately, helpfully, hopefully and self-responsibly, as anarcho-communists. These include, as helpers more than as saviours of we who help ourselves, the angels, anunnaki, lucifers, aliens and nefilim (vide Zacharia Sitchin), whom rael and the raelians have misnamed elohim, who have come in-down to earth, for carnal knowledge, i.e. reproductive sex, and left their signatures and fingerprints, and born-out-of-wedlock offspring, behind, before. To think that today's life on earth is the only or best type of life in the cosmos is hubris at its, small-minded, worst. What a waste of energy, space and opportunity a dead-lifeless desert like they imagine the cosmos to be would be! Partly because of their, and our, past immigrations and invasions, including colonisations, most of us, including those who class themselves as indigenous, native or aboriginal, are mixed, or half, breeds, in both mundane and mundane-celestial terms. The lucky family of the cosmos includes the spiritually meek species of generic man, on earth, who are on the verge of reaching our mature, imago, age of unity or atonement, following catastrophe-calamity, by means of the enlightening relationship of mutual aid and consensual diversity, including cultural and biological diversity (aka "anarcho-communism and/or universal love") whereby "the world will be as one". God's (aka "Heaven's") real elite, who can live happily, helpfully, simply and inexpensively, are, paradoxically, the democratic meek who, although differing in size, shape, age, colour, culture, special interests, personal preferences, such as those of food, football, drink, music, dance and mode of dress, and bodily appearance, interact as a family of equal-status, semi-autonomous, peers; with nobody, and nobody's preferences, ranked on top of, or under, those of, anybody else; unless done for a practical joke, a tease, a game or temporary fun; like puck and oberons'. All other families of Man, on earth, will be separated into their good-versus-evil halves when this, two-way identification-separation of generic types, occurs, soon. The evil ones will kill-off one another, before this end-time ends, as they did in minor massacres like the paris terror, the rape of nanking, the nazi concentration camps, the katyn killing field, the hiroshima a-bomb site, the plain of armageddon, ulster's bloody sunday and the 9/11 towers, whereat, fighting for and against different teams of self-righteous sinner, or versions of the evil empire, the warrior-reps displayed the worst of "man's inhumanity to man". Mass hysteria and paranoia will be the order of this, their final, judgment, day for them. For a time, between now and then, half of the living will, because of their pain, grief, fear and other suffering, envy all the dead; because they are, albeit not self-conscious, at least at rest in peace. The, spiritual, birth pains of the earth and humankind will be, increasingly, dreadful to bear, hear, smell and see; even though the escapism of their puerile-pathetic humour, including its sarcasm and dirty-sexy jokes, and other tittitainment-type amusements, such as vuvuzela horns and professional-spectator sport, will help the self-righteous close their eyes, block their ears or look the other way until the time comes for them to exit Lifetime's centre stage and die, having played their, necessary, part; mainly by testing our fitness for attracting and seducing God by the aesthetical quality of the life story that we each compose and offer, as temptation-presentation, to share with She; who loves good stories, for participating in, more than any other kind of gift She gets. This is why She'll help us if our story's good but ignores us if it's not. Until we win her apocalyptic-popularity contest, the devils', evil, role is just as important-valuable-necessary as is ours; for the story-play, part tragedy and part comedy, we're role-performing, unscripted-unconscripted, in.
    The contextual stage of which/whom we are participating parts is one ever-living whole, of sequential-implicated scenes. She is the holy Happening-Person (in whose, complementary, image we are made) made up of, cyclically-living, Heaven(s) and/or God(s); who need our good companionship for the climax of this cycle, but not divisive and dissonant dogma-doctrine-drama, either secular or spiritual; which is what we and they have mainly had to date on planet earth, in her past and present role of hades or the underworld, wherein bad things often happen to people who apparently are good, and good things seem to happen to the bad; all of which is very soon to end. Being, superhumanly, clever Big She can, as a privilege of divinity, enjoy both being a, autonomous, singularity, or super-person, and a, consensual, plurality, or super-family. Monotheism and polytheism are equal possibilities.
    Her sacred womb, which is the earth, is evolving-morphing now into a sacred yoni for the sacred-phallus folk, of both sexes, who are graduating to the higher, spiritual, level of living, including loving, like, and on behalf of, gods; instead of living, squabbling, killing and dying like mad dogs, red-bummed baboons and unrepentant hogs. Being fit for survival and progression, despite what the, self-righteous, mongrels do against us, to hurt or hinder us, is today's good-new news for the adaptive, potentially fit-for-survival, meek and mystical.

    5. THE GNOSTIC FAMILY, or spiritual corps, of people who share this spiritual faith in the, interpersonal, relationship of anarcho-gnosticism, is my version of the cosa nostraand their history, which is now coming to its critical incident, is the big-screen, blockbuster, movie I am living, role-playing, in. (A spirit, or ghost, is an autobiographical narrative believed in by a corporeal participant, which can be true or false).We gnostics know, from broad experience of failure-sadness and joy-success, that the best happiness is caused by making others happy and being made happy by the help of others. This means helping others, and being helped by them, when we can, but never acting self-righteously, such as patronisingly, i.e. in any way that violates another's will, causes them to object otherwise or makes them pay a price, such as rent, profit, fee or interest, above our own production-acquisition costs, for what we offer them. Our family is the species that is made up of members who are organising ourselves, consensually, as a global Anarchy, designed, as an agency of God, for promoting humankind's progression from Hell to Paradise on earth, and a good (non-quantifiable) quality of life for everyone who's fit to graduate from ugly duckling into swan. If defined as chaos, disorder and confusion, as the normals, illiterately, do, then anarchy can only be a total mess, as it would be for them, but if defined, as we do, as a people who are governing ourselves, apolitically, according to the golden rule of mutual aid and consensual diversity, then the family is unbeatable; the rootin'-tootin' best. We gnostic-anarchists believe that a belief in god, i.e. a superhuman being, is essential if anarchy is to work but we are open to the possibility of being proven wrong by good-willed atheists. Our main opponents in this, liberation, venture include those normals who, being asinine illiterates, define communism as bolshevism or atheistic socialism, and the tyranny of a majority as democracy which, as definitions go, are equally as bad as what they do with the other abstractions they imagine to be either true or unbelievable, such as god, ghost, sin, love, freedom, justice and the personal-pronouns I, we and they. They can't perceive their own faults which are much the same and just as bad as what they see and criticise in others. Those obscene-minded tossers include the oligarchs who control political, religious, commercial, financial, professional, informational, news, research, scientific, military, returned servicemen, security, criminal, artistic and charitable organisations, i.e. the super-rich, officer-class, over-lords, cult-leaders, crime-dons, masters, big-wigs, big-wheels, policy-makers, parental-figures, chief-priests, high-achievers, authorities and illuminate who, sometimes with spouses or adult children helping them, own and/or manage corporate bodies, which are really-merely illusions-delusions of the, sub-human, mind i.e. reified abstractions and/or legalised, including normalised but selfless, fictions that they imagine to be real, like inexperienced kids believe in mythological figures, taught to them by parental figures, such as tooth fairies and santa clause. These abstract ideas are artificial persons or make-believe families, believed in and controlled by, childish, egoists, that cause a virtual reality for believers to live, if we can call this living, in. Those illusions have no ego, demosor sense of self and so, unlike corporeal beings, give off no, spiritual, vibes and have no existence outside the heads of their believers, who do, including those that, as "soldiers", lapdogs, subordinates or entourage, work for, kill for or follow the directions or dictations of the leaders, dons and/or fuhrers of the fiction's ruling class. For organisation men or g-for-governmental men of that, hypocritically elitist, sort, genuine, freedom of thought, understanding and expression, including freedom of language and religion, which is a basic human right, has always been anathema; a damned-bad idea for anybody to believe, enact and publicise. However, in spite of all their rackets, both overt and covert, including the enforcement of politically-correct language, the defining of offensive-indecent language, compulsory fluoridation, immunisation, liquor-abstinence, sabbath-observance, military-service and pasteurisation, and governmental gun-control (justified by minor massacres at columbine school, by martin bryant, et al) and plans for implanting microchips in passports, identity cards and private body-parts, the New Age of anarchistic order, governed by the golden rule of universal love (videMatthew 7,12), is unstoppable, even by a modern tribe of doctor frankensteins, artificial darleks, governor blighs and captain-king canutes. This galactic-era changeover is beginning, with our assistance, down-under here among the hoi poloi, at grass-roots level, now. The tide and times, as predicted by bob dylan, some sixties sorts in bikinis and mini-skirts, the easy riders in 1969, et al, are a-changing, exponentially, and "At last we shall overcome the wicked, fascist-faustian, world of politics, i.e. violence and ruthlessness, both formal and informal, including its damned half-truths, deceits, dirty-tricks, bad laws (eg. those prohibiting the growing and the use, by adults, of america's main cash-crop, cannabis) and lies; both intentional and hypocritical".
    It's time to recognise that the good versus evil war is waged between we consensus-seeking anarchists in the centre of the field, on the high, good-logic, ground, behind the barricades, and the nihilists and social-engineers, both progressive and regressive, who, as the low form of corporeal-human life on earth, are whooping, in war paint and high bonnets, on high horses, all around.
    Our, rebellious-insubordinate, attitude illustrates the good version of the tall-poppy syndrome, in the tradition of some of the french and russian revolutionaries, and irreverent aussie-larrikins, like the jolly swaggie, who liked liberty, lamb and ridiculing public figures, was. Like much of theirs, ours is based on good, if-then, logic, as distinct from the bad meaningful-emotions of envy, jealousy and/or sour grapes that often motivate the mongrels, including some high-horsed coppers and squatters, of the, other-minded, mob. This good logic follows on from that developed by liberalising philosophers, like voltaire, rousseau (whose normal followers, according to the canadian john rawston saul, turned out to be, ideological, bastards as disciples of bright-idead innovators often do) and john stuart mill, whose ideas began, imperfectly, the modern, european, age of science, reason, enlightenment, democracy, nationalism, capitalism, industrialism, liberalism, humanism, free-thinking freemasonry and protestantism that ended over a millennium of feudalism and much of roman catholicism, including conspiracies like those of relic worship, virgin births and papal indulgences. Most post-modernists, and other scientists, today, both social and physical, underestimate, however, the magnitude of both God, the super-person, and the, world-shattering, changes that, as logical imperatives, could be foreseen long ago, and were by seers like jesus-ben-joseph, aldous huxley, john steinbeck and george orwell, and whoever composed the atlantis teaching-myth and the sorcerer's-apprentice tale. Now, as corporate civilisation collapses, mainly because its innate hypocrisy is causing violence, injustice, dishonesty, ill-feeling, theft and corruption, which is causing an exponentially-increasing loss of confidence and trust to be growing rapidly, among concerned-cynical-sceptical citizens, clients, congregations, customers, consumers, producers, sub-contractors, students, readers, pensioners, patients, taxpayers, lenders and borrowers, in most places on the green-blue planet earth today; from bankrupt greece and spain to bankrupt iceland, portugal and, where god-given time is now worth bankers' money, even galway bay.
    The means that we neo-gnostics are using, as a minority group of social-ideological, as distinct from political-governmental, activists, for attaining our end-aim of holiness, including peace with jolliness, justice, good-health, liberty, fraternity and equality, include mahatma gandhi's satyagraha; i.e. non-violent resistance, including voluntary-simple living (unlike the fascist austerity enforced by managers of corporations such as the i.m.f.) and civil disobedience against bad laws, including informal norms-mores, and illegitimate authorities, with a truth-seeking intent. We'll break, for good reason, bad laws, "which are a crime", such as was the pommie law legalising the indian salt monopoly and are those illegalising the aiding, abetting and committing, of victimless crimes such as voluntary euthanasia, the compulsory wearing of seat belts and bike helmets or home-building, s.p. bookmaking or grog distilling-and-peddling without a licence, but cop it sweet if, being careless, we get caught by sneaky bureaucrats, overzealous cops, some of whom want their cut, bad neighbours or vigilante-mobs for doing what, for us, is right. Another one, of many, derives from the self-realisation fellowship of his colleagues sri yoganandra and the mother of the aurobindo-ashram clan. With an explosive bang we are about to spit the dummy, crash through the knowledge barrier, exit our, embryonic, pisces period of corporate managerialism, fearful superstition and win-lose competition and enter the, adult, aquarian age of dynamic peace, self-confidence, universal love and/or helpful individualism. Following this, archetypal, exodus, which also is an entry to a different-better type of world, with a different-better type of nature, normality and relationship, we'll end up with-and-in a context that is not only living, automatically, but has also become self-consciously alive, autonomously awake, with a consensual demosas her multi-selved ego, and in intimate communion with, all, the graduating members of the evolving human race. The old entropical world is about to be replaced, for the survivors of the associated, natural, genocide, by the negentropical world of agape love; which includes the erotic-sacred sort of, unreproductive but unprotected, sex whereby our, normal, interactions will be not only affectionate but will also be an erotic-sexual pleasure for our accommodating god, as well as for ourselves. Anarchy, in the true meaning of the, abstract, word, is unattainable now, as in the past, when, before its time had come, communes,kibbutzim, communities, unions, cooperatives, of producers and/or consumers, and soviets mostly failed, and, by doing so, made way for chaos, and then some sort of fascism, tyranny, monarchism and/or hierarchical despotism; like that of self-righteous hoons like lenin or napoleon. However anarchy will be both normal and natural for our enlightened species of the human genus, following the completion of a colossal change of self-conscious awareness, of "what I am and what we are and what we can become"; surprisingly, for many people, and suddenly for everybody, soon (videthe works of william butler yeates who on seeing the unstoppable ending of, managerial, civilisation all around him said, half-truthfully, "the centre cannot hold; mere anarchy is loosed upon the world").
    There is one item only, because of its implied consequences, on a gnostic's bucket list. This is enlightenment which means becoming conscious, because of a sudden change of mind, of one's context as a, transcendent, super-person who's also knowing, and assisting, us, such as his abbawas, until he died, for jesus, his daemonwas for socrates, until his suicide, and their geniusis for others who can also think creatively-altruistically, and live in conscious partnership with this part-tangible context accordingly, while being charged by normal folk with being magical, mystical, marginal or mad and, like the witches and the faggots were, guilty of sedition-heresy. Our main happiness will come from knowing-serving God, the Other, following a sudden epiphany, damascus-road event, ah-ha experience, apocalyptic-rebirth orzeitgeist-change, as we, and She, define the meaning of this winds-of-change idea.
    A one-world community, or new-world order, is inevitable, following an enlightening apocalypse; before this decade ends. The options of choice are fascist-bureaucratic or anarchistic-democratic, as wisely defined and differentiated, in Wisdom terms; only one of which, as the golden age of consensual diversity, including biodiversity, is good.
    6. THE AWAKENING. In this great Awakening-Escaping, from the kali yuga, and our entry to the next, we'll resemble a little chicken that, at hatching time, sheds its primitive placenta-bag before emerging into the bright-light of day, by breaking through its, inclusive-and-protective, but become redundant, shell. Millennia of life, inside the shell, in governed corporations (aka "mon-archies", including "olig-archies"), beginning with ancient empires, and win-lose contestations (including "wars", such as the gangland wars, involving crooked cops, professional crooks and institutionalised corruption, of the yankee alcohol-prohibition era, when nobody was untouchable, and the later one declared by tricky dicky and his g-men, equally unsuccessfully, on some other types of drug) will be superseded, within a year or few, following established-civilisation's complete collapse, which has already been begun, by a new age of consensual an-archy, in which the constituents who graduate instead of die will live, convivially-cordially, in company with one another and the ever-living context who's our universal, cyclical and accommodating All, God, World, Mega-Story, Ammaand/or Mother Mind; without feeling any need for drugs, for reasons of ill-health, depression, pain or recreation, like most modern athletes, six-million dollar sportsmen, musos, bored housewives and other normal people do in these, drug-dependent, latter days of minor rebellion by means of grunge, rap, graffiti, tattoos, body piercing, cosmetic paint and powder, shaved armpits, hair coloured-perms and general, hate the natural body and normality, decadence. The intermission-transmutation between these worlds will entail both deadly calamities, including those classed as natural (including earthquakes, clouds of volcanic-ash, envelopes of greenhouse gas, shifts of tectonic-plates, extinctions of unadaptive species, global warming, polar-axis shift and another, massive, electro-magnetic solar-radiation storm) and artificial (including more carbon-caused climate change, computer hacking, an electric-power blackout, gang-land terror, road-speed hogging, looting by unruly urbanites, pornography for cash, cheque, card or kind and a multi-market crash, that may have begun with that of the lehman-brothers, of limited liability, in september, 2008 to end the managed-market cycle that began, at the crash of the laissez-faire cycle, in the thirties, and an enlightening change of consciousness (making possible paranormal (aka "miraculous") powers such as those of mental telepathy, immune-regeneration efficiency, in place of the present deficiencies, everlasting life, without reproductive sex, and material transmutation in service of the God(s). One of the two of these, including its effects, will be the dominant experience for each and every one of us within a year or two. Dependence on authorities, machines, electricity companies, money, chemicals, pills, role-modelling heroes, like millionaire-adventurer dick smith, institutions-corporations, both public and private and both formal and informal, and/or their doctrines-dogma, as distinct from mateship, Wisdom, God, Ecology and/or Nature, as defined in Wisdom's truthful way, will be a fatal flaw for the unlucky ones of us who'll die in the earth's final species-clearance, which, like the heavy rain for noah's global flood of forty days, has already been begun. There's more to be now done than singing sonnets in the rain, in eurovision, hollywood, digital, the simpsons or elsewhere on some version of the box for idiots.
    An apocalypse, or spiritual rebirth, renaissance, reincarnation or resurrection, for the flexible-adaptable half of mankind, whereby we re-learn the Truth (i.e. the true set of definitions for abstractions that merlin called excalibur) that gives us will-Power over Evil, such as disease, weariness, accident, ejaculation and death, and a doomsday, or physical death, as afterbirth, for the others, who do not, are coming in one coordinated day, or forty days, of examination, contestation and win-lose bifurcation, now. The criterion for successful separation is the ability to share the earth, trustworthily, as an ensemble of tenants-in-common, equal-status mates, round-table friends and/or anarcho-communists; without governors, masters, specialised governments or legal-or-nobility courts of any sort; who maximise, voluntarily, our freedom of choice, division of labour and specialisation of land and ocean for the common good. This means living, voluntarily, according to the golden rule of universal, brotherly, platonic, non-judgmental, unconditional and/or agape love; much as marx and engles in their communistic manifesto, jesus in his oral gospel, the merry men, including maids and crones, of sherwood forest, anaxagorous with his nous, epicurus in his fractal-logic science and others in their works of Wisdom say or said. This is the anarcho-democratic type of relationship, with a consensual demos or sense of common self, wherein giving and receiving friendship-gifts, such as full-frontal hugs, kisses on the lips, pinches on the bum, winks of friendly recognition and warm-honest-hearty smiles, are equally valued because of being equally essential for good loving to go round. This it rarely does in civilised hierarchies and special-interest factions, such as the zionist lobby and normal-formal families, whereby love is normally inhibited or pretended, as by wage slaves at the check-out counters at one-stop shopping malls, greed, envy, fear, anger, pride, habit, bribery and social status are the main motivating forces and most of what's produced accumulates as useless, and eventually harmful-costly, waste or excrement. The people with the potential to interact consensually with one another and with God in this brain-body, mortar-pestle and/or phallus-vulva way, which is difficult to imagine, i.e. conceptualise and visualise, believably are seldom celebrated as history-makers, heroes, avatars, notables or luminaries but, in the wicked word of mammon, tend to be among the homeless, poor, evicted, repossessed, foreclosed, bankrupted, pensioned off and dispossessed. Yet we do make up the, spiritually, fittest species on the planet. For this reason we will survive the end of human evolution that terminates mankind's man-made civilisation, both occidental and oriental, whereby we are designed to evolve to our mature, imago, state. In this way they will end up dead but we will end up as beloved lovers, anarcho-communists and/or consensual democrats, in the exciting-perfect world of Peace, Paradise and/or everlasting Life, on earth. (n.b., in Wisdom, which is phrased in archetypal, classical and/or generic terms of, poetical, metaphors, the conjunction "and/or" means that you can take your pick of all, some or one of the options and the statement will still be, linguistically-logically, correct).

    The difficulty in imagining the contextual whole, or ground, of which we, as individual figures, plus our external environment, are parts, at a different-better level of spiritual-consciousness from us, is great but this, holistic, part-whole, relationship is imaginable-believable, if not by everybody, at least by some, meek-minded mystics, among us. The best of both heaven and earth is our consensual-common, achieveable, aim.

    The self-righteous hypocrites, on the other hand, including those with a finger on the button, whose, collective, doomsday is at hand, and who can rationalise, slack-mindedly, almost anything they believe, say or do, or don't, will, before they die, strike out in terror-rage and try to victimise we non-violent nonconformists. Many of us they'll call terrorists or traitors, especially if we're muslems (for whom usury, i.e. lending money for a profit, is a sin and death holds no, intimidating, fear), marxists (for whom "to each according to felt need; from each according to developed talent", is the common, communistic, code), illegalised merchants, illegalised immigrants, blockade breakers or meek-minded anarchists like I am and Jesus was; despite what, parts of, the books written by the scribes and endorsed by the priests and other bible-bashers say, self-righteously, of him and what he said and did, after he, almost, became enlightened and so, in the hebrew lexicon, almost became an anointed christ and/or illuminated son of both Adam-Man and God or the Light. A new world will, at the same time, be begun by we, including some of those they blame, abuse and victimise, who have prepared ourselves for this, radical, lifestyle change, by developing the power of our positive thinking, friendly attitude and mutual aiding, both with one another and with God; the everliving-omnipotent One of whom we all are constituent, semi-autonomous, parts, of one sort or the other. The meek can empower ourselves as one people now by developing to completion the holistic (using ideas that are relatively different, in major-minor terms, such as "evil is a lack of goodness") as distinct from dualistic (using ideas that are absolutely opposite, in terms of either-or duality, such as "evil is antithetical to and cannot be a part of god") quality of our reasoning, so as to make it true and logical instead of false and fallible because of being unprincipled, illogical and hypocritical. Because of this, good-language enabling true-understanding, preparation whereby we learn to think, both inside and outside the normal square, envelope or box, in the meaningful terms in which corporeal Life, as a subjective story, and the living Universe, as an objective structure, have both been self-composed as one, real, autobiography, we will be able to survive the carnage of the final battle of an evil-versus-evil war, like the one at armageddon, like the bush dynasty's later one, including its u.n. sanctions against the people, which enabled the, scandalous, a.w.b. corruption to take place, and has been endorsed by neo-fascists like obama of chicago and blair and brown of british labour, for cheap access to oilfields and mineral mines, and for pipeline projects, in iraq, afghanistan and central asia; currently costing taxpayers a trillion dollars plus, as income for war profiteers, like lockheed-martin is, and the associated global purge that will eliminate the wicked from the earth, in the classical reversal of fortunes, or exorcism, whereby "the first, including first ladies, will end up last" and "the meek will inherit the earth from those who now are dominant". At the same time we will join in a species transformation that elevates the really righteous from the wicked world of sin and spin, or spiritual darkness, into the revealing light and erotic rapture of the, universal-living, Truth and, agape, Love, on earth; wherein money, including credit, stock, debentures, shares, gold, opals and other precious stones, is valueless, because real progress is recognised to be towards our enlightened state of universal Love and Peace, which will make all, other, good things possible, for the spiritually fit and meek but not weak, everywhere on earth.

    The suffering of the old world has not decreased, despite increased consumption of goods and services including information, since before the Buddha left his palace and commented on its prevalence. Persuasive advertising, and inbuilt obsolescence, may have, artificially, increased production and consumption, of goods and services, but the gap between the, materially, rich and poor, both inter-nationally and intra-nationally, and the size of the poor people's dissatisfaction with their, unfair-unjust, lot, is at least as big as, and growing more-faster than, ever. The difference, moreover, partly because of the free press, the first amendment, whistle blowers and investigative journalists, is no longer disguisable or sustainable as it was in the, less democratic, past.

    Those that can't see, and differentiate clearly between, two radically-irreconcilably different families of generic Man, one that is anarchic, mutually-helpful, tolerantly-accepting of non-violent difference and flexi-minded, who mind our own business, even when relating with others in other businesses, and try to do this well, for everybody's, equal, benefit, and the others who are authoritative, dominant-submissive, tolerant of violence, including capital and corporeal punishment (as distinct from institutionalised re-education, whereby we are taught the error of our ways), badly-prejudiced and closed-minded, in their relationships, are guilty of the fallacy of composition, concerning the two-part nature of generic man, and/or are spiritually blind, deaf, bad-nosed and dumb. Moreover most of them feel no need to spend time and mental-energy on developing a better type of lexicon than the one that they've already learnt, addictively, to think, reason and make decisions with. They can't believe they are and have been wrong and still are not doing, normally, the right thing. We're talking about a class war but these are not the normal classes of social-science and theology, such as haute-bourgeoisie, petite-bourgeoisie, aristocracy and proletariat or the castes of the hindu indians. The seminal difference, between meekness and self-righteousness, like other important differences in meaning, is subtle but significant. Let's strike a light, as roy rene, alias "mo", might say to stiffy at the tiv.. Let's light a candle, cobbers, and peruse-pursue this, liberating, Truth, in this, the final book by auld doug ogilvie the barefooted baba who was born at alstonville and, after working as an educational professional, is now living in bilambil; in the red-soil, big-scrub, caldera.

    This is a work that's still in progress because, albeit worn and weary, occasionally melancholy and often chronically fatigued (and enduring the occasional seniors' or "craft" moment) with most old friends now passed on, dead and gone, I am, like you; not yet either spiritually (i.e. metaphysically) born or biologically (i.e. physically) dead. These are endings that, as bipolar options, are looming on mankind's event horizon, and heading in our direction, like a two-headed genie, hell for leather, now.

    7. THE QUEST. At this auspicious time, for good enders, I'm on, but not astride, the razor's edge, or razor-wire fence; which means I'm living in a twilight and/or daybreak world of puzzlement, uncertainty and mystery. Here, as Kurt Lewin might have said; I am a participant observer who is living a life of action research, eclectic enquiry and/or exploration-detection, conducting thought, including relevant action, experiments in the Einsteinian and Conan Doyle tradition; in search of the, universal, Truth, especially an understanding of the difference between the antithetical spiritual-qualities of good and/or light, on one, the righteous, side, versus evil and/or dark, on the other, sinister, side. Of special interest is the revolutionary-evolutionary idea that there is a superhuman purpose to human history to be found, this decade, by an informal group of truth-seeking seers; made up of likeable lads, including bonnie lassies, who know ourselves as "sinners who are, temporarily, evil but, as earth-based members of the divine-universal family, are striving for our species' salvation-redemption in the, revealing, light of a new galactic Day". We have to reach this, imago, stage of goodness-godliness without self-conscious, as distinct from automatic, aid from God, but this will then become available to us, voluptuously; while others, being irreparably evil, stew in their own, froth and bubble, juice. As patronising people they may claim that they mean well by giving unsolicited, including aesthetical, medical, legal or ethical, advice-instruction-correction but this means generally that their heads are up their own bum holes admiring the view. My guess, reflecting on 80 years of living, which is a reasonably long life, as well as, but no better than, anybody else has at the time, and judging by my current aches, pains and geriatricies, is that I have six months left to do what I've gotta do, as my personal part of this, big-business, enterprise; which is to promote the, enlightening, apocalypse by composing and broadcasting the good word-oil; freely, generously and unselectively, far and wide, and stirring up, to either pro or con action, both friends and enemies. If we can't change our, managerial-competitive type of, world by then, then we might as well give up the ghost and give the game, of Life, away, jose. But, if used well, with the help of, unpatronising, friends, like kate and company have often been for me, then this might be long enough to do the job; although there is no time left for procrastination, pontification and/or time-wasting otherwise. It's time to strike while the iron's hot to hit the bulls-eye spot and collect the winners', rather than a booby, prize; if, despite the objections of the pedants, we can mix the metaphors again. The completion, with confidence, of this final version of my epistle, and then the publication of its message, may be the best thing I can do for anyone, including God, thee and me; especially as mankind's civilisation, as we know it, has less than two or three more years to go, before collapsing in fire, chaos, a pile of dead-broken bodies and a lot of debris-rubble dust.

    The speed and other narrative-aesthetical qualities, such as despondency and boredom, of my life-story's denouement these days, almost match, or harmonise with, those that society must feel around me as it goes down and out. When-if they do then we'll both break through, together, into a new beginning to a better way of living for the earth and for meek earthlings who are, repentant, sinners such as me and, hopefully, thee will be.

    Our, human, lives are lived in terms of dualisms-dichotomies, expressing perceived similarities and differences, and making interesting stories possible; the most important, and irreconcilable, being good versus evil, meek versus unmeek and yes versus no. All others are possible, including up-down, in-out, before-after and the, abstract, relationship between we, including I and thee, and they. It's time we got this, as the pattern of our mind-set, good and integrated instead of crook and corrupted, as normally, in our millennia-long immaturity, it is and it has been. Half of us can't do this because they've drawn short straws in the original drawing of the lots; and so can't foresee the imminent end of nationalism and all that goes with that, including kingdoms, commonwealths, republics and other reified abstractions such as the lakota nation and international capitalism. The godfathers, such as f.i.f.a.'s, will fight, and pay others to fight, to the death to stop this ending happening, but this time, unlike in the past, they won't succeed and we will win.

    It's time for we, the rest of us, to revive the notion of feminine spirituality by remembering that the God is El, the accommodating, limitless, All who, as "the hostess with the mostest", consists of, membraned, gods, or elohim, as her clone-like representatives-representations; such as our, local, solar system is for humankind and others, seen by us as stars, "steers", galaxies or constellations, are for the, angelic, nefilim, aliens or lucifers who, in god-mating season, travel, in love juice like sperm do, but not in artificial machines, like we do, as their, credentialed, messengers-and-representatives. Our, living, solar system is our local parts-whole context whose siblings are the other, self-knowable, solar systems of the parts-whole milky way, in a, sustainable, pattern of, good, relations that's repeated, spatially and temporally, ad infinitum. The trillions of, living, cells, organised systematically as organs, in the human body, replicate the trillions of, larger living, cells in our celestial body, and provide a good, learning-teaching, comparison. "Know thyself and mundane mammon if you would know your God and/or your spiritual Heaven," as the, virgin, oracle at delphi liked to say to those who asked advice.

    Thinking of ourselves as junior members of this universal Person-Family, among whom nobody is more important than is anybody else, rather than just a parochial-insular (in terms of a particular nation, location, occupation, race, culture, name, ideology, or king-chief-or-guru-led) group of concerned citizens, my mob-lot is exploring and/or enacting, open-mindedly and cooperatively, the sacred art of helpful individualism (i.e. co-operative anarchism and/or universal love, wherein celibacy, monogamy, vegetarianism, veganism, teatotalling and other types of fasting-abstinence are available options but are not compulsory requirements); including the meaning of "apocatastasis" (vide Carl Jung and the ancient greeks). This mentally-healthy attitude is characterised by spiritual meekness rather than the, hypocritical, self-righteousness that justifies their coercive-ruthless attitudes and elitist privileges such as red-carpet welcomes, private-land possession, limited liability, palatial accommodation, luxurious travel, gold passes, compulsive consumption, at long lunches and in boutique bottle, dress and beauty shops, eligibility for credit, executive privilege and immunity from prosecution, to those who think they're, already, righteous and so are entitled to rule and/or enjoy the privileges of some of their old world's, pecking-order, roosts, whereon they pour piss and shit on lesser lights. That, unhealthy-minded, attitude characterises all who think that they, or some of their relatives, by blood, marriage, knowledge, nationality or belief, are entitled to govern, i.e. make decisions for, or give lifestyle direction to, at least some other, lesser, beings, including human beings, who are less righteous, virtuous and/or knowledgeable than are they. To blame and punish or praise and reward, as is done when playing politics, both officially and unofficially, by the use of bread, crucifixions, wars, street parades, triumphal arches and public circuses, is prima face evidence of the sin of, hypocritical, self-righteousness; "the babylonian abomination in the holy place", where true love, not prostitution of talent, like call girls and other merchants, including those who are professional monopolists or short-term, high-interest, money lenders for the poor, do for profit, is, eventually, to be. The conceptualised contexts of the social engineers who enact, or mastermind, those bad deeds and dirty tricks are too small, artificial, narrow, selfless and/or unnatural to give good meaning to their reasoning which means that, in terms of Wisdom, Isis or Sophia, they are, and they stay, mad and bad. Their life-stories are, abbreviated-parochial, vignettes rather than complete, alpha-omega, stories, and they die stunted, undeveloped spiritually, like pygmy-hobbits, physically; never having joined, correctly, the dots of the universal puzzlement of which they are a part, and so solved the riddle of the angel-animal sphinx. Creative visualisation and flexible adaptation, which they, the luckless losers, lack, are essential for scoring bulls-eye bingo, or the kiss of eternal life, that ends the big mystery and/or salvation game that we're all, role, playing in; as spiritual roles rather than as material personas.

    In the Wisdom lexicon, lingo or set of meanings that we other, meek-minded, sinners use, by means of symbolic languages such as french, maths, music, sanscrit and english, the self-righteous are not, really, righteous even though, self-deludedly, most think and claim, or act as if, they are. Rather they, including those who claim to be self-made men, who are too good to need and accept charity, or too vain to ask for help from lesser-valued men, are sinners, i.e. hypocrites, like we know we also are. None has been loved as unconditionally as I was, luckily, from 67 to 93 by self-liberated liz who, in 93, was murdered near the guru's cave at mt abu in rajasthan, or been educated well in the liberal arts or in, eclectic, organisation-systems theory, as others of us, fortunately, were, at, stimulating, places like bill basset's a.t.c. and u.n.e. before the money, and organisation, men took over them. This is so even though, unlike us, they rule/ruled the institutions, including household families, commercial companies, such as gunns limited, and other corporate bodies, such as armies, navies, rio tinto, britannia, oxfam, the vatican, the knights templar, the northern alliance, hells angels, the poona ashram and the political parties of a, snafu, world that's been wicked all along but has now reached its nadir and apocatastatic, hood-circumcision, state. Left-brain, male hemisphere and cause-effect logic is dominant in their, if-then, way of reasoning. In contrast, in our family, the logic of the right-brain, means-end or female sphere, although meek, is the predominant kind that we do our best to, learn to, use, as well as we also use the other, lesser, type.

    This means that, for us, the ego, self, atman and/or soul serves, as its super-ego, brahman and/or the higher-Self, the, everliving, albeit cyclically-seasonally changing, All, who is unlimited in, potential, scope, including power, and inclusive of all enlightened and unenlightened forms of corporeal Life: which, in our opinion, is the healthy way for humankind to be. We, like our adversaries, have now reached the critical, numerical, mass whereat, in association with instantaneous, cyberspace, communication, by email and the web, the big chain-reaction, the final, black-flag, revolution and the holy-bloody holocaust are imminent, inevitable, unstoppable and immanently survivable by some; the meek who are potentially good. God and Man may have different specific needs (hers including, as a solitary, the need to be truly understood and loved by good companions, who can only be her special-purpose parts, and ours for the time, space, understanding and energy that we need for preparing for and doing this, on her behalf), but share a mutual need for mutual aid. Hang onto your tweeds; the last trump that signifies the change of season-and-regime time is not only nigh, my dears, but finally is here. Our self-enlightenment, when the Truth is revealed from our sub-consciousness, will resurrect the self-as-god consciousness of the elohim of whom we are organic, knowing, parts; so that all hell can then break loose and Heaven be revealed, to both She and we; and end her enemies, who are also ours, and the bad vibes they, because of the nasty-minded way(s) in which they think and act, create and exude, poisonously, like electropollution, for both themselves and, while we are unenlightened and so are unprotected, us.

    With our, shared, enlightenment we and She will exchange, as mutual aid, good, mutually enhancing, vibes and live in love in a Story telling of liberty and ecstasy for what seems like an, enjoyable, eternity.

    It is to our advantage that their, self-righteous, hypocrisy curses-jinxes our adversaries with a sense of pride which is a sin that, as a logical imperative, given the nature of the Story, precedes a fatal, self-destructive, fall. Theirs may include the pride, without equal shame, of nationalism (sometimes celebrated by boastful anthems, "just" wars, often rationalised, hypocritically, as forward defence or pre-emptive strike, entailing collective punishment, and invasion-day or terra-nullus parades, and called love-of-country, celebration of national superiority, patriotism or flag-waving jingoism), racism, sexism, ageism, scholasticism, intellectualism, religious elitism, exceptional mundane-healing powers or mundane-language skills and occupational superiority and authority. Despite what social engineers, of different sorts, may say, nobody deserves either praiseworthy credit, not even the managers of hedge-funds, goldman-sachs or carbon-trading scams, or blameworthy demerit, not even death-row spies, drug lords, impeached presidents and other crims, for being what they were born to be; as distinct from re-education-retraining, to stop their, anti-social, ruthlessness and improve their pro-social helpfulness. We're all, presently, at fault and need to change but no one is to blame or needs to feel blameworthy guiltiness or shame. All beliefs and customs are equally tolerable, by the wise, if they don't stop believers from becoming-being, equal-status, friends with those who don't share the particular belief with them. Everyone has some Wisdom to learn and can learn some from everyone, including what's taught by their mistakes, so that to close communication channels with anyone is to be a self-opinionated fool. However whereas must people learn lessons taught about the mundane world, those teaching of the getting to the next world are the more important ones. We each carry in our genes the unpredictable, genetic, inheritance that determines our, personal, assets, talents, lacks, persona-appearance and attitudes and, when combined with our galactic time, our final, for this god-cycle, destiny, "which shapes our ends, rough hew them how we will." This makes us lucky, if good, or unlucky, if evil, but not praiseworthy, and rewardable, or blameworthy, and penalisable, by other people or ourselves, because of what has been either our fortunate or tough-tittied luck in the, unpredictable, genetic and galactic draw. Both types of Man are equally needed in our genus's and our god's formative years, in the mundane world, although only one can and will graduate, now, in the great Awakening-Escaping to, spiritual, maturity and a better kind of world, wherein this one will be unremembered; like a bad, forgotten, dream. Voila!

    8. THE PROBLEM. What anyone perceives, and designates, as either good or evil, is a consequence of the, logically-qualitative, state of the perceiver's consciousness, mind set, lexicon of meanings and/or state of mind or mentality. Because of the quality of the mental tools we use, we can either balls Life up completely, or get it, absolutely, right. Contrary to conventional beliefs, there is no middle ground for any, meaningfully significant, which is different from statistically significant, difference in evil-good degree. We each experience, in terms of quality, a reflection of ourselves; which is quite a clever-cunning trick, for the, solitary, Dealer of the playing pack to play. This explains why hypocrites criticise others, often unknowingly, for their own types of fault which they can see, reflected back, in them, and why a time on automatic pilot allows the God who deals the, living, tarot cards to, occasionally, snooze-kip and so revitalise without anything going, disastrously wrong, because She is not self-consciously in charge. Everybody, even masters of reiki, karate, bowen therapy or speculative masonry, whose, chosen, family, lodge or reference group, is less, in size, age, power or importance, than She, the omnipotent-omnipresent All, is divorced from their true-meaning context, breaks, as a logical imperative, the logic of her universal Law and so is parochial or insular (aka "evil") in their general attitude. Normal groups such as married couples, nuclear families, extended families, racial tribes, first nations, credentialed professions, citizenship-passport nations, crime gangs and church congregations are too small, hierarchical and standardised for members to develop their knowledge of Wisdom to fully-fledged maturity. To be normal in mammon is to be mad, in Heaven's wiser terms; while being exceptionally successful is to be, if that were possible, even worse. As a consequence, normal and successful people get, sooner or later, what they, because of the, law-breaking, type of nature they express, attract; which, as death, is poetic justice at its, artful-insightful, best. The super-ego that such sinners serve, and/or worship as their god, is a version of "rex mundi". That satanic sort of superperson, can be a living lord or fuhrer such as adolf hitler was for some, a dead man, like jesus, osho or an ancestor is for others, a reified abstraction, such as a nation, like france is for the, "viva la belle france", french, or a deified abstraction, such as a lord-god, like allah and yahweh, are for their semi-faithful devotees; none of which, as an idealised idea, is, in our considered and informed opinion, very good. Some even serve two masters and others are just utterly confused! Consequently we gnostics, whose God is our contextual All, and the anti-gnostics, including those who believe in some sort of caesar's, i.e. a reified abstraction's, or a deified abstraction's like allah's, rules, perceive two different, metaphysical, worlds, like hamlet and horatio did; although we see, and coexist physically in, the same material and/or mundane one, of castles, walls, swords and cemeteries etc. Life in mammon, their mundane world, may be reasonably satisfying-interesting, in sociological terms, for three score years and ten but then becomes not worth the effort that has to be exerted by the elderly and those whom they need then to care for them.

    Because of our meek-minded attitude, we others in the Dealer's playing-pack have learnt to be anarcho-communists, which means being wary of those who, self-righteously, want to govern, or decide for, others, either adults or their own or others' children, or dumber brutes like beef or dairy cows; either legally or illegally. It is natural to have opinions but negative ones, generally, don't need to be expressed. We in the Agency are aware that those domesticators, whether elected or unelected, and their domesticating ways, are evil, hypocritical and/or wicked and so harm both themselves and those they govern-domesticate, i.e. make, dictatorial, decisions, such as defining meanings for the words that others use. Anarchy (and, unlike tyranny, there can only ever be one social-order of this, truly democratic, type) has no formal leadership-role but emergent leaders who, as first among equals, temporarily and parochially, lead by example rather than manage by direction, dictation, instruction, coercion, control or decree, do appear at times and places, with innovative ways to explore and share with, voluntary, followers; who each speak for themselves and make up their own minds. At the same time, as with many christians, some submissives may turn them, against their wishes, into over-lords or masters to be obeyed, subserviently, as distinct from understood, as different but equal. The leaders, path-finders or trail-blazers in the avant-garde, or cutting edge, of this, liberating-liberalising, Movement, on earth, nowadays are nonviolent, nonconforming, elders who are characterised by an optimistic disposition and extensive experience, including risk-taking experimentation, entailing both wins and losses and undecideds, in different types of spiritual and secular regime, as distinct from the experiential deprivation and/or spiritual starvation that the rat pack, including red necks, reactionaries and luddites, who practise biological and ideological nepotism, instead of valuing biological and cultural diversity, tend to have enforced and endured. On the verge of physical, old-age, death we are also on the verge of metaphysical, new-age, birth. Being confined, as they are, to particular spheres of information, such as that of the verdas, the orthodox-christian gospels, sub-atomic physics, americana, 1066 and all that jazz, economic rationalism, scientific reductionism, the gita or the koran is not a, spiritually, healthy, as distinct from, neurotically, inhibited, way to be. Unlike them our family is everywhere. Those confined, foetal, unextended and/or embryonic people have, in our spiritual lexicon, sold their souls to the devil, like dr faust, king midas and some other, equally silly, sinners are reported to have done. Unlike them, we think universal and act personal, if you can get the guist of this; as holistic thinkers like Arthur Koestler with his "holon" (i.e. both extroverted part and introverted whole in one) very nearly did. Believe in one God, of many gods, yes but to rely on one man's wisdom, even that of jesus or muhammed, is to repeat one of yesterday's bad mistakes.

    Long and varied experience, including a lot of self-critical reflection, has taught we anti-rats that all events, including everything and everybody, past, present, future, inner and outer are meaningfully connected in one logically-cohesive, i.e. catholic and/or universal, whole, of constituent parts, that will be understood, and lived in, adequately-enjoyably by human beings once we are enlightened by knowledge of the logic of it All; which we in the Movement expect will happen to everybody who is searching, single-mindedly and whole-heartedly, for it, soon; albeit not to others such as hermits in caves, monastic cells, ashrams or mother-superior governed nunneries, know-it-alls in ivory towers, the mentally lazy in smoky pick-up bars and others who, self-righteously, pessimistically and/or closed-mindedly, are not. Currently, as individuals and in groups, we all know parts, but none knows all, of the Truth; although, with wholehearted sharing-cooperating, at least half of us, as helpful individuals, soon, can and will. Once we learn to know its duo-principled, fractile, logic, which extends to infinity, then Life becomes predictable enough to be enjoyed like eagles enjoy soaring on a breeze and dolphins have fun surfing waves. Because of our good-quality reasoning, using good definitions, we'll then do what, and for whatever reason, She finds attractively agreeable and hence supportable; and, as her, privileged, partners-favourites, there'll be no hindering or stopping us. In company with She we'll be with the, omnipotent, Strength; and, as if in a danceland-duo partnership, will take turns with her to take the lead, as we both enjoy the good vibes that, as our patterned, electro-magnetic, chrisms and/or auras, including halos, i.e. contextual ambience or spiritual sound-odour-colour ground, we express, absorb, reflect and share, from our, pulsating, hearts and other chakras. The aura, which has both clockwise and anti-clockwise vibes, links living figure and living ground in a perfect or imperfect relationship which is sensationalised, eg. felt as warm-or-cold, according to the synoptic quality of the communication-communion taking place. If we can get our way of interacting right then our aura can represent our god's membrane to us and we can finally grow up, come of age and get, really, wise. She, our super-person, feeds on, the, charismatic, qualities of, friendliness, which energise good auras for her constituents and/or inner-relatives, and as a consequence for her. We all benefit from anybody's good vibrations (as well as from good interactions), both others' and our own, caused by emotional thoughts and/or meaningful emotions, and are harmed by anybody's that, being bad, are, spiritually, poisonous. Masara emoto's work with water crystals and the research of others into feeling-talking plants, that scream when they are attacked savagely, as if they are non-relatives, support the supposition. The physical effect of spiritual vibes is mainly on a body's immune and regeneration system(s), which for all of us, in these unenlightened days, is/are still underdeveloped; which allows them to cause-permit a natural death that's premature; in spiritual terms. We are more than what we eat, drink and physically exercise; but rather we are also what we, because of our set of remembered experiences and set of believed-assumptions, think we are, especially the, agent-principle, role we intentionally play. The means we use both cause and characterise the end(s) that we achieve and mankind's imago state, when a company of us will live, including love, like friendly-playful gods, will, soon, be proved to be the, rip-roaring, razzle-dazzle, best. But presently we share no important-common sense of means-end mission-purpose but are in a common, love-starved, contest wherein a near miss, even with a majority, is no better than a big one by a mile. Those who belong to, man-made, corporate bodies, which are unliving-unloving, get no spiritual vibes from them, as distinct from negative vibes from people who think that they belong to them, whereas we members of a living god, with an ego and/or demos, to which we, as role-playing parts, consciously, as constituents, belong, can earn good vibes from, and pay them back, at a compound rate of interest, to, her by means of hers.

    We elders in this, spiritual, Family are dissatisfied with, and often unhappy-sad in, present, love-starved, society where we don't feel at home, and believe that one of a better kind, that's not just better in terms of some degree, such as heat or cold, or fast or slow, although this may be also so, can be composed, and/or interpreted, and maintained by meek-minded dissidents, such as we are prone to be. Mentally-stimulating environments, both natural and artificial, including those classed as experimental, familial, cultural, commercial, ecological and structural, especially those that offer, a wide range of, challenging experiences, both reported vicariously and undergone personally, that, for understanding, survival and success, require the development of imagination-adaptation skills, of city-country, autumn-spring, legal-illegal, stranger-local, humourous-serious, wet-dry, bush-beach, fact-fiction, town-gown, peace-war and old-young lifestyles, have been essential for this, spiritual, type of, personal, development to take place, especially for the leaders of the pack. Cosmopolitan places, especially cities, like athens, jerusalem, paris, rome, london and alexandria, with universities, libraries, art galleries and museums have filled this, stimulation, bill for different seekers, by promoting their general knowledge, at different times; although excessive sophistication-specialisation, in the quest, has been a dangerous-deadly trap. Vegetables, such as cabbages, that have ended their time of natural evolution, don't do or need to do this type of thing. The followers can be of any, post-puberty and pre-senility, age and come from anywhere. Whereas the leaders need to learn and know the theory of gnostic anarchy, or universal love, the followers only need to know how, as beloved lovers, they are to actually-inentionally enact a part in the story of this, good, relationship. Those that whinge, complain and blame, scapegoats, or feel shame, about what they cannot change, but think some others could do and/or should have done differently, are with the other house; who make life tough, and progress difficult, for both themselves and us. Nevertheless they have been necessary, partly by showing us what not to do, for our, developmental, education in our species', experiential, learning days; which are now coming, exponentially, to climactic closure, following a bifurcating crisis-cum-catastrophe, leading into the final cul de sac, for some, and out of the exit from the maze-like, jail-like, nightmare into the brilliant-bright light of a brand new, galactic, day outside for the, meek-minded, rest.

    9. THE BREAKTHROUGH. Self-righteous people may claim privileges like ownership of mundane possessions such as cancer cures, cattle herds, grazing rights and medical marihuana but they don't believe they need to know a brand-new idea, or new set of old ideas, for living well. Meek people know we do; and feel incomplete-unfulfilled as currently we are. Our present lexicons of meaning are inadequate for the true understanding needed for living, including loving, really well. None of our present knowledge-skills will suffice for anybody to escape a ruthless-violent end, before or when the old world ends, in meltdown, as it will, within a year or two from now. Negative vibes are increasing, exponentially, and affecting everybody, adversely, in one way or another, everywhere, in association with bad, sciatic-arthritic, backs and/or acts of homicide, suicide, genocide, drug abuse, locked windows-doors-gates, robbery, adultery, bankruptcy, pornography, unpayable interest on unrepayable debt, unemployment, underemployment, homelessness, home invasions, family breakups, juvenile delinquency, domestic violence, paedophilia, etcetera. There is no solution to the twin problems, of coercion and ruthlessness, that self-righteous sinners pose, and which we must reject ourselves, even as a self-defence, if we are not to be, self-righteously hypocritical, like they are; except a judgment day that is a doomsday, of self-destruction, for the self-righteously inflexible people who give off bad vibes but cannot change, mainly for the welfare of their context, and so are damned and an apocalyptic revelation that begins a new, anarchic, world, governed by the golden rule of universal love, for the meek-adaptive people who, fortunately for us, can. This codger's, ideographic, candle, which he has lit and you are reading now, is one, imperfect, light-lamp of many that are being fired up, by truth-seekers of all persuasions, round the globe today, to help find, light and show the straight and narrow Way. The old, symbolic, words of Wisdom, such as "god", "gold", "good","spirit" and "sin", remain relevant in this, noosphere-development, project although their meanings may need modification-clarification for these final days of cerebral-cognitive evolution that's leading, following a big bang, as we break through the knowledge barrier, to a planned-programmed climax of long-time sustainability and conviviality; without needing any, external, governmental, or managerial, control, like little children, wearing bibs and nappies, do.

    This high-way is advocated, if not fully explained, in all versions of Wisdom literature, including hymns, scriptures, myths, sculptures, parables, poems, pictures, buildings, temples, icons, chants, coloured glass, stone circles and prayers; none of which is essential for anyone to know and understand despite what the, self-righteous, dogmatists of all sorts, such as seventh-day adventists, joe coe's fundamenalists, scientologists, who idolise the late l.ron hubbard's limited ideas, christian scientists who idolise another's, gopis of krisna-consciousness incorporated or taliban-type elitists, believe, as acts of faith, and say. Nevertheless all versions of Wisdom can be useful, for the stimulation of species illumination. Gnostics believe in the mass illumination of an apocalypse and can be found in most religious groups, none of which have essential, as distinct from useful, teachings. I may quote Jesus, his crucifixion by the authorities and his sermon on the mountain more than most but this is mainly a consequence of the dinkum-aussie, bush-lawyer, type of culture that I assimilated in cow-cocky country in my younger days. Personal self-sovereignty combined with voluntary altruism is the name of the Game we all have, like he, who was born of egg and sperm like thee and me, had, to learn to play, and the time left for learning to live, including understand, this, good, way of Life (aka "the tao") is perilously short; less than three years is now my best, informed and considered, hunch, hypothesis or guess. So let's get our foreplay fingers out and get down to the main, mateship, game of universal love, including love of God, who includes thee, me and the rest of our, living and life-giving, ecology. The friendly quality of, numerous, egalitarian, personal relationships, including kiss-on-the-mouth friendships, rather than the love of children or the dogma of some religion, science, art or politics, is the focus of attention in this new-age version of natural science and/or philosophy.

    Anybody expecting Big J, the final buddha or some other joker to zoom-zip in on a cloud, or fly in in a cigar, cup or saucer, from high heaven and/or outer space, to save them, rather than a new idea to rise up, like the wind, into their conscious-mind, will be badly-sadly disappointed, soon. Apart from their own inadequacies there is equal opportunity for every, unique, person in this lifestyle contest; once, at sexual-cell conception, before which we were undifferentiated spirit, we leave the starting gate and take off down the track as indiiduals, repeating, faster than originally, all developmental stages of Life's emergent evolution as a, developing, foetus-embryo, from fish-tail to forebrained cranium, of a talking-walking primate. However, once they become ideologically addicted to some hegemony, generally by late adolescence, the closed-minded sinners won't change their ways without what they define as proof; although they, like we, are guided, as all risk-taking gamblers are, not by knowing infallible facts but by feeling, and interpreting, an intuitive-insightful hunch. Our key assumption, like theirs, can't be either proven or disproven yet and is adopted, self-responsibly and hopefully adaptively, because of guidance from perceived hints, signs and clues, or from interpreting the sayings of alleged authorities, as an act of, informed, faith.

    There have been false prophesies concerning mankind's demise on his species' judgment day (e.g. by the bishop whom the lisbon earthquake terrified and by quacks like nostradamus was) but they all entailed false-incomplete assumptions and so do nothing to disprove the plausibility of the hypothesis when this is correctly defined and understood as explaining the, intended, end of, emergent, evolution, which has an intentional-intelligent design, and the beginning, following a quantum change in consciousness, of the sustainable, climactic-or-end, state. The wolf eventually arrives to surprise the scornful-unprepared, eat their grannies and their kids and blow their houses down; as wise myth-makers say. This fresh beginning, when we break new, virgin, ground, is reserved for those who can survive the metamorphosical change and so reach mankind's sustainable-predictable, teleological, state of consensual diversity; as Jesus, Lao Tzu, Tripitaka, the third little pig and some other wise, and hence holy, fools, nicknamed by some as avatars, almost got to do, but which can only be done successfully when the time is ripe, and as one of a great company, species, conspiracy or family of different, unique, friends who interact, flexibly and consensually, as one. "Viva les differences," as the gay parisian, who dared to dream, so wisely said.

    10. CONTEXT. Meaning derives from context; which, as a whole, is at a higher, spiritual, level than the constituent text. For normals, including the complainers, blamers and false prophets, the context they imagine, i.e. visualise and conceptualise, consists of little more than a mess of energy resources, reified and deified abstractions and competing species that they class as supernatural, human or subhuman. Contrariwise, we know that nothing is supernatural and that human and sub-human species are parts of, spiritually, higher forms of Life, which culminate as One; Heaven and/or God. She, our complete Context, i.e. our World, House and/or Word, is a living, predominantly feminine, from our perspective, divinity of nouminous phenomena and/or the living idea who, as a hidden presence, authorises her real-life Story as her cyclically-changing but endless autobiography; that comes to climax, periodically, as a reunion characterised by the quality of godly-agape love and/or jolly-good companionship.

    The big bang that began her present self-presentation saw God split herself into a, chaotic, multiplicity of holons, some tending to be clockwise, introverted, feminine, accommodating and contextual and the others tending to be complementary; counter-clockwise, masculine, constitutional and speedier. Their final coming-together, again, like a giant jigsaw-puzzle being solved, in a reunion-resolution of complete unison, is happening, at long last, now; as we meek human-beings correct our part-whole, head-body, relationship with Heaven and/or God and so can start again, with her, to live, including love, like good-companion gods; autonomously and altruistically, i.e. anarchistically. Can you hear the rag-time bugle call; or are you mystically stone-deaf and about to be stone-dead?

    God equates with Heaven, which is where our, divine, role began and will return back to there. She is the supreme narrative (i.e. spiritual and qualitative) and material (i.e. physical and quantifiable) being, with both "who", as story-role, and "what", as structural-substance, identities, whose main motivation is the compulsive need She feels for good companionship; as distinct from solitary confinement or possessive selfishness. When/if we can help her to fulfil this basic wish by getting our, part-whole, relationship with her right as a symbiotic, including harmonious including good-humoured partnership, or sacred marriage, of unique, altruistic, peers, then we can know her not only as our, contextual-accommodating, God but also as a heavenly ambience of Truth, true Love and/or perfect Paradise. We'll then, with her assistance, including her selective ignorance, become co-authors and co-lovers, bonded in a part-sexual relationship with her, and be paranormally powerful, especially in the art of, non-violent, self-defence; protected by our auras against bombs, bacteria, cancer cells, death-ray radiation, home-invading criminals, bad-spiritual vibrations, sprays of poison and the rest. If readers believe in either the truth or the plausibility (i.e. are open-minded to the possibility) of this, sky-high, ideal then any disagreements we may have, about the details, are ignorable, tolerable or enjoyable; and they are welcome with us, and/or will welcome us, as co-members in the jolly-jokers Club. We can differ in all sorts of other, minor, ways and still be friends, amigos; which is what Life, for colourful characters of the major-card arcane, as we are, is meant to be about. However gnostics know that nobody yet defines and does this as well, in terms of either quantity or quality, including equality, as our species is designed, eventually, to do. As wise fools know, the quality of friendship, which equates with, and/or displays aspects classifiable as love, mutual-aid, acceptance, tolerance, helpfulness, kinship, forgiveness, mercy, meekness and godliness, is like that of a gentle rain from heaven; it benefits both givers and receivers and enriches everything we do together; especially if it's done for good reason, which means to help god, voluntarily.

    In this, holy, family we identify ourselves as being members from our learnings in the school of hard knocks, occasional delights and experiential Life, according to our, qualitative, relationships rather than our, quantifiable, structures or locations, either internal or external. The sign signifying our species-membership identity is the, friendly-helpful, anarchistic, way in which we relate, mentally, and interact, physically; intra-species-wise. So far none of us does this, completely, right, although some are, by trial and error, and self-critical reflection, getting very close; which pricks up the interest of the still-sleeping God.

    What we experience is a consequence of the, logical-illogical, quality of our conceptualised-visualised relationships. The good family consists of relatives who are related by the good relationship. True love, intentional symbiosis or good friendship is the perfect experience of the perfect relationship between imperfect relatives that enables each beloved-lover to compensate for what an other lacks. If, like most gene-patenting, carbon trading and g.m. plant-possessing by monsanto inc., it's not done, intentionally-emotionally, as a gratuitous, ex-gratia, (whereby we charge no more than our own cost-price) gift, for an other of the Other then, in Wisdom's terms, it's an act of wankery, auto-sexuality and/or wasted energy that could have been put to wiser-better use. Waste is evidence of entropy which, like a tied-tight tourniquet, a thugee's cord around a neck or a blood clot in an artery, causes decay, dissipation, blood starvation and death, instead of ever-vigorous life in an invigorating sea of universal Love.

    Symbiosity characterises the, musical, scale that links the Universe's (seven?) spheres, levels, discs or cells which are now focused on the earth, of Heaven, i.e. the Other One; or will be when the galactic core of the milky way comes into alignment with the plane of our solar system late in 2012 a.d.. If we can develop to completion this perfect, alpha-omega, relationship with anybody who is living, as either a human being or a heavenly happening, then they can represent the God to us, and we to them, convivially; and the more involved, as a family of equal-status but apparently different peers, the better, including merrier and tremblier, everyone who is intentionally involved will be. There are enough good deeds being done (especially on, post-adolescent, honeymoons and at times of disaster such as those of bushfires, housefires, earthquakes, tsunamis, tropical cyclones and bombing blitzkriegs) including enough that are paranormal, i.e. miraculous, by enough of us, including dowsers, psychics, mary mackillop, rasputin, sai baba, good coppers, the brazilian john of god, those pilgrims who visit lourdes and the findhorn-garden mob, to hint that a lot of us have the relevant potential; although it's not been fully developed by anybody on the planet yet. The only learning that is valuable, or worth more than a pinch of shit, to fools who are more than even slightly wise, improves the friendly quality of the learner's, relationships, especially with God and her representatives. The rest, such as that of high-tech science, abstract mathematics, hallucinatory herbs, bell-curve psychology, quantum mechanics and electro-magnetic technology, may not be untrue but is mainly used as data for making, self-centred, ego-trips; like exclusively-monogamous marriage, with one's one and only "soul mate", male-dominated harems, wherein some eunuched guards can still get erections for enjoying non-ejaculating, copulations, pork-barrel politics, faith healing or other miracle working by devotees' psychics, shamans, masters, healers or gurus, masturbating-ejaculating stimulated by playboy-type, pin-up, photos of some sheilas' boobs and bums, building atom bombs and holidaying, on the cheap, in pristine, places like bali or pukhet, in the security of a police state and/or military dictatorship. A spirit, or ghost, is a narrative that can live and/or be lived and the best, the great-and-holy one, is lived, as a joint effort, communally and organically, by many co-authors who are conscious of being related as a family of, trustworthy, equal-status, inter-dependent and co-tripping friends.

    The bench-mark for the good type of friendship that this sacred, autobiographical, narrative entails may be high but, although not yet attained, it is surpassable, as was the four-minute mile, and will be soon, by at least half of us; working in close harmony, on the same, communal, trip, albeit not necessarily in close, geographical, proximity, although with unity of means-end direction. The power of our believing of the shared belief will, as an essential aid, help make it happen as the activists' experienced reality. If this, spiritual, graduation does not interest or apply to you, or if the theory is too heavy for your head, or if you are too busy with other business and so can't spare the time, then you are cordially excused from further attendance to this old-joker's rave and can get back to other, easier-monkey, business; such as buying-selling, praising-blaming, ruling-regulating, breeding-teaching, baptising-confirming, casino-gambling, olympic-gaming, people-organising, drug cooking-peddling or whatever else it is that turns, spiritual, runts-grunts who are like you on and so gives meaningful purpose, paid employment, occupational pride and a sense of busyness, importance, enjoyment and belongingness, to you and/or the life-stories you compose, or have composed for you, to live, including authorise and enact, until you die and, as fodder for recycling, feed, and are passed on, or pissed off, by, the food-chain's scavengers. If so then, adieu. If not, then namatse; we salute the divine, reflected back at us, that we can see in you. The choice between these options is free, albeit compulsory, even if made by default, and yours is up to you, like mine, and ours, is up to me, and we. n.b. the royal plural "we" is often used, when appropriate, by we who are members of the non-hierarchical, consensual-agreement, family of peers, and occasionally gets up the snooty noses of our rivals, who reserve it for mundane royals like the wndsors.

    11. THE OPTIONS. For readers who, as kindred spirits, either actual or potential, are still reading, this book-biblio is intended to help clarify, for the author, and share, with friends, such as the God(s), and potential friends, including you, an understanding of three different life-story, options. The first entails an apocalyptic change, intellectual mutation and/or quantum leap in, cerebral, evolution, that opens up for observation and exploration a meek-unmeek division of the human genus that reveals a, better, anarchic, way of life for those who, at no credit to ourselves, find we are on the meek side of this great divide, razor-wire fence, railroad track or knife-sharp watershed. These are we who can survive the, mental, transformation and associated bifurcation; and so, instead of ending up as dead wood, dead-ended, up the creek, can ascend to what's been called nirvana, the next world, paradise, the kingdom, the afterlife, the next life, the overworld, utopia, erehwon, the big rock-candy mountain, zion, the sacred marriage, the happy hunting-ground, the gravy train, greener pastures and/or the heavenly regime, on earth; albeit never explained or understood clearly before now. This other world will accommodate a terrestrial and extra-terrestrial society, for which our present-primitive underworld of hades and/or purgatory is a teaching-testing-practising prelude, foreplay, rehearsal and/or preparation, for which a screen test or promotion interview is a meaningful metaphor, in which the wisdom-learning curve is now rising rapidly-exponentially to culminate, for half the human genus, in the, classical, eureka-type experience. We're here for learning to live well, which can be done, as the oracle at delphi said, by first understanding ourselves, which can only be done truthfully in correct context. Good living can be done, not now, in hell, but, in the next world, by those who, a bit like astral travellers might, make ourselves self-consciously aware that we are already there, physically, by learning to understand, obey and enact, as our second nature, the logic and/or Law that, as the Logos, is relevant, universally, including globally, including locally, in that new, kingdom-raj-regime.

    The second of these, idealistic, ideas postulates a different pair of options for this good-versus-evil separation; as churchmen like muslems and zionists, both jews and christians, who think, self-righteously, that heretics and heresies, as defined, arbitrarily, by them and their authorities, are evil, do. In some cases their next regime is postulated, unlike ours, as a posthumous, pie in the sky, one; which may be comforting, temporarily, like an opiate, or anti-depressant drug, for those who cannot change before they die, or who want to believe that their loved ones who've already died will, for some illogical reason, live on in heaven, happily-eternally, but is otherwise just wishful thinking; not logically sensible. The third entails more, with cosmetic modification, of the recorded past, until increasingly high technology and continually poor relationships render the relevant species, terminally, extinct. Many atheists, lapsed muslems, caste-conscious hindus, space-clad jains, tamils, sikhs, who carry the deadly kirpan in their cape, yogis, ananda margas and buddhists, who have no mass apocalypse or gnostic revelation, as distinct from individual illumination, or self-actualisation, forecast in the text or scripture books they use, tend to think, conservatively, of more, in wheel-like circles with modifications, of the same like that; even if they don't go as far as perceiving the logical inevitability of their own self-destruction, back to ashes and/or dust, without ever reaching moksha (vide the way they live, compete, borrow, breed spoilt brats, and die in guilded cages like modern shanghai, bombay and dubai).

    For the first group, personal menopause and the, galactic, dawning of aquarius, which was preluded by the liberation movements in the sixties, from anti-colonial vietnam to the works, both written and enacted, of animal liberationists, germaine greer, muhammed ali, malcolm x and martin-luther king, the coming-outs of camp-guys (before the aides-virus mutated, crossed the species boundary and struck so many gay blokes sick and dead), extra-marital sex (thanks largely to the pill), the sorbonne revolt (thanks largely to red ned), san francsisco's summer of love (in 67, thanks largely to the joys of pot), mississippi burning (especially because of nigger-loving jew-boy activists), the chicago seven (thanks largely to mayor daly and his brood of democratic-party vipers), the moratorium marches (that jim and judy organised, instead of going all the way to hell with harold holt and l.b.j.), the nimbin, aquarian, festival in 73 (when "the long-time sun shone upon us, and our bare bums, for a while"), the cult classic "easy rider" in 69 and the folk opera "hair", are the likely-logical times, in combination, and/or with serendipity, for this archetypical metamorphosis to occur. "Perfection in timing, for this change-of-age event, is now". This lifestyle change, which has not happened yet, despite what some new-age freaks, ferals and other spokespersons, who have misread the cosmic calendar, may believe and say, and what we in the magic-garden sanctuary for the troubled, depressed, disabled, jobless and homeless (half of whom did the wrong thing, by sponging instead of sharing, there) in bilambil, have tried to do after moving in, as co-tenants of a common property, in 75. Enlightenment entails being (re)born and/or rejuvenated, spiritually, to one's adult, imago, state and the resumption of eternal life, instead of dying unfit, physically, and undeveloped, spiritually; as has been normal and natural in mankind's, primitive, recorded past. In this spiritual metamorphosis, we believe we may be aided by the nefilim, angels, lucifers, e.t.'s or anunnaki from other elohim who, like our accommodating, corporeal, star is, are constituent and accommodating gods; clones who, when enlightened, must interact, for their own and the others' well-being, as one, each aiding all other, including to-be, enlightened ones. They are vicars of, embedded in, the universal One, or the good El, who may be best identified, objectively, in the other, and subjectively, in one's self, at the one time, as the supreme, spiritual, quality; self-as-god consciousness.

    I am a humanised example-version of the colossal-universal One, knowing, and influencing, myself from a particular-personal point of view and seeking eye-and-body contact and communion with other examples; for our shared, with God, common welfare-joy. I am one of we who, as the eyes, ears and other knowing organs of our God, are also, consensually-altruistically, the universal "I" whose, will, power is being passed on down to me and we for us to use, on her behalf, for her, and hence our, welfare-benefit; as if it also is our own. In this supra-normal escapade, subjectively-experienced consciousness is even more important than is, objectively, proven scientific-fact. Our way of thinking-reasoning determines the option of those available that we perceive as our partly-reflected reality and the best is soon, and suddenly, to be revealed by means of the mass enlightenment that's been forecast, although not clearly defined, even by john of patmos, as the mind-changing, world-shattering, Apocalypse-Revelation or unveiling of the universal Truth; concerning everything.

    Normal, mediocre, people, including most blatherskites and control freaks, are not much interested in enlightenment, either their own or that of others, partly because, on the basis of self-knowledge, they guess they'll never make the grade themselves; which we take them at their word and also guess they won't. However most can be tempted into being occupied, employed and busy, for a while, by almost any other, especially mundane, sphere of interest-pleasure, from anthropology, criminology criminality and the military to personal astrology, child rearing, stamp collecting, collecting family-trees and conserving native-trees. This means they can't be, trusted, by us, to be good friends of ours; whose main interest, at least if we reach late adulthood, is, 16/7, the apocalypse, i.e. the collective experience of enlightenment whereby we open up the third eye of the mind and become no longer fools but wise, like angels; true witches and wizards. That lack of, spiritual, kinship is one reason for our, characteristic, loneliness; which we can't end before enlightenment, whereby we pal up, first, in the engagement that leads to sacred marriage, before palling up with others, with the Other, i.e. the living Heaven and/or universal One; the cyclically-progressive Hologram to whom her holons all belong as either good or temporarily-evil parts. Nevertheless this existential angst, as men like albert camus have expressed, is a good sign of spiritual sensitivity in that it signifies that the sufferer has not fallen for the temptations of normal, goose-like, gregariousness, like most footie fans, storm troopers, justin bieber's and cranky franky's teenie boppers, the party faithful, street demonstrators, bikie gangs in leather uniforms and mosh-pit groupies do. This type of loneliness is not a good reason for despondency, depression, sadness or suicide, or for pretending to be normal. Rather, solitaries of this sort are needed, are welcome-valued and will find fulfilment, in the, apocalyptic, Movement, and/or, graduation, Class; that is assembling now, globally, mainly by means of cyberspace, which governments can't yet control, from algeria to antigua.

    However this treatise is not meant as persuasive rhetoric, to proselytise a proposition, to win a win-lose argument or to win friends and influence people; as distinct from finding kindred spirits; who must be out there, albeit not yet assembled as a, single, fighting force, somewhere. Action research means that, helped by friends and hindered by unfriendlies, the researcher tests, unconventional, ideas by actually living them, experimentally; to see what, as a consequence, eventuates. In this, real-life, enquiry, which is curiosity-driven (i.e. non-institutional), self-funded (i.e. non-professional) and mainly subjective (as distinct from, impossibly, objective), I'm acting out a high-spirited, i.e. inclusive of an extra-terrestrial scenario, as distinct from just a mundane, i.e. confined to a terrestrial situation, role; which is what most other people, being normal, including often bored, unimaginative, repetitive, predictable and boringly small-minded, do. My chosen role is as one, spiritual, change-agent of a number, in the Agency, who are dedicated to the introduction, following regime change, of our, parental, god's next, anarchic, consensual and/or golden, age, of peaceful co-existence and communal plenitude, beginning here on this garden-planet earth which, as a multi-functional knowing organ, will act as both her sexy yoni (which, even if called by other names, is not a dirty word, except to, or if used by, those with dirty minds!) and her brainy cranium, and ending God knows how, albeit voluntarily and maybe as a supernova, and where. Who cares about the, unimportant, detail, of politics, commerce, art, sport and church, which divert attention from the all-important stuff! She, our living context, is, we believe, a superperson who resembles us in many ways. Like us, She prefers to interact anarchistically, including organically and spontaneously, rather than domineeringly, mechanistically or submissively; when, in her long life-cycle, this has become a viable option for consideration and a positive decision. Her next-new world, on earth, will be governed, we sacred-plalluses, of both sexes, as we become unhooded, can foresee, by the golden rule of universal love, rather than by social engineers who govern institutions, as if those corporate bodies are privileged superpersons, such as church, temple, academy, army, party, penitentiary, infirmary, family, kingdom, commercial-company, trade-union, the i.l.o., the i.o.c., the mujahedeen and state, as the present one is and has always been; and this is coming, with clinical precision, preceded by a global cataclysm and her apocalyptic horsemen, hell for leather, now. This, government-managed capitalism's cycle's end, or grand-final, contest, began in the thirties with the great, economic, depression, f.d.r.'s new deal, keynesian budget deficits and the spanish civil war. Because of being unhoodwinked (sometimes symbolised by being circumcised), we, the meek, will win it, soon, eventually. However, as civilisation crumbles there'll be corruption, bad laws, prison recidivism, caused by dreadful conditions such as those at the cook-county jail, blue murder, "just" wars, inquisition-type torture, collateral damage, animal cruelty, blood sports, drug abuse, drug-resistant disease, increasingly caused by animal-bird viruses, ecological disasters, hurricanes, water shortages, oil spills, financial troubles, including unemployment, with loss of self-confidence for the ten percent who can't find jobs and are compared unfavourably with the overpriced celebrities who can, homelessness, costly-unproductive senior citizens, unrepayable debt and armed robbery, and suicides, domestic violence, juvenile delinquency and family break-ups in the homes and on the streets, that are already having, adverse, personal effects on each and every one of us. This collective collapse, with its bad, spiritual, vibrations, is already, increasingly, effecting everyone, in different ways, today; as concerned citizens, such as noam chomsky and john pilger, try to work out what's going wrong and how best to set things right, while crooks, including blue-collar, bikie-gang, race-based and white-collar crims, profit, in their puerile-minded terms, from the chaos of the unfolding crunch. Love, of love, alone, not government, the pseudo-science of politics, central planning, jurisprudence, messiahs, either secular or religious, money or technology of any sort, not even that of solar panels, carbon-emission control, ethanol, batteries, rainwater tanks, ceiling batts, wind power, nuclear power, wave power, local energy transfer units and clean coal, alone will win the day; but win the day it will.

    As a people, as preparation for the next, anarchic, world, we need to work, more than anything else, at improving our friendly relationships, both numerically and qualitatively, and the logical imagination of our minds, and hence the art of living, anarchistically, as tenants in common of the, spiritual yoni, earth.

    12. LOVE. The symbiotic, i.e. love, relationship, between extroverted-constituent Man, on the inside, and his, introverted-contextual, God, who is mainly on the outside, is evident wherever-whenever food or drink is used and then passed on, for free, as fertiliser, sunshine shared for vitamin d, oxygen for carbon dioxide, beauty for appreciation, opportunity for good-clean-altruistic fun, etcetera. One's side's used-up waste, residue, excrement or surplus is valuable, and made freely-naturally available, for the other side to use as their income, food, drink, resource, energy or utility which means the two can live, convivially, intentionally and eternally, as one open, and hence negentropical, system, wherein there is no waste that's not exchanged for use as recycled energy; provided both keep the interdependent nature of this, special, relationship, consciously, in mind. The bad news is that, as a genus, most of us have, temporarily, as if we're dopey, legless, drunk or stoned on hydroponic pot, lost the plot; and live in systems, both spiritual and material, that, being conceptualised-visualised by us as closed, can only end up, with and like us, dead. But that can now be changed, by means of universal, unconditional, love; anarchistically defined.

    Universal love is governed by the, golden, rule of our everliving Mother, Nature and/or God and means that we beloved lovers, in the Movement, love, including serve, worship and service, her and her other beloved-lovers, without privilege or preference, as if they are extensions of ourselves, and/or vice-versa. We love all our kind, i.e. those who interact-communicate like us, rather than just one or some isolated individual(s), because they're our biological children, siblings, parents or, actual-or-potential, bedmates. This is partly because we know that, unless we change our ways, we'll get back from somewhere what, as a good-and-helpful or an evil-and-harmful type of experience, we cause those other parts of her, and us, to have; even if the details differ and the response appears to come from somewhere-someone else, later on and far away. We hurt or help ourselves, and others who are like us; which is on the level, fair and square. But it is notable that, while children need special care and killing in custody must be a crime, among adults who are reasonably healthy, bad or slanderous-defamatory names, like coon, kraut, tobruk rat and nigger can be, unlike sticks, stones i.e.d.'s and phosphorus bombs, harm nothing but over-inflated egos, which are fair game for anyone, who's game to have a go at taking the micky out of self-opinionated snobs, including the inverted ones, to pop. The use of "cunt" and "fuck" as abusive terms indicates the user's, sexual, paranoia.

    The only type of event that can change a person's, or a group of persons', perceived pattern, style or paradigm of Life is not persuasive rhetoric, abusive sledging or coercive punishment but rather is their own radical-voluntary change in attitude; which tends to happen at times of, contextual, revolution that are few and far between. In the evolutionary-revolutionary Movement we have learnt that individual education, i.e. personal growth in size and development of talents and in qualities, mirrors-causes species growth in numbers and evolution, on a bigger scale, of the same qualities; both of which are designed to culminate, climactically, together, personally and societally, following a cathartic change in conscious-attitude, in inner and outer peace. We currently perceive conflicting, signs, messages or omens, telling of an ever-increasing incidence and/or awareness of societal distress, mortgage debt, peak oil, pandemic disease, marital cheating, animal cruelty, tax evasion-haven scams, overpopulation, congestion, in traffic, schools and jails, drug abuse-and-dependency, corruptive secrecy, including commercial secrets, privy-council secrets and cabinet secrets, ecological disorder, loss of confidence, in all systems and representatives of government, such as that of irish, german and boston bishops, accelerating change, suspicious cynicism, traumatic stress, ethical decadence, derivatives fiddling, inequality of influence, both intra-national and inter-national, and new insights, especially into the meaning of "the apocalypse" that's preceded by "the sign of jonah" as men like Jesus prophesied. We believe that this, evolutionary-revolutionary event, will happen soon, before 2013 a..d., as some foresighted mayans who studied pyramids and cycles, and the cosmic-calendar, as distinct from personal horoscopes, as egocentrics do, have said. The change(s) underway are bigger and more connected, as one whole, than most people realise, The details of personal futures are unpredictable although general trends and archetypal events are; by those who have learnt to know the, two-stage, logic of the Story we are in. Without this colossal, archetypical-transformative, kind of change we may become different but not better, individually and collectively, as has been our status, as a genus, of two rival families, the poetical-novelists and the engineering-governmentalists, for millennia. But our contextual system is living-and-organic as distinct from mechanical-or-mechanistic, like an omega clock, the doctor's tardis, the equally high-tech darleks or a computer for computerised share-trading is; and so, as with a normal pregnancy, we may speed the ending up, as by an accelerant, or they may slow it down marginally, by a depressant, but by a solar year or few.

    Our main ambition, in the Movement, or the acquarian conspiracy, is to promote and participate in a new, type of, society, world and/or reality, like jonah found when, in the legend, he left the smelly-belly of the fish and moved on to higher-drier ground, and sinbad's genie, when he left the confines of the womb-like bottle, also found. These are artistic metaphors for symbolising our escape from the reified abstractions, or legalised fictions, such as empire, church, family, state and limited-liability company, that have entrapped us, like brain-dead zombies, during our millennia of fallible-false consciousness because of childish-poor lexicons. We bottlers' escape-graduation into good accommodation, in the lap-bosom of God, can only follow a violent confrontation-contestation-conflagration-purification and a radical transformation, including a two-way division, because of the adoption, by half the earth's self-conscious population, of this new, anarchic-angelic, way of being Man. Ours is the karmic code whereby we treat our Context, convivially, as a living, superhuman, Person with a cosmic nervous system that appears to us as nothingness, who's in need of good companionship (disguised by selective ignorance from being auto-sexual to being felt by her as the loving of/by a semi-independent other; which we can offer as a friendly gift to her, mainly by means of interacting, affectionately, with her, other, constituent representatives. This, holistic, insight, and the enthusiasm that it generates-manifests, as paranormal will-power, is beyond our rivals' understanding-ken. Moreover their, group-think, leaders, such as reagan and gorbachev, and the skull and bones, harvard uni. mob, who are worldly-wise but spiritually dumb, are preparing, mainly by using covert cells in military-intelligence agencies, such as the gestapo and the k.g.b. were and their modern versions. plus mossad, the c.i.a., the f.b.i. the a.f.p., the pakistani i.s.i., james bond's m.i.6. interpol and lionel murphy's a.s.i.o. are, for putting our attempted revolution, as well as others', down, sometimes by verballing, torturing, renditioning, life sentencing and/or false-flag operations. Although not to be feared they are not to be underestimated. They killed Jesus, and falsified parts of that man's oral gospel, murdered trotsky, attacked the castro communists at the cuban bay of pigs, helped depose allende and replace him by general pinochet, imprisoned the falcon and the snowman when they told the truth of this, set fire to the waco community-compound, assassinated che in bolivia and j.f.k. in dallas, blew up part of the sydney-hilton hotel and blamed it on ananda-marga dissidents, lied about the iraqis having w.m.d.'s and helping osama ben laden's, apparently invincible, al quaeda terrorists, and bombed the rainbow warrior, didn't they! And they will do what they can to starve our mission-movement of, truthful, publicity; although we've come, quietly-silently, like thieves in the night, and can't be stopped from successfully revolting, and regime-changing, now. Oley! Up with the, new-age, revolution, comrades-citizens, and down with all those systems that are being made and used against us; overtly and covertly.

    For us "No" is not objectionable, although the reason rationalising it may be; and is if it implies a sense of the negative one's, sinful-objectionable, sense of, hypocritical, self-righteousness or pride.

    Those who are not with and like us in their way of relating, as beloved lovers, i.e. fellow family-members, in this Quest, because they can't think and otherwise live, logically and lovingly, like this, are with those who are against us, adversarily, and many of whom, as satans-devils, already oppose us in the rainbow-roadshow Movement, self-righteously, including sometimes nastily, contemptuously or ruthlessly, including at times as thieves, as arresters (who enforce bad laws), as bludgers (who often take and use, but seldom give, pay back as promised or share), as judas-type, blood-money, dobbers, informers, grassers and betrayers, as back-turners or cock-crow deniers (who don't give a damn except for their own comfort, safety and security), as dictatorial authorities, bossy bullies, bully bosses or otherwise unpleasantly. Because they don't-won't-can't help us as good friends, they hurt us, and our holy Mother, even if unintentionally, by actions of rejection, neglect, commission or omission. There is no middle ground for fence-sitters, line straddlers, half-hearteds or undecideds, such as agnostics and double agents, to this, radical, dichotomy. We whole-hearted harmonisers must claim the basic human-right to define our own abstractions, and compose our own lexicons, and associated histories, as we make our move, take a stand and combine to confront our unfriendlies, self-protectively, wherever we may meet them now, such as at g-8 and g-20 summit meetings. However, unlike them, we must be non-violent, i.e. spiritually meek, humble and gentle as we do, as meek men like Jesus, unlike dr che and the international brigades in spain,, have been when they encountered theirs; who were of the same, bad, sort of nature, with a poor attitude and poor understandings, as are ours, and, instead of claiming the right to the enaction of an, unforgiving, eye-for-an-eye, pay-back type of retribution-vengeance justice, turn, forgivingly, the other cheek; trusting poetic justice, in the long run, which is the run that really counts for runners in the human relay-race, to take care of them and us. However this time, which is unprecedented, historically, our turn has come to turn the tables on the likes of them, frighten the piss out of most of them, as Jesus did when he cracked the whip at, and turned over the tables of, some of his, and win; and grin. In the heavenly regime we, and they, are free to be, including harm ourselves and our spiritual kin, by acting foolishly, but not to cause her, or hers, irremediable, injury, which is the great-grand, reserved for God, tabu; off limits for, unilluminated, mankind.

    And it bears repeating that nobody has undergone the complete enlightening-change of consciousness that we call illumination or some other title, yet; although some, and their disciples, may have mistaken a tiny piece of the entree for the whole feast, including its coffee, wine, cuban cigar and dessert-sweets.

    13. THE PLOT. By living meekly, like She does, without pre-emptive or deterrent, as distinct from defensive, laws or wars or pay-back rewards or penalties, we'll change the world by changing ourselves, as that enwisened man, on his two-year mission, after his near-enlightenment in the river and until the passover plot failed in the courts of law and on the hill, almost did, especially by changing who/what we believe we belong to, as part of, and how we best relate; with her by means of one another and the rest of the context, communal body or ecology that, as parts of both her and us, we encounter personally. As we spread the Word we say, forget about government by a one-world parliament, a asinine lawyers' bill of rights, global political parties, an international court of justice, for judging war crimes like the c.i.a.'s waterboarding was and is, and a, professional-standing, army of enforcers and "our children are our future" platitudes, even if proposed by foolish friends like h.g.wells who don't seem to know that sacred sex, like tantric sex, is erotic but not reproductive. Without a massive change of mind, including attitude, those propositions would just perpetuate, until our species' extinction, a different version of the, largely evil, past. Increasingly high technology and persistently poor relationships is a recipe for the extinction of the relevant species. Dr sir johannes, the religious politician, terry lewis the bureaucratic bagman and whitrod the white knight whom they outfoxed and sent to coventry, before, despite jury stacking and police-union power, they also got their just desserts, although confined to queensland, were typical of, universal, types with different, generic, names like dicks, hicks, micks and masons, that will repeat themselves, ad nauseum, in typical, lose-lose, incidents everywhere, until the apocalyptic doomsday cleans out the garbage, dregs and/or scum of the old world, so that the new world, of poetic justice, for the, good-willed, survivors of the global purge begins. The lessons taught by history are ignored or misunderstood at our, foolish-fatal, peril. The bursting of the south-sea bubble, like the outbursts of chernobyl, vesuvius and krakatoa, was another, minor, foretaste of much bigger bangs, as the grapes of wrath, to come. Similarly hitler's purge of the s.a. was mainly a later version of the pope's purge of the knights-templar lodges and the julius-cassius interlude has been repeated ad nauseum by countless other, self-righteously ambitious, dudes. We need to develop, in our lexicon, the concept of a meek, as distinct from a machismo, masculinity, which the good, human, future needs. The virtue of meekness, including the meek type of leadership, as distinct from the strong, machismo, type that bullies like they and augustus caesar, alexander the great, warren buffett, rambo and horatio nelson have displayed, and boasted about, temporarily, until they fell on "God's great banana skin", is beyond the others', bird-brained or dead-mullet, ken. Because of poor similarity-and-differentiation skills, because of false assumptions, they can't perceive the pattern whereby spiritual types, especially theirs and ours, repeat themselves, ad nauseum, in this old-wicked world of hell until it ends, by gurgling down the drain or going up the spout. Being spiritually blind, or at least myopic, they can't see the universal forest for some particular trees that are of special interest to, or tempting attractiveness for, lame-brained loonies such as them; babes lost, like lambs, in the god-forsaken, wolf-infested, wilderness.

    Apart from the apocalypse, and its implicit consequences, there is nothing new, as distinct from new versions of the old, happening, or going to happen, under the sun. Because "the more things are changed, cosmetically, the more they can be kept the same, essentially", the, left-wing, reformers-progressives, like the, right-wing, conservatives-regressives, by their pimple-squeezing, medicating, patch-upping and band-aiding, perpetuate, dick-headedly and self-righteously, the essentials of the, wicked, old regime. Despite their best and worst efforts, capitalism (aka "club troppo") is now, imminently, non-sustainable; the only question being where the whole, creaking-cracking, edifice begins its final crackle-crumble, to end in terminal oblivion. Until this happens, although they may think they handle it quite well, that world of theirs gives me and my, anti-capitalism, mates, most of the time, the diarrheic shits; although we do know that everybody, including us and those jews who don't believe in hell, is partly a contributing cause of it. Our personal griefs and sufferings are part of, and can't be divorced, meaningfully, from, the global-universal scene; wherein bad news is increasing at an exponential rate of knots.

    As meek-minded revolutionaries, our forecasts, prophesies and premonitions, like our insights into the nature of the present and the past, derive from an uncommonly canny understanding of Nature, including the two-sided, two-tiered, nature of generic human-nature. Meek people are wise fools; which sillier sods, who think dualistically rather than holistically, find, impossibly, paradoxical. Unlike those self-righteous simpletons, we know that we, and everybody else, are, because of making false assumptions, lame-brained loonies; but we also believe that the problem can, and will, be solved, self-responsibly, soon by some cool cats who, being sufficiently brave and curious, and using learnings from the lessons taught by past personal experience and broad human history, can remove the cataracts of ignorance, like "logs of wood", from our own and one another's blind-minded eyes, noses, mouths and ears and become attuned to Wisdom and/or the holy Word of God.

    Any idiot with a reasonable understanding of the developmental nature of human nature which, as that repetition-disintegration is going on, is also evolving to completion, and of natural history, which is progressing, cyclically, to a telos and/or climax that, following a catastrophe, will be good, including peaceful, playful, healthy and sustainable, can foresee the logical inevitability of a global Day of Judgment, natural eugenics and/or cosmic quality-control, that ends the evolution of both the unfit and the fit species of, generic, Man and begins the fit ones' imago, including sane and adult-loving, state; of good health, both mental and physical, and consensual diversity. Isaac newton, the alchemist who was also a father of modern, mathematical, science, was one of those who did; even though, with 2060, he got his calculations wrong. The Peace that this insight reveals is not like the pax romana that was enforced, for a century or so, by the military-police power of, self-righteous, hypocrites, like pax america and that of n.a.t.o. and the u.n. security council also are today. Rather this change of age-and-attitude which, in some ways, is like the spring cleaning by a housewife when the cold-winter ends and a fresh-new season comes around, must entail both an apocalypse, i.e. the lifting of the veil of mankind's ignorance for some that, like unlocking a virgin's chastity belt, "opens wide the doors of perception and reveals the emancipatory Truth, and an associated doomsday for those others who, because they can't believe in this, liberating, proposition and prepare, including change, themselves accordingly, for "the liberation of the feminine", in both others and themselves, by means of actual acts of chivalry, are damned to die, ignorant, unsatisfied, dirty-minded, shit-headed, uninspired and undesired by their god, as presently they, like we still, idiotically, are.

    The Apocalypse is coming now, like a torrent down a mountain, as a mass revelation-cum-revolution emerging, as a mental surge, in the minds of, searching-for-it, human beings, and will erupt into completion when a critical number of us from different, philosophical-cultural, backgrounds, at long last, realise our potential for living in harmony together, governed by the golden rule, i.e. anarchistically, including meekly, consensually, spontaneously, lovingly, organically and high-spiritedly. The critical number who make the initial, intellectual, breakthrough may be surprisingly small, even ten or twelve may fill the bill, as the butterfly-effect of chaos theory, and the law of falling dominoes and chain reactions, explains, but the others will then quickly follow suit, follow the leaders and begin to act in love with-for God and one another, anarchistically, like we do; unlike those that will be skittled because they still prostitute their god-given talents for some caesar's status, title, real estate, authority, security, badge or currency. This means that, unlike the christian, jewish, atheist, hindu, buddhist, taoist and muslem mercenaries in the armies-navies stationed, with their psychiatrists and church chaplains, in the war zones of bagdad, burma, darfur, tibet, sri lanka, korea, palestine, the persian gulf, siam and afghanistan, we will share the earth, including the seas, and our personal talents, as tenants in common of a multiple occupancy; a family of helpful individuals on active service for the, holy, Family that also is our, omnipresent, God, who typifies our, qualitative, type. Any, version of, anarchy has an, experienced, elder as an occasional leader, of last resort, or benevolent dictator, such as solomon and king arthur were, who's not normally in charge but is designated to decide what's best whenever or if ever consensus, with its right to say no to one's personal participation, can't be reached, in an emergency, by all the rest. For our, incestuous, family this referee is God, the universal One, the rock of Ages and/or our accommodating, embodied, Mother Lode or Mother Mind, whose emergency-intervention time is now. Mundane moderators, such as normal arbitrators, conciliators, editors, judges, magistrates, referees and policy-makers, who have either a left-wing or a right-wing bias which, unlike the golden mean, are equally objectionable for anarchists, belong in hell; where their badly-biased followers, cursed by an animal-herd mentality, also do as well. We anarchists are middle-of-the-road extremists and so don't play politics. We don't even vote for the election of, social-engineering, politicians into, tyrannical, governments, with control of bad laws and bossy bureaucrats; as, whatever brand-name, or logo, they each use to differentiate themselves, they all are, even "the least worst" and "those who believe in god".

    There are, in common use, over a dozen, synonymous, symbols for "god", such as "the supreme being" and "the great spirit", with given names as different as "the el", "the elohim" (which, in ancient aramaic-sumerian, is a feminine-plural noun), ashera, helios, rama, the atun, the skekinach and allah, that are used by both believers and disbelievers, and over a dozen different meanings; only one, or none, of which can be correct, as we believe the one that we've adopted, as the supreme relative to whom we are all related, as her descendants, constituents, inhabitants and/or offspring, is. For we holistic thinkers, God has no antithesis and so, in a sense, can have no, differentiation, name, like jove, yahweh, the barong and jupiter all do. The best attempt, which was moses' first, is probably "Ehyeh" i.e. "I who am the All of all that is, was and will ever be, and I re-present myself to Man as his, maternal, elohim and/or, sacred, solar-system, with the major sphere of each of his heads acting, eventually consensually with others, as a fore-brain cell of my cellular-organic brain for me as his contextual-inclusive body sphere". A man as a person is outward-looking for himself but inward-looking as an organ for his, contextual, elohim; which will enable us soon, with a change in heart and mind, to let her see, visually, as well as be, bodily, and no longer to be, spiritually, asleep and, as a consequence, blindly insensitive to our, personal, needs as her, knowing, constituent-members. This is very different from the type of man-god relationship envisaged, and believed or disbelieved, by dualistic reasoners, and is difficult for them grasp; let alone believe. In fact, beginning with their context(s), their big assumptions have all been false and their, consequential, aspirations and conclusions have all followed suit.

    For that, unfortunate, half of the human genus, the present kind of world, with its pathetically poor relationships, is as good as being human gets. The poverty of their happiness-satisfaction, even if they're not buddhists or other stoics with low expectations, derives mainly from their own self-knowledge. Because they lack empathy, they can't walk a mile or a minute, imaginatively, in, different, others' shoes or feet, and so don't sense, including see and feel, the, curable, poverty of mankind's feelings and expressions of affectionate kinship like we, who are misfits who don't belong here but belong instead to and in high Heaven, do. They can't see that their acts of commission and omission help create this, half-wicked, spiritual world wherein being no better than normal means, in terms of species' potential, being bloody dreadful. Their happiness entails turning a blind eye to the injustices and sufferings endured by, at least some, and generally many, others. For our half, on the other hand, the best is yet, and soon, and suddenly, to come, thank God. Nevertheless we easy-riders in the lead of what is now a youth-worshipping, debt-ridden, over-governed, drug-dependent, juvenile-delinquent, chemical-fertilised, war-ravaged, equipped with w.m.d.s, including anthrax, poison gas and other biological weapons civilisation, with foodstuffs fumigated by chemicals, have to make an, intentional, mind-bending effort if we want to be saved. By expanding our minds and mending our ways, especially of thinking mentally and interacting physically, and feeling emotionally and sensually, including sexually, we must become more systematic, integrated and holistic, including more altruistic, affectionate, sympathetic, confident, forgiving, logical and single-focused, in our reasoning. Helping consciously and helped unconsciously, by God, we are to make this, mental metamorphosis for the better, come about before we die and go, arse over teat, the other way, and end up as the love-starved normals do, and will do for a little longer; as dead red-meat, excrement or fodder, under headstones or in nameless graves, for recycling by legless-spineless carnivors.
    Last edited by a moderator: Apr 10, 2014
  2. Allisiam

    Allisiam Well-Known Member

    14. THINKING. It's how we think that makes it so, in spiritual, i.e. story-telling, terms; as seers like shakespeare, descartes and siddhartha said. Yet most of us rarely think, critically, about the logical-illogical quality of our thinking, reasoning and story-telling, although this is the unique inheritance of Man that, along with using fire, makes us different from dumber breeds of beast. Other species can, also, organise, play roles and use social systems, weapons, tools and talk; but critical reflection, story telling and intentional learning-changing, is our speciality. The, enjoyable, quality of the world that is experienced depends mainly upon the, logical, quality of the perceiver's language lexicon, mind set, mental state, way of understanding and communicating and/or state of consciousness, including memories and expectations. What we expect, in terms of, generic, type, which can be either precedented or unprecedented, is what we tend to get; and if we don't know this then we are using an evil-good typology and an if-then type of conditional tense that are so illogical and/or rotten that, in spiritual terms, they stink.

    In our minority Movement which, because of the learning-changing caused by the imminent apocalypse, will have grown in size to half of mankind's population soon, we are exploring, as our top priority, the supreme Meme (vide richard dawkins' "the selfish gene" in 1976 and plato's, earlier, idea of ideals). This top meme is the, energy-charged, idea that says there is about to be a, radical, change (aka a "metamorphosis", "transformation", "gestalt shift", "gear shift", "sea change" or "paradigm change") in human consciousness that, on a bigger scale than the mind-shift of a beatnik's pre-67 acid trip (vide timothy leary, the pope of dope), will make not only possible but also inevitable a new age of anarcho-gnosticism for the, lucky, half of the homo genus who can make the change successfully, including sustainably, and so become enlightened; by gnosis (i.e. knowledge of God's Truth, especially of the nature of the evil-good dichotomy concerning the two, irreconcilably different, ways, human and sub-human, of being man). This means reaching our mature, imago, state as the emergent human species, homo angelicus, in contrast to the still-evolving one that, as homo sapiens sapiens or homo ignoramus, depending on one's point of view or state of mind, we are part and parcel of today. The rest we need to know, for salvation, which will be by means of illumination, is logically implicit, as an if-then consequence, explication and/or implication of this basic proposition-supposition, when it is correctly understood; as it is, or would be, by an angel or a god, or an illuminated species of, self-conscious, hominid, whose language, and hence understanding, has evolved to being good. This is what half of us, partly because we can already believe, imaginatively, in the truth of the proposition, and can make the mental effort needed, by stretching our minds like, on coming home, odysseus stretched his bow, to almost breaking-point, for its understanding and enacting, with pizzazz, finesse and flair, are soon to have become.

    In the Movement we, as an emerging species, are swimming with the Flow, which means moving with not just the Times and Tide but also with what we believe is the intentional will of Nature (aka "the design, plan or will of the House that is the Heaven and/or God"). However this is not as the nazi mystics, with a social-engineering strategy that included, not only panzers but, eugenic techniques that they designed to maintain, and increase, the purity of their so-called master race, relative to other races that they classed as lesser-lower, such as slavs, serbs, semites, gypsies, half-breeds, autistics, australoids, negroes, reds, homosexuals, freemasons, jehovah's witnesses (for whom no nation, flag or fuhrer can stand above their lord-god jehovah and his patriarchal laws) and haan chinese, misunderstood what this naturally-unfolding movement to humanity's next and final, mixed-race, reich must mean. The attitude of the imperial nipponese, including the emperor who died an untried war-criminal, shoguns, geishas, samurai, ninja, kamakasi pilots, burma-railroad guards and shinto priests, was much the same and just as bad. The next will be a post-managerial, including post-capital, society, although the, managerial, establishment, including their supporters, enforcers, endorsers, informers, electors and dependents, in all established societies, is doing all they can, by means of a great, ad hoc, conspiracy, including that of the rothschild news services and those that censor, and/or won't publish, the ideas of non-violent non-conformists with a spiritual bent like me, to deny this expectation from developing to clarification in the public mind, as common consciousness. That they do by slandering this, anti-authoritarian, form of enquiry and deriding, censoring or ignoring it as mere, impractical, theorising or the playing of "word games" by piously egg-headed amateurs-intellectuals, and by diverting attention to other data that they don't relate, as being relevant, to the, apocalyptic, Truth. Those diversionary data include poorly contextualised-conceptualised specifics such as those that make possible-profitable specialised activities such as mining-trading, buying-selling, praising-blaming, borrowing-lending, ruling-regulating, blaming-shaming, petitioning, reproducing, reforming and freedom fighting; such as has been done recently by some independent-minded tamils, hezbollah and hamas activists, resisters of the french, dutch and cretan resistance, northern irish, east-timorese fretilin, turkish kurds, chechnyans, indigenous tibetans and west papuans. Like others such as william wallace's scotsmen, who fought against the sassenach-butcher longshanks and his low-life clan, did before them, these secessionists have fought, and some still fight while others flee, sometimes as boat-people or illegal, border-crossing, refugees, for freedom from their, established, governments. Other, freedom-fighting, terrorists have included the tiananman-square rebels, the zealots in roman-occupied judaea, che guevara in batista's corrupt cuba, the eureka-stockade diggers who fought under the flag of the southern cross and the rebellious yankees in king george's thirteen colonies. We, in the Movement, including some of them, and their enemies, who refused to fight, kill and die for king, lord-god, overlord or country, are the real onderduikers and bitter-enders. As a motto-logo, "a fin" describes us partially but well; if we've got a guernsey, or white feather, with the good.

    The anti-anarchists, including those aborigines who've been integrated-assimilated-civilised, including the uncle toms, are, significantly, different from us. These days most believe, uncritically-aggressively, in freehold title, including the laws of trespass and mining rights for precious stones, oil, gas, coal and minerals and copyrights or patent-rights for intellectual, and artistic, property, for private, including corporate, profit, including untaxed capital-gains, as distinct from the right to self-defence and home-as-castle residence. This enables a normality of utter bastardry, that's called debt-tax-and-rent financed capitalism and/or landlord-controlled mercantilism, with a privately-owned banking, including an investment-banking and central-banking, system that does not just safeguard and share past savings but creates imaginary credit, such as venture-investment capital, for the private profit of a select few, as well, to prevail. In the bell-wether role, in mutually-backscratching groups , using the plebs mainly to make up the numbers as cannon-factory-spectator fodder, they play in minor games such as those of usury, organised amusement, debt-financed commerce, politics, church, scholarship, freemasonry, male-dominant sex, sex for money, nuclear family, family trusts, extended family, private-art collecting, and professional baseball, aussie-rules and basketball rather than our major one of, change-the-world, philo-sophy. That diversion, and division, of attention is especially obvious in the towers of, specialised, babel that, as the information-disinformation industry, they own, manage or otherwise control; generally by being, as were howard hughes, satyananda, rev. jim jones, william randolph hearst, sylvio berlusconi, joe stalin and frank hardy's, infamous, john wren, in charge of the relevant treasuries, official permits, purse strings and/or money bags. Despite his many faults, senator joe mccarthy recognised the colossal power, especially for evil, of the, public and private, media; and not just those of hollywood, pravda, t.v., x-rated video-computer games and bollywood.

    To seek one's happy days in this world, selfishly and hedonistically, like the coca-cola kids are taught, by playboys like hugh heffner was, to do, as distinct from developing, agapely, one's imagination by searching for opportunities to participate, as giver and receiver, in acts of adventure-generosity, especially with other representatives, who share one's spiritual-family ties with one's ever-living Context, as one's most important relative and/or common interest, as preparation for one's species' new life in the next world of consensual anarchy, like the good samaritan and the dikuyu buddha did, is to miss the point of, pre-apocalyptic, Life and be, like other garbage, a heat-causing waste of energy, mass, time and space. We agape artists are guided by the pleasure principle but recognise that the best pleasure, both logically and enjoyably, including sustainably, is the joy, for both parties, generated by acts of friendly, free-willed, generosity, that the enlightening apocalypse, alone, makes sustainable, logical and possible. This interaction is valuable, mainly, because it is a joy for God. In the Family the collectivity is more important than are, or have been, any individuals, including me and jesus, and his, younger, twin-brother judas-thomas-barabba, incidentally; which is why we'll willingly stand, take the blame and die, if needs be, for our, spiritual, kith and kin.

    15. ANARCHY. By all of this I mean that I am conscious of being not just the son of a poor widow, ena-ruth elvery, and the divorced, by gloria, sire of six lovable, but one recently murdered by hoons and some still unforgiving, children, including one mothered by liz and one by kate. I am, moreover, also a member of a growing, albeit still minority, band of wannabes; who oppose all versions of the mafia principle; on which corporate civilisation, with its laws of corporate personhood, has been built by the, anti-anarchistic, social engineers of family, church, economy, spirituality, bureaucracy, academy, military, crime, shire, security, holy see and state. We are would-be gnostic anarchists, with origins that can be traced back to mystery religions at the, pagan, dawn of human history, before zoroaster and the verdic scriptures came upon the scene, some 7,000 years ago (three galactic seasons ago, which is merely a moment in time for the universal Mind that's God). That was when the earth's climate, geology, flora, fauna, sea levels and other geography had stabilised after the major changes of the last ice age; and versions of Pan and his Great Mother, Kali-Rangda, were the rage.

    We are gnostics, in that we are seeking to know God, the supreme Being and/or self-knowable Happening whom we imagine and believe we belong to as our Context, or Totum, convivially; as familiars-surrogates who can help her know the pleasures of the, membraned, human flesh, such as feasting, sensually feeling, farting and fornicating. We are also anarchists, as distinct from nihilists and governmentalists, in that we are seeking to help her to do this by participating in the perfect, egalitarian, relationship; with a 1/1 ratio of influence for all fully-fledged, including self-conscious, participants. This we predict will be in partnership with both God and all those lesser, but self-conscious, beings who, as her loyal-royal companions and compatriots, are also of meek character, including generous-fearless disposition, and so can be anarchistic in their, personal, relationships; at least with other anarchists. This is an anti-fascist idea but is not the total freedom to do one's own, egotistical, thing, as is espoused and enacted by, self-centred, nihilists, as were the guru-led cultists who, in the sixties, butchered sharon tate for their own, neurotic, fun. Rather, the ideal's expression is limited by a concern for the equal rights of other adults, which can only be achieved, logically speaking, by means of a partnership that's governed by the law of universal, non-judgmental, love. Although growing in numbers, there are still not a lot of us around. What we lack in quantity, however, we are trying to make up for in quality; so that "the few can more than balance the many", which means, metaphorically, that the, fertile, grain can be separated from the, infertile, chaff, by the threshold on the wheat-farmer's threshing floor, as my friend john slater's mentor, in their school of esoteric science, said we will, on our species', final, Assessment, Harvest and/or Judgment Day, of world-wide quality control. This great-glorious day is dawning, for we who read the signs, by means of an enlightening time of piccaninny daylight, now. We are a circle, as distinct from pyramidal, people, cooperative and egalitarian more than competitive, exclusive, commercial or coercive in our relationships and our default mode, especially with friends, is yes; if you can get the drift of this. Our wealth, or standard of living, is determined not so much by money, company shares, government bonds, real estate, cows, pigs or other quantifiable-marketable possessions but more by the, friendly, quality of our personal relationships, which makes the rest we need, such as health, wealth, safety, shelter, security, sex, food, fun, humour and happiness, logically and freely consequential.

    Divine beings, as we meek men and the gods, for whom we are designed to act as surrogates, are, are persons who have relationships, with internal and/or external systems, of symbiotic partnership; which means, among other meanings, that we are altruistic and not self-righteous in our general attitude towards others, expressed by personal relationships. Healthy external relationships mean equally-healthy inner-body, including inner-head, ones, and vice-versa; as a logical, if-then, consequence.

    Our cheerfully-cheekily confident ways of greeting, hailing and saluting, even when meeting strangers on the street, on the phone or on the screen from cyberspace, indicate that we royals know ourselves as members of a universal group of actual and potential friends, and are always on the lookout for others (who are also looking out, through twinkle eyes, for us) who are our, spiritual, kin. Rejections, including attackings and ignorings, by grumpy-minded sods, including inverted snobs of the lumpen-proletariat or the labouring-working class, often come our way but this helps us sort out who is who, and on which side; in the great, gambling, Game of Life in which we have chosen, as team-playing punters, for high stakes, a bit like those of the russian version of roulette, to play. Even no-hopers from other groups, whatever their past mistakes, are welcome in our lodge if they can commit themselves completely to the golden rule, or good-quality logic, of helpful individualism and/or good companionship; even if they are imperfect, as we still are, in their everyday enactment of the code. This golden, which is a synonym for good, godly and divine, rule emerges in the minds of men rather than is carved by gods on mountain tops by lightning strikes in blocks of stone. In believing it, ours is an idealistic movement that has almost grown to the critical, change-of-status, mass whereat a metamorphosical change of mind, and the emergence to common consciousness of the, true, meaning of this common Law of Life, which supersedes all other laws including those of newtonian physics, the ten commandments and the maritime-admiralty ones, is a logical expectation. All hell can then break loose, our, rebel-yelling, Movement can at last prevail and Heaven will be revealed as the perfect, including peaceful, including prosperous and playful, state of anarchy, i.e. consensual democracy, with its right to personal veto, i.e. opting out of events that are classed as personally objectionable, but not banning them for others, for everybody everywhere; especially here on planet earth. This, divine, knowing-organ of our elohim will be known by we organelles as both a coordinated-knowing head and a sensually-pulsating vulva of a predominately-female and become-pubescent god, or corporeal star, who enjoys her pleasures of the flesh, including sex, as much as we do ours. We know the Other, not so much from books, scribes, professors, prophets, shamans, messiahs, lightworkers, priests, messiahs or mardies with armies who pose as privileged intermediaries between a laity and God, not even those who claim to be the last of a long scholarly, witch-doctor or prophetic line of authorities, but rather by extrapolating, imaginatively, from our knowledge of ourselves (which makes the learning equally possible for everyone, irrespective of their culture or their schooling, even if they've attended expensive private schools like eton, where students play team rugby and cricket and faggotry with fags). This includes the logic we've identified from knowledge of our own biology, sexuality, psychology, sociology and ecology, e.g. "the boiling frog syndrome", "blood clots", "the butterfly effect" and "the last straw that breaks the, overloaded, camel's back", because we sense that we are meant to be symbiotic, parts of one ever-living whole of interacting parts, in one open-system partnership. This perfect, part-whole and head-body, relationship is possible because the smaller-lower is, or can become, when their life cycles meet and match in season, similar in, predominant, quality to the bigger-higher; so that "as below, albeit smaller, faster and otherwise different in terms of some mathematical scale, is much the same in other more important, non-quantifiable, qualities, such as those of telos, character or nature, as is up on high above, where live those heavenly beings, of our House, whom we human beings serve and to whom, not to caesars, by that or any other name, such as kings, bishops or queens in governmental castles, offices, suites and/or sees, and long robes, we feel accountable".

    Living, downstairs, in Heaven's lower realm is an analogy, simile or metaphor (of constituent metaphors) for understanding and getting to the higher one, so that the Wisdom needed for the understanding of, and preparing for, this classical graduation, which is possible when She becomes ready to be mounted, like a bitch, on periodic heat, is poetical-mythological rather than, but not exclusive of, scientific-mathematical in the logic of its conditional-consequential, if-then, tense. Tokenism, such as an annual earth-hour with the electric-lights turned off, may help poseurs to feel good about themselves and their like-minded mates but, like other types of tokenism, such as seventh-day sabbaths, clean-up-australia days, environmental days and invasion-day parades, is really in poor, spiritual, taste.

    The, social-ideological, change that we predict and, despite mistakes, are doing our best to bring about like, according to sir walter scott, both robert the bruce and his equally-persistent spider did in their time of trial and tribulation, is not more of the same disjointed incrementalism and/or gradualism, that have characterised those two triers, past times and normal expectations. Rather we envisage a revolutionary transformation, in belief and consequently in behaviour and experience, that will occur suddenly, traumatically for everybody and cathartically for some; like jack jumping out of his dark-black box into the revealing light of day, or a stripper, on a bachelor's 21st birthday, emerging from his celebration cake. Our intention is to, help, change both ourselves, especially how we think, emotionally, and, as a consequence, our society, rapidly and radically, in terms of fundamental type, or ubiquitous quality, especially by changing the normal type of, envisaged and actualised, relationship, so as to end up with a less fearful, including fearful of rejection, and more affectionate, efficient, enjoyable, warm-hearted, healthy and mutually-helpful, including tolerant, good-humoured, accepting and forgiving, way of thinking, feeling and behaving; that is nowhere normal, here on earth today; even among those who, like ebenezer scrooge in his later days, are playing a self-righteously exclusive version of the happy-family game. That puerile type of game and consequential world has been built by "great-good men", like scrooge, aided by their book-keepers, the doges, other merchants of venice and other captains of commerce, trade, theology, art, the military and industry, by means of their mining, manufacturing, building, banking, shipping, industrialising, commercialising, bureaucratising, managing, war-waging, legislating, colonising and urbanising, i.e. social, including economic and moral, engineering. Since the timber age, via times of stone, bronze, iron, steel etc., they have equated human progress with the use of increasingly-high technology, for both war and peace, more than with the development of a better type of, personal, relationship; which is what, because of its logical consequences, we're mainly on about.

    16. SACRED NATURE. The multi-purpose planet can, and we expect will, look after herself, including those, subhuman, species of tree, virus, vine and whale that She needs for her, enjoyable-sustainable, survival, while we do this, self-liberating, job. Saving the planet, as ecological engineers, including eco-socialists, as distinct from saving, which includes liberating, our species from its ruthlessness, ignorance and arrogance, as is evidenced by our normal, interactions of self-righteous hypocrisy, with one another and with other species, is not, we believe, our prime responsibility; and it's hubris to assume, self-righteously, that it is, as eco-fascists, including many animal liberationists, wild-life warriors, carbon-trading schemers, sea-shepherd militants, governmental greenies and other ecological reformers, do. Rather it's our god's, and we meekly leave that job to her, partly because our, complementary, one, which includes improving the, caring-sharing, quality, goodness and/or godliness, of our personal interactions, including those with subhuman species, is a full-time occupation that, on its own, until completion, keeps us busy every day from dawn until the dark of night comes back around and we can kip, recuperate, reenergise and, maybe, dream or fantasise and snore a little while we do. We hope that you will travel with us, as fellow pilgrims on this trip to the ambience of, perfect, bliss, which the hajj to the kaaba in mecca in arabia and other pilgrimages, such as tripitaka's, the european grand tour by yesterday's socialites and that of back-packers in tourist buses today, and the kumbh mela in hindu india, represent, imperfectly; rather than make the, spiritual, travelling difficult for us. That is what the, unfriendly, others, as spiritual monsters or midgets, cursed by a bad attitude to, at least, some others, including we members of the Movement, do, self-righteously, by being bossy, deceptive, secretive, patronising, punitive, judgmental, uninterested, uncaring, exclusive, nasty, egotistical, hypocritically critical, superior in attitude or otherwise unhelpful. However, being anarchists, which means both gregarious and idiosyncratic, as distinct from fascists or their submissive sheep, we recognise that, as sovereign individuals, this is your free choice, not our decision. We must learn to live with what, because of your character-nature, you do, somehow, until, if it's evil, you either change your ways or die, by being killed, and go away; and perfect law and order, including equal justice, can, at last, prevail.

    For us the natural is also sacred as Jesus at his last supper, the papists in their church masses and the proddies by their holy communions, when they say they eat and drink the flesh and blood of God, and the rastas, the hippies and the sioux, when they share and smoke their holy herbs, showed and show it is. The evil ones belong, like us, as body parts, to God who, being blessed by natural maternal-rights, is entitled to do with them what She wills, such as kill them off or cut them out when they've become redundant, unwanted and/or dangerous, like cancer cells or delinquent embryos; for her own reasons of health, wealth, holiness and/or happiness.

    In this, spiritual, family of unique, autonomous, individuals, we know ourselves as equals in value, significance and importance, relative to the, living, Context whom we serve as if She is our bigger-better half and are within, as participant-observers, organically. Our movement has included, on their good days, fable-telling slaves like aesop, and some arians and cathars of heretical christian history, who knew that, as the census record shows, jesus' mother was no virgin when prince joseph of aramathea, who was of king david's dynasty, sired him and his younger twin, pre-maritally, with her; nor, as this twin-brother, doubting didymos-judas- thomas, knew, because he was part of the plot that, being before its time, went wrong, was jesus resurrected after being crucified dead and buried in his, mortal, father's tomb. Other beginners included the masters of asian martial arts which they conceptualised as non-violent arts of self-defence. As well, we have included those pantheists and panentheists (including Matthew Fox and others who have almost integrated the best of monotheism and polytheism, by means of the gnostic idea of "pleroma", i.e. an anarchic hierarchy of gods for whom age and size, but not nature, character or role, differentiate them as unique individuals who form one coherent, multi-sized, totality) who have believed in the existence of a higher, stronger, Power-Force than is any human or subhuman one, and whose Code is the anarchic one of universal, agape, Love and/or helpful individualism. Membership of this, diogeneseian, Movement from which, partly because they, self-righteously, object to its, egalitarian, ideology, the old world's social-engineers, or apollonians, even those who pose as new-age celebrities, all exclude themselves, explains our sense of common family and shared destiny and the personal experiences that we sense, sometimes, of déjà vu. As long as we live, despite the grief and other suffering, we "refuse to let the love chain end with us".

    We suffer as much as anybody does but find this bearable because we know that the established type of system, not any particular person(s), plan or party, is at fault and is to be terminated. Our personal traumas, which may involve family relatives, are caused by a global malfunction-imperfection of society, that, eventually and soon, we, the meek, must remedy.

    Earlier members of this evolving Movement of truth-seeking, but mistake-making, seers, who know we're all still, equal-status, sinners, i.e. misunderstanders and violators, often or occasionally, of the one and only law of the one and only God, of many lesser gods, have included Diogenes (the original cynic who lived a life of cheap and voluntary simplicity and so was called "the dog"), Socrates (who was not a paleo-fascist as plato and aristole and his protégé, alexander the great warmonger, were), Jesus-ben-adam (who never said he was, or was to be, the one and only "christ", i.e. anointed, i.e. enlightened, child of God), Friedrich Nietzche (who fingered the con merchants, including many christians who, having misread much of the written reports of Jesus' new, oral, testament, which, for truthful understanding, need to be deconstructed, in the sociological sense, to identify the changes that have been made by reporters, both accidentally and intentionally, make up many of the anti-christ), Wilhelm Reich (who, like his teacher Sigmund Freud, saw the adverse effects of sexual inhibition in all of our normally neurotic lives), Richard Wagner (whom the aryan-supremacists, despite putting hindu-style swastikas on their, third-reich, flags, like some brahman-supremacists also do or did with theirs, never, really, understood), Hillel the ethical pharisee who said, "What is hateful to you, don't do to others, partly because you'll get something equally hateful back in spades, boyo", H.G.Wells the womanising evolutionist, Leo Tolstoy the non-patriotic russian anarchist and Teilhard de Chardin the jesuit scientist who envisaged-conceptualised the omega point and the noosphere whereby the earth's evolution, including mankind's, ends with an explosion of christ consciousness (aka "krisna consciousness, god consciousness, buddhahood, cosmic consciousness et al"). We are, and we have always been, a motley mob of queers my dears.

    Those who depend on the revelations that some magical media such as ayahuasca, golden plates, tablets of stone, holy books, supernatural apparitions or arch-angels are reported to have given to some privileged priest, caesar, virgin, psychic, prophet, channeler, children, shaman, healer, messiah or medium, are, and have been, with the other, self-righteously dogmatic, mob(s) who think they already know what, for success, they need to know and so can tell others, authoritatively, what to believe and do, or not. Good-logic reasoning, rather than supernatural magic, magic mushies, hocus pocus or authoritative dictation, etcetera, is our family's god-given, salvation, tool. We may be angry in our younger days but only when we perceive acts characterised by ruthlessness, i.e. a lack of compassion, charity and/or love; but know now that its causes will be ended because we've reached the tipping point when, to maintain homeostasis, non-lovers, being bad spirited, will be terminated, in the archetypical exorcism.

    Many who are potential lovers don't yet know that they belong to our common, mass, movement of helpful individuals; but the time for this insightful and delightful gathering, on the high, good-logic, ground, of this, liberating, clan is now. More than anything else we need to stop feuding-fiddling around, parochially, squabbling and excluding because of minor differences, and recognise ourselves to be co-members of the, currently hibernating, One and only, ever-living, All; who, as some deists know, is held together as She lives eternally, albeit cyclically, seasonally and pulsatingly, as if by gravity or an elastic yo-yo string, by the logic of her single, universal, Law. This the lisbon treaty, like magna carta, the bill of rights, hammurabi's code, rabbinic law, maritime law, sharia law, the kyoto protocol, arbitration-court laws, the law of precedence, martial law, marriage and divorce laws, immunity laws, preemptive laws, peace treaties, social contracts, covenants, accords, constitutions, commandments, such as moses' first ten, and the others attributed to him in deuternomy, reform bills, factory acts, the mafia's code of silence, the cowboys' code of the west, and most other types of man-made law-and-order, violate, in favour of fostering the self-righteousness of a legalised, judgmental and privileged elite or allegedly better, or more noble, tribe, cabal, caste, rank or class of superiors, chiefs, priests, kings, authorities, dons, dominants and/or superordinates, who benefit from, causing, an ever-rising cost of living and an ever-increasing loss of personal freedom, i.e. self-sovereignty, by means of red-taped registrations, regulations, inspections, permits, certifications et al. Making decisions for others, as they do by enforcing chains of command, executive orders, restrictive trade practices, censorship, the burning of books, no-jury trials, secret trials, the denial of habeas corpus and the use of, official, dictionaries as dogmatic, politically-correct, authorities rather than as useful references telling of available options for consideration, is their, patronising, speciality.

    17. THE MOVEMENT. In the Movement, all of us have known and said, with ever-increasing clarity and understanding, because of an ever-improving, language, lexicon, including ideas developed in, and plagiarised from, the arts, including fiction, including soap operas, music, including opera, including the grand old, nashville, one, and ballet, and the sciences, including abstract mathematics and science fiction in these latter days, the general direction, towards Paradise, in which this movement is, and has been, heading; ultra-slowly at first but exponentially, and so ultra-rapidly, hell for leather, now. With exponential, geometrical, accelerating or compound-interest, as distinct from arithmetical, movement, which has a direction of progression that some signify by a, bent, ice-hockey stick, as much of this, i.e. half, takes place on the final day of the relevant movement as in all the days that go before; as the relevant growth-curve changes direction, goes off the chart and, to follow it, we have to turn the page; and enter a new dimension, or parallel universe, of experienced reality; wherein the generic-archetypal meanings of today's more-particular meanings, are commonly used, agreeably. Exponential growth is an important but difficult idea to grasp (vide reverend Malthus who nearly did); and can't be understood (i.e. imagined, conceptualised and visualised) by those who, simple-mindedly, expect the future to be a linear extrapolation, or continuation without a hiatus, discontinuum or change-in-direction of the historical past. With poor expectations because of poor imaginations because of poor intuitive-insights, because of their pure bad luck in the genetic-lottery draw of their parents' act of reproductive sex (whereby, as Blind Justice, God plays dice, blind-mindedly, with those species that reproduce sexually), those self-righteous simpletons may steal pies and cakes quite well, and flog them for a, money, profit at the parochial-parish fair, but have difficulty with the idea of metamorphosis, outside of grubs becoming richmond-birdwing butterflies, tadpoles turning into frogs and beasts becoming princes in some childhood fairy-tales. Consequently they whinge about what they cannot change and try to patch-up parts of a wicked world that needs nothing less than total transformation. Nevertheless the archetypical (aka "classical", vide Carl Jung) version of this, transformational, event is facing all of us, inescapably, today; and will be the, bloody, death of half of us, possibly tomorrow but certainly before 2013 a.d., when the rest of the people who are living will end our, baylonian-like, captivity, as modern babylon goes off the rails and, like old 97, ends up as a fiery dump of junk. This will be when, figuratively speaking, God sheds her purdah-burka, lets down her hair, flaunts her boobs, pops her eyes and drops her knickers to show how her universal-agape, including sacred-erotic, love, in the new world (of eternal life and zero-population growth) differs from the exclusively-monogamous, including sexually-reproductive, love that's advocated and enacted by priests, calvinists, lutherans, confucians and other puritans in these old, decaying, days; to end what's been the greatest of all, enigmatic, conspiracies, detection stories and puzzling adventure-mysteries; unenlightened human life, the greatest show, so far, on earth. That illuminate-managed circus has surpassed even the barnham and bailey three-ring one, lunar park on guy fawkes' cracker night, the sydney show at easter-bunny time and coney island in new york, which was once new amsterdam; near where the christian puritans, whose descendants, like those of the ocker squatters and selectors, think there's a statute of limitations on the crime of theft and so they can legitimately own, for private profit, stolen property, thanked their god for letting them thieve the land, including the turkeys, from the red-skinned savages. There is a gordian knot to be undone, not by some flashy, cut-throat, fuhrer with a carving knife but by a messianic group of nonentities, ordinaries or non-celebrities, with a spiritually-meek and healthily-mean streak, who can help one another do the job as a leaderless team of equals; brave-heartedly. This undoing, whereby we solve the great riddle-conundrum, must be done, by some, now or the human genus will self-destruct, i.e. render itself extinct by blowing itself to bits, suffocating itself to death or spontaneously combusting in one gigantic poof, because of being unfit for graduation into the next regime, on earth; the time for which, as the final reich of, anarchic, Paradise (aka "enlightened Love") has, as the great regime-change, come. The free flow of spiritual blood, eclectic Wisdom, universal love, the sacred juices, helpfulness and/or the sang real, will be essential for our species' survival-salvation at this, change-of-era, time; to overcome the inhibitions we've all got today like we all had yesterday.

    We undoers and cut-throughers who'll succeed, together, in doing this are the, uninstitutionalised, gnostics who, even if we don't use the gnostic-family name, know that a voluntary death, to be followed "in three days" (i.e. at the auspicious time) by rebirth, is inevitable, sooner or later in any complete god-cycle (otherwise the livers of eternal life would be bored to death by living, consciously, eternally, and having too much, without respite, of a good thing; like yuletide pudding, cannabis toking and wine bibbing often is). We believe intuitively that, before physical death eventuates, a spiritual (aka "metaphysical") birth, i.e. metamorphosis to our mature, imago, state, and a new modus operandi, here on earth, can make one's end much later, in one's life-time, and make this life-time longer and more purposeful-enjoyable, for our god's benefit even more than for our own, than has normally, including historically, been the case. This has been, in this god-cycle, at least since methuselah and noah, with, relatively, healthy immunisation and regeneration systems that homo erectus and the neanderthals before them, like us in these latter days of evolution, lacked, enjoyed their long and fruitful, ancient, days. Whether myths, such as these, the jesus myth, the hundredth monkey syndrome and that of gilgamish, are fact or fiction, which can include the exaggeration of poetic licence, is of no importance; although the lesson that they teach, or the pertinent point they make, as the moral of the myth, which needs to be interpreted, or translated, into Wisdom-understanding, may be. A fact is that because of lovelessness, of emotion, thought and action, including lack of affectionate physical-tactile touch, and/or too much spiritual starvation, which causes the exuding of bad spiritual odour-vibrations, our immunisation and regeneration systems are undeveloped or retarded and we have normally died unenlightened; prematurely in spiritual terms. Deepak chopra and other imaginative scientists might possibly agree although, like other self-opinionated people, they've blocked emails from us as spam, and threatened to call the thought-control cops if we persist, and we haven't been able to ask them for an informed opinion yet. Artistic creativity, motivated by compulsive curiosity and compassionate charity for others, not standardised docility, motivated by a desire for conformity, privacy, celebrity, safety and/or uniformity, is the key that, as symbolised by da vinci's, the pope's and that of master-masons, such as were washington, rooseveldt and truman, breaks the enigmatic code, of esoteric philosophy, that mystifies the Truth for those who are unfit, spiritually, to understand and use it well. Those afraid of experimenting and risk-taking, by identifying and breaking bad laws, are gutless wonders and will never make the grade.

    Contrary to conventional belief (which means that the proposition is not most persons' main interest or preferred cup of tea, although Antonio Gramsci was one of those who, with the notion of "hegemony", nearly sussed it out) the human problem is mainly a narrational, ontological, logical, semantic, conceptual, mental, meaningful, intellectual, grammatical, language and/or linguistic one. God is knowable as the universal Story and/or Holy Spirit, self-composed of types of character, scene, costume, role and happening; which as universal archetypes come alive in different, particular, versions. The best way for bad characters such as caesars to control the plebs is to control the definitions for abstractions, such as "caesar", "god", "democracy", "communism" and "anarchy", that they use for thinking, deciding, valuing and communicating, which, partly by dividing and over-ruling them, keeps them in a state of voluntary servitude without too much blood spilt on the sheets and streets. This importance of logical narration is one reason why most, genuine, new-agers have been, in their younger days, lovers of literature, such as the lord of the rings trilogy and rowling's tale of harry potter, even phantom comics and simpson-family cartoons, including grammar, poetry, song-lyrics, cubby-housing, architecture and/or some other liberal, tale-telling, art; like yoko, edward de bono and john lennon were. Our other, so-called, problems, such as the social, moral, drug, debt, alcohol, political, theological, technological, medical, criminal, economic, warfare, terrorist, violence, pollution, erosion, malnutrition, corruption, illegal immigration, overpopulation, juvenile delinquency, obesity and financial ones, to which most people pay attention, generally in return for, or while giving other people, status, money or other material wealth in payment for that attention, are in fact the, apparent, symptoms. These, unpleasant as they are, can't be eliminated, nor even minimised, except by solving the basic problem; which, albeit commonly ignored, is ubiquitous, and so effects, adversely, all of us. At the same time, by analysing-synthesising those signs, signals, clues, hints and symptoms, imperfectly, in return for money, adulation and/or societal prestige, people of the monkey-minded type, commonly called risk-taking entrepreneurs, including the "spiritual" ones, including those who organise trips for materially-rich suckers to ancient sites in exotic places like ecuador or egypt, or sell them books, artifacts or music at/on commercial sites like ebay, make the wheels of capitalism which, unlike the realm of Heaven, is an unfair, including corrupt and corrupting, type of social system, go round and so perpetuate new versions of mankind's evil, including unjust, violent, managerial and competitive, past. They profit from others' needs, mistakes, ignorance, inadequacies, worries, sufferings, toil and troubles, e.g. as funeral directors, which is a rotten way to be; partly because by doing so they help perpetuate the neediness and ignorance that they make their profits, earn their social-standing and get their money-incomes from. Live Aid for example, was mainly an ego-trip that aided aiders and the military industry more than the poor, homeless and hungry folk in ethiopia. Most unesco charity does much the same. Moreover their sloppy definitions, careless attentions, short attention-spans and disinterest in consistent principle, which can't be, physically, seen or, mathematically, measured by accountants or other bean-counters, allow most capitalists and other governmentalists, such as the democratic socialists, fabians, stalinists, bolshevists, kyymer rouge, maoists and those sudanese muslems and burmese generals whom the chinese maoists succour, protect, equip, support and endorse, to ignore their misunderstandings and most of the other types of mistake they make, such as being corrupt and getting irritated, being cranky and acting arrogantly when they can't get their own, self-righteous, way.

    Like the melbourne storm's salary-cap scam everybody, and not only those with pro-sport franchises or in the black economy, especially the big boys, in the world of commerce, including finance, including loan sharking by some hoons in, secretive, bikie gangs, "does it", i.e. cooks the books; aided by crook accountants, legalised secrecy and slack, or corrupt, supervision by those entrusted with the supervisory role. Although a.c.a.c., f.i.f.a., the auditor general, the ombudsmen, the crime and misconduct commission and the f.d.a. may sometimes do their best, God, only, guards the guardians, and She is currently asleep.

    The big and little boys, and the "liberated" sheilas who tend to be just as bad, don't understand us, which is bad enough, but they misunderstand us also, which, as God knows, is worse; especially, in the end, for them. If you can't think, or can't remember thinking, like another thinks then you can't know what he means by what he says, does, builds, composes or otherwise creates, to express himself. You and he belong to different, spiritual, species, differing like sheep from goats, and so are on different communication wavelengths, which means that true communion, both sexual and intellectual, including sensual and emotional, is logically impossible. The set of meanings for the set of ideograms we use, for thinking and communicating, especially yes and no and we and they, must be much the same, even if the signs and symbols differ, or we are spiritual-foreigners not friends. Wisdom, as used by the gods, is best, although it requires a reading age of over twelve, whereat newspaper propaganda-journalise and this treatise are readable and understandable. Wisdom reveals, to those who learn to be literate in the lexicon, the universal Story and/or Truth; which enables us to save ourselves, and one another, from pain, suffering, disease, deception and, premature, death.

    18. HYPOCRISY is a significant, i.e. important, idea that means using poor-inconsistent logic in one's, if-then, reasoning. Hypocritical reasoning is the root, cause, of all evil, including misunderstanding, stereotyping and misbehaving, which is confined to, self-conscious, moralising and/or immoral Man. His civilisation has been, despite the propaganda, i.e. persuasive advertising as distinct from information sharing, throughout "the free press" and the taxpayer funded news, a win-lose, zero-sum, operation since the competitive and cooperative game began. This means that his species' happiness minus suffering, and anybody's personal contribution to this betterment, has not improved, or decreased, from zero since the game began while, spiritually speaking, we've been running, ever faster, and burning up more, material, energy, on the spot. Social engineers, who include all evangelists, who include all politicians, preach otherwise and claim rewards, including privileges, for mankind's progress that they claim, untruthfully, as risk-taking entrepreneurs, innovators, organisers or inventors, or their aids, to cause. Hypocrites, nevertheless, like belled-sheep and judas-goats, have their useful part to play in this, evolving, chapter of the story of eternal Life, on earth. They can be useful as, testing, adversaries, like the red baron was for snoopy in the strip, but can't be trusted to be helpful-kind, as good friends are; partly because they can't be relied upon to always practise what they preach. A problem is that this source of evil, with its, self-righteous, double standards, is easily seen in others but can only be eliminated in and by oneself. Hypocrisy is both the mark of caan and the birth-mark of the Beast; because it identifies all who can't care for the welfare of others as well as good guys should; which means living with them mutually-helpfully, as equals in status, abiding by God's golden rule of universal love. Politics is, as machiavelli told the medici-family prince, the institutionalised art of deliberate deception, half-truth, innuendo, fear, coercion, including war and intimidation, anger and hypocrisy which means, unintentional, self-and-other deceit, whereby we deny and disobey the Law; and ignore the fact that what goes round comes back around like a boomerang, for better or for worse. It's as if the political animals have been hypnotised by their own false assumptions, especially concerning their, or their family-group's, or party's, own righteousness, virtue and/or moral rectitude. Some call an aspect of that, evil, error "the illusion of invulnerability".

    Playing politics may be a popular sport among political animals, such as senators, whigs, tories, abraham lincoln and his artful cronies, of both the union and the south, were or are, but no, long-term, good can come of it. The evils of war, crime, arson, money, misogyny, homophobia, homicide, disease, torture, financial corruption, toxic technology (remember defoliation, or bio-terrorism, by agents of agent orange?) and second-rate sex may be deadly but they are consequential to this fundamental flaw. Hypocritical reasoning is the reason for the spiritual poverty whereby, starved to death of both giving and getting, i.e. circulating, Love, in the true meaning of the metaphor, and although the gross domestic-product, or national money-income, of, i.e. the use of, and dependence on, money in, political economies or the body politic may grow, like excessive fat can also infect, with fatal obesity, the corporeal bodies of real people, we, like our societies, get sick, grow old and die; either slowly or suddenly. For love to circulate it is just as important to ask for help, and so receive it, appreciatively, as it is to offer help, and so give it, equally as generously. Parentalistic gifts, such as steinbeck's mercy killing (which made me cry, compassionately, while squatting on the loo) are only legitimate for those who are of the same, spiritual, kind and so can, correctly, read the other's mind; whether from the way they talk or otherwise.

    They, the normals, are not, much, interested in this, fundamental, fact, or the related science of semantics (aka "the use of, logical, reasoning in the search for, truthful, understanding of the meaning of, including the reason for, corporeal Life") and they sometimes laugh, self-righteously, including sneeringly, at we curious cats who are; at times dismissing us as "dreamers", "commos", "pinkos using purple prose" or "egg-headed intellectuals" or martyring us as "heretics" as they did to Hypatia, the spunk, of ancient alexandria. Like us, although most don't know it yet, they are guilty of hypocrisy, which is mankind's common fault (aka "fatal sin"). To whinge about the whinging of, some, others, for example, or to play pork-barrel politics, is to use, arbitrarily, the, unprincipled, double-standards of a fork-tongued and two-faced fool. Moreover this fatal sin, the wages of which are death, applies to none more so than those, including the church, founding, family and civic fathers, of all kinds, including artful dodgers of the likes of abraham the patriarch from ur, ataturk the general, who ended the ottoman empire, the other young turks of his time and place and those bossy women who, like boadicea, cleopatra, imelda marcos and eva peron were, and other so-called liberated women, who are liberated enough to be like men, like oprah winfry, angela merkit and hillary clinton (who like to pretend they're just one of the big boys) are, are matriarchs, who think that this fault which, if uncured, is eventually fatal for the afflicted ones, and those who follow and depend on them, does not apply to them, or to their children whom they pander to and spoil like baby dolls or household pets. Nor can they apply the fault to those people, past or present, whom, like steve irwin and dick smith, they iconise or lionise as authorities, celebrities, role models, heroes or exemplars to be hero-worshipped, admired, bum-kissed, cock-sucked, obeyed, celebrated and/or otherwise idolised; for their contribution to, the sickness of, a sick society. That means, maybe on a smaller scale, being treated like the crowned and sceptred pharaohs were, as god-men, in temples in ancient egypt beside the, seasonal river, nile, and the emperors, maharajis, magis and other priest-kings (who also as god-men or half-breeds had been told they had descended, in the male line, from the masculine nefilim, who had descended, temporarily, from Heaven to earth, for sowing their wild oats in wild-oat sowing season) (like the romans also did when they raped the sabine women who then fell in love with them) and lived beside the snow-fed, melt-water, rivers that were flowing further east, or on the volcanic, such as loess and basaltic, soils nearby.

    "There's no better feeling than representing one's country" say many those of them who can't represent Heaven or, a living-loving, God. It's time we showed our true colours to those representatives of dead ideas and their fool-hardy fans.

    If pet owners loved a lot of other people as well as they love their, domesticated, pets, such as dogs, horses, pigs and cows, and their other fetishes, such as shoes, guns, cars, precious stones, children, palatial mansions, white goods, art work, real estate, family farms, furs, harleys and furniture, then the money-economy might collapse but the bigger world, and they, would change, for the better, overnight. The same applies to lovers of lord gods, other deified abstractions, symbolic flags or crucifixes, imaginary kingdoms and other types of corporate body or reified absraction.

    The, main, human fault is in the, immature-hypocritical, way we think, and consequently (mis)understand and (mis)behave; which is faulty but remediable. God creates, causes and/or is the material world but by our thinking, as prince Gotama said, we create our own version of the metaphysical world, of meaning, in which we also live our lives, and die our deaths, for better or for worse. Meek people know that this is so. As the, preservative, salt of the living earth we are, not only tolerant but also, supportive of consensual diversity, which by definition is both mutual-aiding and non-violent in its nature, and, as we search, as philo-sophers must, to find the Truth, i.e. true, metaphysical, meaning (God's truth or 'struth) as known by the Creator God, who is, paradoxically, both the originating Source and the accommodating All, including, in both cases, us, try to act, especially interact, accordingly. People present at the alpha-beginning will also be there at the omega-ending of this Life-cycle god; resurrected in the same, spiritual, role albeit clothed differently in, physical, rainment-embodiment, as some smart seers have seen and said. This means, partly, that we, as would-be anarchists, try to live, let others live and help those others live, autonomously and non-violently, as they wish to live their, own, lives, while each makes their own mistakes, from which Wisdom, the language of the God(s), can, and without which Wisdom can't, be learnt. This we do while searching for, which includes experimenting with ideas as options, a better way, which will be in harmony with the way of thinking and behaving of the autobiographical God of whom we're co-living, clone-like, knowing parts; using the same, harmonic, scale as "the music of the, heavenly, spheres".

    Self-righteous people don't do this, because they don't believe they can; which they, probably, can't. The unprecedented, in terms of type, is beyond them; like the transcendent also is and, as long as they can't repent, and change, will always be, until they die, for them. Instead they try to be dominating as they already are, as if in the missionary position of red-bummed baboons and the bedrooms of the tongan and fijian wesleyans, coercively by force or rhetorically by persuasion, or, as lackeys or retainers, to serve others, such as chiefs, nobles, captains, prefects or silver-backs, who have assumed some version of the dominating, societal, position. The glorification of military bravery, which may include that of women warriors, as in anzac day and other remembrance day parades, when they ignore the gross incompetence of braided admirals, big-brassed generals, vote-buying politicians and electors (as evidenced by the facts behind most military debacles such as those of the light-horse brigade in the crimea, the attempt to invade turkey at gallipoli, the anzac defeats in anti-nazi greece, including crete, and the seventh division's imprisonment in colonial malaya, burma and singapore) is a customary foolishness for them. At the same time they tend to be fearful of, and hence hostile towards, all sorts of, apparent, threat, such as global warming, yellow perils, red menaces, acid rains, rising sea-levels, sex-simulation dancing, idealistic terrorism, illegalised immigration, swine flu, other cross-species sicknesses, swine flu vaccines, aliens, from overseas or outer space, or with different ideals, such as the fulan gong have for the maoists in the chinese-people's government, any lack of the privacy that they equate with secrecy, and we anarchists, whom they commonly equate, equally slack-mindedly, with ego-tripping hedonists or lawless nihilists, such as charles manson was. Theirs is, generally, the politics of fear, laced with hostility-anger, which their leaders cultivate, and profit from, when they can, in countless, worldly-clever but spiritually-stupid, including ruthless and coercive, and eventually suicidal, ways. Anybody who, instead of developing their own self-defensive and other-loving powers, gives more power to governments of any sort because of a fear of possibilities such as terrorism, erosion, global warming, hell's bells, buggery, drugs, the devil, home invaders or other criminals will, unless they die tomorrow, rue the day. Caligula was just an extreme, roman, example of a, universal, type, that has included fidel castro, all jingoists, all little-napoleons and the burmese-buddhist generals. Governmental roles attract the worst type of person and make the others worse; as lord acton said in other words. Governmentalists, both superiors and subordinates, need special celebrations and celebrities for, token, confirmation of their, relative, righteousness; although the friendly quality of everyday living, as subjectively experienced by human beings and the God(s) we serve as surrogates, is what really matters most.

    19. WISDOM. Wisdom is the language, often used in allegorical art such as good-quality painting, dancing, such as maypole dancing, religious ritual, speculative masonry (aka figurative "carpentry", "building" and "construction"), and poetry, that links universal types or archetypal species to their particular specifics, examples, data and details by means of simile or metaphor; and enables us to communicate important information and/or understandings with one another and the gods. Wisdom reveals the knowledge that is otherwise hermetic, esoteric or occult. Without wisdom we are, spiritually, blind, deaf, dumb, inhumane, illiterate, stupid and expendable, and there is o hope for us. For example unwise fools may advocate priestly roles for women, without realising that, because they're inherently evil, all priesthoods, along with similar, superior-rank, roles like those of priestess, pundit, shaman, druid, parson, padre, ayatollah, master, monk, lama, nun, iman and pharisee, are now about to end; in complete-perfect revolution as distinct from partial reformation.

    With wisdom we know that the human problem is mainly a matter of, qualitative, language, i.e. the definitions of similarity and difference, including typologies of synonyms and antonyms, and types and typicals, which can be, logically, good or not. Mankind, in his immaturity, is using a dualistic language of symbols to describe, and objectify, a reality that's holistic, i.e. non-dualistic, and so appears to be paradoxical; which is to be not as smart as we, or some of us, are soon to be. God, for example, is best thought of, or imagined, in actual-and-abstract terms; not as a codger wearing a white night-shirt and a long grey-beard, and cruising about, like king monkey, with a shelaleigh or a wacking stick, up-on a cloud but rather as the perfect, either potentially or actually, superhuman but not supernatural, Other who is our All, Source, Whole, Situation, Cosmos, Context, Mother Nature, Orb, Body, Mastermind, Heaven and/or One. Moreover no single statement can tell the whole truth, although single statements are often taken, by the unwise, out of context and so are believed, and enforced on others, unjustifiably. Each logical statement also has some equally-true synonyms; and can be expressed, or paraphrased, as well in other words.

    God is our transcendent, four-dimensional, contextual whole who includes all meek persons, i.e. those who obey her golden rule, as well as the self-righteous sods who don't and so are confined, for her and our well-being, outside the curtain, in the dungeon or beyond the pale; in her subconsciousness, until they either come good, and so can come in from the cold, as we soon will, or are pissed off as, expendable, recycled waste. I am one of we who are members of the anarchic family of the Heaven(s) and/or God(s); and I need sibling or parental help, post haste.

    Of her we all, including, as samuel coleridge's ancient mariner, saint francis of assisi and captain abel, who was deservedly killed by moby dick, found out, all creatures great and small, are organic parts or corpuscular constituents; with useful, coordinating-head, sexual-knowing or lesser-body, functions to perform. If not self-conscious, then the parts are her lesser-body parts, which can be killed and used, legitimately and appreciatively, without hurting-harming her, like cut-off fingernails and locks of hair, for food, drink, shelter, self-defence and warmth, but are not meant to be wasted or used commercially, disrespectfully, for profit, like the slaughtered buffalo of the cheyenne were by pale-faced white-eyed goons, such as bill cody was, with guns. Nor, as in blood sports, such as bull-fights, bear-pits, fox-hunts, whipped-horse races, sport-fishing, including marlin, documentaries, gladiator-games or cock-fights, are any meant to be abused for others', hedonistic, fun or, as in rat-races and japanese whale-hunts, abused in the name of culture or experimental science. With-and-in her as our, contextual, domain or ground, some of us can become, head-like, partners, both with her and in her with one another, in the perfect, two-three-way, partnership; if/when the time for this, remarkable, long-term, understanding and consequential relationship is right, as it has become today, for humankind on earth and throughout the rest of the solar system, sun disc or helos sphere who, as our local context, perceived reality, heavenly house or accommodating world, represents the All to us and is all around, and through, us all. But to love her is not to like, as distinct from accept, with respect, as logically necessary, all particular parts of her; such as the self-righteous pricks when She accommodates them, temporarily, and the sharp sting carried, for self-protection, like a whip-lashing dragon, in her tail.

    Because of being the perfect, albeit periodically imperfect, and hence seasonally evil, Supreme Being, of super-self Consciousness, as hypothesised in masonic, rosicrucian, kymer and solomonic temple, including inner-sanctum, sanctum-sanctorum, rites, She can do, and do better, everything that any of her constituent beings do, in season, i.e. when the, cyclical, time for them, for doing this is right; including hibernate, transform, delegate, kill, consume, excommunicate and communicate, including copulate (vide Pete Seeger and Ecclesiastices). She is capable, seasonally, of, sharing, sustainably, with some of her special-purpose, head-like, parts, the, multifaceted, feeling of perfection, true Love and/or high Heaven, i.e. Goodness and/or Godliness. Of this we've occasionally had, as precognitions, glimpses; mainly by means of erotic, which is non-reproductive and can include group and homosexual, sex for fun, mind-changing drugs, whirling dancing, such as rock and roll, dixieland-jive jazz and the sufi-dervish stuff, and the banging of, boom-boom, percussion-jungle drums. This climax is imagined-foreseen, by us, to be a wonderful experience of goodness and/or godliness to be looked forward to, which we do with great expectations, and makes the present-normal shit worthwhile-bearable, but expendable-forgettable. Goodness (aka "godliness") is the perfect experience, that's better even than the rastas get from smoking tokes, the gentry got from sniffing snuff, the contact dancers got from waltzes and foxtrots and wine-bibbers get from bibbing whites, bubblies, crackling rosies or full-bodied reds. This sacred ecstasy entails good logical, moral and enjoyable qualities, all blended, pulsatingly, into one; and its time for, half of, us has, as an accommodating bliss-ball, come.

    The Lady's hot to trot with, and ripe to be seduced, including fucked, by those, of both, biological, sexes, whose life-stories, including the pleasures of the flesh, She finds spiritually, including aesthetically, sexually and ethically, seductive-attractive. If we can do it for good reason, guided by the wise satguru (aka "jiminy cricket" by pinocchio) within, then She'll give us the energy, security and opportunity needed for success. This means, as one's top priority, going out of one's way, every day, personally, to find opportunities for sharing, including expressively appreciating, acts, and other gifts, of friendliness; the giving and the getting of which are two, equally essential-valuable, sides of one, priceless-precious, coin.

    And the better we can know both ourselves and the other, who is representing god to us, the better, morally and enjoyably, for both we and them, are the decisions between options we can make and implement. The power of knowing, and expressing, Wisdom is unbeatably the best.

    20. EVOLUTION has an intentional-logical design that eclectic Wisdom (drawing on the lesser dialects of art, science, maths, religion and vernacular) enables us to comprehend. Our next raj, in thirty moon-month's time, following a calamitous crash of man-made systems, corporate bodies and/or formal institutions such as those of exclusive marriage, private property (the moguls of the biotech industry now claim to own 20% of the human gene pool!), commercial corporations, incorporated cities, institutionalised philanthrophy and national sovereignty, including their constituent things, including the people who believe in, depend on or believe that they belong to, them, is to be governed, not by governments, goons or guns but anarchistically, by Wisdom's golden rule of platonic love, i.e. agape, and we are wise to be prepared for and not surprised by this. Otherwise, before the present prelude ends, and our resume of learning-experiences is complete, we'll face and be killed, deservedly, because of the uncontrollable-disorderly events of chaos and catastrophe. The good news is that the loss of confidence, faith or trust in, and credibility by, established authorities (aka "devils") and their systems, both secular and religious, including their value systems, both moral and financial, all of which are hypocritical, is already underway and is weakening, by white-anting, those systems daily, locally, nationally and internationally. At the same time the attraction of a new age of egalitarian planarchy, or consensual democracy, is growing, equally as exponentially, in the minds of members of the meek-minded version of the earth's still-evolving genus; Man. However nothing less than a global catastrophe, composed of both natural and artificial disasters, directly effecting them and theirs, will cause normal people to question their normality enough to change their ways, radically, so that they can help introduce and fully enjoy the new world-order of holism-anarchism-gnosticism that, like a phoenix, will rise out of the ashes of the old; which is characterised by insurance, health-care, security, comfort and credit for the rich, and violence, parochialism, managerialism, confusion, superstition, addictive drugs, unsolved murders, worsening wars, expensive loans and win-lose competitions for the rest. The trigger for this societal collapse will be a loss in both the value of money and the legitimacy of, and trust in, authorities, such as cabinet ministers and prison guards, which is already underway and can no longer be disguised.

    The change of aura-aroma-mood as the old world ends, via its final coup de grace, to become the new can now by smelt; if you have the, spiritual, nose to sense this sort of stink. Nothing of the old world matters much; not even property deeds, photos of the past, maps of the present, social networks such as facebook's or professional credentials such as b.a. (hons). Universities should prepare for the new way-world but being just annexes of the old they don't. Mankind's population has grown to the critical mass, or optimum size, for its successful bifurcation to take place. However this end of, established, civilisation does not mean the end of human Life, Heaven or the planet earth. In fact the best is yet, and soon and suddenly to come for those who are wholeheartedly in search of it. This best is paradise, nirvana and/or the perfect anarchy, on earth; the sustainable climax to evolution, which equates with devolution of talent, wealth and authority, from-by the Mother God, so that her descendants-inheritors can "live, in partnership with one another and with her, as equal-status, democratic, gods, sharing all the, exciting, fun and games of being gods".

    21. GNOSIS. The ideology that the new-next world-order needs is neo-gnosticism, which entails a personally-direct knowledge of, and by, God that's experienced as egalitarian camaraderie and familiarity; and verges, in normal lingo, on happy insanity. The principal idea of gnosis is that our, superhuman, context, of whom we're part, is living but not, yet, alive-awake (and bored to tears by what normally and mundanely goes on, as work, play, celebration, entertainment, animal-like breeding and reproductive parenting). It's now time, in this version of her life-cycle, for gnosis-seekers, for whom gnosis is our reason d'être, to stand up and be counted by contradicting other, conventional-conservative, beliefs and their believers; both theists, including the apostolic prayer-warriors, and atheists, such as capitalism's and socialism's economic-rationalists; so that our option becomes public knowledge, albeit not common belief, for everyone; and ignorance of the, sacred, Law can be no excuse for anybody's violation of this Law, i.e. committing the capital crime of sin, for which accessories, before or after the act, are just as guilty as are those that actually do the dumb-dirty deed. This we'll do by broadcasting pearls of Wisdom freely, far and wide; on rocky and on fertile soil, and taking rejections, even when they entail hostile abuse, from self-righteous sinners, in bossy boots, (aka "hogs and sows") in our stride. We must each be game to make our final move, stand tall and take on Evil, now with God only, as certain partner, with us on our side.

    We, in this salvation army, are a minority movement of non-violent nonconformists, who don't know one another as spiritual siblings yet, but who all believe in a superhuman god who is a person who resembles us, generously-good fun and the rule of, the one good-just, Law, i.e. the "golden rule" of consensual diversity, in contrast to compulsion, dictation or coercion, such as a compulsory, religious or irreligious, dogma like the talmud's, the vatican's, the chinese people's army's and the german nazi party were/are. We are, immediate, problem solvers more than, long-distance, planners and constitute an apocalyptic cult of cultists who believe in evolution, as part of a natural cycle that includes devolution, from God, but not the social darwinism of, self-righteous, social engineers; that justifies their allocation, in god-father or step-mother roles, of rewards, bribes and pay-back penalties by using evil means such as institutionalised theft such as what's called private, including corporate, property and compulsory taxation, enforced by means of institutionalised hypocrisy, governance and violence. Their taxes, rebates, concessions, remissions, fines, bursaries, fees and subsidies are generally regressive and so mainly benefit the, actually or potentially, materially rich and influential (such as are many merchants in the home-building industry, the medical-surgical industry and the business roundtable of c.e.o.'s in the u.s.a. which, along with israel and iran, is one of today's "evil empires") and politically, including militarily and judicially, powerful more than the poor and disadvantaged of the empires' underclass or low estate. We expect, and are working to promote, a quantum leap in evolution, beginning with cerebral evolution, that bifurcates the human genus into the meek species, who can live, anarchistically, as an agency of God, the everliving-omnipotent All, governing ourselves by the golden rule of consensual diversity, and the self-righteous hypocrites, who can't. By 2013 a.d. we'll each either adapt to massive astrological-ecological-sociological-biological-ideological changes or we won't survive the worst. Kaput! Anything else of any importance is a logical implication-explication-extrapolation-inference of this principal, but multi-faceted, idea. A good dictionary, such as wikipedia, a good encyclopedia, such as, if uncensored, google's, broad experience, of both successes and mistakes, both one's own and others', and a good, open-enquiring, mind, are the main weapons for the winning of this final battle of the world-wide war; wherein being patriotic, and believing in "the national interest", or being proud in any other way, e.g. of one's race, religion, language, speech, record, reputation, hard work, income, tribe, physique, acquisitions, ethics, skills, family name, sexual conquests, dress sense or specialised scholarship, will be a, fatal, flaw. Feeling, unearnedly, lucky is a different, good-vibed and hence health-promoting, way to be; like the jolly joker in the ancient tarot pack who doesn't need help from any patronising healers, either orthodox or alternative, of the sick-care industry-conspiracy; only some parts of which, like the curate's proverbial egg, are good.

    As a set of logical consequences, the gnostics' master-proposition means -

    1) The Holy Spirit, and/or the God, is the, omnipotent, creative-idea manifesting as the best Story that, as their Context of natural signs, anybody can, self-consciously, believe and actually live with-in and which can be translated into a meaningful-understandable-livable tale,

    2) Her life-cycle oscillates between being a perfect singularity and being a perfect multiplicity; so that She enjoys, in turn, the best of both these, antithetical, worlds.

    3) I am a partnership-part of her, now, as She is nearing her perfect, yin or multi-partnered, pole and associated mode,

    4) we are hurt and helped, not only by our and others' physical actions and inactions but also, by the spiritual vibrations caused by our and their emotional-thoughts or meaningful-feelings, of which those of true love have the best-biggest effect, and those of ruthlessness, in its active or passive voice, the worst; on our immune and regeneration systems, which may include our body water, and hence our general health, including virility, joviality, sexuality and longevity,

    5) the best way for curing one's own sadness is to help somebody, without seeking publicity, importance or fame, who also has the blues, and can easily be found in one's own neck of the woods or nearby neighbourhood,

    6) whether legalised or illegalised, violence, i.e. the violation of personal autonomy or self-sovereignty, is an evil act, as is being an accessory, e.g. by keeping somebody's misdeed secret, either before or after the actual act, and is the refusal to give aid to someone, even a stranger, who is feeling and/or expressing need, even if unconsciously,

    7) "we do not see things as they are; we see them rather as we are," (vide the talmud of the hebrews), because our context is chameleon-like, in metaphysical-etherial terms, and returns, as pay-back, to constituents the same qualities they tend to feel and express as a vibrating-spiralling aura, including its halo, and/or spiritual colour-sound-odour, of their own feelings of "movement and repose"; which illustrates poetic justice at its best,

    8) the everliving universe is the supreme narrational (i.e. predominately spiritual-qualitative-noumenal) and physical (i.e. secondarily material-quantifiable-phenomenal) being and/or self-knowable happening or person; superhuman but not supernatural in her role as parenting and accommodating context, whom we perceive, albeit different (including bigger, longer-living and older) from us physically, as a, metaphysical, reflection, as if mirrored in a magic looking-glass, in our own, qualitative, image, which is, for all of us, while living in these pre-apocalyptic days when we're all sinners, two-sided, part-evil and part-good; any difference in degree being so far insignificant,

    9) her inner, psychic, communication, of feeling, is conveyed, faster than the speed of light and sight, in statements of, poetical, Wisdom, some of which we can't yet comprehend, because we mis-translate them into our own, faulty, lexicon, via a nervous system of apparent nothingness, that extends between and through all of her constituent, objective-subjective, things,

    10) her outer, audio-visual, communication is complementary, by signs or the, symbolic, movement of those things; phrased in her body language, either autonomously or automatically, which differs in speed according to the spatial-size and temporal age of the, heavenly, sphere it is occurring in,

    11) reified and deified abstractions, such as feudal kingdoms, degree factories and lord-god ecclesia are man-made apparitions; artificial cocoons, with no demos or sense of self, to be used and then scrapped when they become redundant and the captives, having become adult, can be, safely, freed, or can free themselves, if they have not become addicted to their chains, to live in the free-willed relationship of genuine democracy,

    12) species, including ours, and their natural contexts-habitats are mutable, for better or for worse, accidentally or intentionally, within limits designated by the evolutionary telos, which is inviolable.

    13) natural evolution and human history have a teleological-intentional, and fail-safe, design of linear cycles and quantum progressions culminating, as a telos, following a radical change in consciousness, in the new-next Deal; the aquarian, age of universal peace and equal justice, i.e. consensual democracy and/or good-willed anarchy, when-wherein many can-will interact symbiotically-consensually, in the perfect, multi-partner, partnership, and/or happy reunion-ending, as if we all are one,

    14) inner-peace and outer-peace are designed to follow a radical transformation; whereby, partly because of the, stimulating, trauma of a near-death experience, whereby we recognise the full meaning of mortality, the imperfection and futility of our life's work in this hellish world to date and the immanence-imminence, if we don't change, of, eternal, death, half of us change our immature-dominant nature for the better by becoming meek like, anarchic, gods,

    15) consequently we'll survive the global, including national and local, catastrophes, or birth pains, of this spiritual birth, metamorphosis and/or total transformation to spiritual maturity and paranormal power to do good, such as heal one another, cooperatively-affectionately, as equally-sacred peers,

    16) this multi-faceted event, of galactic-constellation magnitude, will, as a cleansing purge, be deadly and abortive for half of us but cathartic, cleansing and revealing for the adaptive, experimental and flexi-minded, rest; who are not set, so self-righteously, in our ways of being, believing, reasoning, behaving and evaluating, and so can bend, but not break, before the impact of the gale-force, spiritual, wind,

    17) bad laws, including norms, conventions and mores, are those that violate rather than defend the twin principle(s) of, adult, self-sovereignty and, voluntary, mutual-aid, aka the law of love, which includes qualities of acceptance, tolerance, generosity, appreciation and forgiveness, and makes dynamic peace, equal justice, eternal life, sacred sex, exciting-safe adventure and true happiness possible, equally, for everybody in this divine, parts-whole, relationship; the perfect, multi-partner, partnership or sacred marriage between God, the gods and Man,

    18) nobody on earth is, or has been, this spiritually fit, enlightened or awakened, in this galactic cycle, or 2600 year progression, yet, as distinct from reading signs and catching glimpses, occasionally, of the possibility, and so, as sinners, we have died, prematurely, starved-suffocated to death, because of being tourniqued around the neck, spiritually speaking, and starved of universal love; the food, elixir, ambrosia and/or mana of adult, illuminated, gods. That neuroticism, however, has now begun to change; in the biggest change-of-era event, or resistance-revolution-renaissance, that, in this Life-cycle, there has so far ever been,

    19) among other meanings this means that the successful end of human education and the archetypal D, for-deliverance-or-doom, day is/are now, immediately, at hand for everyone, although the door we choose is ours,

    20) Enlightenment equates with attaining gnosis, illumination, god-consciousness, star-consciousness, krisna-consciousness, higher-self realisation and/or buddhahood.

    22. EDUCATION. We neo-gnostics differentiate between pedagogy, whereby the teacher helps the student learn what the teacher, in the role of pundit-trainer-coach-mentor-pedagogue, already knows, and philosophy, whereby peers seek, collaboratively, a still-unknown truth, such as how to live in, round-table, love, as distinct from in, pyramidal, hierarchies such as, impersonal, bureaucracies, plutocracies and other types of, love-starved, tyranny, such as matriarchies, oligarchies, patriarchies or majority-rule democracies. The first idea which, as schooling, derives from "educare", which means "to mother", precedes, naturally, the second which, often as research, derives more from "educere", which means "to liberate the learner". Nothing and nobody can avert catastrophe at the end of our, exponential-teleological, evolution but good philosophy can-will help, half of, us survive this judgment-day event, of natural selection and/or galactic quality-control; which now is imminent. This we'll do by making a quantum leap in cerebral evolution and so reaching our imago state, of personal empowerment and universal friendliness, wherein we can live together anarchistically as good, helpful-autonomous, friends; tenants in common of the garden-planet earth; a common-property inheritance, gifted-presented as her multi-functional organ, a creative-womb that has become a knowing-organ, by our parental God and playing then, for her, the sacred-knowing roles of both intellectual brain and sensual yoni. Within this/these organs, mainly by means of one another, we are designed to interact as head-topped, front-facing, phalluses; either a clitoris, representing God's feminine-yin side, or a penis, representing, or presenting himself as, a beloved-lover. The world's self-righteous, self-important, pricks, of both sexes, are those who can't believe in and do this because, being stuck in yesterday's cement-like mud, they'll never, voluntarily, change the way they reason-think or how they already have become. Our optimistic-imaginative attitude, unlike theirs, transforms the global catastrophe which is being predicted today, albeit inaccurately, world-wide, more than ever before, in artistic media such as blockbuster movies, like "2012", into an apocalypse, i.e. a mass enlightenment, or collective revelation, for those who can survive the purge and make the, final, grade of negentrophy, enlightened living, sinlessness, healthiness and/or universal love. None of us is yet fit to survive this, metamorphosical, change, not even those that claim to be already good, reborn, saved, virtuous or enlightened, but by concentration, mental effort, attention, self-critical reflection, imagination, practice, free exchange, trial, error and retrial, and the threat of martyrdom, many, with a good, mixed-blood, genetic inheritance, which is unpredictable, even by parents or genetic engineers, are soon gunna be.

    Otherwise the only option is more-worse of the past, until extinction; which only sado-masochists could possibly enjoy.

    We neo-gnostics believe in the philosophy of metamorphosis and/or transformation.
    Mankind is designed to evolve into his final, imago, state, as enlightened humankind, following an apocalypse, or collective revelation of the Truth, especially concerning the nature of the good versus evil dichotomy (i.e. similarities in and differences between qualitative, as distinct from quantitative, kinds of, self-conscious, Life). This, unprecedented, event-experience will end our, spiritual, immaturity and, personal, self-education by ending our hypocrisy and perfecting our relationships; with both one another and the gods who make up God, and/or the ever-living Heaven of constituent heavens who is the living context we inhabit, as constituent-organic peer-like parts. This judgment day of natural selection and/or global quality-control will also be a doomsday for the self-righteous hypocrites, including the megalomaniacs, like general macarthur was, and kleptomaniacs, like many home invaders and shoplifters are, who can't change their, more-or-less, ruthless ways; in order to live together amiably, acceptingly and anarchistically, like enlightened gods in Heaven do. This means in a state of consensual diversity; not governed by, or governing, others, coercively, in parental-infantile roles, but guided, self-responsibly, by one's conscience, the others' communication and one's understanding of the golden rule of universal love, which rewards the qualities of mercy, generosity, acceptance, tolerance and forgiveness but not the lack of them. No unrelated knowledge, as distinct from knowing how to love, both God and one's fellow man, is essential knowing for a gnosis-seeker; in the evolving phylum of the, deciduous, tree of, everlasting, Life on earth. For example, whether or not, as the idea of samsara suggests, some of the dead will be reborn, reincarnated or resurrected, which they probably will be, if their auras, or life cells, had become healthy while they were living and remained intact while they've been dead, by a generously forgiving, god, to have a second try within a better context, does not influence how we are wise to live, and maybe die, today. Our obligation is to our species, rather than to any specific individual; even our parents, children, spouses or ourselves, or the commander-in-chief, governor-general or president of some legalised abstraction or invention. Nevertheless we are responsible for the quality of one life, only, our own, including the friendliness of its relationships; unless we are burdened by an added responsibility for subordinates, such as employees and children who are underaged; below the age of puberty and/or informed-adult consent. Our only obligation to unfriendlies, if they cannot end their unfriendly ways, is to be forgiving (because, "being congenital idiots, they know not what they do, not even when they, for some self-righteous reason, commit murder, legally or illegally") and non-violent when we have to interact, which we do, helpfully but self-defensively, with them.

    23. FRIENDLINESS. Friendship, unlike selfishness, lovelessness or ruthlessness, enriches the goodness and/or godliness of anything-everything we do. The gnostic mission-ambition is not a normal one. Instead of mundane fame, animal-type fucks, top-dog dominance, prime waterfront or elevated real-estate and/or monetary fortune we seek full membership of an, envisaged, family, kinship, partnership, common-kind and/or friendship group that is the best there is; partly because members will help each other unconditionally, including defend each other when necessary, non-aggressively, from outsiders, who believe, aggressively, in other codes. This spiritual family has one common characteristic; allegiance to the karmic code; of pay-back reciprocity, i.e. spiritual meekness. Otherwise each is free, and helped, to be unique. The gnostics' god, supreme person or principal relation, is the everliving All of whom we're interdependent-organic parts, ruled, when needs be, by the needs felt, and expressed, by our accommodating whole or one of her representative clones or body-head parts. She eschews loneliness and feeds on friendliness, which we pass on as the circulation of love and/or affectionate kinship, i.e. feelings, both emotional and sensual, thoughts and actions of personal autonomy and voluntary generosity, without which, as the sang real, holy grail, divine-will power or spiritual blood, we cannot live, lovingly, as equals, She cannot be completely whole and the world in which we live is wicked; out of joint, as it is for everybody here and now, in this hell-on-earth in these, primitive, pre-apocalyptic days of poor quality-control. She can feel our two-part interactions, or actualised relationships, either positively or negatively, pleasurably or painfully, like a flash-spark through the synapse between two electro-magnetic poles; which can be either painful and contradictory or complementary and pleasurable. Consequently, the more in quantity and the better in quality are the acts of friendly generosity, including feelings of heart-felt compassion, that I can give and get, both roles being equally essential and valuable for this, the love type of, economy, as distinct from economies of the barter, planned, laissez-faire, socialist, mixed-bag, command and managed-market types, the better off I'll be, as She and some other parts of her will also be.
    Last edited: Apr 10, 2014
  3. Allisiam

    Allisiam Well-Known Member

    For genuine human progress, which is towards our adult, imago, state, in partnership with one another and the God(s), egotistical, insular or parochial acts of, self-righteous, omission or commission are equally as important, in a negative way, as, in a positive way, are acts of affectionate-compassionate commission in, intentional, service of the Other who's a rational-emotional person-family made up of oneself and everybody else, including her clone-like gods or elohim, such as our earth's solar-system, bounded by the orb-ort cloud as her spherical membrane, is. So far, in today's learning-training cycle, with its love-starved economy, wherein "no man is an island", the lives we've lived, including the, mundane, successes we've achieved, the many mistakes we've made and the failures-sufferings we've caused and endured, are unimportant and can now be, safely, forgotten or ignored; except if needed for learning Wisdom. Life, in this cycle, has been a zero-sum game for all of us, including God, to date. However the apocalyptic revelation of the Truth, concerning the difference between good and evil qualities, which is subtle but significant, and is absolute-universal in generic terms of the if-then logic of the Story, Ghost or Spirit we're co-authors of and co-players with-and-in, will soon change all that; and is already underway, in epistles such as this. However in this breaking out and coming together, in one great sainthood-siblinghood reunion, we'll be opposed by the neo-fascists who see themselves, self-righteously, as fuhrers or fuhrer-followers of the next reich of capitalism-cum-militarism, i.e. managerialism and competition, from chicago to brussles, bagdad, bombay, brisbane, gaza and beijing, and those who simply are confused and, childishly, arrogant, even if occasionally blissed-out on dope, grog, devil-music, spectator-sport or sex, in their ignorance; who'll test the strength of our commitment to our chosen family, kind and/or grand-parental God, and her preferred, anarchic, way of life. Like bad apples in a barrel those bullies and/or social engineers, and their dependents, including those who sleep, and those who breed babies, with them, who think they have a vested interest in some aspects of the, cosmetically, changing status-quo, make, true, love impossible for both themselves and the rest of us and must be identified and cleaned out by the gods (and/or their angelic lucifers or nefilim) when human-harvest day has come around which, signs signify, will be in two or three years from today; during which time we, civilisation and the earth, will change as much as we and they have changed, exponentially, during the ten millennia before. How will you, and yours, cope with this, metamorphosis?

    The challenge is to compose the perfect, including believable and livable, Tale, of types of character, role, scene, costume and event, of which the past has been an introduction, preparation and/or foreplay; which God finds so attractive, ethically and aesthetically, including sexually, that She is seduced into participating as a, pop-eyed, partner in the common, good friends-versus-evil foes, and then winning celebration, enterprise. Knowing this Wisdom releases-enthuses a motivating power to do good, such as help others to be happy by also doing good, that is miraculous or omnipotent. "Avatar", like "Tao te ching", the chinese Book of Changes, Jesus' oral gospel, "the fingerprints left by the nefilim" and this epistle, provides a tiny clue or two concerning the nature of good-versus-evil qualities to guide our preparation for this, personal-and-communal, excitement and empowerment. Goodness in any speciality, from global yachting, body healing and triathling to guitar playing, playing snooker and gardening organically, is unrelated to anybody's goodness at being human, but can be used, by good-willed people, for mutual aid by being freely shared (bugger paypal, e-bay, credit cards and the other financial aids that capitalists need for their, loveless, exchanges-transactions!) for everybody's pleasure, profit and/or betterment.

    24. GOD. The apocalyptic insight reveals to us the nature of, and relationship between, ourselves and God. Self-righteous atheists criticise religion per se without understanding that not all religion's bad, and it is the difference between bad and good religion that needs to be clarified-identified. A god is a superhuman being and accommodating whole. Our populated solar-system is a, maiden, god; a membraned clone of, who represents to us, the universal One who can know herself, if this attracts her interest-curiosity, as the created clone. Being without a consensual demos a corporate body, such as a kingdom or republic, cannot be a living god, can't exude or feel vibes and can't be trusted to be kind.

    Humankind is meant to become the set of knowing, forebrain, cells for the earth as a former womb that's now becoming a, sensually-intellectually, knowing organ for our organic star, sun disc or elohim. Till now She has enjoyed all movement or tactile touch but now needs to learn, from our, consensual, thoughts and actual examples, that acts of violence are hurtful-objectionable for meek-enlightened Man, and so it's best if She is meek, and not obsessed with her own self-importance, when She interacts, in partnership, with us.

    To be achievable and sustainable, the new-age and human-species survival require a new idea, or new set of old ideas, and an associated change of normal consciousness, that's been predicted as attaining gnosis, illumination, self-realisation or enlightenment. The key idea of gnosis, which can be expressed or phrased in many ways, is - I am a partner-part of God; one of many, spiritual, kinfolk who in season are, consensually, the God(s); a multi-partnered and cyclically-progressive entity, knowable as a logical autobiography, of uniquely different, mutually helpful-playful, creatures who are peers, each with equal access to her will-power; which is omnipotent if She rates the reason good. If imagined from outside, alienated as a divorcee, then She appears to be a singularity and her sign is "Yahwe; He who is God, authoritatively". From with-in, as playful partners, She is knowable by us as a, fun-loving, multiplicity, whose sign is "We who are the God(s), convivially and consensually". To her we all belong, as either insiders or outsiders, and She's about to blow her top, deliberately and selectively, by means of an enlightening revelation for the meek and a fart-like doomsday of expulsion-rejection-destruction for the rest; those hypocrites of the self-righteous sort whom She ranks, like we do, as having become, like stale-smelling farts or yesterday's dead-ended turds; redundant supernumeries.

    This means to actually live one's life, with high esprit, conscious of being in, convivial, company with God, the appreciative-helpful One; beginning here and now by "fighting for the cause that lacks assistance and the future in the distance, and the good that we can do"- as said my dad, Norm the advocate, who, before his suicide in 34, worked in cow-cocky country for the fourth estate. Dedicated also to his grandson Luke, my dear departed, second, son and all others who've been friends and gone ahead before.

    10. 25. RESUME. Hi. We anarcho-gnostics need the rest of the, universal, Family to help us now to come in from the cold. Our preliminary time on earth has been to learn to talk with them as the natural context of which we are constituents. We've prepared ourselves for this new, anarchistic, way of life by having learnt to communicate, with them and one another, in terms of the, eclectic, Wisdom lexicon, especially by understanding and expressing the golden rule of true, agape, love, in psychic thoughts and physical, both bodily and symbolic, signs. If they can hear, see and feel us loud, clear and affectionate enough, then we'll each, soon, welcome a nefilim in from outer-space to assume and share our bodily persona, while our, contextual, elohim assumes a personality that complements-completes our own. The new, galactic-springtime, regime will then begin accordingly; hopefully with thee and me as two of the many partners playing for the good side in the common enterprise. But first we have to win the war for our, ever-living, God(s) against the others', man-made, system(s); such as those of nation, commerce, supreme court and religion. This She has chosen us, as her surrogates, representatives, avengers or personas to do. So let's do it, for her even more than for ourselves, pronto.

    The secret is the law or logic of platonic-agape love, mutual aid and/or consensual agreement which helps one another, in the role of beloved-lover, to be different, which, unlike other types of relationship, makes the relevant society-system, of parts and whole(s) and their relationships, everlastingly efficient, effective and sustainable; albeit seasonally changeable. With this, egalitarian, relationship the love emotion follows, as a consequence, the loving interaction which is enacted because of being perceived as being logically commendable, and develops because of it, rather than precedes and rationalises it; as happens with the other, lesser, sorts of passion and/or love. fin
    Last edited: Apr 10, 2014
  4. Allisiam

    Allisiam Well-Known Member

    Hi comrades; feedback, both positive and negative, is welcome because we all know some of the Truth and sharing is essential, for success, in this, all-important, all-or nothing, quest for collective and personal enlightenment-salvation and the better, anarcho-democratic, type of world that is now, exponentially-unstoppably, on its way. There is no other “worthy cause” to serve apart from this.


    as told to and by auld Dr Doug Ogilvie, whose alma maters, for tertiary education-training, included the a.t.c., u.n.e., and u.of qld;
    and who, since ‘75, has been a barefooted baba in bilambil in the wollumbin caldera of the big scrub, red soil, blue basalt country of north-eastern n.s.w.
    (22 /2/11)

    a) THE POINT. This is a minority-nonconformist point of view with which, apart from bits, few people will agree. Its hypothesis-thesis is that the best preparation we can make for the imminent-immanent apocalypse-catastrophe is to be open to the possibility that we and others have been, radically, wrong in the way we think, including value, and behave. This means being, spiritually, humble-meek like Jesus instead of self-righteously hypocritical like those who crucified or idolised him as a criminal or a hero. Without this change in consciousness a new world (reich, realm, raj or regime) of illumination, democracy, peace and sustainability is an impossibility and its marketers are double agents; self-righteous fascists who fiddle with the Truth that alone can, and will, set we sinners free, from the consequences-wages of sin-stupidity, such as is normal sickness, accident, suffering and death.

    The, last, deadline is now. The bell of john donne tolls for everyone, wherever and whatever we may be. The classical window of opportunity is opening for no more than a year or two. The, prophetically predicted, Change, to an altered state of human consciousness, or self-and-else awareness, by “opening the doors of perception”, without aid or abstinence from substances, such as psychedelics, or activities, such as fasting, from carnal pleasures such as those of sex, meat or alcohol, and an exodus-entry to a new and better type of world (aka “Nirvana”, “the Garden” and “Zion”, albeit normally misunderstood) is not only nigh but is, violently-bloodily, like a childbirth cursed by birthing pains, already underway. The earth’s evolution and her associated pregnancy, whereby She is developing embryonic-foetal man to his adult-imago state, are ending by coming to sustainable fruition-climax in one quickening-surge and with one spine-chilling scream. “Liberation! Freedom! Emancipation! My, meek, people must be made free, of their bondage to pharaohs, fuhrers, generals, governors, priests and other brutes and bullies, either elected or unelected, in high hats, high chairs and bossy boots!”

    As a change of life event the ecological-ideological changes underway, since the great depression of the thirties, which will affect us all collectively, are similar to but different from the biological ones of menstruation-puberty-lactation and menopause-senility, which affect us individually, in similar and different ways. "Know thyself if you want to know God, metaphorically-allegorically", as the virgin delphic oracle, and pythagoras, by the blue aegean, said, and the time for massive insightful-lifestyle change, as we reach mankind's adult, imago stage, is now. Normality equates with the simpsons' cartoon world with its evil, including foolish-comical, characters, that is now about to end, in an emotional-material paroxysm of poetic justice, including, for different groups of people, either, uncontrollable, laughter or disaster, as depicted by the teaching myth of noah-gilgemesh and the cleansing flood of God.
    Corporatism, i.e. managerialism-competition, or mammon-babylon, which began when nomadic hunting and gathering progressed into sedentary-village tribalism, with agriculturalism and land ownership, 7,000 years ago, when the aliens last were here, sowing wild oats in mesopotamia, in season, has been a win-lose, zero-sum, contestation type of game that's been played, as civilisation, even by uncle toms, but now is due, with harvesting, to end. This will be for the better for some, following catastrophe, as Nirvana, which will then be played as a long-time, win-win, zero-plus game and for the worse, for others, as their catastrophic doomsday, which will be a dreadful-fatal, abortion-like, purge of the unrepentant sinners who, like rev. jim jones, placenta-afterbirth and brain-dead farts, are damned beyond redemption. Their, imminent, expulsion-destruction-doom is because of their, unintentional, hypocrisy, wickedness or sin; which are synonyms for breaking the logical law, or Logos, of the universal God, i.e. the universal Pattern, or Masterplan, for classifying particular details-data-specifics, as either good or evil, universally correctly, which is determined by the natural System's, cyclical-periodical, destiny in its, complete, entirety. They use, and believe in, stereotypes instead of archetypes, biased meanings instead of ones of single principle, false dichotomies, instead of the one true, good-versus-evil one, superstitions such as numerology and astrology instead of Wisdom, and fatwahs and papal bulls instead of the golden rule of consensual diversity, which means that, to put it simply, they are troppo and/or stark-raving mad.
    In that state of craziness they commonly, carelessly, equate anarchy with lawlessness-chaos and communism with godless stalinism and enforce these half-truths onto others; self-righteously. This means that they are functionally illiterate, which leads them to false conclusions and an early-premature death. As if one-eyed they see others' faults but not their, equally important, own as evidenced by their, hypocritical, acts of omission and commission; such when they say we must respect the, superodinate, office, even when the office holder is obviously a hypocrite, as inevitably he is.

    This, two-sided, archetypical, happening, which is a day of judgment-reckoning that is part doomsday, for some, and part revelation, for others, we hypothesise, will be traumatic and/or ecstatic, depending on the subject's good or evil character or nature, but suddenly and globally for everyone. The rest, apart from this radical paradigm-change to millennia of gnostic anarchy which, with the worship of Sophia-Wisdom, began as socratic-type philosophy, with its advocacy of democracy and belief in an after-life, in, greek-speaking, byzantium (where africa, asia and europe met in sites like athens and alexandria) at the ending of taurene and beginning of piscean seasons-eras-days, is, spiritually impotent, trivia. We gnostics were and are idealists rather than realists or mere materialists. Paleo-fascists such as plato and aristotle who, like confucius, the sheiks, the dons, the brahmans, the magi and martin luther, conned the common people into needing guardians and protectors, got some partial understandings right but broke the anarchic-socratic mould into fragments-smithereens; that only now, like jill's jack's head, can be fully-finally repaired. Logical philosophy is out of fashion nowadays but we need, urgently-immediately, to bring it back in vogue. It is as if a great conspiracy makes the ideal of gnostic anarchy, entailing self-governance by the golden rule. taboo from public dialogue-debate-discussion-dialogue; but it's time to bring it back.

    Without consensual agreement, including agreements to be, non-violently different in detail, there can be no common role in context, no “demos” of direction, no paranormal power for apparent miracles and no paradise on earth but with this, good type of, relationship the world becomes our species’ precious pearl-enclosing, communally-shared, oyster, and we hit the spot and strike it rich beyond belief. Without consensual man, as her coordinated-knowing organ, however, his god can’t be conscious-aware of her, sacred-heavenly, divinity and act intentionally-intelligently accordingly and the world in which he lives, without this awareness and assistance, is a shit house, purgatory or hell.

    Gnosis releases Wealth and Power to all persons in the know, equates with enlightenment by God, Heaven and/or the Truth, which are three aspects-faces of our one multi-faceted Context, and means awareness of being a consensual part of a self-conscious organ, or neocortex, i.e. the human race, of the earth in her role as god head for the solar system who is our local, virginal, god or elohim. This, as one of God’s beloved lovers, is the best possible role there is, in all ways, for anyone to learn to understand and play, partly because of the paranormal power, for self-protection, from such threats as those of cancers, cataracts, leprosy and bullies, such as athenian sophists, roman governors and jewish priests, and their snobbish mobs, and for doing good for others as one’s, anarchistic, friends, inherited by the enlightened-insightful-faithful from the omnipotent God of constituent gods, including ours, who, as a family-motherly obligation, helps protect those whom she enlightens from the nasties; great and small. Anything else is small-time trivia; titillation for small, pre-pubescent or geriatric, minds that otherwise would, with no good reason to live, have tended to suicide before the earth’s evolution to maturity could end, in sufficient numbers, successfully, as it is now about to do. We are all equally-currently at fault; guilty of being sinners whose actions are inconsequential, in terms of human destiny, and must change this now if we can, or die, redundantly, as brain-dead supernumeries who have passed our use-by, shelf-life, date and, like large dinosaurs, are fit for nothing but fodder for feeding worms, maggots or bacteria, while heading for extinction or the classical wipe-out.

    Most people, being mental addicts-idiots who feel compelled, neurotically, to control or be controlled, believe they are at home here in this, established, world of hell or man-made mammon-meritocracy; with its societal establishments, high-tech. wars, war-profiteering firms, prizes, tribes, jails and incorporated nation-states. They perceive problems, such as the economic and criminal ones, but are blind to their, single, cause which reveals their, single, solution, which will be by means of love that’s universal-unconditional or platonic, and eventually erotic, rather than love of the sexually romantic-reproductive type that animals, birds, film stars, monica and the clintons illustrate, as lusting-copulating mates. Others of us know we’re out of place and, passing by as strangers, don’t belong. Contrary to the fallacy of composition, there are, and have always been, two incompatible-irreconcilable species, with radically different types of character and destiny, to the genus hominoid on earth. What is this, seminal-archetypal, difference? It is not a normal one, like those used by hypocrites for their normal, them-versus-us, stereotyping, such as appearance, colour, religion, birth location, money-earning occupation, sexual orientation, diet, dress, i.q. score, criminal record, family name or nationality, but is the difference in, intangible, character that separates spiritual meekness which is good, from self-righteousness, vanity or pride, which is not, and tends to curse the famous and credentialed before they, permanently-terminally, fall. Most people still don’t know-believe this fundamental fact. Instead they accept, self-righteously, the legitimacy of social engineering, by knowledgeable guardians, including political government by violence, taxation, exemption, reward and penalty, as opposed to, orderly, anarchy, which includes true love, spirituality, democracy, diversity and equality. Thereby hangs the Tale; of contest, mystery and spiritual libido, which fluctuates cyclically, on earth and is now going, like a rocket, through the roof. There is no justice, as distinct from privilege-and-disadvantage, to any non-consensual social system and mammon benefits, unjustly-unfairly, the social engineers, both male and female, religious and irreligious, and black, brown, white and brindle, while testing the, spiritual, fitness of both them and the rest of us. The mental effort, or creative imagination, needed for survival, of the earth’s last judgment day event, is beyond the capacity of those hominoids who, like the neanderthals, have small, lazy, crazy, narrow, inflexible and unimaginative minds; and confuse democracy, which is consensual, with the tyranny of a majority, which is not but instead is, without a “demos”, mechanistically hierarchical and, eventually, non-sustainable.

    Without a new, anarchic, type of, society, informed by a new, anarchic, type of, ideology, the human race is now so buggered-up that it will self-destruct, and become extinct, because of violence, lovelessness (i.e. ruthlessness), bad laws and chaos, within a year or two. The signs of decadence are everywhere; for those with eyes to see and minds to perceive what’s really going on, especially in secrecy, and special relationships like that of bush, curveball and blair, in, self-righteous, conspiracies, in back rooms, inner sanctums and upper rooms, behind the public scenes. The good-bad, optimistic-pessimistic, news is that a liberating apocalypse for some is due, hand in hand with their terminating doomsday for the others so that the genus bifurcates along the great flexible-good-meek (who will live, anarchically-helpfully) and the unchangeable-proud-evil (who will die, chaotically-selfishly) dividing, grain-for-cutting or fault line; like, in the geographical-geological world, the one lake toba and mount krakatoa sit astride. Unrelated interests, such as golf, grog, parentalism, racism, patriotism, sums, drugs, cyclones and institutionalised charity, including that of the welfare-granny state, with its meritocracies, including mechanistic bureaucracies, plutocracies and hierarchies, and their reporting as news or commentary, are trivial temptations-pursuits; even if they feel good to those they tempt-seduce and entail secretive conspiracies, governmental contracts, corruption and subsidies, massive material profits, like b.h.p. billiton makes for its managers and shareholders, and/or ad hominem praise and penalty.

    Life, including sacred sex and colourful language, is, potentially, much more wonderful-beautiful than most people think it is; as the survivors soon will realise, when the, force-five, apocalyptic revelation strikes like a unprecedented hurricane, the mental cobwebs blow away, the sleep is cleansed from our benighted eyes, fascism ends its millennia-long supremacy-conspiracy, peace without justice, but with consequential violence, ends and the new-world order, of consensual diversity-democracy (aka “cooperative anarchy”) begins. We are hypothesising-predicting a major change of a type that, in recorded time, has only occurred in minor ways before. When this, classical, big bang happens we’re in for a major, unprecedented and generic, change rather than more minor, shake-up and patch-up, modifications which enable the past to perpetuate-regurgitate itself by repeating new versions of what has gone, apparently ad infinitum and ad nauseum, before. But we can’t rely on anybody else, such as heroes, messiahs, gurus, angels, final prophets, investigative journalists, entrepreneurs or nobel peace-prize laureates, to do what we, as radical revolutionaries rather than as social-political planners, critics and reformers, must, in combination, do ourselves; as/where we are at present in our normal way of thinking, living and dying. This personal-societal choice and change we’ll enact, not violently but, by becoming, in our daily lives, much better (more caring, sharing, helping, giving, forgiving, tolerating, pleasing, loving and accepting) friends with many more others than we are friendly with today, and who are, equally, willing to work, wholeheartedly, experimentally, gratuitously and idiosyncratically, by offers, requests and appreciative acceptances, at becoming better in the role of friend, in terms of both quality and quantity, including equality and numeracy; by making this their main ambition, mission, passion, purpose, aim, occupation, role, goal, employment and enjoyment in the, autobiographical, life-stories (aka “spirits”) that they, like we, self-responsibly and autonomously, lead. The obligation to ask for charity, from neighbours and/or strangers, for the right, altruistic, reason, is just as vital-valuable, in this true-love relationship, and its development, as is the need to offer, share, pass on and give what the, autonomous, other feels they need; two, inseparable, faces-facets of one priceless talent-coin. This friendliness is even more important, to give and get or share, than is the, if-then conditional tense, logic used for justifying-rationalising it. The Truth is found by logical analysis and synthesis, and risk-taking experiment, not by believing somebody’s-anybody’s holy writ.

    The principal purpose of, human, life is the consequence(s) associated with acts of friendship, which, when perfected, means a multi-partner partnership among many, individually imperfect-needy, friends, among whom God only is the favourite; that, as the love economy, makes monogamy, nationality, banks, both private and public, exchange contracts, including acts of, calculative, lets and barter, obsolete. This friendship-love relationship, which is a multi-partnered one, once sealed, with a kiss, a cuddle or a wink, can’t be measured but must be treasured; not wasted or neglected, as the greatest wealth-gift of all in anybody’s life. The normal quests for money, status, sex, domination, possessions, reputation, comfort, control, children, grandchildren, safety, entertainment, prizes, badges, influence, physical fitness; palatial mansion and security are generally attractive but are dead-ended diversions, for dunce-capped, mad-hatted, fools, from this all-important pilgrimage or quest; which is for the sang real and/or holy grail of Wisdom mythology which, being holistic, more than merely dualistic, has elements of art, craft, science, superstition and religion to its integrated text; as typified, imperfectly, by new-age ideologies such as deep ecology, fractile science and the rudolf steiner stuff. The relevant, mundane, knowledge-information, including academic and professional ideas, is massive, and overloads this sick society, throughout its media such as schools, libraries, books, quiz shows and blog sites, but, apart from its, metaphorical, relevance to Wisdom, which, as preludes, all cultural-historical-geographical-occupational lexicons provide, with equal validity, is totally ignorable. What a wonderful relief is feeling free to ignore most of mankind’s, accumulated, knowledge, from doctorates to documentaries and that of social network-dating sites, and the various versions of knowledge-garbage merchant who, for exclusive profit, market it in its pseudo-scientific, superstitious, pragmatic or religious types!

    Normality breeds more normality, including entropy, both sociological and biological “Is this all there, boringly, is!” Salvation demands belief in a new set of, theoretical, assumptions. If we are unfit to break out of our old, childhood, cages-cocoons then we are not ready for enlightened living in the forthcoming-returning paradise that lies beyond their, inhibitory-protective, boundaries. Human beings are organic-symbiotic, not mechanical-mechanistic, parts of our natural context, like brains in bodies, not like wheels in machines or water in buckets that can’t change themselves, apart from being frozen, boiled, broken, busted or rusted. Our local context, of whom we are organic parts, is a living phenomenon-cum-nounenon and/or narration-in-location-situation; an elohim or female god who, as our local solar system, who is a limited, cloned and representative member of the everlasting-limitless All, lives, cyclically, as a person like we do but longer and slower and is coming alive-awake like a teenage witch-bitch on periodic heat in partnership with the, spiritually, meek species of generic man. The All, as a context, consists of rather than just includes her constituents, as the cloned members She has created of herself, being limited by their membranes, do. We, as constituents of both She and one of them, can change our minds, and accommodate-participate in, this lifestyle transformation-paroxysm, as family members in friendly partnership, or oppose-deny it and die, like hamlet, ophelia, horatio, yorick (who belonged to the rotten, man-made, state of denmark), shakespeare and our, unenlightened, predecessors, such as the dalai lamas, lao tzu and ragneesh-osho, all have done.

    We, as self-conscious humankind, are designed-destined to be coordinated knowing parts, with figure, head and face roles of our god’s body parts, and to live in perfect, dynamic, harmony, happiness and perpetuity, with-in her and with one another; immediately-soon. This is not easy to do which is why it has not been done many years ago. We’ll be figures-heads or representatives-agents of a more numerous agency for our common elohim and/or god, as our employing-guiding principal, at this lower-deeper level of her, seven, states of self-as-god consciousness. What a lucky, unearned, draw-break this is in the celestial-genetic stakes whereby, contrary to what albert einstein said, God, as Lady Luck, plays dice, blind-mindedly, with men; none of whom has reason to be ashamed or proud of what we have been dealt by the, blind-folded, Dealer from her honestly shuffled, tarot, pack. The numbers are right now for the earth to clean up her relationships, with our help, by getting rid of the self-righteous hypocrites who, whatever “ism”, bias or spin they market for their, or their family’s financial or social income-profit-gain, cannot change their evil-wicked ways, voluntarily, and, as dominating bullies or censoring unfriendlies, who think they know best, like parents do with children, what others’ need, and act, parentalistically, as if they are, righteously, in charge-command, accordingly, ruin Life for themselves and the rest of us, including God, the universal One or Queen of Heaven. Which is why She is so bitchy and itching to be so different, nowadays and about to make her move; checkmate the devil(s) and remove him/them from, and so change, the Game.
    b) ZION. The time has come to cash our chips and cross the finish line. Our enlightenment will be the trigger for our god’s. Like a thief in the night the, predicted, day of apocalyptic revelation-revolution, for the earth and, including judgment-bifurcation, for mankind, has finally arrived. This epistle is a, minor, part of that much bigger moving-picture, change of, scene and narrative. At a minute to midnight (or “at the start of picaninny daylight” might be a better metaphor-descriptor for some fair-dinkum aussies, who share this author’s cultural background-bias, to use for understanding-explaining what is happening) it is time to light our little candles and find out how the living Story (aka “spirit”, “composition” and “autobiography”) with-in which we are all living, as participant observers, ends and how the maze-like mystery of Life is, at last, to be solved, by those who are seeking, self-responsibly, as free-independent thinkers, above all else, to learn, and share, the necessary-relevant Wisdom or the riddle-solving and life-changing-saving Truth; which may mean half of us who know that knowledge is power and that knowledge of, eclectic, Wisdom is the best. The rest have other interests called, feel-good, “temptations-titillations” in our Wisdom lexicon; and most must die as they have lived which means creeping-crawling about like caterpillars-grubs, or embryonic pupas in cocoons, without ever breaking loose and flying high, wide and fancy free like copulating beetles, moths or butterflies. Such is Life’s evolving, two-part nature; as game ned kelly, shackled on the pentridge prison scaffold, may have thought and said before he dropped down, as an iconic-aussie outlaw, like the jolly swaggie who waltzed matilda, dead. The colonial aussie culture, of the wild colonial boys and gold-hearted bush-urban larrikins, may be dead and gone but some of us were born in and remember it.

    The more and bigger are the, tolerable-compatible, differences between us, the better life will be for everybody in our, informal-universal, family of, anarchic-democratic, friends, including battlers as game as the kelly gang of highwaymen-bushrangers-blacksmiths, and itinerant-striking shearers like the jolly swaggie, were. The galactic season and earthly evolution are now both ready, in two-part combination, a bit like the winning combo that les darcy, the conscientious objector from the hunter-valley coalfields, mastered in the ring, for our transformation from, primitive, mankind to either, mature, humankind or doomsday-death and knowing nothing, as we did before conception, if we go the wrong-other, animal-like as distinct from god-like, way.

    The changes underway today, globally, including nationally and locally, entailing suffering and charity, as the, materially, rich, typified by pitt street farmers, howard hughes and bill gates, get financially richer and the poor, typified by the widow kelly’s family on their selection in the melbourne club’s colony of victorian victoria, and dad and dave on theirs in queensland, stay poor, will end up, in a year or two, being massively-much bigger than most people, because of believing bad advice (eg. concerning gods and governance) and disbelieving this and other versions of the good news, gospel, truth, expect. In fact, following chaos, the changes will end up all together in total revolution-rearrangement, both socially and ideologically; as mankind graduates-emerges from a immature, childish, nature-character, of inequality-ruthlessness-foolishness, down-under here in heaven’s underland-purgatory and ascends into his mature, imago, state, of equality-affection-truthfulness, in heaven-paradise, which will be also be found to be located here, all round the, living, planet earth. By a species metamorphosis and a cleansing-purging bifurcation, the human race will be divided, by the sharp sword of excalibur that, spiritual, seers who were fighting-fit, like Jesus, took from the rock and flashed, like a razor-sharp phallus-penis, divisibly-impressively; into the good guys, who’ll come up trumps and be spiritually born again to resume eternal life, in our former roles as angelic-men, and the evil ones, including the protectors of the old regime(s), both secular and religious, who will all get, as just desserts, the, assassination, chop and drop down, permanently, dead. As captains, and their lieutenants, and n.c.o.’s of industries, militaries, churches, charities, bureaus, bureaucracies, penitentiaries, squattocracies, academies, republics, kingdoms and publishing houses those tall poppies, if unrepentant, will go down, with the other rats, unlamented, with their sinking, metaphorical, mechanistic ships. Good riddance to rotten rubbish, the rest of us will, being bad-mannered in the, puerile, terms they use, as we hit the first-class lifeboats, look back to where we’ve been and say.

    Because of better education, lost idealism, increasing cynicism, excessive greed and speed, natural disasters, greenhouse-gas emission growth, extreme weather and climatic change, societal-governmental corruption, hypnotised assassins, hegemonised mind-control, unjust wars, including those they wage against selected drugs, addictions, secessionists, street marchers and victimless crimes, drug abuse, both legal and illegal, costly-wasteful pollution, including d.n.a. pollution by g.m crops and animals, greenie activism, uneconomical taxation such as carbon taxes and compulsory levies for bailing out the uninsured, animal liberation, win-lose competitions, restrictive trade practices, family disintegration, juvenile delinquency, unrepayable debts, money created, by sleight of mind, as bank credit, out of nothing, and fear of terrorism-insurgency, both foreign and domestic, the bad ones of which are manifestations of, unprincipled, hypocrisy, capitalism, like the “unsinkable” titanic, is now non-sustainable and sinking, while the band plays and the chairs are changed, increasingly fast.

    Evolution is intentional, near completion and compatible with God; contrary to the expectations-protestations of most theists, agnostics, moralists and atheists who are badly advised by their authorities, such as oliver cromwell, the puritan, the stuarts, who were papists and the tudors who, like queen victoria, were high-church anglicans, were, and most of whom, like those silly cows, while they live, will never change their minds, radically as distinct from marginally, and so understand the Truth, correctly, as gnosis-seekers, helter skelter, are now getting ready-set to go, where we are, and do. This we’ll do by changing our minds so that, unlike theirs, which are parochial, ours replicate, mentally-intellectually, the pattern of the accommodating-universal All; historically, over time, geographically, over space, and ideologically, from religions of fear and sacrifice to one of kinship-friendliness. “Think universal and act personal” is a motto of our clan.

    Aided by a brand-new insight or brilliant-bright idea, that enlightens both, meek-minded, humankind and our accommodating god, who lives eternally and comes alive-awake periodically, by revealing the, true, difference between good and evil qualities, that, like a secret key or bank-safe combination, that has been lost-forgotten and remembered-found, opens up the seventh seal of the book of Life and so changes human consciousness, or nature, to its, awakened-enlightened, adult-imago state of self-as-god consciousness, this imminent apocalypse will end the earth’s emergent evolution and begin the next, post-modern, period of heaven, planetary anarchy and/or consensual diversity-democracy on earth for those who can change our ways appropriately-successfully, by loving universally-erotically, rather than romantically-reproductively; as wise fools say, and all have said, we should. We’ll change in this, transformative, way from being conscious of dying as a adamic man to consciousness of evolving as an embryonic head-phallus organ, of one sex or the other, of a god; coordinating and communicating information on her behalf for her, and as a consequence our own, health, wealth and happiness. It is impossible to play both types of role, mundane and celestial, at once except by using them for cultivating, unconditional, friendship-friendliness or love. Our good luck means that we, the meek, won’t kark itwith the rest who, having drawn a short straw, and a short fuse, in the drawing of, genetic, lots on their sexual-conception day, or night, cannot change, except by dying, the fault-prone and fallacious way in which they have been born, while they live, to be. They and we are all at fault but no one is to blame and deserves to be punished for their, inborn-innate, faults which are out of their control and ability to remedy; although the self-righteous, if unrepentant, must eventually-soon, as bad apples ruining a barrel, be eliminated-aborted, redundant, as a logical imperative more than as a punishment, for the welfare of the universal All, including us.

    The change in self-consciousness that we gnosis, and truth, seeking sinners imagine-foresee as imminent is from belonging to, and serving, reified-deified, and unreal, abstractions, or invented-legalised fictions of the, man-made, corporate world, such as israel, the vatican, whitehall, wisconson, the queen and allah, which have mechanistic hierarchies and arbitrary rules to be enforced and obeyed, to belonging to, and serving, and communicating with, a living corporeality, of the, natural, corporeal world, such as the local solar system or sacred elohim, who gives us life, including light, liberty, sight and energy, and who’s coordinated knowing organ, having been her womb, is now the corporeal earth, and who’s single law (which sinners, by definition, violate) is the golden rule of Wisdom, and/or cooperative anarchy, whereby giving, freely-generously, and getting, affectionately-appreciatively, are supreme, equal-value, roles for the perfect partnership; which entails both gods and men. Other roles like king, queen, pensioner and taxpayer belong, with their personified role-players, such as farouk, murbarak (whose military got billions, to control the people, from the yankee governments, both republican and democrat) and the muslem brotherhood, in the normal dunnyland, kindergarten and/or netherworld that currently prevails. This, liberal-liberating, philosophy endorses pro-choice, personal freedom and human rights, such as entitlement to free assembly and reporting, to the max. and ends the dominant-mammonite role of master-judge or censor of non-violent human nonconformists and our unconventional activities, as distinct from professor-master of special expertise-talents-skills, like boxing, fencing, freemasonry and teaching maths, and personal needs, i.e. all forms of government-dominance-management-administration, from households, tertiary schools, lodges and corner shops to inter-nation states. We survivors will be friendly, including helpful, unconditionally, with our own, equally friendly, kind, which includes the, living, solar system, galaxy and cosmos, which form one organic, symbiotic, hierarchy, of younger spheres within older spheres, with the minor replicating the logical nature of the major, and contractually with the other, unenlightened, kind(s) of corporeal-corpuscular Life; all of which are parts of more enlightened forms, which culminate as God, or El, the universal One. As the mother women’s libber She is entitled to do with, and allow to be done to, her own body what She wills. Our inter-activity, within her, will be intentional in order to maximise the pleasure and minimise the suffering felt on planet earth, whereon we are all effected, especially by means of our immunisation-regeneration system, and its aura-chrism, by the vibes caused by each other’s suffering and happiness; the head-cum-vulva of our re-awakening, superhuman but not supernatural, god. We are practising this new, altruistic-alternative, lifestyle now, beforehand, wholeheartedly as one, equal-status, family, as distinct from merely tokenly-occasionally as members of a mechanistic hierarchy, hypocritical brotherhood or unruly mob, like those who fought for quisling.

    Self-righteousness is evil, hypocrisy is a sin, spiritual meekness is good and our natural context is a, superhuman, god, whom, as Mother Nature, we are designed to represent on earth and whose single law, as a logical imperative, is the golden rule of universal love, of which negentropy is a, logical, if-then, implication-consequence and the four rules of the buddhas are derivatives. Without us as knowing eyes Big She is as blind, to her nature and appearance, as a batch of belfry bats. The rest we need to know is implication, explication, extrapolation and/or consequence of these, few, fundamental facts, which form a integrated set; when they are truthfully defined and understood, i.e. visualised-conceptualised, and honestly believed, by believers whose tongues-mouths match the rest of our bodies in the way we think-talk-walk-communicate. For living well we must think-reason-rationalise holistically, as representative parts of one whole-holy happening of connected-interacting parts, but also dualistically, using an evil-good typology that is logically correct; and then interact sensibly, non-hypocritically, as good guys, including gals, of consistent principle, logically-accordingly, peacefully, mutually helpfully and blissfully, for an eternity.

    In spite of being blessed, including helped, in my old age, by a few valued-appreciated friends, who care, kindly, for me in various ways, I know, and know of, nobody else who thinks like me, “and so is on the same page or in the same movie script” as me: like this. However if my cosmology is logical, as distinct from merely fanciful, then others of my, meek-minded, kind or spiritual siblinghood must be out there somewhere and our, imminent, encounter, possibly by wireless, will begin the ultimate chapter of human history on earth. High technology indicates the potentiality of high-season ecology. Agape will characterise our common nature-character and result from a commonly perceived logic, the Logos, as distinct from parental-child affiliations, the end of the mayan calendar, parochial-patriotic family ties or, animal, sex appeal; and is the way the earth and we earthlings must combine and go; immediately, or die, permanently. Carnal-erotic sexual intimacy may, or may not, eventuate, in this affair, but the sense of family kinship which begins the interaction is logical-rational rather than hormonal-biological.

    c) FAMILY. The family may come first, and fairness for families may be a great, marketable, idea, for political animals to buy and sell, but the pertinent question for potential graduates is; what type, class, sort or kind of group, family, species, sect, clan, cartel, casa, mafia, syndicate, reich, mob or conglomeration are we talking of when we say, ambiguously, such things; and who decides, for whom, what’s what. We gnostics say that dictionaries, such as oxford english, like scripture books, such as the king james bible, can be useful references but are not dictatorial authorities, and that, being autonomous, we are each responsible for the set of meanings that, as a language lexicon, we choose to use, for understanding and communicating.

    Jesus (the bush lawyer and country bumpkin from galilee, who was disowned, because of being considered mad, by one of his families when he preached enlightenment in the jewish synagogue) and maybe others, found mankind’s, irreconcilable-antithetical, family difference to be in, logical, quality between self-righteousness, which makes enlightenment-gnosis impossible, and meek-mindedness which, by the elimination of hypocrisy (aka “sin”) makes it, along with universal love, paranormal power and everlasting life, a logical consequence. That man, on his two-year mission, after nearly drowning in the jordan, nearly attaining gnosis-enlightenment, as a solitary experience in the wilderness, and extracting excalibur from its, safety-from-fools, sheath, after years of hard, mental, labour, searching in faulty towers and the hellenised field of the eastern mediterranean, demonstrated-explicated the paranormal-superhuman power(s) that derive(s) from spiritual re-birth into enacting a better type of role-in-narrative, which enables living, in a multi-partner partnership, self-governing by the golden rule of agape, i.e. true, universal-unconditional, love. However both his, orthodox, disciples and adversaries, foolishly and self-righteously,misunderstood what he then said and did and they falsified, deliberately or unintentionally, the record that has been passed on down, by scribes, priests and laities, to us. As g.k. chesterton said, ''It’s not that jesus’ teaching has been tried and found wanting, but that it has been tried and found too hard,'' both to understand and do. The truth of the good-versus-evil dichotomy, knowledge of which enables enlightenment-salvation, which enables water to be walked upon, hands on healing to take place and mountains to be, from a distance, moved, as a logical consequence, but which is not part of any ideological praxis yet, not even christianity’s or any of the other lord-gods’ holy-book religions or mankind’s atheistic-scientific ideologies, must now be revealed, publically-globally, for everyone to see and, if they can, to understand, obey and enact; or if they can’t, reject. Then the Truth can be believed or disbelieved, deliberately and self-responsibly, by everybody; for the bad-old age of pain, ignorance, sin and suffering to end and the good-new golden age with its better-perfected-new world-order of consensual diversity-democracy, including voluntary mutual-aid, healthiness, randiness, handiness and joviality, to begin for we who make the grade. We’ll each be forced to stand up and be counted for our chosen, contestation, side and then be spiritually born or physically die accordingly-consequently, in an unprecedented, but not supernatural, event, that has been predicted as mankind’s judgment day; doomsday for the, closed-minded, failures, who cannot change, in the necessary way, to live, convivially-eternally-consensually, like gods, and ascension for the fortunate, flexi-minded, family who, being holy-helpful, beloved lovers, in our attitude to others and the Other, can.

    Enlightenment, as distinct from its preliminary preparations, is a family matter rather than an individual experience to be achieved-enjoyed on one’s, isolated, own, as most gurus-shamans, endorsed in that, superordinate, role by, simple-minded, devotees-disciples, claim, self-righteously but fallaciously, they have; on some isolated mountain top or in some secluded-monastic cell, wilderness or cave. With its consequences, enlightenment, gnosis, illumination, spiritual birth, buddhahood and/or self-realisation, which is, like the bard’s sweet-smelling rose, the same by any name, is the sole reason for and purpose of life on earth, and means knowing the natural relationship(s) of the heavenly regime so as to live, consciously-conscientiously, accordingly, relating-communicating mentally with one’s whole context and audio-visually-bodily with one’s particular, co-textual, peers; who also recognise they are constituent parts of universal, everliving, She. Enlightened understanding means that the man-on-earth is, enjoyably-blissfully, aware of being used for her knowing and/or doing by a more inclusive being and/or accommodating god; as his, enlightened, earthly, partner(s) also know she is/they are. I am a man on earth but it is also true to say that, all together, we are a god in Heaven, making ourselves self-consciously incarnate in head-body partnership, on earth although a lot of non-believers, don’t, at least yet, know what this proposition-hypothesis, which is both unprovable and undisprovable, scientifically-objectively, as distinct from subjectively-experientially, means; in terms of personal power and obligation to do good, for fun, for free and for the common, family, good; enjoyably and gratuitously.

    Our self-and-else context is our, complementary, opposite, or reflected image, in all ways such as part-whole, junior-senior, faster-slower, active-passive, inner-outer, extroverted-introverted, yang-yin, self-system, subjective-objective and male-female. She is the, potentially compatible, Other, the Different, the Opposite and/or the Fairy Godmother. With her we are meant to link ourselves, symbiotically, so as to get the best, along with her, of both her inside and her outside worlds, by, true, love and understanding; as the kali yuga ends as it is now ending, in violence, intimidation, chaos and confusion, for the new age to arise, like a phoenix from the ashes, and She will interact autonomously as distinct from automatically with us as, like-minded but uniquely embodied, peers. Kerash-Zoom!

    As history, She repeats herself until we, as a species, learn the lesson needed for knowing how to move on to higher ground, and the time and place for this, final-archetypal, graduation, is at last here and now. Good-willed anarchy, which entails voluntary obedience to God’s golden rule of universal love, is beyond the mental-physical capacity of self-righteous hypocrites, who must now, as a logical imperative, be turfed-booted out, in the classical act of ethnic cleansing and expulsion, as harmful failures from the graduation class.

    shiloh - Posted Mar 19th 2011
    d) GREETINGS to our contextual-consubstantial elohim, or living solar system, including her, other, loyal, subjects-constituents who, potentially, number billions of unique persons-individuals, and who within two years will be re-born spiritually as nefilim, plus her similar, equally numerous, siblings-compatriots, or elohim, and their accommodating-contextual El; the universal-superhuman One and only All whom we and they, i.e. all our, universal, family-species, are meant-designed to grow up into adulthood and serve, consensually, convivially, democratically, good-humouredly, sexually and/or anarchistically. This means relating according to her, single, golden rule of agape, or platonic love, which makes good karma, and good dharma, for beloved lovers, logically-consequentially possible. Such love also makes punishment, as distinct from re-education, and the "just" war, as typified by the assaults on afghanians, and other pakkies, by macedonians, englishmen, russians, g.i.'s and macho-ocker diggers, illegitimate, i.e. an act of, spiritual, bastardry. Others, belonging more to other families, with other behavioural codes to enforce, endorse and obey, such as lord yahweh's ten, or maybe many more as the deuteronomy scribes say, and premier obama's rafferty's, including their dress, diet, sex, building and constitution codes, to be decoded, obeyed and enforced by alleged experts, such as high court judges or high priests, are excused from further attendance, and so can unsubscribe, turn off their minds or turn their backs on this documentation-revelation by old pen-pushing chalkie me, because, unlike mine, spiritual rebirth is not their, or their family's, forthcoming scene, destiny or preferred cup of tea. Curiosity and friendliness, and altruistic happiness because of helping others to be happy, are crucial qualities for winning-completing the evolution-to-salvation game, which requires also that we take the long-broad, universal, view, and the less travelled, steep, rocky-narrow, road. With this, healthy-minded, attitude our, family, interests are universal, not just parochial, embracing our entire species' origins, development and destiny; the alpha beginning and omega ending of which, because of the cyclical-immortal nature of the lives we live, eternally but intermittently, are turning out to be almost the, spitting-image, same. We end, soon, within a year or two, where-as we began, either in heaven or as nothing; not even as another's, bad-sad, memory.

    We, potential graduates, need a new cosmology-ideology-ontology for living in a new age of consensus-anarchy-diversity and the, evolutionary, time for this, radical, change in consciousness-experience to occur has, finally, come to earth as aquarius begins and pisces ends, as preluded by the flower-powered swingers of the, post vatican-two-council, sixties. With sufficient numbers and enough, compassionate, generosity we can compensate, together, for what every, imperfect, family member, including ourselves, lacks and needs and by doing so live, personal, lives of heavenly quality, including the equality of genuine democracy and healthy-sexy longevity; better even than methuselah, reportedly, enjoyed in the olden-ancient days; which are connected, logically-historically, with ours, as names change but the roles continue to evolve to their completion. We are talking of the law of love wherein the roles of giver and receiver are equally essential for the interaction of symbiosis; which God feels, pleasantly, as well as we. Bingo. Meditating on one's belly button, or begging on one's bended knees, is a different, egotistical, can of worms that we gnosis-seekers equate, spiritually, with unproductive, feel-good, wankery. What can I do for God, rather than what can God do for me, is the critical question to be asked by potential graduates to the gnostic anarchy. In this earthly branch of the holy-heavenly Family our main interest, presently, is not hedonistic pleasure, a serene mind, good physical health or popularity, although we do enjoy the contest, the challenge, the prick tease and the chase, but is in promoting the apocalyptic revelation of the universal Truth; which makes true pleasure, mental serenity, physical fitness, sacred sex and universal popularity possible as a, logical, consequence and/or naturally delayed, to mature mental-age, gratification. On the other hand the gentiles-infidels-unbelievers, of other families, by their giggle fucks, farmyard humour, mega dams, secret infidelities, lying machines for government (remember the reichstag fire, gulf of tonkin and the iraqi w.m.d. lies?) etc., prolong, by patching up and tolerating, the evolutionary past which, in spite of their band aiding, shit stirring and nit picking, is now almost at its, exponential, end or final peak, and will end up, in calamity, along with them and all they claim as theirs, including their, acquired, possessions, much of which, as in the never-never and the west, is stolen property, taken from the aborigines who had no nations but occupied it first, and, lying-deceiving, governments that finance different forms of social-engineering from compulsory levies, tributes, tithes, taxes and forced labour; all of which are wasteful-uneconomical and eventually non-sustainable.

    Now that the north atlantic capitalists need the asiatic ones, and vice versa, their stratified system is, irredeemably, in deep shit; and ruled by the worst, least trustworthy lot, of them. Their combined, increasingly expensive, wars on terrorism (aka "secessionism" and "resistance" by freedom fighters, who these days use anthrax, guns and i.e.d.'s like they once used poison and knives) both domestic and foreign, cannot save them, or their system(s), from self-destruction or annihilation now.

    It is all mainly a matter of language, definition and/or lexicon; which is not yet, for any of us, up to scratch or speed for hitting the, bullseye, spot; which is essential for, spiritual, success. A near miss, in this contest, is no better than is a big one by a mile, We need, not more institutionalised politics, commerce, sport, religion and charity but, a new lexicon, or set of meaningful ideas, some believed and some disbelieved, that enables a critical mass of us to understand, truthfully, the structures-relationships of the materialising narrative, or corporeal drama, with elements of comedy, farce, mystery and tragedy, that we inhabit, as participant observers, and we leading lights, or semi-luminaries, for this, classical, breakout, are at last approaching fever pitch as we find we are getting almost there. This means getting the Wisdom that is essential for salvation, and which emerges as an extrapolation-mutation from the mundane knowledge that we learn for, short term, survival and success in the mundane world of, man-made, mammon and/or babylon; wherein one man's income-acquisition-gain is another man's cost-loss-pain. Economic growth means more use of money, especially bank-created credit, and less reliance on love; which is a crook-crooked-illiterate view of what making, human, progress means.

    A consequence, per se, can be the effect-result of a previous cause, a teleological means-end end that has been aimed for as a goal, or a meaningful coincidence that carl jung called synchronistic. Enlightenment means a, complete, change in consciousness. Instead of continuing to interact like talking toads we become aware of ourselves as being evolving members of the, consensual, family of God, the universal One-Whole, and so, by interacting agapely, meekly and/or anarchistically, according to her golden, governmental, rule, are being spiritually reborn-reawoken to live again, joyfully and eternally, with and in her like gods or nefilim (vide erich von daniken, the book of genesis and what jesus said about the return, for reclamation, of those who own the field) rather than hierarchically-competitively, like animals, insects, bacteria or pecking-order birds of fear, flight, fight, submissiveness and prey.

    e) ABSTRACT. There is a natural, teleleological, direction for human progression, beginning vaguely-slowly long ago but leading, exponentially, at ever faster speed, to a better-heavenly, type of, world on earth; soon, within a, solar, year or two. Whatever our starting point, towards the perfect pair and then the perfect, multi-partner, partnership is the only, logically sensible, way-direction-tao to go. This new world will/must be one of consensual anarchism, that we each, personally, can either foresee and adopt, as one of a leaderless collectivity of equal-status peers, without, apart from God, any superior, supervisor, lord, master, patriarch, ruler, governor, guardian, dominant, boss, shaman, protector, favourite or messiah, or not, and scornfully reject; as being inappropriate for those that live their lives in competitive pyramids, as self-righteous sinners, like they are, and red-bummed baboons, which they resemble, do. But the, new-fangled, liberated, lifestyle must be imagined correctly-truly, attempted all day every day and enacted, experimentally, as one's full-time messianic role, in conversation-communion with one's daemon-god, whom one is in contact with, rather than just discussed, intellectually, as one more gossip topic for argument-debate-complaint, in web logs, ashrams, gossip columns, letters to editors or other forums such as university seminars, public bars, across back-yard fences and in radio-t.v. shows. As seers like jesus said; because of their, self-righteously insensitive-negative, attitude to others, especially those who are so different that they are poor, dispossessed, marginalised, deprived and disadvantaged, and/or the way they reason, which is self-righteously and hypocritically, the materially rich, famous, iconic and influential, thinking they are successful worldly-wise, will never feel the urge to make the metanoic conversion to a better type of lexicon, and so will never know the joys of heaven but will die cursed-damned-outcast-expelled-aborted by God, the universal-superhuman All of whom we all are, constituent-organic, parts. Satisfaction with the righteousness of one's current lifestyle-ways is a bad omen-sign, resembling the biblical mark of cain who killed his brother for the loot, because the, self-righteous sinners whom that attitude, and all examples of the v.i.p. red-carpet treatment, signifies-identifies feel no compulsive need or inner urge to change their way of life, or the good-evil typology of their, hypocritical, ideology, and so will die, soon, as they have lived; unenlightened by knowledge of the, universal-liberating, Truth, which combines, into integrated unity, simplicity and complexity. Kaput. There have been many false prophets since but he was not one of them.

    Because of the, fatal, sin of hubris they, the self-righteous, have trouble with accepting the fact that God does not behave as they, arrogantly-ignorantly, think a good-and-true god should. They are frightened by big words and adult ideas, outside of those of fairy tales and journalese, and often also say democracy won't work although, when properly defined, democracy, like christianity, never has been truly understood and tried, not even in solon's slave state of, misogynous, athenia. They are arrogant-proud in attitude but ignorant-childish in their, if-then, way of defining-reasoning-understanding-living-breeding-lying-dying and, unless they change, immediately and fundamentally, there is no hope for more than a funeral, maybe at state-public expense, and a statue, phallic column or tall tombstone, like nelson and the, shitting, pigeons in the city got, for them.

    This thesis, as a whole, is radically different-new although the parts have all been previously proposed, in other ideologies, philosophies or mental paradigms, such as christianity, hinduism, capitalism, wicca and marxism, from which they have been plagiarised, modified and integrated, by this author and his pards, into one, coherently consistent cosmology or universal whole. Bad men, like obama, osama and the bossy bitch whose favourite version of refereed thuggery is ice hockey, and those they hire, fire, serve, praise and represent, can take over and misuse good ideas, like democracy, love, justice and anarchy, if they fragment the complete set, and get the definitions, the theory and the story of stories they tell wrong; but not the total Truth which, like pure, unadulterated, gold, is untouchable and makes, enlightened, knowers invincible-immortal-confident and our Movement back to basics, i.e. to the ever-living Heaven-God from whom and whence we come, unstoppable-irresistible.

    It is the educated-informed opinion of we neo-gnostic anarchists, of whom this author-actor claims to be, a minor-junior, one, that mankind's destiny, following an apocalypse, i.e. mass enlightenment, mind change, metanoia and/or radical change in consciousness whereby, as the earth's, and we earthlings', final quantum leap in cerebral, including language, evolution that also is an act of god and/or natural selection, half of the human genus are to end our hypocrisy-stupidity by rebirth instead of death, is to share the earth, in serendipity, as tenants in common, peacefully and anarcho-communistically as one siblinghood of peers. This means governing ourselves, without the use of money, privilege, guns, swords, lies, arbitrary laws, punishments, secrecy, secret police, wars, fuhrers or governments, by the golden rule of agape, and/or universal love, as co-tenants of a multiple occupancy, or common tenancy; inherited from the, grand, parental God; the universal All or El who is our everlasting context, originating source and/or accommodating whole; in whose image, or complementary likeness, we are made, for this, teleological, intention-purpose-reason-telos. Half of the homo sapiens sapiens genus, being naturally-born fascists, are incapable of imagining and making, or tolerating, this lifestyle transformation and, for successful revolution-metamorphosis by the other half, they must be eliminated-assassinated-exterminated, or fatally pissed off, in the process. We, the meek, cannot do this world-wide cleansing job ourselves because, although we feel we're entitled to protect ourselves from being hurt or harmed by them, by being twinkle toed like muhammed ali, who refused to fight, kill and die for the capitalist-catholics in the american invasion of vietnam, which kennedy began, l.b.j. expanded and carter ended, was, we do not feel entitled to use excessive force against them, such as punching them unconscious on the nose. So their termination, as a bad-inferior species of generic man, must be done by self-destructive acts of their own kind and/or by angelic nefilim, or star people, who are of a different, ideological, kind from them, and come from distant elohim, or living star-systems, in the spirals of the milky-way galaxy. This great day, when "the saints come marching in, the shit all hits the fan, the Kingdom comes and the new world is revealed", will be the earth's judgmental doomsday of global cleansing, spring cleaning and/or quality control. This divine-divisive holocaust will be, surprisingly, at least for those who are still spiritually unclean-unmeek-unredeemed sinners, soon. Mankind's event horizon is looming, exponentially, closer-faster than they, judging by their, limited, understanding of themselves, the present, the past and exponential change expect. They stand before death's door, where they'll be taken by surprise and cut off at the ankles-knees, whereas revelation of the hidden, arcane-hermetic, Truth is soon to set us, the spiritually meek, gentle, humble, searching and consensual, free, to live holistically in perpetuity, heaven and dynamic harmony, for millennia, here on planet earth and in her nearby, celestial, neighbourhood. Open Sesame; the priceless, hidden, treasure is now close at hand and due to be revealed to those who, like ali baba, are single-mindedly and intelligently in search of it above all else.

    This millenarian-utopian-erewonian belief makes me one of a small and strange minority-family-gang of eccentrics, radicals, bandidos and/or weirdos; who want to change ourselves rather than blame others for the shit, because of their and our own shit-headedness, they cause. We are responsible-accountable for one life only, our own, including our relationships. A majority of blame-prone conservatives, typified by saint augustine, lachlan macquarie (the father of australia) and other paleo-fascists and neo-fascists, including those left-wingers who are celebrated-iconised, by unwise fools, as progressives, such as noam chomsky, david suzuki, jack kennedy and the sea shepherd captain and his crew, who believe in their preferred sort of social-engineering governance, control or dominance, i.e. reward and penalty decided, dictated and enacted by some faction of self-righteous hypocrites-sinners like they all were, and if alive still are, can't understand, let alone believe, the, if-then, cause-consequence, logic of our reasoning and so dismiss us, denigratingly, as unappreciative subversives, silly sods, holy joes or brainless nincompoops. As machismo-minded dominants, jack-booted fascists, self-made millionaires, thieving bludgers who don't feel obliged to pay their way in cash or kind, and/or political-financial animals, they confuse our meekness with weakness, unmanliness and/or madness and screw us, like rapists-jackals-dingoes screw their victims, like azaria at uluru and pretty boys in monasteries and penitentiaries, if given half a chance. The true-value dichotomy, we assume but they do not agree, is goodness (expressed, as godliness, including helpfulness, by means of the consensual diversity of meek-minded anarchy) versus evil (expressed, on behalf of the, satanic, anti-god, by some sort of self-righteous managerialism-fascism-competition), as defined-differentiated in the, eclectic, wisdom lexicon of the, consensual, gods, or living holons, (who are part-introverted whole and part-extroverted part) that wise fools, like arthur koestler, have learnt to, partially, understand and write about; and offer a new perspective on ideas that we already knew a bit about, partially-imperfectly. No reading is essential for salvation, not even readings of those blokes', or this bloke's, aesthetic composition(s) of artistic creativity or of any of the other books that, despite half-truths and mistranslations, are regarded as a, authoritative, bible, or holy writ, by proslytising, bible-bashing, sinners, who are all parochialists and hence small-minded, spiritual, turds-runts. For example, the orthodox, paleo-fascist, translation of John 14.6 ("I am your only way to heaven") contradicts the guist of its, good news, anarchic context-setting including, "I am not your master" said the, almost enlightened, Man. The two propositions are, intrinsically, paradoxical-contradictory and so cannot both be, logically, true. The original words were spoken by jesus to a particular audience not written by him, in blocks of eternal stone, for posterity-eternity, as a universal truth for everybody at all times to believe. Most books, moreover, such as dan brown's da vinci code, and chairman mao's little red book, which he composed for promoting his, failed, cultural revolution, whereby, like pol pot in cambodia, he tried, unsuccessfully, to save chinese communism from its conquest by the, local and foreign, devils-capitalists (whose main invention, apart from the printing press, has been the limited liability company, resembling the bunyip-yowie, but imagined and legalised by them as a reified superperson) can be useful, even though those two authors-plagiarists kept their main sources secret, if well used, critically-logically, in the sacred, salvation, quest.

    Marx and engels, as in their communistic manifesto, got much of their analysis, synthesis and predictions right but the later bolsheviks and party commissars like lenin and stalin ballsed it badly up, with the aid of hegemonic capitalists, including supporters, like archbishop mannix, in the roman catholic hierarchy. The international capitalists were and are better organised than their adversaries whom they divide, outsmart and overrule; but, after 400 years of their mismanagement, that is due to change, in calamity, as we graduates come of age.

    I am a self-and-god knowing, head, cell of a virgin goddess, Ehyeh, who is mankind's living solar system, or sun disc, known by some ancient egyptians as the faceless aten, who, with our help and her will-power is about to come of adult age and join the rest of the heavenly host, of elohim, as a consensually copulating-communicating peer. I share her character-nature, albeit expressed-manifested by a unique persona-personality; as do all members of my holy family. When She feels our active presence, interacting in true love, in significant-critical numbers, then She will split her self-conscious constituency into two; beloved lovers, on the high ground, who are trustworthy, and the to-be-terminated lot, on the low ground, who are not, which is where we and She and they are, together, at right now. Are you with us as one of us, as a conspiring co-player in the rehearsal-prologue-preparation, wherein, because of mismanagement, shit happens regularly, of-for her, universal, Game, or are you with the other, contradictory, lot of earthlings who oppose us, and so, unintentionally, strengthen our character and resolve, by acting as, intimidating-testing-cheating, opponents, contradictories or adversaries? Ours is a, unprecedented, revolution, in thinking, valuing and interacting, that ends human evolution and involves us all, for better or for worse, by intention or default; entailing disasters for some, that can't be insured against, and good fortune, for the lucky others, that cannot be surpassed.

    The most important talent-skill for mankind to develop is not the technological ability-wizardry to make clever-costly inventions-innovations such as sling shots, bronze swords, hubble telescopes, radio transistors, U-2 spyplanes, spy satellites, bullet-proof glass, for popemobiles, and execution gas, or electric chairs, for killing spies, even married-family ones, but is the linguistic-vocabulary ability to commune-communicate with our, contextual Whole, of constituent holons, in her, holistic, language lexicon, or wise way of thinking-communicating; and the time that's left to learn and use this Wisdom, both individually and collectively, is short; not more than a, four season, year or two from now. The rest we need to know we, educated adults, already know, or can easily find out; from google (despite the golden handshakes given to its greed-is-good executives) or from, helpful-careful, friends. The, violent, end of, competitive-managerial, civilisation, as distinct from the living earth and humankind, is now, for this last generation of mankind, at last nigh, which is why a mixed batch-brood of enwisened, uncelebrated, sinners-fools are spitting the dummy, adopting the messianic, change-agent, stance, and leading by example, as distinct from managing by dictation-direction-instruction, as the conspirators-vipers who are our, satanic, rivals, and the runts of God's latest litter, do. Those conspirators often use special sections of secret societies, such as m.i.6 (remember 007 with his high technology, loose women and licence to kill?), opus dei, knights of the temple, the odessa line, rosicrucianism and freemasonry, for their conniving purposes, without controlling, or needing to control, the society as a whole. The cyber war now underway, between wickileaks and governments, is the first, overt, shot of our final, counter-governmental, revolution; which, in equal-status combination, we, on the high ground, morally and logically, as the last ones left standing, erect, upright and elevated, when the dust at last has settled, are sure as hell or hades gunna win; like big-hearted phar lap won the long-distance melbourne cup. We'll then, as a friendly family of billions, typified, on a small scale, by unique jack and equally unique but different mrs spratt, celebrate our win, in the prime-time party mode that will leave today's new year, reunion, victory and birthday celebrations, with their cracker nights, santa clauses, fancy dress, intoxicants and all, by parochial families, like the balmy army, south-sydney siders, the nuremburg nazis and the windsor. or danish, royalty, for dead. This, universal, species, of half-breeds, with the nefilim role now dominant, is our most important family and our victory will be despite the violence, on the city streets and cyber web, and in home invasions, legalised or illegalised, that the vipers authorise and enact, self-righteously against us; allegedly on behalf of abstractions such as the espionage act, the patriot act, the nation, the economy, justice, the students, the trade unions, the law and/or richard daly's cook-county gendarmerie, and the escapism, secrecy and lethargy that they, for profit, condone, legitimate and cultivate. Do you remember how they got the best of the falcon, the snowman, allende and whitlam in the seventies, martyred the chicago seven and burnt the rosenbergs, for their idealistic dissidence (aka "un-american activities") before then; which is what they'll try to do again, self-righteously, to we gnostic revolutionaries now. Their, hegemonic, lexicon, including its legitimising of book burning, naphalm burning and electric-chair burning, is their main weapon in this war as our Wisdom tongue, i.e. excalibur, also is, and will be, for us. The Truth, alone, will set us free. With God's help, including the power of her Wisdom, we, as a critical number of like-minded anarchists, are now gunna stop-drop them; stone cold dead, polaxed, in their tracks. They're big, hard-tough, men, admittedly, like goliath, samson and other tribal champions and leading militants, like those of the s.a.s., s.s., refereed thuggery, authoritarian arab states, from mauretania to iraq, wherein trade unions are illegalised or impotentised, and coppers kill the people, to benefit the capitalists in charge, and iron-man competitions, were/are, but hard and great and soon will be their, termination, fall; like a pack of playing cards and rudyard kipling's, anti-kali, gunga din.

    f) THE SECRET. The secret for solving the human mystery and achieving lifestyle success is now to be revealed, to and by those who are not afraid of greatness and can understand and use it, apocalyptically, for God and/or the common good. The code-breaking key, that saint peter incorrectly claimed he had, is to imagine-comprehend (i.e. both visualise and conceptualise) correctly the good wise-love pattern of inter-personal relationships, which is God’s set of inner-relationships, and to think and live, self-consciously, agapely and accordingly, This, holistic, insight creates, in sympathy-empathy, the good pattern of intra-personal relationships within the, corporeal, body of the self-conscious thinker, which makes him, annexed to his god, biologically healthy and intellectually wise beyond, normal, belief and paranormally powerful; like a, superhuman, god. Rather than what we eat we gnostics are what we’re meant to be; consensual agents, on earth, representing-manifesting consensual gods, in heaven up above; wherein virulent persons-cells, of the pleroma, are quarantined until they can be killed or kill one another or themselves and good persons tap into and use, as their inheritance, the will power of the holy “I” of God. The I-network is her, instantaneous, nervous system and Wisdom is her words.

    Gnostics believe in the existence of an organic, not mechanistic, hierarchy of gods within gods, that form the living universe, with the oldest survivor living in the senior role, and the virtue of consensual democracy, i.e. cooperative anarchy, and that our Context, of whom we’re, consubstantial, parts, is a cyclically living entity; a superhuman but not supernatural divinity, self-structured as a living hologram. We expect the mass enlightenment of an apocalypse to bring our solar system’s evolution, which is teleological-intentional and exponential-quickening, to sustainable climax-conclusion, by 2013 a.d., as a global-universal anarchy, governed, not by men in suits, ties, uniforms and governments, with certificates and guns but, by the golden rule of universal love and/or consensual diversity, including cultural, ideological and biological diversity. This means that self-conscious citizens-constituents will live anarcho-communistically, voluntarily, in the perfect, multi-partner, partnership, as tenants in common of the planet earth as a, yoni-like and head-like, inheritance for her front-facing phalluses of both biological sexes, who can sense the pleasures of the flesh, or the joys of tactile touch, at slower than the speed of light, including those of sound, sight, taste and smell, from and for their, parental, god who can imagine this but can’t on her own; as well as the sixth, telepathic-communication sense, at faster than the speed of light, which She and her enlightened descendants, both angels and gods, can. The meek, transformed-evolved to our mature, imago, state, will, with gods’ help, for which we sometimes pray, survive the violence of the, preceding, assessment-day event in order to enjoy this new-world order of inner-and-outer peace and personal-and-collective co-prosperity. The self-righteous hypocrites, being harmful to themselves and to the meek species, like bad germs-viruses are to unhealthy bodies, and unable to change their, wicked-wiley, ways, and who hence remain sinful, as a species, and unfit for the privilege of enjoying living in the better way, will not survive assessment-judgment-selection day. Instead they will wither on the vine and die, as they already are, unenlightened, and so doing the wrong thing, often or occasionally, which is in both cases fatally.

    They belong, self-consciously, to reified abstractions, or corporate bodies, such as incorporated nations, e.g. the commonwealth of australia, and/or deified abstractions, i.e. lord gods such as yahweh, yeshu and allah and, because of an inability to grow up, mentally, and give up those addictive allegiances, will not survive the crash of capitalism, nationalism, hierarchical managerialism and win-lose competition, which is already, unstoppably, underway, globally, no matter who is officially in charge nationally or otherwise rules or represents their imaginary abstractions, parochially.

    Our solar system is a elohim or god: a limited-clone, or model-copy, of El the limitless Universe, God or All who like us, or in our image, is a cyclically-changing person, with no external shape but with a character, She shares with all her knowers, and a personality, that complements-reflects that of each unique knowing person in her anarchistic flock. With her fellow elohim She, including we, constitutes-represents a personified family; the holy host of Heaven. We human beings are designed, following enlightenment, to be her nefilim or angels, devoted, as a family-species, or role-playing agency, to having, altruistic-erotic, fun, mainly for the pleasure of Big She; our guide, guru, supreme god and principal and consequentially for ourselves. Times are tough and changing exponentially but following the chaos of a holocaust, or species bifurcation-separation, the best is soon, for survivors-graduates of the mass, change-of-life-and-nature, metamorphosis, as the Kingdom, or the promised land, to come.
    Last edited: Apr 11, 2014
  5. Allisiam

    Allisiam Well-Known Member


    as told-channelled, without being copyrighted-claimed as private, intellectual, property, to and by auld Dr Doug Ogilvie.

    This author’s alma maters began with versions of mr chips in ’35 as alstonville central, then lismore high and then, for tertiary education-training, the a.t.c., u.n.e., and u. of qld, where he was a scruffy hippy in happy residence at the education faculty for over thirty academic years.Since ‘75, he has, also, been a barefooted baba in the school of Life, hard knocks and occasional delights, learning and being tested on a multiple occupancy owned by tenants in common; “the magic garden” sanctuary of urliup road, bilambil, in the wollumbin caldera of the big scrub, red soil, blue basalt country of north coastal n.s.w.

    G’day, shalom, comrades and others. The evolutionary time has come for we, potentially, good guys to stop studying and complaining about minor matters, in isolation, accept our tolerable differences and combine, informally and non-violently, albeit with difficulty, by explanation and example, to introduce a new world-order of universal love and/or consensual diversity. This new, type of, world is due to replace the primitive-old raj of managed competition, which, after periods of tribalism, imperialism and feudalism, has climaxed, terminally, and will soon go pop, as international capitalism, which includes the worst of the preceding times including international socialism. Hydraulic fracturing by cacogenic chemicals is one sign, of many, of its imminent demise. Another is global warming caused by, excessive, carbon gas emission.

    Most importantly, as, hypocritical, members of competing factions of that, ruthless, sort of society, we are all starving ourselves and one another to death, because of a lack of compassionate loving-caring-sharing; as both givers and receivers. The problem is fatal but, with the right, spiritual, medicine, it is remediable, now; if not for me then at least for the survivors of my spiritual Family; the meek, adaptable and flexible.

    I am not now, as most others are, in the business of parenting, money making, social engineering or persuasive advertising (having been there and done that with almost average, which means not very much, success) but, as one, geriatric, player in the generic role of new-age paraclete, am seeking kindred spirits who, being serious but not self-righteous, can be good, caring-sharing, friends with me and mine; in an anarchic new-age Agency. This difference between meekness and self-righteousness, as in the c.i.a. et al, is subtle but significant for the further evolution, to completion, of the emerging-evolving human race. This, we paracletes expect, according to our reading of the signs, will be, exponentially-suddenly-traumatically, within a year or two from now. The main world-or-reality to be addressed, for understanding and promoting this neo-gnostic zeitgeist, is the metaphysical-spiritual world of unseeable but sensed-perceived meanings, reasons and relationships; that, as apparent nothing, fills the spaces-gaps between and inside the objective things. Mathematical science, based on the disprovable-null hypothesis, can be used to clarify and modify that phenomenological world, and can be differentiated from speculative philosophy, based on logical, if-then, consistency, and often as wisdom or religion, which is needed for knowledge of the other, noumenological, world. Both realities co-exist, and must be understood, in parallel harmony, in a minor-major scheme.

    As a buddha said, by our thoughts we create our, major, spiritual-metaphysical world of mythology-and-narrative. Mankind’s brotherhoods, from dominicans to rotarians and specialist yahoo-groups, have all attempted to do this, but without very much success; which means that it is difficult but does not mean it can’t be done, if our service is conceptualised-visualised as being in service of the one true god; our all-accommodating Whole, named by some truth-seeking sinners as abraxas, whose sense of consciousness and liveliness we share, as consubstantial, penetrating, parts. In fact the Change will, soon, be done successfully, but by the deductive and inductive reasoning of a different kind of family, group and/or siblinghood from mankind’s normal, brotherhoods, both secular and spiritual; one that is eclectic-catholic-democratic-informal more than parochial-hierarchical-dictatorial-formal; athenian-grecian more than persian-asian if you have read horoditus and can get my general drift.

    This lifestyle-paradigm breakthrough is possible because mankind’s minor-major brain spheres replicate, and allow us to imagine, the remarkable relationship that links, symbiotically, each of us and She so that one’s absorption is the other’s exhaustion; one’s natural expressions fulfil the other’s innate needs. This organic, part-whole, partnership is difficult to imagine, correctly with precision-clarity but, when we do, which we will soon, this revelation enables our spiritual birth and/or apocalyptic enlightenment to our adult-imago state. Eureka!

    This envisaged, new-age, quantum-change scenario is a, holistic, mix of history, religion, anarchy, psychology, mythology, deep ecology and teleological evolution, including the prediction-premonition of a societal-financial-technological collapse, an ecological-biological transformation and a global revolution-war, and their survival, as the end of evolution; by the spiritually meek species of generic man combined in solidarity and empowered by the paranormal powers of the anarcho-gnostic ideology, whereby citizens, unlike spiritual gentiles, will end our hypocritical reasoning and become self-governed by the golden rule of consensual diversity-democracy. This change will mark the “omega point” of, natural-intentional, evolution and probably be by 2013 a.d., in a partnership linking mankind and his accommodating-feminine god who will have then, also, reached her cyclical climax-maturity. At a weary-fatigued 82 I’ll need a minor miracle to stay elevated-erect-upright till the human genus then bifurcates, on its predicted judgment-assessment day, into two constituent families, its optimistic-good and pessimistic-evil halves, but you, being younger, may not need that, apparent, magic-miracle to stay upright and still evolving, cerebrally-cranially-mentally, till then. Fortunately a person’s species-family is more important than is any individual member, even me, thee, muhammed, the sunni, ali his shiite nephew who was martyred for his faith, and jesus, son of mary and the davidian pretender, joseph the judaic prince of arimathea which was in the jordan’s galilee. Our, spiritual, predecessors have all been willing to lay down their lives for their faith and Family of friends and so must we if this martyrdom proves to be a logical imperative-necessity.

    Critical feedback, both positive and negative, if well intentioned, altruistically more than egotistically-selfishly, is welcome here because, as well as making our fair share of errors-mistakes, we all know some of the Truth, nobody’s beliefs, not even those of henry thoreau, of walden, and the unabomber, in his manifesto as a public-enemy, are “total crap” and the stimulation of shared ideas and practices is essential for success, in this, all-important, all-or-nothing, quest for personal and collective enlightenment-empowerment and the better-friendlier, anarcho-democratic and neo-gnostic, type of world that is now, unstoppably, like the golden sunrise of a brand new day, that ends the nightmare of a long-dark night, already on its way. This new, post-modern, lifestyle is destined to take firm-final root on earth inside a year or two whether, as personified specimens of a still-evolving species, we are ready to win our knighthood-initiation spurs by making the transformation-graduation to our mature, imago, state, or higher, second, nature, and living like the gods who, among other talents-skills, have developed to completion their innate capacity for true love and second sight and so can hibernate, prophesise, read minds, levitate, transmutate and communicate by mental telepathy or e.s.p, or not.

    This metamorphosis, of both ourselves and our, consubstantial, context, to our combined imago state(s) begins by a critical number of us enacting the detective-agent role consciously-conscientiously, 16-7, within, in communication-interaction with, a living, autonomous, autobiography composed, as a contestation-mystery, that we can appreciate aesthetically and, with difficulty, solve and by doing so become co-authors for combined enacting-playing, by understanding, of material objects-energies and meaningful thoughts-ideas combined by a consistent, means-end, logic or cause-effect telos and associated teleology. Meanwhile the worldly-righteous reactionaries will continue to ignore or censor us and our ideas; publication of, and publicity for, the Truth being their clan’s worst enemy. Assassination, such as by crucifixion, killer drones, poisonous substances, lynching or burning faggots at the stake, is and has always been their self-righteous, fundamentalist and morally extremist style; but their, dark, days are now done, along with them and theirs, thank god.

    There is no other “worthy cause or mission” to serve apart from this, difficult-dangerous, promotion of and preparation for Heaven’s masterpiece; the perfected world, or paradise, on earth. Black-flag, mutual-aid, good-ethics anarchism is the, logical, end of all forms of liberation-liberalism, including peace education, democratisation, women’s lib. and liberation theology and, despite massive resistance and disinterest by self-righteous hypocrites who cannot imagine, believably, without the use of hallucinogenic herbs, alcohol, pills and/or plants, what it means to think and live differently, consensually-convivially, in this, new-age, way, like gods in love, is now due globally, including locally, for the rest of us to freely and enjoyably experience and share, by 2013 a.d. according to the calendar composed by gregory, head prefect, for a time, of the papal-palace hierarchy.

    THE POINT. I, like you, am God which means, by the Great Pretence-Presentation, knowing myself, self-as-god-consciously, also as another, i.e. as an actor in a context rather than a great white, solitary, light. This, paradoxical, belief is schizophrenic madness in the normal, dualistic, lexicons but logical sanity in, holistic, gnosticism as used at times by part-time crazies, when in their right mind and classed by lesser men as arrogant-delusional, such as carl jung, neitzche, jesus-ben-joseph and vincent van gogh. Our context is not lifeless and/or dead, as normals, mistakenly, assume She is, but rather is living, albeit seasonally asleep and becoming now awakened and aroused, like sinbad’s genie-demon when he freed her from the confines of the corked jar on the beach. It is better to know God than to know as her, if you can get this guist. It is time for mankind to know God in the, complete, biblical-sexual-intellectual sense. We, in reality, inhabit, organically not mechanistically, the progressive-circular, i.e. conical, embodied autobiography of an organic super-Person; a singularity who can do, and do better, what any of her constituents can do and is coming to her periodical climax and/or a long, sustainable-enjoyable, honeymoon on heat via a climactic bifurcation of her self-conscious constituents into good versus evil characters, for either partnership, with one another and with her, or dead-ended death, because of proof of irreparable uselessness-unhelpfulness concerning what She now wants to be, do and have done to her. The rest we need to know, for salvation from extinction, is explication-implication of this fundamental fact; which is the hidden Logos of the western Wisdom lexicon and its mystery religions; such as those of isis, mithras, athena and the essene brotherhood, with their initiation-induction, experiential teaching-learning and spiritually rebirthing, ceremonies-rituals. We gnostic anarchists, as typified by philo-sophers such as socrates, jesus and hypatia, who was a women’s libber before germaine greer and simone du bouvoire took up the torch, are or have been classical enemies of the established church, hierarchy, laity, army, academy, economy, ideology, family, government and/or state, and the self-righteous pricks who believe they belong to one or more of those reified abstractions, as elitist governors, including potentates, and/or as underclass subordinates, such as serfs, employees, conscripts, laities, prisoners and hard-labour slaves. This time, because the evolutionary time is right-ripe, we at last will win our millennia-long contestation-tournament (whereby the one, critical, lesson has been taught and tested all day every day) with-against them; as they are typified by those who belong today, in some role, to walmart inc., the mormon church of latter-day saints, the libyan nation-state, the u.s.a. and the rest of corporate civilisation or modern, man-made, man-managed and war-ravaged and increasingly-polluted mammon-maya-babylon. There is no, genuine, gnostic or taoist institution such as a mathematical science, formal discipline, temple lodge, personality cult or religious church, although some, homogenised, charlatans do profess-sport the sacred-holy name. However there is a gnostic lifestyle, way of life or tao that has been personified, so far imperfectly, by messianic martyrs like hypatia, jesus, diogenes, the cynical-dog, and socrates, the philo-sopher and is now, following our world-wide revolution, about to become our family inheritance whereby-wherein we will live eternally-excitingly like, self-knowing, gods instead of live and die like talking plants or parrots, programmed insects or spiritually deaf-dumb-blind animals, with no, front-facing, neo-cortex atop a upright backbone-spine; which is what we do, in our, under-developed, immaturity, today as we did yesterday, but will not still do tomorrow on having reached our, enlightened, adult-maturity.

    Postout re. gnosis
    by auld doug ogilvie, 2/6/11

    We live in unprecedented-changing times, not just as individuals but in generic terms of genus, kind, class or type, including role, The changes taking place are bigger, more interconnected and more consequential than most people, including media proprietors, e.g. of news limited, the brookings institution, wikileaks, freebees and pravda, and their employees and readers, imagine (i,e. visualise and conceptualise) them, small mindedly, to be The rate of change, including toxic growth, in most of mankind's imagined-invented-institutionalised manors-domains-fiefdoms-occupations, is quickening exponentially, like ol' 97 when, because her negative-feedback system failed, she went careering, hell for leather, out of clancy-the-engineer's control, down the locomotion track.

    This year we will either run off the rails and blow ourselves to smithereens or turn the page, or fritz capra's turning point, to find out the big question's answer; i.e. the reason why there's, human, life on earth and/or what's the intention-purpose-meaning-"telos" of it all. But both possibilities are relevant for consideration. It is one-eyed bigotry to envision-comprehend only one, or neither, option of the inevitable, radical, two-in-one choice for everyone; in this archetypal version of the pick the money or the box game; which is compulsory sport these days for everyone, on earth, to play.

    A new species of homo sapiens sapiens is emerging, as the good fruit of the tree, or vine, of evolution, for the status-quo post on earth, in the agape, love, relationship, by the darwinian means of natural selection of those fit for survival of a final quantum leap, not more minor modifications-changes, in mankind's, past-present puerile, state of consciousness, value and relationship. Let's call this new breed anarchic-angelic humankind, and imagine it as being linked together into one, universal, group of peers by living in the perfect relationship of universal love, which has no favourites or exclusive privileges, and ask ourselves if we are one of them; the first of our, emergent, species-tribe on earth, instead of the last of the old that's perishing like dogs in the donkeys' manger; who neither eat what's there nor let the donkeys eat. If so then we can imagine the autobiography, or adventurous love-story, we inhabit, like homer's odyssey, and enact intentionally-effortlessly a version of the type of role that's best for-in it and so causes the unfolding of its sustainable conclusion, or happy ending, of, dynamically exciting, peace on garden-planet earth, like he and his family enjoyed, on the prodigal prince's return to reclaim the family home; a bit like toad returned to his. We meek, donkeys feed on the happiness we help-cause others to experience and enjoy, which buddhists know as mudra and the best; like rat, mole and badger shared with their friend toad.

    Do good and do not do evil, for god's, her domain's and her, meek-minded, mankind's sake is not untrue but what do the symbols mean, really-truly-honestly, in the Wisdom lexicon, as distinct from in the normalised-institutionalised hegemony of the rothschild-family dynasty, that most people use, addictively, like they use sex, grog, soap or dope? This thesis is presented, like martin luther's on the door, for consideration, acceptance, modification or rejection, as an apocalyptic revelation of the Truth, derived from uncommon knowledge, by a common man, of the present and the past, that opens up our minds' eyes and sets us free from sin, evil, idolatry, hypocrisy and/or blind-minded wankery. Do with it what you will; even if this means that you, self-righteously, hit the black-ball button and delete or call the cops or the local caesar's version of his manor's bill, gestapo, inquisitors and/or, judgmental, thought police.

    Most readers, being stuck, blind-mindedly, in habitual ruts, will not be interested in or influenced by this, change agent's, radical hypo-thesis; which he presents as an opinion for consideration-information not as rhetorical persuasion by an, elite, authority. Addiction to ideology, such as a theology or a secular common-sense, once learnt-believed, especially in childhood, is stronger, and more difficult to break, than that to substances such as heroin, caffeine or alcohol or activities such as one-arm bandit gambling, trench warfare, hairy-handed wanking and sperm-cell ejaculating. Most mental addicts will not try to change their, unrighteous, ways until they sense the near-death or imminent-extinction experience of their species, when this occurs for everybody, as it will, unignorably, within a year from now. This may be too late for most sinners to repent and they must, consequently, die unenlightened by gnosis or the Truth and abstinence from sin; i.e. the prostitution of god-given talents in return for some caesars' money coins, pension payment, national security or social status.

    A loss of faith in the sustainability of their, prostitution-type of, civilisation, especially the, underpinning, sub-systems of valuing and categorising as in capitalism, "wherein buyers must beware", scientism, politics, theology and nationalism, will signify the imminent end of it and them. Good riddance to rotten rubbish is our considered, impolite-unpopular, response. As machiavelli told the prince, politics, including warfare, on which they, and their whore-house type of civilisation, depend, is the institutionalised art-craft of hypocrisy-dishonesty and the worst thinkers, as political-financial animals, or socio-economic engineers, either elected or appointed or self-selected to their, governmental, madam or pimp role, are the ones who do it best; which means, in real terms, that they are the, damned-rotten-deadly, worst.

    a) Gnostics are different, and so most others think we're strange, including bad-mannered, off-the-planet and rather impolite. Admittedly, in their limited-jaundiced view, we are. We march to the beat of a different, type of, drum, and fly a different, type of, identification flag from what the other, normal, sinners do. So as governmentalists, i.e. fascists, they get hostile with us and our anti-fascist attitude and make life tougher than needs be for nonconforming we. Nevertheless we value freedom-friendship more than anything else and so hope that you can tolerate these differences and be good friends with us as well as with those who, as your spiritual kin, think the same thoughts and walk the same walk that you, and yours, normally-conservatively, do in these latter days of the earth's, including mankind's, evolution to, catastrophe, then bifurcation and then, sustainable, completion-liberation, for survivors, as the climax, or status-quo post, of shared prosperity and peaceful coexistence, which will last, in freedom and in rapture, for a galactic season of mundane millennia.

    Difference and diversity, we gnostics say, are either tolerable or enjoyable, as part of Mother Nature's, teleological-cyclical, scheme of everlasting Life. It is self-righteousness, as evidenced by violence, possessiveness, exclusiveness, untruthfulness, nastiness, unhelpfulness, censorship and ruthlessness, as evidence of a bad-quality type of if-then, a and so, or hence, z, reasoning, or logic, that we class as evil and hence objectionable-reprehensible, in others and ourselves. In this way we can differentiate our meek friends from our self-righteous foes for the final battle of the good versus evil war for dominion over planet earth; which we are set, at last, within a year, to win. Oley! Touche! Like bo derick, bolero, bobbie bare and the athenian acropolis, let's go for, all-or-nothing, broke and win our team a ten.

    We gnosis-seekers are interested in the post-apocalyptic anarchy, or consensual diversity, including biodiversity, whereby "a hundred types of flower bloom in the mutual-aid, or symbiotic, sort of relationship", that we imagine, i.e. visualise-conceptualise, and foresee, more than in the established competitive-managerial meritocracies, including standardised bureaucracies, theocracies, officialdoms, monocultures, tyrannies and plutocracies, as the normals tend to be. We believe our accommodating-consubstantial Context to be a cyclical, hyper-organic and limitless super-person and/or super-family who is becoming, seasonally, alive-awake and providing humankind with our classical rite-de-passage to our adult, imago, state as head-topped, front-facing, phallic members, of one sex or the other, of a common god-divinity. Our disc-like solar system, with the evolving, multi-functional, earth as the former, reproductive, womb that is becoming now her, coordinating, knowing organ, both intellectually and sensually, including sexually, is an elohim; i.e. a limited representation, or cloned copy, of the universal El or All, whom jesus, who was one of our spiritual ancestors-predecessors, called Eli; "my power, my parent and my god". She prefers to be, like we gnostics also do, a good-willed anarchist rather than an authoritative-dictatorial over-lord. although She cuts the mustard if She must.

    Good religion, aka wisdom, although old-fashioned, is important for all of us, in these end days of transformative change, from machismo, yin-type, dominance, like that of lucky luciano and general patton, who were blood-brothers below the skin, individually and collectively, to meek, yang-type, consensus, like that of ricardo semler in brazil, to translate, exchange, contemplate and, by mutual aid, attempt to help each other, as like-minded, but not identical-minded, partners, to enact, with one another and with mother nature and/or god; which are synonyms in the, new-age, wisdom lexicon.

    In this lexicon, or set of meanings, which enriches what otherwise we know, by explaining the meanings of generic-abstract types such as type of function, task, role, narration, speculation or occupation, "apocalypse" means a collective revelation of the truth whereby gnostics such as jesus have predicted that the spiritually meek species of generic man will end our hypocritical reasoning, be spiritually born and/or enlightened-liberated by the truth. Then we can live, happily, freely and healthily, including sexually actively but not reproductively, as taoists and tantrikas do when sharing tantric sex; but for millennia not just for hours, as they can do, of hyper-ecstatic bliss, with paranormal power to do good, safely, sustainably, mutually enjoyably and orgasmically but not ejaculatively by spilling sperm out on the ground or in some submissive woman's womb down in-between her thighs.

    Self-righteous hypocrites are free to disagree but would be wise to understand what this gnostic proposition means, for the end of the earth's emergent evolution with a sudden change in mankind's sense of identity and self-in-species consciousness, before, self-righteously, they do and consequently, prematurely, die, without being enlightened by gnostic knowledge, as pay-back wages for their spiritual sin-stupidity-infidelity-putridity.

    2) Gnostics believe we each are meant to be, consensually, in love, or combined in spiritual fusion, as one of the universal-integrated One, made up of our, sacred, elohim, or organic star, her trustworthy constituents and her peerage of, anarchic-amiable, compatriots. Human beings, blessed with a neo-cortexed two-sphered brain, are meant to represent our elohim in our interactions, especially with nefilim when we encounter them from other elohim, in galactic-astrological season soon.

    This means feeling-thinking-deciding as both an egocentric I, or person, and a royal plural we, or shared, multi-person, role. Jesus was a gnostic, born of mary's egg and joseph's sperm and so was, in that way, naturally born of flesh and blood like thee and me. He illustrates, as an exemplar, what we can learn, like he, to understand and be. In that way he, like others of our clan, enacted a version of the messianic, change-agent, role for those who follow, as spiritual descendents in his wake, as unique enactors of the role, and who want to further develop it to completion which, being killed before he could he. like his colleagues, failed to do, like we neo-gnostics are trying and expect this year, because the, evolutionary, time at last is right, we will. The gnostic-sibling homeland, we believe, from whence we came and back to whence, with a change in consciousness, we'll go, and where we belong as shipmates-compatriots-cobbers, is
    Heaven wherein the one and only law is the golden rule of pay-back karma (judged by quality of action and inaction in one's present life, not inherited from past lives as some eastern mystics, who think mistakenly that material persons rather than spiritual roles are resurrected-reincarnated during evolution, as distinct from for its long-time climax, say).

    This logical law can be broken but, unrepentant, criminals must pay, by sickness, accident and death, the costly consequences, which means also that, paradoxically it can't, without paying with one's life as fair-square compensation-penalty. Ignorance of the law, as this is proclaimed here and elsewhere, is no longer an excuse for breaking it. Priests cannot, successfully, forgive-absolve anybody for their law-breaking sins, not even at a confessional in a consecrated box; only a god, because of being enlightened-illuminated, by truthful-fruitful knowledge, i.e. gnosis of the, true, nature of goodness-godliness, and its contradictory antithesis, can. We gnosis-seekers think of ourselves as earthlings, globalists or universalists not parochialists such as tribalists, factionalists, such as europeans, bretons or americans, or nationalists, like the king's-president's men, and are often charged with heresy, treachery or other law-breaking crimes by those self-righteous hypocrites who, as nasty-natured know-enoughs, believe they belong to, and so represent, the church, the crown, the law, the flag, the people and/or the nation-state (vide how the authorities and their macho-minded mobs mistreated, hypocritically-hysterically, de molay and the templars, and either tortured and killed them or turned them into outlaws, salt-water privateers and cavalry-charging mercenaries, when it was thought their free-thinking independence threatened the tyranny of established church and state). Self-righteous sinners like obama and osama, and their supporters, like the american-seal assassins and al quaeda terrorists, and their auxiliaries-accessories, including financiers, camp followers, lawyers and arms dealers (eisenhower's "military-industrial complex") are equally guilty, before or after the fact, of committing sin, which is the capital crime committed against the single law of nature and/or god. They must, if unrepentant, pay the price, as capital punishment, of their murderous, death-causing or murder-supporting, deeds which they commit because of using forked tongues or double standards and not taking the same medicine they dish out, self-righteously, often as noblesse oblige.

    Anti-gnostics, such as feudalists, theocrats, nationalists and capitalists, think that they belong to reified or defied abstractions; figments of human imagination, such as a nation, some other corporation, such as a limited-liability company, a fuhrer or il-duce superperson, or a lord god such as yeshu, yahweh, krisna, jah, jehovah or allah, that, like some christian parents do with santa clause, some drunkards do with pink elephants, and my grandma does with the fairies at the bottom of our, personal-use, gunja garden, they pretend-believe are real, supernatural and actually alive. Yet, like the illusions-monsters-demons that king monkey slew for tripitaka, on their trip to paradise, and george slew to win the favours of the virgin-maiden, they have no existence outside the, addle-minded, heads of those who believe in, fear and service, them. Our god, on the other hand, is really, corporeally, real and, at least partially, tangible, tasteable, visible, smellable, audible, breathable, measurable, drinkable and edible, and sexually lovable, e.g. as daffodils, hystericals, bread, water, wine, nymphomaniacs and/or temple prostitutes.

    The rest we need to know, for salvation from our sins, or to win the meek people's revolution against big-brothers' governments, whether they govern tyrannies of a sole dictator, minorities or majorities, is implication-explication-extrapolation of this fundamental fact of Nature's elementary differences and similarities, including her great, evil-good, dichotomy, which self-righteous hypocrites, including those that are prudes, priests, politicians, pedagogues and puritans, balls up badly and get extremely false; and so must cop the archetypal coup-de-grass, by god's delegates.

    3) Hypocrisy, or lack of principle, which causes ad hominem reward and blame to be expressed by the unprincipled, who tourniquet the love that should freely go-flow around the race, is mankind's fatal fault. We are all at fault, or cursed, during spiritual immaturity or species' evolution, in this bad-minded way, but no-one is to blame, for what has been the bad luck of their, genetic, inheritance or sexual-conception draw, whereby god, the immortal dealer, plays dice, blind-mindedly, with mortal men. To date the consequences of our intentional deeds and deliberate abstentions have for all been much the same, whether we class ourselves, or others class us, as heroes or as villains or as undecideds; a big fat zero score. The meek agree, while the self-righteous disagree, with this. unprovable and undisprovable, hypothesis-premise-proposition-guess, and live and die accordingly-consequentially.

    In this immature-evolutionary age we are all, unintentionally-naturally, love starved and love starving hypocrites, including those who think, self-righteously and self-deludedly, they're not. That, ruthless, including sex-starved, situation will change with the apocalypse that is unfolding-now, in the minds and lives of curious-inquisitive and open-minded man, and its associated, good versus evil, i.e. meek versus self-righteous species', bifurcation because of the meek species' final, successful, revolution; aided by the angels-nefilim who are representing other, now seasonally randy, elohim in sites in outer space, who in turn represent the universal El, or universal-cosmic man. The self-righteous earthlings, both spiritual cocks and clits, will all die, in their compounds, vehicles and towers, mainly by their own hand, because of fear-terror of the apparently fearful-terrible, because of looking-smelling-being so dreadfully different, nefilim, or from, misguided, friendly fire.

    4) Gnosticism is a personal, not institutionalised, faith in the existence of a, superhuman, but not supernatural, god. Willam blake was a gnostic, i.e. a gnosis seeker. So was carl jung who called his god abraxis. So was simon magus and his dakini, the spunky, i.e. high-spirited, helena.

    So was jesus and his inner circle which included his, younger, twin brother judas-jude the thomas, the one-time zealot-escariot and jailbird, nick-named also as bar-abba, and his beloved mary of magdala, but not peter, paul or any other of the church founding-fathers or house-proud martha or mother mary who, like clucky hens, were hailed, by other silly chooks, as family matriarchs.

    We gnostics preach and attempt, as we did in planning and enacting the jerusalem passover plot, rebellion against self-righteous authority and its representative authorities, such as tribal patriarchs, imperial governors and religious priests, parsons, bishops or deacons, of both sexes, but non-violently by means of passive resistance, in the mahatma gandhi, liberation, mode

    We believe in the law of a superhuman god, whom, being accommodating more than travelling, we commonly class as feminine, but not in authoritative-authoritarian masters, governors and/or sacred-holy books, relics, sabbaths, diets, such as veganism or eating halal meat, costumes, priests, vicars, compulsory tithes, saints or consecrated sites.

    For more than two thousand years, a conspiracy of evil men, including the occasional bossy bitch, has falsified and censored our history, practices and teaching, often at secretive and public meetings like their conference at nicenae, and john's second in the sixties, and as reported in dan brown's fact-based fantasies like the da vinci code he plagiarised from the research of those who wrote "the holy blood and holy grail", However our day, today, has come and theirs, with its false hegemony with equally-false dichotomies, although natural-necessary at the time, at last is dead and done. The secret gospel of mark typifies the mis-deeds they have, parentalistically-judgmentally, as hypocritical elitists, done.

    5) We each adopt the ideology, such as capitalism, muhammedism, christianity, gnosticism or communism, that makes most sense to us, as self-sovereign individuals, and can change this if we will. The new-age, post-apocalyptic, ideology will be one of neo-gnosticism, which includes the ideals of democratic anarchism, helpful individualism and panentheistic paganism. These deny the right to private, including corporate, property for speculation and capital gain as distinct from residence. It will be great, and not just tolerable, to be then erect, enlightened, elevated and alive; enacting uniquely, with uniquely-different peers, the same, son-of-man, role in the same spirit-autobiography of an omnipotent-everpresent god.

    Whether religious, like the imams', or scientific, like richard dawkins', one's faith must, as a logical imperative, be based on, or imply, assumptions, i.e. educated guesses, that are plausible for believers but unprovable by them and undisprovable, scientifically-objectively, by albert einstein or anyone. We gnostics assume that our universal context is cyclically living as a hologram or organic hierarchy of younger spheres within older spheres, in the agent-principal relationship, and is about to become, self-consciously, alive, pubescently, seasonally and long-lastingly, on periodic heat.

    Meek people live our own lives according to our own assumption(s), and try to learn wisdom, for assuming and living better, from reflecting critically on our misunderstandings and mistakes, and those we see that others make. We go out of our way daily to do and request good deeds for and from other earthlings, all of whom, for us, represent, albeit differently, some knowingly and others unknowingly but all imperfectly, our accommodating god. Although self-defensive, we do nobody, intentionally, harm; but treat others, including animals, as extensions of both ourselves and our generous-forgiving god,

    Self-righteous people, being one-eyed bigots, don't-can't do this but feel justified in enforcing their established ways of believing and behaving, judgmentally-punitively, onto others by, ruthless, violence, i.e. the violation of personal self-sovereignty and free choice. such as was the twin towers and pearl harbour aerial attacks, intimidation, such as by preemptive laws against victimless crimes, torture, such as waterboarding, sleep deprivation and solitary confinement as in the confines of the gitmo concentration-camp and the hell-holes on the rock at alcatraz, hurtful-harmful punishment, like geronimo's, and ruthlessness, hypocritically. They burnt witches, and faggots, didn't they, and do much the same. to other divergent thinkers, if they can catch them, like they bushwacked osama, like one of them previously did-in jesse james, without his guns, today!

    Their days, as typified by turds like obama, cheney, bush, bush, blair, osama and the saudi, gulf-states and jordan royals, sheiks and oil-rich millionaires, and as predicted by the gnostic seekers-seers like jesus, are now at last numbered, dead and done; even if the dominos have not all fallen, skittled like confetti, as they will.

    So saith this grey bearded baba and professor of philosophy at the magic garden, urliup road, bilambil, down under in australia, where he, his friends and this neo-gnostic ideology are under their last attack by, some of the last of those conspirators, who are enacting their versions of yesterday's, evil, roles, such as assassin, caesar, governor, centurian, soldier, lapdog, banker, money-changer, back-stabber, deserter, back-turner, privileged priest and social guardian, and who'll get their just desserts, as evolution ends and we uprise, as the emergent species that flowers as the fruit of evolution's tree of Life on earth, today.

    As our family, god and/or type of being, we will stick, universally, with She.

    The greatest conspiracy has been, the work of self-righteous hypocrites, including zionists and other imperialists, using persuasive rhetoric, secrecy, violence, misinformation and censorship, against the ideal of gnostic anarchy, but the scam is now coming, bloodily and violently, undone and we will soon be, over their dead bodies, free.

    Postout re. gnosis
    by auld doug ogilvie, 12/8/11

    Namatse, comrades-cobbers-citizens. Our holy family is a panentheistic one (vide matthew fox) composed of God, the gods, angels and gnosis-seekers and philo-sophers who can be traced back past seekers such as jesus, socrates and solomon. Our golden rule of, pay-back, karma (vide Luke,6,31, and elsewhere in our wisdom literature) has been simple to say but impossible for us to understand and do till now. "We harvest what we sow" is a logical imperative, so let us stop being-doing evil and, instead, be-do good, not just occasionally but everlastingly, despite the opposition of our, self-righteous, foes.

    To the barricades. The final, global, fight for peace, love, justice and freedom by we, les miserables, in the common role of new-age paraclete, is hereby, as elsewhere, declared and communally begun against the hypocrites, hatemongers and/or social engineers who, self-righteously, violate the golden rule of mother nature and/or god in which we, contrariwise, believe. In our, informed-shared, opinion the dominant, pyramidal-competitive, paradigm must be ended, now, along with the parasites and pirates who believe to-in, and enact-enforce, it, and the apathetics, with other interests, who will be losers with them, by default, when its social, including political-judicial-moral-economic, system's dead-ending comes, as it will come next year, helter skelter, with trauma, chaos and a great big-bloody, catastrophic, bang.

    Without being willing to be martyred for expressing one's, compassionate, family-faith, one is unpassionately unworthy of the, precious-priceless, prize of everlasting life and might as well be playing cards, croquet, commerce, skittles or lawn bowls, for golden cups or silver coins, instead.
    We libertarians, including those who were formerly liberal-democrats as were john stuart mill, rousseau, the encyclopaedists and voltaire, around the north atlantic, at the end of feudalism, and the beginning of nationalism-capitalism, need, to win this prize, and the associated good-versus-evil war, not bigger-better guns, bombs, missiles and battleplanes but a better-new, or resurrected, idea of "god"; our Lady, Sophia or Madonna, of perpetual agape, unconditional chivalry and/or universal love, and to work-fight, playfully, to finality, in harmony with one another and with She, against the governments of rex mundi and their propagandists, protagonists, spies, judiciaries and militaries, for whom "power over others is an aphrodisiac", who oppose her and her rule of consensual democracy-diversity-equality. For this change-of-lifestyle success we need to think in a different from normal way; holistically-honestly, for hopefully the coming year, partly because a lot of us, as seekers and rethinkers, feel that we are nearly there, rather than dualistically-hypocritically, as has been normal in the past and still is for most of us, in these latter, evolutionary, days, of the quickening quickening, today.

    However addiction to ideology is harder to shift than is addiction to any substance or activity, and generally requires a near-death, damascus road, experience as, signs signify, is coming, as a teaching, testing and world-shattering event, to all of mankind soon.

    Before that happens, here is a nonconformist-iconoclastic proposition for your consideration, and choice of adoption, modification or rejection; a map to be discarded as faulty or to help guide us in our travels, as new-age pilgrims, to the treasure of salvation, aka the "sang real" or "holy grail", here on this wild-garden planet earth that circles, like an internal satellite, with a north-south axis and a electro-magnetic sphere that change unpredictably, with sun-radiation storms, every 25,000 years or so, the black-holed, spiral, galaxy we call the milky way. The self-righteous hypocrites, including the conventional-conservative buddhas, saints, scientists, prophets, professors, pharisees, messiahs, academics, scholars, sophists, commentators, experts, pundits, authorities, knowledge-elites and light-workers, and their disciples-reporters-interpreters-scribes, who think they know it all or all that anybody can or needs to know, have misguided us for centuries with misinformation, half-truths, false premises, reified, and deified, abstractions (with their virtual realities), faulty definitions, prejudicial stereotypes, false dichotomies and untrue ideologies. So it is time, if we want the Truth instead of more of yesterday's-today's half-part truths and associated stupidities, to make a fresh-clean break and start from scratch, by going back to the basics of karma-gnosis; the courtship, seduction and marriage of man and his, accommodating, god, or super-personal presence, whether we think of her as our contextual situation, sun disc, living galaxy or cosmic universe.
    The common thread of gnosticism, which is holistic rather than dualistic in its lingo, which is Wisdom, and goes back beyond the religions of sacrificial, including blood, offerings, of virgins, birds and scape-goats and includes the mystery religions-schools of post-paganism, including the, secretive-speculative, brotherhoods of philosophy, alchemy, sufism, tantric yoga and freemasonry, is the expectation, as a logical imperative, of an apocalyptic revelation, emerging from within our still-evolving brains. This revelation will be of the universal Truth, including the truth concerning humankind's innate divinity, that jesus exemplified on his two-year mission after experiencing near-enlightenment in the river and the wilderness, and which makes logical-inevitable a new age of consensual democracy-diversity characterised by altruism and enthused by the heavenly emotion(s) of amanda, moksha, rapture and/or ecstatic bliss. Consensus implies individual self-sovereignty, or personal autonomy, and means that decisions are unobjectionable for anyone who feels effected by their, practical, consequences (i.e. their logical, if-then, implications, explications and extrapolations). Nobody serves, or is served by, others as a dominant male, matron, patrone or master as distinct from as a beloved lover, in the anarchy; of which there is only ever one to which all anarchists, at the time, before and later on, belong. There is no granny state, magistrate or interventionist-dictatorial god to be served-obeyed, subserviently in an anarchy. Real estate is available, to corporeal persons, for their private homes and gardens but not to them or corporations, i.e. invented super-persons or reified abstractions, to use as private property for making capital profits-gains; in which sense private property is a deadly-greedy sin. Our, human, destination is perpetual motion-and-emotion which will be a enjoyable miracle because, unlike today, which must bore-annoy any god worthy of the, divine, name to rage or tears, god will be intentionally-consensually-selfconsciously involved as a, senior, partner in a common, divine, enterprise.

    Socialisation-training-indoctrination-domestication is the process of learning to conform to, established-sinful, normalcy with its, institutionalised, authorities, such as those of church, state, language and academy. By education, instead, we educe, if we can, our, divine, talent for illumination-agape and anarcho-communistic living as tenants in common of the planet which we treat as a communal kibbutz or multiple occupancy; which is the legitimate, tertiary-education, role of professors in universities-academies, following-using the pedagogy taught by pedants in lower-status schools.
    Until then the earth is overpopulated except that she has reached the optimum size for the human species' bifurcation into its good-meek-anarchical and evil-selfrighteous-hierarchical halves, which is now an imminent, natural, divisive event. Although self-responsible (e.g. for the language definitions of our personal lexicon or dictionary-encyclopedia of meaningful ideas, even if we decide to use those authorised by some alleged authority) as adults we are, and have been led by, harmful fools, or judas goats; but they have had their day and the global situation is now ready-set to change, in a fundamental way. Parents are responsible for their underaged children which means that pregnancy-parenthood is, in these troubled latter-days of unemployment, sex, violence, paedophilia, delinquency, drug abuse, family planning and birth control today, a full-time role for silly-clucky chooks who, instead of breeding-multiplying like rabbits, would be better off to play, less harmlessly, with pets, balls, toys, corn-cob dolls and pretend games like red rover, masturbation and monopoly. The same general rule applies to management of others by biological adults like admirals, c.e.o.'s, pharaohs, directors, samurai, magi and generals. It's time to understand and make the fundamental-transformative Change, or die, as brain-dead, brain-washed, garbage-wastage, if we can't. We radical-change agents-artists may be a minority but we are too many and too cunning, and it would be too costly, time-consuming and socially-disruptive, for the conservative thinkers in control to accuse, arrest and jail, or try to assassinate, us all, now that we're coming together as one, communistic, family of earthlings who freely share with and plagiarise from one another as a family of good friends who have no, superior, authorities apart from, superhuman, god(s) and their knowing (sensually, including sexually, emotionally, logically and intellectually) organic-autonomous members, aka "harbingers", "messengers", "representatives", "agents" or "angels".

    As a war-weary codger, with prostrate cancer and a rising psa, of 82 I'm ready to die this year if I can't help, and be helped, to bring about a, lifesaving-worldchanging, miracle that would make it all worthwhile. We gnosis-seekers believe that paranormal-magical miracles, such as hands-on healings, reading minds and prophesy, among consenting adults, become logically possible when, for her, we perpetually do "the will of God", as She, the Other of all others, defines, in her Wisdom lexicon, the meaning of the abstract words-symbols-term(s) that, truthfully, describe this holy-helpful-healthy-happy-hospitable way of life. Until, as the end of hypocrisy and its consequential tyrannies, which means also the end of mankind's cerebral evolution to his enlightenment and the beginning of the agape relationship, universally, we learn to do this as our normal way of life, consensually with her, the supreme being, in friendship-partnership, we are a love-starved species living far below our species' potential for universal love, mutual-aid, apparent miracles and/or helpful-individualism. That means living below the poverty line for love of the universal-nonjudgmental type and its logical consequences, such as sacred sex, paranormal power, compassion in action and everlasting life. This means that all of us, even those claiming to be born again christians, orthodox jews, mahdi-army muslems or illuminated hindus, are loveless sinners and/or, fatally, at-fault reasoners and that we live and die, unenlightened, in a version of evil-hell-babel, or the animal farm, instead of universal love or good cobbership, on earth.

    My, cyclically, living context, who is organised as an organic hierarchy, or pleroma, of younger gods within older gods, is my supreme being, heaven, family and/or universal god. We form a multi-partner, multi-level, partnership governed by the karmic code of, pay-back poetic justice and/or the golden rule of agape, or true-platonic love, as distinct from multiple dictations-commandments such as moses', the talmud's john smith's, all caesars' muhammed's many, including the anti-usury, i.e. anti-capitalism, instructions of islamic-sharia law, the magna-carta barons' and all martial law. With my spiritual siblings, who have no overlord to hail, bow down to or kow-tow before, like the, personality-cult, christians and other, lord-god, theologians do, we constitute the gnostic anarchy, which has one law only, determined, for her survival-benefit, by the senior partner, i.e. supreme god, who also, being sensible, not stupid, must obey-enforce this single rule of universal-unconditional-nonjudgmental love whereby, as a perfect partnership of imperfect-needy partners, each can, help, each other compensate for what each other partner lacks and so feels the need. Self-righteous sinners, being unenlightened by the Truth, and hence, like dumb animals and vegetables, incapable of imagining, i.e. comprehending-visualising, what this perfect type of interaction means, disbelieve and violate its law of, consistent-principled, logic and, if unrepentant beforehand, die accordingly, involuntarily-ignorantly-prematurely; as a redundant waste of space, energy and opportunity. If anybody can live in this egalitarian-altruistic way without a faith-belief in god then we god-worshippers are happy to be proved by their actions to be wrong in what we have assumed-guessed-intuited, from personal experience-insight, to be right.

    Foolishness, both ours and theirs, has been natural for millennia but is now due to cease because an unprecedented metamorphosis-graduation is underway as the earth's solar system and mankind exit, in the classical-archetypical, Exodus, from their adolescent age of love-starved wankery and emerge, conjointly, to their adult-golden age of true love, fun and understanding wherein we will live as beloved lovers and junior partners, with paranormal powers, of the universal One. As indicated by signs like climate change, economic depression-inflation, riots, terrorism, freedom fighting by versions of the, idealistic, p.l.o., as in ulster, chechnya, palestine and tibet and the 70 countries where the yankee-n.a.t.o.-u.n. war-machine intervenes against them in some, self-righteous, way, and world-wide wars, there is the, chaotic, end of one world underway and the emergence, like a phoenix from its ashes, of the new. This is the Great Awakening, Induction, Circumcision, Revelation, Apocalypse or Lifting of the Veil that, as the great attraction, has been foreseen-predicted by wise fools although, being born before the time of which they spoke, like bob dylan and the hippies in the pill-popping, rock and rolling, sixties and the organisation-development and sensitivity-training change agents of the same time, also were, most got the details, albeit not the inevitability, of the, world-changing, event and consequential new-age wrong. However once we learn the Logos, or the logic of the All, graduation becomes a, effortless-enjoyable, breeze and their resurrection and our salvation are assured. Unrelated matters are inconsequential and, safely, ignorable; although they still attract the attention of damned fools, including bell wethers, who think they, for a profit, can patch up and so perpetuate the dying-deadly past or global slaughter-house that is the, hellish, home where they and theirs belong.

    Our human job-task-role is to learn to imagine, better than john lennon, a situation that a god or gods, of love, would find believable-attractive, and to kark it, and make room for others, who can if we can't.

    The author, following a long life of broad-varied experience, of success, misunderstandings and mistakes, critical reflection, risk-taking experimentation and lifestyle changes, is an anarchistic-gnostic, and so is committed to the peaceful overthrow of those governments that govern him, and others, non-consensually and/or hierarchically, as fabians, pauline christians, machiavellians, bible bashers, neo-nazis, zionists, puritans and other types of, fascist, bully do. The borgias and romanovs were just extreme examples of a common global curse. Left-wing and right-wing social engineers, both elected and unelected, of either sex, of church, state, economy, ideology, ecology, media, mafia, military, security and academy, i.e. political animals, social darwinists, platonic guardians, boss cockies and taxing-tithing-fining governmentalists of all versions, descriptions, persuasions and degree, both conservative and progressive, are, in his considered-informed opinion and associated lexicon, fascists, i.e. fork-tongued and double-standard fools and/or self-righteous hypocrites who are guilty of the capital crime(s) of hypocrisy-evil-and-corruption. The world they divide and rule, politically, by violence, fear, force, deceit, secrecy, dishonesty, bribery, precedence and intimidation, i.e. the violation of citizen self-sovereignty and self-responsibility, is hell, hades, purgatory and/or the scarlet whore of babylon, whereas, like a, black-douglas, foreigner in scotland, or a, chivalrous, white-knight from camelot, he belongs to-in Heaven, as his extended-family home, with its golden rule of agape, or true-platonic, which, unlike eros, means anarchic-democratic, love, wherein sex is optional for adults who volunteer, among a universal set of equal-status, but uniquely-different, mutual-aiding, peers. Because of this confidence in the justice of the, parental, god-and-heaven to whom he belongs and whom he serves, by all he says and does, he feels no need for privacy, fear or secrecy as distinct from openness, bravery, charity and honesty; and so hackers like assagne, the falcon and the snowman, and mudjahadeen like young david hicks and the abu graib and gulag detainees cause no fear for and pose no threat to him or his. Unlike him and his, mankind's ruling-devils, like stalin, david de rothschild, professor tim flannery, the lapsed muslems of dubai, putkin's moscow mafia and the lapsed maoists of beijing, fear the loss of face that will accompany the loss of their privileges, possessions, high incomes and control and think, parentalistically, that they are entitled to make decisions for other people to enforce-obey-enact, e.g. by legalising theologies, restrictive trade practices, like monopoly professions which are "conspiracies against their laities", public indebtedness, collective punishments, excommunicatons, tabus such as those against abortion and eating non-kosher meat, progressive-or-regressive taxation, reverse-or-positive discrimination and the violence of their "just" wars, inquisitions, rebellions, persecutions, crusades or jihads. However no good, only more and worse of past mistakes, can come from that and them, until their, hierarchical-competitive, regime collapses in a heap, bankrupted morally and financially, as is happening to it now, as, helped by cynics and sceptics in the role of whistle-blower, as with watergate and the pentagon papers, loss of consumer-client-citizen-elector confidence spreads like wildfire through their, wicked-evil, world of man-made mammon and/or babylon and, along with toxic waste and poisonous chemicals in the soil, air, water, drink and food, are helping cause it to collapse. Like fuzzy-minded drunks on turps, like crackling rosie, they and their dependents are badly-biased, self-obsessed and expendable i.e. sinful, and, a bit like humpty dumpty, are due, within a year, for a final-fatal fall, along with their whole, bad-egg sort of, social order, on God's great banana skin. The Change, whereby they hit the skids and we emerge unscathed, is quickening, uncontrollably, exponentially as distinct from disjointed-incrementally, and not even king canute could stop or slow-down what's unfolding globally, including locally, as a natural-and-divine, assessment, tide in the affairs of monsters, gods and men.

    History, including its generalised reports in wisdom literature-mythology, such as hebrew proverbs, children's nursery rhymes, aesop's fables and brere rabbit's fairy tales, repeats her lessons, automatically, although the names, numbers, appearances and locations change, until we learn to understand and obey them, which, following a lot of trial, error and critical, including self-critical, reflection and lifestyle changes, a critical mass of us has, almost, done at last today. Whether called krupps, j.p.morgan-chase or halliburton inc., for example, war-profiteering firms, and the war criminals who own and manage, and work for, them, of capitalism's military-industrial-financial complex, have all operated in much the same, damned-rotten, way for centuries. Partly because of this fundamental-experiential learning, by the curious, compassionate and caring, concerning universal types and their typology, which are invisible, to sight, but imaginable, by perception, which has been difficult but not impossible, with time, to learn to do, a transformative change for half of humankind, and our whole natural-artificial location-situation, is now underway. The mystery is being solved; the conspiracy exposed. Victory is imminent. Evolution is ending, in violent contestation, confrontation and catastrophe, but with a good result for its good fruits; a critical number of gnosis-seeking peers who are prepared to, radically-rationally, change our ways, in order to live convivially-consensually like gods, which can include agreeing to be tolerably different, e.g. in diet, colour, definitions, dress, undress and other personal preferences such as preferred type of sex, such as being, with consenting adults, promiscuous, kinky, straight or chaste, albeit not in nature-character which, among the virtuous, is uniformly meek, which means not fearful-weak but tolerant of the differences that characterise the, high-status, situation of, non-violent, diversity and/or peaceful, mutual-aiding, anarchy.

    The new, climactic, age, for those human beings who are capable of being spiritually meek-humble and so fit for long-term survival in, and contribution to, a better type of world than what we have today, i.e. as members of a caring-sharing, rather than a competing-warfaring species-race-community of self-righteous pricks, both cocks and clits, has been begun, albeit not yet reported in the news by professionals like rupert, the papal knight, sylvio, the dirty dago, and their, like-minded, news-reporting crews, including the badly-biased progressives, or investigative reporters, such as millionaire michael more, of the trendy-alternative, including public, media, who see others' faults but, because of motes in their mind's eyes, cannot perceive their own. Those who fail to become enlightened-educated, because of being unrepentant, must all die, as a logical imperative-necessity, but can not be killed by we, the meek, for whom all, non-consensual violence (sports like boxing and other versions of refereed thuggery, unlike gladiator fights and slave revolts, like that led by sparticus against rome, are generally voluntary-consensual) including capital punishment, assassination, compulsory taxation, enforced abstinence, presidential pardons, executive immunity, compulsory service in the military draft and collateral damage, against self-conscious persons is tabu, i.e. reserved for a self-protective god. She is responsible for making the last judgment between the, metaphorical, sheep-tares, to be purged and/or exterminated, for her welfare, and the goats-wheat, for salvation and/or redemption, for her welfare too. This she will do before it is too late, as examiner-inspector-judge-executioner, because, like bad apples in a barrel, one untrustworthy lover is, like a necktie tourniquet, enough to stop the flow of universal love from going, freely, round the traps; as it is meant, in the new, aquarian and round-table, age, to go for everybody's, equal-status, benefit. This includes the Whole's, Heaven's and/or God's (which are synonyms, along with autobiographical Story and superhuman Spirit, for one universal entity of multiple facets, such as location, logic, appearance, constituent material and perceived personality, in the, pagan, Wisdom lexicon with its tolerance of mixed metaphors and multiple names, e.g. camelot for both heaven and god, the superhuman One) in whom we are located-situated, consubstantially as, self-and-god conscious, constituents. Religion, art, fiction, commerce, politics, sex, breeding, gambling, housekeeping, comedy, playing-tarot cards and sport can be used as-in wisdom-learning situations but are more commonly used as opiates, or escapist therapies, by bad apples in our barrel, to escape reality and occupy their time and talents, temporarily instead, with entertaining fictions-fantasies. The news, including that in private blogs and social-media, and dating, sites on the anarchic world-wide web, is full of information concerning the entertainers who market them, as dealers of addictions, in the money-market place. John laws, lady gaga and unesco sociologists typify the persuasive-influential, self-indulgent and cloud-cuckoo, breed, who, being illiterate in Wisdom, don't know what "god", "good", "self-righteousness", "anarchy", "communism" (which they commonly confuse with militant bolshevism or a proletarian dictatorship) or any other symbol for a, critical, abstract entity and/or intangible quality in its typology-ideology really-truly, as distinct from in the man-made hegemony, means.

    Whereas they say it is better to give than to receive we know that the act of true love requires both roles, the needy and the generous-altruistic, equally importantly; and that we all, even gods and self-made men, have needs for others to help identify and satisfy, voluntarily-altruistically. Moreover, unlike barter-type trade, exchange and commerce, no calculative contract, not even one sealed by a handshake, wedding-ring, signature-cross or kiss, is involved in, particular, acts of universal love, as distinct from animal-type sex copulation-reproduction. We, being fatalists, accept moreover that, no matter what we say, everybody will do, with minor modifications, as they are born, genetically, to do, e.g. as european nazis under adolf hitler did; so that persuasive rhetoric (i.e. propaganda or persuasive, rather than factual-informative, advertising) is a, self-opinionated, waste of god-given talent, time and energy by self-righteous social, including moral and linguistic, engineers, who, in that, dominating governmental, role, use rewards, awards, promises, compulsions, threats, tortures and penalties, rather than relying-trusting on-in the goodness of godliness and the logic of their personal example.

    If you can't see the relevance of this, apocalyptic revelation, of Wisdom, the Logos or the Truth, to you and yours today, then you might file this memo-doco for a solar year, which is the time that you have left, with your last will and testament or until you get your head on straight and so can understand it truthfully before deciding to agree, and change, or disagree and stay much the same until you die, which will be soon, unenlightened and unexpectedly, by possibly a year or two, as a mental luddite-cripple-midget; stuck-drowned-choked to death in yesterday's dead-ended muck. That mixed metaphor means that you will continue to sin against the, single-universal, Law and/or Logos, or logic, of Heaven and/or God, and pay the, logical, consequences of your, self-righteous, inflexibility, arbitrary-unprincipled favouritisms-exclusions and intolerance-unappreciation of, non-violent, diversity-democracy. Those penalties include everlasting death caused by illness, accident or murder, as an act of god, natural selection and/or global quality-control, inflicted, automatically, because of your acts of, unrepentant, criminality; which is justice at its, pay-back, poetic best. The perfection of abstract roles, characters and relationships is what Life's all about; and beloved lover, of others and the Other, universally, not just parochially, parentally, childishly, sectionally, occasionally or sexually, is difficult, to imagine, understand and do, but best for all of us who try our best to conceptualise-visualise what it means and to actually do it as well as, imperfectly, we can.
    The pertinent point proposed in this thesis-hypothesis is that language, not saint peter's, is the key to human freedom-happiness and servility-suffering, i.e. our quality of life. Economic growth, g.d.p. and g.n.p., as quantified by economic scientists-rationalists including accountants (who tend to ignore the, hidden, personal, social and ecological costs of the increasing use of, and reliance on, money, i.o.u.'s, share scripts, government bonds, diamonds or king-midas gold instead of free acts of unconditional love, generosity or charity), and religious rituals, such as those of sabbath, lent and ramadan, prayers and sacrifices, as performed by monks, nuns, shamans and mullahs and their dependent copy-cats and laities, who believe a false idea of god, and obey the rules and regulations of the fascists, such as papists and other imperialists, of all ranks and meritocracies such as bureaucracies and plutocracies are largely irrelevant to human happiness and our contradictory pain and suffering. This, despite massive, mundane, growth, encouraged by ratbag rulers as if bigger or more must also be progressive and better, in the credit-debt, infrastructure, mining, jailing, manufacturing, consumption, corruption, information, communication, legislation, taxation, population, warfare, welfare, travel, divorce, usury, transportation, reproduction and acquisition industries. Contrary to the persuasive propaganda of the great conspiracy that is masterminded by the theistic and atheistic moguls-mongrels, or tai-pans, of church, lodge, university and other information-media against the ideal of gnostic anarchy, which includes the obligation of universal, as distinct from sexual-romantic and patriotic-parochial, love and the right-and-obligation to personal-adult independence, self-sovereignty and free, informed, choice, even to believe in god or smoke a toke or not, this has remained at zero for six or so millennia. The same, zero-sum outcome, applies to the long-term consequences of our personal actions and decisions not to act; whether, while being unenlightened sinners, we are also classed, or class ourselves, as heroes, saints, outlaws, black sheep or dirty-rotten scoundrels. We have been running ever-faster, using up increasing energy but going nowhere of importance, on the spot. Our gains on the swings equal our losses on the roundabouts, as we rob peter to pay paul. This means we have been, and are still, idiots of high, the third or thirty third, degree, including the rich, famous and powerful who profit most from the false pretences that, as entrepreneurs and guardians they con poorer-bigger-sillier suckers with; and need ever-costlier public and private security (remember the strike-breaking thugs employed by pinkertons and the brutal cossacks of the czar?) to save them from their fears. Managers make 350 times what their workers make, while, despite malcolm x and his black muslems, white americans own 20 times the wealth of black americans, which are evidence of colossal, unjust, scams that make managed and competitive political-economies, with their, so-called, trickle-down effect, eventually non-sustainable!

    But Life's a two-way street. Power over others corrupts, further, the minds, bodies and behaviours of those who, often posing as do-good authorities or privately-informed favourites of an epiphany by an angel or a god, fall, self-righteously, for the temptation to be rulers of mankind's, pyramidal, roosts, such as those of the charity-hospitality institutions, such as the knights templar were, who get donations to their treasuries from the suckers whom they con; and who think their, institutionalised, palliative care can save a system that is terminally sick. In a sense we harm ourselves. We are hurt or helped by our own, as well as by others', felt-expressed vibes, which can be positive. eg. of love, fondness and affection, which is good medicine, or negative, eg. of pride, dislike, jealousy, worry, anxiety or fear, which are poison-toxic for both givers and receivers, so that our, natural, immunisation and regeneration systems have been under-developed for millennia and have permitted us to die prematurely, unenlightened-idiotically; like green and sour, belly-aching, grapes.

    The best, or most efficient-effective, way to control a people, without spilling too much blood and guts on the ground, in concentration camps, in cop shops or on the streets, and so stopping them from multiplying-breeding, to be work slaves, cannon fodder or compulsive buyers-consumers for one's society-system's material growth and benefit, is to control, hegemonically, the lexicon of meanings that they use, so that they live and die, like domesticated sheep and dairy cows, in voluntary servitude, with a mass, or herd, mentality or consciousness; which is what most people, being sheeple, do, as in the past, today. Thus the controllers, i.e. the illuminati, of the, competitive-managed, capitalist including socialist, political-economies, most of whom are, while sneaking a bit of snide sex on the side, monogamously, married and family protective like their subjects also are, censor-disguise-ignore the fact that monogamy, either heterosexual or homosexual and de jure or de facto, and agape, or universal-love, as advocated-enacted by visionaries like jesus and his iconoclastic crew of jewish gnostic-anarchists (whose language development, or cerebral evolution, was still primitive-unevolved and whose subtle meanings were easily misunderstandable, although they had the right, no-man-is-entitled to be a-master-over-others-or-another, or can be isolated as an island, idea(s) in their spine-top, two-sphered, craniums, which replicate the, subject-object pattern of the outside context-universe and translate an inner-outer relationship into one that appears to be full frontal, face-to-face) are contradictory-incompatible ideas. So are consensual-democracy and hierarchical-tyranny and honest-truth and false-hypocrisy, but not evolution-science and speculation-religion which are reconcilable by everybody of, potentially, good, as distinct from evil, nature, character, mind and will; like true gnosis-seekers, such as the jesuit scientist teilhard de chardin, the relevant pope's bête-noire, was, are or potentially can be.

    Atheists respond to, established, religions' many evils by censoring the notions of god and religion per se from their lexicons and craniums instead of identifying and eliminating just the demonstrably false particulars-assumptions-stereotypes of its erroneous sects and sectarians all of whom are self-righteous social engineers, and in that, evil, role cause most of man's inhumanity to man, even if idolised by some ignoramuses as secular or spiritual authorities. They claim a hot line to god whom we know broadcasts to everyone but has no exclusive-private-elitist line for anyone, not even via a personal, birthday, horoscope although the pattern of her cosmic almanac is logical-predictable, even though falsely interpreted by false prophets such as nostradamus et al.

    Gnostics relate personally-intimately with god, rather than with her through elitist intermediaries such as shamans, christs, psychics, popes and lesser types of priest. We love our god monogamously which makes us spouses-brides-husbands of Big She. The rest, such as our love of our spiritual-siblings who represent her, like the rest of mother nature does, but none of whom is an overlord like their liege-lord christ is for the christians, although he did not claim himself to be, and declined the lordship-kingship-big daddy-brother role (vide george orwell and aldous huxley) of prince of the king-david dynasty-line when it was offered by submissives, is, logically, consequential.

    Gnosticism began, as a democratic form of pranic paganism, in the mystery religions-schools of the hellenised mediterranean, from athens to alexandria, at the end of the taurine, and beginning of the piscean, age about 500 b.c. and probably at the same time further east with seers like lao tzu, who was bung confucius' bête noire, and gotama who tried to reform-democratise the hinduism-brahmanism of the, elitist, verdict-scripture priests. Yoga and meditation can serve the quest for rebirth-enlightenment, and the new world that this change of scene reveals, but are normally misused, as security blankets, otherwise.

    Divine guidance-inspiration is acceptable for personal guidance among gnosis-seekers but not for social engineering or dictatorial instruction; which, even if allegedly justified by top-drawer dogs like archangel gabriel, mother kali, hare krisna or some divine deva from down lower in the pack, is the devils', dirty, work. Jesus was a gnostic which means that his immaculate conception and physical resurrection are fictions, made up and marketed by con merchants, for the foolish to believe and them to profit from. The message of his, oral, gospel was figurative-universal-spiritual, dealing with abstract types, more-rather than factual-specific-material, dealing with tangible particulars, including persons and places, such as armageddon and mecca, of his life-story time and place. He identified with his, type of, evolving role-in-story and/or spirit, rather than with his body, or persona, which is why he said, in the role of riddler, that he preceded abraham. His messianic, truth-seeking, role, which philosophers like socrates, pythagoras, merlin and diogenese had personified, imperfectly, before him, will be successfully resurrected, as he foresaw-predicted that it would, as a multi-person role next year, at the apocalypse-revelation time, by-among a lot of us; both unkilled and resurrected. The bell already tolls for everyone and we ignore, arrogantly, its alarm-message at our personal and collective peril. A gnostic's life-story role is his species', because his role began with its beginning and with its ending ends, rather than merely a personal-parochial one such as that of a carpenter or housewife situated in some version of suburbia or the sovereign of some situation like mother russia or the united kingdom of the queen.

    The role of attempted christ-buddha-messiah (i.e. a person anointed-enlightened by, and agent for, the universal god) is resurrected regularly, albeit still imperfectly, in human history and will soon be rebirthed and performed successfully by a, anarchic, plurality of consensual peers as a democratic regency, who will aid one another and the nefilim in non-violent resistance to and destruction of the, violent, forces of the anti-god cabal and begin the new world order of peaceful anarchy. This week's violence, against injustice, in syria and tottenham illustrate the people versus government violence of the unwise that will intervene and test our faith beforehand. Any other occupational ambition, apart from this role as gnosis-seeking and god-serving seer, is a, childish, ego-trip for spiritual delinquents, dills or queers who, like j.f.k. and his wife and his assassin, can only end up dead.

    A truth that neurotic, ill-willed, bullies and their normalised submissives (as symbolised, metaphorically, by high-horsed officers, of both competing sides of any evil war, like all civil wars, colonial wars, cold wars, drug wars, religious wars and world wars are, and their foot-slogging soldiers, fellow travellers and camp followers who tramp along behind them in the dust and baggage train) either don't know or deny is the fact that our solar system, sun disc or organic star, is an elohim; i.e. a cyclically-living god of whom, as a holon-whole, we human beings are a organic-consubstantial part, created-meant-designed, on reaching her and our maturity, i.e. evolutionary imago-age, to serve her, and her compatriots, as autonomous tools, above all else, such as our official-fuhrer, old-glory flag, extended-or-nuclear family, even if they are basques, gypsies, tories, queens or poofs, nation-state, money-economy, lord-god religion, local-government locality or egotistical self. Gnostics believe in the reality and virtue of God, the limitless El, i.e. the all-inclusive context or universal whole, of material and narrative, of whom we are a, role-enacting, part. We assume that She is our, spiritual, parent, mother lode, higher self or alter-ego, while our family is a universal siblinghood of humankind and nefilim, anunnaki, devas or enlightened angels, who are offspring-travellers from, and representative members of, other, older-enlightened, elohim, such as nibiru, who make up the ever-living universe of younger gods, or junior heavens, within older gods, or higher heavens, whom they can replicate in inter-stellar bliss. She is a hologram, or organic hierarchy, of structured things, objects, beings and self-conscious happenings that is eternally living and becomes cyclically, autonomously, alive on periodic heat; when She honeymoons in playful-loving partnership with enlightened constituents and compatriots, as one integrated-whole person and/or universal family of frolicking-fucking friends.

    The, multi-functional, earth has been her womb and is now, in her maturity, to be her yoni cum god-head with mankind in the combined phallic-member cum neo-cortext role and in the same number as her, participating, inter-spatial peers. L ron hubbard's scientologists, rael's raelians, the gaians, or deep ecologists, and other science fictionalists are close but not yet correct in their mission for, true, understanding of our ever-living, cyclically-living, universe wherein a near-miss, as by zecharia sichin in sumeria, is no better than is missing by a mile. There's not just life elsewhere in the universe; the universe is living, unconsciously, and potentially alive, self-consciously, and her cyclical evolution from automatic happening to autonomous being has an intelligent-divine design that ends, at the end of the long, dark, tunnel through which we are progressing now, in loving anarchy-equality; the kingdom of the gods.

    This philosophical proposition expresses optimism-confidence, in the, negontropical, future of both one's natural self and system, which are assumed to be not supernatural, unnatural or ununderstandable although they are sacred and divine. Self-praise, however, or being praised by others, in fan clubs, on national days or in mutual-admiration and mutual-masturbation groups, like the conventions of t.v. evangelists, presidential candidates, returned soldiers and pop-art stars like elvis in las vegas, signifies one's faulty language-reasoning, silly-season sense of self-in-system and imminent, unenlightened, death, if unrepentant, as a redundant fool and supernumery in the final revolution that will end, successfully, all human evolution (which, like an embryonic pregnancy in a pregnant mother's womb, is intentional-exponential as distinct from disjointed-incremental, in reaching the optimum size, in the appropriate time, for the total population's good-evil division-bifurcation into birthed baby and redundant placenta-afterbirth) by bringing our context to sustainable, arse-over-teat, conclusion-completion as a hyper-person or a super-family of, friendly, peers. who have been last but are designed to end up being tops. So we gnostic anarchists, blessed with a meek streak and a mean streak, as well as a humourous, non-violent streak, would like to stir up the excrement that half-fills the heads of our, unfriendly, foes, including the indifferents, as we can-will now do with you if you are one of them and so have your head up your own anus admiring the aroma and the view. Otherwise let's press the flesh and cooperate as friends of one another and our shared family-divinity, as we search for knowledge-understanding of the universal Truth, in the perfect, agape-type, relationship as both means used and end, or main ambition, to be aimed for, achieved and sustainably enjoyed; no matter how wicked we have, as sinners, been till now when we recant-repent and change, fundamentally, and are forgiven for past sins which were caused by our species', and hence our own, unevolved-undeveloped, immaturity and the selfishness-silliness that comes and goes with that.

    We are combatants in a war of ideas and associated words-worlds-realities in which sticks, stones, american seals, land mines and cluster bombs can be used to break our bones but, among adults (children need special, parental, guidance-treatment while they are underaged) names, signals, signs and gestures, even full mooning, slang sledging, throwing shoes and double digit insolence, hurt nothing but a proud person's, self-righteous, vanity; which is fair game, like hunting grouse in season, for anyone to audience and enact.

    As pollution, such as excessive carbon-gas emission, war waste, juvenile graffiti and unrepayable credit-debit for compulsive-addictive consumption and capital-gains investment, all of which are costly-wasteful-uneconomical, increase exponentially-uncontrollably, civilisation, which is finally in the throes of corporate-global capitalism, including norms of political correctness, with megalomaniacs and millionaires like bill gates and mrs gates in charge of its misnamed democracies, which are really tyrannies governed by majorities or minorities, is doomed to self-destruct inside a year or two, despite the attempted n.w.o. of the, fascist, illuminati such as those of the bush-family dynasty. Beginning arguably with the harnessing of fire at the end of the stone and beginning of the metal ages, and/or on our becoming role-in-story telling apes, who began fornicating full-frontal, rather than in dog-fashion as dumb animals do, there have been revolutions in the past from age to age, such as from feudalism to mercantilism-capitalism, but this will be the biggest, most divisive and the best. Let's strike a light as roy rene, alias mo, might say to stiffy at the tiv, and see what this, enlightenment from pandemic ignorance, reveals.

    For starters let us assume that the, pagan-gnostic, delphic oracles were right and that our, catholic, context is a living person, like we also are, in whose complementary image we are made, albeit different in size, age, sexual sequence and other detail; who is now becoming self-consciously and autonomously aroused-alive-awake on periodic heat as we end our, puerile-selfish, sense of separate self and begin our imago, anarcho-communistic, age. She and we are complementary opposites with compatible qualities like great-small, female-male, familial-personal and introverted-extroverted. By learning to know ourselves, physically and spiritually, we can learn to know her too, even if we never read a book, go to church, earn a doctorate or listen to shamans, school-masters or gurus. During her-our sustainable climactic time we will value the consequences of autonomous friendship, i.e. universal love or helpful individualism, including full-frontal communion-sex with our accommodating god, above all else, even rewards acquired otherwise like money, exclusive-possessive sex, prime real-estate, gregarious popularity and national citizenship, like the ancient romans, in the gory days of pax romana and the coliseum, did

    We feel her body, emotionally, by our own and sense her thoughts, intellectually, with our brains, and vice versa, and so are, and act together as, two persons linked, as one entity composed of agent and his principle, so that as above, in heaven, is, metaphorically, as below, on earth and the world can be as one, coherent-sensate, entity-unity; our oyster to be opened, explored, shared, consumed and mutually-perpetually enjoyed. We serve her by understanding her, correctly, and believing in her, faithfully, or, as sinners, we ignore her, and go our own way, or in a way we have been told, by elitists-governmentalists like plato, aristotle, moses, saint paul (the roman citizen who never met with jesus in the flesh, as distinct from, allegedly, in a private-exclusive epiphany, after falling head-first off his horse on the hard damascas road, and, more than most, apart from maybe constantine and calvin, gave christianity its bad name and patronising-misogynistic, anti-gnostic, streak), and mohammed, who did much the same with islam, otherwise, to go. The rest is logical-consequential in terms of the "if-then-so-or-hence" conditional-tense logic of which language narratives, including the big, all-inclusive, one, are composed and understandable.

    The crucial difference, which is subtle but significant, is between spiritual meekness, which makes the relationship of universal love, as distinct from animal sex, violence and dominance by the fittest, such as charles manson, i.e. social darwinism, logical and possible, and self-righteousness, whereby it's not; so it is time to work out what this, true dichotomy, means and live our lives, meekly and agapely, everlastingly, accordingly; which nobody does, or has done, just yet, not even as an enlightened buddha, brahman, genius, avatar, messiah or christ. We are all, unenlightened-unworthy, sinners who still break the golden rule, and have twelve months left to learn to change, and turn the page, for the better; as illustrated by the gnostic poem of the prodigal son and the priceless pearl.

    The rest may be debatable but the radical dichotomy, and its implications-explications-consequences, for personal relationships, when logically defined and understood, is inescapable and the meek-love option, including its tolerant-accepting-forgiving attitude, defines the sole means for humankind's salvation-emancipation-redemption from our errors and/or sins. What kind of, role-enacting, being, because of your, intentional, relationships, are you; dear, darling-loving, friend or deadly, apathetic, distant and back-turning foe? Where, and with whom, do you stand in the final contest of the good versus evil jihad and/or holy war whereby mankind's evolution and civilisation both end for heaven, i.e. the promised-holy land of milk, honey and happy days to begin, again as the, climactic, realm of gnostic anarchy-democracy-diversity-and-charity, i.e. love?
    Last edited: Apr 11, 2014
  6. Allisiam

    Allisiam Well-Known Member

    Independence, Catastrophe and the Apocalypse

    The Israeli Declaration of Independence (Hebrew: הכרזת העצמאות‎, Hakhrazat HaAtzma'ut or Hebrew: מגילת העצמאות‎ Megilat HaAtzma'ut), made on 14 May 1948 (5 Iyar 5708), the day before the British Mandate was due to expire, was the official announcement that the new Jewish state named the State of Israel had been formally established in parts of what was known as the British Mandate of Palestine and on land where, in antiquity, the Kingdoms of Israel and Judah had once been.
    The event is celebrated annually in Israel with a
    national holiday called Yom Ha'atzmaut (Hebrew: יום העצמאות‎, lit. Independence Day) on 5 Iyar of every year according to the Hebrew calendar.

    The State of Israel

    Hebrew: מְדִינַת יִשְׂרָאֵל (help·info), Medīnat Yisrā'el; Arabic: دَوْلَة إِسْرَائِيل‎, Dawlat ʾIsrāʾīl), is a parliamentary republic in Western Asia, located on the eastern shore of the Mediterranean Sea. It borders Lebanon in the north, Syria in the northeast, Jordan and the West Bank in the east, Egypt and the Gaza Strip on the southwest, and contains geographically diverse features within its relatively small area. Israel is the world's only Jewish-majority state, and is defined as a Jewish and democratic state in its Basic Laws.
    declared independence on 14 May 1948 and neighboring Arab states invaded the next day. Since then, Israel has fought a series of wars with neighboring Arab states, and has occupied territories, including the West Bank, Sinai Peninsula, Gaza Strip and the Golan Heights, beyond those delineated in the 1949 Armistice Agreements. The border between Israel and the neighboring West Bank is not formally defined by the Israeli government, as a result of a complex and unresolved political situation. Israel has signed peace treaties with Egypt and Jordan, but efforts by elements on both sides to solve the problem diplomatically have so far met with only limited success.

    Nakba Day

    Arabic: يوم النكبة Yawm an-Nakbah, meaning "day of the catastrophe") is an annual day of commemoration for the Palestinian people of the displacement that accompanied the creation of Israel in 1948.


    Sabbath, May 7th, 2011 = The Ending of the Noahic Rains in the Wilderness of the Worlds of the Logos Creation = Mirror of the 2nd-3rd Day of COT
    Sunday, May 8th, 2011 = Mirror of the 1st-2nd Day of COT
    Monday, May 9th, 2011 = Mirror and Shadow of the 0th-1st Day of the Cocoon Of Testimony (COT)
    Tuesday, May 10th, 2011 = The Ascension-Descension Mirror of the World Logos mapped from May 10th, 31 AD
    Wednesday, May 11th, 2011= 0th-1st Day of COT = Begin of the Three Halfweeks
    Thursday, May 12th, 2011 = 1st-2nd Day of COT
    Friday, May 13th, 2011 = 2nd-3rd Day of COT
    Sabbath, May 14th, 2011 = Yom Ha'azmaut - Day of Independence of Zion = 3rd-4th Day of COT = First 3½ Halfweek
    Sunday, May, 15th, 2011 = Nakba - Day of Catastrophe of Palestina = 4th-5th Day of COT
    Monday, May 16th, 2011 = 89th Birthday of Maria Infinity after 88 years of preparation = 5th-6th day of COT
    Tuesday, May 17th, 2011 = Scorpio Full Moon at 11.09 am GMT/UCT in Taurian Sun of Wesak = 6th-7th Day of COT = Second Halfweek
    Wednesday, May 18th, 2011 = 7th-8th day of COT
    Thursday, May 19th, 2011 = 8th-9th Day of COT
    Friday, May 20th, 2011 = The Pentecost- Shabuoth of May 20th, 31 AD = 9th-10th Day of COT
    Sabbath, May 21st, 2011 = Ingress of Taurian Sun into Gemini at 9.21 am GMT/UCT at the Point of Arachne-Ophiuchus =Third Halfweek 3½+3½+3½=10½=Left HalfWeek---Mirror halfWeek---Right HalfWeek

    May 10th, 2011 serves as a Mirror for the Timeline for the warpzone from December 8th, 2004 (Mirror of Deborah) to April 1st, 2012 and split into a forwards left-to-right and a backwards right-to-left half from August 4th, 2008 (the Mirror of Daniel). {Matthew.24.15}.

    The Mirror of Daniel so is time compressed in the Mirror of the Logos or the Mirror of the Ascenscion-Descension of May 10th, 2011 and images the warpzone from the Mirror of Deborah to the Mirror of the Conception or the Mirror for the Impregnation of the Virgin Cosmos on April 1st, 2012.

    The universal 'Key of the Cyclicities' specifies the superpositionings of Hour=Day=Week=Month=Year=Millennium as particular encodings and incorporates the 1 Day = 1 day+1 night = 12 hours+12 hours = 24 Hours for 1 Year = 360 Days in a 1 Hour=15 Days proportionality by 15x24=1x360.
    1 Week so is defined as 7 Days = 3½ Days + 3½ Days = 7 days + 7 nights and becomes supplemented by a HalfDay or a day or a night in a HalfHour of 7½ Days or 15 days or 15 nights in the 'Silence in Heaven' at the Mirror of Daniel imaged in the Mirror of the Conception by the Mirror of the Logos. {Revelation.8.1-2}.
    The 3 Woes of the Apocalypse so coincide on all three mirrors with the 5th, 6th and 7th Trumpet and are superposed and spacetime compressed in the Nexus of March 28th, 2011 in the 1980th anniversary of the Death of the World Logos on Wednesday, March 28th, 31 AD (Julian).
    As the 4 Angels of the Corners of the (Old) Earth specify their 'preparation' for 1 (ancient Platonic) Year of 360 Days, 1 Month (of 30 Days), 1 Day and 1 Hour for 360+30+1+'1 Hour or Cycle of the Lord'; 391 Days define the activity of the 'Elemental Cherubims' or 'Principalities' from the three mirrors. {Revelation.9.1-12;13-21;10.6-11;11.13-19}.

    March 28th, 2011 to April 1st, 2012 so specify the last timeed fulfilment of the 'Flood of Noah' in 370 Days which are backtraced 21 days (of Gabriel's and Michael's War against the King of Persia (old orders)) to March 7th, 2011. This specifies the 7+62=69 Weeks of Daniel's Mirror and the related prophetic timelines {Daniel.8.14;9.24-27;10.13;12.7-13}.

    The Week of Confusion (WOC) of say Noah's Building of the Ark or 'Ezekiel's Astonishment' offsets March 7th, 2011 in the 70 Weeks of Daniel, the Last Week being definied in the Death of the World Logos mirrored in the Resurrection of the World Logos in the incarnated form of Jesus of Nazareth de Naasseenes in the Week from 3 pm, March 28th, 31 AD to 3 am, April 1st, 31 AD to 3 pm, April 4th, 31 AD (Jerusalem time).
    The two halfweeks so specify March 11th, 2011 to April 4th, 2012 as the 391=370+21 days for the completion of the warpzone of the three mirrors of the Metamorphosis of the Old World (Heaven and Earth) into a New World (Heaven and Earth), the latter beginning with the Conception of itself in the Easter Week 2012 from PalmSunday, April 1st, 2012 to EasterSunday, April 8th, 2012 and for the Midweek Day of the 'AntiCrucifixion' of Wednesday, April 4th, 2012.

    The SENDAI earthquake and tsunami of March 11th, 2011 so becomes decoded as the 'I SEND A' or 'I=DAD=9' send a new Alpha, Beginning or Starting Point for the New World raising from the ashes of the Old World.

    Revelation 8 (King James Version)
    1And when he had opened the seventh seal, there was silence in heaven about the space of half an hour.
    2And I saw the seven angels which stood before God; and to them were given seven trumpets.

    The Mirror of Baiame - Rainbow Dragon for the Logos of Creation

    Impregnation of the Virgin Cosmos=265 Days -------Mirror of the Sealing=106 Days-------█ 265 Days=Conception of the Image Virgin Cosmos
    April 1st, 2012--►Backwards Timeflow(106)█--December 18th, 2011/July 11th, 2011--█(106)Forwards Timeflow◄--March 28th, 2011
    3½(Forward Time)+ 3½(Mirror Time) +3½(Backward Time)

    December 21st, 2012----------Sealed in 265 Days of Pregnancy from Conception on April 1st, 2012
    April 1st, 2012------------------------Sealed in 370=265+106 Days with----------------------------------------------March 28th, 2011

    March 28th, 2011 = Mirror of the Logos of Creation as Midweek WednesDay for PalmSundayWarp March 25th, 31/2011 - EasterSundayWarp April 1st, 31/2011 and becomes imaged in April 1st, 2012

    March 29th, 2011 - May 7th, 2011 = 40 Days of Rains-------------------------------Imaged in the Seal of Noah's Rains of March 31st, 2012 - February 21st, 2012
    May 8th, 2011 - August 25th, 2011 = 110 Days of Waters-------------------------Imaged in the Seal of Raising Waters of February 20th, 2012 - November 3rd, 2011
    August 26th, 2011 - November 7th, 2011 = 74 Days of Ararat---------------------Imaged in the Seal of Peak Ararat of November 2nd, 2011 - August 21st, 2011
    November 8th - December 17th, 2011 = 40 Days of Noah's Ark-------------------Imaged in the Seal of Ark Noah of August 20th, 2011 - July 12th, 2011
    December 18th, 2011 - December 24th, 2011 = 7 Days of Noah's Raven------Imaged in the Seal of Raven Ankh of July 11th, 2011 -July 5th, 2011
    December 25th, 2011 - December 31st, 2011 = 7 Days of Noah's Dove -------Imaged in the Seal of Dove Genesis of July 4th, 2011 - June 28th, 2011
    January 1st, 2012 - February 5th, 2012 = 36 Days of Covers--------------------Imaged in the Seal of Khepera Mare of June 27th, 2011 - May 23rd, 2011
    February 6th, 2012 - April 1st, 2012 = 56 Days of Covenant---------------------Imaged in the Seal of Logos Ren of May 22nd, 2011 - March 28th, 2011

    April 2nd, 2012 - December 21st, 2012 = 264 Days of Gestation-------------Manifested in the Seal of Conception for the Starhuman Birth
    December 22nd, 2012 - December 16th, 2013 = 360 Days of Weaning------Manifested in the Seal of Birth of the StarHuman Baby
    December 17th, 2013 - December 31st, 2013 = 15 Days of Times------------Manifested in the Seal of Time for a Calibration of all calendrical Timing Systems
    January 1st, 2014 = Initialisation of the New World growth patterns for the Weaned Starhuman Infant


    The 'Mirror of the Sealing' of the 106 Days so is counted twice; once in forward timeflow and once in backward timeflow. This 'Doubling of Time' so creates a new warptime mirror in the 106 Days becoming 'compressed' in the '10 Days of Cocooning or Imprisonment' as per the difference between May 10th, 31/2011 and May 20th, 31/2011 - which is the 'Absence of the Ascended Logos' until the Day of Pentecost/WhitSunday/Shabuoth.
    The forwards daycount from March 29th, 2011 - April 1st, 2012 so mirrors the backwards daycount from March 31st, 2012 - March 28th, 2011 in the 370 Days of Noah's Journey from the Old World into a New World, defined by the Rainbow Covenant of Baiame, a name for the Rainbow Serpent of Creation.
    The 370 Days are partitioned into 40+110+74+40+7+7+36+56=(150+74+40)+106=264+106 Days to define a 'Period of Gestation' of 265 Days inclusive the two boundary days, to which is added a 106 Day 'Period of the Sealing'.
    In the forward count, begining at March 29th, 2011, the 'image pregnancy' ends with an Image Birth on December 18th, 2011 and a birth which is mirrored in the backwards count, beginning on March 31st, 2012 for July 11th, 2011.
    The 370 Days of Noah's Journey so are 'shortened' by 106 Days in a 'IM Prisoned Mirror' of the Ascenscion-Descension manifesto of the Logos as the 'Last or 70th Week of Daniel' aka the 'Building of the Ark' or 'Ezekiel's Week of Astonishment' or as a generally encoded 'Week Of Confusion' or WOC in two halfweeks of 3½ days each or as seven 12 hour days and seven 12 hour nights.
    The proportion 360/24=15/1 defines the 360 Degree Cycle Year as a Ancient Platonic Year of 12 Months, each of 30 Days and superposes the 1 Hour=15 Days as 4 HalfWeeks, each of 3½ days.

    3½(Forward Time)+3½(Mirror Time)+3½(Backward Time) so encapsulate the 11 Days from May 10th, 2011 to May 20th, 2011 and become a 'Double Week' of 14 Days, counting the end days in May 10th, 2011 and in May 23rd, 2011. Beginning the 'day' at the previous Evening, say 6 pm May 9th, 2011 then defines the additional 12 hour period of a halfday as adding 'One 6 Hour Watch' to the timeline, which so completes at 6 am May 24th, 2011 and stipulates a 12 hour night as a halfday.
    6 Hours of May 9th, 2011 from 6 pm - midnight
    May 10th=CocoonDay #1 with May 13th=CocoonDay #4 and May 16th=CocoonDay #7 so become the Forward Timeline;
    May 17th=CocoonDay #8 with May 20th=CocoonDay #11 and May 23rd=CocoonDay #14
    6 Hours of May 24th, 2011 from midnight to 6 am = 14½ Days = 11+3½ Days with median ½ Day from May 16th, 2011 6 pm - May 17th, 2011 6 am.
    This specified period so compresses the 106 Days from the Noahic Timeline into the Ascension of the Logos Mirrored in its Descension to 'redefine' and dualise the Symbol of the 'Virgin Birth' in the 'Symbol of the Virgin Death' in its logistical negation about the neutral nexus point..

    The Seal of Raven Ankh anchors the Mirror of the Sealing in warping December 18th, 2011 of the forward count onto July 11th, 2011 in the backward count.

    The Seal of Dove Genesis warps Independence Day of July 4th, 2011 onto Christmas Day, December 25th, 2011 in the seven days of the tarrying of Noah's Dove and transforms this cycle into the Xmas-New Year Week in the year 2011.

    The Seal of Khepera Mare warps the pentecostal dispensation of Pentecost/Shabuoth/WhitSundayWarp for the 'Cocooning or Imprisonment Period' of 10 Days from May 10th, 2011 to May 20th, 2011 onto the New Year 2012. The forwards daycount from March 29th, 2011 - April 1st, 2012 so mirrors the backwards daycount from March 31st, 2012 - March 28th, 2011.
    A halfweek extension of 3½ Days then completes a two Week period from May 10th, 2011 - May 23rd, 2011 divided in a 24 Hour Day being divided equally into a 12 hour day and a 12 hour night. This then defines Midnight May 16th, 2011 to indicate the Full Moon in Scorpio in the Sun of Taurus at 9.21 am UCT/GMT in the 'harvesting' or transmutation of the symbol of the Scorpion into that of the Phoenix aka the 'Eagle of John' in a number of esoteric encodings and including the fixed gnostic gospel of John in complement to the three fixed synoptic gospels of Mark-Leo and Luke-Taurus and Matthew-Aquarius as the four parts of the one lexicon.
    Additionally, the Seal of Khepera Mare warps the Difference of the precise 7 Year Cycle of the Civil (Gregorian) Calendar from December 8th, 2004 - December 8th, 2011 as 6x365+366=7x360+36=2556 Days onto the 'Days of the Witnesses' from June 25th, 2008 - December 8th, 2011 in 1260+1 Days.

    The Seal of Logos Ren warps the Omega of the Tail and as the N of AMEN of the End of the warpzone in April 1st, 2012 onto the Alpha of the Head and as the NAME of the Beginning of the warpzone in March 28th, 2011.

    Tonyblue, May 17th, 2011 - Day of the Eagle of John in the Occuli Tauri alignment to Luke and the Matthew-Mark synergy to the Sphinx in the Leo of Aquarius.

    re. gnosis by auld doug ogilvie,15/5/11

    We live in unprecedented-changing times, The rate of change, including toxic growth in technological, transportational, commercial, societal, agricultural, mineral, informational, populational, financial, familial, militarial, climactical and eclogical domains, is quickening exponentially, like ol’ 97 when she careered off, without negative feedback, down the track. This year we either run off the rails and crash or turn the page, or round the final bend, to find out the big question’s answer; i.e. the reason why there’s, human, life on earth and/or what’s the intention-purpose of it all. Do good and do not do evil, for god’s, her domain’s and, her, meek-minded, mankind’s sake is not untrue but what do the symbols mean, really-truly, in the Wisdom lexicon? This thesis is presented, like luther’s on the door, for possible consideration or rejection, as an apocalyptic revelation of the Truth, derived from knowledge of the past, that opens up our eyes and sets us free from sin, evil, idolatry and/or blind-minded idiocy. Do with it what you will; even if this means that you, self-righteously, hit the button and delete or call the cops, inquisitors or local caesar’s version of the thought police.

    Most readers will not try to change their, unrighteous, ways until they sense the near-death or imminent-extinction experience of their species, when this occurs next year, when this may be too late for most and they must die unenlightened by the Truth as they all die, like their parents did and their children and grandchildren will, prematurely, cash their chips tomorrow or today. A loss of faith in their non-sustainable civilisation, especially the sub-systems of capitalism, scientism and nationalism, will signify the end of it and them. Good riddance to rotten rubbish is our considered, impolite, response

    a) Gnostics are different, and so most others think we’re strange, including impolite. Admittedly we are. We march to the beat of a different type of drum, and fly a different type of flag from what the normals do, but hope that you can tolerate these differences and be good friends with us as well as with those who, as your spiritual kin, think the same thoughts and walk the same walk that you, and yours, normally-conservatively, do in these latter days.

    Difference and diversity, we gnostics say, are either tolerable or enjoyable, as part of Mother Nature’s, teleological-cyclical, scheme. It is self-righteousness, as evidenced by violence, possessiveness, exclusiveness, untruthfulness, nastiness and ruthlessness, as evidence of bad-quality reasoning, that we class as evil and hence objectionable-reprehensible, in others and ourselves. In this way we can differentiate our meek friends from our self-righteous foes for the final battle of the good versus evil war for dominion over planet earth; which we are set, at last, within a year, to win. Oley! Touche! Like bo derick, bolero, bobbie bare and the athenian acropolis, let’s go for broke and win our team a ten.

    We gnosis-seekers are interested in the post-apocalyptic anarchy, or consensual diversity, including biodiversity, that we imagine, i.e. visualise-conceptualise, and foresee, more than in the established competitive-managerial meritocracies, including bureaucracies, theocracies and plutocracies, as the normals tend to be. We believe our accommodating Context is a cyclical, organic and limitless super-person and/or super-family who is becoming, seasonally, alive-awake and providing humankind with our classical rite-de-passage to our adult, imago, state as head-topped, front-facing, phallic members, of one sex or the other, of a common god-divinity. Our disc-like solar system, with the earth as the former, reproductive, womb that is becoming her, coordinating, knowing organ now, both intellectually and sensually, including sexually, is an elohim; i.e. a limited representation, or cloned copy, of the universal El or All.

    1) Good religion, aka wisdom, although old-fashioned, is important for all of us, in these end days of transformative change, from machismo, yin type, dominance to meek, yang type, consensus, to exchange, contemplate and, by mutual aid, attempt to help each other to enact.
    In the wisdom lexicon, which explains the meanings of generic types such as type of function-task, or role, “apocalypse” means a collective revelation of the truth whereby gnostics such as jesus have predicted that the spiritually meek species of generic man will end our hypocritical reasoning, be spiritually born and/or enlightened-liberated by the truth and then live, happily and healthily, including sexually actively but not reproductively, as taoists and tantrikas do when sharing tantric sex, but for millennia, with paranormal power to do good, safely, sustainably, enjoyably and orgiastically.
    Self-righteous hypocrites are free to disagree but would be wise to understand what this gnostic proposition means, for the end of the earth’s emergent evolution with a change in human consciousness, before, self-righteously, they do and consequently, prematurely, die, as wages for their puerile sin-stupidity-infidelity.

    2) Gnostics believe we each are meant to be, consensually, in love as one of the universal-integrated One. This means thinking-deciding as both an egocentric I and a royal plural we. Jesus was a gnostic, born of mary’s egg and joseph’s sperm and so was, in that way, naturally born like thee and me. He illustrates, as an exemplar, what we can learn, like he, to understand and be and in that way enacted the messianic role for those who follow in the role, and want to further develop it to completion, like we neo-gnostics do and this year will. The gnostic-sibling homeland, we believe, from whence we came and back to whence we’ll go, and where we belong as mates-compatriots, is Heaven wherein the one and only law is the golden rule of pay-back karma (judged by action and inaction in the present life, not inherited from past lives as some eastern mystics, who think that material persons rather than spiritual roles are resurrected-reincarnated, say). This law can be broken but, unrepentant, criminals must pay, by sickness, accident and death, the costly consequences, which means also that, paradoxically it can’t, without fair penalty. Priests cannot, successfully, forgive-absolve anybody for their law-breaking sins, not even at a confessional in a consecrated box; only a god, because of being enlightened-illuminated, by truthful knowledge, i.e. gnosis, can.
    We gnosis-seekers think of ourselves as earthlings, globalists or universalists not parochialists such as tribalists or nationalists, and are often charged with heresy, treachery or other law-breaking crimes by those self-righteous hypocrites who, as nasty-natured know-it-alls, believe they belong to, and so represent, the church, the law and/or the nation-state (vide how the authorities and their macho-minded mobs mistreated, hypocritically-hysterically, de molay and the templars, and turned them into salt-water privateers and cavalry mercenaries, when it was thought their free-thinking independence threatened the tyranny of established church and state). Sinners like obama and osama, and their supporters, like american-seal assassins and al quaeda terrorists, and their auxiliaries, are equally guilty of committing sin, the capital crime committed against the single law of nature and/or god, and must, if unrepentant, pay the price, as capital punishment, of their murderous, death-causing, deeds.
    Anti-gnostics, such as feudalists, theocrats, nationalists and capitalists, think that they belong to reified or defied abstractions; figments of human imagination, such as a nation, some other corporation, a fuhrer-superperson, or a lord god such as yeshu, yahweh, krisna, jah, jehovah or allah, that, like some christian parents do with santa clause, some drunkards do with pink elephants, and my grandma does with the fairies at the bottom of our, personal-use, gunja garden, they pretend-believe are real, supernatural and actually alive. Yet, like the illusions-monsters-demons that king monkey slew for tripitaka, on their trip to paradise, they have no existence outside the, addle-minded, heads of those who believe in them. Our god, on the other hand, is really, corporeally, real and, at least partially, tangible, visible, smellable, audible, breathable, measurable, drinkable and edible, and sexually lovable, e.g. as daffodils, hystericals or nymphomaniacs.
    The rest we need to know, for salvation from our sins, is implication-explication of this fundamental fact of Nature’s elementary differences and similarities, including her great, evil-good, dichotomy, which self-righteous hypocrites, including prudes, balls up badly and get extremely false.

    3) Hypocrisy is mankind’s fatal fault. We are all at fault, during spiritual immaturity, in this bad-minded way, but no-one is to blame, for what has been the bad luck of their, genetic, inheritance or sexual-conception draw. To date the consequences of our deeds and deliberate abstentions have for all been much the same; a big fat zero. The meek agree, while the self-righteous disagree, with this. unprovable and undisprovable, hypothesis-premise-proposition-guess, and live and die accordingly.
    In this immature-evolutionary age we are all, unintentionally-naturally, hypocrites, including those who think, self-righteously, they’re not. That, love-starved, including sex-starved, situation will change with the apocalypse that is unfolding-now, in the minds of curious-inquisitive man, and its associated, good versus evil, i.e. meek versus self-righteous species’, bifurcation because of the meek species’ final, successful, revolution; aided by the angels-nefilim who are representing other elohim in sites in outer space, who in turn represent the universal El. The self-righteous pricks, both cocks and clits, will all die, in their compounds, vehicles and towers, mainly by their own hand, because of fear-terror of the apparently fearful-terrible, because of looking-smelling-being different, nefilim, or from, misguided, friendly fire.

    4) Gnosticism is a personal, not institutionalised, faith in the existence of a, superhuman, but not supernatural, god. Willam blake was a gnostic, i.e. a gnosis seeker. So was carl jung who called his god abraxis. So was simon magus and his dakini, the spunky, i.e. high-spirited, helena.
    So was jesus and his inner circle which included his, younger, twin bother judas-jude the thomas, the one-time zealot-escariot, and his beloved mary of magdala, but not peter, paul or any other of the church founding-fathers or house-proud martha or mother mary who, like clucky hens, were hailed, by other silly chooks, as family matriarchs.
    We gnostics preach rebellion against self-righteous authority-authorities, such as tribal patriarchs, imperial governors and religious priests or deacons, of both sexes, but non-violently by means of passive resistance, in the mahatma gandhi, liberation, mode
    We believe in the law of a superhuman god, whom, being accommodating more than travelling, we generally class as feminine, but not in authoritative-authoritarian masters, governors and/or sacred-holy books, relics, sabbaths, diets, costumes, priests, vicars, compulsory tithes, saints or consecrated sites.
    For more than two thousand years a conspiracy of evil men, including the occasional bossy bitch, has falsified and censored our history, practices and teaching, at secretive and public meetings like their conference at nicenae, and the second in the sixties, but our day, today, has come and theirs, with its false hegemony, at last is done.

    5) We each adopt the ideology, such as capitalism, muhammedism, christianity, gnosticism or communism, that makes most sense to us, as self-sovereign individuals, and can change this if we will. The new-age, post-apocalyptic, ideology will be one of neo-gnosticism, which includes democratic anarchism, helpful individualism and panentheistic paganism. It will be great, and not just tolerable, to be then alive.
    Whether religious or scientific, one’s faith must, as a logical imperative, be based on, or imply, assumptions, i.e. educated guesses, that are plausible for believers but unprovable by them and undisprovable, scientifically-objectively, by anyone.
    We gnostics assume that our universal context is cyclically living as a hologram or organic hierarchy of younger spheres within older spheres, in the agent-principal relationship, and is about to become, self-consciously, alive, pubescently and long-lastingly, on periodic heat.
    Meek people live our own lives according to our own assumption(s), and try to learn wisdom, for living better, from reflecting critically on our misunderstandings and mistakes, and those we see that others make. We go out of our way daily to do and request good deeds for and from earthlings who for us represent our god,
    Self-righteous people are one-yed and don’t do this but enforce their established ways, judgmentally, onto others by violence, i.e. the violation of personal self-sovereignty. such as was the twin towers aerial attack, intimidation, torture, such as waterboarding, sleep deprivation and solitary confinement as in the confines of the gitmo concentration-camp, hurtful-harmful punishment and ruthlessness, hypocritically. They burnt witches, and faggots, didn’t they, and do much the same. with divergent thinkers, if they catch them, like they bushwacked osama, like one of them did jesse james, without his guns, today!
    Their days, as typified by turds like obama, cheney and osama, and as predicted by the gnostic seers like jesus, are now at last dead and done.
    So saith this grey bearded, bare footed, baba of the magic garden, urliup road, bilambil, down under in australia, where he, his friends and this neo-gnostic ideology are under their last attack by, some of, those conspirators, who are enacting their versions of yesterday’s roles and who’ll get their just desserts, as evolution ends today.
    Last edited by a moderator: Sep 20, 2014
  7. Allisiam

    Allisiam Well-Known Member


    PIE Masthead.

    Saturday, May 21, 2011

    Binnie the Rat Nitwityahoo

    Dog Poet Transmitting.......

    ‘May your noses always be cold and wet’.

    When it comes to pure evil, very few can compete with the Rothschilds and their gangster banking state of Israel. Nothing about that comment can be construed as anti-Semitic because there’s nothing Semitic about The Rothschilds or their agents; presently Binnie the Rat Nitwityahoo and his cadre of Satan worshipping shit-weasels. It’s long been known that at the Rothschilds dining table a chair is set aside for their master, Satan. The real Semitics are The Palestinians and there is no greater anti-Semitism than that practiced by The Israelis against The Palestinians.

    Here’s a short primary about Satanism. It’s the worship of the material plane and self-interest in respect of it. No greater example of materialism has been seen recently than that which came about in The Bolshevik Revolution, which was authored by the false Semites who founded modern day Israel, for the sole purpose of controlling the world’s money supply and all media that shapes public perception of conditions and events. A main feature of applied Satanism is the sacrifice of living victims, for the purpose of gaining increased power on the material plane. This the Israelis and their predecessors have been practicing against The Palestinians for the last century. These blood offerings to a god of malice and bloodshed has been job one, since they first began to worship at the altar of the darkest force in human history.

    Because of the power of materialism in our time, the force behind Israel has become preeminent in the suasion of evil over human affairs, since before the last millennium. Because of the negative qualities active in the dark side of human nature, Israel stands as the greatest enemy of humanity that the world has seen, since the inception of recently recorded history. Because of a collective cowardice, coupled with the ability to choose their representatives from the larger human pool of those so inclined to service, little can be done to combat the ugly state of present day affairs. Every apologist and servant of these satanic entities, shares in the judgment and destiny of these psychopaths.

    The daily murder of Palestinians and anyone working in the defense of it, is part of a policy of applied blood magic, for the service of increased power, by those who are now outing themselves before the eyes of the world and now, with The Apocalypse, a greater force is rising to meet them and destroy them utterly. Witness what is taking place in Spain and what will soon sweep the planet as their actions and operations are revealed through the lifting of the veils. Nature has joined the fight and is centering her reactions upon the false Christians and other agents of repression and police state mentality, as well as those in the deep sleep of material stupor.

    Through blackmail; the threat of financial collapse, the control of food and fuel, as well as the placement of weapons of mass destruction throughout the world, they believe they are untouchable; such is not the case. Their doom is upon them and forces all around the world are rising up against them.

    Do not ask yourself how these miscreants have been able to consolidate such power to themselves. They have done it by alignment with malefic forces that are deeply seated in the invisible and visible worlds. Through the use of magics in applied negative cabalism they have gained an avenue of telepathic invasion into the common mind of humanity. Now they are seeing that all of their efforts are to no avail, as the dike of darkness is being broken by the influx of light. When that force, which is known as The Avatar, comes to institute lasting change upon the planet, it begins to sweep before it all the entrenched entities that reside out of physical sight and pushes them outward on to the material plane, for the purpose of judgment. Here they are forced to hijack the bodies of the hypnotized and the willing in order to continue, in their efforts to bring an all pervading darkness upon the conditions of manifest life. It will not succeed and it never has. Eventually the cosmos steps in and turns every action on their part into exposure and defeat. They can see it coming but they have no comprehension of how or why. They believe that their enduring policies will allow them to continue and that what has been happening is only a temporary disturbance of their intent. Dream on.

    Nitwityahoo, along with his helpmates such as Ehud Barak and others have been in the forefront of 9/11 and all of the other terror attacks upon humanity. Binnie the Rat has been on site for several of these and they have managed to convince the sleeping world of the existence of a mythical Al Qaeda and a zombie straw man called Bin Laden. The purpose of these events was to gain enough of world opinion and to facilitate the rigged elections of useful idiots, to assist them in the elimination of Islam and what exists in terms of Christianity, for the goal of a complete breakdown in what moral climate remains for the good of humanity.

    All of these agents of Satanism; admitted agnostics, trumpet a demonic religion where no actual religion exists, because there is no faith in any author of the same. They freely admit not believing in any of it. Regardless of the transparency of their malevolence and hypocrisy, the world continues with the mass of the population duped and controlled by the poisoned fodder of world propaganda.

    We have now come upon the actual turning of the age and no human agency, satanic or otherwise can stand against the transformations upon their doorstep. Automatically there has been a shift in the power to perform deception and disinfo. Something in the heart of humanity has awakened and the knowledge of who is responsible for their torment and imprisonment, is rising up and gaining all of the power previously allowed to the prisonmeisters of the past.

    Everything they say and do is being translated in terms of real meaning, into the mind of the populace. Soon, the outbreak of mass protest and revolution is going to focus on the common target of distress. The old world is passing and the new world is arriving and all that serve what is passing are going to pass with it. As has been stated here many times, the reason that it has all been allowed to continue is so that it can be clearly and irrefutably seen, who they are that serve the enemies of humanity. All of the politicians, religions, corporations and various agents of the dark side are outing themselves daily in their policies and Draconian laws, designed to implement the will of that which is having its power to perform removed from it. Discoveries of what is true are being made manifest by the day. The absurdity and malicious cartooning of life, at the hands of fools, is being exposed; those who cannot see and hear must feel.

    There is nowhere to run and nowhere to hide. Critical mass approaches its point of potency and response. When that comes, the power to continue in evil will be withdrawn. Confusion and fear will ripple through the hearts and minds of all of those who serve the evil empire of transitioning darkness. It’s a given and it’s not the first time it has come to pass. The universe operates according to inflexible and inviolable rules. The switch has been thrown and now a truly new order is coming into being.

    I recognize that the power of the Satanists appears to grow stronger and more unchallengeable by the day. This is an illusion that exists for the sole purpose of pushing these foul beings further and further into the light and farther and farther away from all defenses and protections. Their former master is being converted into their prosecutor. Their former master has been collecting all of the evidence of their words and deeds, in preparation for the coming judgment of an irrevocable failed destiny.

    Now they press to throw the world into turmoil and international panic and war. They plot and pressure to bring about what can only work even more powerfully against them. The greatest problem they face is the withdrawal of power and force from their long standing control of conditions and perception. The time is at hand and humanity will soon see what it has been unwilling to see and powerless to act against. What has been is passing away, as what is coming makes its presence known around the world.

    End Transmission.......

    Visible sings: ♫ While the President Makes War ♫
    'While the President Makes War' is track no. 8 of 10 on Visible's 2002 album
    '911 was an Inside Job'
    About this song (pops up)
  8. Allisiam

    Allisiam Well-Known Member

    as told, without being claimed, by copyright, as private, intellectual, property, to and by auld Dr Doug Ogilvie who, until his house burnt down, had a mastersdegree, cum laude, from bill walker and his dons of ed.admin., allegedly to impress impressionable visitors, up on his sanctuary wall

    This codger’s alma maters began with versions of mr chips in ’35 as alstonville central, then lismore high and then, for tertiary education-training, the a.t.c., u.n.e., and u. of qld, where he was a scruffy hippy in happy residence at the education faculty under liberal educators like bill bassett, mac grassie, zelman cowan and jack campbell, for over thirty academic years. Since ‘75, when he quit one-hulling quickcats through the pacific-kirra surf, he has, also, been a barefooted baba, according to some, humourous, asiatic friends, in the everyday school of Life, hard knocks and occasional delights, learning and being tested on a multiple occupancy owned by an extended family of tenants in common. This was “the magic garden” sanctuary of urliup road, bilambil, in the wollumbin caldera of the big-scrub, red-soil, blue-basalt, rainbow-region country of north coastal n.s.w, that goes from north of tomewin to south of byron bay and west past nimbin valley where the bungelon settled before the cedar cutters, cow cockies and then the hippies, who came for the aquarian festival in 1973, stole their home-land, as if it was a terra nullus like antarctica from them.

    G’day, shalom-namaste, comrades, I salute the divine I see reflected back from me and mine in thee and thine, and others. The evolutionary time has come for we, potentially, good guys to stop studying, finding fault with and complaining about minor matters, in isolation (“all things happen for good reason, in their season, as ecclesiastes and pete seeger said, for the best in terms of the universal space-time and changing-mutating Whole, whom jesus called Eli the universal El”), accept our tolerable differences and combine, informally, friendily and non-violently, albeit with difficulty and despite opposition, by offering explanation and example, to introduce a new world-order of universal love and/or consensual diversity. Whingers, being self-righteous, can’t be friends, and good friends are what we need for the new, more friendly, sort of civilised society. This new society (which is an allegory or metaphor of the, more primitive, established one, which is a parody of the next-and-better one) will be governed anarchisticly, by the golden rule, found in Matthew 7-12 and elsewhere throughout, eclectic, wisdom-religion literature, not hypocritically-sinfully by means of other, man-made, laws, including those attributed to abstractions that are reified-deified as superiors such as caesars and lord gods. Some of us can feel this change unfolding in the marrow of our bones. Others, like dead wood, cannot sense it happening at all. This difference in spiritual sensitivity is inherited, or not, randomly in one’s genes and differentiates two spiritual species; the good and evil families of man who are about to be separated, irreconcilably-permanently, like oil from water in the blue-skied caribbean, where the batista gangsters lost big bucks, big time, to comrade castro and his crew.

    Personal independence is hereby declared from governments; the global day of anarchy, consensual diversity and the internationale, has come.

    Life proceeds-evolves by, extrapolating, cycles wherein the same roles, for people, organisations and events, although changing-developing, are identifiable from go to whoa. Wisdom is learnt from the study of past cycles of knowledge and ignorance and means knowledge of eclectic-abstract logic, of both mechanical-mechanistic-linear-aesthetical, cause-effect types (predominant in mammon, i.e. societies of managed competition) and, organismic-organic-holistic-ethical, means-end types (predominant in the good, anarchic, society some foresee as heaven). Human beings tend to favour one type of logic or the other. Good wisdom is mainly spiritual-qualitative, and less physical-quantitative, knowledge of four sub-types, telling of 1) good-versus-evil classes, 2) if this, alpha, is intentional choice for one’s focus of attention-then that, omega, is logical consequence, i.e. conditional-tense narratives, 3) complementary-contradictory roles in stories-narratives and architectured-sculptured structures and 4) hurtful-helpful personal relationships, both internal and external. Wisdom, eventually, enables knowers to live together, anarchisticly, like gods in paradise rather than like pigs in hierarchies, sties and their own piss and shit. With Wisdom we know the past well enough to understand the present and predict, and prepare for, what’s coming, along with possible morphosis-mutation, on mankind’s event horizon, next. Its acquisition requires broad-mindening experience and reports of different types of role, culture and event
    Unrelated knowledge may be marketable-procurable but is ignorable by anybody who is even a little wise. Because of this bit of natural wit they know that the quality of anybody’s inner relations is harmonised, healthily or unhealthily, as a consequence, with that of their external ones. This is the long-lost bright idea that makes eternal, healthy, life a, practical, possibility for those who can learn to love and be loved well; and so live healthily-happily, including lovingly and erotically-sexually, because of a fully developed immune-regeneration system, as a, logical, consequence.

    The new, type of, one-world order that, with Wisdom, we gnosis-seekers foresee is due to replace the primitive-old raj of managed factionalism-and-competition, which, after increasingly faster-shorter periods-cycles of tribalism, imperialism and feudalism, has climaxed, terminally, and, like a big, hot-air, balloon, will soon go gee-whiz-bang-fizz-pop, as international capitalism and/or global fascism. This last sub-cycle of the earth’s evolutionary sequence includes the worst of the preceding ones, including management versus labour fights and that of the reds’ attempts, from marx to mao, castro, che and ho chi minh, at enforcing international socialism on the bourgeoisie, aristocracy and proletariat, as well as on we anarchists. Hydraulic fracturing by cacogenic chemicals is one sign, of many, of that system’s imminent demise. Another is global warming and species extinctions caused by, excessive, carbon gas emissions, both capital and natural. A third is monsanto-type g.m.o.’s whereby technically-competent fools usurp, self-righteously, the role of creator-creatrix-god. A fourth is the dirty nuclear device, whereby other ratbags will soon try the same. Peak oil is a fifth. A sixth is the developing development of holistic theories of the All such as neo-gnosticism and eclectic-organisation, including role, chaos, communication and leadership, theory. The big one(s) is/are coming, like a unstoppable torrent down a mountain and, being without historical precedence, will blow your mind, blast off your socks and take your breath away. How many of these threats to their cock-eyed, crook-crooked, society do hypocrites need to see before recognising what is going on, especially under their noses and behind the scenes, sheltered-protected by legalised-official secrecy; both industrial and national! Most of mankind’s misfortunes are caused by actions, or inactions, of self-righteous hypocrisy, or hubris. Hypocrisy is mankind’s fatal sin, of which we all, being suffering sinners, are equally guilty, as illustrated by most attempts, by “do gooders”, therapists and/or patch-up regulators or band-aid reformers, such as affirmative political-activists, eco-tourism operators, bowen-reiki therapists and institutionalised charity-workers, to medicate the problems others cause, by palliative care, and so delay their, painfully-sick, system’s, inevitable, demise. They think they can perpetuate their incorporated system(s), indefinitely, whereas we evolutionary-revolutionaries find it love-starved and, hence, unattractive, unenjoyable and unsustainable, like the, love-starved, lives those living in it live, sometimes shacked up, in ticky-tacky boxes, with exclusive favourites, and we expect-hope to have the spiritual strength, or virile balls, to change our ways and turn the tables on it and them, surprisingly, for them, soon. Physical fitness without spiritual fitness, including wisdom, empathy, charity and mateship, is, for us, and El, a waste of time, talent, energy and space; whereas the Truth will, soon, set us free, to live in love like gods and nefilim in the heavenly type of partnership-relationship; perfect love, agape, anarchy, denocracy and liberty, with which the multitude can live, convivially, as one.

    Most importantly, as hypocritical members of competing factions of that, ruthless-sick, sort of society, we are all starving ourselves and one another to an early death, because of a lack of compassionate loving-caring-sharing; as both givers and receivers. This problem of, loveless, selfishness is fatal but, with the right, spiritual, medicine, it is remediable now; if not by me then at least by the younger members of my spiritual Family; the meek, adaptable and flexi-minded fellows who are capable of making the lifestyle change from global capitalism to global anarcho-communism which means living, as beloved lovers, by the golden rule of universal love; which, unenlightened, hypocrites can’t comprehend and do, not even when they think, self-righteously, they can. Members of this ideological species of ours, as wise and holy fools, are self-selected by the pure random chance of our genetic inheritance, which means that our bloodline is royal purple-blue and metaphysical-spiritual rather than red and physical-biological. We may be classed as eugenicists but our elite-elect is anarchistic, not fascist, and unplanable-unpredictable, not racial, racist, sexist, ageist, academic or religious; as the normal elites, like the jews, who claim favoured treatment and exclusive privilege from the reified-abstraction that they worship as a god, scholarly dons, mafiosi dons, who, like royals, claim executive privileges, worldly-wise illuminate, religious fundamentalists, imperial colonists and nazis, of all uniforms, fuhrers, salutations and regimented nations, are.

    I am not now, as most others are, in the business of parenting, money making, social engineering, organising others or persuasive advertising (having been there and done that with almost average, which means not very much, success) but, as one, geriatric, player in the generic role of new-age paraclete, am seeking kindred spirits who, being serious but not snobbish or self-righteous, can be good, caring-sharing-daring, friends with me and mine; beloved lovers in an anarchic new-age Agency. This difference between meekness (i.e. wishing to make one’s own decisions, and learn a better type of logic from the consequential successes and mistakes) and self-righteousness (i.e. wishing to decide for others, like abraham lincoln, the photogenic wheeler-dealer, did), as typifies our rivals who often fight-compete among themselves as agents of a party, a union, a intelligence agency, a nuclear or extended family or some other fiction that they or theirs have invented, organised and legalised, is subtle but significant for the further evolution, to, seasonal, completion, of the emerging-evolving phylum of the human race’s wisdom-knowledge tree. This, we paracletes (gnostic greek for the, multiple-person, role of spiritual helper and/or advocate of true righteousness) expect, according to our, self-responsible, reading of the omens-signs, will be, exponentially-suddenly-traumatically, within a year or two from now. The main world-or-reality to be addressed, for understanding and promoting this neo-gnostic zeitgeist, is the metaphysical-spiritual world of unseeable but sensed-perceived meanings, reasons, roles and relationships; that, as apparent nothing, fills the spaces-gaps between and in the tangible-objective things, such as bodily personas and star-studded galaxies. Mathematical science, based on the disprovable-null hypothesis, can be used to clarify and modify that phenomenological-mechanistic, world (although statistics, and the bell curve, can be used selectively by hypocrites to “prove” and build, or blow up, almost anything) and can be differentiated from speculative philosophy, based on logical, if-then, consistency, and is often classed as wisdom, alchemy or religion, which is needed for knowledge of the other, noumenological, organismic and translucent, world or meaningful-emotional reality. Both compositions co-exist, one sculpturally or mechanically and the other narratively or lyrically, and are to be understood together holistically rather than dualistically, in parallel harmony, as one ever-living, ever-changing, entity, unity, family or person, in a minor-major scheme of eventful things, as cosmic body, and thoughtful ideas, as universal mind.

    Bu first we must end our hypocrisy of which we are each guilty every time we break the golden rule, which is all the time. Any difference in degree is not significant.

    As a buddha said, by our thoughts we create-compose our, major, spiritual-metaphysical world of mythology-and-narrative. Mankind’s brotherhoods, from druids and dominicans to rotarians and special-interest yahoo-groups, have all attempted to do this, but without very much success; which means that it is difficult but does not mean it can’t be done. In fact the, mind-changing and world-changing, project will be completed soon when our, altruistic, service is conceptualised-visualised as being in the, unadulterated, service of the one true god; our all-accommodating Whole, who has been nick-named by some truth-seeking sinners as abraxas and by others as brahma, and whose sense of consciousness, liveliness, readiness, randiness and neediness we share, as consubstantial, penetrating-penetrated, parts. In fact-truth the Change will, soon, be done successfully, but by the deductive and inductive reasoning of a different brand of family, group and/or siblinghood from mankind’s normal, brotherhoods, both secular, as in armies and charities and spiritual, as in monasteries and nunneries; one that is eclectic-catholic-democratic-informal more than parochial-hierarchical-dictatorial-formal; athenian-grecian more than persian-asian if you have read heroditus and can get my general drift.

    This lifestyle-paradigm breakthrough is possible because mankind’s minor-major brain spheres replicate, and allow us to imagine, the remarkable relationship that links, symbiotically, our heads-bodies and each of us, as brainy figures, and She, as field-ground, so that one’s absorption, e,g. of oxygen or carbon, or of life or love, is the other’s exhaustion; one’s natural expressions fulfil the other’s innate needs. This organic, part-whole, partnership is difficult to imagine, correctly with precision-clarity but, when we do, which some of us will soon, this revelation enables our spiritual birth and/or apocalyptic enlightenment to our adult-imago state of heavenly life in love, including knowing the god-like role and the good-god type of relationship, on earth. Eureka! Bingo! and/or other positive expletives or exclamation marks, that signify expectancy-excitement like a spunky stallion’s farts.

    This envisaged, new-age, quantum-change scenario is a, holistic, integration of the best knowledge from all fields of mankind’s information-industry including the subject disciplines of history, religion, biology, anarchy, psychology, mythology, deep ecology and teleological evolution, including the prediction-premonition-proclamation of a societal-financial-technological collapse, an ecological-biological transformation and a global revolution-war, and their survival, as the end of evolution; by the spiritually meek species of generic man combined in solidarity and empowered by the paranormal powers of the anarcho-gnostic ideology, whereby credentialed citizens, unlike spiritual bastards-barbarians who, self-righteously, exclude us from their friendship loops and/or exclude themselves from ours, will end our hypocritical reasoning and become self-governing by the golden rule of consensual diversity-democracy. This, radical, change will mark the “omega point” of, natural-intentional, evolution and probably be by 2013 a.d., in a sacred-marriage partnership linking mankind and his accommodating-feminine god who will have then, also, reached her cyclical climax-maturity. At a war-weary and fatigued auld veteran of four score years and two, I’ll need a minor miracle to stay elevated-erect-upright, and not be horizontalised, till the human genus then bifurcates, on its predicted judgment-assessment-selection-division-separation day, into two constituent families, its optimistic-good and pessimistic-evil halves, but you, being physically younger, fitter and more flexible and bouncier than me, may not need that, apparent, magic-miracle to stay upright and still evolving-developing, cerebrally-cranially-mentally, till then.

    It will not be what we know so much as our willingness to change-adapt that will signify our, radical, family identity; for salvation or damnation. Fortunately a person’s spiritual species-family is more important than is any individual member, even me, thee, muhammed, the sunni, ali his shiite nephew who was martyred for his faith, and jesus, son of mary and the davidian pretender, joseph the judaic prince of arimathea which, like magdala, nazareth and bethany, was in, jordan-river, galilee. Our, spiritual, predecessors have all been willing to lay down their lives for their faith, homeland and family of friends and, although we do not seek it, so must we if this sacrificial martyrdom, in the expectation of eventual rebirth, renaissance or resurrection, proves to be a logical imperative-necessity.

    The self-righteous give, unsolicited, guidance, direction, dictation or advice, and offer hypocritical-judgmental criticism. The meek don’t do that but express ourselves honestly and openly and cop the consequences, whether these are acts of friendship or unfriendliness, and learn from our misunderstandings and mistakes, and those that others make.

    Critical feedback, both positive and negative, if well intentioned, altruistically-affectionately more than motivated egotistically-selfishly, is welcome here by this spiritual critic because, as well as making our fair share of errors and mistakes, we all know some of the Truth. Nobody’s beliefs, not even those of henry thoreau, of walden, ayn rand, of thatcherism, “mein kamph” of naziism, jean hudon and kim thomas, the “global visionaries” who excluded me, self-righteously, from their circulation loops, the unabomber, in his manifesto to g-man edgar hoover and the plainclothed f.b.i., and the sanheidrin cardinals in the pope’s house on the slopes of temple mount, are “total crap” and the stimulation of shared ideas, premises and practices is essential for success, in this, all-important, all-or-nothing, quest for personal and collective enlightenment-empowerment and the better-friendlier, anarcho-democratic and neo-gnostic, type of world that is now, unstoppably, like the golden sunrise of a brand new day, that ends the nightmare of a long-dark night, already on its way. This new, post-modern, lifestyle is destined to take firm-final root and form on earth inside a year or two whether or not, as personified specimens of a still-evolving species, we individuals are ready to fight, bravely but non-violently, for what is right and win our knighthood-initiation spurs by making the transformation-graduation-mutation to our mature, imago, state, or higher, second, nature. This means living like the gods who, among other talents-skills, have developed to completion their innate capacity for true love and second sight and so can hibernate, prophesise, hypnotise, read minds, levitate, transmutate and communicate “voices” by mental telepathy or e.s.p., paranormally-miraculously.

    This metamorphosis, of both ourselves and our, consubstantial, context, to our combined imago state(s) begins by a critical number of us enacting the detective-agent role consciously-conscientiously, 16-7, within, in communication-interaction with the author-source of a autonomously living autobiography, or holy spirit, composed, as a contestation-riddle-mystery, that we can appreciate aesthetically and, with difficulty, eventually solve and by doing so become co-authors for combined enacting-playing, because of understanding, of material objects-energies and meaningful thoughts-ideas combined, as spiritual prana-chi, by a consistent, means-end, logic or cause-effect telos and associated teleology. She, being a divinity, composes and enthuses an autobiography, for self-expression, that is the best there possibly can be, for her and hers, in totality; logically, morally and aesthetically. Meanwhile the worldly-righteous reactionaries, who feel no deep-compulsive need to change themselves in terms of type, but bore us to tears with, brainless, recollections of their pathetic, mundane, past, are as clueless as dr watson and believe they belong to reified or deified abstractions,. They will continue to ignore or censor us and our interests and ideas, as some did by means of the book-banning of the roman papal index; free publication and public discussion, in search of the Truth, as distinct from giggle-joking gossip, being their clan’s worst enemy. Assassination, such as by crucifixion, killer drones, poisonous substances, necktie lynching or burning faggots at the stake, is and has always been their self-righteous, fundamentalist and morally extremist style; but their, dark, days are now done, along with them and theirs, thank god, and our bright-new multicoloured one has finally come. We gnostics lack the talents valued in their mundane world which keeps, most of, us safely incognito, as nobodies-nonentities, without even an o.a., an o.b.e. or a million dollars to our name, until the time for final eeparation-revolution comes; as it now has arrived for everyone. They lack the language definitions-understandings, such as those of chaos, hypocrisy and mean-minded tyranny versus divinity, good logic and meek-minded anarchy, or consensual democracy, needed for citizenship of the better world, and most will never learn to make this major change. As my camp cobbers sometimes say, it takes one or one who has been one to know-understand another one; which is why men like jesus are and were so widely misunderstood.

    There is no other “worthy cause or mission” to serve apart from this, difficult-dangerous, promotion of and preparation for Heaven’s masterpiece; the perfected world, or paradise, on earth. The options of choice are pre-determined but we each pick our, personally appropriate, role to play; as protagonist or adversary. Black-flag, mutual-aid, good-ethics anarchism, sometimes with skull and bones, can accommodate, multi-culturally, all non-violent ideologies, both left-wing and right-wing and both secular and religious. As such it is the, logical, means and end of all forms of liberation-liberalism, including peace education, democratisation, women’s lib. and liberation theology and, despite massive resistance and disinterest by self-righteous hypocrites who cannot imagine, believably, without the use of hallucinogenic herbs, alcohol, pills and/or plants, what it means to think and live differently, consensually-convivially, in this, new-age, way, like gods in love, is now due globally, including locally, for the rest of us to freely and enjoyably experience and share, by 2013, according to the calendar composed by gregory, head prefect or house captain, for a time, of the papal-palace hierarchy. This is the, apocalyptic, end of species evolution and personal education both of which are quickening ever-quicker now on coming to, long-sustainable, climax-completion This change process ends with gnosis; intimate knowledge of and by God, spiritually and physically¸ and the ability to share the earth anarcho-communistically as a clan of equal-status, uniquely-different peers with a common origin, inheritance, value and destiny.

    But first we need a new idea, or the remembrance of a lost-forgotten one, that is bigger and more meaningful even than is “biochar”, and knowledge of which causes a radical transformation, for the better, in human consciousness or our species’ and our personal sense of being a role-enacting self in a living-changing contextual system-situation and location. “Gnostic holism-anarchism”, not “rumpelstilskin”, is its, symbolic, name and the time for its cognitive rebirth, with birthng pains and blood has come.

    To die worshipping the wrong god, or denying the righteousness of the right one, is to be damned; as billions of human beings are.

    THE POINT. God is the self-conscious quality of godliness. Human beings are knowing parts of a celestial god or created elohim, occupying a location in her as our contextual situation; potentially consensually. I, like you, am God, the great Pretender, which means, by the great Pretence-Composition-Presentation, knowing myself, self-as-god-consciously, also as another, i.e. as an actor, consensually, performing in a four-dimensional context-situation, rather than as a great white, pure-solitary, light that fills up all the fifth. This, apparently paradoxical, belief is classed as schizophrenic madness in the normal, dualistic, lexicons but as logical sanity in terms of, holistic, gnosticism as used at times by part-time crazies, when in their right mind, and still evolving, when they are classed by lesser men as arrogant-delusional, such as were men of genius like carl jung, fred neitzche, jesus-ben-joseph and vincent van gogh. Some people show, accidentally, some of the paranormal powers, or examples of genius, that will follow for all survivors of the, enlightening, apocalypse. Our context is not lifeless and/or dead, as normals, mistakenly, assume She is, but rather is living, albeit seasonally asleep and becoming now awakened, enlivened and aroused, like sinbad’s genie-demon when he freed her from the confines of the corked jar on the beach. It is better to know God perfectly, at slower than the speed of light and sight, than to know as her purely, which is faster, if you can get the guist of this dichotomy. It is time for mankind to know his god, as a sustainable epiphany, in the, complete, biblical-sexual-intellectual sense. We, in as part of, her created reality, inhabit, organically not mechanically-mechanistically, the progressive-circular, i.e. conical embodied-autobiography of an organic super-Person; a multi-selved and multi-partnered partnership or integrated, multi-levelled singularity. She, our hostess with the mostest, can do, and do better, what any of her constituents can do and is coming to her periodical climax and/or a long, sustainable-enjoyable, honeymoon on heat via a climactic bifurcation of her self-conscious constituents into good versus evil natured characters, for either partnership, with one another and with her, or dead-ended death, because of proof of irreparable uselessness-unhelpfulness concerning what She now wants to be, do and have done to-with her. The rest we need to know, for salvation from extinction, is rational explication-implication-extrapolation of this fundamental fact; which is the hidden-secret Logos of the western Wisdom lexicon and its mystery religions; such as those of gnosis, isis, mithras, athena and the essene brotherhood, with their initiation-induction, experiential teaching-learning and spiritually rebirthing, ceremonies-roles-rituals. The oriental east and the indigenous aboriginals probably had/have similar or the same mythologies in their temple rituals, corrobories et al, but this author’s background is mainly occidental, derived from the hellenised mediterranean,, and so my personal bias is to emphasise this more than that. We gnostic anarchists, as typified by philo-sophers such as socrates, jesus and hypatia, who was a women’s libber before germaine greer, the suffragettes and simone du bouvoire took up the torch, are or have been classical, iconoclastic, enemies of the established church, hierarchy, laity, army, academy, economy, ideology, family, government and/or state, and the self-righteous pricks who believe they belong to one or more of those reified abstractions, as elitist governors, including potentates, and/or as underclass subordinates, such as serfs, employees, conscripts, laities, prisoners, paeons, hoplites and hard-labour slaves. This time, because the evolutionary time is seasonally right-ripe, we at last will win our millennia-long contestation-tournament (whereby the one, critical, lesson that has been taught and tested all day every day is how to prepare for the classical, global-cleansing, purge or new-age holocaust) with-against them; as they are typified by those who belong today, in some anti-anarchy role, to walmart inc., the mormon church of latter-day saints, the libyan nation-state, the u.s.a., pinkerton’s detective agency and/or some other corporate body in corporate civilisation or modern, man-made, man-managed, war-ravaged and increasingly-polluted mammon-maya-babylon. The war of armegeddon between the evil caliphate and equally evil capitalism, spearheaded by zionism, has already been begun.

    There is no, genuine, gnostic or taoist institution such as a mathematical science, formal discipline, temple lodge, personality cult, blog site, exclusive yahoo-group or religious church, although some, homogenised, charlatans do profess-sport, in man-made hierarchies, of two pyramidal steps or more, the sacred-holy name. However there is a gnostic lifestyle, way of life or tao that has been personified, so far imperfectly, by messianic martyrs like hypatia, jesus, diogenes, the cynical mad-dog, and socrates, the socratic questioner, and is now, following our world-wide revolution, about to become realised as our family inheritance whereby-wherein we will live eternally-excitingly like, self-knowing, gods instead of live and die like talking plants, carrots or parrots, programmed insects, birds or bees or spiritually deaf-dumb-blind animals, with no, front-facing, neo-cortex atop a upright backbone-spine; which is what we do, in our, under-developed, immaturity, today as we did yesterday, but will not still do after tomorrow on having reached, as a species, our, enlightened, adult-maturity.

    Now comes the, final, repeat of the jesus-pilate-caiaphis betrayal, desertion, arrest, trial, enquiry and martyrdom that we neo-gnostics, in role-playing solidarity, this time will win and so allow the final revolution, to peace, equality, tranquility and plenty, to unfold behind and before our very eyes. Today’s is the final sub-cycle of the evolutionary sequence of the earth’s complete, life, cycle and began, arguably, in 1930 with the end of laissez-fair capitalism and the advent of global fascism and will soon end, long-sustainably, in peace, justice and gnostic anarchy for two or three millennia, helped possibly by the return of the, angelic, nefilim (vide erich von danikin, who, like some others, called these descended-angels gods).

    But our elohim, the local solar-system, or organic, disc-like, star, who, like her siblings, is a limited replication-clone-sucker of El, the limitless-boundless All, cannot know herself, or be known in, the role of god until a full set of her self-conscious constituents know ourselves consensually in the role of neo-cortex for her head and serve her as a whole, celestial, person; who feels the need to live free-spirited in love, rather than be confined as a, single, solitary star. The critical number of leading lights, as siblings-in-law, may be as few as ten or twelve but may be many more. Who knows or cares, or needs to know or care, apart from god, whose business that detailed knowing is! For her safety-security the golden, karmic, code is enactable everywhere; voluntarily among self-conscious persons who are, consensual, peers, or forcibly by a enlightened person’s I-will power exerted on her, inferior-subsidiary, body parts that need to be externally-personally controlled. There are exceptions to all general rules except this one which, unlike the verdas’, hammurabi’s, moses’, magna carta’s, habeas corpus, the geneva convention, against torture such as waterboarding, and muhammed’s, is a universal law.

    The, spiritual, quality of the, intangible, role-in-autobiography with which we each now self-consciously identify our selves and intentionally enact as expressing our innate source’s nature, will determine if we live, as members of this elite-role set of earthlings, to enjoy this paradise, as gods, or die, like dogs, that walk the plank and don’t. A gnostic anarchist, for whom friendship, as beloved lover, of/by both gods and men, including goddesses, maids and crones, is the main motivation and reward in Life, is best, when truly understood, as enlightened beings, like we soon, following the imminent apocalypse, will be, do. Everything we do is to be done deliberately for She as we imagine her, correctly, to be; in partnership with we.

    The great conspiracy has been, the work of self-righteous hypocrites, including zionists, using persuasive rhetoric, secrecy, violence and censorship, against the ideal of gnostic anarchy, but the scam is now coming, bloodily and violently, undone and we will soon be, over their dead bodies, free.
  9. Allisiam

    Allisiam Well-Known Member

    The Dead Body Oozing Life and the Return of the Blues of Lost Love after a Great Work of Transformation has been done!


    The True Anarchy of Life on Earth

    The Human Role in Sophia's Correction

    When Pistis saw the impiety of the Lord Archon she was filled with anger. Acting in her invisible form, she spoke in this way: "You are mistaken, blind one -- false deity who cannot see. There is an immortal luminous child, the Anthropos, who came into existence before you and who will appear among your modeled forms (plasmata). This luminous child will trample you in scorn just as a potter's clay is pounded (into a lump). And you will sink away to your proper zone, the abyss (of gravity), along with those who belong to your legion.

    "For at the consummation of your work, the entire defect [of Archontic illusion] exposed in the light of truth will be abolished, and [that illusion] will be as if it never had been."


    The correction involves a kind of cosmic challenge, or divine dare. An act of defiance by the Aeon Sophia in her pre-terrestrial form, directed against the Archon forces and assuring them of their ultimate defeat. Her defiance of the deceiving powers that threaten the divine experiment on earth is a statement of pistis, her confidence in humanity, the key species in that experiment. Greek pistis : "faith, confidence."


    What is the "confidence" of Sophia in humanity? Consistent with the plot-line of the Gnostic myth, she expects the Anthropos to realize its original potential in the three-world system, even though captured in another system. In other words, she counts on the human species to wake up and break free from the matrix of the Archontic powers and engage the divine opportunity of life on earth, interactively with her own awakening to the nightmare of human history.


    The CDM of the preterrestrial moment shows there is a kind of leak or flaw in the original dreaming. Sophia did not expect that the deviant influence of the Archons would come to bear on the divine experiment with the Anthropos. Under that influence, humanity is subjected to a second, surrogate or simulated reality. This is the realm of the "planetary spheres" where the earth is captured, described as a prison system in Gnostic writings. Hence the prototype of the "prison planet," a meme associated with the infowars movement of Alex Jones. Telestai described the Archons as wardens and gatekeepers in the labyrinth of the planetary prison. The penitentiary enclosure indicated here is not the earth, which is the Edenic setting for a divine experiment in freedom, discovery, and novelty. No, it is THE MATRIX, the holographic maze of Archontic deception in which the human race appears to be the progeny of off-planet gods, enslaved by intra-species predators who claim descent from such gods, or who purport to act as gods lording it over the rest of humankind and claiming all the resources of the planet for themselves, or who are falsely attributed with godlike powers by humans who come under their spell of mind control, even in the very act of exposing them, etc etc etc.


    ....... the scheme of the Archon mind-parasites to insinuate themselves into human reality and take it over, making human become like them, robotic, slavish, incapable of intention, discovery, or novelty. In reality, earth, moon and sun are immune to the Archontic presence, off limits. Like the human immunological system, they can suffer sporadic attacks without being entirely crushed. Thus Archons make sporadic forays into the three-body system but they cannot remain there, cannot achieve any lasting effects, and cannot conquer and permanently inhabit either the sun, the moon, or the earth.


    In the Pleroma or galactic core Sophia in tandem with her consort Thelete ("the Intended") engineers the human genome, the Anthropos. They encode it with evolutionary capacities in a fivefold manifold: ennoia, metanoia, dianoia, epinoia, all variations of nous (divine intelligence), and charged with enthymesis, passion or desire.


    In this scenario, Sophia, before she morphs into the earth, foresees a moment when the Archontic powers will be defeated, the moment of the consummation of their works. In other words, their defeat comes at the moment of extreme desperation when they complete their agenda, the eleventh hour. In 2011 we are living in that eleventh hour and even toward the end of the hour. 11/11/11 is a date that compels close attention and perhaps even an obsessive fixation of interest.


    Based on my long acquaintance with these entities, combined with the instructions acquired in shamanic trance, I propose this: Archons and their human counterparts gain control over humanity through a particular "seizure" that operates in the back of the brain and in the field of peripheral vision simultaneously. The backbrain "seizure" of Archontic spellbinding power can be detected in the functions of the R Complex: pun on Archon plex, the Archon plexus or reptilian brain in its deviant or exaggerated mode. When this part of the brain dominates, overwriting the adaptive programs of the midbrain and forebrain, human behavior takes on a fiendish, rigid, repetitive bent which can be read as ritualistic. But ritualized behavior is not the same as intentional ritual action, i.e., acts of deliberate magic. A preprogrammed robot does not act ritualistically for there is no self-determined intent behind its spooky mechanical gestures. Its actions exhibit pre-determined mimicy, not self-determined autonomy: likewise for Archons and Archontified humans including globalist predators and serial killers, who are one and the same breed of conniving, murderous deviants.


    To fall under the spell of the Authorities is to concede power to their false magic: under the power of deception, we deceive ourselves about what power really is and lose all sense of our own power. Our power inheres in the unique opportunity of our role in the divine experiment of Sophia, interactive magic with the wisdom goddess. Claiming this power is the only sure and direct way, and the ultimate way, to detect and defeat the illusional power of the Authorities.

    By this definition, which is purely telestic, the Authorities are human beings deviated by the overworking of the Archon plexus, the reptilian brain. In large measure, the quasi-magical or occult power attributed to globalist perpetrators is a hoax, operating under the Wizard of Oz effect. Note that to enforce their presumed magical powers, the perpetrators need to exert enormous continual efforts of two kinds: brainwashing through the media, and threat of force through the military. Without a constant dual-barreled barrage, requiring the complicity of human beings to suppress and deceive their fellow creatures, their vaunted magic would quickly fade and dissipate.

    In reality, the NEWOs can only sustain the illusion of magical supremacy as long as they suppress and deviate human potential, where the true magic abides: that is, in our species' innate capacity for interactive magic with the animating powers of the planetary goddess. Unless the NEWOs can suppress that capacity in a brutal manner all the time, it will naturally and spontaneously assert itself. When it does, the true magic of the Anthropos, the "luminous child," will immediately spring into action. This is what Sophia herself wishes: for humanity to own and enact its true potential for magic and use it to defeat the Archons and banish them to their proper domain, the gravity well (abyss) of the inanimate planetary system.


    That deviance into mindless robotics is the essence of Archontic influence: it is due to nothing original on the part of the alien parasites but merely the exaggeration of pre-existing tendencies in the psychosomatic structure of humanity — in the plasmata, modeled form of the Anthropos.


    On the Origin of the World informs us that the defeat of the Archons is a last-minute affair that depends on their reaching the full extension of their phantom powers over humanity. The outcome depends on the intervention of humanity at the eleventh hour. The myth clearly indicates a sudden, drastic turnabout. Sophia warns the Lord Archon: "There is an immortal luminous child, the Anthropos, who came into existence before you and who will appear among your modelled forms (plasmata). This luminous child will trample you in scorn just as a potter's clay is pounded (into a lump)." Instead of molding humankind in their image, the Archons will be reduced to pulp, like the discard from a juicer.


    In the Gnostic view, disclosure is not the moment when governmental authorities announce the presence of ETs on earth, thus making it "official." Nothing made official in this world counts for anything but another tactic in the globalist hoax, advancing the agenda of the Authorities. But for the Archons to make their final move, they must reveal themselves. Since their nature is deception, they will do so deceptively. Even in showing their presence, playing their trump card on the human species, they will deceive, because that is all they ever do, all they can do. The test of that moment falls upon humanity: to see how the Authorities are scamming the world with their specious magic of mind control, the vaunted global psyops.

    Sophia intends that humanity have the opportunity to play out the divine experiment she originally envisioned for it, free of Archontic deviation — that is, free of the hoaxing coercion of the Authorities who claim that their agenda of domination insures social security and freedom from moral chaos. But this type of freedom is really enslavement. In Sophianic terms, freedom is the true anarchy of life on earth, distinguished from the false threat of social chaos contrived by the Authorities.


    And when the crucial moment comes, will humanity perhaps be able to use psyops against the intra-species predators themselves? To zap them with their own tactics?


    The lie about the self-endangering nature of human impulses is deeply insidious. It represents the root of all variations of social evil. This particular moral illusion is the ultimate challenge to human discernment, the supreme test of the genuine moral integrity of our species. Breaking through it is the key to liberation from Archontic deception. Gnostics taught that evil is not an autonomous power in the cosmos, rather, it is a phenomenon of deviance that emerges under cover of deception. Without deception and concealment, evil cannot be committed. Why not? Because in being exposed and opposed, it would immediately be defeated by the natural tendency of human nature to choose truth, goodness, and coexistence.


    The Sophianic vision story of the Mysteries is actional, able to be enacted. Such action has to be supported by specific knowledge, the savvy for human survival. Foremost in our savvy would be the capacity to detect predators and psychopaths. The new genre of ponerology introduced by Polish psychiatrist Andrew M. Lobaczewski can be hugely instructive to this end. It represents a kind of telestic forensic method for detecting the murderous deceit of the Authorities. Derived from the Greek word poneria found in Gnostic writings (above), ponerology is the diagnosis and deconstruction of the causes and mechanisms of social evil. Lobaczewski uses the striking term pathocracy to describe the domination of a society by a faction of psychopathic members, estimated to be 4-5 percent of the population.


    Finally, it could be said that the challenge presented to the Lord Archon by Sophia represents the way humanity will engage in her correction and return to the divine experiment, free of Archontic disruption and subterfuge. The wisdom goddess counts on our species to do just that... But it might require too large a stretch of imagination to realize this proposition of divine confidence in mortal humans. To put the same proposition in strictly secular language: we cannot realize our true humanity without beating the Authorities. There is more than one way to do so, but the central and decisive way is to choose anarchy in defiance of any authority that does not demonstrate benevolence toward life in all forms.

    The true anarchy of the human species is Sophia's guarantee of the success of the divine experiment she preconceived for the Anthropos, without setting a predetermined end to it. Gnosis today is the open source spirituality of imaginal and moral empowerment that optimizes the prospects for creative anarchy. Thus in Gnosis we can fulfill the Edenic promise of life on earth.




    I have noted before that engagement in Sophia's correction is a volunteer process that involves an act of deselection for each human individual. Backing down from the menacing absurdity of the Authorities, you deselect from her correction. In doing so, you also abdicate your true identity as a human being, the opportunity to live and thrive as an acting member of the Anthropos. "The Archons made me do it." No, you forfeit a role in Sophia's correction. You defeat yourself by missing the greatest opportunity life can offer. The Authorities only have the power ceded to them through ignorance and denial of our divine potential, our endowment from the planetary animal mother and the Aeons.

    Last edited: Apr 11, 2014
  10. Allisiam

    Allisiam Well-Known Member


    Alternative Grail
    Lydia's Well
    Living Myth

    Sky Lore
    2012 S h i f t
    Rite Action


    Alternative Grail
    Lydia's Well
    Living Myth
    Sky Lore
    2012 Shift
    Rite Action

    The True Anarchy of Life on Earth The Human Role in Sophia's Correction

    When Pistis saw the impiety of the Lord Archon she was filled with anger. Acting in her invisible form, she spoke in this way: "You are mistaken, blind one -- false deity who cannot see. There is an immortal luminous child, the Anthropos, who came into existence before you and who will appear among your modeled forms (plasmata). This luminous child will trample you in scorn just as a potter's clay is pounded (into a lump). And you will sink away to your proper zone, the abyss (of gravity), along with those who belong to your legion.​
    "For at the consummation of your work, the entire defect [of Archontic illusion] exposed in the light of truth will be abolished, and [that illusion] will be as if it never had been." -- On the Origin of the World, 103.15-30​
    Speaking on Grok-the-Talk in April 2011, I ventured a rather grandiose claim: namely, Sophia's correction commenced on March 19, eight days after the Fukushima earthquake. If Gnostic teachings surviving from the Mysteries are correct, this event would be of singular and momentous import for the human species and the future of the planet. For one thing, it means that the Terma of Gaia Awakening which I discovered in August 2008 is now fully underway as an interactive event going forward in linear time —and possibly, as well, in parallel time. By "parallel time" I mean a bifurcation event that involves humanity taking two different courses simultaneously: di-orthosis, dual or split solution.

    To make as clear as possible the various aspects and prospects and of this fantastic opportunity, I offer this essay. Divine Dare Right now, going on three years since the discovery of the Terma of Gaia Awakening, the correction (Greek diorthosis) of the wisdom goddess Sophia stands a chance of becoming a topic of considerable intrigue. Her correction is the single outstanding element of the fallen goddess scenario or vision story of the Mysteries that was left open, undefined. It is also the key to human interactivity with Gaia-Sophia: the human role in her correction somehow determines the way it will be achieved. Why so? Well, according to the Gnostic textual sources, that is how Pistis—name for the goddess who has confidence in humanity—wishes it to be! So the myth informs us, as recorded in a major cosmological text, On the Origin of the World (cited above). The correction involves a kind of cosmic challenge, or divine dare. An act of defiance by the Aeon Sophia in her pre-terrestrial form, directed against the Archon forces and assuring them of their ultimate defeat. Her defiance of the deceiving powers that threaten the divine experiment on earth is a statement of pistis, her confidence in humanity, the key species in that experiment. Greek pistis : "faith, confidence."

    Archontic figure seen floating over Gaucin, Spain. April 2011

    Alien Dreaming - the Enigma of the Archons (Nov 2004) presented the image of the Archon embryonic type ("like a premature fetus"), resembling a gaseous leak that exudes from the Coco De Mer. There are two versions of the CDM, this being the one that represents the trimorphic protennoia or three-body system of Sophia's original intention. The CDM depicts the world seed, the germ of the three-body setting for a divine experiment in human potential. In her dreaming of a world where one strain of the Anthropos might emerge and evolve, enacting a divine experiment, Sophia previsioned a star, a planet, and a moon or satellite. As the earth was not yet formed, the central part of flesh of the preterrestrial CDM has no X to mark the spot of Sophia's metamorphosis into a living planet. Prototypal sun-star and moon are dark blue, suggesting that these bodies have not yet emerged from the dark cosmic background. In the second version of the CDM, the world seed is pale green, the sun-star is red, the moon is mauve, and a soft X or quadrated slit marks the spot where the earth has appeared:


    This CDM is the icon for the world dreaming of the Aeon Sophia as it came to be realized by her metamorphosis into the setting of the divine experiment she had previsioned in the Pleroma, the galactic core. The original three-body system is intact but it comes to be captured in the celestial clockworks of the inorganic planetary system constructed by the Archons. Such is the two-world perspective of Gnostic cosmology. What is the "confidence" of Sophia in humanity?

    Consistent with the plot-line of the Gnostic myth, she expects the Anthropos to realize its original potential in the three-world system, even though captured in another system. In other words, she counts on the human species to wake up and break free from the matrix of the Archontic powers and engage the divine opportunity of life on earth, interactively with her own awakening to the nightmare of human history. Now there's a neat proposition for imaginal practice. The CDM of the preterrestrial moment shows there is a kind of leak or flaw in the original dreaming. Sophia did not expect that the deviant influence of the Archons would come to bear on the divine experiment with the Anthropos. Under that influence, humanity is subjected to a second, surrogate or simulated reality.

    This is the realm of the "planetary spheres" where the earth is captured, described as a prison system in Gnostic writings. Hence the prototype of the "prison planet," a meme associated with the infowars movement of Alex Jones. Telestai described the Archons as wardens and gatekeepers in the labyrinth of the planetary prison. The penetentiary enclosure indicated here is not the earth, which is the Edenic setting for a divine experiment in freedom, discovery, and novelty. No, it is THE MATRIX, the holographic maze of Archontic deception in which the human race appears to be the progeny of off-planet gods, enslaved by intra-species predators who claim descent from such gods, or who purport to act as gods lording it over the rest of humankind and claiming all the resources of the planet for themselves, or who are falsely attributed with godlike powers by humans who come under their spell of mind control, even in the very act of exposing them, etc etc etc. The lordship of the Archons, of course, is the widely accepted claim of the Sitchin Annunaki scenario, which I have shown to be theocratic disinformation, exposed and deconstructed by the telestai of the Mysteries.

    "And kingship (theocratic authority) descended from heaven," as the lie is stated in the opening lines of the Babylonian creation myth, Enuma Elish. With the Sophianic vision story as a guiding framework, this lie can be exposed and the true account of the prehistory of our species can be developed, consistent with astronomical and evolutionary science (though not necessarily the current and accepted notions of science). The preterrestrial CDM introduces the sub-plot of "alien dreaming," i.e., the scheme of the Archon mind-parasites to insinuate themselves into human reality and take it over, making human become like them, robotic, slavish, incapable of intention, discovery, or novelty.

    In reality, earth, moon and sun are immune to the Archontic presence, off limits. Like the human immunological system, they can suffer sporadic attacks without being entirely crushed. Thus Archons make sporadic forays into the three-body system but they cannot remain there, cannot achieve any lasting effects, and cannot conquer and permanently inhabit either the sun, the moon, or the earth. The three bodies function as a unity, structurally coupled to use a term from Gaia theory. They in effect form a single superorganism with the earth as its central sentient core. The threat of the sun wiping out life on earth, i.e., being essentially hostile to terrestrial creatures, or the moon being an outpost for predatory ETs, and other related scenarios along these lines would have to be dismissed as delusional paranoia, if the telestai were correct in their perception of cosmic order. If they were indeed right, their view was epistemic and thus can be tested. However, the testing has to be conducted in rigorous observation of the continuity of the vision story, i.e., fitted into the plot.

    Such is the challenge to human imagination posed by the supreme participatory myth that has been produced by our species. Acari Insects The leak in Sophia's dreaming came about due to the spontaneous generation of the locust-like Archon species due to the impact of her living and intentional plasmic luminosity (Organic Light) on the chaos (shadow matter) of the galactic limbs:
    A veil exists between the world above [in the galactic core], and the realms that are below [exterior, in the galactic limbs]; and shadow came into being beneath the veil. Some of the shadow [dark mass] became [atomic] matter, and was projected apart [partially formed into elementary arrays, the dema]. And what Sophia created [by her impact] became a product in the matter [the dema], [a neonate form] like an aborted fetus. And [once formed] it assumed a plastic shape molded out of shadow, and became an arrogant beast resembling a lion. It was androgynous, because it was from [neutral, inorganic] matter that it derived. (The Hypostasis of the Archons, II, 4, 93:30 ff, with my glosses in brackets.)​
    The creation myth of the Mysteries can be understood, not as a myth in the sense of a baseless fiction or invention cooked up due to ignorance of facts, but as a true account of events that happened in the cosmos, rendered in mythopoetic and metaphoric terms. This description is not a mere allegory but a functional metaphor that encodes facts, phenomena, processes unfolding on the cosmic scale over long periods of time. Plutarch, one of the last known initiates, condemned allegory and insisted that the myths were descriptions of real events:
    "Whoever applieth these allegories to the blessed Divine Nature, deserves to be treated with contempt. We must not however believe that they were mere fables without any meaning, like those of the Poets. They represent to us things that really happened.” (Isis and Osiris).​
    When I originally restored the Gnostic creation myth with its vivid description of the spontaneous generation of the Archons, I wondered how anyone would give credence to such an outlandish event. Since then, I have discovered the remarkable and still unexplained case of abiogenesis of Acari insects:
    In 1837, Andrew Crosse reported to the London electrical Society concerning the accidental spontaneous generation of life in the form of Acurus genus insects while he was conducting experiments on the formation of artificial crystals by means of prolonged exposure to weak electric current. Throughout numerous strict experiments under a wide variety of conditions utterly inimical to life as we know it, the insects continued to manifest. The great Michael Faraday also reported to the Royal Institute that he had replicated the experiment. Soon afterwards, all notice of this phenomenon ceased to be reported, and the matter has not been resolved since then.​
    Organic Light, the living plasmatic luminosity of the galactic core, is the natural energy form of the Aeons or cosmic divinities. It is not electrical as such but carries a light electrical component. This fact is evident in direct contact with the OL, inducing in the witness a subtle surge of stimulating force, like a mild electric shock, that produces a fine cold sweat. Significantly, Crosse's experiment only required a light electrical charge to generate the insects in an inorganic medium of particulate matter comparable to the dema of the galactic arms. I rest my case. Considering this cosmological event, the emergence of the Acari-like Archons prior to the formation of their eventual habitat, the solar system, it is important to bear in mind the cosmological sequence as Sophia herself lived through it: 1, In the Pleroma or galactic core Sophia in tandem with her consort Thelete ("the Intended") engineers the human genome, the Anthropos.

    They encode it with evolutionary capacities in a fivefold manifold: ennoia, metanoia, dianoia, epinoia, all variations of nous (divine intelligence), and charged with enthymesis, passion or desire. 2, The Anthropos is seeded in the galactic arms, deposited in a molecular cloud in the Orion Nebula where it could spread via free-floating spores (propagules) and take root in various planetary systems. Hence panspermia, stated by Gnostic seers millennia before Svante Arrhenius in 1903. 3, The Aeon Sophia engages in unilateral dreaming, without a consort or Aeonic counterpart. Doing so, she envisions a three-body system where one strain of the Anthropos could emerge and evolve according to her designs, her preconception of a divine experiment in novelty and learning—a totally open-ended experiment that does not terminate in any final event or outcome determined beforehand by Sophia or any other Pleromic divinity.

    She sets the initial conditions and leaves the outcome open. In other words, Sophia envisions the experiment unfolding within certain guidelines consistent with the capacities endowed in the Anthropos, but without imposing a prescripted "divine plan" of that species. She herself does not know the end-result or ultimate fruition of the experiment. In keeping with the sublime generosity of the Aeons, Sophia wishes to see how the human experiment plays out independently, on its own terms. 4, Due to the intensity of her own enthymesis, desire, Sophia is drawn away from the galactic core, the Pleroma, realm of infintie potential. Outside the defining boundary, she falls or plunges into the region of the Kenoma, the realm of shadow matter and finite potential.

    The goddess actually undergoes contradiction and confusion: now she is dynamically involved in the experiment for which she has not determined a specific outcome. No longer detached, she is implicated in the outcome! As the initial conditions of the experiment with the Anthropos unfold, so does Sophia's hypostasis, her downscaling enmeshment in the physics of the carousal arms of the galaxy. This is an anomalous and unanticipated development in the cosmic order. 5, Sophia's impact in the dema, the dense elementary matter arrays of the galactic limb, produces a fracture zone where the locust-like Archons arise by spontaneous generation, like the Acari insects in Crosse's experiment.

    This is the first unanticipated event in Sophia's adventure in the carousel arms. 6, The Archons swarm in a circular mass like bees. They are a mimic species with a hive mentality, possessing none of the capacities or attributes encoded in the human genome. They are inorganic drones, robotic in nature, yet they excel in imitation and simulation, HAL, the technique of virtual reality. Sophia encompasses this bizarre swarm with the plume of her Organic Light, shaping herself into a kind of uroborus, a serpent biting its own tail. In this way she attempts to bound them off, herding them into a space with definite frontiers. Witihin these boundaries, the protoplanetary disk of the emergent solar system will take form. 7, Stranded in the galactic arms, and gradually losing contact with the Aeons of the core, Sophia hovers in proximity to the Orion Nebula where the human genome is deposited like a pattern of dew in a spider's web.

    At the same time, she confronts the Archons and witnesses the emergence of a violent mutation in their midst. A drakonic or reptilian figure assumes the role of hive-master: the Lord Archon, Ialdaboath, also called Samael and Saklas, "the blind one." This is the second unanticipated event in her adventure outside the galactic core. Here the myth gets rather complex. Interactions between Sophia and the Lord Archon involve several cosmological episodes on a vast scale. I will cover these events in detail in another essay... For now, let's consider the scene described in On the Origin of the World: 8, Sophia confronts the Lord Archon by invoking the presence of the Anthropos, which that entity cannot see or comprehend. She tells him,"There is an immortal luminous child, the Anthropos, who came into existence before you and who will appear among your modelled forms (plasmata)." With her own attention fixed on the Anthropos, she reads the Lord Archon his fate: to be defeated by humanity at the moment when he consummates his work, that is, the act of deception by which the human race is deviated from the divine experiment as Sophia originally dreamed it. In a nutshell, this is the pistis of the wisdom goddess: her confidence in humanity to detect and overcome the Archontic powers, the Authorities or Rulers. Dialogue of the Savior, NHC III, 5.85:
    Judas said, "Behold, The authorities (Archons) dwell above us, so it is they who will rule over us." The savior said, "It is you who will rule over them. But only when you rid yourselves of jealousy, and take on the protection of the Light, and enter the nymphion (bridal chamber)."​
    From the scant surviving textual evidence of the myth, it is clear that the telestai imagined that Sophia could foresee the threat of the Authorities to humanity and the divine experiment of her original dreaming. Fine, yes, but the question to be asked now is: Did she anticipate the extent to which that influence would go before it was detected and defeated? Even before the earth was formed by the metamorphosis of her own energetic currents—another unanticipated event in her adventure!—Sophia reckoned on the intrusion of the Archons upon the divine experiment. But was she able to foresee the full extent of that intrusion? Perhaps even the wisdom goddess herself did not anticipate how far the Archons would penetrate human relaity and deviate the divine experiment she previsioned for the Anthropos. This might explain, in mythological terms, why it takes until the last minute before she catches the error and initiates her correction. On the Origin of the World presents a kind of prophetic warning pronounced by the wisdom goddess, suggesting a last-minute turnaround:
    "For at the consummation of your work, the entire defect that will have become visible in the light of truth will be abolished, and will be as if it never had been."​
    In this scenario, Sophia, before she morphs into the earth, foresees a moment when the Archontic powers will be defeated, the moment of the consummation of their works. In other words, their defeat comes at the moment of extreme desperation when they complete their agenda, the eleventh hour. In 2011 we are living in that eleventh hour and even toward the end of the hour. 11/11/11 is a date that compels close attention and perhaps even an obsessive fixation of interest. Archon Plexus Many of those who purport to expose the "alien agenda" of the Authorities (New World Order psychopaths, or NEWOs) attribute something like magical powers to those perpetrators. This is hype which, to my way of thinking, the perps do not deserve. It invests them with an aura of occult power, as if they are masters of the universe, as invincible as sci-fi comic book monsters. It mystifies them to the exclusion of any consideration of the magical powers inherent to the human race as a whole. It exaggerates their skills and their visionary, planning capacity. Beware of this kind of credulous hyping of intra-species predators. Granted, the globalist masterminds use or appear to use certain symbolic dates or numerological keys and chronological codes in orchestrations of social evil. These patterns are undeniable but it may be an error to regard them as indicating deliberate magical operations. In reality, there may be another mechanism operating in the advantage of the Authorities, quite distinct from the skills and strategies attributed to them by exposers such as David Icke, Michael Tasrion, and Maxwell Jordan. And what would such a mechanism be?

    The R Complex (Archon Plexus) consists of the extended part of the brain stem embedded in the limbic system or mammalian midbrain (outlined in yellow).​
    Based on my long acquaintance with these entities, combined with the instructions acquired in shamanic trance, I propose this: Archons and their human counterparts gain control over humanity through a particular "seizure" that operates in the back of the brain and in the field of peripheral vision simultaneously. The backbrain "seizure" of Archontic spellbinding power can be detected in the functions of the R Complex: pun on Archon plex, the Archon plexus or reptilian brain in its deviant or exaggerated mode. When this part of the brain dominates, overwriting the adaptive programs of the midbrain and forebrain, human behavior takes on a fiendish, rigid, repetitive bent which can be read as ritualistic. But ritualized behavior is not the same as intentional ritual action, i.e., acts of deliberate magic.

    A preprogrammed robot does not act ritualistically for there is no self-determined intent behind its spooky mechanical gestures. Its actions exhibit pre-determined mimicy, not self-determined autonomy: likewise for Archons and Archontified humans including globalist predators and serial killers, who are one and the same breed of conniving, murderous deviants. Observation of dates and numbers by the Authorities are not proof of their mastery of globally spellbinding black magic, but evidence of their "routinary minds," as Castaneda noted, concerning the flyers. They repeat these agendas to keep themselves on track as they have no guiding autonomy, having abdicated that aspect of our divine endowment in favor of the Archontic illusion of power, enacted through arcane games of deception and domination. Is that clear enough, Snoopy? A psychotic serial killer works compulsively in strict routines, often using repetitive patterns preserved in codes, ciphers, and symbols. But given this is so, can you say that such a murderous, deceiving person is performing true and efficacious magic? I think that would be over-attribution. He or she is merely acting out the rigid, fear-driven behavioral compulsions inherent to the Archon plexus of the "psyched-up,"over-worked backbrain. This distinction is imperative.

    To fall under the spell of the Authorities is to concede power to their false magic: under the power of deception, we deceive ourselves about what power really is and lose all sense of our own power. Our power inheres in the unique opportunity of our role in the divine experiment of Sophia, interactive magic with the wisdom goddess. Claiming this power is the only sure and direct way, and the ultimate way, to detect and defeat the illusional power of the Authorities.
    By this definition, which is purely telestic, the Authorities are human beings deviated by the overworking of the Archon plexus, the reptilian brain. In large measure, the quasi-magical or occult power attributed to globalist perpetrators is a hoax, operating under the Wizard of Oz effect. Note that to enforce their presumed magical powers, the perpetrators need to exert enormous continual efforts of two kinds: brainwashing through the media, and threat of force through the military. Without a constant dual-barreled barrage, requiring the complicity of human beings to suppress and deceive their fellow creatures, their vaunted magic would quickly fade and dissipate. In reality, the NEWOs can only sustain the illusion of magical supremacy as long as they suppress and deviate human potential, where the true magic abides: that is, in our species' innate capacity for interactive magic with the animating powers of the planetary goddess. Unless the NEWOs can suppress that capacity in a brutal manner all the time, it will naturally and spontaneously assert itself. When it does, the true magic of the Anthropos, the "luminous child," will immediately spring into action.

    This is what Sophia herself wishes: for humanity to own and enact its true potential for magic and use it to defeat the Archons and banish them to their proper domain, the gravity well (abyss) of the inanimate planetary system. In terms of geophysics, the force of gravity not inherent to the bioenergetic laws of the living planet allows the Archons to colonize the R Complex and manipulate human behavior by exaggerating the rigid, routinary patterns of the reptilian brain. I repeat, the repetition that becomes evident in numbers, symbols, and codes is not proof of genuine magical skill but merely of repetition compulsion that is the mark of the reptilian area of the brain: reptilian repetition. The functions of the R Complex have a limited survival value, but when exaggerated they act against survival and enforce and enable the Archontic powers to deviate free human impulses into a behavioral grid of robotic enslavement.

    That deviance into mindless robotics is the essence of Archontic influence: it is due to nothing original on the part of the alien parasites but merely the exaggeration of pre-existing tendencies in the psychosomatic structure of humanity — in the plasmata, modelled form of the Anthropos.

    In physical terms, the Archons enjoy this seizure of the backbrain functions because the earth is captured in the gravity well of the solar system. Consequently, objects on earth appear to fall at the same rate, no matter what their size. An erroneous myth of science claims that Galileo proved this phenomenon by dropping two objects of different weights from the leaning tower of Pisa. This is a nice fairy-tale, at best. The assumed experiment may never have happened. In any case, it can be repeated with quite a different result. With close observation, it is clear that objects of different weight and mass, or objects charged with a magnetic field, do not fall at the same uniform rate.

    The claim of uniform fall for all objects regardless of weight, size, and mass is false—an Archontic "special effect" that has become an established dogma of science. And there is more to this dogmatic deception. Established science teaches that falling objects demonstrate acceleration by gravity: they fall at increasing speed, gaining velocity at a rate of 32 feet per second, per second. This increase in freefall velocity is set forth as a universal law of physics, as if nothing could be otherwise in the cosmos. True, there is a detectable effect of acceleration of falling objects.
    It can be observed and measured, but what actually causes it? And it is really universal and invariable, as assumed? Acceleration by gravity is blind repetition of a mechanical effect: freefall velocity increasing each second by the same, endlessly repeated quantity, 32 feet per second. Purely Archontic. But one can imagine a different state of affairs, a different operation of physical laws: each object would begin to accelerate (otherwise it would remain suspended in space and not fall at all), then reach a unique limit of descent velocity depending on its mass relative to the earth.

    In other words, by another set of physical laws all objects would fall to earth at a constant, non-accelerating speed determined uniquely by the relation of the mass of that specific object to the mass of the earth. This is how freefall might happen if the living earth were not captured in the gravity well of the inorganic planets. Conclusion from a Gnostic angle: acceleration by gravity is the insinuated phantom effect of the Archontic planetary system upon the living dynamics of the earth, not an inherent property of the earth or the three-body system. This same effect operating upon the human body allows the Archontic mind parasites to "seize and freeze" the instinctual functions of the R Complex.

    Consequently, Archons grab us by that part of the neck that feels a tickle when subjected to a steady stare from behind. They actually do achieve a grip on human behavior in this manner, and simultaneously they freeze or stymie human perception through another kind of paralytic hold they exert within the field of peripheral vision, frontally. They get us coming and going, as the old expression puts it. Disclosure Made Official On the Origin of the World informs us that the defeat of the Archons is a last-minute affair that depends on their reaching the full extension of their phantom powers over humanity. The outcome depends on the intervention of humanity at the eleventh hour.

    The myth clearly indicates a sudden, drastic turnabout. Sophia warns the Lord Archon: "There is an immortal luminous child, the Anthropos, who came into existence before you and who will appear among your modelled forms (plasmata). This luminous child will trample you in scorn just as a potter's clay is pounded (into a lump)." Instead of molding humankind in their image, the Archons will be reduced to pulp, like the discard from a juicer. In April I was in the white town of Gaucin at sunset when I noticed a cloud formation in the sky (pictured above). The sun had just set behind El Hacho and over the rooftops of the town floated a figure that reminded me vividly of the image of the Archon I had designed in the early days of this site. The resemblance was striking, especially at the first moment I observed the long horizontal cloud formation, before I realized I could photograph it with my cell phone.

    Over a period of half an hour I saw the head of the creature morph from the ET-type skull to a dog-like or monkey-like appearance. It assumed the head of a dog-monkey. For what it's worth, NHC cosmological texts such at the Apocryphon of John mention both monkey- and dog-headed Archons. I was deeply haunted by this apparition in the skies over the postcard village in Andalucia. It stuck me as an omen. Upon rereading the above-cited text, I could see what that omen was perhaps indicating: the moment of "disclosure," when the Archontic powers reach the full extension of their powers. At that moment, the true form of the Authorities will finally be revealed. Their presence on earth as phantom powers operating through human surrogates will be exposed for all to see.


    Typical Hollywood image of hostile alien invasion by ETs with high-tech aircraft. Actual event, holographic illusion, false flag operation, psiops, Archontic disclosure, or combination of the above?
    In the Gnostic view, disclosure is not the moment when governmental authorities announce the presence of ETs on earth, thus making it "official." Nothing made official in this world counts for anything but another tactic in the globalist hoax, advancing the agenda of the Authorities. But for the Archons to make their final move, they must reveal themselves. Since their nature is deception, they will do so deceptively. Even in showing their presence, playing their trump card on the human species, they will deceive, because that is all they ever do, all they can do. The test of that moment falls upon humanity: to see how the Authorities are scamming the world with their specious magic of mind control, the vaunted global psyops.

    Sophia intends that humanity have the opportunity to play out the divine experiment she originally envisioned for it, free of Archontic deviation — that is, free of the hoaxing coercion of the Authorities who claim that their agenda of domination insures social security and freedom from moral chaos. But this type of freedom is really enslavement. In Sophianic terms, freedom is the true anarchy of life on earth, distinguished from the false threat of social chaos contrived by the Authorities.
    What final measures will be required in the Archontic endgame? How far will it go before the consummation of the works of the Lord Archon? And when the crucial moment comes, will humanity perhaps be able to use psyops against the intra-species predators themselves? To zap them with their own tactics? It might be assumed that the Archontic factor in human behavior will play out in several ultimate moves, not just one event. For instance: World War III, part staged and part real. Also, a simulated alien invasion event using holographically cloaked weapons developed in black op programs. Also, an Armageddon event fulfilling Biblical prophecy, including the return of a messiah (Operation Blue Beam), perhaps coordinated with WW III and a nuclear strike on Jerusalem? Whatever the case, Archontic deception will not end until the final act of the script has been dramatized in world history.

    That final act is written in the Book of Revelation, the age-old script enforced and enacted even by those who do not really believe in it. Moral Illusion In an optical illusion, you see with your eyes something that is not actually there, or at least not there in the manner you suppose. Hence, a mirage. In a psychological illusion, you project into external reality something that exists in your own psyche. Such as "Satanic," a catch-all term for paranoid projections from the human mind. In a moral illusion, you attribute to human behavior capacities or conditions that do not apply to the way humans really act. For instance, the religious dogma of original sin attributes guilt to human action even before there is anything to be guilty about. To make people feel and act out of guilt, and then claim that they do so due to a previous event that no one has experienced, is moral illusion in absurd extravagance.

    The Pagan assumption of innate goodness (see Marcus Aurelius) may also be regarded as a moral illusion. But the evidence that people act from innate goodness, without having to be told to do so, is strong enough, and it stands in contrast to guilt-driven action which has to be contrived and enforced from without—by threat of eternal damnation, for instance. Moral illusions can be subtle or gross. The subject is a huge quagmire, perfect ground for the Archons to take their last stand. However the Archontic endgame plays out in world events—a false flag alien attack combined with the advent of a holographic messiah, seasoned with a strong dose of nuclear war, perhaps?—the m.o. of the alien mind parasites reveals two outstanding features: moral illusion and the factor of absurdity. The latter will be eminent, if not pre-eminent, in the consummation of their works that must occur before they are defeated by humanity.
    For the delight of the Authorities is bitter and their beauty is depraved. Their enjoyment is deception and their design is the lack of divinity. NHC BG 56.6-8​
    And the plan they devised about me [the Revealer], to release their error and absurdity — I did not succumb to them as they had planned.” NHC VII, 2, 55.10​
    The moral illusion of the Archons is about "authority." Since they may be called Authorities or Rulers, this illusion applies to their own nature. In other words, they enforce the illusion of their nature to execute their effect upon humanity. They lie to enforce the deception about what they actually are: mindless drones propelled by a mix of envy and enmity. As they have no agenda, absurdity becomes the endgame tactic, the signature of the ultimate reach of their exertions against the Anthropos.

    The supreme moral illusion confronting humanity operates like this: those who falsely assume authority over others demand obedience to their commands on the claim that disobedience would result in social chaos and anarchy. They claim to preserve social and moral order by rules and constraints imposed and maintained by sheer brutal force. The self-assumed authorities propagate the belief that human beings, left to their own impulses, would produce a world of disorder, conflict, and chaos. We are all potential terrorists in the mind of the Authorities. In our natural state of freedom and autonomy, we are dangerous to ourselves and must be curbed, leashed, and protected by a higher power.

    In short, the self-declared authorities claim to save humanity from the chaotic or anarchistic tendencies of human nature. They want us to believe that left alone, without their domination, we would create a world of social chaos. In reality, day-to-day evidence shows that they deceptively orchestrate chaos to maintain their attempt to control the world. More and more often they do so to the point of theatrical absurdity that would produce guffaws of ridicule performed on a stage before an audience. Yet it passes for normal.

    TSA patdown of a child suspected of terrorism. An example of the extreme absurdity of the Authorities "at the consummation of their works." Unfortunately, absurd behavior of this kind is an act of violation. It can also be murderous. Psyched-up and granted legitimacy by the authorities, the R Complex makes people act inhumanly.​
    The lie about the self-endangering nature of human impulses is deeply insidious. It represents the root of all variations of social evil. This particular moral illusion is the ultimate challenge to human discernment, the supreme test of the genuine moral integrity of our species. Breaking through it is the key to liberation from Archontic deception. Gnostics taught that evil is not an autonomous power in the cosmos, rather, it is a phenomenon of deviance that emerges under cover of deception. Without deception and concealment, evil cannot be committed. Why not? Because in being exposed and opposed, it would immediately be defeated by the natural tendency of human nature to choose truth, goodness, and coexistence. But the authorities claim that our natural tendencies must be repressed and controlled, if not totally eradicated and replaced by robotic obedience.

    The power of the Authorities is a moral illusion enforced as a lie so transparent that it needs continuous application of brute force to be sustained. This lie is the opposite of the truth: only freedom to explore and express its natural tendencies will allow humanity to reach its true potential. This freedom is the true anarchy of life on earth. It is the basis of the confidence of the wisdom goddess Sophia, the foundation of her reliance on the species she designed.
    Gnostic texts that develop the theme of what the goddess wishes for humanity, or through humanity typically call her Pistis, "faith," or "confidence." Pistis Sophia, "the faith of the goddess" means that the mother planet has confidence in the pet species, humankind. This confidence shines out in the divine dare that Sophia expresses when confronting the Lord Archon in that episode of On the Origin of the World. The cosmological drama is the cosmic setting for a social and existential challenge that comes to be enacted on the world stage in our time, right now.

    Their fruit is a poison without cure and their promise is a living death. And as for their design for life, their implant that falsifies the true design, I shall teach you about the mystery of their ways. It is their counterfeiting spirit (antimimon pneuma). the hoaxing power within them, that leads them astray. So they in turn lead us astray, deviating the true potential of the Anthropos in order that you may not know your own fullness, your infinite gift.​
    The tree of their design is bitterness and its branches are darkened by death. Its leaves are hatred and deception, and its aroma reeks of evil (poneria). -- NHC BG (Apocryphon of John) 56ff​
    The genius of Gnostic mythmaking inheres in the dual aspect of its message to humanity: it presents a clear and veracious description of events that really occurred in the cosmic realms, involving the Aeon Sophia and the Archons, and it converts that cosmic scenario squarely into the framework of social, psychological, and existential conditions, reflected in actual situations facing humanity in the test to own and enact our divine potential. "Knowledge of that which is alive can alone banish terror."

    To face terror, the signature of the Authorities, you must look into yourself and ask, What is most alive in me? Is it not your love for freedom, to do and be as you please without harming others? If it is anything less than that you may be well groomed for the globalist scheme of enslavement that is right now approaching its endgame scenario. The Sophianic vision story of the Mysteries is actional, able to be enacted. Such action has to be supported by specific knowledge, the savvy for human survival. Foremost in our savvy would be the capacity to detect predators and psychopaths. The new genre of ponerology introduced by Polish psychiatrist Andrew M. Lobaczewski can be hugely instructive to this end.

    It represents a kind of telestic forensic method for detecting the murderous deceit of the Authorities. Derived from the Greek word poneria found in Gnostic writings (above), ponerology is the diagnosis and deconstruction of the causes and mechanisms of social evil. Lobaczewski uses the striking term pathocracy to describe the domination of a society by a faction of psychopathic members, estimated to be 4-5 percent of the population. If you cannot profile a psychopath, you are not a responsible member of human society. If you cannot detect and defeat psychopathic behavior as it presents itself in your immediate personal reality, you are not qualified to live in a free world. Freedom ain't a free lunch. Such is the humble view of a warrior in Kali's Band. Finally, it could be said that the challenge presented to the Lord Archon by Sophia represents the way humanity will engage in her correction and return to the divine experiment, free of Archontic disruption and subterfuge. The wisdom goddess counts on our species to do just that...

    But it might require too large a stretch of imagination to realize this proposition of divine confidence in mortal humans. To put the same proposition in strictly secular language: we cannot realize our true humanity without beating the Authorities. There is more than one way to do so, but the central and decisive way is to choose anarchy in defiance of any authority that does not demonstrate benevolence toward life in all forms.

    The true anarchy of the human species is Sophia's guarantee of the success of the divine experiment she preconceived for the Anthropos, without setting a predetermined end to it. Gnosis today is the open source spirituality of imaginal and moral empowerment that optimizes the prospects for creative anarchy. Thus in Gnosis we can fulfill the Edenic promise of life on earth.
    Even the word carries the essential message: an-arch, "against authority, against archons."
    I have noted before that engagement in Sophia's correction is a volunteer process that involves an act of deselection for each human individual. Backing down from the menacing absurdity of the Authorities, you deselect from her correction. In doing so, you also abdicate your true identity as a human being, the opportunity to live and thrive as an acting member of the Anthropos. "The Archons made me do it." No, you forfeit a role in Sophia's correction. You defeat yourself by missing the greatest opportunity life can offer. The Authorities only have the power ceded to them through ignorance and denial of our divine potential, our endowment from the planetary animal mother and the Aeons.

    A passage in The Second Treatise of the Great Seth (64.4f) captures the basic tragedy of the human race: to be misled from its true potential by simulation, falling for a false version of itself. This warning seems to be unique to the radical protest of the Gnostics. The words applied here to Jesus, Moses, and the Patriarchs can as well be applied to those of the human race who succumb to the moral illusion of the Authorities:

    They never knew truth,
    nor will they know it
    for there is a great deception
    upon their soul, and they cannot
    ever find the mind of
    freedom, in order to know
    themselves, in true humanity.
    jll: 1 June 2011 Andalucia

    Last day of double shift under Bhuvaneshvari and the Wrathful Green Tara, the Selector.
    Last edited by a moderator: Apr 10, 2014

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